How Bullet Proof Are Army Helmets???

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ayup. basically helmets are made to protect against glancing blows and shrapnal.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/Gelgoog84 📅︎︎ May 25 2018 🗫︎ replies

I like the dudes videos a lot but it always makes me miss fpsrussia.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Fart__Boy__Slim 📅︎︎ May 25 2018 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Paaranoja 📅︎︎ May 25 2018 🗫︎ replies

Demo ranch is a great channel. That guy has come a long way in a few years. Definitely a lot of fun videos there.

But yeah this wasn't exactly surprising.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 25 2018 🗫︎ replies

BSG can you add 2 more helmet slots on my PMC so I can triple up on turtles

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/FailCorgi 📅︎︎ May 30 2018 🗫︎ replies
Wow that sounds quite severe and how long have you been clean sir 15 minutes what I saw this little baby on the way up here good know myself my man the whole point of this group is so that you do not buy one more gun I didn't what what are you talking about about two hey guys guys it has been one year since our very first gonna holux Anonymous meeting and for the most part we have come so far let's just go around the table and let us know how the year has gone for you smiley why don't you go first hey guys just glad to be here happened to be alive happy to be clean happy to no longer have the financial drain on my bank account of buying guns every month life literally could not be better for me right now so inspirational Rufus how about you yeah I'll be honest when when I came to my first meeting a year ago I didn't think I could do it I didn't want to do it I literally was ordered by the courts to come to this class but in the last year I've I've learned so much about myself I've learned I I just don't need them I've learned to control my gun addiction and I've learned to just say no I have not touched a gun in one year and I hope to never touch another gun for the rest of my life you have definitely come such a long way in such a short time and we could not be more proud of you Rufus Matt I know the last year has not been ideal for you you've you've had a few a few relapses what what are your thoughts on on the last 12 months why are we sitting in water oh I actually decided to have all of our meetings in a river from now on to deter you from bringing your new guns to show Rufus I thought that you wouldn't want him to get rusty so you might leave them at home as not to Tim threw this over here Rufus have you heard about the all-weather guns those are the ones that don't rust right yeah it's a 4570 government completely submerge it oh yeah you want to go shoot it Rufus you said you never want to touch another gun in your entire life I'm not perfect welcome to demolition ranch I'm glad you're here because we've got quite a video for you and I think you're gonna like it hey this is a helmet it was the kind of helmet that was issued to u.s. military starting like in the 80s and going for like 20 to 30 years lots of guys have worn this helmet and Rob told me he worked these helmets so I want to know how much protection our good buddies got when they were wearing these helmets these things are Kevlar so you can see the fibers in there and they're hard so this Kevlar is just glued together to make it very hard and rigid as you can see we could test these helmets with a nine millimeter of 45 ACP of five five six the shotgun slug a 7 6 2 by 39 but those things have been done probably I'm I'm sure they have but you know what I bet has not been done I would bet that when these helmets were being manufactured the manufacturers were not considering what if our US military go to a place where they are being shot at with only lever-action rifles that's what I wonder and so that's we're gonna test today I brought out the lever actions I just feel like these things don't get enough love on the channel so today we are lever action only we are starting with a 22 long rifle which if this thing lets a 22 long rifle through not good next up we have first a 38 special which yeah 30 days special stop then we have a 357 Magnum that should stop - I that's it seems like pretty thick Kevlar I think that will stop then we're going up to a 44 Magnum in a rifle which means it is more time to go down that barrel and pick up speed then we're going 3030 this thing will definitely go through I bet money 3030 is gonna go through it will go through both sides I don't know then we have 4570 extreme penetrator around that thing I better go through both sides but there's only one way to know he ain't got no legs morning lieutenant Dan looking good Eddie's Eddie's you cool with this you trust that this helmet will stop those bullets so you're willing to wear it and let me fire at your face you're an American Hero before we get started comment below if you could pick one of these rifles that I would give to you I will send it to you in this make-believe scenario you can pick which one of these would you choose and I feel like not many if you were gonna choose the 22 so I'm gonna give it a little caveat the 22 is from the 1,000 men shoot it was the rifle that I fired when we lined up 1,000 of these and we all fired at same time over your rifles move the lever completely forward to open your action move the lever completely back to close the action take aim fire fire fire fire fire so that one has a little history but then these are all super cool comment below which would you choose come on action buddy hold still I heard that one bounce Avila [Music] yes there's word hit and then a hit they're definitely stopped the 22 you guys want to see my marriage leg the gun freaks so this is the 38 special out of marriage leg yeah this will stop for short not really sure - that'll hold these type guns this this probably will work headshot this isn't super good it didn't go through but I mean you can see it there and then it it bulged it and it tore it but it does only toward the outside layer the inside layer is fine there's no hole through it would have scared yeah probably would have hurt a little bit 357 Magnum moving much faster than the 38 special so I'm kind of scared that's gonna go through now for that 38 special did that it's not good inter dried by the 38 special but did not go through it rips this inside layer but no hole how cool is that 44 Magnum we have a jacketed soft point that's gonna have kind of a pretty good chance of going through out of a rifle all right buddy yeah I think that's a hole in his head that I can see you right now that one went through 3030 is a hunting caliber that has been around for a long long time can we just take a moment to admire a little color case hardened steel look how pretty that is I love it I love it god it's good-looking my bet is goes through twice front side and back side I just have a feeling forgot how much I love 3030 that is a that's a good round oh yeah it went through and nothing on the back so actually you might have lived with a 3030 there's a piece of metal right there there's no damage on the other side so that came in right there it tore up all this Kevlar but I don't think he'll let much through you would have got hit in the head with shrapnel but it destroyed that bullet so either didn't let much of that 3030 through or it's stuck in his brain thug life da-da-da-da-da the 4570 government a ridiculous round and this is a extreme penetrator bullet loaded into this case ah this is going through both sides I am willing to bet no money cuz I'm always wrong but I think it's gonna go through both sides okay something about the sharp pain in my shoulder the big fireball and then the explosion of Kevlar fibers that's just art people that's alright here's our entrance it was a little oh but still about three-quarters of an inch from the edge so it got a solid hit there and then it went straight through and hit this side let me show you the exit wound on the other side boom yeah that that exploded pretty good let's get a little more realistic for one second though because not many battles happen with lever actions anymore a lot of them happen with ak-47s we have one and I have a new element so I'm just gonna fire one round into the top of that helmet I am 100% certain it will go through but just for the sake of being thorough we're gonna make sure yeah I saw the ground on the other side explode when that bullet went straight through it whole whole way through how about a little ak-47 rapid fire we know it's gonna go through but I wanna see what it looks like when a bunch of bullets are passing through that helmet so good it's so good these helmets have not performed as well as I was hoping not at all and same thing with last episode that armored door did not perform as well as I was hoping and so I did not shoot the armored door with 50 BMG because like it let the other calibers through so of course it's gonna let a 50 go through it but some of you actually a lot of you we're still upset that I didn't bring out the 50 BMG so today I brought a one I've just realised in life that sometimes you do things that you don't think are necessary but you do it because the people want to see it like making your bed for instance or showering I have three helmets now lined up in a row we're gonna shoot straight through them place your bets what do you think 50 BMG gonna go through all three I think it will 50 BMG coming in hot before we check out the results don't forget we have freedom isn't free shirts Rob and I are both selling these things they are a fundraiser for Memorial Day if you order them now you will not get them by Memorial Day we're already too late for that but every shirt sold up until Memorial Day we're donating five dollars to the Charles Humphrey Keating foundation it's a really good cause and it's a great shirt shoot my GoPro first helmet looks like we went in there killed it hello yo you okay I think we're good second that was the second helmet there's our entry I think nope that's our entry right there there's our exit into the third helmet this one was not shot yet in did it stop it it stopped it I found one bullet fragment in there I can't tell if there's more bullet in there that I just can't get to but 100% nothing came through that we stopped a 50 BMG for those who don't follow my off the ranch channel you may have missed that I went to Nashville recently and recorded a country music song with Colts McBee a buddy of mine if you're interested in country music whatsoever I think you might like bonfires and tailgates burn it up further so hot [Music] it's good right so that song is available for pre-order right now link in description here's the kicker I made a deal with Mayer and she took it because she thought it was crazy that if she has no interest in doing this and which is why she took the deal because she thought there was no way that this would be accomplished she shook on it that if our song makes it to the top of the charts the number one spot Meredith will record me and her singing a duet together because I really thought that'd be fun to do and she hates singing out loud she does not want to do it so if you're interested in helping out order the song it's bonfires and tailgates by Colton McBee featuring Matt character really a little nervous about you hearing my song I hope you like it this is a weird assortment of guns one of these is not like the other up to of them or you don't usually see a Barrett next to a lever action but it looks looks pretty good link in description for my song singing [Music] Bobby I'm a doctor yes
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 16,198,910
Rating: 4.8536277 out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr., helmet, helnets, ballistic, gun, guns, fire, firearms, .45-70, lever action, leveraction, lever actions, .30-30, .44mag, 44mag, magnum, .357, 44, 44 magnum, 357 magnum, 357, .22, .22lr, long rifle, 22, 22lr, 38 special, .38, 38, ak47, 7.62x39, 7.62, barrett, .50bmg, 50bmg, 50 cal, caliber, army, military
Id: KzgiZpCIj1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Fri May 25 2018
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