How Strong is My Manhole......

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oh it's oohs oh what ah what is ah get off [Music] i feel weird [Music] that was a weird dream [Music] hey welcome to my ranch want to say thanks to our friends at warpath for sponsoring this video warpath is a realistic military strategy game that features hundreds of authentic weapons the new major september update will also introduce the air force version which includes 42 new bomber and fighter units two air force commanders and new air force buildings also i want to let you guys know that i am the new brand ambassador for warpath you can check out my character in the game the warpath munitions expert you need weapons i can get you everything i'm going to get you commanders all the best weapons so you can dominate the sky and win the war my character is part of the september update so click the link in the description below and use my code demolition underscore ranch to download the game today meet me in the game get tons of authentic weapons and play war path today thanks to warpath for sponsoring this episode of demolition ranch turn the tide of war triumph over the enemy new air force release soaring your way dominate the sky win the war do you guys want to see my manhole check this out uh so we wanted to know if a bullet will go through a sewer manhole or really we want to know if a sewer manhole will stop a bullet if you're in the streets which i am all the time and bad guys come up just want to know if i can pick up a manhole and touch the manhole and get it to block the bullet uh so we ordered this one turns out real small it's a tiny manhole so ordered another one you guys want to see my giant manhole oh no no no no it's over come here guys check this thing out we got this giant ridiculously heavy manhole so just the lid here the cover is 210 pounds they have that written on here so people don't throw out their back trying to get this thing uh 210 pounds just for the center cover and then it has this thing that goes in the ground and is covered with concrete to lock it in which is another 200 something pounds this thing weighs almost 500 pounds of cast iron we got it in the truck with a forklift we do not have a forklift out here so we're gonna have to get a little uh yeah a little redneck ingenuity going on to figure out how to move this thing okay here's what i'm thinking we got these ropes tied to my giant manhole going up to this tree and we're just gonna drive the truck out from under it and see how it works let's do it okay just five i'll probably should get back from under that tree oh no he's going fast hey how are we going to stop this uh okay that actually worked pretty good whoa okay yeah redneck engineering at its finest i was thinking hickok has a gong on his range like we need a gauntlet alright we could do that at start of every demolition ranch video like commence i wish it went wrong anyway we got it tied up angled pretty good uh so the question is will it stop a bullet so this is just solid cast iron as you can see we are going to shoot it right in the middle to see if you pulled this thing up out of the street to stop a bad guy if it would in fact stop a bad guy check this out i have a new kimber and kimber hooked it up sent this to me with a really nice range bag let's see let's do a little a little unboxing see what's in here okay we'll get to it we'll get to this later uh first they sent some kimber earmuffs a holster a small concealed holster a little cleaning kit and some kimber eye pro thanks kimber you guys are awesome now the stuff we actually care about check this out the new kimber r7 mako it's pretty neat so this is basically in the compact concealed pistol category they wanted to enter the game so they have a little crimson trace red dot on there and then what's kind of interesting about this uh well you can see it has a double stack magazine and then the top of the slide is closed in a lot of guns are open right here that is just to keep any gases from hitting the red dot here it's also to make it keep a little cleaner but we're going to try it out today so here's the beauty of the red dot you can see this camera is not focusing on the gun but you can still see that red dot on whatever you pointed at kind of cool that's really out of focus there it is sweet so it looks like it comes apart just like a glock yup just like a glock uh that's pretty much it and they have you can see this one has the extended base plate so you get a little more rounds in there this one has a flat base plate okay we're good to go uh we should shoot it first also it has night sights on it first shot i have not shot this thing yet okay now let's try one more i'm kind of intrigued with the small pistol game i have a 365 that i carry all the time i have a hellcat this thing is just in that market now so it's competing so i was curious to try it out see how the kimber stack sweet okay all good that is the kimber r7 mako now let's shoot my manhole we're going to shoot nine millimeter at the teeny tiny manhole over there and see if it stops or goes through they went right through okay so not only is uh this manhole small this is a very weak manhole so i'm gonna show you guys my stronger manhole now that's bigger and really large and we're gonna put something in my big large manhole you guys have seen these kind of videos before where like stuff goes through way faster than what we thought it would i really was hoping the little manhole would stop at nine it didn't uh so now i'm really really hoping the large manhole will stop at nine so let's find out i'm just gonna shoot a few okay let's go check it out and hope this video doesn't terribly suck hit hit hit hit hit yeah nothing went through the thing about cast iron is cast iron's super brittle so i've shot cast iron skillets before when you shoot steel when you start getting close to going through it will bend the steel it'll make bulges it'll make dents cast iron doesn't do that it stops everything until it fails so that's why that first round on the little one just broke through and that's why these don't have any bins or anything because this one's a lot stronger a lot thicker but it's such a hard brittle metal that it will not bend it will just hold it back until it can't and then it will just explode so let's see if we can make it explode that was the r7 mako it just came out this thing is brand new and uh i'm liking it good job kimberly next up we're going to try a very small round out of a very large pistol this is the kel-tec p50 as is this i also have a crimson trace red dot on this thing uh and this thing shoots the 5.7 round uh that the the fn p90 shoot that the fn57 shoot uh i'm just gonna shoot a few uh i'm gonna shoot a few i'll see i mean i actually hit with this thing because i'm gonna shoot both i i don't know if i did anything there we actually had a malfunction in the left one so we'll see if it works now yeah not sure what was going on but it works fine now okay let's see what happened did the five seven go through no there's a hit there actually did knock a chunk off though that is a hit there's a good dent there here's a hit there's a good dent here that looks like a hit that's for sure a hit there's a hit down here yeah long story short nothing nothing went through or even looks like it's going through with the 5.7 round so let's go up i think we just need to go to a rifle no let's do shotgun shotgun first 12 gauge we are shooting double odd buckshot out of this thing first to see what happens geez that hits so hard weaker than the 5.7 for sure you can see there's more like damage here but no dents no dings okay the second round i have loaded in here is a one ounce slug that actually could go through there's a lot of energy there so far we found out that if someone's shooting at you with a nine millimeter with a five seven i mean the five seven for those who don't know is like a super hot fast pistol round it's good at going through body armor but even if they had that it's not gonna go through the manhole cover so let's see if a giant freaking one out slug will dude there it is that is a good dent right there but not even close to going through i kind of want to actually try another pistol round that i just decided would be awesome to try on this it's a magnum next up is the desert eagle shooting this 50 ae i just wanted to show you guys the difference between the 5.7 and the 50 ae huge round there firing out of the desert eagle big old 50 cal i think the manhole will stop it but i don't know now the age-old question can a magnum penetrate my manhole i i think it won't dude i think it stopped that was a powerful magnum going into my manhole mean we for sure hit it it's still swinging i don't know where though that was our hit just like the gopro boom no dent uh it made a lot of stuff around it a lot of frag went everywhere but not even close to going through which is great so now let's move it up to a fan favorite rifle but one you haven't seen on the channel in a little while the sks chambered in 762 by 39 it's one that people have a love hate relationship with these things used to be pretty cheap now they're getting pretty expensive uh very cool gun shoots the same round as the ak-47 oh what am i doing i almost shot it without putting the uh bayonet up that would have been so silly would have not hit anything so this thing does not have a detachable magazine it just has this little kind of magazine that's hooked in here so jams jams instantly okay that's why people have a love hate i actually do need to get rid of this round now because look at this when i did that i can't get it out now it shoved the bullet back into the case uh this is not a standard 762. we're just we're just we're not going to shoot that one there's the one that got jammed in there oh we're shooting some weird kind of copper ammo because i wanted to see if it penetrated maybe that didn't run very good in sks that was actually the first time i've ever tried to fire like not surplus ammo in there but we're gonna try to feed this one in more gently because i really want to see what it does to my manhole okay got the round in the chamber already okay this one shall fire i don't think it went through i really thought that had a chance that's close and i'm actually really surprised that it would make that much damage without actually cracking going through i have no idea how thick this thing is i just know this thing weighs like 450 pounds so it's thick but dude that sks almost went through also look at that great aim that's why people love the sks such a cool gun but not cool enough to destroy my manhole let's see if we can find something that can destroy my manhole this is that 762 by 39 that we just shot this is a 6.5 creedmoor so you can see it has a bigger around case plus a taller case plus a much bigger bullet so it's a smaller diameter but much longer bullet this thing is freaking booking it going fast i would bet a taco that it's going through my manhole but there's only one way to find out i think that i think it might have stopped i don't know how did that not go through also how am i so accurate on the only target i don't actually have to be accurate on normally i'm just like trying to hit something that's this big and the bullets all my guns are not side in i'm shooting all my sided in guns right at the center of this thing look at that thing can't you see anything over here so a lot of times you'll see like some cracking or some like some of the paint coming off or some of the rust chipping off there's nothing this looks totally fine i didn't want to have to do this but guys we're gonna have to bring out the big guns for my manhole so far we've only got like a half inch of penetration into my manhole so what we're gonna do is get a thicker longer bullet to see if we can really penetrate deep and really hurt my manhole there's only one way to find out this is a 50 bmg out of this barrett going straight at the sewer lid yeah that's for sure going through what man i am super surprised they even took out the whole s now it just says anna terry really really surprised i i thought 65 had a chance going through dude this is thick that's still about the same amount of penetration as the 65 did it's just got a bigger hole okay we're gonna have to get an armored penetrating round and see if we can armor penetrate my manhole that is a red and silver tip that's an armor-piercing incendiary tracer incendiary means that it'll put a little bit of fire in my manhole so that should be good and then the armor penetrating tip i think will be enough to get through and we will finally penetrate my manhole there's the smoke from my manhole yep that went through crazy that's really weird though it's going through at a weird angle i shot it from like this angle and it's going through like here so it must have hit and then just curved through oh that's actually where that's where the other 50 cal hit look at that so it was that other 50 cal was really close to going through but i mean you see all this is just so brittle like it made it just a small enough hole for that 50 cow to get through didn't like explode the back or anything this one almost went through and started cracking jeez okay so class what we have learned here is that my manhole is very strong and if anyone is trying to shoot you with a pistol round with a rifle round even a 50 cal and you get this thing you pick it up like this you're good to go unless they bring out the fire penetrator rounds those are dangerous too manhole thank you guys so much for watching this entire video about my manhole it really took a beating today but it stood up well and i'm proud of it and i think we will be able to pound it plenty of years in the future thanks so much for watching this episode i love you and i'll see you next time [Music] [Music] ah [Music] it's quite simple there's only one rule in the demolition you don't tell mayor i gave me like a wrecking ball that really actually hit my manhole
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 3,886,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr.
Id: HSqC_y4rI5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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