AK-105 vs $3,000 Solid Copper Ball

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oh what the it's me it's you i'm i'm me i'm you from the future what what do you mean i've come back to warn you warn me about what mankind is in great peril you need to buy more guns are you sure i have a ton of guns the video that i made where i showed them all took forever it's not enough you always joke about assembling the demolition it's actually going to happen you're mankind's last hope what's going on we're being hunted by the atf no mankind is being hunted by what aliens zombies i knew it worse vegans no who then they're already here raccoons raccoons raccoons are you saying raccoons i'm saying raccoons like the little trash pandas like like a garbage ninja yes so why are you calling them raccoons focus their population exploded late 2022 and ever since then for 40 years the human racoon war has raged how old are you you look great we went vegan in 2023 hey welcome to demolition ranch my name is matt and i am glad that you are here oh i double charged it still it's not loaded in case you didn't know this is actually my first 545 ak so this is an ak-105 made by palmetto state uh it is chambered in 545 and most aks are chambered in 762. 545 caliber has kind of become sort of sort of popular it's kind of hot right now and i'd always kind of thought it was cool to try it it's a small little bullet going much faster than a 762.39 and this is an american-made palmetto state armory ak-105 chambered in 545 and we're going to run it today it has a kind of a goofy looking brake on here and it's it's because this is a 12 and a half inch barrel and so that's a pinned and welded like brake on there to get the rifle length barrel so this is a rifle has a folding stock which needs some lubricant to make it work right but sweet little package so this is one that i wanted to get for a bit because i want to make a really cool tactical ak been watching duran's videos lately and he has all the cool furniture and everything on the aks and i want something that's cool like that and this gun has been doing really well in his test the freezing test i think this was the king of the freeze test so similar gun and we are going to try it today on this it is solid copper you probably if you have watched how ridiculous i've seen a ball just like this before we have similar balls their ball is an australian ball and mine is american ball both exactly the same though made of copper we got them from the same spot and i was supposed to get this a long time ago just took forever in shipping so they put their video out probably a month ago and they called me out in it and said we destroyed this ball we think we can destroy our ball more than you can destroy your ball so together we're gonna destroy our balls um they got a giant hammer uh it was super tall i would say 30 feet i can't remember 30 feet tall they made this huge hammer pull up the winch and then dropped it repeatedly on their ball and squished it and made it sort of flat on the sides kind of turning their ball into a square i was like i got guns which y'all don't have in australia so we're gonna see what we can do with guns against a solid copper ball starting with something smaller than this first i got something else new that you guys really like this well this gun i've had this is a christensen arms 22. it's got a carbon fiber barrel but i got this new suppressor from texas silencer company made for 22. it's titanium so super light can't even feel that it's on there and listen i'm just gonna shoot in the dirt first listen how quiet [Applause] all right first shot's always louder listen now that one was louder too okay we're gonna shoot the ball now 22 is going to do absolutely nothing to this copper sphere but i just kind of want to see what it will do hold on i've got more let's shoot steel [Music] still got more we're still going dirt dude how many i put in this thing apparently i have the infinite ammo on right now oh no i just turned off the infant ammo copper's pretty soft metal oh that's cool that's just our 22 still totally on there just smashed against the copper see if it'll pop it out that's all lead oh my gosh you see me almost cut my finger right there probably gonna do it now all right that's just gonna stay 22 did not damage it much so far how ridiculous is winning but i've got bigger guns next up nine millimeter mechanic this is the uh the this is ice always said meta but i actually walked by the canik booth and he pronounced it different it's like i don't remember but it's not meta nine millimeter see if i can get this thing on target from here i don't know i've ever actually shot it this far [Applause] i don't know if i hit it or not it actually dented it pretty good that's cool but not that bad so we're gonna have to get into the rifles which i anticipated the 22 and the nine not doing a whole lot so let's go ahead and move up to a rifle more speed more penetration everybody's happy with more penetration next up the rifle round we got the 545 by 39 uh i haven't ever shot this gun so this is actually this gun has never been shot so let's just see how it does get some steel dude the fireball let's go faster that's pretty cool but we should do it like a little bit more epic hold on i'm getting a phone call who is this hello oh hey michael bay you want to direct and edit the next part of my video i don't know man we got a lot going on over here i don't know if you can handle it [Music] all right i'll give you a shot let's see what you can do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh i really don't like shooting solid metal with rifle rounds so we're gonna do it with the gun hooked down to a vice and we're gonna how did this happen go back here with the string and hide behind cover i've done aluminum magnesium block lead block steel tons of steel we've done a bunch of different metals and metals are just scary especially the softer metals because the bullet's super fast so it goes in makes a crater in the metal that's pointing right back at where it shot from and it fires chunks of metal back at you i've been hit by aluminum lead got me uh magnesium didn't it all like exploded and burned but none of it's enough to like kill probably it just doesn't feel very good so this is uh what we have set up right here it's in a vise hooked it with a jacket so i don't hopefully scratch up my brand new gun and yeah [Music] we do this we found this one on the ground this is one of the ones that ak guy shot excuse me ak lord your majesty i'm sorry ak lord shot a bullet into a box and uh it's a little bent but aks are made to run on bit bad ammo so it should be fine giddy up partners we're gonna get behind this wall and see what you can do i'm actually leaving my ears off because i want to hear how loud it is all right we got tension here goes do you think we hit it what i think most of the bullet's just sitting in there huh i thought it would make like a crater it just like stuck the bullet in it yep let's get a bigger gun next up just another ak totally normal ak definitely not chambered in 762 by 54 r okay we should go back there black out and fire the big boy that is not quiet this is crazy so normally when we shoot these big things of metal we get more of like craters this is just making a hole big enough for the bullets to go in and they're going in and just sticking i'm done messing around it's time to get out a much bigger gun and we're going to show how ridiculous what's up because so far we've done basically nothing i got my gold barrett m107a1 and we have a silver tip which is an armor-piercing definitely not incendiary round just silver yep because incendiaries are not legal on youtube okay we're gonna load her in here this is gonna be good it's gonna go in totally split it in half no question slack out firing it just fell off the table i looked up and see if the ball was still there and it just went plop that was loud i don't ever fire 50 bmg without ears on but i was so far away i wanted to hear it and i could hear like boom and i heard echo boom boom it was cool i didn't tell y'all this thing's super heavy interesting so you can see that it made a big crater there which is the first real crater we've seen i don't see it though and there's a center hole where that penetrator tip went deep and there's a burn mark around here from the non-incendiary part of the round overall how ridiculous is definitely still in the lead we have not really hurt this ball that much at all it still is a round ball that rolls on a table i just don't want them to beat me you know it's it's not the american way to let some australian schmucks beat you i've got an idea though one sure-shot way to hurt this fear saphir oh by the way if you like my shirt we made an ak-74 shirt because ak-74s are awesome link in description uh also sometimes when i use this warp channel uh it changes my clothes follow me guys oh hey we're out of drive tanks now to mess this thing up more than how ridiculous did first up flamethrower not the tank [Music] okay [Music] target remains we're gonna have to step it up even more we're gonna shoot a 20-pound projectile out of a scorpion tank at this ball from like 20 feet away so this is a british tank and we have they're boresighting it so we actually like look straight down the barrel from the inside to see that ball so there's hopefully a really good chance how old's this tank spencer this one would have been um not super old but not new yeah you know after world war two so yeah so it's got some age on it and uh be hard to shoot from far back so what we're gonna do is put it up close so we have a really good chance of hitting it and then we're gonna pull it with a string much like we do with all the sketchy stuff on the channel we just pull up the string from a distance uh we're gonna do the exact same thing but with the tank we've got this long cable going to our firing mechanism on the tank so we're going to lean into it i'm just going to wrap it around okay here we go see if we can hit this thing oh there's a lot of slack to pull out i'm still scared like something's just going to bounce back and hit us let's see what happened [Music] it looks like we nailed it it was on the tire there i think we pushed it through the whole truck i think it came out right there and then it's up here on the hill oh my god it went through it almost oh it's hot it's real warm dude that's so cool it's got a handle now it's actually easier to pick up than it was before there's our solid copper ball and it looks like it kind of caught the i wish we could find the round too the round's probably here somewhere it looks like it kind of caught the round and then just carried along with it that's pretty wild so you can see rifling here so that thing the barrel's rifled and so that thing is spinning coming out of here so you can see these marks where it was spinning coming in and then just kind of went boom tip of it stuck right there and this is such a malleable metal that it absorbed a lot of it and then it just carried it all the way through the truck and back to that berm back there freaking wild so crazy and it was hot too you can see where it has some temperature change on that metal right there so it makes it that rainbow colored so insane and the whole thing it's not too hot to touch but it's real warm right now go check out how ridiculous this video where they had a copper sphere as well and let me know who did it better but if you don't want to watch it i'll tell you what happened basically they were like this that's it and then demolition ranch came in they were like crazy like that thanks to drive thanks for letting us come out thanks for watching this video and check back later because we have a graphite cube how ridiculous has one as well we'll do another competition to see who can destroy it the best thanks for watching i love you and i'll see you next time [Music] you're really gonna enjoy what we have here [Music] [Applause] okay [Music] it's quite simple there's only one rule in the demolition you don't tell mayor
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 5,485,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr.
Id: IP7g19EEPU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 04 2022
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