Lady Obsessed With Baby Dolls Is Banned From Visiting Newborns In Hospitals

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Nah Marzia just likes collecting wierd shit.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Hu9gfrek 📅︎︎ May 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

Fr? He said "THE" baby, which refers to a specific baby. Maybe it could be some other baby but... seems like his own child to me...

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/LockDownBiceps 📅︎︎ May 02 2021 🗫︎ replies
please remember her grandson michael has an idea [Laughter] felix this is a real baby oh god i thought it was a doll and then he moved and freaked the [ __ ] out of me i was like oh they had a spit to my crazy obsession with felix are you ready yeah i yeah ken baited me sorry i mean swear right away ken baiden me ken hated me with this title i'm obsessed with collecting washing machines and i got so excited he's like nah we're not watching that we're not collecting washing machines no no today we're collecting something more important we're collecting baby dolls [Laughter] oh god this is going to be relatable isn't it i love it lynn caceres is like any good mother ensuring no they're not real oh god i thought it was a real baby first thing yeah what a real baby what's going on where am i oh she she lets her babies have a pacifier that's bad parenting right there and i bet they don't even know how you need to wipe after you change the diaper how fast can you change change your diaper you got 10 seconds and you did in 10 seconds well it depends if there's poop or not but the diaper part yeah easy but wiping the butt a little different story you got a wipe what do you think happens to poop i guess i never thought about it what do you mean what do you mean you never thought about it god dude oh freaking video the comment section likes this video whole video is just kind of explaining how diapers work to felix so listen i understand you need to white i understand but what if you don't but you do there's there's no what if you don't i think i'm projecting my dog dogs onto babies here because like if i feed my dogs a bunch of wet food yeah obviously it's going to be a stinking pooper rooney but if i give them dried food he's a cleaner rooney do that with babies you're welcome children yeah it's not that hard everything is not let's just give our kids with no teeth just some dried food yeah just give them word i'm not even talking about this with you i'm not even what watch the video jesus christ how did we get here sorry i'm sorry you're a great parent you seem like a great [ __ ] no no oh don't put them in the oven [Music] that was the real baby so no it was no no no no they're trying to throw us off here i can tell i can a bad parent not saying that you are could probably not tell the difference between a fake baby and a real baby but i can tell that's a fake baby guy i mean what what gave it away it coming from the oven ah yes yes yes come from the storks in the sky everyone knows that that's ridiculous well this is what they mean whenever they say they got like a they got a baby in the oven that's here it is you know hey if your kids start asking where the babies come from to show them this video yeah show them this video and then they'll never sleep again lynn caceres shares a home with her husband bob her son steve and over eighteen hundred dollars oh man a lot of dolls those right there creeping me out for some reason how many of them are cursed statistically good percentage must be god let me go back look at this this is like look at this gaming set this dude's getting right it's got my joystick yeah hey in 2019 gotta get that joystick look at the screen though that's what i'm looking at like a freaking that's a tv screen it's like a 32-inch tv sit in front of them right now bro you gotta check your refresh rate on that dude you're not gonna be able to play fps all night i bet it's katie's awful blurry yeah her son steve oh that's his son oh she lives with his son all right all right she's got to keep her babies close okay gotta keep your babies close oh she doesn't like oh babies we know that i have dolls all over the place lynn is not just obsessed with oh you don't say even like that she's lying don't worry about the moves what is that doing there look if you walked into the room with like this doll here right and like it's giving you the freaking gang sign hands what's going on no man look at these babies man oh ah they're so creepy so realist my grandma had porcelain dolls right and they have like real hair but she would like that being like the bedroom she's like all right it's time to take a nap when i was like a little kid i'm like i'm not sleeping in that room grandma all these creepy dolls no way why did i never understood it why why you gotta have that grandma is it to talk with yeah that's the real question is this to mess with you like oh you know cut a little bit of your hair and then i'll have a porcelain doll it's like a voodoo doll right that doll has my hair i'm cursed where did that hair come from huh getting porcelain what if they save your teeth when you lose them and they keep them for the dots oh no oh don't give me the image oh oh that's a doll some giant freaking teeth oh god in your hair here's the question for you ken okay if you make a doll out of your old skin and oh my god are you gonna and hair are you boating me right now is it you is it a new you or is the nine i try to apply a philosophy they didn't really work it was like supposed to be a there's supposed to be a boat if you change that yeah right that's what i'm saying yeah oh okay you know i think it'd be like it'd be the different way right like you gotta add to yourself and take away like if you just made a pile of if you made like a plan you can apply it because you do change yourselves in your body so i mean yeah are you the same person but i think if you like collected a bunch of dust of yourself and put it in a pile and no it wouldn't be you you know what okay what if you put it in the freezer and then add water make a cake yourself i mean the babies came from the oven oh man it's all making sense now it's all coming together that's all thought experiments for us intellectuals here on the channels you know how you're thinking here lynn is not just obsessed with dolls but i want to kick it dolls anything that's all i want to kick oh oh god i want to do that rip their heads off but with me did you have any sisters you don't have any sisters right yeah i got a sister did she have a barbie yeah did you ever go to her room and uh check out the barbie you know i did bro yeah you know say no more stuff no more with making dolls right here you're like they have people are you knife flipping right now sorry i'll stop like this this is right here this baby doll right here is how i feel right now just ah oh look imagine like you know it's a dark night your car's broke down the side of the road the door to this house is just kind of open there's a light on inside and you're like knocking the door hello is anybody here and you go in and then there's just this waiting on you never mind kick it just kick it how can they make babies look so real but i never seen like a real like human huh i mean i don't huh babies aren't real is what i'm saying here you catching my train of thought have you ever seen a baby ken no you haven't okay i don't know i was trying to weigh you up look at this thing oh my god they look so real like little toes oh man like drool it all over itself what is this they added drool yeah i don't know who whoever the the artist of making these is aside from this one it's pretty good they look like old man over eighteen hundred dollars yeah not to say oh she makes it like to live with the more realism you get the better it is she's like an evil villain like a scientist in a weird tim burton film or something the more real it is the better but why but why why mother why but why ah lynn feels that oh oh see how you mean why do they look like old people benjamin button had a he was right you get smaller i remember when we had uh we had our first child layla uh did she look like an old person well i remember like [Laughter] making the joke to mary i was like mary this baby don't look nothing like me whose baby is this girl yeah she's too cute to be oh man yeah it's true they have their own little personalities he's my little angry boy oh my god he is angry damn he's angry that's the one in the horror movie that comes after you first like the main one angry boy here he's like i didn't ask for existence why am i tell me mother why why this little one we call egghead because of shape of business [Laughter] poor egghead freaking egg had these names like i thought she's gonna have names like oh this is sammy wood this is bobby no this is egg head because you look like an egg look at this jackass who made this am i right mark's from when he was born oh he looks so pale and weird and the hair is all wet like it came out of the thing and oh this baby looks dead i don't know god hey yeah oh they have boogers i kind of want to like hurt them sorry okay moving on what is wrong with you but it's so weird i kind of feel like putting on my shooting range or something i don't know that's the thing i didn't want to say before but i've seen some they're so weird i'll see you guys [Laughter] it's so weird it's too weird it's something it's like there's anxiety in me looking at him and i need to release it so much okay that's a health that's a healthy way to use okay mylan falls a lot i'm just saying oh lynn can finish making oh in a single day i work at it a day she's very talented i'll give her that yeah she's good at it and she makes one a day wow she spends all day doing it too out here in arizona about out here where the dead bodies are buried no one over found it she could live in a mansion if she sold us like get come up let go there's nothing out here we have no stores no that's beautiful yeah nothing we have a gas station what are you going to do at a gas station bro have you seen your son's gaming setup all right he has stuffed in here he has the internet how does he have internet out there oh my god no oh no i feel bad for him now i want to play this brand new game that came out and get the disc for it but it still makes you you don't have the update oh god when lindsay she's working day and night on her what she look like she has that face of like i don't want to do this can someone stop me please please what that face tells you please stop me before i become a bad guy exactly she's so close into turning something lynn spent so many hours at the local maternity ward looking at newborns she isn't allowed back she's not allowed [Music] what i want to know how that happened oh my god let yo girl stop creeping on these babies you're not allowed back ever all right get it you can't you can't be measuring and waiting oh my god yes oh she's so close to target evil i love it this is like the backstory of the evil villain right here where it's in the making well i was going to hospitals and looking at babies they don't let me do it anymore why i follow the nerve all the nerve i don't know why it's not like i don't know why going in there and measuring them and just standing in the window and watching them forever taking them home with me putting them in the mirror swapping out my baby dolls for the real ones to see if they've [Music] you're sitting in there like you had your baby and they bring your baby in there to you and it's like she swapped it out for a baby doll oh my god if if yeah can you man yeah so you have a baby and then this woman shows up and like no where's my baby yeah where's my baby awesome warm feeling because it's like when you're a kid and you were excited about getting a new doll for christmas and i get that same excitement when i get a new doll like people that like do stuff like this and the latino things in their shout out have like some kind of trauma that happened at some point or something does that that is that how it works you're like oh man my mom's when you're talking about something yeah i mean i guess so like ah you know that nice feeling that i got from my mom giving me a doll and i was a kid i'm now obsessed with that and want it all this is what i need all right and it becomes an addiction to keep doing that yeah well it doesn't seem harmful except to go into hospitals and getting bad food today she's taking her children with her too oh that's weird which is definitely weird honest this car she's driving over here look he's got a sports car hey none mentioned she would like a special doll we're going to take one of the babies out to the church and show the sisters oh why all right we went there huh and the sun is going along eh all right look at that we got chris and these babies over here oh man look this doll up here they got old jesus hanging up hey and sisters marie st paul and i thought they were dolls too i can't stop painting everyone's dolls bless or whatever i mean um is your family catholic no no well no but most people in sweden are i'm a child of satan oh my god yeah i can see the news now breaking pewdiepie child of satan the antichrist hell yeah can't wait to hang in hell it's going to be a chill oh you'll make react videos down there i can finally say what i really think you'll be down there your little mouse is going to be over there twerking on the devil hell yeah collide with me little nice please i have a baby jesus doll but we want you to make him fall oh okay you're only at one mile away oh cause they're not allowed to have babies that makes sense so they want her to make a baby jesus oh man what an honor that's she could do it she's got the talon yeah yeah like i i gotta i got how how how white do you think baby jesus is going to be what's that i said how how white do you think baby jesus is my internet is cutting out i can't hear you do you want to press play can't have him in a box i don't know no i don't like boxes i think it's good for the public that when they come free what's wrong with boxes that's great don't do that would you put my babies in the box you have the privilege of finally putting a baby in a box and you're not going to jail so like why wouldn't you i'm pretty boy he might have looked like this poke's a mare hole it's like what's the big deal we'll put it on i didn't play tape do it off a picture yeah okay we'll do that then sure what do they do wait wait are we are they what is happening are they who are they making are they making jesus they have a picture of baby jesus is that what they said i don't know i am very confused about how casual this interaction is and how it's not weird at all to these people i'm making a custom doll that looks like the baby jesus i've never done that that because oh okay so that she's commissioned so she's showing samples so she's making i'm still i'm still not blown away they have a picture of baby jesus lynn uses vinyl heads and limbs imported directly from europe goddamn you're wait so she doesn't make them she just assembles them i don't know she's so worried about freaking putting them in boxes what's this baby right here doing she's like stuffed in the freakin [Laughter] feels it best replicates a newborn infant's hair she will only use high quality mohair from baby girl you don't get good mo hair it's not what's mo hair it's they say it's like goat hair basically oh yeah like maybe like a mohawk i don't know what they're like stabbing this thing in the head to get their hairs in there that's yeah that's interesting get it in there real hard jab jab jabs i got a big forehead maybe i should get a hair transplant covered up a little bit you know well some people can't do it it doesn't work on everyone really mm-hmm have you looked into this no i just heard it oh no i'm gonna be like oh elon you know that dude was like straight up bald i mean yeah he looks good now not gonna lie yeah he did a great job on him have you seen how they do oh my god when i came to japan the first time there was a guy that just because when you get a haircut like the holes yeah they can't wear any hats or cover it up right so this guy just had like a bunch of dots all over his head and he was so casual about it and i'm like you okay like what's happening here what is this you're triggering we're not talking about my phobia right now is going off dude just looking at your forehead jesus christ well i know they used to like like cut off like a piece of like skin from the back of your head to like harvest it now i think they just pull them out here by hair and like just stick them in that machine oh my god maybe i should i can't actually no get bro just own your ball bruce willis a very handsome man like i'm not gonna be bald i'm just gonna have like a really high hairline i'm gonna be like like the vegeta yeah the vegetable youtube over here don't do it okay okay i'll just own it no that's dumb jab jab jab in order to support her obsession dude this is the old big screen tv back here oh [ __ ] you know how much things got away they're never moving that video oh they're huge oh my god her name is they don't turn on when they're remote either you got to go up to them and hit the buttons yeah oh my god back in my day we had to go up to the television to turn it on you want to change the channel you had to walk towards it and touch it you know yeah okay so in america if you didn't have like cable tv or anything like that you had like three channels that were just like free right they were just yeah same yeah the same thing yeah you like find the one that's got the cartoons on it and it's only like only play certain times a day we hadn't we had nickelodeon but we're never a cartoon networking as well i always wanted to cut your naturals and they canceled my donald duck subscription then i guess well yeah duck subscription they love donald duck right yeah he's the bomb i would run home from school on fridays so i could get my donald duck and now every time he's cancelled how could they you childhood ruined you don't decide when i'm too old dad you don't decide this dad give me my dog duck well my friend still had it you know i'm gonna do it to my kid too i'm like you're not yeah i'm not paying for this anymore donald duck 19 dollar fortnite card nothing oh no that's different that's different all right we don't do that remember her grandson michael has an idea in [Laughter] felix this is a real baby oh god i thought it was a doll and then he moved and freaked the [ __ ] out of me i was like oh they had a spit to them you can't do that you can't do that i gotta eat my own words now people i can't tell the difference between clearly not me oh god that's great using only a photo as a reference lynn attempts to assemble her most lifelike creation yet in less than a day making her custom guess somehow she hasn't shown how she does say yeah i don't know if she's going to make it look like i love her hair by the way that's great that's the karen harris she's she's like omega karen you know she's any of them customized but she is not letting me see your stranger's babies and never let me speak to the manager yeah how they get to this point like it's already got like details and stuff on it lynn hopes it will be her compulsive attention she sand them down and make this done this looks to me like it's a boy in less than a day lynn has completely recorded over here i don't know is this is she done already she didn't show us how to do anything yeah but she's very blind that melody will not like it and her reputation among other doll makers will be tarnished all right here we go all right here's the big moment zooming in dramatically how did it get to this point it didn't look like this before is that that's a that's a doll yes this is the dog that's the doll that's a doll yeah yeah that's a doll you did it oh my goodness just like him it looks just too just like that baby's like what that what is it oh that's weird lay down by the doll baby you got a tan of bed to match with your doll i think uh she's the doll is back which one is real i cannot the customer's happy it's all good so so good y'all customers that is a weird shot that is weird what the hell am i looking at like it was like a breaking bad photo or something like they're looking at their drugs what is this this is very lucrative some people don't improve oh no she's got the porcelain dolls she's got the porcelain dolls do not give dolls to leila do not give dolls she'll end up like this oh god she has a magic bunny she loves her money she she has a doll of me um oh that's that's okay yeah oh okay so whenever whenever i was in my mommy's belly the whole family thought i was going to be a girl because i didn't like do the test to see if i was going to be a boy or girl they're like it's going to be a girl we know it 100 they just decided and so one of my aunts made uh a doll for me uh it's like a little cabbage patch looking doll with like curly hair i should go i'm not gonna go get it but i could well you still have it yeah i still got it like so when i came out and i was a boy my aunt was kind of like what what did i make this doll for so she said she sewed a penis on it it gave it to me i don't know man she sued a pizza she made a little wiener and sewed it on there you you you need to be on this show okay and i still have it i i gotta i gotta see it oh you wanna go get it so yeah this is this is the doll wow and uh yeah why we've seen all these realistic dolls i expected something realistic what the [ __ ] is that come on what do you think i would have a realistic looking doll oh i can't i can't never look at another doll again thank you very much for joining me for this video uh-huh i hope you guys at home enjoyed it he could come with me here yeah you know if you haven't heard of pewdiepie go check him out a he's he's a real intellectual fellow knows all about babies and loves babies if you want baby facts check out my channel you can learn a thing or two uh but it's your birthday happy birthday stay toasty my friends and i love you just as much as this lady loves her baby dolls oh that's too much why am i
Channel: CinnamonToastKen
Views: 2,521,233
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cinnamontoastken, satire, funny, react
Id: JEw1Gebkgmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 14sec (1634 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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