Room Raiders was MTV's Grossest Dating Show

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oh man okay well this is the best it's gonna get welcome back to my channel if you are new here what's up how's it going and if you're coming back what's up how's it going it's really good to see you again i hope you're doing well that's what happens when you subscribe you get an extra greeting so just do it already all right folks dating shows you know dating shows when you date a show i loved dating shows i watched them all the time when i was a kid even though i was way too young to be dating anybody and i didn't know what dating was or really how you do it but i had cable tv and nothing else to do and i've made a few videos in the past about dating shows from the early 2000s like keys to the vip chains of love i think the reason i love dating shows from the early 2000s is because like that era was the golden age of bad television and it was all mtv's fault there was nobody else to blame my good buddy drew made a really funny video about the mtv show ghosted a few weeks ago and uh that show right there is like a perfect example of mtv like still trying to hold on to their like early 2000s dating show success i swear any premise that could possibly be turned into a dating show mtv would make 30 seasons of it and i'd watch every episode just some examples you had parental control where the contestants parents try to find a new romantic partner for their child because they hate their child's current partner what's another one date my mom the show where a guy dates a mom time to date these mothers and find me and love it that was a great one really creative title too there was also the show mile high club where people would go skydiving together and they would have to decide whether or not they want to pursue a relationship with the other person by the time they reach the ground all these premises were insane but i watched them every single week and that mile high club show doesn't even exist [ __ ] made it up that's how easy it is to come up with these dating show ideas but i miss all of these there was one mtv show that was kind of top dog but real quick do me a favor right now take a look around your room is it messy dirty even do you have embarrassing gross items kind of just everywhere because you've spent the last year of your life living in that same room because of a deadly virus yeah probably and that's fine i don't care i'm not your mom no one's gonna date me today time to date these mothers but now do me a favor imagine just a random person walking into your room rummaging through all your [ __ ] and sort of sort of making fun of you in the process and you have to watch them do this from another location and also it's broadcasted all across the country and oh yeah then you have to go on a date with the person that just rummaged through all your crap does that sound like a good idea well mtv thought it did because that is the exact premise of the early 2000s dating show room raiders the show ran from 2003 to 2009 the first episode was actually branded as dorm raiders and was hosted by the most 2003 couple of all time nicholas shea and jessica simpson this is dorm raiders they ran from 2002 to 2006 so room raiders uh lasted longer than their marriage this is divorce room raiders also had an episode starring the king zac efron that's right a pre-high school musical zac efron was on an episode of room raiders how amazing is that and the episode is just full of gems i think i have trouble just dating because i just don't put out hip hop dancing is fine because i can really get it shaking my ass i like older women you've got a pretty decent body i'm a virgin that's good you got animal print there's a conflict see my mom loves animal print yellow and red those are like actually some of my mom's favorite colors he hasn't troy no gabriella t has in therapy for my oedipus complex i'm just a virgin i'm gonna talk about that episode in this video because fred already made a whole video about it but my favorite part is when zach is listing off his favorite part about all the contestants room and he says this so let me go over the things i liked in europe room number two the pool was amazing yeah my favorite part of your room was uh your pool in your backyard but i found another great episode that we can watch together and see if room raiders holds up 15 years later so without further ado let's raid some rooms [Music] oh right okay sorry i forgot to mention this i guess this is a special edition of room raiders it's room raiders california gone wild beauty and the geeks gone wild man everyone's titties are gonna be out so the show starts off with a little introduction to the girl who's gonna be raiding the guy's rooms uh her name is sarah my name is sarah so let's see what she's all about i'm 22 years old and i'm a writer here in a magazine in san diego san diego isn't that just a waffle you find on the beach so i got hsm on the brain sorry folks i like to go to the beach as much as i can lay out and catch some rays okay sarah seems really nice she's uh she's ambitious she's driven and she only really wants two things in a guy and it's these two fingers she wants these two fingers and a guy top two turn on there's someone who is intelligent and the jawline is a huge thing for me honestly dude i can't even disagree with that i have neither of those things oh well that's not bad i am a dumbass though straight up if you can find a man who understands molecular structure and jaw structure game over dude you better get down on one knee and suck him off he's the perfect man all right so we met the beauty now it's time we meet the geeks let's meet these friggin dweebs geek number one his name is kenneth he's a little goofy he likes dancing and he also likes grass over the years i sort of accumulated a fascination with different types of grasses maybe a little not maybe he likes grass too much you know when someone's being horny online and then people are like go aside touch some grass you know do not say that to kenneth you cannot say that to kenneth he's a grass man all right there's kenneth who do we got for geek number two my name is caleb i'm 19 and i'm a student at san diego state university i do a really good dinosaur impression it's what i'm most famous for and i do a pretty good napoleon dynamite impression can you guys give me some chapstick from mtv that'd be sweet caleb is awesome uh here's my impression of caleb uh good it's a good impression i like it a fun date to go on for me would be go to the rings because that's the best movie ever did he just say his ideal date was lord of the rings a fun date to go on for me would be go to the rings he didn't even say watching lord of the rings he said lord of the rings yeah i don't know how that would go dude yo what are you doing later maybe you can come over and we can uh lord of the rings like watch lord of the rings no no no lord of the rings okay i'm not sure if i follow come on you know fellowship two towers return of the king yeah yeah i've seen the movies okay perfect so yeah all of all of that okay whatever how about instead we watch that movie based on the novel push by sapphire what's it uh what's it called alright and for geek number three we got dane he's a vegetarian skater boy and i know what you're thinking that's not typically geeky but he wears glasses so you know what that means born with poor vision [ __ ] loser also dude it is so 2005 to call someone a geek geek is the most 2005 insult next to like [ __ ] or something and i honestly feel bad for these guys imagine how shitty it was when they found out that they were gonna be on this episode oh hello hello is this uh is this curtis yes this is he all right just wanted to call and let you know that you've been selected for the mtv show oh my god oh my god that's amazing and that's not all this is room raiders california gone wild beauty and the geek oh cool that's that's awesome yeah we're really excited so yeah congratulations thanks yeah thank you uh hey quick question yeah uh am am i am i the beauty or what no oh no oh god no we picked a beautiful girl to be the beauty you idiot you're a geek you're a [ __ ] loser man you're the biggest geek i've ever seen look at yourself man you're definitely necessarily a loser how dare you say this to me i don't care all right you know what enough yeah oh what the hell yeah you like that come on the hell how'd you give me a wet willy through the phone not important come here you're coming with me curtis you thought the wet willy was bad it's gonna get a whole lot worse buddy you're getting a swirly yeah you're getting a swirly dude back to the show i did a little bit of research and uh to make sure that these geeks can't tidy up the room or hide any embarrassing things before sarah comes over mtv actually doesn't tell the contestants like what the show premise is and then when it's the day to shoot the show the room raiders team just kind of shows up to their house in a big white fan and essentially kidnaps them the guys have no clue they are about to be abducted yeah like most abductions to conceal their identity all photos of them will be disguised okay so obviously the the kidnapping scene is staged you know it's they're acting unless this is caleb's genuine reaction to getting kidnapped but anyways once they're in the white van the geeks are super excited because they found out that they're on room raiders and uh they get pretty hyped when they see sarah all right now it's time for the actual raiding of the rooms first up is kenneth i have my handy spy kid here with me so i hope you guys clean up oh yeah also really quick sarah has a spy kit so she could spy around i guess so remember that i hope he goes in love with his mom i like an independent man i live with my mother so she'll probably hate me now are you his little sister yes nice to meet you will you show me his room yeah all right let's go that'd be awesome if your sister's head just spun around and she vomited all over everyone that'd be awesome if your sister's head just spun around and she vomited all over everyone that's a [ __ ] weird thing to say why'd he say that all right caleb's a lunatic got it all right kenneth let's see what's in store it looks clean clean's good it looks like a restaurant okay this is gross i think this looks like a retainer oh i haven't washed that in four months wait how often are you supposed to clean a retainer sorry i was sort of i was sort of blessed by the teeth gods i didn't need braces i'm gonna look it up how often do you need to wash your retainer oh my god holy [ __ ] every day i haven't washed that in four months [ __ ] four months that's like using a handkerchief to wipe your ass every day dude that thing probably smells like a dead guy that thing probably smells like a dead man i'm gonna get out some gloves for my spy kit this is just disgusting [Music] she smells it no why would she do that oh my god oh i'm gonna throw up caleb wouldn't it be funny if my head spun around and i vomited on everybody oh sarah sarah's lowkey a freak though oh is this a retainer that's so that's so gross oh it smells so bad i can't believe oh i can't believe that okay so the show like is constantly like cutting back to the the guys in the van reacting to sarah going through all their stuff and one of the most uncomfortable parts of this whole show is like how the guys interact with each other because putting three fellas together who don't know each other in a very small space or also like competing with each other for a date with a girl terrible idea especially if they're freaking geeks right guys and it makes for some super uncomfortable situation [ __ ] knock you know what that means no idea i don't know animal in your head at least the animal on my head won't attack her why'd you keep that in there that's so awkward caleb is so sad dude look at him and [ __ ] can it all my homies hate kenneth kenneth was for sure the kid to take jokes like way too far for no reason you all had that one friend you're teasing them you're like hey man your your shoes are ugly and they're just like well at least my grandpa doesn't have dementia and you're just like kenneth i think i saw what i needed to see kenneth's room is all done sarah found a how to knit dvd that she really liked i think it's cool i like a guy who can be domestic as well but she also found some video games that she doesn't like doesn't like video games she's not an epic gamer she doesn't like video games can you believe that and she also found the retainer that she doesn't like we all know the truth or the tooth so now sarah's on her way to caleb's room to see if she can sniff some socks or whatever she's into all the houses kind of look alike i hope you don't look like every other guy they're like something a little different i definitely don't look like every other guy you're damn right you don't jesus man i'm really having a hard time not making this entire video about how much i hate kenneth one of my middle names is kenneth too i think that's why it hurts so much we're not all like this hashtag not all kenneth's okay back to the episode this is probably my favorite part of the entire thing sarah's looking through caleb's room she finds belt buckles and a cowboy hat and is super stoked because she thinks cowboys are hot as [ __ ] cowboys are really sexy so this is a major plus which is no surprise but then she sees a bird claw on the wall oh this looks like a claw of some sort she's pretty sketched out by it so she grabs the spy kit to get a closer look the magnifying glass let's see ew this is definitely a cloth so i think you've killed a real animal i didn't this is definitely a cloth i don't think the magnifying glass was necessary sarah sarah ah this looks like a bird claw because it is a bird claw but i can't be certain yep or claw straight up she would have got the same result if she just went like this she didn't have to e.t that [ __ ] either just [ __ ] man that is so funny to me like what did you think was gonna happen it wasn't gonna be a bird claw under the magnifying glass now what would happen if i stabbed myself with a toothpick oh i think i just gave myself a splinter i can't be certain though wait what the [ __ ] [Music] me okay curtis it's me i'm you from the future okay i don't have much time listen there's a reason zoe deschanel sings in every single movie and television show that she's in if she stops singing the world stops spinning and life as we know it comes to an end curtis you are humanity's last hope zoe deschanel cannot stop singing even if her life depends on it at least it's not a bird claw at least it's not a bird claw we'll be right back after this youtube video okay so after sarah realizes that it's in fact a bird claw she gets immediately put off because she just assumes that caleb killed this bird and is keeping the claw as a trophy i mean it wouldn't be a very good trophy if you have to use a magnifying glass to see it correctly but i digress i just got done searching room number two and i really like the cowboy hat and the belt buckles it makes me think that he's a cowboy and cowboys are so sexy and i didn't like the bird claw that i found i thought that was kind of creepy and i hope he doesn't kill birds because i'm not into violence okay so she says she likes cowboys but doesn't like boys who are violent do you know what cowboys are have you played red dead redemption probably not you don't like video games saying you like cowboys who aren't violent is like saying you're attracted to boys who collect funko pops and also use deodorant sorry to break it to you sarah that boy does not exist but i think that wall claw perfectly illustrates the main like issue with this show i guess which i guess makes it interesting you know it just like forces people to assume stuff because there's no context given or anything and they're obviously not expecting a girl to be rummaging through their [ __ ] and also single guys rooms are [ __ ] they're insane they're like portals into another dimension dude single guys bedroom doors are basically nether portals from minecraft as soon as you walk in everything just sort of feels off there's things in there you don't usually see in the real world it's dangerous scary and you only go in there to get what you need and get the [ __ ] out as fast as possible and i can say that because i used to live in a single guy's bedroom it was mine it was mine when i was a single guy it was a weird way to say that okay anyways sarah's all done with caleb's room now so now she's heading on to the final geek dane going into the danger zone doesn't feel as like homey or residential she's gonna realize i don't live with my mom right now i'm sorry that you don't get home-cooked meals every night i'm sorry i cook my own home-cooked meal tell them dane i gotta say this is a little weird because your room's not even in the house so i don't know what this is all about whoa okay i kind of feel like i'm in a cellar all right i know sarah she's trying her best she's actually being like really sweet compared to the other uh people i've seen on the show but she said earlier that she didn't like how kenneth lives with his mom or that caleb's house looks like all the other houses on the block hope he has in love with his mom i like an independent man all the houses kind of look alike but when she actually gets to someone's house where he lives he has his own space and it looks different from like typical suburban houses she's just like uh i don't know about all this your room isn't even in the house it's in the basement and that's not the house and also it's so small i need to pull up my magnifying glass to see this [ __ ] room oh my goodness what is this beast that's the ugly jacket the two most horrible fabrics are combined flannel and a jean vest that jacket goes hard dude you sell it on d-pop for [ __ ] 500 for sure and have a dumb name like vintage [ __ ] vintage vintage grandpa [ __ ] swag sweater original by this [ __ ] now let's do a little dust test oh no oh dane didn't your mother teach you better yeah that's the dust is pretty gross but i feel like it could be a grosser you know like i know why they didn't do this but it's a really good thing that producers didn't put like one of those like blue light things in the spy kit that like detects bodily fluids cause whoa dude that would be a nightmare alright this is the best room yet he's got nice furniture really expensive clothes he's got a master's degree on the wall the place is spotless i think this is the perfect guy all right now it's got to use the blue light thing i don't know it's a formality the producers want me to do it so all right uh hit the lights guys okay all right this is looking pretty good everything is the same color i'm not seeing any stains this is awesome okay i was right this guy is perfect i think me and him are gonna hit it sorry guys my my hands stuck to the couch it seems to be a sticky substance on on sort of everything in this room i how could this be i didn't see any bodily fluids unless it's now it's all bodily fluid my feet are stuck oh all right so there are all the boys room she likes some stuff she hated some stuff into three crazy rooms and i really have a tough decision to make you know what so far i'm gunning for dane you know or caleb just as long as it's not kenneth i don't like kenneth but guys this next part it's pretty epic now it's time for the geeks to get revenge that's right now they get to raid sarah's room oh no she wears them these are the sticky ones oh my gosh [Applause] okay for some reason this seems way creepier than sarah going through all their stuff i don't know what was going on in the early 2000s but panty raids were kind of like just a thing that was just kind of accepted by everybody like there was even a spongebob episode about going on a panty raid panty raid stealing chicks underpants yo dude i went to rebecca's last night for a house party snuck into her room stole her underpants rubbed them all over it was sick yeah she probably farted in those and stuff it's so hot yeah it's super normal and not weird yeah yeah my eyes kind of itchy up for some reason this is bathing suit mania what is this man it's padded crap i don't like a girl that's trying to fake something oh man all right kenneth all right man i don't think you're in a position to be critiquing anybody you are dressed like you're a backup trumpet player in a ska band okay so while they're digging through all of sarah's bikinis sarah actually comes back and now it's time for her to pick who she wants to go on a date with one of the rooms i found a lot of dirt and as you can see i like to live in a clean space so room number three i have to say goodbye poor enough for dane y'all the only kind of normal guy there oh dane it's so nice to meet you all right it's for the best i might be a little dirty all right guys i only can pick one of you i swear to god if she sends caleb home i'm gonna go sicko mode and you and you will not like me when i go sicko mode so in one room i found a bird claw and it was kind of creepy and it makes me think that maybe it was a dead animal that one of you guys shot so i'm gonna have to say goodbye to room number two that's me no [ __ ] way dude no hi sarah thank you actually i found it on the ground he said that so confidently that's never a good explanation for anything caleb actually i found it on the ground so who's the idiot now all right well i found that you had a lot of like video games in your room i don't really know too much about video games i can definitely teach you well good because i i have an old school nintendo downstairs original nes original nes you want to play yeah i don't doubt she just said that she doesn't like video games like he's still kind into that video game thing which i don't like sarah what do you want all right well i guess that's [ __ ] room raiders uh kenneth won for some reason so now they go and spend quality time together and dude i want to give them the benefit of the doubt but i just know for a fact that as soon as they've like wrapped kenneth and sarah never talk to each other ever again i'm not saying sarah is shallow by any means i'm saying kenneth is terrible and i doubt any real long time relationships like started on this show because whoa what a god-awful way to meet someone but unfortunately it does make for some like really entertaining television and i did a little bit of research and for the most part the rooms like weren't staged or anything or like they didn't plant anything to you know make things extra gross so that's good it was like as real as you could get in a reality show which i feel like is pretty rare these days but apparently when they kidnap the contestants and they're like watching the girl go through all their stuff in real time it's not actually in real time the rating happened the day before and they're just reacting to it which you know makes sense logistically but it still hurts a bit we were lied to we were punked so mtv i think i need to pursue legal action all right i hope you have a lawyer on retainer that's like if i told you that i'm really a 66 year old man and i'm just editing together videos that i filmed 40 years ago and that's just not true i'm 26 years old currently in 2021 [Music] exciting news here uh today marks 20 years since actor zoe deschanel stopped singing causing life as we knew it to come to an end later today world president jeff bezos will meet with vp joe rogan to announce their plans to make everybody else in the world completely bald but before that let's take an ad break this video is sponsored by hellofresh folks i've been eating hellofresh every single week for the past two years and i cannot recommend it enough so let's talk about why hellofresh is the number one meal 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you so much to hellofresh for sponsoring yet another one of my videos back to me alright well thank you so much for watching hope you enjoyed it uh press the like button because one like equals one bird's claw leave a comment let me know what you thought of the video let me know if you want me to do more videos about early 2000s dating shows even though i'm going to press the subscribe button um because as soon as you do you become a valued citizen of curtis town if you didn't know curtis town is the best place to live in the world and i'm the mayor uh so you have to be nice to me it is the law hey you can check the description for the things i do weekly podcasts call very really good my gaming channel curtis pogger i'm on twitch every week twice a week um instagram twitter all that fun stuff also thank you so much for 3 million subscribers uh that's [ __ ] insane and i never thought that i would that would ever happen to me it's still crazy that you guys are you know show so much support all the time for whatever i'm doing and i truly seriously cannot thank you enough i love what i do i love that you like what i'm doing and uh yeah it's a dream come true so seriously from the bottom of my heart and the hot bottom of my fart thank you so much all right coming up next is at least it's not a bird claw see ya [Applause] foreign
Channel: Kurtis Conner
Views: 4,950,577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: K5YSXGmwmpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 46sec (1666 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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