The Human Benchmark Test is CRAZY

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today we are doing a test with all of my roommates i'm challenging them all to uh the human benchmark quiz there's ten different quizzes in total or think nine eight actually there it is final number uh that texts your reaction times your memory your aim your number memory your verbal memory chimp test typing and visual memory uh and i have all of my roommates slime aiden nick and cutie who i'm gonna challenge and whoever places the best in five of these eight challenges is gonna win 500 straight up i'm gonna give them 500 i'm going to try it first i'm just going to go through it i'm just going to go through them i'm going to be the guinea pig i'll see how i do reaction time when the box turns green click as quickly as you can okay i'm like twitching no oh my god okay i thought that was fast i think i have to do five total for them to get a a data point [ __ ] okay all right one more last one i want to get under 200. [Music] okay whatever 204 that's not bad i'm 25 years old let me be a boomer i don't really know how this works memorize the pattern was that oh this is like the among us [Music] one up uh uh uh okay whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa it's getting big it's getting big okay it's it's like a pattern down up okay no wait it's over okay i really thought i was about to go off hit 30 targets as quickly as you can okay i should do the best out of this than most of my roommates because this is my computer but let's just see how i do [Music] 30 targets as quickly as you can was that good or bad i think average is 450. okay that's not bad i could have done better that's fine that's fine i could have done better i'm not gonna be mad number memory the average person can remember seven numbers at once can you do more oh no i'm gonna be so bad at this eight three three eight thirty three so the first number the second number combined nine four eight four i just gotta make a jingle two zero seven zero two two zero seven zero two i think i can get to at least eleven call nine four nine one one one two five that's nine four nine one two 949-11125 okay you call 559-439-852-559-439-8555 what i had it right i mistyped verbal memory you'll be shown words one at a time if you haven't seen a word during the test click seen oh this is the one we should remove i'm gonna try this one i think this one sucks because it's so much long it's so long i'll give it a shot i'll give it a shot latana merely latana harvard you seen that seen that nope yeah harvard reassign that's new blunge never heard that reassign harbored merely prometheus fair seen it new seen it seen it new what that was terrible i didn't even think i got one wrong i've got a hundred on this before hold up hold up sorry i i i i i i i misclicked [ __ ] oh my god okay okay never mind never mind never mind back out back out back out gym test are you smarter than a chimpanzee turns out that chimps were able to remember over nine digits 90 of the time humans usually can't do more than a few yeah yeah yeah okay one two three four wait that's easy as [ __ ] one two oh oh right right yeah yeah i was like damn these chimps are not that cracked that's kind of free you just count but that makes sense one two three oh this is tough okay one two three four f wow okay okay one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve okay one two three four five six seven okay that's fine i have more tries no oh no 12 is my cap my brain actually can't do more than this five six seven [ __ ] eight twelve ten yeah baby let's go i feel good i just wanted to get to this level one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 30. this one's impossible this is impossible okay this is getting hard because i didn't even know there was a number 14 in that 10 11 12 13 14. so it goes in a circle 10 11 12 13 14. okay one two three four okay that's fine i feel fine at 15. that was getting really hard oh you struggling at 10 boy memorize the squares okay i i i these this is this i should be good at cause this i felt like was 80 percent of mario party games pyramid of giza [ __ ] okay uh where are you no one more [ __ ] where was it oh where was it final is typing and this will round out my score rarely getting hurt in a serious oh no wait i could have got 90. 88. oh god my type was at the start boomed me 88's fine though i think i was about above average for anything but i wasn't nuts at anything i'm the mario of the human benchmark test i think every single score i had was slightly above average i wasn't amazing at anything hey the champ is here it's time to hold that throne if you can okay you're beating okay you're so you're okay you're being really aggressive you stop calling me small what's up your task you're stop saying what's up we're not fighting bro bro we stop pushing me bro we're gonna have you do the human benchmark test very simply it is eight challenges that tests your overall abilities cognitive or reaction or otherwise you're gonna go through them we're gonna tally your scores and we're gonna see how well you do one of you beat me for this but more importantly how you do against a roommate right right so i can retain my title of king god god king warlord the roman warlord well good job good luck warlord yeah i just go right now you go you only get one shot per i am a golden god [ __ ] he's trying a new method where he's holding the mouse with his left hand and clicking with his right finger it did improve his time [Music] you actually clutched the [ __ ] up oh jesus sequence memory an increasingly long pattern of button presses i'm a choker with an audience i want you to know that [ __ ] ten i got ahead of myself aim trainer oh baby well this is rough it is rough because you are not using your setup it is an 800 dps mouse though i'm not on my logitech g50 you only need to click here you are adjusting the keyboard you're not happy with that one no let me tell you this is [ __ ] because this is your dpi coot's out fragged you all right don't be down on yourself you got a lot more to do we got number memory and then this is simple you just use a keyboard here exactly and that's it feel free to talk out loud by the way shut up [Music] i forgot yeah oh not bad though level 12 which smashes oh you're so stupid i'm not stupid you're really i i'm the mario of this i did above average on every single thing mario's not above average he's average i did about average for like you're the luigi i did a mario score on like everything for like like a gamer mario verbal memory this one's interesting if you've never seen it you hit new if you have seen it you hit scene i'm saying if you have seen it during this test right right not in your life in my life uh and then uh do you want a song for this no okay yes okay what's up turn on a song okay here's the song now okay uh song chooser sing inspire choose it now hype i feel like you're talking so much [Music] [Music] [Music] whoa that was cracked that was actually cracked what did you get i don't want to tell you but i got 45 holy [ __ ] look at me i know you're that's what i'm saying that's why you're crap dude i rule yeah you crush that you're actually godlike you're like the wario of these games yeah you're like dog [ __ ] at some point that's a duck that's wario you're doing give me my coins you [ __ ] [ __ ] mario give me my coins now i'm worried all right this is the chimp test [ __ ] this is hard i'm worse than a monkey i got nine dude you're so smart no i got nine you are allowed to mess up on the board itself like you can [ __ ] up three tile or two tiles and still get it okay and it doesn't hurt you at all you can only [ __ ] up one more yourself oh no doris on your laurels king [ __ ] i think we tied which leads us to our final one typing on this keyboard so [ __ ] at typing 71 not bad all right let's compare so you're not in the running for this right no slime wins one i win one aim trainer i win number memory you win verbal memory you win chimp test i win visual memory we tie typing i win i win by one i want to let everyone know i did not pre-jack any of this i've never heard of this before and i bet you that the other guys are pre-jacking it no way i mean you asked nick not to and i don't think ayman ever would you can still win by the way i hate this game don't hate it this is the human benchmark test uh this is a test of your skills as a human so you only get one tribe per thing okay and if you need any explanations i can let you know and start whenever if you want to throw in a song for your inspiration feel free oh i was slow yeah that was slow is what i was thinking too uh fortunately it was just a bit faster than me and squad you guys went 200 yeah oh dude i usually hit like 140. we're old bro [Music] oh i [ __ ] forgot god damn it all right that is it for you then level eight oh i did terrible you did do bad there but that's okay you still have many other challenges starting with aim trainer oh my god your sensitivity though you need to turn it down dude it is so hard to do high sense holy [ __ ] number memory oh did your number [ __ ] awful at this okay 57 48 006 423 5748 006 423 oh i already forgot 57 58 006 43 wait 57 58 oh [ __ ] 57 oh okay dude 48. the round before you were saying the wrong number and you got it right really you it was 7 three you're like seven zero eight three and then you typed in seven eight you typed in the opposite it was so weird yeah i'm built different yeah you are built different shirts out of that stuff uh you beat salon oh no you beat me i should say but now you're on to verbal memory this one's interesting so basically the moment you hit start a word's gonna pop up if it's the first time you've seen this word during this test you hit new if you have already seen it you hit scene and basically you go till you [ __ ] up three propitiate i got no clue on these words bro co-enact brauhahaz what the [ __ ] i did i did not post fix briquet alpha me deterrence different agency musics ah [ __ ] i think the word is just familiar that you clicked it yeah you crushed me but slime doubled you dude slime's cracked slime's really gonna disagree yeah that helps uh the next one's the chimp test you know this one [Music] i feel like i'm getting hard ones uh yeah but there's not a lot of combos getting the hard ones early no [ __ ] me oh i clicked on nine you got three tries you got three tries [ __ ] it'll redo the map you might have a better one [ __ ] i took so long on that one yeah he did stall for that seven it's one of these two paws jam it's one of these two i think it's this one was it the bottom one i don't know i didn't look i think so all right 13 which leads you to two left visual memory okay uh which it's like uh you'll know the moment you see it but it's just memorizing which of the squares are highlighted and then the board gets bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger okay and then typing and then you're out oh i'm terrible at typing oh really yeah you know what i learned i'm surprised i learned how to type without looking at the keyboard this year wow yeah i'm dog [ __ ] i'm so shocked [ __ ] [ __ ] ten which choked leads you to your final challenge oh you guys are gamers which is the typing oh i'm gonna ruin this jesus christ 77 i started so strong 77. oh you're cracked beats out so you dude you started so hot and you're like i'm bad at this and i was like [ __ ] off you're mad at this all right so nick won reaction time i won sequence i won aim trainer u1 memory uh you won verbal and then i think i sweeped the rest so it's five to three the one that i am embarrassed about how i did was the [ __ ] verbal memory i did so bad and i i i've done it before and it did pretty well but i actually didn't realize my ending's kind of strong like my chimp test in my uh my visual memory is pretty good my chimp test is my nuttiest thing i think so if you need any explanations on the games i can give them have you done any of these before uh i haven't done i've heard about this a lot sure never done this before okay so you can click on the test it won't start immediately so click on reaction time basically this top area is your play area oh that's an average of humans the moment you click it it'll turn red okay and they'll say wait and then it eventually will go green when it goes green i click exactly and then you have to do it five times and after five attempts it'll get your average this is the one i have done yeah so i have done this one test this is what most people do all right my reactions test you're 99 years old super bad you are the oldest human in this house it was top middle that's okay i think that tied with me straight up next up is aim trainer oh [Music] oh i missed clicked it was bad it was not the best time we've seen today but surely you're a back half player right it starts with number memory with you aiden so says the average human can do seven so this is you're right there all right level nine i think that's not bad next which is the verbal memory you did about as well as i did three two one sixteen slime was a god bro you should have seen him yeah he said he he said he went nuts okay this is the chimp test so chimps are better than humans at this oh that's so bad big eleven beats out slime and then you're left with two more tests the visual memory which is basically it's gonna pop up yeah it's gonna light up certain squares you have to click the squares that got lit up this is different than the others yeah cause it's all at once you'll see oh okay one more oh heartbreaker all right eamon this is your time to shine oh my god dude no i'm not gonna i'm really terrible at this typing you're you're bad typer uh yeah that's pretty bad a good ending you you did you did your best and that's what matters at the end of the day and i'm glad you had a i had a good night of ballarat hey we play some valerie later buddy no look at this look at this i don't want to play valerian when these are my stats right now don't worry about this i need to go to bed i need to sleep for nine hours i need to drink some [ __ ] water and i need to do it again that's that's that's right that's that's right get the [ __ ] out all right this is so bad i i i thought i would not win this but i did not think i would perform this poorly so next year baby oh anyone believing in me you shouldn't do that i'm not good at this stuff so you have eight challenges ahead of you and you're not actually going against me you're going against the other uh roommates whoever does they're all much better than well i'm gonna let you know none of them did well no way literally none of them i beat every single person so far and i didn't do very well he did of course yeah that's why i have to cheat so i'm the best reaction time's simple all you got to do is click here it'll turn red like this that's not water that's vodka [Music] spit it out in here okay why would you just pick up a random cop i wanted some why do you have a random glass of vodka you did freaking slime could have drinking that you could have hurt the children ready go [Music] that's okay just do it four more times okay 231 how's that that's not bad it was just a little bit worse than eamon oh my god it's so bad am i okay you're fine it's just a little slower than amen boop boop boop [Music] boop boop boop boop it was the one right below that but you did good 10's really good now you have aim trainer so all you have to do this one isn't i'm not gonna be even close you just have to click on these targets there will be 30 of them you have to click them as quickly as you can and that's it okay aim trainer oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god it started so quickly oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god not bad i was not ready for that you're just a little bit slower than eamon next up is your number memory 91 48 11 91 48 11 91 48 11 91 48 11. yay yeah you're taking a pause yeah sure this is so hard to drink out of yeah take some master of the craft i got a big mouth if you can four seventy two seven three zero thirty two forty four seven okay forty seven twenty seven thirty thirty two forty forty seven twenty seven thirty thirty two forty forty 47 27 30 32 40. there we go okay 2190 939 73 7405 two i don't know i don't have this one that was fire though i think uh 11 was uh one of the best uh which leads you to verbal memory [Music] oh oh well you're killing it crushed me uh but this one memorize it and the moment you click they won't show the number anymore three nope one two three one two three is like the northern star one and two and then three it wants to be a star and four is like no come back home five's like wait i wanna be a star six is like what the heck okay so it goes one two star four five the heck seven the heck eight with four ten oh no i skipped it okay one two star the heck star home basement de heck home loaner got it yeah wow this is an insane technique i've never seen it before okay oh this one's hopscotch we got some hopscotch players okay school recess that's what's happening now we've got one nerd [Music] hot girl right the sound chat loser one that hawk girl loser nerd oh ambiguous a little bit okay hop gotch [Music] does it go hot and then bucket scotch scotch i know these are scotch scotch but i don't remember if it goes bucket and then hop or if it goes hop and then bucket and then scotch scotch i'm pretty sure okay hopscotch hot girl loser nerd pop scotch hop bucket scotch scotch it's gotta be no that would be too easy for my brain it's gotta be bucket hop no it was hot bucket scotch scotch i didn't get my thing right i want to do that again i feel like i didn't get my thing until i was halfway through your your mode yeah we can give you a a fun try afterwards this one it'll just pop up with many and then you have to click them all and that's it yeah i don't know 11 which is good and then last is a typing test oh boy everybody in this house is terrible at typing really bad at typing oh i don't even like your keyboard i'll be honest yeah that's people have been saying that stretch i'm so bad at typing nice all right there it is do you want to try your thing one more time yeah i just was getting good at it back back leg or does it go shoot no because it goes it goes back back and then it goes leg because he wants to kick randall back back leg kick randall mike's foot mike's body tummy party oh you did it i did it dang all right so the way it works is you get points depending on how well you placed comparatively what if we account cutie's original which i think was 11. then nick would have gotten first and then it would have been 1.5 1.5 does that change anything no it doesn't what's up bro which means the winner is [Applause] slime [ __ ] yeah dude you won the slim jim challenge slime how do you how do you feel stop the music stop this uh this means a lot to me because i've always thought of myself as the perfect human and it's finally so great to see a series of a gauntlet if you will of skilled tests that cannot deny beyond a shadow of a doubt how perfect that i really am and it feels good any questions any interview ideas that you might have you can speak to my agent oh and he can answer for you for me because i no longer have to speak to the likes of well people who aren't good enough but he does how do i become good like him tell ludwig that some things they can't be taught you can't grow into it is this oppa talking stop holy [ __ ] hey put her there yay man great job you win the belt you get to defend it again next month congratulations 500 uh you have to pay yourself i will uh and that's and that's all men you did great you did great out here i was i was really impressed by your tenacity i don't know tell them i don't know what that word means [Music] you
Channel: Ludwig
Views: 545,745
Rating: 4.9770889 out of 5
Keywords: ludwig, ludwigahgren, ahgren, gaming, chat, stream, decides, lud
Id: JhoyUwjNcZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 4sec (1864 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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