How many dummies does it take to stop a car in BeamNG?

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all right we're checking out the only game where you can test the extreme durability of the human body it's beam and G we wanted to put dummies up against the most extreme durability tests and so it's time for some pain we're going to be testing things like how many dummies does it take to stop a car at what height does a dummy need to fall before its head impales its own pelvis how many nukes does it take to completely evaporate a dummy from the planet among other things this is a dummy this is a car they're going to become really good friends so let's do this bathtubs have protected people from everything from Gren AES to earthquakes will it protect you from a crash the answer is absolutely not now you might ask well great what happens to the human body inside of a bathtub when it's launched off the front of a car see right here do you see this dummy do you think he's waving see his hands up in the air he's like thanks for the opportunity gray no not at all what's happening is he's trying to grasp his own soul as it leaves his body I even provided some oilx to this crash I was hoping that lubing up the dummy could save him from this death that's not what happens so right about I would say here is where the dummy realizes that he has made a poor choice now a canister of gas strikes him in the back of the head immediately crushing his skull and then somehow the entire groin folds in a way that is not even slightly humanly possible the other guy is eating the glass attire has yeed itself from the scene this is what it looks like from a a person's perspective as the driver this is what it looks like sitting inside of the bathtub of bad choices and right here is where you get to see where a bathtub has melded into a person's calf how about if we throw a seesaw ramp into the mix will the bathtub save the Dummy from Death you can see right here two dummies driving to the testing area this is why dad never came home after he went to go get the milk no the the dummy flies out of the bathtub immediately now he does land back into the bathtub after ramping this thing but not before we see him getting every single vertebrae destroyed from impacting a concrete wall and it's like how's the driver doing well once he finally comes to rest his head has penetrated the entire steering wheel so is a bathtub the last line of defense in all these different movies no how many dummies does it take to stop a car here is a dummy he is prepared to die for this test here is a car aply named pain now you'll notice the car here is not overpowered or particularly fast in any way we wanted a nice Baseline one dummy cannot stop a car at all it barely slowed it down in fact the only thing that's happening is this dummy is getting a free Uber ride you'll notice though that he has gripped onto the hood incredibly well he's basically a human ornament I'm pretty sure all the damage is to the windshield and that's from the head snapping against it I needed to really slow things down so that we could understand what part of the dummy strikes first it's the knees it's 100% the knees there will not be any adventurers left when we're done with this testing because I have a feeling it's always going to be the knees can 10 dummies stop a car now much like a stack of Flapjacks you have to try and squeeze these dummies as close as possible together so that they act as one gigantic speed bump needless to say though 10 dummies can also not stop a car at all some of them will get stuck under the wheel well which will slow it down like this but all that I have created is a human snow plow no joke if we look closer at this I'm almost certain that someone's legs gets Tangled inside of the belts of the vehicle whose legs is it is it the first guy I'm pretty sure it's the first guy if you're one of the first two people you have the worst spot in in this entirety of testing because the rest of the dummies just fly from the shock of the first few dummies but the first two dummies get to get stuck inside of the engine block so how many dummies does it take to stop a vehicle 50 it is 50 dummies in order to have any chance to do it and you'll see why in a second now some of the dummies are having oh some of my dummies just had heart attacks hold on okay I think at this point I have higher dummies with a lot better cardiovascular strength and they are all perfectly in line pain versus 50 of the bravest dummies this side of the Rockies you'll notice all of them Standing Tall only to get crushed by the car and the car gets completely stuck the dummies have lodged themselves underneath the chassis and are now stuck inside of the wheels so the wheels can no longer turn at all now this position will give you an excellent view of how far the raw power of the car takes it which is right about to the 15th dummy before it is shooked off to the side and the the snowbank of dummies to follow leave it unable to climb now if you wanted to see something absolutely nightmarish you can watch it from this view so you you can see the dummy centipede of horror growing and sliding the other side of the car I love how there's no natural movement here at all it's just like a janky glitched up mess and then how about something with more speed and more power something a bit more modern it doesn't matter 50 dummies will stop just about anything or completely break the game you'll notice right here that the only thing speed does is disect the dummies a little bit more there's a foot there is a head that is an entire arm looks like it's giving us the thumbs up that means that the dummy is fine there is a dummy on the bottom there dabbing on the haters 50 dummies is the correct number this test had very unpredictable results that was one dummy how many dummies does it take to stop two cars from getting into a head-on collision now you'll notice that one dummy has no no effect at all as a matter of fact you may have seen a piece of the car kick a field goal did you catch it I have to slow down a lot so that you can see because it shoots off of the car at light speed after these two hit together there it is it's the side view mirror so what about 10 dummies 10 dummies are able to change the trajectories of the car enough to stop a head-on collision and you get a perfect opportunity to witness this right about here as the car is shucked in such a way now unfortunately there is kind of like a comet of dummies that has been formed by this crash but the amount of dummies managed to increase the height of the one car enough to the point where it could not get into a full head-on collision anymore how high does a dummy need to fall before it bounces at least 6 ft off the ground now you'll see starting off we have a dummy at 3T 6t and 9 foot all of the falls from this height are not that bad well I say not that bad obviously people's heads are striking the ashphalt pretty hard now you'll notice right here both of the knees Buckle Inward and probably break right over here it's more or less the hips giving up and then the head snapping backward and the neck getting pulverized and that's only at 6 ft and then at 9t that little extra distance in order to get closer to terminal velocity does so much the dummy begins to bounce from the impact but it's still not a total crumpling of the body even though for for some reason the legs are on opposite sides of the hips we had to go to 200 ft in order to get an appropriate 6t Bounce from a dummy for people that really love math that means that the speed that we're hitting the ground is roughly 62.6 m a second or I guess 225 km hour how did I learn this something called the Splat calculator how does gravity affect dummies involved in jumping cars right here we're going to be jumping with Earth Gra cavity so GTA makes it look pretty easy to just stick a landing and survive you'll notice right about here this is where things begin to go sour for the dummy because it's doing like 13 flips and then in the end its forearm has penetrated its own skull due to Earth's gravity now where do things go wrong see right about I would say here the dummy begins to raise its hand the air as if to protect its skull from what is coming it sees that the car is fully flipping it is going to land directly on the roof that doesn't work at all because the hand is turned into a gelatinous mass at this point he has no control over what his arm does because the bones are now basically yogurt and after this roll right here the arm begins to try to murder the individual that possesses it until like a spear from Asgard it has penetrated the back of the oipal bone so what happens if we move over to moon gravity I had no idea how much this would cause the test itself to become absolute agony the problem here is that the vehicle doesn't have enough weight from the gravity pushing down on it to catch the asphalt so it can't gain any speed and I can barely Drive the thing because there's no friction so taking apart the fact that I'm going to hit this ramp at about 25 mph can it jump this distance yes it can because of the gigantic amount of space that you're able to cover plus when you impact anything at this low gravity look at how lightly it takes the impact the dummy here would probably survive this jump from moon gravity moon gravity also allows you to get the Epic undercarriage shot as it flies through the air it's amazing how bad that crash looks even though it doesn't do a lot of damage even when the the car itself lands the only thing that really happens is the person goes from the driver's seat into the passenger seat and then I don't know the Collision just stops working because they slowly snake their way into the frame how about if we move over to Mars gravity Mars has probably the most dangerous gravity of all the different options you wouldn't think it but what happens is it gives you just enough speed in order to get going faster than like 15 M an hour but by the time you take the jump the gravity acts fast enough that you can't complete the distance and it also makes it hurt bad enough that when you hit the ground the impact is significant to the point where the car will catch on fire and the dummy will be burning alive that right there is a decent amount of damage now as we slowly Cascade into the Ravine we'll get the opportunity to reach a speed that is enough to where it finally impacts the bottom of the Ravine catches on fire and the test subject is burning like a Hot Pocket inside of a microwave that's been left on by a high school student okay so let's go high we did the moon we did Mars how about Jupiter mainly the question I had is could the car even drive in Jupiter's Gravity the car drives great it is like a low rider the car is slammed and then it gets off the ramp and it goes absolutely nowhere and plummets into the ground like an arrow that right there is probably the most awesome amount of damage that I've seen because the person and the vehicle are now one you'll notice shortly after the fail of the jump from Jupiter's gravity right about I would say not yet not yet here is where our dummy begins to become a dollar store version of Optimus Prime see you can see that the car has 100% transformed it's only half as large as it was before not really sure what part of the vehicle the dummy just ate just then that that may have been a gearbox or something I'm not really sure and we have melded and completely fused into the glass are you able to make the jump at Saturn's gravity Saturn is kind of right in the middle of everything not as bad as Jupiter and it's not as light as anything like Mars or the moon the answer is not quite uh you may get just not enough to die horribly to the point where your head impacts the glass immediately a tire flies off and then you fall down into the Ravine again of sadness at the bottom of the sarlac pit like always you catch on fire I have no idea why this is the most flammable area on Earth but it is the coolest amount of gravity though goes to Uranus I know it sounds like we did that on purpose like it had to be Uranus that had the most interesting amount of gravity this gravity is perfect because for some reason it loves to rip the the car in half no seriously it rips the car in half the front to the back and then there's enough gravity to keep you flying after the car gets ripped so you make the jump but you're also bifurcated by your own door so the dummy gets cut in half and the car gets cut in half that's awesome it's kind of everything in this gravity range Venus is exactly the same Venus gravity will it rip you in half you ask the answer is pain and also absolutely it will I don't even know what's on fire on this car right now because half of it gone and the entire back seat and the trunk isn't there anymore and yet somehow a fire has broken out in that area the safest gravity is mercury if you want to survive and do epic jumps you need to go to Mercury because the amount of gravity is perfect to get speed perfect to catch huge air and when you finally land it is the soft softest smoothest Landing you can get the dummy suffers no damage and sticks The Landing I mean other than possibly a couple of compacted vertebrae Just for kicks we tried Pluto the problem is is that there's not enough gravity to do anything the car just kind of bounces off of any little bump in the road and then it never gets its bearings again and it just kind of floats around like a sad frisbee you can't even die from hitting the ground because you're only hitting the ground at like 3 in a second like look at the fall here the guy has every opportunity in the world to probably take a nap or make himself a sandwich before eventually the car impacts with the grass and Zer G is pretty much what you would expect Zer G to be is a small hydraulic press more dangerous than a large hydraulic press I mean technically they're all pressing the same amount right so where's the danger come from this test revealed something very interesting the danger comes from the smaller surface area when you have a much smaller hydraulic press from this distance it really doesn't do anything it just kind of uh you know slowly turns your neck in on itself and then makes you flop to the ground when you're on the ground and have nowhere to go it completely dissects the dummy the head the arms the Torso all broke off immediately the larger hydraulic press again from up top not really too much you lower it down so there's less places to go it's okay it ripped the D in half and then the dummy glitched out of existence that was pretty cool when the dummy doesn't glitch out of existence with enough beatings you can get it to rip in half and then the largest hydraulic press as you would expect from this testing showed the lowest amount of immediate death look at this dummy is still in one piece that is incredible I mean you can just Pummel this thing with the large hydraulic press and you will not get a limb to come off small hydraulic press amazing right there do you see that that is just the legs it's just the two legs trying to run away from The Challenge it's like I don't want to be here anymore not after all this time random hand playing the piano in midair large hydraulic press does turn a person into a piece of human tin foil but nothing gets ripped off what happens if you drop different things on a dummy like a hay bale not going to lie the hay bale did a lot more than I expected it would do it doesn't seem that bad but I don't know if a person can survive that if you notice there was nothing left of their neck when the hay bale hit them on the top of the head I mean it's only going to get worse here's a slab of concrete falling onto the dummy it did take significantly more damage and it did open up the chest cavity like it was performing open heart surgery so that is an interesting piece of information the Anvil was a little bit less impressive maybe because it's just smaller in size that's 1,000 lb this is a fantastic view of what it did do though that much weight over such a small area it'll reduce your height from a 6' person into like 49 immediately still though the dummy's in one piece how about a gigantic Boulder it's at this point that we get to see real damage the dummy not only takes the damage hard from the boulder but it just starts to randomly get possessed by the devil I don't know why you can see there is no motion from this creature until it gets turned into human mashed potatoes now it can suddenly break dance it's like an aftermarket member of The Three Stooges once it gets compacted into a human Flapjack right here you can see as the skull is removed from the entirety of the body and the Torso is reduced to about 1/3 of its total size for fun as you can imagine we had to eventually put a dummy up against a nuke in order to find out not just how to take parts of the dummy off like we have been testing up to this point but what it would take to just remove move the Dummy from existence inside of the game now the nuke itself does incredible damage from the impact that was a direct hit onto the skull the explosion afterward and the odd mist of Mountain Dew that rains over the dummy still kept it mostly in one piece now yes it is high-fiving its own brain with its hand but you can see the dummy still in one piece how about three 160 nukes it is a literal carpet of nukes I don't know if you'd want to rest on this after a hard days work well it's not like it would matter it would probably de atomize your entire body but this as we follow the insanity to the ground causes this Sparks are flying the game itself is trying valiantly to crash and there is a smoke Cloud that covers the entire testing area if you try and slow down to see what happened this glitched out insanity is what you get so good luck much like the Event Horizon Beam andng at this point opens up a gateway to Satan's backyard and the dummy literally evaporates it is gone it's no longer a part of the game 360 nukes will remove you from existence well I'm glad I figured out what it would take to leave the planet anyway folks hope you enjoy this episode of beam andng till next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 772,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Kmf_R8QmkgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 36sec (1176 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2023
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