Testing 100 Vehicles in GTA 5

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all right we're checking out the only game where testing isn't a way of life it's a way of death it's GTA we wanted to test a metric ton of different vehicles in GTA against all manners of impossible challenges and so Alex has created a plethora of boards things like climbing capability the ability to deal with water and even the ability to jump ramps supposedly the cars in GTA are good at other things besides driving me insane and so we're gonna find out what each one can do the best let's do this which Supercar can jump over the Alamo sea this is a great way to start things off now I do appreciate that Alex has given me you know real fast cars instead of dump trucks and forklifts in order to complete this challenge we got a big long ramp it appears as if though he's framed it is this to stop me from like rant like the hump boosting or yeah see the F1 car has fantastic downhorse but it's not the best at jumping stuff in fact you can't even get halfway now electric cars are notorious oh for having fantastic air capabilities that was a little bit too much air uh I think we might still be able to get pretty far definitely farther than the F1 car always lean forward toward Mother Earth to get extra distance so right about at the Windmill we're gonna do this one more time without me flying off the hump in the beginning just to make sure I can eek out every little bit of extra distance this is how you squeeze blood from us now if you see there's a ramp right at the end here a boat launch ramp that's what we're going for gray now that's what I'm talking about although it's green which is still a channel color and one of my favorite colors hooray oh this is fantastic oh this is a new personal best I think most if it didn't waterlog it's kind of funny because the other the other electric car it's like dropping a toaster inside of a bathtub if it didn't water log I think we would have got there all right I do appreciate convertibles because it gives me the opportunity to feel that much closer to death okay this gets an unreasonable amount of air oh this is an unreasonable amount of air as well I think I think not expecting to remove the first 90 feet of the ramp okay nice and slow started off strong total downward spiral up launching pain oh yeah that makes the difference you can get way further if you don't miss you know half of the entire how did I miss that windmill prop what are we counting this we counting where it floats to I still think that the electric car got the furthest technically you can see all of the remnants the OG the pink car speed agility unparalleled wall clock well not really wall climbing more like uh oh my God hold on I almost landed it on the middle of the wind turbine wall riding capability that's what I was going to say still though did a lot worse than I thought it would I mean it looks fast it's colored like some like a ball of confetti vomited all over it so obviously it's going to do very very well oh I can already tell from the trajectory you can see from the uh the shadow oh I hit the edge of the I hit the edge of the concrete I think this would have gotten further I needed to do it one more time if I don't hit this concrete I think we're gonna have a new personal best here oh maybe not I think I'm just gonna get to the concrete again finally in the wind turbine okay I'm starting to get concerned because I'm running out of cars about who can make it to the end of this I might have to use some extra tactics in order to make this jump um now this one's gonna fall short right off the top yep we're gonna violate the eyes oh I can feel my retinas caving in right now this has a lot of good forward momentum it's gonna get way past oh wow okay hold on hold on hold on 100 I know this can make it look at that it edged past the electric car uh I think I have an idea mom baby you can do it I just have to jump this thing absolutely perfectly perfect Lean Forward there it is don't worry about wind resistance that doesn't matter in GTA well okay I landed on the ramp we need like another six feet okay we're gonna try and help boost this come on just a little bit yeah just that little bit just that little bit it just takes it gives you a couple more miles an hour sometimes that's all you need this is happening this is happening this is happening there it is right on the ramp baby oh it's stalled out all right we're not gonna boost it we're gonna try and do this legit I want to get there this is more about how you can put the nose toward the ground and laugh in the face of gravity that is coming for your soul this looks good this looks good this is perfect go yeah there it is nice on to the next challenge we wanted to find out which GTA car could fit through the most ridiculous gaps so Alex came up with a brand new custom board there's multiple tests each one more ridiculous than the last and he's given me 12 cars to use to complete this gigantic course the cars don't respond but there isn't magical repair kit if I can make it that far let's do this natural gaps this is where my my Agony begins come on baby ow leave it leave it to me to do all that wind up and then immediately hit a wall okay well um yeah other than oh my God look at my character inside the car [Laughter] other than getting shaken gray syndrome I don't think I'm getting anywhere so now I need to get rid of this thing but luckily Alex has given me something very special that's right straight out of the set of cars and right into my my backyard comes the tow truck because I don't know how else I'm going to complete this course with some well there goes a wheel I'm not running this course with giant wreckages just sitting in the middle of it so thank you Alex for at least giving me the opportunity to do this also I should mention once the cars blow up unless I get that secret repair kit they're done just real quick since I'm not going to use it again you know what there's a lot of super cars here now every once in a while wow you know Alex can give me opportunities that I wouldn't normally have realized are are real opportunities so it's totally possible that the sweet Supercar maybe it can deform or something you know it's like a piece of very expensive putty or Play-Doh or Jello and it can oh it really does deform that's kind of cool all right look now the problem is the wheelbase doesn't really change but the the top part of the of the car compacts in on itself so I just have to compact the rest of the car and turn this thing into a into a Snickers bar that's been sitting inside of a pair of jeans for six weeks come on just I want to get past this one part it's getting further each time come on oh oh yes I can't believe it look at this thing now oh man that was like you know whatever a million dollars well spent part of uh what is hanging on the bottom what is that oh I think it's leaking oil I mean look at the wheel look at the look at the gauges oh no all right so so we're still in natural gaps so now I have to what is this [Music] so we've got Sandy walls oh yeah since my car got compressed I can make it through this part no big deal this is great don't mind me I'm just doing a 285 point turn all right here's the plane we're gonna go all the way back to these rocks and then we're just gonna gun it we're gonna go just hit it just hit it just oh my God oh boy can I wiggle this thing out oh no my car is bleeding very violently and I think I broke the axle oh what's happening this is happening this is happening right now yes yes now if you notice my rear tires have kind of derped out to the side but this car still still works man right off the bat we got a fantastic card that we chose now it looks like it's been doing ecstasy for 35 years but it's still a fantastic car for this board specifically constipation Gap it's also natural okay am I gonna go down to digestive tract or something is this a piece of petrified excrement sitting inside of the the intestine or something oh god oh you have to push it okay all right okay Alex touche oh yeah man I'm not gonna lie my car is just vomiting out Sparks and smoke oh no I didn't realize the engine would quit on me no no ah this car was so good and now it too is stuck inside of the colon please God of GTA let this work I am not pulling that that tower all the way back here I will blast this thing out of the coal and I don't care what it takes now this is explosive diarrhea Taco Bell incoming boom it's almost out hold on I got it supercars are in the lead so far fast yes where there's a will there's speed and when their speed there's cars that can jam their way through really tight openings yes okay oh oh this is the fastest one yet this is the furthest we've ever gotten with this type of speed yeah get that door out of there I don't need that oh yeah this is working out great and we're just gonna ramp this thing over perfect right through the very first natural Gap constipation Gap did I just see something did you notice the walls are moving hold on did I just see that yeah right there right there the walls are moving all the way at the end also getting this thing out of here is kind of a pain well obviously but you know what I mean can this fit down the colon this thing is like stuck uh I'm kind of moving an inch at a time that's fine we just need even more speed yes turn sideways that's awesome it's gonna be even easier to get out of here come on oh my god oh I almost got colonized come on baby just go yeah [Laughter] oh my God Is it real oh it's real I'm not losing this car down there this car is doing fantastic so far I would feel so bad if I lost this car glass Gap well that's interesting that was like broken glass everywhere so just start uh oh okay this is like inside the Hall of Mirrors with John Wick my God this is not as easy as it looks every single pane of glass breaks individually this is more of a measure of your patience than anything else sweet oh that's funny I went through the glass and I lost my windshield all right what else you got for me two but gaps two oh is this like the tube of toothpaste I was talking about in the beginning is it oh this is a grinder oh this is a grinder okay oh wow oh God how this is very op how are you supposed to get past this you just need more speed obviously and I just need to get lucky luck is my God [Laughter] luck is my middle name oh this car is taking a lot of damage on this all right I I need to figure out how this is timed come on whoa we're just doing it we're just doing it that's how you do it that's how you do it baby this one's worse than the last one and why would you do this meowing come on we're going all the way back maximum speed go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go fit me out oh this car is so messed up right now I gotta I'm like a turtle on its shell okay oh no I can't I can't flip it all the way because the walls are here now God oh come on Just Dance Just Just Dance on the walls just kind of just kind of twist it just twist it yeah yeah there we go there we go now get the now gotta get the wheel on the what oh this is awful come on baby come on oh I moved a little bit I moved like half an inch right there look at it look at it look at it it's doing it this is happening this is happening right now oh it feels awful fire board is just it's just Agony I'm probably gonna be feeling that for the next like two weeks yes yeah that's what I'm talking about human gaps but I can't believe it I still have a door left so what a what a human gaps oh it's literally just people uh is it that big of a deal I mean I've I've kind of you know shoved a lot of individuals aside over my time in GTA oh God there's so there's so much human meat in front of the car oh no I can't get any traction oh God they're standing on the hook I had no idea this would cause this kind of trouble not to be fair the walls are getting very narrow but the other problem is that there's you know pieces of people on both sides let's not even pieces of people it's whole people I really wish that you guys could have skipped leg day get out of my way you may save yourself great did you just have half a dozen people standing on your car yep sure did and I am not about to give up yet the engine on this thing is sounding really bad and I lost several tires so I'm on a rim but it still works come on wiggle it out wiggle it out yes I had five people standing on the car your Uber stop is right here yeah everyone off the car now except for you good sir you get uh you get to experience the beauty of GTA 5 close up let me see oh this guy's not coming off the roof that has fantastic oh no no foreign I can't explain to you how much I hate myself right now Alex is that you inside of that plane Supercar oh yeah yeah oh maybe I could just fly around the whole board maybe I could just cheat it oh my god oh boy huh stuck The Landing are you ready ouch oh my God the car ran me over ow that didn't feel good oh yeah oh yeah there we go oh Alex put some boost on this thing too no wonder he calls it boom this is what I'm talking about every once in a while get a little extra special something from Alex eat it I can't even break the glass with my body I have to use the car now you may say to yourself gray every time you slammed into this grass you've fallen out the front windshield are you just gonna keep doing this yep sure am I'm not the kind of person that tries different ways to get around a problem there we go I'm the kind of person that smashes their head against the wall to the wall crumbles oh actually doing this sideways perfect oh no I'm losing I'm starting to lose my doors oh god oh this is just a mess wait for it wait for it wait for it wait for it wait for it now wait for it now God I can't believe this is the part I'm stopped [Music] now guess I'll go drown now drink oh drunk that makes sense oh yeah oh yeah now this is whoa wow this thing can get some air oh my God are you kidding me right now are you kidding me right now I got this thing sucking the worst way possible now if I didn't have bad luck I'd have no luck at all we're back to supercars it's basically the only thing that hasn't let me down at this point every other car has every other car in the end has disappointed me there we go no problem so far so good now on top of that if you notice this one is called slim oh the poop respawned oh nothing like climbing over a gigantic pile of 7 000 year old hippopotamus as long as I don't hit it going 100 miles an hour I don't think I'll fly out of the out of the front windshield again this is probably this oh this is probably the smoothest I've ever passed that stone all right so now glass Gap this is respawn two so we're gonna smash our way through this oh yeah just pure power just power in my way through it getting straight to the tube gaps nice tube gaps go I almost made it as long as I can keep my axles from breaking I think I'll be all right ah man the timing on this is really weird I feel good pretty good though so far it's not taken a ton of damage all right well now it's starting to get damaged I probably only have another two or three hits on this thing oh no I got good news and I got bad news the good news is I'm on fire the bad news is I'm on fire bye oh yeah going deep in mom's car now if you're a member mom's car did fantastic on the hill climbing so maybe it'll be a surprisingly good vehicle to use here little flip right there no big deal full spin love it it's also very small so it's not just thin but it's kind of just small all around look at this I'm trying to save damage from the car too all right well unfortunately this has respawned so I have to deal with this now oh I think I can I think I can pop over this sorry man keeping the constipation I'm not I'm not dealing with it today Dr Gray has left the building straight through that obstacle no big deal glass Gap my car is super tiny I don't even touch the glass until we're almost out I just thought about something too he gave me the submachine gun I probably could have been shooting the glass to make my life a lot easier two gaps oh what happened how did I teleport through it oh God ah so um I think my car got evaporated no my car's right here oh my God I can't believe it are y'all now it's time for human gaps come on oh hey oh yeah I'm just kind of shoving them to the side if I don't have to deal with 50 guys getting underneath my wheel well getting through this is a lot easier I'm riding I've actually ramped over the the guys to Infinity [Music] [Laughter] yes hey human gaps complete all right now this is a new personal best so two what is this from 240 to 69 inch gaps that is very specific Alex why would you make it 69 inch gaps oh wait I know why oh this car isn't sounding real good oh and my back bumper is slowly starting to fall off the engine is dying all right so move through this I don't want the I'm trying to make sure that the yeah see the the wind turbine pulses backward and forward it goes all the way up and then it comes yeah so now it's coming oh okay still going up is it coming back yet nope goes all the way up and now it comes back oh it starts at the beginning okay all right so squeeze through the final Gap here there we go oh yeah mom's car can totally do this bam look at that 69 inch Gap love it magnet gaps oh uh all right oh there's a red line on the ground whenever Alex puts a red line on the ground that's usually bad so was there do I wait for something or can I cross the line all right I'll cross the line here we go oh my God ah what happened oh oh the magnet Yanks you through that tiny little tube okay oh but I have to get away from the magnet before it restarts again it's not like a timer okay I'm free again so it's on like a 10 second timer or something that the magnet does its thing I gotta get around this thing is there another one how's it going to squeeze me through this also something just exploded a little second ago what did it pull a plane from the from the scene I can see like a plane in there or something like that I'm not going across this line yet but I want to show you something come here the magnet pulled a plane out of the sky oh my God that don't look good I'm sure it will be fine so cross the line and oh god oh sweet Lord oh this is so bad this is so bad right now oh oh Alex how did you come up with this board oh oh I was almost on my side that could have been really good um I don't know how I'm gonna do this oh get ready this challenge is ridiculous I can't even get in the car because it's vibrating so fast so uh I hate to tell you guys but I don't think this car is gonna make it man it's time for Dad's car I'm saving the best for last and I'm also putting the top down you may say yourself great why are you putting the top down because this actually makes the car squeeze a little bit better don't ask me why I know well okay you can ask me why I know this I had to complete another ridiculous challenge by Alex where I had to squeeze the car underneath a death trap and I learned that for some reason putting the top down makes it squeeze better oh yeah beautiful no look backhand pass gets the car over the rock beautiful right there that's how we do it in GTA tax car I wonder if I could jump this nope guess not so we'll just push it we still have the go-kart left I'm saving that one for last because if anything can beat this place it's the go-kart the only issue I see with the Goku is this because I don't know if it can push this turd or not well I've been in this position before and every time it drives me absolutely insane foreign and that's why I struggle because eventually you can get it all right I'm not making the same mistake twice there nice and easy down the rectum beautiful now glass Gap no problem come bloop out of this now we've got to do the tube gaps which don't make any sense but whatever oh just try to hold it oh no it spit me out all right there's not a whole lot of this car left but human gaps okay now sorry sorry I was trying to hit as few as you as possible I I know I know it doesn't seem that way but that was my intent can I even blow them up I don't know if the blast oh the blast totally hits them oh this is perfect come on baby oh yeah oh we got it just wiggle it just wiggle it gray wiggle it wiggle it there you go left or right left to right left player left all right left right left right left right God God baby it's like it's oh it's like a living entity look at it look at it I can't believe that guy didn't fall off the edge of the um hold on sorry it didn't sit right with me that he managed to survive all that my car looks like a human that's been sucking on a lemon for the last 35 years now luckily my aero car should fit through this oh beautiful that's hot that's what I'm talking about this is the lat this is the part that we have not got past yet magnet gaps I'm waiting for it cross the line and [Music] all right first try hey if I can get around to this side of the magnet it's fine it doesn't seem to do anything then or at least it doesn't work on that side this is the big test I don't know if we can squeeze through this I have to get it sideways or something because I don't know oh [Laughter] [Music] oh my God how is this car still working I tried to put the top down look at how it's stuck now sticks The Landing oh my God so wait Alex this account [Music] oh I gotta I gotta go ask Alex if that counts Alex said if I made it past it and somehow got the car over there it totally counts yes I just gotta get this repair move back to full health is I added a couple more zeros to this one I didn't think I would get this far so give me as many zeros as you got oh you gotta go under it what's more magnets but there's another repair icon after this one okay hit me oh it's working oh God okay oh oh I made it I made it underneath hold on we're like we're like halfway there hold me the rest of the way do it do it do it yes yes how does this car still work whatever it's getting tighter gaps there's nothing I fear now oh that's pretty tall I don't even know if this car will hit that top beautiful no problem got a little narrower than that then all right so number two oh boy I'm putting the top down just in case speed can get me through this here we go I'm 90 of the way there I'm right there all right I'm gonna try it a full you just to get a couple more miles per hour there it is that did it the rest of the you got me enough speed yes cool YouTube view oh okay oh so now you get to see uh yes you get to see the walls closing how satisfying um yeah it's getting very narrow in here okay starting to feel like it's strangling me to death oh there we go okay cool yes I thought that was gonna be the end I can I make it through this I need to get this car deformed again so I can shove my way through this hole can I take this view off or oh yeah The View totally comes off okay and then we're gonna go straight and then we need to squeeze through this somehow I wonder if I can get this on its side uh I've got bad news I've been trying well you can tell from the car I've been trying to shove this thing down there for a while there's no way it can make it I saved this for just such an occasion your Stones Can't Stop Me Oh bull flip sticks The Landing out of the way poop there we go perfect oh yeah tearing up everyone's whatever they are the ACLS the ALCS the the atas all those different muscles are getting torn oh I just thought I was I don't even need to wait for the magnet I can fit through this I don't need the magnet to pull me so I don't need to go through this Agony of letting the magnet just destroy my car I think I can make it through here I'm gonna wait until it's red and then we're gonna go hold on let me get behind this red line all right get ready I'm trying to line this up oh no we've got a problem there's one car left now I looked in the back there's nothing in the back you know how the last time Alex had put a little hidden car in the in the trunk there and I thought maybe no way are you kidding me what where did it come from it just gave birth to this little car can I get in this is this a [Music] H I think I may have found a car that can squeeze through the most gaps in GTA here we go natural gaps no problem come on come on there it is yes glass gas cap so now we have the two gaps the the car is so small I don't even know if it can get hit oh never mind I can totally get just eat on through Greg oh it spat me out come on timing there we go there we go just going through the middle just going through the middle perfect okay now for the 69 inch Gap with the windmill windmill almost took me out magnet gaps we're not going to worry about that we're just gonna do it when they're red I'm putting my life in your hands Alex good time yes we can actually fit through again I'm almost sure I can make this yeah I was gonna say without the magnet that's great it's getting tighter gaps now this is what we managed to get past in dad's car and now oh yeah this is it can it fit through this this is the last couple now this is as far as I could get with the go-kart so it couldn't even get past this and then I had no chance of getting past this oh oh my God I think it can fit I think it can fit come on oh yes yeah I got this this Sport and we have a winner this is an untimed board from Alex but there's a couple of rules it is all about potholes I have to use the vehicles that he has provided but again the vehicles do not respawn and do not get healed so it's basically one vehicle and when you use it you're done you can see we're starting here with normal potholes I think I can probably make this with just a long Speedy jump we do have hydraulics again that is something that he has given us because he mentioned to me that it is impossible to beat this board unless you have them all right so now these ones oh they're getting deeper too so these ones aren't just wide the potholes here are getting oh the front end's coming up are getting legitimately deeper each time oh yeah oh god well that's one car down maybe I could save this literally one minute later I can't save this again though he's given me a metric ton of different cars to utilize now he said he can he believes I could beat it in a few of them but realistically there's only one that works you complained that seven miles was too long so I cut this one down to 6.9 are you kidding me oh so this is called growing potholes so after I beat this then we finally open up the boss pothole he said it's like a raid boss but it's a pothole what is this what is it what'd they say they say like meatball potholes oh alcoholic potholes don't ask me where I got meatball oh my god oh oh oh oh no oh he put stop sticks in here too oh this is awful oh I can kind of make this if I wiggle it I do you know with with the Hydraulics maybe I can kind of pump oh God so um I was rocking this thing back and forth for a while yeah spoil alert didn't work I can't have this thing just sitting there inside of my course I had to clear it it's gonna just be there let's see well last time we won was something kind of like right in the middle you know what I mean so I'm gonna go ahead and use something that's absolutely ridiculous because clearly that's going to work this time the last time I used a quad it let me down almost immediately this is the type of quad that you buy your eight-year-old inside of Target oh wow oh never mind this quad's amazing oh yeah oh this is happening well you know what in my brand new weight loss plan I just I just dropped 15 pounds it was 15 pounds with my flesh but it was 15 pounds well quad just like just like your father before you you've let me down uh oh all right let's go let's go not totally big but medium big right here plenty of trunk space I can leave all of my aspirations in the trunk all of my hopes and dreams I have plenty of storage for them because obviously they're not going to be coming with me this one's pretty good I just want to get past the alcoholic potholes we haven't even gotten that far yet okay this part is really good oh yeah this is working out great so now there are stock okay so there's one stop stick right there and I'm pretty sure there's two more and go okay oh yeah oh this is great big wheelbase big wheelbase nice I thought that was gonna what I thought ball potholes so are they Dynamic balls or are they are they static balls because those are two completely different problems that these could give me if they're static balls and I just have to worry about bouncing off of them if they're Dynamic balls I actually don't know if I can complete this challenge because they're gonna move oh no they're dying [Laughter] go ahead and Slither my way out of my red coffin there I'm gonna punch these balls I'm gonna kick these balls because these these balls are gonna make me hate my life can try a buggy yeah let's do let's do the buggy I'm really trying to figure out it has a lot of speed so that's what I hope I hope I can just jump the balls the buggy with the Hydraulics should do fantastically look at that drop on the suspension oh sticks The Landing no problem totally knew I was gonna be able to do that didn't even cross my mind that I was gonna fail so I don't have to worry about speed here because I'm gonna get stop sticked anyway okay oh yeah oh I'm I'm losing part of my part of my hood but it's okay you gotta be kidding me oh it's only rear-wheel drive I need a four-wheel drive vehicle to be able to go across the alcoholic potholes what does alcoholism and four-wheel drive have in common what anyway I was gonna say what do they have in common everything oh I just broke both of my knees now I'm stuck down here aren't I there's only one way out like this maybe something bigger like I said if I can stretch this thing not huge but six wheels yeah if I can stretch it all the way across the alcohol and the balls Alex where do you come up with the with the props to use for this plus we got plenty of distance on the Hydraulics sweet six-wheel Drive baby oh yeah this is probably going to be the easiest one across the alcohol I'm not even oh I do I did leave a car in the middle there or on the side alcohol no problem when you've got I'm not losing this car on this one not today Satan how am I gonna turn this um I don't wanna don't mind don't mind me Grace just doing a 39 point turn that worked out well you know it's bad when you have to parallel park on the Alcohol okay so apparently the balls don't respawn so I have to just make this I really need to do this like first try with the balls all right big yes don't ruin the balls do not ruin the balls good shed it a little weight too one door down wasn't using that door anyway don't use my seat belt either I'm waiting to go flying through the windshield all right well the Hydraulics right before we hit the balls and oh yes perfect and I still have all four balls there how about that JK oh never mind apparently the balls don't care about my grenades there's only one line of balls push it perfect okay this car is perfect for this right now I actually don't know what can beat this because with six wheel drive big long wheelbase what is that what is that oh that's my bumper what is this what is this what is happening I don't know what this is but I mean I think I just drive straight across it perfect big potholes that sounds very plain oh it's it's literally just gigantic ditches in the road so as long as I don't angle off to the side and go ouch There Goes My Hood and go flying into the desert I think we'll be fine okay this is a serious sized pothole piles are getting kind of ridiculous here man all right no problem and I can't even see the ground now that's how big this pothole is moving moving is it are those stop signs it's pothole subsides Alex it's maximum speed the only way to do this you do not want to do this slow I want to catch all the signs in a row okay they are staggered slightly there we go perfect now just keep keep the move oh they're not staggered at all they're just completely random nice oh oh just drop it yeah 360 baby all right we're doing really good this car is the chosen car I might actually get done with this you know in a reasonable time perfect and what is this what giant Gap in the ground it's the take flow oh my car is getting really Derpy it's the take flight sign it opens and closes so you can kind of shorten the distance on that pothole a little bit geometry potholes like like my high school class oh it's an octagon are they all just shapes well the Octagon doesn't sound that good oh it's totally fine and then oh it's a square oh no no no no no the square is going to be really hard I'm trying to see if there's any way I can get this car out of here I don't think there is because this car was doing really well [Music] okay I can climb up this way and see what we have coming up all right I got good news and I got bad news the next shape is a triangle don't mind me just take in my bags of golden money inside of my golden truck while I drop the chassis across all of these demonic bottles past the golden alcoholism right there this is good too this is a pretty good car oh yeah oh no oh yeah I keep underestimating the stupid potholes okay so I just learned something from Alex while I cannot use the same cars again he says I do have to reset the board because I legitimately cannot finish it without the balls alright though we still have quite a few choices monster truck Liberator got everything that last time I messed up with this was all the way at the end on the speed bumps so as long as I keep it straight I don't go flying off the side I can probably just jump this car here it wouldn't even matter here watch boom right over the car don't even care as long as I keep it straight and it doesn't bounce and go into the middle of nowhere I can even get past areas where the balls aren't reset I mean I probably need them here but that first ball jump is easy second ball jump watch this watch this nope ah come on my tire is so big I can almost touch the edge of this this pothole just on my side I'm trying to hop this I you don't understand I want this I want to beat it with this car so bad there's no way I can do it I tried listen this is one of the biggest options we have and it did freakishly well the last time I used it on the speed bump board okay good so far so good okay as long as it does good against the alcohol and good against the balls then we have geometry after the balls doing great doing great in the alcoholism Department no problem drinking and driving with this vehicle jumping the balls right there jump in the secondary balls right there third balls okay this thing's amazing this is this is the golden truck for anything that has nothing to do with legitimately driving a vehicle in GTA this is the truck to do it in and fit a lot of bodies in the back not that you would need to I'm just saying if you had to you could fit a lot of bodies back there moving potholes first one easy to do all timed second one easy to do all time although they were staggered the last time that was weird this one moves but I can jump it this one moves but I can jump it this one moves and it's getting kind of wide and then we have to take flights just go just go gray and then we have geometry big jump oh yeah this is this is it Square bam right there okay listen I kind of lost my nerve at the last moment because I don't want the chassis to get stuck between the two parts of the triangle I'm trying to figure out if I want to hit this thing in the middle or I want to go to the edge and I'm going to do it on the edge all right as much space as possible want as much speed as possible and we're gonna come at this from the side yeah the side the side is definitely the way to do this look look perfect yes okay it's another one but I'll just do what I did before good what is this what is this this is a potholders this big jump what is this there's nothing here it's just enormous it's just an enormous pothole oh I guess it's a rectangle okay we did get a lot farther though so we're getting there I mean maybe this is stupid but I need to give it a shot so here's my plan the tires are so big and the truck is so long that I don't have to do anything I can just sit back keep the gas down Drive the gigantic truck and maybe it can't get stuck anywhere or if it does get stuck I got stuck immediately and now I regret my entire decision making ability motorcycle lots of speed if we don't see you don't have to do the pothole if you just Wheely over it oh oh sticks to Landing I broke both of my ankles but it's a motorcycle what was I really using them for besides changing the gears and my rear brake you know what I forgot my helmet obviously if I had my helmet on it'll distribute the weight a little bit better on oh yeah on those wheelies there's not a lot of weight because there's not a lot inside of my head so there we go I don't know how this is going to do on the out oh yeah oh I forgot that this has a stop sticks too okay no no no no no it's in between I just fell through the planet oh this thing is stacked what kind of engine is in this oh yeah oh we're flying this thing is legitimately just jumping the potholes how much does this thing weigh I guess it really doesn't matter it's four wheel drive right like an OP it obviously is there's no way it's not beautiful over the balls this thing's so up front end is down real low uh maybe I could just leave this here and jump on top of it check this thing out right this is a six wheeler like the other six-wheeler but this one is even longer so that means it's better it's like I took two cars and I just ran out of inspiration on what to do with either one of them so I stitched them together just welded two different frames together there's shocks on this thing is amazing all right how how good is this at bouncing off with my balls I shouldn't say my balls I left that there specifically so I could jump over it so watch this watch this whoops I can only do that once though so heavy heavy though maybe I should hit the balls from the side okay I'm running out of options but this one looks really good super fast lots of play on the suspension no problem with these potholes look at this I have a feeling alcoholic potholes backhand them watch this right across the face no problem not even worried right there uh pickleball we're gonna pick a ball there we go right ball watch this right ball see I was going in the middle and that was the problem you just you really need to pick a ball and then focus on it big potholes jump it perfect and then jump it oh yeah oh it's like a dolphin it's like it's like a graceful dolphin in the ocean porpoising there it is right out of the water you ready for it you ready for it hello and okay now we've got moving potholes again as long as I line this up correctly this isn't a problem potholes there we go and now we have we're gonna hit the one left uh one on the it doesn't matter they're all exactly the same doesn't matter they're all exactly the same ah oh my God oh my God oh yeah oh yes no no [Music] hold on I'm Gonna Save this I don't care what it takes all right maybe if I I feel like if I pop my my Hydraulics at just the right time I can get this front end out of here like put the Hydraulics down pop them up and then crawl out all right maybe after you hit the side crawl out like this please work oh oh I can touch I can touch the wall oh oh my God okay if I wriggle it it pops yes yes this is okay I'm doing this until it works I'm not losing this car come on let me have oh all right we're gonna back up we're gonna get as much space as possible and we're not gonna go in the middle we're gonna pick a side pick the right side we're going right side ready watch this boom is a lot okay so now the big jump on the Square got it Hydraulics baby full front flip keep the speed Greg keep the speed pick left good all right now just keep the speed Full Tilt pop the Hydraulics yes yes oh my God windmill potholes this thing has given me just no end of pain and now I have to deal with windmill potholes after I beat this I still have to beat the boss pothole we're just gonna send it I just gotta hope I timed this right here we go just keep the foot on the gas keep the foot on the gas go go go go go go go go jump no problem go go go go go go oh yeah this is a good timing this is a good timing oh my God yes oh we have a joke boy boys onto the boss battle welcome to the boss pothole Alex says I can use every vehicle here to get across it because it's meant to be impossible oh this is cyber truck here let's try the Cyber truck now I kind of wanted to be surprised so I haven't really looked to see exactly how far this pothole is it looks like basically just any other pothole I mean I can see a beginning an end to it see it maybe it's not that bad uh uh oh my God why is there another car just sitting in here is this like foreshadowing uh yeah you know what six wheeler we're gonna need a ton of speed we still have hydraulics so that's fine but this pothole is less of a pothole and more like an actual full Lake it's like I'm jumping from one state to the next did you really have to make it quite this long all right so jump and oh my God uh you know I'm starting to I'm starting to realize something this car here I think the reason that he put that car there is because he wants me to fill this entire pothole up with cars and then use the cars to ramp the last car over the pothole so it's kind of like which car can legitimately make it you can see he also put a pothole behind me because he doesn't want me to have unlimited distance to wind this up should I leave it like this and like bounce a car off it kind of vertical you know what that's exactly what I'm gonna do I'm Gonna Leave This vertical oh Badger you're the one I know you are you've got wheels on the back are you [Music] ready this is exactly what you have to do okay so I went back I don't need any of those other cars I already know how to beat this in two cars you ready we're gonna take this truck and it's not gonna make it we're gonna use it as a stepping stone take the truck and we're gonna kind of aim it right in the middle about like here in the water and I want it touching this wall now we're gonna grab the badger the badger was clearly the one to do this with when I did it with that one single car almost I knew this was the one 100 success rate you're right right it's gonna work it's gonna work I know it is we just gotta line up perfectly I don't even think I need to hold distance this is probably fine and that's up ramp it perfect and we have a winner yes so we wanted to find out which GTA vehicle can pull the most weight and so Alex has created another custom board I'm gonna have to take a weighted trailer across several different obstacles each more stupid than the last and make it all the way to the end and sometimes it's not even just a container trying to hold you back and so Alex is giving me all these different cars with the Only Rule being if the car blows up I can't use it again unless I restart the whole board let's do this you'll need the container at the end the first obstacle the Ascend and descend pull there are a lot of different Vehicles here but I figured it was very appropriate for me to start this with a pickup truck oh yeah this is fantastic I knew I made the right choice immediately when I saw the Bobcat on the back bumper now Alex has given me Hydraulics as well and it looks like each one of the ascends and descends is bigger than the last so as long as I get a lot of speed I should be able to get to the top of this hill okay this is getting kind of close it looks like I'm going to have to do a wall ride with this thing the other thing he mentioned is that I can let go of this oh wow this is a long pull I can let go of this container but I have to get it to the end one way or another this is dragging me back down it's pushing me off the roadway no stop you betrayed me why would you do this Merriweather I hate you ow all right well the truck's out of the running uh let's do fiddler the clown that sounded really bad let us use Fiddler the Clown's vehicle how about that now I have done impossible stunts with this van most of them were wall rides and parkour so I don't really know how good it can pull a trailer how do you hook this thing on Alex you know what we're not going to use Fiddler the clown this has driven me insane almost died just now never mind I am going to die all right new plan I'm gonna use a newer truck YOLO That's my kind of license plate anytime I see a truck that's bright pink like this I know it has to be filled with tons of power now it's connecting okay and we have uh you know tool crates in the back so I'm sure everything will be just fine perfect now with the Hydraulics I can probably bounce a little bit when I'm going up to see if I can reduce some of the oh God some of the friction on the tires oh wow this thing's having more trouble than the last truck getting up here it's gonna make it I can feel it oh yeah perfect okay so we made it to the second one I still am afraid of that thing that's in the in the back there and big speed going down this isn't even I I keep calling it a trailer it has no wheels on it it's just scraping on the asphalt and it's making my job a lot harder than it needs to me come on baby come on you gotta be kidding me this is fine I can have another chance as long as I don't go flying off of the ramp again I'm not gonna lie we've got a real issue um I can't seem to get the same amount of speed anymore and so I get right up to about this point and this is usually where I start losing it right here all right all the way to top of the second hump we're going for maximum speed come on baby oh yeah oh yeah this feels good okay oh yeah oh this is the fastest I think I've gotten right at this point this is good this feels good yes oh bright pink truck for the win anything with the name YOLO Can't Fail Me it can't possibly let me down so it's snowy pull seriously you should have called this Minnesota poll fine I've done snowy probably issues before on his course they're not great um you do start sliding around the worst part of it is when you go around a loop like this because what's gonna happen there's not enough time there's not enough space to get a ton of speed yeah see and then it starts to pull you to the center so you have to basically beat this sideways look at it you have to do the whole thing side oh no I looked away for one second I lost my car door well now I guess uh the fact that my AC doesn't work isn't so bad I'm slowly starting to go through all the normal Vehicles you'll notice there's kind of normal vehicles on one side and then weaponized Vehicles I'm almost to call them armored vehicles on the other side meh well that doesn't sound very promising Alex thank you all right first hump no problem second hum not exactly easy probably could have gotten rid of some of the plywood oh my God why probably could have gotten rid of some of the plywood on the top of the truck but you know why make things too easy why does this keep trying to murder me speed is what we need go yeah yeah come on I am not even getting halfway this is this is this is bad this is really bad I am now being dragged down to my death you may say to yourself great why don't you have the trailer on the back I just want to know if this thing can make it without it yeah I made it to the top of this without the trailer this is your last chance bright orange please don't shoot me while I'm hunting truck I know that you can't ah don't you do it to me did you do it not twice no how many how many cars is this container going to murder all right I'm tired of messing around we're picking the biggest baddest vehicle here oh yeah it's so festive oh it's so powerful look at it it's glorious no problem second hump I could twist this thing side to side I don't even lose any power beautiful what is this eight wheel drive I love it full speed maximum speed what a bounce on the suspension on this thing come on if this can get up this hill with no additional effort we definitely have our our best Contender so far oh yeah it's happening this thing it doesn't even feel the container it's like the container's not even there this is a very ugly vehicle it even looks like the vehicle is grimacing at me when I look at it all right snowy Pole now this one's gonna be tough just because the vehicle weighs so much but what we're gonna do is we're gonna do a wide turn I almost killed myself right there we're gonna do a wide so long it's tough to get up the hill because of the incline we're gonna do a wide turn there we go and with all eight wheels we got traction for days oh we are sliding a little bit there we go it's okay though so now we're gonna come down I don't want to come down too fast because I need to make sure I need to make sure that we don't go flying off the edge now we have to do basically a wall ride I see a windmill in the in our future that's not awesome so I don't know how much speed we'll need because this thing doesn't get a lot of speed it has power oh we're fine everything's fine everything's not fine everything is less than fine everything's not fine no no no no [Music] listen there's still something I can do here okay feel my frustration okay we went way too long tank treads gun on the back don't know if that's of any value to me I get the feeling I can't just shoot the wind turbines and make the pain stop but it'll make me feel better okay welcome to Wisconsin population my tears so now I have to get past the snowy the snowy uh shipping container drag wall ride it's not a full wall ride but it's pretty close no yes no God no no no no no oh the snow is destroying my sanity so we have a legitimate truck now this truck here has given up all of the Creature Comforts of my my beautiful hot pink truck and has traded it all for raw anguish yes perfect oh wow this is this truck is amazing I had no idea I thought one of the armored cars would do the best but this truck is really good and it has a lot of leg room Ohio road bull we just got out of Wisconsin we're going straight into Ohio that makes sense so what oh okay so now I do have to use the Hydraulics I haven't really used them yet that much pop it there we go we do have to drag the container up over these things oh wow that is a that is a large chunk of Road just chilling out so it looks like he made it higher each time thanks Alex I really appreciate that and I appreciate that I mean I hate you now there's a gap in the road so let's just get a little bit of speed I don't want my front tires to get stuck in this perfect and now we have another big gap and now we have random windmill going straight to the I got kissed in such a way that my ancestry was in shock because they were afraid that they were going to feel the pain what is this oh it's just like ah oh my God no no no no no no no no no no no no no Alex I hate you I have an idea just trust me now Alex you said that I could use the cars until they blew up so this should technically be 100 legal oh yeah this is happening this happening tell me you didn't put invisible wall here yes you should have put a wall there Alex yeah every once in a while Fate has to cut me a little bit of slack okay there's not much left of this truck either it's missing a door all the glasses gone the front Bumper's starting to come off okay so now I know after I get past this windmill like so and then I go through the derailed train which is kind of awesome there is a ball come on just fall just fall off the cliff I can't believe I'm saying fall off the cliff perfect now because we fell off the cliff short we do not have to deal with the windmill well right now we do we will eventually because I still have to go past oh I think I just go around it so I think I can just go around this it looks like there's enough space Oh yeah you could just go around it that's not too bad the ground is literally just on fire what did you do here what happened what is this challenge am I still in Ohio these barrels blow up uh they do not but they're really good at getting stuck under the chassis of the of the truck running out of rubber tires are starting to go bald here I'm not locked in here with you you're lucky here with me all right no problem now I just have to do a 285 point turn I eventually did get past it that's all that matters to me oh God I didn't know the barrels exploded so now we have more smoke in the way so where does this go oh there's more explosive barrels of course why are you trying to murder me oh I made it through sweet oh but my truck's on fire that doesn't look good is the fire going to spread or is the fire going to go out my groin is getting really hot ah come on well that was unfortunate we're going big we're going gold look it has hot pink rims all right so it still counts wow this is pretty fast not gonna lie I think purrs like a kitten a really angry slightly malnourished kitten and jump and just go great just go it'll be fine it is not fine I just have to get lucky come on I say I just have to get lucky but I'm a man with no luck yes no that's cracker come on this is it this is the promised time I can feel it right now we're going we're going okay stop stop flipping out okay good that that you know what whatever it worked everything's fine for the 30th time oh okay I'm gonna go through this really slow this time real slow real slow perfect okay now we're gonna squeeze around this beautiful now this should get past all this all these bumps and stuff much oh yeah oh this gets through much easier now the cool what was that what was that what is this owl what whoa whoa what is that what sort of glitchy nonsense did you make Alex just killed that bird okay uh I have a plan just trust me on this oh yeah oh this feels great this is this is the promised land right here perfect oh no no no no no no no no I'm fine I'm fine my blood pressure is 8 000 over ten thousand but I'm okay we're gonna make it we're not gonna make it we're gonna die never mind we're totally gonna make it I don't know how that happened but I'm not gonna ask any questions go through the derailment nice and slow fall off the Cliffside no big deal go forward go around the windmill without it without it barely touching you through the crates don't you okay that's fine gray just hit oh my God we're here into what is this what is this that is what happened to that guy what did you make why is he running towards me only to get blasted out of the look this is the punishment he has to deal with this is the punishment I have to deal with oh my God it went on the side it went out the side no please no please don't please yes yes yes I got it I feel like that was not supposed to be possible it seemed kind of cheating what is this it's a helicopter but instead of the blades Blade's body I love it ow ow oh you can rip the tail off that's awesome why are there just heads in the ground what sort of cursed trap did you put here Alex okay so let me go around here this is how you beat that part you just kind of knock the tail off I'm so glad he made that Dynamic attach the crate now we're gonna go nice and simply around half of the helicopter over over the heads of the audience hope you guys enjoyed your front row seat now we have to oh there's a guardrail there so let me go around the guard rail there we are it's like a it's like a Shamu show except instead oh the guardrails aren't even real except instead of getting wet you get killed there we go over the busted up cars now there's what is that what is this what is this is this a it's a thing or a glitch whoa whoa I wish I never tested that I don't know what it takes to be the best puller of the immovable object in all of GTA this is pretty good though I will say wow I love the aerodynamics hey oh yeah was this thing always this good nice well get ready for this Insanity I wish I could tell you I knew exactly how to beat this part but I have no clue oh I hate myself wow I landed inside of it I landed inside of a satellite dish that's amazing this thing has taken so much damage but I'm not giving up I can do this well that took the win out of my sales you may remember to get the cars back I have to restart the whole board I know how to win this though we're using this truck straight up thank God Alex didn't put invisible walls on that one part because I could just circumvent at least part of this Insanity boom straight through no big deal big jump like you don't even care now we're gonna go over the barrels that ruined my life in the other truck for about 25 minutes like it's nothing through the explosive barrels gonna shoot these ones perfect they're dead push through the smoke gray now I have to deal with this now this insanity is a one-hit kill basically so I I can't I can't get touched by this at all I just need to go around it oh yeah oh it's happening it's happening no no no no please don't please please please please please please please please okay it's fine we can make this work we can oh my God we can make this work um just go backward just go backward Greg go backward gray yes oh my God I did it backwards so we're so we're gonna jump up here and I'm just gonna start blasting I've never felt so Sylvester Stallone in all my life it is not breaking apart now Alex did give me grenades so I assume he gave me this so I could clear cars off of the track all right gun ain't working grenades ain't working I'm doing this the other way I'm leaving that behind and we're just gonna smash the tail with our face Until It Breaks there see I can't believe that works guys got a headache how about now I have one all of you get to experience my pain whoa full flip okay so when this is white it's not real yeah and then it turns brown and it turns real so we're gonna wait until it's white and we're gonna drive through it I think that means if I go inside of this is it real or does it oh oh no I'm inside okay so I can go through it just fine as a person all right I was wrong I thought that was the other way but you know what worked out just fine stay a little longer oh what kind of cursed insanity is this what is this is he holding his gas mask on with his tongue novel what is [Laughter] what is ass 45 shoe the eyeballs are coming out odds coming at me listen officer his eyeball was coming right at me man I had to shoot ah look at this his teeth is coming out of his mouth this is what this is what you get when a game isn't tested this is this is beta right here man all right so I guess what we have to do is just just go just go through it that's hideous oh that is a nightmare oh wow oh god oh I need to get out of this area hopping pull that sounds cool so is it oh oh okay wow all right okay starting oh starting to get a little bit more powerful as long as it doesn't throw me off the road oh I just realized I have a gun I don't even have to do all this I mean it looks cool but I could have just shot this if I wanted to oh so now I have to drive through a vehicle while Towing this resistance 10. my mom has a resistance of 10 that's interesting out of what 10 out of 100 10 out of 10. all right I was trying to get an idea of what I'm supposed to do here I guess I just drive through this so here we go there we go I mean the car itself isn't that it's not that weighty it doesn't weigh very much so 10 must be the beginning of the resistance you can wow that was that was tough to get past whoa what is up with the car the cars had like a rubber band resistance five so this is less wait is this like golf where the lower the number like the better it is or something let's try this well it's a van so it's just heavier and it's longer oh and this trench is longer too oh yeah I get past this I can I'm starting to lose grip on the um I'm actually losing grip on the ground yeah the van moves too they're they're on like magnets or something Galloway there we are perfect squeeze on through no problem resistance five garbage floating Hull are those Vehicles you made a floating bridge out of vehicles that's amazing I mean that's awful I think this is gonna ruin my life but it looks really cool so does it does it really flow oh wow it legitimately floats I'm in the water oh I'm drowning I need to keep going I can't stop or I'm gonna go down no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh you can drown you gotta be kidding me ah that's broken I'm not restarting the whole thing over again I think this can do it I'm gray you still plays sorry at least I made it past that part I'm getting pretty good at going around the death trolley the trolley of the Apocalypse I don't know what else to call it out of the way Helicopter tail I don't have time to deal with you and The Crowd Goes Wild well the crowd went wild because I already ran over most of them this is the only crowd that's left and I had to plow through these guys too oh one of them's coming with me hey I got a friend now get out of the way oh I'll just go over you sorry Mom I know I already ran her over one time but listen you gotta do what you gotta do oh you gotta be kidding me come on baby just yes okay the time has come for the floating pull all right we're just gonna go full speed over the floating pool go go just go just go don't stop don't stop perfect I had just enough momentum to make it to the end okay what else you got for me Alex Yeet pull so is this a was this like a Death Pit uh I have an idea we're gonna wall ride this ah your sarlacc pit can't stop me I ate sarlacc for breakfast all right so now I need to come out up here perfect no problem magnet pull I already did a resistance oh there's the end I'm gonna slap you have magnets across the mouth doesn't feel too bad so far uh uh oh oh no oh no okay it's starting to feel pretty bad why did you give me this crate is this crate made of ferrous metals I feel like it is how am I supposed to get past this all right I'm gonna need a lot more speed for this I mean magnetism is the irresistible Force I guess so that's this is legitimate so I'm getting further I'm kind of pulling through I need more speed all right here's what we're gonna do I'm gonna go into this pit we're gonna come out the other side and we're gonna we're gonna do the jump so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna fall down we're gonna wall ride this I'm gonna pop out the opposite side this side I'm gonna go all the way back to the floating area right where it says yate pull and now we're gonna hit the gas and we're not gonna stop let's do this all right this is probably the right vehicle to do this with we need to do this jump a little bit of hydraulics no big deal just keep going just blast through the magnets blast through blast come on come on oh and when you get past the red it turns off oh whoa there's a boost there actually you don't need the container at the end I was joking I'm gonna kill you well I'm gonna I'm gonna write you a very strongly worded letter I can't kill you because you make all the boards you're gonna kill me whatever though I'm gonna go back here we're gonna go forward and we have a winner we wanted to find out which train in GTA was the absolute most powerful and so Alex is back again with another board there's four completely different sections each one more difficult than the next and in the end only one train is gonna be able to make it let's do this oh yeah I wish I could say I got my my train license I didn't they're getting bigger cars this is just one of those instances where someone can look at this Corridor of death and if you are okay driving through it you get to drive the train now today we need to find out which train can complete the Agony Olympics oh yeah oh mom's car doesn't even slow the train down wow that is incredibly satisfying now Alex said that only one train can do it so I guess we'll find out oh oh wow all right so uh when it comes to I Love The Liberator it's just flying around it just got backhanded into the stratosphere oh yeah this is normal this is just a normal day and gray still plays land this is gonna hurt ow real quick if you ever wanted to know how flammable a subway train is well it's right about that flammable I don't want to give up on the subway train because I absolutely feel at the very least it can get through the first challenge or I would figure it'd be able to the only problem is it doesn't feel like it has a lot of weight to it compared to the other train it's kind of like I'm piloting a somewhat flimsy metallic hot dog if you will or maybe a a double link of violin sausage that's Pro oh God that's probably oh wow it's just parts of car everywhere this thing bends a lot just because I know someone's Gonna Wanna Know yeah the freight train also wins in a head to head if you're on the tracks I need I need to at least get get to the third layer of vehicles with this mom's car [Music] now oh I can stick this Landing oh never mind I can't who was putting like rubber plating on this train because whenever this train hits the ground it ends up ricocheting off of hard surfaces okay something I hadn't thought about is that the oh my God is that the wind turbines can fire these these giant Vehicles back at me at like light speed finally oh oh wow okay I it does not have the power it does not have the power to get through this last challenge of this particular board oh yeah it's freight train time now there's four different boards so we're going to end up with wow okay uh this thing this thing Cuts Like a Knife through this stuff there's four different boards so we're gonna have four different checkpoints to get okay so now the Liberator is still really hard to keep this thing all over never mind I that's the that's the first time I managed to get through all of this without much issue okay so now I have to get through these gigantic dump trucks and the subway could they didn't even have the energy to get help man all right the dump trucks are bad even for the freight train more speed oh it's like enjoying a delicious hot fudge sundae made out of gas guzzling Mega cars oh no all right I'm go I'm getting the absolute like most amount of distance I can so I get the most amount of speed because you have to ah I was gonna say you have to maintain the speed to have any chance I never thought that such a simple challenge would be so good ah man the aerodynamics of the freight train is also very impressive yeah oh yeah okay all right maybe maybe the idea oh God maybe the idea is to have a little bit more ah a little bit more control and not triangle as fast as humanly possible because now I got straight to the dump trucks without a problem one of the monster trucks is caught under my my train Wheels all right so all right we're past we're past the first dump truck that's not too bad one dump truck at a time make it hurt there's the second one okay I'm stuck on the third one the problem is as the dump trucks start leaning against one another it creates so much weight that the train can't push hard enough that I feel like a worm trying to get through an apple nothing cool oh my God nothing quite like Tokyo drifting a plane hey bye now you betrayed me it's fine oh well I actually drove on top of mom's car that's what I'm talking about oh oh normal day just a normal day in the neighborhood I've gotta weaponing I've got to be careful at this point because if I go slightly off oh my God yeah like that oh this is it the windmills are helping a brother out oh it's gonna happen come on come on dude no no yes yes come on yes it feels like something Adam is Sylvester Stallone movie and check boy on to the next challenge okay so right now the freight train has a point but maybe the transit train can come back because now it's tight rope cars in general whenever I'm gonna do something for the first time I'm just gonna go and see if speed is the best thing to do oh oh oh oh there's ramps on this side okay so this board is more tightropy than you think because Alex yeah right there Alex has put little ramps on the side and if you mess up and hit the ramps it just Shucks you right off the board okay so now this is an extreme tight rope what is that what is that a head I didn't see the wind turbines but I can't tell what the giant tall things are I have to plow through is okay so now it's mostly just a matter of staying on this incredibly narrow slice of cheese oh yeah oh these don't weigh anything this is perfect okay jammed up cars jammed up cars I fit things in here that are not supposed to fit here right makes sense no Alex it doesn't to be fair this is an Alex board so things making sense it's kind of a low priority all right let's see what you got for me oh God I can't actually even see where I'm going it's like the DJ buses oh wow the DJ buses get really heavy oh no I'll run out of power oh I'm just trying to shove the whole mess of these out the other side of this reverse tightrope it's not so much a tightrope it's like a corridor I got bad news I just look I just lost half of my train that's the other issue is that I can does that count Alex I feel like this train is a little bit more aerodynamic than the other drain like it can jump up a little higher so I'm going to be able to complete this portion just because I completely circumvented it oh Taco Vans I love tacos this is just gonna be pure speed oh my God there's boots on here what a boost in the front the taco Vans have penetrated the protective shell of my train ah it's one of the passengers in here now okay um I guess we're gonna go with the freight train oh boy sometimes I think the answer is always oh maybe it's not I was gonna say sometimes it feels like the answer is always just speed and power but more realistically I think the answer is speed and weight oh my god oh I tasted it tastes like butter all right tiny cars tiny tightrope I'm riding the tiny cars this tightrope is really slender for this big train ah a train landed on my legs now I need those actually I guess I kind of don't I think right now the things that my legs are doing are you know like making me get to this board so I can be abused by Alex okay there we go that's that's the right speed to blast through all this hey tiny cars I got something for you it's oh I can't believe I made that on the first try I was oh yeah oh let's do it non-stop agony [Music] the thing I got for you is pain oh my train is stuck in the side of your board oh never mind my train has pulled itself out of your board ah there is a taco van literally sideways inside of the cabin of the train right now I can't get it out I I don't care I'm gonna get this thing out of here there we go okay it is kind of possible to pull it out it just takes a little bit of effort go away all right here's the plan I want to use this boost again so what we're gonna do is move this all the way back this way I can get the boost a second time there we go and then push our way through the taco Vans and there's another boost right there I'm almost at it God this entire board is like a Michael Bay nightmare all right first boost go go go go go go go go go go go go yeah yes oh no oh no there's a there's a there's a blockage right at the end oh I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to complete some sort of train colonoscopy in order to get through here you know when you have to do like a 290 point turn that's effectively what's happening it's like I'm trying to parallel Parker train there we go okay second checkpoint complete onto the third challenge explosive cars so now we're up against tankers right how how explosive are we talking I guess I'll find out when I hit him oh whoa I'm on fire well one of my trains is on fire I just lost my oh never mind I am also on fire oh this train is unbelievably flammable things are randomly exploding behind me hold on I've got to see how far I can make it before I explode oh God what did you make here Alex ah well that ain't good all right hold on I gotta I gotta pick up my trip ah this fire gets everywhere it's like glitter once again I've got to use the freight train oh yes I don't know if the freight train is more resistant to oh okay you know what yeah just gonna ride them just riding on top of them I was gonna say I don't know if the freight train is more resistant to explosions but it definitely feels like it yes dancing tanks what dancing tanks cars it's not a thing Alex cause why not okay all right so how heavy is a tank compared to a train oh it's really heavy oh it is inside of my train well what do you know I'm back by the tankers again but it's okay because blowing through all of this is incredible and [Applause] sticks The Landing getting through these tanks is no joke for some reason when you hit the tank it just goes ballistic like it just annoys the tank and then the turret goes even faster for some reason look at it now this now this tank turret is just flying around twice as fast as it was going before can you cheat this can I just go on the side of it no the tanks bump you off all right I have a plan just trust me on this okay see I figured if I wore a tank like a hat then I would have the extra weight my plan did not did not turn into did not come to fruition Alex this is uh this is an incredibly agonizing experience get out of the way these tanks are so hard to push there all right there's one less tank so I no no no no no no no stop trying to throw me off stop it stop it I'm getting no oh ow I oh uh uh is there a spinning tank just laying down here hold on I need to try something oh yeah oh the tanks do not stop spinning once you get inside of them oh this is this is this must be what it feels like to be drunk 24 hours at resonate I can still see the turret though through the explosive carts I just I I don't know what else to do I've got to just overpower these tanks somehow I wait what [Music] I made a tank we're in another tank oh it's like double it's like a double decker nightmare don't ask me how I've managed to do this I am in between three different tanks they are all beating they are backhanding me with their textures I can't get out of here how is that tank on the edge how is it staying there can someone tell me this the one on the left fall off I'm not gonna give up I don't care how much it takes oh my God no I don't care I am I am like one third of the way to the end of this insanity this is what dreams are made of and I'm not I'm not gonna lie it's I'm not sure I want dreams anymore dreams are made of pain I'm going back I'm getting speed look at the tank on the left how is it these are these are literally Spider-Man tanks that's what I'm dealing with we're getting as much speed as possible out of the way you two get out of the way this is gonna work I don't care what it takes I'm clearing this whole area I'm clearing everything off of this board I'm getting the most amount of difference oh the way I think I can finally get to this checkpoint ah go away no one loves you tank the Tank's like oh that kind of hurts I'm gonna fall off the side of this platform oh I finally got the check right this is the last challenge I'm faced with a guy with a rocket launcher and it says you have no soul if you do this oh because they're beer trucks I mean I kind of agree with them but I need your rocket launcher I get one rocket okay so I know how to do this basically what you have to do is go to the cool YouTube shot fire the rocket go here and then watch the most satisfying ridiculous explosive Domino death Avalanche that has ever existed yes keep going oh it's almost at the end yeah all right Alex you you have all the way to S tier Michael Bay at this point okay so now we grab the freight train I hate to say it but the subway train has just failed me too much at this point I have a feeling that in the battle of the dreams the most powerful one the Undisputed oh my God the most Undisputed King is the free tree we have a winner well we needed a champion train in GTA and now we legitimately have one anyway folks hope you enjoyed this episode of GTA until the next time save oxy a much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 2,946,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8xFRpdjxBrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 27sec (5847 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2023
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