How Long Will it Take WWII Machine Guns to Explode a Camry???

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👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/_WreakingHavok_ 📅︎︎ Jan 29 2021 🗫︎ replies

they had one on LTT yesterday too

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/TovarishchKGBAgent 📅︎︎ Jan 29 2021 🗫︎ replies

Gaijinomics comrade xaxaxa

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/SemiMagicalCookie 📅︎︎ Jan 30 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey what are you doing hey get back here get back here no ammo's too expensive take this hold on wait you you hired it that was a painter that you hired huh i actually like it yeah no no i chunked an axe at him but it was pretty far so i'm pretty sure i missed before we get to what we are going to get to today i want to say thanks to our sponsor of this episode war thunder war thunder is a military vehicle online combat game it's free to play on pc xbox s and s playstation 5 and the previous platforms and it's cross-platform so someone on xbox can play with someone on playstation or pc and there's no purchase necessary you simply download and start playing oh yeah the game recently had two huge updates making it look as it never has before the graphics are incredible my favorite part is the tanks you can fly planes you can get in naval battles but i like being on the ground trying out different tanks of that era and trying their different ammo and seeing how each one performed an incredible arsenal of more than 1700 historically accurate playable tanks aircraft helicopters and ships from the 1930s to 1990s more than 34 million players from all over the world massive combined arms battles of over 100 major battlefields from world war ii to the end of the cold war no extra pilot hardware necessary fly any aircraft using nothing more than mouse and keyboard thanks to the game's intuitive mouse aim mode one other thing i really like about the game is how the vehicles take damage now we're not talking these kind of vehicles but i couldn't find any tanks for us to destroy so we're just going to see how this thing takes a little bit of damage this car is actually the one from the cletus video from the intro uh and actually that cletus video was demonetized for the entire first day which is when we receive most of the views so real cool but thankfully we have sponsors like war thunder who are gonna come and make sure that even if we are demonetized by youtube we still can make great content so thank you war thunder and guys please go support them link in the description below use my link to download for free on pc xbox and playstation and just for you there's a free bonus for registering you get a premium ship aircraft or tank and a three-day account boost war thunder is lots of fun and you should play it and you can link in description below let me show you what we got for this thing today i decided it'd be cool if we shot a bunch of world war ii machine guns so first we have the german mp40 this is chambered in nine millimeter we want to start kind of small i mean it is a nine millimeter machine gun with like 30 rounds but we don't want to blow up the car on the first first like go the first gun next we're going to move up to the bar this is an american gun the browning automatic rifle chambered in a 30 out six it is also mag fed has these 20 round mags thirty on six is a big cartridge if that doesn't stop the car we're gonna move up to the german mg-42 this is chambered in eight mil it is belt fed and that is a bad round right there if that doesn't stop the car we usually in these videos with a 50 bmg today will be no different but this is not a barrett this is the ma deuce the m2 browning big belt fed 50 cal machine gun on top of a sherman tank we're not firing the sherman tank we're just gonna use it to uh purchase the 50 cal on today i didn't really show you guys around the car much it's a nice automobile we have it decorated for the upcoming holiday looking very nice but i don't know that it's actually going to make it uh all the way to that holiday after what we do to it today this was i think cletus sliding it into a tree dang it cletus man that's why we can't have nice things uh we also got the inside decorate a little bit yeah you can't you can't open that door whoa whoa look at all this contraband back here that's going to be interesting when it gets hit with machine guns oh you got a little little pasture up there oh my goodness so festive so festive so i'm gonna start off aiming for the back half of the car so i can hit some of those spray paint cans the these videos are a little stressful because if you kill the car really fast the video is over and you don't even get to run through all the guns if you don't kill the car after you go through all the guns then you look like a terrible shot and i don't want anyone to know that i'm a terrible shot so hopefully i kill the car but not too soon but not never there's a lot of stress on me guys a lot of stress on my plate today the other thing is really stressful is we have to try to figure out how to get this thing to go around in circles we wanted to be driving i wanted to be a moving car which i've never shot at a moving car before so we wanted to be driving around in circles so it needs to stay in the same lap and be going faster than idle so we have to give it a little gas we're putting something on the pedal we're gonna put that rock on the pedal just a little bit but not too much if it starts really going crazy we won't be able to like get away from it safely so it's a tricky operation here got the steering wheel locked down with some zip ties good stuff let's just see how fast that goes see that's too slow i need faster than this i'm not giving any gas or steering that's not bad i would like a couple more speeds out of it that's how i measure it we got a bigger rock this car just sounds sick what if i lean this rock on that rock sounds like i hit a revlim but it's going to like 1200 rpm okay this is promising i like this okay i think i think we're going for it yeah that's about as fast as i'd want to jump out of a car anyway okay dang it that's not very fast all right well you know what let's go ahead and just rip some machine gun rounds at it see what happens i don't know why these cars aren't reliable we haven't got the video going i thought i was going to go we started leaving they just stopped it was still running though i'm going to put we don't have any oil but i think i think this thing's running out of oil we do have some transmission fluid i'm just going to dump that in the crankcase just give it a little lubrication should be fine right for you right there oh missed it perfect that's going to really help things and then i'm going to put some in the transmission too because it's being weird as well i think yeah it looks like there's plenty in there i just poured water in there because there was no water and then it just started boiling yeah i think we're running a little bit hot there i squeezed the up radio hose and it was just air and i was like oh this is bad she was bone dry for some reason all these cars we bought off craigslist for super cheap are not reliable mp40 there we go oh it's already slowing down okay we need something bigger [Applause] all right we're gonna shoot this one off the ground hitler's buzz saw holy cow i think she's fast we're still rolling we better go 50 cal [Applause] it's still running but we did stop it okay giddy up partners that was awesome yeah buddy that could not have been any more perfect with the explosion at the end it's just glorious oh my gopro's in the car dang it that was a brand new gopro like brand new gopro that is shooting paint cans out of the car everything's under control guys [Laughter] they're never gonna invite me back to drive tanks again that was probably the last time i'd be a lot back here you gotta admit though whoa that was awesome that was a paint can [Music] a hundred spray paint cans was a good idea there's a 50-pound propane tank in the trunk too what i'm just kidding i think we took it out gosh that is the best thing i've ever done don't tell drive tanks but i'm actually pretty happy about this one pretty cool don't forget this video is sponsored by war thunder and you can play it for free link in description below we appreciate war thunder for letting us do stuff like this there's some weird sparking things coming out and oh man that fire is getting hot some like sparkler magnesium firework things oh it's not gonna do it now that god that fire is hot that could have been anyone i that wasn't necessarily us i love the environment guys i'm i'm not happy about this either like i know you guys are upset like this is not what we wanted we just wanted to shoot a car it just happened to catch on fire and pollute a lot listen we've just been waiting on here for like 10 minutes and this thing's just still burning still popping cans every once in a while the paint see just like that the paint's a little different color than it was before we'll go check her out after a bit of cool down time 2009 toyota camry uh low miles like 49 000 miles and easy miles all is a sunday driver 19 000 don't low ball me i know what i got yeah she's pretty nice it's been about 45 minutes actually as you can see there's still fire up here there's still fire in the cab the fire in the cab is like on a pile of paint cans which i'm hoping they're all popped but i'm still a little worried one's going to just explode because they still go off periodically a lot of stuff happened it's crazy like how much more room there is in the engine bay once you melt away all the plastics there's tons of room in there our tire gone the rim though i might be able to sell that i could probably get i could probably get a little money off that that look let's that's a battery that's just sitting above the flame i would say let's just get away from that it actually was not our intention to explode the car in a ball of fire but i think we all are happy it happened so if you were wondering man will an eight millimeter machine gun or a 50 bmg machine gun stop a car demolition now we know it will i answered that question because i know a lot of you guys were like i don't know i don't i don't know if it's gonna explode it did also sorry i don't know what happened the bar was locked when i tried to do it so demolition in the future i promise to you i will make a video with a full auto bar just for you thank you so much for watching this episode of dimler's ranch i love you and i'll see you next time [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] it's quite simple there's only one rule in the demolition you don't tell mayor you stuck him in the butt [Laughter] you hit him in the butt again in the butt again what is wrong with you
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 3,590,049
Rating: 4.9336004 out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr., toyota, camry
Id: lAraDeLzcYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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