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[Music] [Music] uh [Music] michael hello put your mask on please i'm doing it sanitary surprise look at me i know i love the color but there's only one thing wrong with it it has the wrong tyres that's why i'm here it took you long enough to get it they actually make dunlop in that size crazy right yeah now you got to put you up just so everybody knows what we're doing first and foremost hi uh welcome to today's video um i'm here with cloud at p0 world and although this car's only done a thousand miles i'm taking the tires off and putting wheel tires on because when you're used to a great tire it's hard to drive on not a great tire deadlocks are okay but pirelli's a better show i don't think dunlop are really high performance and besides it's an italian car you need to tell the tires so we're also going to do some additional stuff to it okay i want to lift the front end by about that much half an inch and then i have another favor to ask i have a big favor to ask of you um when you put the new tires on is it possible pretty please to clean the wheels because i can never get to the inside with the on when i say i know doing it like you really clean your wheels to yourself recently i have a i have a steam cleaner now really yeah we're also going to we're also going to wipe down your brake canvas too they are hard to get to also really good okay i had to go through hoops or jump through hooks to get this for you what is it that's worth more than it's harder to get than some of your watches that you're wearing it's a wheel adapter real locknut adapter to get these wheels off the car because now we tried that last time if you couldn't try this right i had an expression from germany just for you well thank you thank you i appreciate that the invoice is inside i'm sure it is how long is this going to take to do eric what do you think three hours four hours um we charge by the hour so i need a car please well i always told you that you need to test drive my mclaren i have a 720s and it has my fancy wheelchair and i would love for you to tell me what you think about it they are cool can i have a look yes please come on this is amazing i've got to say i'm not i'm not what did you just say well um let me finish the sentence though i'm going to say it's amazing i'm not the hugest lover of mclaren's as you know but this is by far the nicest mclaren i've ever seen the wheels do everything absolutely everything you should see the other side but make the ugliest wheels right you're gonna admit they're not these are german-made they're lightweight forged and they actually have a patented brake cooling feature so they're left and right rotation and my wheels actually they're designed and you need in germany so basically suck in the air here and the air comes out here to cool your brake uh brakes and the left and right rotation look at the other side i don't know what color you like better right on this side and what do you think about this oh wow that's crazy well that's my business you know i got a show i got to show different different color combinations i'm not a huge lover of gold but this looks fantastic thank you thank you i like the other side too you know what about this whose is this this is a car that um i got on loan from aston martin has your wheels on we're doing here we're doing some test fitting and some um photo shoots for my new catalog so so i have an idea i happen to have it here can i throw an idea um i can't you know i'm paranoid about the covered thing right i can't take adam with me okay because i guess we can put some cameras on it and what have you but he's gonna need a car can he have that you know what that's fine take it for real take it i mean you can experience my wheels firsthand this is my your new ride that's that's my c111 in fortune that's my c-112 so you got both of my wheels on two great cars and i wanted to tell i want adam to tell me what he likes better too you should swap and drive him if you want to i'm fine with all of this ready i'm ready okay let's go i can't quite believe what's about to happen though oh it's pretty cool right driving a 720 and you've said that you like the look of it i love the look of it i don't like the look of it i can take this off for now right yeah um can you hear me from there yeah so i love the look of it the wheels have changed the entire car and i guess drop the suspension and whatever else it's done to it looks incredible absolutely incredible i'm not the biggest mclaren fan this is sick it's really sick all right and we'll go take it for a ride yeah uh can we go to malibu we go anywhere you want we've got two and a half hours all right let's go to malibu i'm going to follow you actually you follow me and then i'll follow you and then we can follow each other sounds good deal okay okay seat belt i think we're ready to go hope we don't kill doing this okay so here we go uh driving the 720s mclaren and i have to say what claus has done to this car is absolutely fantastic as far as the aesthetics go it really does look gorgeous and probably one of the nicest 720s i've ever seen [Music] it's fast it's very very very fast i would compare this to a 488 um maybe even a tiny bit bigger not bigger faster than the than the 488 careful here this rocks on the road but um it's certainly a very very quick machine is it as fast as my end largo not even close but there again the end lago is not a normal production car but it's not even close although it's fun to drive it really is fun to drive i don't really love mclaren's i've driven about 15 miles to get to this road here and the 15 miles were struggling to find the air conditioning to find the nav to find everything i can't even move the seat because the controls are kind of backwards it's a very funky car i would never want to own one of these although i don't mind driving clauses because it is fun another thing that's incredibly annoying the paddle shifters turn with the steering wheel i don't know why because if you want to change gear you have to move your hands around unless you kind of double jointed makes no sense whatsoever maybe it works for formula one car because they have a very small turning circuit very small lock and they don't have to go around corners like these and change gear but uh silliest thing i've ever seen in my life don't know why mclaren do it i guess they want it to be different some people might like it i hate it it's a silly function but as i said some people might like it the car's fun to drive though and as i said before uh the the rims and the lowering have really set it apart from the rest great great fun car to look at and my back is breaking because it's uncomfortable but there again oh gosh well holds the road well uh pretty much what i expected very similar handling to the 488 and the f8 as well i think the f8 is probably a little bit better than this but i'm enjoying it it's it's fun i say i'm enjoying it but i want to get out of it adam is taking me on a road here in malibu we're in the canyons i'm not quite sure where we are to tell you the truth but it's a fabulous view i mean truly fabulous view and i have to concentrate on the road here it's very very windy and of course i'm behaving myself with the speed limit i don't know what the speed limit is but i'm going slowly or semi slowly what do you think of the sound the sound is great um claus has put a as you mentioned before a quick silver exhaust on it and it makes all the difference in the world because mclarens don't sound too good normally kind of a bit like lawn mowers but this certainly makes it sound like a proper car so uh anyone that's got one of these i strongly recommend the exhaust apparently it fires fire as well i don't know why anyone would want a fire coming out of their exhaust but i guess it's good for instagram i'm enjoying driving it it is fun and i've got adam on my tail in the dbs which i'm gonna drive home because that's a sophisticated car and very comfortable um i believe it's about six liter engine oh this thing does does go it's uh it's a nice car so getting back to what i was saying the aston um i think it's six liter v12 and this is i don't have no idea what this is a eight-cylinder and you can't actually even open the engine compartment because mclaren uh i have made it that uh you you can't open it i don't understand why i mean in an emergency you'd be in big trouble you have to take it to the shop to have it opened i think i'm going the right way here i'm making it right adam will show you the view i think it's absolutely spectacular out to my left is the pacific ocean and we are very high up and it's a very hot day as well i don't know what temperature it is because i can't understand anything on the dash here but there we have it so i'm just pulling over and i'm gonna have a chat with adam so here we go i have to get out of it all right let's see what he has to say for himself i'm gonna guess not as quick as a ferrari not like a ferrari hello put your mask on what did you just say it's not like a ferrari as i got out of the car i just said i know the first thing he's going to say hold on i need my mask so then sir how was your first ever car review because i remembered that we didn't tell them what we were going to do did you tell them when you got in the car not really i don't even know what i rambled on about talking about the car in general um i'm wearing the mask because the ash in the sky here and in the air from the big fires up in california uh are absolutely horrendous and it's very very bad air quality i'm far enough away from adam where i don't need to but i'm keeping on for my own health here because it's horrible and adam has his own as well so yeah such a pretty looking car claus has done an amazing job the cec wheels on here changed the appearance completely i mean it's just a pretty car really is a pretty car having said that here it comes well it's fast it's very fast and as i said you know when i was driving it it's comparable i think to a 488 might be a hair faster than the 488 not really maybe measurable you can't really feel it um it's nowhere near as quick as the enlargo i mean it might as well stay in the garage it's that far behind but the enlarger is not a production car so you can't really compare it can you i think this has got a remap on it i'm pretty sure that he has a not in the same league not in the same league i i want to see yours like you're in lago in an actual race or something what's up yeah because i know you say it's really fast but you've been this is it's really fast i've been in beverly hills i know but when you touch the accelerator you you yeah but that doesn't tell you how quick a car is that's what i'm saying i want to see how fast it is like i would love to put that against this in just like a straight on drag race i'll eat it for breakfast you think yeah mclaren would you think yeah they'd make me more than they already do well maybe we should figure that out well maybe one day when we can do that when these masks can go away and all of that stuff but for now it's a fun car it's a fun car to drive i'm not taking that away from it it's just not a ferrari it's not sophisticated i was i still don't know how to switch the radio one i swear to god i'm stuck with the air conditioning because you have to go through pages to get to things or press buttons the seats in the wrong position because you press a button it does the opposite to what you think it'll hold on hold on does this mean that the car isn't sophisticated or you're not sophisticated enough to figure it out it could be that it could be that but you shouldn't need a degree in engineering or computer technology to be able to switch the radio one i agree right and you've said yourself off camera they're very awkward the yeah the infotainment system i don't know why they had like you know your fan speed as an option that you have to go out of your radio page or your navigation to change it should be right there of course it should yeah i mean the seat should be able to operate where you press forward and it actually goes forward without it doing 30 different things and you have to fight it so i gave in i don't know where the mirror switches are i couldn't find it anywhere i pressed everything it didn't seem to do anything but again let's talk about the beauty of it because it's a pretty car [Music] spikes [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] guys i cannot tell you how excited i am about the fact that i've managed to get michael to come out onto some proper driving roads and well he may not have enjoyed it that much but enjoy these cars all right do you want to jump in this and drive this back and i'll drive this one yes however however i need to put the license plate on it okay [Music] [Music] that i love [Music] so your car sounds fantastic it's wild yeah the seats are uncomfortable as hell really yeah it's hard to lean back on it and then your gentleman your gentleman driver you know your cruise right no you hit it sometimes a little bit but it's fast as hell yeah i mean it's really really fast i i can't get used to the the controls where you have to go through screens to change things and it's complicated yeah it's it's a race car it's literally a clarified i mean a street race car so to say but you know you've done an incredible job the wheels make this car thank you thank you and i'm trying to figure out earlier i said the gold ones now i think i don't know what color that is it's like kind of bronze it's a no it's it's a red it's a red bordeaux red so it's very pretty any tiles they were holding up okay in the canyons fantastic oh my god let me tell you when you get on a pirelli tire it's so different to any other tire i don't know what it is um maybe it's just me because i'm used to them but they just feel like you're gripping the road they really suck you down to the road well they're high performance tires and they learn from their motorsport experience i mean they've been formally one yeah you know there's a reason but there's a reason for the reason for that there's a reason for that i'm excited to drive on those yeah you'll feel different and you had a couple of nails in your tires too stop it yeah let me show you you want to see you got nailed a couple of times on those downloads really bad oh my god here's another one so this guy's a toast are you lucky that they came to us wow these are brand new not anymore that looks much better mate i think this is this is right this is how i should leave it so you'll see it another day when it's all finished you don't need to see the finished product now but klaus thank you so much thank you for lending us these amazing cars the mere fact that i'm not a mclaren lover does not mean for a second that it's not a great car okay no no just not my typical car yeah that's my job i've always been into ferrari and mercedes-benz but uh excited to drive this thank you so much i'm glad you had fun adam yeah thank you he nearly wrecked twice no how do you like that exhaust or that quick oh my god i was grinning from ear to edge really good good yeah loved it did you hear the backfire oh my gosh feel the background hear it and at night it actually spits fire why do you want a car to spit fire this just looks cool when you drive yeah who doesn't if you have the option your exhaust can spit flames or it can't why would you ever pick no flames i don't want flames coming out my car you see all these horror stories where they go up in flames because of the exhaust people rubbing their engines when they're cold spitting fire it happens when some lamborghini aventador yes it does yeah but those cars are engineered that way you know they have this uh non-flammable material behind so it should be okay but do you know what cars it never happens on klaus which one ferrari teslas they and tesla's yes i want to say something why they burn the battery burns i would say 99 percent of people that have a ferrari don't want flames coming out of the backyard of course not so it's a different type of driver different owner i mean it's i like it because it's also my business i've been doing this ever since why not i came to this country or even before in germany i was doing that so you did a fantastic job you made this car special and again out of all mclarens this is the one so guys hope you enjoyed this you got to see some fun wheels tires wonderful cars thank you to klaus p0 world if you need tires or wheels check him out because he's your guy hit the subscribe button hit the bell we're in it to win it and thank you again see ya
Channel: ProducerMichael
Views: 302,136
Rating: 4.8050346 out of 5
Keywords: mclaren, mclaren 720, 720s, 765LT, car review, supercar, super car, luxury, sports car, pirelli, P Zero, P zero world, ferrari, n largo, ferrari n largo, ferrari 599, CEC wheels, producer michael, ProducerMichael, Adam Swords, MY MCLAREN 720S REVIEW (IT'S NO FERRARI!)
Id: B8NAtjvREWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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