Oscar De La Hoya's $13million Bel Air Mansion

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ProducerMichael is great if you're not familiar.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/miniq 📅︎︎ Jun 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

I hear it has a "his and hers" bathroom exclusively for him

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Jesusislord1111 📅︎︎ Jun 29 2020 🗫︎ replies
before the video starts you're about to watch you want to remind you to please go to producer Michael com4 it's like giveaway and enter to win this amazing and then t royal blue sapphire crystal case to be on watch it's worth 10 grand and someone's going to win it might as well be you and to win also if you want to learn some more things about Adam and I he did a podcast recently on his channel where he interviewed me and asked me a bunch of questions go to his channel Adam swords and check that out so don't forget into this and we're in it to win it see you ok take this part out this is the beginning of the video what you're talking about [Music] we are lucky enough to be in the heart of bel-air this morning this glorious glorious day it's about I know 78 80 degrees I'm already starting to feel the heat here but we are surrounded by opulence we're on a two and a half acre estate with a tennis court and some spectacular stuff and we're going to show you this house I think it's an 11,000 square feet so it's huge and I think it's also 13 and a bit million but we'll find out junetta who we saw our last property is going to tell us about the house so there it is should we go do it Adam I'm ready all right let's go do a fort hold on before we do I have a little Pressy for you what's the Prezi so hold on let me get out of my back pocket hold on tada I love them yeah too close hold on yeah you got it what is it ooh ooh I know what this is so you like the one that I gave away so much oh that is cool Panthera st. you want this is for me that's for you oh and I also have some different colored straps as well so I have a green strap and I have an orange strap Oh brilliant thank you thank you very very much Penn zero and and Adam shall I put it on what are you saving for the next video cuz that's nice I like that yeah that's a nice one right that is one of my favorite watches but this is so cool that that's a very you watch it is a very mean watch love it thank you again and I will I will let me pop this in my car okay hold on one second the good old Beast I will give everybody a sneak peek of the house and this driveway was insanely long and insanely steep did you manage to get up okay yeah it's got a nose lift right so the drive is about I no quarter of a mile long and windy and it goes through a double gate enormous gate which maybe you could show with the drone shot sure brilliant I was stuck at the bottom for a long time so there's no signal I know I tried to call you I couldn't get hold of you where's my phone where's my coats in my pocket okay amazing property it goes all the way around the cut you're gonna love this gives you you haven't seen it I had a sneak preview I haven't seen all of it but it's really cool hang on have to be politically and and what's the word I'm not not politically correct what's the word I'm looking for responsible there you go you're a long way away from me and and I'm also wearing a mask and you were also wearing a mask and you're covered in flies no whatever not so many flies on me where did you go honey I showered this ball you still hear me yeah yeah okay did I put this on the right way around yep okay okay let's do it I put my mask on oh I just did an intro without it but thank you so good to see you again this preview was amazing so tell us a little bit about this one this house was pretty amazing too it sits on two and a half acres of land the home itself is ten thousand eight hundred square feet it has eight bedrooms and 11 bathrooms it's really nice and how much is it the home is thirteen million two hundred and fifty thousand dollars well don't wait to go to control amazing it has a tennis court billiards room theater pool and spa it's incredible so please you guys did such a fantastic job in the last time I really thank you thank you okey-dokey I'm going to remove my mask Adam stay away from me okay not that I'm you know gonna give you anything so people can see I am wearing my mask oh yeah and he's like this is 3 feet and he's 9 feet away look hello we could have a conversation like this actually right shall we go this way yeah I guess right that's good this way I don't really need my glasses either doing no I like that toilet seat it does not like a toilet seat doesn't it but they're for a very very small person or a very very large person lots of space to perch where's he gone I'm not quite sure what this is I think it's the pantry but this is definitely the kitchen and here's the phone she'll answer it sees it I can hear it ring-ring ring-ring when there's no copyright infringement for a ringtone I don't think so no I don't think Nokia are gonna sue us for that one she's pretty this is lovely now I'm guessing in a house this big that there might be more than one kitchen I believe there's certainly some areas where you can eat and prepare things I'm not sure if it's a kitchen kitchen having said that haven't seen the entire house right but I like these because they're cool they remind me of giant chess pieces okay feel the weight of one of these so happy oh my goodness I didn't expect that cool talk about heavy duty right like him yeah so we have we have a beautiful kitchen it's very light and airy and should we play our game left this fridge I'm saying right is fridge oh wait damn did I mean right okay did you mean right I did but it's fine nah man left right this is freezer fridge fridge left is also fridge no that freezer oh yeah okay cool okay so let's go or didn't go in here before oh my goodness look at that pool this suspect oh wow okay so I didn't see I didn't come in this room before what this would be what would this be like a rest area no no I can say that can I I don't know what would this be come like a little cozy snug well it's got speakers so see there's a music or TV well there's no TV there's no TV so we're just relaxing area maybe have your breakfast looking out over the pool should we do this last oh yeah as much as a killer side is mental look at look at that Hey round the corner you're gonna see some stuff that's really cool dad so that okay we'll do it later but that looks like it's a cave that you can go under the waterfall and into that gonna be fun to see you go in there I'll hold the camera would this be like a games room maybe have a pool table in here or billiards table or something no because of the rich one oh there's a giant one really yeah okay so this look at that oh man so this is the dining room and the proportions of these rooms are enormous yeah I mean absolutely enormous to put that in perspective this fish tank is what eight feet nine three yeah that's a big fish tank I wonder how you switch the light on top I wasn't bestirred the fish and then how tall is that ceiling ah I'm gonna guess it would be three or four stories of the building yes of each source 50 feet maybe 60 feet I don't think we've ever seen a house with ceilings that I know we haven't that's crazy but check this out so this here is like a this is the warm up sitting room for the water sitting room well if you have too many to drink and you want to get to the big sitting room and you can't make your stuff for a break here and then you come in to this I guess this would be the formal sitting room which again either this couch is enormous look at the size of this I love this couch this is absolutely beautiful wait is that is this the cloud what cloud there's so there's a couch that I was looking at called the cloud from one of those fancy fancy schmancy places he's wild oh it might be it feels very cloudy to me Carol I don't to be prodded by this thing that you've attached to me so oh it's very comfy I don't know if it is or not but it's very nice these are faux I can see by the backing I think it's pronounced fur beautiful room again very high ceilings but nothing like what what's happening help what come here never seen this before don't know what it is don't know why it is but why is that two walls hmm ghosts they didn't do that well is it two walls alpha shades look look up the top you see there's a bracket oh yeah obviously there was some bits very clever count care that hides them then so one of those buttons would be the for the motor of it yeah I don't think they're installed right now but that looks to me like that's what it was from or four or four yeah amazing okay let's continue I can't get over just how big this is I know the proportions are crazy I mean this room itself here one two three four five there's six very large barstools in this amazing bar this is so nice I mean this is like a hotel lobby that's what this reminds me of ice ice this really does it feels like a hotel and the scale of this stand behind here I don't know if you can pan over everything it's absolutely enormous yeah this this could be some bougie hotel somewhere look to your right and down not that far down over here to your right a bit more to you right there ah there's no no let's go you can tell I haven't been drinking for a while can't you I didn't even know what that was there's fridge I know that we'll have there that's probably something there as well Oh in a whi in a room another fridge switch to a wine room yeah but don't know how to switch the lights on right Oh God Michael pressing buttons I don't know what any of these do okay anyway that is a wine room you probably won't be able to see it there that's amazing this camera is so good in low light that's not low light that's no life right exactly that's what I mean can you see it yeah yeah it's bit noisy but you can see [Music] [Music] mr. cool hey guys where's Nemo oh is that that's Dori isn't it that one so do you realize in a house like this it's not lived in somebody has to come and feed these every day yeah and it looks like unless it's an automatic feeder I don't know what is it I can't I can't quite see you might not want to show that whatever it is Nemo hi buddy just keep swimming swimming swimming just keeps me what do you find girl ooh wow that's very fancy in that leather with beach oh not be replaced be nice okay is this what they call a rotunda this cruise like a half rotunda because a web tender would be totally round oh this is a bit of square and here we have a think this is a phone booth it is there's nothing in here other than a phone I only phone I've seen so maybe this is a phone booth is it phone booth phone booth so if you have guests and they want to be private that's how you make your bank off funny never seen the house with the phone booth that cloak room or was then literally nothing in that leave you there's no cover zero okay do we go this way yeah let's go they just came from that way well we didn't do in here okay don't know what this is this is uh this is a storage there's so many rooms that just like what are they this is storage okay what realistically what would you put in that like oh I guess this would be a great room for a feeding the dogs have dogs balls in there and you could definitely feed the dogs in there's a few rooms you could feed okay plenty of space okay there's a staircase the carriage will go to that later so all you want do it now let's go it doesn't lead to anything does it no that's the better house that I did see I think it's six car look you could put one two three three-and-a-half in here yeah have you motorbikes online and I mean there what's this Adam oh look at that little racecar how did that get there it's a bit dirty so don't look at it yeah this is cool I wonder if there would be a way to get like a big rsj put in here so that you could take out this corner behind you too then essentially have like one of those curly doors or something so that you could open it up because this is quite a small garage door to get in and then like around but if small cars right horseshoes and mm-hmm smart cars your MGB GT yes in the Frog I'd sprint no triumph tr7 yes those to my friends dad made a triumph tr8 you put a v8 and cr7 stuff rule shall we go upstairs is that is that it is there nothing more round the back there's a lot more but you have to get to it from different I'm a bit lost yeah me too but let's let's do this a square thing ah over around oh this will drive me crazy hold on oh god yeah drive you crazy - right yeah wait why won't it folks okay [ __ ] take this part out this is the beginning of the video what you're talking about he's that straight yeah oh you and Sally then go back to the right yeah ah that's perfect Matt's much better okay why is that so high I have no idea I didn't put it there I mean seriously why is it so high and this is a mismatched frame and whatever they call the backing mount why is that so high explain to me there is one thing on the back to hang it on obviously otherwise it would have fallen down no it's hung on the frame before and then you hung it on the back though you do want to do that no no okay you have to retweet because I'm going there we going this way yeah okay this oh I was gonna say this is something but I didn't know what it was so this is a bedroom with a nice walk-in closet a nice bathroom oh oh nice patio yeah oh she's so light nice check this patio is beautiful this isn't the master this is just a patio off another room and what's that one go to this is the bathroom so you have a patio off the bathroom yeah if you want Oh check this out look care lovely this looks oh yeah spectacular yeah okay let's continue is a cave hmm can't wait to get in there that is a nice play that I'll tell you what though if you were a bit overzealous with your balls then it would be straight over the edge it would and this is another area to sit in preparation for going to a sitting larger area and this is shelf um I have big news big big news tell me you know I just moved to a new house yes well you know I always one of our CDs get super excited about them and say how good they are you got it yep there's one in my new house can they control it from my phone if I gave you the login yeah whoo look here is a well let's come back to this because I want to go that way again and we'll come back here who doesn't know saying whoa talk about carrandi oh my goodness holy moly right like you know I love the way that they've got all of these like different shapes within shapes the circles in squares you go that way I'll go this way sunglasses here I'll leave that open season here oh this is lovely with the dividers see do your sunglasses or sunglasses go in the top and then over here this is the ladies side of the same blessings I'm actually done then let's come back into the bedroom which is also enormous you can play tennis in here okay oh yeah no it is so two doors yeah but also the roof around there go around that has like a bit where there's no roof well it has roof no but as in like no / there's a roof here and then there's no roof just here well so you can kind of see over the top excellent Retreat retreat god this is close these another area to sit before you get to the area to see it lovely truly truly beautiful a round [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah okay do you notice something a little strange about those feet they're all right feet yeah the toes doesn't it make you want to turn to change it yeah nice little V why are you having a bath double showerhead rain head and a fabulous view in this super this is look at I don't know I'd feel no I do know how to feel I'll be like hell yeah I've got a window in my shower yeah but it's totally yeah private what's hold on I'm just don't I think this will be the toilet nice balcony yeah hmm just in case you're looking for me I'm out here so it's two two and a half acres so all the land that way and there's I guess there's walkways and paths and things I don't know where they go I see it rough around the corner sad kitchen we'll get to that soon let's see what else there is I know there's some goodies coming oh really yes I've seen the goodies so this has been a 22 minute review already it has when we've only done one bed two bedrooms and six pre sitting sitting areas that is yet to come okay do you like the doors into the mutt oh my gosh feel feel the weight peepers right wow they does this reminds me of like a hotel yeah coming to the gym massage room Shauna I want a sauna so bad oh yes I don't have a sauna in my current house but I had one in my previous house never used it once real I would be in that every night usually I do my best thinking in the sauna there's a good thing yeah excuse me do you remember this yeah we saw this somewhere else you saw it in their house with the moat we know the lagoon I should be very popular yeah that's funny isn't it yeah what was this just a seat why I think that's when you're waiting for your masseuse to come not seating areas in this house a lot washing machines laundry room I think we're in the cleaning area now this is really like a hotel more bedroom secured nurse okay so this is this is a normal sized bedroom and it feels tiny mm-hmm because we've just been in these enormous other rooms yeah bathroom nice bathroom have a peek oh yeah perfect oh I like that little tree that's cool similar side let me put the light turn oops not like those trees are they real I want one of these oh did you see that people found that clock for us yes I did 1500 by ordered one oh really to say the price today I ordered the giant one they making different sizes no I did you see the watch no they do a watch okay so I'm not worried why was she creeping because I'm not where I thought I was a and lost okay little little Lou what's this then another bedroom / office no this is the office okay so this is the office nice office so it's like a pre office I said pre office because you have to have a pre room for the pre everything nice outside Terrace I think this was staged by the same company that did the last house because we also saw this Jack yeah we saw him in a different house yeah we didn't we see him in Tatyana's house yeah yes in that small corridor yes I remember that Jack gets everywhere not quite sure what this is not sure we're not sure if we can't show it yeah okay another this is actually a bedroom that's been made into a type of office and there's a little bar area in there it's not a bathroom how funny okay so we're actually on the wrong floor for me to show you what I thought I was showing you let's go this way we haven't been down this staircase I am so lost okay this is what I wanted to show you wait so we're going back downstairs now you're ready you ready yeah oh my goodness crazy right so where are we oh we're above the garage they were like half a floor down but look what you think you upside there has everything oh my god a little hot tub out here be nice Wow there's two hot tubs out there isn't this spectacular I have to do this a car we do it by a blank table without having a girl it's a cool pool table red chalk nice how about that your spots this is lovely though okay great yeah little toilet in there yep another bar that's cool corner and another little area with the chair can you imagine anybody actually sitting there in that chair lonely just out there just the chair that's it no table no nothing I wouldn't know anything but I guess you have to put I'd put a plant there something yeah exactly lush actually do you not be ah no maybe not I was gonna say it'd be cool to have like a little garden out there like a herbs and tomahto but would you really want to be gardening through you mean here I'm really confused so that staircase is where we came from this still goes down so this is a different level isn't it this is by the front door again oh yeah okay so basically there's the staircase to the garage so basically we've done the house that didn't we miss a whole back section up there when you said no I want to go the other way at the top of the stairs yeah think so what did we walk back did we walk back across here you know what we did did we we missed Oh a nest okay we missed so this house is really easy to get lost in it's that big okay yeah we did we missed all of this and I haven't I haven't seen it another bedroom balcony oh this I've never seen either I'll let you go and investigate yeah you can investigate that little Terrace okay so bathroom what is it Adam it's the world's poorest Terrace it's like one square foot right that's so funny why would you do that I guess it's not even big enough to put a chair on and you wouldn't be able to put any pots out here because you couldn't open I'll do the door that's so funny I know I guess you just to get a bit of a fresh air when you're having a shower well isn't that what windows are for I guess oh nice guys walking yeah cool so we went round the back oh well close it was it go through a lovely sized bedroom with a ever so slightly larger the balcony they do love an impractical balcony don't they in this house what do you put that what would you do with it yeah it's nice to open yeah I think that's it isn't it it's just nice to open actually you can come out here and look at that lovely car two lovely cars did you see junetta Scott how pretty is that gorgeous she has wonderful taste in cars hmm have you ever had a Porsche I had a Carrera GT oh you did didn't you yeah the silver one remember yes I had a couple of 911s a long time ago I span out the 911 not surprised I know I spend out the Carrera GT the Carrera GT was one of the most twittg cars I've ever driven your life they're terrifying terrifying yeah so I got rid of it they sound unbelievable though if I'd have kept it I might not be doing this with you now yeah they sound amazing they don't sound as good as the in Largo oh I don't know you said you said yeah that was a best sounding cave ever heard one off okay went one off for sure the v10 in that Carrera GT is insane outside is spectacular we can't miss that it's just so big she said are you gorgeous let's start down here okay okay so that stuff little nature trail up now I didn't go in that little room whatever that is it's a loo cool oh wait there's a little secret garden you can go there what's there a very steep hill I'm not going there there you could build some awesome little nature trails through here there is one there yeah that obviously goes I'm gonna go okay go up there and see what's up there it's an orchard oh wow can have a little like dining area up here put some fairy lights in the trees that'd be awesome at night whole fire pit Michael yes it goes all the way down the back of the house does it really you can have like a little orchard back here well there's two and a half acres here so that's an enormous amount of having said that the house the footprints huge yeah it's lovely to see a big house around here with land yeah very rare we're so used to seeing these huge places and they've got like a nice backyard but that's it right unless they view houses at a perch that just have spectacular views this is a lovely view it does outside turbot hmm oh yeah there you go turbot elite it's gonna have a turbo this is certainly built for a lot of people yeah how many people would need to live here to be able to utilize it a lot right here's the thing I think as a couple you wouldn't be rattling around this place well you could each have your own like life going on and you separate part of the house you never know they existed so this is beautiful there's your hot tub a diving board Adam oh yeah I mean that looks like an abstention Pete what happened it looks deep very deep look at this how clever is that that's awesome house well thought about and this is your cave yeah see I don't think it's a cave I thought it was like a little mini hot tub or like makeout area where cuz once the waters come in over here then you have like a little private anyways at makeout area this is true this is true but don't need it to be designated I guess you can you can sit back but don't forget there's a like quarter mile drive with double enormous gates to this property so Michael DC this scar here on my shin I see lots of scars on your shoe this one specifically yes that is from skinning my shin by learning backflips on a little diving board like that what did you learn from that exercise don't stand with your toes so close to the edge also don't do it after a half a bottle of red wine I mean seriously look at look at this fabulous this is a north/south tennis court which is regulation tennis court and it is crazy I mean if you weren't into tennis this is so much more land yeah that you could convert into awesome can deal with this if you weren't into tennis Aliyah where did you tell us you should learn to be into tennis do this nice yeah honestly it would be really fun to make a little motocross track and then get a couple of those electric motocross bikes ooh Michael's just ignore that I think I think this is a rest area for pigeons see even that house over there hidden away you'd never even know it exists I know a rumor about this house ah but it's only a rumor I know whose house it was who can I say yeah have to ask Ginetta if I can say all right tell me now and we'll bleep it out if you're not allowed to say Oscar De La Hoya I think this in boxing gloves still in the pool really I think so oh if they're if they're not they're genetic told me that they were in the pool yeah what like a neural type no like laying in the bottom of the pool really yeah where would they be and this is your saltwater pool - oh it is yeah so saline instead of chlorine which is very healthy I'm not seeing them there where there it's a pair of boxing gloves you actually see them it's a mural no no it's in the tiles Oh for real yeah come around this side if you look at it you can't really see it because the fountains on but because the water is rippling that is a pair of boxing gloves is it really yeah I think we're done right I think so alright so I hope you enjoyed this it's a spectacular property massive absolutely massive great piece of land 13 million bucks and that's unchanged whatever that is 13 - all of her information will be in the information below the video if you're interested you know where to go so hit the subscribe button hit the bell we are in it to win it what a glorious day I'm gonna give somebody know see ya [Music] [Applause]
Channel: ProducerMichael
Views: 401,840
Rating: 4.8630686 out of 5
Keywords: producer michael, producermichael, michael blakey, hollywood, beverly hills, los angeles, mansion, real estate, bel air, celebrity home, house tour, mtv cribs, celebrity, lifestyles of the rich and famous, selling sunset, oscar de la hoya, realtor
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 13sec (2113 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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