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Oh what does this do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we are in Sin City Las Vegas Nevada and we came here specifically to shoot some special videos that you guys are going to see over the next upcoming weeks but we have some spare time so we figured would take you for loops or Vegas and show you some of the things that happen in Vegas well not everything that happens in Vegas but but here's your cool stuff got I've never seen curved miscue later where have you been hiding oh no where is actually good engineering tell me another place where they have a care of this place that's a great question this is honestly the very first one I've ever been on what nothing my shoes have not fallen apart yet we got a lot of walking today I'm worried oh boy these are brand new tube never worn before scary you need a road test issues before they know right I bought a spare pair just in case just walked in through the door so thanks to me a chef here couple videos and you'll see them soon bill belt bill obviously Caesars Palace the Roman times and you might see some gladiators it is true that they don't put windows in casinos so that you lose track of time in Jesus and at the same for the shops they also make the exits very hard to fight very hard to fight because they want to keep you they're just inviting to see you enjoyed it oh yeah hey nice to meet you yeah behind the camera yeah yeah well I love I just sit there work and watch him and oh yeah yeah I worked on I'm a deputy and I work in a jail so I said can I go to another place where I'm watching your videos at school all the cars houses of watches everything so we're - let's keep going and we'll find interesting things found one a hill is a party near a party animal Brazilian party apparently I got it Rocky come on can I get a picture wow this is the same I love watching your videos alright ready 1 2 3 you're gonna go buy some watches we're gonna look at everything and you never know what might happen yeah yeah music so this isn't other watches and stuff ah yeah this is some of everything in here is a lot of watches a lot of watch brands tag girl who blow well who blow is it used to actually be you get the name of it but it had ever been known to man which is amazing and now it's a who blow boutique there's a fashion restaurant I know it's a it's a great watch and apparently he's a fabulous movement but I don't know anything about them I've never owned one no reason just I love the carbon-fiber propeller here ruby's these a who blows is ytterbium got a wooden face or like a leather face yeah so yeah I think it's good interesting is now I like the shaving kit that comes with it yeah I don't think it's a shaving kit but it's pretty cool I think it is is it is that not I don't know so it's some kind of grooming I honestly don't know what that was like a leper brush well that's a case so that round thing in the middle is a terrible case that opens up the watch goes in it no idea what's on the left tickling stick on the right and who knows what else I never have to do something okay this requires sunglasses all right whatever you can see now it's so dark in there [Music] of going in the elevator I'm mad just such an Prince of designer alley polo he's taught such the shoe manufacturer they make the flat shoes driving shoes I think there was actually the inventor of driving to incredibly comfortable incredibly ugly well some people might say they're fantastic firstly now we're talking here's my here's my shop right here I bet you they don't but we can go and ask [Music] it's on yeah yeah that's there perfect can I try them on yeah so I've been looking for these glasses for a while and couldn't find them anyway how to stalk in Beverly Hills and they have been in Vegas perfectly I love how you come in and like put me right here these are about as Ducie pair of glasses as I could possibly wear is that good thing or bad thing what did you like them hold up with the LV monogram over here the cool I like them I do yeah I mean they they are so you gonna buy them super I think I'm gonna buy my denim okay buy them no I like that yeah can we leave that accessory on man let the tracking device thank you I love the new soft luggage yeah I mean I'm a big fan of this roller right here she's like a teddy bear I know it's cool in that the fabric one really yeah I do like it it's nice and money as well yeah but I do love the classic monogram but you know that the original was actually the DA me a that's the original oh it was yes yes it was it'll be started because the grandfather wanted to pay homage to his grandfather interest so it came out after the Dommy Dommy a was written I didn't know that the time you'd love to play like wargames so it's like Dom EA means checkers and French there you go did you know that I did this digital camo bag this makes a change so nice see I mean I basically have this exact bag but I do like what do you think you mad okay Mike you guys tell me that I'm mad with all the stuff in here this is very tame tell me tell me though this is insane compared to your stuff you have a snakeskin suitcase how do you know you just travel oh that's right I did yeah all right so I buy these bye okay I want it so I guess I gotta I gotta stop there this so I can do this [Applause] [Music] this is amazing what you actually see here in Vegas we're still in Caesars Forum and if you like of the gods absolutely spectacular something you'd actually see in Rome and it sounds like we're at Niagara Falls through the water I don't think you guys can hear it it's so loud will they be able to hear out of you having fun yeah it's really really cool gotta shoot my instrument a place to do it within who is this guy Suzy mate he's wish to add the flow feet first horses wings also $5.99 BX Ferrari so when you come to Vegas for your business trips and things what do you normally do so I'm here because I have my clients artists that I represent that are performing in Vegas so you know I do 50 percent business and then I play around in the store and see what's what eat some good food I mean you don't drink so do you like to go to the casinos to walk around shopping I don't gamble I don't drink when I say don't gamble I'll sit down at a blackjack table and play for half an hour and they will only bet the amount of money that it would cost me to go to a show so to me if I went great if we don't well it was entertainment and it's always nice to win right but that's the extent of it money is much too hard to earn and to throw away when I sit down at a blackjack table or a roulette table the money that I have in front of me that I cash in projects I consider lost that's it it's gone so even if I walk away with half of that I consider that a win this is very cool look I've actually been here before there's an aquarium in the middle of this you know it's a fish tank within a fish tank yeah this is truly spectacular isn't it it is wild I mean look at the ceiling you have digital fish I don't quite understand by the angel Fisher with the sharks these where you call fish food real fish [Music] okay so it says $500 drink I'm lucky enough to have a bottle of this or two three in my house it is not this color I'm very suspect as to what is actually in this bottle I'm not gonna say what I think it might be actually it's probably Ice T but it even iced tea doesn't look like color does it but that is definitely not Louie promise you it's not Louie listen he went radically wrong with it stop it with the beer I'll buy you one of these Evan look one of these No one of these there's the camera to the right I'll buy you up but somato usually with olives and a pretzel and a scary stick I'll drink a meet a lie I have never seen a straw that is wrapped in fur before do you really mean is that it's 225 in the afternoon uh-huh you really want a beer it really was a bit unfortunate is nobody here to provide a service service completely said uh excuse me oh she's cooking I don't think she's serving anybody I think she's against me I think she anything she she's inside you sure look inside the container hello I don't think the heat-seal bags they'll hit the sound effects are very good may I don't think she works here oh right absolutely hi is there anybody that works in there oh this see this sometimes see this cupid issues you getting carried away with the thought beer how is it is it really good here's a much more active bar with someone that actually works a yeah are you gonna get anything am I gonna get a little bear with us yeah sure drink no could I just get Modelo [Music] IDs that include me haha I don't know what to do now never be national my ID will have what is that frightened chief Neutron lately frightening no this drama No there's no amount of money maybe try that's a lie there is there's an amount money make me a bet see if you can challenge me you'll give me 500 bucks no this is like you jumping in the pool I got it wrong how much I'll tell you what you drink that what has to be in it good boxer what I've done in it how long do I have to drink it I have to drink the whole thing yep how much alcohol goes in one of these much as you want thank you can the beach gonna be one shot no not hundred percent maybe one shot people really do that people are bad people are mad at it exactly give him his beer I'll pay for it are you buying it yeah how much is a beer it's big this is big boy I'm running away thanks man I didn't realize it you buy me this you did yeah of course you want to [ __ ] where they can't cancel any line yes please thank you [Music] what's up schools producer Michael so it's Heidi I see you giving her a tip he's stingy he gave you 2 bucks yeah not all of it very welcome treat your service kindly tip them well this is it this is the beginning of time [Music] the pan yes very well pronounced thank you talk to me about it because again it's another brand that don't ever see or hear about on the channel very prestigious in Europe prestigious everywhere actually it's a beautiful watch very very well made what they're not like cutting edge as far as design but their movements are spectacular I don't want I've never owned one and I probably never will I want because it's not my style but they make an amazing watch they hold their value and again in Europe you see somebody wearing a blonde pot that's the equivalent of somebody wearing an AP here oh really yeah great one are they expensive they can be really seen look at you so honestly I have no idea but we could go and ask whatever your nerves I'm guessing these dive watches yeah but I'm getting this collection I'm guessing they're about Oh [Music] 7,000 okay they have to compete with Rolex a little bit on that priced is a diver's watch but I'm interested to see this gets into this cash that question okay thank you and how much how much is this particular fifteen thousand seven hundred and how waterproof is it so once thousands yes did I head deeper than I can hear I'm good to about six feet honey I check this out how beautifully made and the blue dog absolutely gorgeous we made a black tie or there are 50 fathoms so the brute is very beautiful thank you for sharing that that was slightly out with my calculation is more than I thought it would be very feeling it you can tell the quality with a small thing this one also this one had the branding and how much is this one this one is 75 and the difference is because of the size of the date the bottom so and how much did you say this one was 373,000 373 it's the big one say said this is was it 42 millimeter approximately 45 is it really 45 minutes double to be on and it's not canon Skeletor carousel and terbium absolutely a gorgeous please I can see you wearing that no you three hundred and three hundred seventy-three thousand fantastic-looking watch only really is it's rare that I say that with it there's a spectacular looking watch am I allowed to show this on the channel where are we going now well we're crossing the road we just come out of Caesars forum and we're gonna take to Italy well not quite but as close as you can get without going today we're going to the Venetian and we'll show you some amazing art and gondolas and maybe Adam will jump in the lake not like River yeah there is very pungent aroma surround here it would be a great place to sell deodorant and colognes the gondolas watch the gondola it's a boat it's a boat with the man inside it with a stick and the key I keep looking back refuser we're on this moving thing I'll let you know I don't want to go to Hungary over the hill it was a very strange have an explanation for this but anyway now we're going downhill we were going uphill we're going down as I was saying or what I was trying to say the gondolas it's a one-horsepower no one human power boat it's a man with a stick and famous from coming from Venice in Italy which is a city with no roads it's all water and that's how people get transported around Venice very romantic in the Venetian they have the same thing so maybe we'll get Adam on the gondola now you want to be romanced by some Italian guy with the stick yeah I'm good there in fact he's a gondola follow my finger you see my finger then there's one coming out from underneath the bridge and these run through the whole hotel actually there's an area where we'll take you and it runs through the hotel it's really cool I mean they've done a fantastic job here at the Venetian and there's the guy that was telling me about you see the guy with the hat he has a stick there is a name for the stick it's not a nor there's another name for it who am i cool I'm they called punters isn't it cool it's a punter it's a punter if you say so I'm actually not sure but I believe it can I do recognize it would so there it is how beautiful is that it is hot now let's go in please but before we do go look at this architecture its Venice the Venetian so all the Vegas is essentially like Disneyland where they build fake sets and well you have you have New York New York which is like going somewhere hatten actually snowslide going to the Bronx then you have the Paris hotel which has the Eiffel Tower miniature version and you the Aladdin which is Aladdin's cave I've never seen the real one I don't think the ruin exists but it's pretty fun and there's all sorts of other cool stuff I will show you as much as we can and then there's downtown all the famous from Sinatra days the Sam's and hotels like that okay so so answer me this look down this way face this way do you see these as raised squares or do you see them as a tunnel through have no idea what you're talking about so when you look at these big you that it's the big you look at this pattern yeah do you see a raised square or do you see a tunnel that goes through if you look and you concentrate and you try to see the race square you can see it but under a square concentrate you don't see each other so you don't do you see a cutout or do you see a race where raised square slightly interesting I wonder what that says about your personality it's like a Rorschach test he's a good boy so welcome to the Venetian and as you see with the ceiling Adam spectacular and everything is modeled on original Venetian architecture so let's go see what we can find optical illusion yes how these blocks going up so it's like I think you look on the screen the common screen I'll show you so this is the top this is one shady side this is one bright side and each one either most had too many to drink let's go find some gondolas careful you don't trip over any of these optical illusions Adam so I know most people probably think about casinos has been roulette tables and blackjack tables and maybe craps but the majority of casinos is just filled with these incredible and very noisy slot machines there's some huge prizes well you can win a million dollars in fact there's one there million dollars and seven thing with ten million dollars megabucks it says Adam can you see this thing that is ten million dollars [Music] crazy crazy and somebody will will win them but then noises and these are 24 hours a day you can come in here 4 o'clock in the morning 5 o'clock in the morning and see the same amount people some of the might be laid on the floor you know but but the most part it's very busy and crazy and we need to get on this elevator over here escalator sorry and go to the the gondolas so guys this store here Regis Galleria is very famous and it's famous for one reason this is where Michael Jackson had his mega shopping spree I don't know if any of you've seen it that you can google it it was a shopping spree he went in here and spent I think 16 million dollars or something crazy like that no yeah he ended up actually not taking delivery of anything that he bought his business manager stopped it but there is footage of him doing in the store to take this 16 million but and right there there it is that's worth googling because it was there I guess the shopping spree of shopping sprees some jewelry they sell statues and animals chandeliers okay so yeah it was very very famous for that one purchase you should do one then they'll say our friend Michael Blakey [Music] yeah that would be sad if you said it we miss this is what I mean about it looking like a Disney sets cuz this this looks like we could be walking down a street in Venice well that's the idea that hence the name the Venetian this is conversations of the audience now a good point I so apologize so out of my cell phone isn't this beautiful it's like a Disney set did you just say that so we are now where the gondolas live [Music] beautiful this is not that much bigger than I thought I left yeah they need it for buoyancy because they've put the weight in the middle and you have the guy who stands on the back with his punch oh you said it was gold I think so it's like a fun team fault isn't it yeah I don't know I might not be accurate but let's see if we can find one in action these lethal injections pure oxygen 92% explain to me how these liquids it's just water free humidity the colors don't mean anything and what we breathe is also watching me in twenty four seven years ninety and the advantage in your opinion of pure oxygen is so to him he often evolution and he Mesa what's up yeah while you drink our beforehand and you'll be less hungover I'd like John's remote and then we put massage your essential oil takes about 10 to 15 minutes but I'm timing right normally 24 right now for how long longer we might be back to see you thank you very much now it's very pleasurable thank you please our sparkly this is one of my favorite stores in Vegas have actually bought lots of things here in the past very cool stuff very Michael you'll see Soho Miami it's very cool immediately immediately this is a michael thing it really is isn't it that's absolutely beautiful so the jacket and the shirt the eigenvector you see where you have some amazing things and you're nice to me and Michael this is Adam you know it and we're filming so sure for sure it's a Michael rack I don't know if I like that expression of Michael rocky amazing that's where are you what's happening okay so this is a cream that's going around in circles and I have no idea maybe I should ask Danielle can you explain to us what's going on here and why is this thing spinning all I know is it's four magnets that's the purpose of it spinning me touch it hey we lose that yeah oh thank you so much thank you thank you so this gives in there lift it I'll let you do it you drive well this is complicated look at that and then this gives on top of it gentle hands this is an art form well done that's pretty cool let me try that just a tad and it you should work like that everyone knows yeah give me a little bit big [Music] most popular jackets schoolboy to extremes Lola wearing your dad's blazer a little my first suit by Michael Blakey it's a great jacket it was a great joke it's just a sec some a few things some dangly arms you love my word this is a pizza market then why am i pushing you don't and look saying about to Liberace oh it does ah this is one of those I can draw a finger on yeah behave that isn't what I was gonna draw up it here's a real life done to it see he's first be singing Singh if we go to the side of the bridge [Music] that cell phone code now fit look at this yet this is somewhat square st. marks were absolutely right so you've been to Venice I didn't know that it's a great place to visit for a day do you agree with that yeah yeah thing we did we did an overnight and then we went back very touristy but very beautiful and very smelly that's maybe why it smells out there making it authentic it's more dead fish in Venice isn't it a and sewage are you interested in an ice cream um you can go nice for you like another beer do you want alcohol don't you it is 4 o'clock now we we've been out for hours believe that for you guys all for you I'll tell you what why don't we cut this here okay tell the folks this evening to show me what the strip looks like I'm going to cut it right now here cuz somebody told me to say that I don't we're gonna cut this and we're gonna resume again and show you what it looks like at night it's the wild times and we might interact with some people see what goes on there as well we're good to say goodbye for now we're gonna get some food maybe an ice cream I don't know what I don't know get a beer and we're gonna resume a little later when it's dark outside and we'll show you what a wild crazy las vegas trip looks like see you soon I just want to record this monumental occasion where I've got Michael Blakey to drink a beer Cheers [Music] I'm enjoying it I'm enjoying it that's good influence [Music] it's nighttime here in Vegas we are on the Las Vegas Strip it's pretty wild crazy there's the Eiffel Tower there although we're not in Paris it looks like we're in Paris you're not beautiful it says Paris over there can you see that Adam yeah and there's a lot of wild people right behind us we've got the Bellagio they have an insane water show we're gonna try and capture it for you but let's take a walk I want to say based on why I'm seeing here there's probably more alcohol consumed per minute in Las Vegas than in the entire United States in a day it's not accurate but that's what I feel yeah I agree I mean you're a major come more contributed to that fact only busier today maybe six there you go and you just started 40 minutes again it is so bright it's like daytime it's any price of the daytime when you drive along here at night it is so distracting I mean it's just walls of light it's incredible really but did you know that Las Vegas has now run I did not know that yeah I did not years ago well it's how amazing is that well James right under how much electricity there is yeah I mean this is insane yeah all renewable more waterworks or you can sit out perfect thank you does it feed there's a $10 fee fee I remember like it here yeah fine Thanks so bright I should have brought my sunglasses out no take three buses at night but look at that right what that crazy can excrete a line runs around the pillar it's insane it's impressive I gotta say that it's very it's a door opening what's behind it it's a golden man Julius Caesar I can imagine you having statue of you like that in my house why would you say Chicago that's a very Michael Blakey thing to do so you want to see some magic there's two young ladies over there that I guarantee will turn their back as soon as I go over there with a camera watch this [Music] your magician guys I hope you've enjoyed this little trek around Vegas it's a fun town it's a wild town and you know what to do hit the subscribe button hit the bell it it's a winner nah not working see you
Channel: undefined
Views: 749,663
Rating: 4.911633 out of 5
Keywords: producer michael, producermichael, michael blakey, hollywood, beverly hills, los angeles, las vegas, vegas, vegas strip, caesars palace, bellagio, the venetian, luxury hotel, hotels, blanc pain, tag heur, rolex, shopping, fashion, shopping spree, mens fashion, gondolas, casino, sin city
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 36sec (2076 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2019
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