What Was Your Greatest "FRICK YOU" Moment? (r/AskReddit)

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what was your greatest frickin moment back when I was 14 years old I started working at the only store in my town that would hire kids my age it was a pretty large mom-and-pop store that sold all sorts of goods mostly clothing sporting and hunting equipment sneakers and other stuff that you might find in a Sports Authority well one of the reasons that the owner used to like hiring kids that young was because he could take advantage of em and pay them people compensation I think my wages were about five dollars and 50 cents per hour if I recall correctly I worked there about 3 months in awful conditions most of the back rooms were fire hazards and when cleaning out one of the rooms that co-worker of mine literally found a bag filled with pee the store was notorious for its crappy conditions but I had literally nowhere else to work the final straw for me came when I was asked to prep about 500 pairs of shoes for a sidewalk sale in order to keep the shoes together they had to be zipped tight to their mates so customers didn't mix them up I spent about five hours with a co-worker tying these shoes together it turns out the instructions that my coworker communicated to me were faulty and they had to be completely redone after I left work that day when I received my paycheck for that week I noted that five hours had been deducted from my work time I approached my boss about the discrepancy and he opened the computer logs to show me my time he must have thought I was naive because I looked at the logs and I was punched in for literally one second that day it would have been impossible for me to punch in my to log in and then punch it in a second time to log out in the matter of one second I knew he had altered my time I approached him in his office about this and asked if he had docked the hours because of the mix-up he didn't acknowledge docking pay but he instead asked do you think you deserve to be paid for those hours in the most elegant way I've ever said Frick you at 14 years old I replied it doesn't matter what I think the law says you have to pay me for my time I don't think he expected me to understand the legality of the issue I demanded he write me a check right there and I quit shortly after I cashed the check when he asked why I was quitting I told him that the job wasn't quite what I expected he prompted what did you expect from this job in one final trick you I replied I expected to be paid for the time I works I don't recall what he said after that but I walked away with my dignity and pride intact this is definitely my funniest but possibly not the greatest I was in a fantasy football league with my girlfriend's boss my sister and a few of the other guys and the legal worked at the same store as those two so they all talked about it all the time eventually it got back to me that the boss whole reason for playing was to try and beat me he talked about it non-stop and he would always tell my girlfriend how he was going to destroy me on the last week of the season our two teams played and I beat him by an absurd amount because of the loss he was completely knocked out of the playoffs which meant his whole season was over the next day he was livid at work everyone who knew why he was Pete kept texting me to let me know he was fuming but his day was going to get worse at 3 p.m. a flower delivery service arrived and dropped off 6 bouquets of flowers that said sorry for your loss 5 were normal arraignments bill the last one was actually one of those flower layouts that you see at funerals with the stand in the back and the picture in the front everyone in the store came up to him and told him they were sorry and asked how he was doing he then had to explain to all of them that nobody died he had just got beat in fantasy football by me it was glorious row that is amazing I might have to steal that idea kind of backhanded Frick you moment super quick because I gotta go somewhere one old boss was a real dong too me too I got a new job three old boss puts resume in at my company for HR person calls me about him five I told them that I could not give him a reference six eat crap but old bosses I was in kindergarten and we were doing this activity where the teacher went from student to student and we all had to come up with a word that started with the next word in the alphabet when it came to be my turn I had the letter V I said van the teacher said no Andrew vamp isn't a word without saying anything I went and grabbed a dictionary off the teacher's desk looked up that and gave it to her I sat down and folded my arms with a crappy little grin on my face him in the Irish Army reserved and last week I was riding back through town on top of a tank after some exercises in all my kit and gear and I Drive by the guy who my ex-girlfriend left me for he was filling up a car when I passed and he looked up and saw me atop a beast and I gave him the mother of all Frick you I'm in a tank glares then gave him a smug mock salute full of mirth I know you Yanks think nothing of seeing folk stroll about in death machines but here in island that shoots crazy impressive you know God bless your ability to exact revenge even while being as drunk as you were I was sat next to a really loud mouthed jerk in a poker Tony got into it with him twice at the first table both times because he was ripping into other players from nothing he was one of those guys that tries to put people off their game by getting in their heads anyway that table got split and me and mr. loudmouth didn't see each other again till the final table we get seated and off course he targets me talking trash on anything he can think of he tries to get me to walk into an obvious trap so I oblige he flips his cards and starts talking about how great he was I let him go for a good thirty seconds before showing him the nuts sputtered for a few seconds and starts yelling at me for slow rolling I laughed in his face the last job interview I went to before starting my own business I was still working in IT the interview had been going on for about 30 minutes when the interviewer asked me so where do you see yourself in five years time a light went on for me I responded I don't know but I know it's not here sorry for wasting your time I shook his hand and walked out in college I took a year-long course on free speech the professor had some ridiculous bias and the course was hugely non informative it was basically a collection of people and works we all agree shouldn't be censored with a whole bunch of politicized BS so every weekend was about how terrible it was that they killed Socrates even though he was kind learned on all how stupid it was that they tried Galileo or how Lady Chatterley's Lover wasn't so bad and then we talked about how Bush hates women or frickin or whatever was on the professor's mind that week but loves corporations but we never dealt with actual free speech issues where the money is speech defending unpopular or even provocative positions like David dukes right to march or the like there were weekly reaction papers and I actually was able to construct a reasonable graph over the year of the buyer she exhibited every time you echoed her you got as every time you defended conservatives you got seize I eventually just started doing the a work to pad out my GPA anyway she submitted a one semester version of the course for honors approval and cross-listing as a politics course since my advisor was the head of the politics department she asked me what I'd thought of it I told her that teaching lacks any professional standards and actively punished me for expressing conservative opinions in weekly response papers moreover the entire course is an informative and is more a history of censorship of things we now accept as correct than it is an in-depth look at issues of free speech and either modern or historical society the only thing anyone actually learned in that course was the teachers political affiliation and whatever you put into the final paper the only reason I stayed in it was to have something to put on my resume honestly if she didn't already have tenure I'd say the fact that she's still teaching here reflects poorly on the school but I'm sure she's just letting herself go now that she doesn't need to care later I emailed her my chart with attached grades for each paper and the papers themselves as evidence of her bias as the class never got certified for honors status I have a similar story to yours but ended up getting the teacher fired I'll try to keep it short my seventh grade history teacher played favorites and I was not one of them I would get C's DS and deaths on just about every assignment and test tests were subjective essays my parents would get peer to me and took side so one day my mom finally decided to see if I was telling the truth so she wrote a paper for me I bring it in in the teacher gives it a B I go home with a huge smile on my face and tell my mom she got a D on her paper my mom is furious and calls the teach and the teacher makes up some excuse eyeing that she didn't actually give me a D and in the grade book it says a the teacher also tried to accuse me of cheating twice and both times I went to on a council they found that I had done nothing wrong sir my parents were completely furious and ordered her be fired but her husband was also at the school and one of the more well respected teachers so when the school threatened to fire her he tried to stick up for her and said then you have to fire him to the school then threw out a huge frick you and fired the both of them it was one of the proudest days of my life Frick that teacher TL DR I got two teachers fired because one of them was a huge byotch sophomore in high school fat quiet not popular I did have some people who liked to make fun of me I just kind of ignore them eventually one of them shoved me ignore it you know crap happens I guess he was having a bad day so he tried to punch me I was standing against a concrete wall sidestepped he broke his hand in three places this being the first time someone actually tried to hit me I grabbed him by the back of the head with one hand by the back of the neck with the other and smashed his head into the same wall a couple times before I dropped him people don't really freak with me anymore for some reason probably because now they all think I'm a homicidal maniac I was friends with this dude in high school despite the fact that he was an idiot he was always starting arguments fill no reason he hit on our mutual friends and creeps them out and was generally annoying we went to the same college and were friends for the first year or so Goodson crap went down he tried to draw me into a fistfight and we parted on bad terms r a restraining order by that point I was just pleased to be done with him but his girlfriend who was Obie herself was livid and wrote some pretty obnoxious stuff on my whiteboard and bitched me out to our friends end result being I lost my freshman friendship group except for one real friend what was my revenge you say well interestingly enough I was the one who got them together in the first place and they are a miserable couple fighting all the time and generally making each other's lives miserable but they just won't break up for more than a week anyway it's been like three miserable years now and it's all thanks to me the master chess player this is an expert long troll I am now going to set up all my friends with crazies just in case any of them cross me be a pawn game at a party I was next on the list to play in one pair of bros were talking tons of trash even to me why I watched crap like get ready loser you're next just being all-around buttholes the other guys were down to three cups and team butthole had four cups left but right then the losing guys cap showed up and they had to leave I stepped up to set the cups back up for a full six cup game and one of the guys on Team butthole said something along the lines of don't worry crap head will only do four cups to give you a chance they both shot and got one of my cups but my partner was in the bathroom so not 20 seconds after waiting for my partner to come back the shots started bitching telling me to leave the table if I am NOT going to play just crapping all over me in front of everyone so I grabbed both ping pong balls short both bam bam two cups down give them here doubles gets to go again a bit more sheepish they gave the balls back short both again Bam Bam Frick you get off my table who's next some guy watching made me snort beer out of my nose though after sinking four cups back-to-back the guy yells hope you brought a priest bros because you get no redemption for those who don't know beer pong rules or use different rules if a team sinks both balls on their turn they get to go again also you normally get a Redemption try after your last cups being hit but because it was a double I would have gotten them back and there were denied Redemption shots I like you you explained the potentially obscure parts of your story for those of us who may not have heard everything ever about two weeks after 9/11 and Penn Station NY waiting in line to get a ticket for the train Amtrak in its genius had stopped online ticket sales and gave this you had to buy a ticket more than an hour before the train left instead of the normal five minutes needless to say there is a huge line everyone is annoyed as Frick there were probably 200 people in line some 30-something power suits woman walks to the front and ask someone if they can cut behind them everyone in line tenses I go freaking berserk lady WTF you didn't ask me if you could cut me and you didn't ask the person behind me or the person behind them why the Frick don't you get in the back of the frickin line like everyone else we have all been waiting for a frickin hour and you can go freak yourself the smarter power suits woman goes to the first person in line watches for our ticket window to become free then immediately offers the first person dolla sign dollar sign dollar sign to cut in front driving 100 miles to see friends and family traffic is light but you can see it starting to stack up and slow down think bigger city traffic I am in second to left lane in no big hurry when I see the red Audi darting in and out of traffic to try and get ahead at this point he was making any friends and wasn't getting very far ahead he tried to pass in the far right lane when he neared me but to no avail so he crosses not one but three lanes of traffic trying to dart in front of me between the truck ahead of me I saw it coming narrowed the gap cut off his route you could see the fool who who will face in the window he was livid and really I didn't care then crap gets real this Audi darts and drives around several cars just to get directly in front of me and slams on his brakes I do the same brakes lock up he is so close I can only see the top of his truck beyond my hood I miss him by inches now I am be but more startled than anything he takes off in a hurry down the fast lane lane likely got away with something well the semi half a mile up the road did not see the Audi traveling fast when he changed lanes into the fast lane the front of the car the Audi spins in the middle divider several times dirt and dust kicked up in his front bumper laying in pieces on the road I shook my head and gave him a big flick you dude when I had my ex's name xtour father check that was in both of our names and she said she was entitled to half of despite what the divorce papers explicitly stated the issuer of the check agreed with me once I showed them the divorce papers with the course stamp Frick you dare I took on all the debts when we split including yours and I paid off every one of them over the course of two years and lets you keep the good car free and clear while I drove around in a 10-year old rusted-out piece of crap that I bought for $400 Frick you there this little check is mine there was a kid in middle school we will call him Henry that for whatever reason would bully me I am a girl he would pull my hair in the hallways between classes then running away P there are other stupid little things that he would do like knock my books out of my hands and trip me in gym class one day I was running a little behind for class I guess I should explain how the classroom was set up there were single desks in the front of the class and in the back were two big tables that seated two students two each table we had stools to sit on when I got there Henry was sitting in my assigned seat at one of the tables in the back trying to hit on my best friend the bell hadn't rang and the teacher wasn't in yet I walked to my seat and told him to go sit in his desk at first he told me it's a free country or some balls like that after a minute of arguing he finally got up but took my stool with him the teacher walked in at that moment and told Henry to give me my chair back reluctantly he handed it back to me seat first he wouldn't let go so I shoved the stool as hard as I could back at him the leg of the stool hit him in the face under his right eye he started gushing blood and crying he got a stitches and I got nothing I didn't get expelled or suspended after that he was as nice as could be to me plus he has a scar on his face that will remind him of me every day of his life I think he liked you bro when I was freshly 21 years old and old enough to go into bars and drink a group of co-workers and I would go to this local bar and booze it up for a few hours on Sunday evening which was our Friday one of the guys was a Nebraska farm boy who didn't like me for some reason and called my IV capper at hat although I'm not gay I don't have any issues with others preferences but at 21 years old I didn't really appreciate being labeled in front of girls in bars whom I might have liked to have gotten friendly with after months of being furious at this guy for being loud mouthed about calling me names in the bar I finally confronted the guy he started taunting me one evening about forgetting to wear my F had that night I said look Cletus his nickname I know you've been checking my butt out and I know you just can't keep from talking about gay men in the same context when you're thinking about me it's okay we all understand if you want to come out of the closet he got all pissy and started turning red so I grabbed his wrist across the table and said listen up freak head if you don't like me making you out to be something you aren't you can probably understand why I don't like it either if you don't want me to do that crap again then don't ever start that stupid crap again he never mentioned myath had ever again about seven or eight years ago I worked a job that I really hated it was for a small engineering firm the place was a family-run business and had been going for years and I was the first non family and non engineering employee consequently I'd get the mick taken out of me every day and was never a part of the klique the pay was pretty pitiful but I'd been unemployed for a while beforehand and have a family to support so I didn't have much choice I was employed to do sales and marketing but this business was so backwards it had paper records for everything and still used faxes heck they still use typewriters I spent a lot of my time out selling and doing traditional marketing but I also spent lot of time improving processes and infrastructure stuff like setting up a computer network creating customer databases from paper records completely revamping the website updating pricing systems and customer management systems all sorts so one year into the job my first pay review I've met all my sales targets and in addition have done shed loads of extra stuff basically dragged the company kicking and screaming into the 21st century my boss tells me I can't get any kind of pay raise cos I didn't spend enough time out on the road selling fully what we do so I start looking for alternative work and wind up taking a day off work to go and interview for other companies I got another job and I have never enjoyed giving my notice so much in my life within three months in my new position I got promoted and was on over twice what I was earning before about a year after I had left the small business I get an email from my old boss asking if I wanted to go round and do a day's work for 50 pounds on the computer systems I emailed him back telling him politely to go Frick himself that the amount he quoted wouldn't cover my travelling expenses let alone a day out of work and that he could stick a zero on the figure and I'd still say no TL DR stuck out a crap job as long as I had to got a new job and then got promoted like a boss turned down the old boss crappy offer of extra work I had my eye on a girl I liked for about half a year me and her were always pretty good friends and both liked each other but never thought the other liked the first fast forward a bit and I'm playing in a band with one of my best friends or so I thought till I'm out of a place for the day just gotten in an argument with my with my mom and she'd kicked me out and the girl I like offers for me to stay with her for the day till I get things sorted out what I forgot to mention is this kids now dating the girl so obviously he's being territorial which is understandable and so I do my best not to step on his toes while all three of us are at her place now things start escalating and he's getting obviously agitated being a doubt she controlling boyfriend every time she shows me any sign of attention to the point he literally tells me to leave her house so he can freak her right in front of her she's not having it she doesn't even want to freak him and he's been throwing out all these passive-aggressive petty little comments about me her friend she's no longer than this guy every time he gets a chance to so I try to talk to him and get him to cool down and I go you know man I love you like a brother and I want both of us to be able to chill out and have a good time et Cie to which he says something along the lines of trick you you're just the guy who plays drums in my band so I'd had enough of his balls and disrespect towards both me and her when I'd done nothing wrong and was in a crappy situation and already stress out I put up with it for the rest of the afternoon until he left me and the girl finally have a breath of fresh air relax talk about life about how chauvinistic he'd been and how she thought I was such a great guy in comparison for putting up with his attitude and eventually our feelings for each other we ended up freaking that night and I never really talked to the kid again TL DR the drummer actually got laid in my grade 12 religion class my teacher went on this whole speech about if you don't believe in God you are a bad person I swear those were her words cause I raised my hand and asked so I don't believe in God do you missus think I am a bad person after a few minutes of trying to sugarcoat it she said yes I stood up and walked out of the class I had the principal say I was going to heck and a priest tell me I was not fully human because I didn't accept the Holy Spirit ah Catholic school I got let go from a job when my position got replaced by automation and a part-timer so that the company could cut costs it was a business decision but I enjoyed the position immensely twss and to make matters worse I had to train the part-timer this guy was an old friend of the new supervisor who'd been brought in recently from across town so naturally he replaced many of us with his friends so after the first training session I bummed a smoke off the new guy while he told me about himself and I wished him well and told him that I'd already occupied my dream job early in my career and while I was sad to leave it it had been my goal from the beginning so at least I've been there to which he replied in a strangely sarcastic tone looks like you need to go find a new goal there pal the Freak long awkward silence we went back in and I gave him the basic version of the training no more buddy buddy just the facts two weeks later I start at a new job five hours from my family friends and home already kind of depressed when one of my new co-workers runs up to me with a newspaper and says hey this is where you worked did you know this guy come a company job title name arrested for child pornography screamed the headline my jaw dropped the guy they replaced me with was apparently caught on a workstation computer during company time by undercover police in a number of Yahoo tween chat rooms posing as a 14 year old girl and getting photos of kids and so on his stash was found at home and he was led out of his other job telemarketing in handcuffs and sentenced up to jail 45 minutes north up the highway from where I was working every time I drove by that jail on that Highway I'd shout hi name and then better find a new goal there pal TLDR cutbacks got canned replaced by new supervisors friend who got busted for CP better find a new goal next to looks like he found a new gal when I was consulting I got called out on a sales engineer consult with one of our sales guys at a big studio he was talking to the temporary head of their IT department about a possible equipment upgrade we get into the guy's office and he is nothing but a gigantic douche the entire time smearing about how he doesn't need any help doesn't know why he's talking to us because sales engineers don't know any more than salesmen picking on me for looking too young to know what I'm doing whatever so we start talking about a firewall upgrade and I mentioned that the new version this was 2001 or so supports a bunch of different protocols for high availability like IGMP weight without the IT guys he sneers you mean ICMP geez you sales engineer types you don't know anything I politely inform him that no I mean the internet group management protocol IGMP which is often used for multi casting high availability information to members of the cluster young man he says looking over his doubt she hipster glasses of me I'm a cisco instructor and certified network engineer I teach classes for them on a regular basis there is no such protocol I've never heard of it not wanting to screw things up more I mumbled something deferential allowing for the possibility that I might be thinking of a different protocol but I was seething at the guy for assuming I didn't know what I was talking about needless to say the rest of the meeting went poorly and we left empty-handed but as we walked back to the car the sales dude looked at me and said wow that guy was a huge dong even I know what IG MP is thanks for not telling him off so of course when we got back to the office I told the sales dude I'd email the IT guy anote thanking him for his time and I included at the bottom of it I thought you might find the following article interesting I know I did and I tacked on the link to the Wikipedia article on IGMP he the sales guy heartily approved and doubt it was related to this the IT guy was unceremoniously dumped a month later when the studio outsourced to everything I was owed money by the team I played for and had been asking for it over and over and they never delivered so I waited until the championship game and didn't show up totally flicked the club it would have been their first championship my 11th great ethics teacher stated that women produce eggs every month when they ovulate knowing that women actually release one of the men it already formed eggs my old male class it was a private school called her out on it she refused to acknowledge that she had made a mistake for the entire period after class I wrote up an email detailing of the per lightest way possible that she was wrong about her own reproductive system linking her to a fertility website to help explain ICC the whole class she made a mistake for the entire period in my cycle of friends a few of the guys were always taking shots of me figuratively and literally one particular kid Wayne was a total dong to me some days he would give me a high-five others he would just punch me I never knew what was coming he was much much bigger than me so I never did anything back this went on for years then we turned 18 and decided to move out of his freaked out home life and into a hotel life got worse for him then he was an even bigger dong he decides he's done with school and drops out to do so he had to gather a bunch of signatures from various people in the school building and pack up his locker and leave I was roaming the halls during one of the class periods I saw him standing in the middle of the hallway looking lost confused and staring at a piece of paper I walked up and asked what was up he said he couldn't find a few of the people so I guided him around to look for the people and get him all squared away we got all the cigs and made our way to his locker I helped him clean it out and even carried a bunch of stuff out at his truck with him we got out at his truck I put his things in the back he threw his book bag in the back and he looked at me with real appreciation in his eyes he was a bit humbled and had a look of slight fear of the unknown as he was about to leave behind all he really knew he looked at me and said you know my last name all the years I have given you crap it was you that pulled through for me and helped me get my crap together so I could leave this heck hell sigh thanks man double quote I patted him on the shoulder and said I was just making sure you left butthole I slightly pushed him to the side so I could walk past him and back to the building I got about 20 feet away from him my back to him he said you know I should kick your butt for that I kept walking did look back and threw up my middle finger never talk to him again good job on being the bigger man if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then another video bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 94,611
Rating: 4.8890977 out of 5
Keywords: moments, greatest moments, personal achievement, personal achievement examples, i had enough, enough, fed up, the moment, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: gig1Ersr0Ss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 32sec (1892 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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