CPS, What Are Your Work Horror Stories? (r/AskReddit)

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serious CPS workers offered it what are some horror stories that you've encountered my agency 30 years ago had a boy that was beaten and forced into child pornography when he was rescued at 8 he had burn marks all over him and his arms back and face had been sliced with a knife his back had Shane whipped scars and his arm was broken so badly that it never healed right and the nerve damage resulted in the need for it to be amputated the boy spoke with a stutter and was paranoid he was put in a group home and then a foster home he was close with his foster families neighbors and ran away with them when they moved away he wasn't found until he was 21 so he was legally allowed to stay with them we didn't work with him since he ran away but two years ago I saw him being interviewed on TV he was shockingly healthy-looking no stutter I hope he found the peace and love he deserved with the family he ran away with this is refreshing to see good on the kid for being able to recover one of the worst was a case I was jointly investigating with police and the teen girl was being constantly physically shamed by her stepfather the girl told me that her stepdad would always tell her they were lovers in a past life and they are celestial soul mates and told her whenever he would freak his wife he couldn't keep his dong hard unless he thought of her the mother knew Thea's what was going on but didn't want to leave him we confronted the mom about the stepdad and she knew the stepdad couldn't come unless he fantasizes about her daughter when the detective told the mom she was being arrested her only response was but I have work in the morning she had no remorse that will always stay with me it frickin amazes me that people like this who value their relationships more than their kids I worked with a family where the mother and her two children under the age of four were held hostage savagely violated at times with loaded firearms and brutally tortured for a few months before they were able to escape I don't think I'll ever be able to forget the images of their mangled bodies from that first night I saw them in the air barely recognizable at humans I think the hardest part of that whole story is that the children are in custody in flourishing but the plan is reunification with the mother who is back with abuse er another time a little girl was complaining to her teacher about how her down there hurts because daddy was rough with her turns out daddy admitted he liked to make videos of himself fricking his single-digit aged daughter he planned on showing them to his wife and the event she did not want to freak him I've also had other cases that are bad but not as traumatic to experience as a worker like a mom who tried to sell her children on Craigslist physical abuse that causes broken bones but goes unreported and mental health issues that affect how well a mother can take care of her kids I was surprised how a lot of my assumptions about being a CPS worker have been completely shattered by the families I encountered as an intern in a forensic unit it wasn't the poor and downtrodden that I interacted with most of the time but the middle-class white family that would go unnoticed it really blows my mind from my wife who works with disabled abused otherwise non-standard kids one day we had a potential new kid for our daycare program we were showing him for facility and he noticed a few workers who were replacing a window another kid put a chair through it the morning he looks at them and asks what he was [ __ ] doing we were ever so slightly appalled but then again the kid has a rough home life after the tour we stuck him in one of the groups to see how he got along with other children Accu a high-pitched scream and a crying kid what happened you ask the little guy had crawled between a skirt wearing woman's legs and tried to shove his finger right in her lady bits when questioned he stated that he does it with his sister all the time we later learned that the whole family often watched pee together he Lily foster care and now for the shocker that little boy was five years old just how people do this amazes me we all have the same apparatus for thought indeed into selects you get it's so desperately wrong I don't understand at all not with CPS but I was a child therapists who worked in a school I saw some really terrible staff one thing that broke my heart was a kid who frequently defecated on himself while at school his parent Wheldon take him to the doctor to make sure there was no physical issue and Wheldon be bothered too him with extra clothes or bring him extra clothes so he would have to spend all day in school with poop in his pants his teachers would sit a chair outside the classroom near the door so he could still hear the lessons he wasn't even one of my clients because his parent Wheldon degree I think the saddest part is the parents not giving the child an extra set of clothes if I was the teacher I would buckle down and buy him an extra set since the parents neglect too I was working as a social worker and got called for an emergency case I had to drive 3.5 hours south to pick up a three-year-old girl the only information I got was be prepared for a bad case when I got to the hospital where the child was at I was led to the room where the child's aunt and the child were the aunt had no emotions towards me the child however was a bit nervous but was ready to be held I was in a bit of shock I was not warned that the child had open losing burns over her face head stomach and legs I was prepped by the nurses then told I would be transporting the child in daren't back up north the entire ride I talked with the baby and sang to her I had to make several stops to hold her and soothe her the aunt said nothing right before dropping the arms off she asked me if she could take the baby I told her no she had to go to the caregivers no other discussion aunt walked off without saying bye to baby I drove baby to the caregiver introduced them the baby did not want to leave me I tried to get the caregivers to give her a gift feed her nothing worked finally I just had to leave I left out the back door when I looked back I heard the baby screaming and I could see her staring through the window crying I drove away halfway home I vomited because the thought of leaving her made me ill I felt as though I too abandoned her most cases don't get to me this little girl did I found later the burns were from her mother accidentally dropping a pot of boiling water on her head for the second time I work for CPS and I'm still fairly new to the agency most of the time reports of abuse and neglect do not result in kids needing to be removed so at least there's my most interesting case involved a 12 year old girl who was a registered diddler she had physically shamed her siblings and the parents called CPS to ask for help because they weren't sure how to handle it the girl ended up being charged I'm not sure why she wasn't given some sort of inpatient treatment program instead this happened in another state but she was put on the registry her Pio called CPS in my state when she and her family moved out here poor kid she wasn't allowed to swim with her siblings couldn't go to school couldn't go to the park her siblings couldn't have friends over etc just had a case where the mom was on probation for working with the cartel not going to give a lot of information on that but it was definitely concerning the freaking cartel one of my co-workers had a Munchausen by proxy case this poor girl had so many surgeries and was so messed up that her mother had everyone convinced the girl was paralyzed we got involved when the girl was 16 years old she ended up graduating with a 4.0 and going to college so at least it ended decent nine-month-old with a 2-inch tee tear three year old burned when mom set his bedroom on fire and tried to kill him the boy survived 'land had to have multiple surgeries for yours he also ended up with mental retardation due to oxygen deprivation during the accident those are the worst two cases okay I know it happens but physically I don't even know how people can physically shame a baby or small child I have a toddler and her tears like the diameter of half a pea though the labia are obviously larger there is nowhere for any penetrating object to go I just don't understand worst I have ever heard absolutely turned my stomach worked with a lovely kind docile funny guy who had formerly worked on Mental Health Service vans we were having a slow quiet day and he was telling me why he would not do mental health work anymore he was called to a farm in Wales where a woman of 21 had been discovered malnourished with rickets and all manner of other problems chained up in a horse box she had been kept there from a young age she had been kept there by her far the mother was complicit she was regularly violated and beaten not just by her father but by his friends to the guy I worked with was obviously hurt by what he saw he didn't like his part in the process of helping her he had to pick her up from a police cell where she had been for two days she wouldn't make eye contact and winced and made a squeaking noise whenever men came near I have heard some nasty stories but this one is easily the most loathsome TL DR girl kept in a horse box from young agent violated by father and his associates for yours I just can't understand stories like this where there are so many other complicit people one horrifying psychopath is one thing but for them to so easily find people who want to go along with their treachery and no one calls the cops truly chilling intake investigator hear the stuff I see is ridiculous walked into an active M lab that was set up in the same room a little girl was sleeping in found a wandering two-year-old it was five hours before the parents realized he was missing the cases where I actually do get a removal order prepping for court and having to defend why the agency felt the parents couldn't parent that's almost as bad as investigating the allegations baby as it haven't eaten in days homes that are so on Kent the homeless wouldn't even squat in them the parents who need mental health services but refuse same for the parents who need substance abuse treatment I see more drug-related allegations than anything it's one of the most frustrating jobs ever we have no authority people don't have to let us in or take drug screens or talk to us at all our hands are so tied that I can't believe we actually can substantiate allegations people don't realize that we try and try and try to intervene or place services with the families to prevent future maltreatment but are unable to do so because parents feel that they don't need the help or they dodge the workers attempts at making contact in my state we only have so many days to complete an investigation and then we have to close it to stay within state mandated time limits it's hard work but for the few kids who you can help it means the world I had a case where the mom was voluntarily handing her kids over since she was actively suicidal my coworker and I went out to serve the court paperwork to gain custody of the three kids four to ten months and we get there and mom is obviously upset I speak with her to let her know the process when Court will be where the children will be visitation schedule everything is going as smoothly as a removal can be kids were ready to go we had the car seats ready when the kids are in the cars my co-worker and I confront her about the report we got about her slashing her wrist she shows it to us and we tell her we aren't leaving until she goes to the hospital voluntarily or we call Em's she starts becoming a bit defensive now saying she will go tomorrow we don't really leave her a choice at that point since we just removed her kids and didn't want a suicide she goes into her friend's house she was also homeless for a bit to grab some stuff before her crisis worker takes her to the same hospital we are taking the kids we get physicals on all of the kids we take into custody mum ends up in the waiting room before us and since she's been pretty forthcoming I asked if she wants to help me check the kids and since they are her kids that's when I noticed she was completely glazed over I immediately tell my co-worker to escort the kids away from the mom and I asked her watches on H and alcohol literally not even ten minutes earlier she was perfectly fine mums escorted off the premises since she became belligerent you think that would be the end of the story but it gets worse the kids are seen intra Jan died have the baby in my arms and he's fussy really fussy I don't have kids of my own but I know when a kid is tugging on his ear and his fussy he probably has an ear infection but he was hot to the touch I had the nurse see the baby first he had a fever of 104 point seven he was immediately taken to a room to bring his temp down the two-year-old had severe dental decay and the four year old was just there keeping herself together it was one of the longest nights I had and the only time I ever cried once everything was done when I dropped the kids off at their new foster home all three of them started crying the elder two were screaming to not leave them alone they didn't do this when their mom left they did when I left I guess it was the few times that they had affection in hindsight I'm thankful that mom called us when she did or else that could have been a dead child the kids have been adopted as mother couldn't stay clean long enough for a successful reunification thank you for what you do I'm so glad that the kids ended up in a safe place kids exposed to graphic P baby is shaken beaten with sticks keys phone books a lot of physical shaming mostly done by the parents severe neglect no food locked in closets for days with no bed to toilet filthy homes parents just generally not giving a crap incest children being tied to windows and having things thrown at them drug use at a very young age it's pretty gruesome how the heck can someone just so casually do those kinds of things to their own children I was a case manager for a private nonprofit treatment foster care agency right out of college a worker in a group home for emotionally troubled adolescents every time I'd think nothing could shock me something did the girl who was removed from the home but casue her brother physically shamed her brother was still at home a boy sold for drugs at age 2 a girl forced into prostitution by her mother at age 13 a girl who lived in fear as a team that the child pee her mother allowed taken of her when she was 10 would show up in her future learning problems due to head trauma from abuse so men a teenage boys given away by their mothers because mom's new boyfriend didn't like the kid the pregnant at 12 years old by her own father or uncle as they both violated her regularly to failed adoptions because the child had too many problems so adoptive parents returned them like a freaking pair of pants a brother and sister so neglected ignored that they could barely talk at age 4 and 6 the two cases that shocked me the most a girl off about 12 who had a hearing loss in both ears it seems her father rammed pencils and her ears when she gave his friends a hard time when they were violating her she had nightly nigh taras she was sure her father was coming to get her and was on guard every minute of every day this was at the group home no amount of talk about her father being in prison on the other side log the state helped she found out we were not allowed to lock the cottage doors and was inconsolable the night I worked the overnight shift I locked the dang doors and told the higher-ups we needed to do it she was sure her father would find her and kill her and if I tried to save her he'd kill me too and it would be all my fault that who died the other was a 16 year old was gang debauched by her boyfriends friends gang she said about 10 of them she ended up with the clap and crabs as well as cervical tea and backdoor scar tissue from trauma she ran away from foster care guess where she ran yep to her boyfriend when she was found she told me it was okay now because she had already been done no one was ever charged or even arrested I lasted ten years in the field I lasted three months had to drive kids to and from visitations and such the worst was a kid whose parent I never met because I gave the case away a dad who had beaten a small child around the age of six so severely the child had a blown pupil fractures to the face and other such things I did meet the child once and she was adorable so nice and sweet seemingly innocent the family where she was seemed nice as well then it came time for me to arrange a visitation with the father I gave the case to my co-worker and told him that if I saw him in person I would probably flip out and destroy him on sight three months was plenty for me $24 K and I was driving around 100 miles roundtrip daily note the freakout feral children with flat heads living in fesses and maggots who could barely speak or talk from such severe neglect parents stoned all day and burning the kids with cigarettes for discipline I see them on Facebook sometimes bitching about CPS took their kids for no reason but I used to be really liberal and now I think we should execute parents like that on sight kids beaten to death baby is beating to death kids beating until they are blind into brain burg kids violated so hard they have nerve damaged baby is violated kids given drugs people living in filth drugs drugs drugs no charges for the parents with the feral kids I lasted two years before quitting $24 K a year is not enough for the secondary trauma I also have worked for CPS I lasted eight years thank you for bringing up secondary trauma I wish more people understood that trauma that comes with this job it starts to affect your personal life after seeing horrible physical abuse day after day it was hard to have any kind of private life with my so the state I worked for had no assistance for workers dealing with this trauma unfortunately I work in a crisis treatment center New England and we often get kids brought in who have injured and fathomable abuse and neglect the story that stands out to me the most involved an ATO girl I met about three months into this job I had just transferred to that particular unit and was unfamiliar with her case I noticed that she had extreme attachment issues she was desperate for attention and I was warned to be careful when walking by her room that's night because she would often masturbate in bed anyway at the end of my shift I read up on her case and what I found still makes my stomach turn whenever I think about it the girls bio father was never in the picture but mom and her live-in boyfriend started physically abusing her from the age of two the boyfriend would make her perform fellatio on him then urinate on her after he finished they also groomed her to perform fellatio on her 7u brother when she was five eventually she was taken out of the house and put into a foster home where she was forced to take part in an adult club honestly I don't know how that never became a public scandal especially because it's a small state the girl eventually ended up with a pre adoptive mom with whom she seemed to do well that is until it emerged that the mom was diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder whether or not one believes that this is a real thing is for another time regardless the woman had severe mental issues this poor girl had the worst body odor I had ever smelled and it was difficult to get her to shower if she went to a long-term program the gain as an only for crisis stabilization and I've recently moved so I doubt I will ever see her again but I know that I will never forget her story and I wish her the best of luck there is a pretty horrific case in my hometown that resulted in a federal investigation of the county as CPS practices this eight-year-old boy was physically and mentally abused for many years he regularly had bruises broken bones burns ligature marks etc his mom and her boyfriend would send him to school and girls clothes to humiliate him the case had been reported to CPS by teachers medical staff even neighbors there was an active worker on his case neighbors would hear terrible screams see the boy bruised etc' but felt helpless because CPS was already aware of the case police would be cooled to the residence only to leave soon after last year the poor boy died after a marathon torture session by the parents neighbors heard horriffic screams loud banging noises et Cie but nobody came until the next day where his body was discovered it caused a lot anger from the community including suspension of every CPS worker on the case and the rest going on strike asking for better working conditions there was simply too many cases per worker and many of them felt this would have been avoided if there was proper staffing Texas CPS for going on five years I am an MSW and now paid about 46 K and received great benefits I would like a different job that it would have to pay around 55 K for it to be worth it for me so I am still with CPS anyway worst cases dead toddler who was beaten and violated over the course of a day while mom was at work because she wet her pants I had to photo all the bruises and what he did to her T and a nurse at the hospital sometimes I see those pictures in my head still dad casually accounting to how he licks and fingers is five years old daughter's vagina because I don't know why girl who had to have several surgeries to repair her feet because her dad and brothers discipline her by beating her feet were to buy fours with nails and then dad spewing hate about CPS to anyone who will give him a second but what really happened is he admitted to violating his two young daughters since they were in diapers after children disclosed and was screened at the hospital despite these being typical cases being called a child stealer by the public this job is not for people who think the world is an alright place watching a six-year-olds homemade iPhone Pete he made with his four-year-old cousin while sitting in the same room as his great-grandmother the five children removed from a dirty home ages 3-8 they were sleeping a mattress infested with rats the kid that was physically shamed by an adult sibling in the parents called the kid a liar even though there was DNA evidence tweenage kid tried to commit suicide oh yeah the kid watched a parent and a sibling be murdered then a suicide of the parent significant other as a toddler the crime was not discovered for hours another family the father beat the mother regularly and then one of the preschool age kids said don't beat mum beat me instead and the dad did this happened more than once the dad also physically shamed his daughters they told their grandmother later they would wear multiple layers of pants in the hopes that it would deter their dad it didn't another girl mom puts her with a relative when the girl is a toddler he proceeds to severely physically shame her for 10 years she said she thought the physically shaming was normal like brushing your teeth later her mom is murdered and the girl becomes addicted to him she had kids and loses custody of them kids mom has a loser boyfriend who beats and physically shamed the kid and her sibling mum continues to have contact with this man to this day kid is removed and placed with her grandfather who physically shamed her figures finally gets removed from him but he's never prosecuted as a tween she was recruited by a pimp she was then physically exploited child prostitution for the non-pc crowd for the next five years didn't matter where we'd move her a pimp would find her worst time was when I had to pick her up after a John tried to kill her we were at the hospital for hours I had a parents on a case become a quadriplegic from a domestic violence incident the perpetrator was not prosecuted prior to me having the case one of my girls stomped a cat to death and strangled another a co-worker's client killed a puppy by hanging it a kid first grader drew me a picture of hanging her cousin which she wanted to do because her cousin was too pretty she had been severely physically shamed while her homeless parents allowed a random guy to do whatever he wanted to do to her for a couple of years she kept trying to molest her younger brother her brother had been so neglected his speech was unintelligible she was living with a relative after being removed but had to be placed in a residential facility there are also the daddy Grand Park cases dead babies this always has been and always will be the answer to this question the worst thing I have ever encountered in my job is dead babies it is something you never get used to it's something you shouldn't have to get used to three-day-old sodomized by her father the mother called father to warn him that the police wanted to talk to him she said she did it because she loved him they both went to prison the baby died a couple days after surgery to repair a ruptured bowel and bladder I don't usually like to discuss his stuff I want to spare people but sometimes I you just have to tell someone I think the public should know all these cases if people understood how common this was real prevention maybe would happen at least children will for whelmed be met with such hostility short stint is a CPS worker had a dad take his kid to the hospital for a broken limb 24 hours after he was told by his ex that dropped the kid off their kid might have a broken arm I get there and the other kids are covered in scabies and malnourished I go see that kid with the broken arm and he has the worst scabies of all the kids I met dad and he was aloof to all his children looking like crap I came super close to beating his butt in the hospital I work for the state a few times a year as an actor role playing abused children to Train CPS workers police and others who conduct interviews of abused children we get a child's backstory to memorize and we have to understand and accurately portray the way a child thinks behaves and responds to questions this training is vital as children have a fluid notion of fantasy and reality that can easily be changed by the process and the wrong people can end up in jail or guilty people can end up back on the streets but the most difficult thing about the job is living these horror stories in your mind and realizing that they are all true the people who created the program use real case histories for all the characters we play I tell you some people are hard maybe the job does not bother them it's from the mind of a child they add to the trauma the interviewers who connect calm and help the most or those who take it a little personal and allow themselves to be affected I have ultimate respect for CPS and police who do this job the burnout rate must be high and that is tragic because their work is so important I worked in Psych for years I've had several patients who neglected their kids but nothing as bad as the others in this thread however the worst I've experienced was CPS taking a couple's child away because the mother smoked marijuana for her depression never around the kids I mean if you keep vodka on the counter that's fine but smoke some weed by yourself at night and you get your kids taken away worse than that is the fact that some parents drink to the point where it negatively impacts their children and they're still able to keep them because alcohol is socially acceptable and weed is not I'm a mandated reporter which I view as a serious thing it makes me sad that I've never talked to anyone at CPS and had the impression they cared about what I was telling them I called on a girl who came to school with a nolle cut on her face and she wouldn't tell me what happened she fell asleep in class no matter what so deeply she snored and wet her pants several times in the seventh grade I called her Guardian an art and was told her kids were back with their parents who obviously didn't have legal custody for a reason but the aunt obviously let them go when I call CPS the worker kept asking me if I knew she was being abused and when I said no but the signs were saying something is wrong and the kid isn't even living with the person who has custody I got a very patronizing talk about this not sounding dangerous this girl's brother also beats the crap out of other kids on a regular basis and finally got expelled last year for trying to light a bus on fire as someone else said the dead babies I worked all areas of CPS for 15 years from taking the first call and writing up reports for other workers to working with abusive families trying to keep them intact I worked with kids in foster care trying to get them back home - getting them legally free for adoption also worked certifying foster parents I was very good at my many jobs came up the ranks quickly saw the worst and the best in people sometimes on the same day but the crumpled bodies of small children killed by those who were meant to protect them I was on the statewide child death committe saw them all it was a committee formed by law enforcement CPS child legal advocates community people as well we were supposed to figure out how to lower the numbers an interdisciplinary approach there are no good answers society doesn't really want to think about these things in the money dose and tea flow in CPS direction we either pull the children for no reason or less em Dianne laughed someone posted that there was mostly crappy work done by CPS very true appalled at some things that happened around me with low pay and poor work conditions what else can be expected my mother works for a mental health counseling center her official job title is intensive and home family counseling if there is one thing I've learned from her it's that CPS doesn't help nearly the amount you would think child pregnant with her mom's boyfriend child for the second time I'll keep the kid there five children being violated ranging from three until seventeen tell the guide to leave CPS try to keep the child in the care of the family which in most of their cases is not the best idea I worked in child protection for five years and have heard about more horrors than I can remember there were plenty of times I cried I have had to politely greet diddlers and show them to meeting rooms knowing exactly how freaked up their kids are because of the actions of these monsters however I am not prepared to give details of any cases regardless of anonymity just to entertain other editors these kids have enough crap to deal without strangers on the internet wanting to hear about the abuse they have endured for their own embossment I agree with everyone who is saying it is important to talk about abuse however as I have said elsewhere in another comment the title of this thread rubbed me the wrong way the sensationalist tell me your horror stories feels inappropriate and disrespectful to those affected and sounds to me like someone is asking for these stories for entertainment this comment was aimed at Opie if the title was more sensitive I would have considered sharing a few stories I worked in a behavior treatment group care facility for teens for five years one of the worst stories we ever had was the girl who witnessed her mother's murder mom had fallen out of favor with a gang so they locked her in a doghouse and set it on fire she burned to death the girl was 10 at the time my uncle was in the police for 35 years or so he was in Glasgow a particularly rundown part child welfare was one of the things he dealt with alongside social workers during that time he said he saw stuff he genuinely couldn't believe anyone could be sick enough to do least of all to a kid you ever read heart of darkness it was kind of like that apparently how people could be so inhumane and brutal like the family where both parents ran a child pee ring mother filming the father violating the 3yo or like the times when they'd go into into council flats and find children starving and malnourished while the mum just ignored then and watched daytime TV and drank all like the time that they raided a flat and arrested a drug dealer and his girlfriend their child was about seven you apparently and already was taking age poor see had to go to some clinic to help him kick the habit or the woman who hid her baby whenever it cried she gave it brain damage and arguably more or less distressing when often my uncle was interrogating youth criminals before robbery assault drugs even murder occasionally it would come out quite often that they were kicked out of the house by the mother's new boyfriend after their parents had split up not sure of these couples who was the more despicable my uncle said he hated his job yet he realized that if everyone refused to do it there would be no justice and this abuse would carry on but nevertheless it has clearly affected him loads he always looks depressed had that eternally tired looking expression he rarely smiles my dad said he was the complete opposite as a teenager bitter job changed him completely if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now [Music]
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 88,529
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Keywords: cps worker, cps workers of reddit, cps worker day in the life, cps worker killed, cps worker stories, cps worker horror stories, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 24sec (2064 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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