What Insane Things Has Your School Made You Do? (r/AskReddit)

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what backwards things have your school's done that made about zero cents we had a masquerade dance but the masks couldn't conceal your identity hey that happened to my prom senior year it was a masquerade but masks and face paint was strictly forbidden my junior high had to standard with staircases leading to the second floor the one closest to the door obviously got most of the traffic so to make the stair traffic more balanced they designated one boys and one girls I thought up and down would have been a better idea seeing how you still had to wade through oncoming traffic of your own gender no matter which way you were going actual objective prevent student upskirt viewing my high school band water bottles because some kids were throwing them around after lunch one day naturally this meant guards on all the doors that would interrogate people with backpacks which was freaking everybody because it was a freaking school as they left the cafeteria this endeavor did not reduce the stuff throwing my middle school banned them the after some kids brought vodka in them note there were like four eighth graders that did this and this rule was put into place the next year when the students had gone to high school not my school but one of my colleagues has a kid in elementary school in which somebody was hit and injured with a soccer ball so now they don't allow any Bulls whatsoever on the school premise at the end of the seventh grade my school allowed students in the advanced level reading classes to take Spanish in the eighth grade if they chose to in addition they were required to write letters saying why they wanted to learn Spanish in the eighth grade cue the beginning of the eighth grade everyone who didn't write the letter is enrolled in Spanish no one who made a request to take Spanish is in Spanish since I was one of the kids who wrote a letter requesting to take Spanish I also decided to ask around about what gives apparently if you wrote a letter you don't get to take Spanish until the next semester so apparently my school gave people who had not expressed any interest in being taught Spanish were given higher priority than those that went out of their way to make such a request this was in 2004 but to this day it remains the single most baffling moments in my public school education my school banned backpacks you should have carried everything in a guitar case instead due to a local measure our high school got $10,000 to spend on renovating the campus in the wording of the measure the money could not be spent on teacher salaries or classroom materials like books or lab equipment so the school decided to build a chain-link fence around the entire school this was in addition to the other two fences already in place there were also teachers on golf carts roaming the school for truants and someone on duty at all times to ensure that students entering the parking lot before the last period of the day had a valid excuse for leaving we used to joke that they were just missing turrets with guards and with rifles and video cameras on the various buildings to track our movements to complete our jail cell for the girls at my school your skirt or shorts had to be lower than your fingertips if you put your hands at your side and you could not show midriff unless you or your school sponsored cheerleader outfit which had almost no skirt and showed belly button this rule was hacked to anyone with long arms my high school was briefly famous in the early zeroes for having a girl that started a Caucasian pride Club not sure how that ended though at our high school it was slightly different there was an Asian Club filled with like 200 kids but all the officers president VP et Cie were white as some sort of joke they were elected and no one gave a crap I guess I'll chime in with a story with a more positive ending during the summer one year our district had gotten a new school superintendent who was determined to crack down on certain groups of students he saw as undesirable the way they decided to go about it was to create a new dress coat for the middle and high school specifying that students could only wear khaki pants button-up or polo shirts with no logos and nothing else their reasoning was that the undesirables would either refuse or be unable to change their dressing habits and so they would be suspended and of eventually expelled the problem was a lot of students didn't have the money to buy a whole new wardrobe and the school district wasn't about to provide one for them at the same time the students themselves resented what they felt was an attempt to control them and so a two-pronged attack began the parents began protesting at school board meetings and the students began refusing unmask to conform to the new dress code after the first week the school board doubled down warning that starting the next week there would be issuing suspensions to everyone who violated without exception even if it meant suspending half the school so the next Monday we came to school twenty minutes after the first bell rang we stood up and left the entire school went outside to the parking lot and sat down sure for some of the students this was just in isacs cuss to walk out but many others were taking a stand this rule was ridiculous and we wouldn't obey it the next day we did it again halfway through the third day they announced that they would no longer enforce the dress code I have never been more proud of my local student body than I was the day I almost had one of those happy to emo Monts up vote for you good sir my school brought in a guy who told us watching pee would eventually make a simpleton blind anything that has the word zero tolerance yes I have zero tolerance for zero tolerance policies whenever there was a fight at my high school they would suspend both students no matter what the problem with that is sometimes one of them would only be fighting back out of self-defense there was a butt hole in my grade who basically jumped this other kid because he thought he'd bumped into him on purpose when it was just a case of too many people in too small of a space the kid who was getting jumped wrestled him to the ground and pinned him butthole wasn't expecting this geeky kid to actually be pretty built which caused buttholes buddies to jump in and start hitting the kid this all happened right in front of some friends and me at my locker we tried to stick up for him because he'd done nothing wrong only tried to defend himself didn't matter he was suspended for a week a lot of schools do this and it's absolutely ridiculous if something like that ever happened with my daughter I'd raise heck then take her to Disneyland or something during her suspension this was some years ago but at my high school a group of guys were wearing Hooters shirts that had the logo and the phrase more than a mouthful some girls found this offensive but we're told nothing could be done about it so they made their own shirts with a picture of a rooster aka dong that said nothing to crow about they were suspended both my friends were wearing hats in a school that didn't allow hats the only difference between the two was that one of them was wearing his football jersey the principal made the non football friend take it off while wishing the guy wearing the jersey good luck at the game scheduled for later that evening at my old school we tried to gain the system by setting up a wire role-playing Club to gain creativity hours we got told we had to shut it down because wow was addictive the poker club was not a problem however a friend of mine was suspended for wearing a shirt from her previous school that she transferred from it was ridiculous a lesbian couple won cutest couple at my high school the principal discontinued superlatives without explanation pretty soon it won't matter what old blowhards like him think and their bigoted worldview anyways some kid at my high school got caught dealing pot from the basement bathroom therefore they shut down the basement bathroom in my school we are only allowed to wait Halloween costumes until lunch after that they have to be taken off in fear of concealed weapons I forgot people only get murdered after lunch don't be the kid who murders someone in first period and ruins it for everyone next year in my high school on Halloween we were allowed to dress up even though he was a Christian school we were allowed to dress up a male student dressed up as the Joker in his nurse outfit very convincingly it was great by a third period he was forced to change out of his costume for cross-dressing many of the popular boys on the football team would rest an actual drag or as a caveman Roman in a dress but were never forced to change it always be me off because this key never dressed up or participated in school functions and the first time he does his brilliant costume was harassed by the teachers and shamed for being twisted call the ACLU they foam at the mouth for stuff like this and contact the media I once got punished by my school from not wearing bunny ears during the Easter egg hunt I am Jewish the most backwards thing that made zero sense to me was the way my school handled 9/11 I was a senior in high school at the time when the first attack happened word got around about a bad plane crash so many of the teachers put on the classroom TVs as such many of the students saw the second plane crash live obviously everyone knew it was intentional at that point within 15 minutes the principal got on the PA system and announced that we all needed to get back to learning and not worry about what was going on outside of school so here we are students aged thirteen eighteen more than capable of understanding what was going on being told to just ignore the largest attack on this country in our lives the cable feed was cut of the entire school so we were in the dark for the rest of the day we had no idea what was happening for all I knew there could have been similar attacks all over the country yet an ironic principal thought that by cutting us off from the world we would just have a normal school day and learn I will be forever angry at him for that I think it was a horrible decision and we had every right to know what was going on you should send him a letter let him know you're still thinking about how horribly he handled the entire situation Day of Silence when I was in high school we had a diversity Club because my school wouldn't allow X R and a good 100 plus people were participating two of the administrators didn't want Day of Silence to be a thing the other two letters and offered to field any angry phone calls from parents there were parents who kept their kids home from high school on the day of silence because they thought it was blasphemous at our public school was supporting sin there were 86 calls from angry parents at our school would condone gay marriage in that jazz our school was 1,500 people so it was pretty small but far more than there should have been that afternoon and our associate principal one of the ones who approved of day of silence and calm they raved parents was killed in a pretty horrific car crash people blamed it on yep God punishing her for accepting the LGBT community freaking gut holes I have only been that full of rage maybe twice in my life on another note the Bible club protested our diversity Club meetings even when we were talking about like treatment of Native Americans in the modern day I don't get it if this happened to me I just refuse the punishment and tell them to leave it alone or expel me and watch me destroy them in court realized once I finished typing that this may have something to do with me being in law school now if you get expelled you can actually petition the county school board to change the sentencing among other things it's scary how much it's like court source I got expelled once and got my expulsion shortened my best friend in high school got pregnant in the school persuaded her to drop out apparently it looks bad on the school and they try to convince all pregnant students to do it fast forward years later I'm teaching a pregnancy STD prevention program and try to get the school as a contract but get turned down because they have never had a pregnant student I didn't go to this school but I have many friends who did a few years ago one of the students of the nearby Catholic High School committed suicide and they refused to put anything about him in the yearbook because suicide is a mortal sin and he was in heck I don't know if this is how most Catholic high schools handle this sort of thing but everyone thought it was really freaked up I had a friend's brother commit suicide one year after graduating from a Catholic High School the service was held at the school and was supported by the administration this was in California however so imp in my high school we could not wear blue jeans you can wear black red green purple or any other color but no blue jeans we had a national Pride Day for spirit week but the teachers banned bringing wearing countries flags when it comes to schools it's only a political issue if it's a minority opinion in your community sad but true - one two five four nine two five zero zero that's the ACLU main office and NYC I bet your principal would crap his or her pants if you had then call the school for a pep talk wear your shirts anyway freak that - one six four seven two two two zero zero ACLU of Ohio since Opie said they were in that state it made national headlines a few years back I graduated in 2006 this happened 2009 Live Oak High School in Morgan Hill CA a white student wore an American flag Eagle t-shirt a school on Cinco de Mayo the student was suspended for and this is a quote insulting Mexican Americans with inappropriate clothing the student went to his parents who promptly went to the press and once the local Hispanic community caught wind there was a protest against the school not expelling this bad kid for insulting their heritage by wearing an American flag on Cinco de Mayo in the u.s. in a school where the overwhelming majority of the Mexican heritage students were born in the US and are therefore Mexican American backwards thinking at its finest thankfully the protests amounted to nothing once the story went viral nationwide and the principal assistant principal responsible for the decision were fired my public high school did something very similar we started an LGBT Club and were told that if we wanted trips shuts or meetings it would all have to come out of our own pocket but we were told that the school didn't have the funds to help us but as long as we stuck to the school board rules we would be allowed to host our meetings meanwhile the Christian students Club got free t-shirts sweaters and bags a free trip out of the country to do missionary style work and didn't have to pay a cent out of pocket for their meeting room rentals it also states explicitly in our school board Resco that any clothing bearing religious symbols of any kind are not to be worn on school property but when any others in the LGBTQ Club complain beware hushed and forced out of the office at the same high school I was bullied more by teachers than other students assaulted by a teacher in my final year which the school did nothing about and once told that my friend who was being threatened by her ex-boyfriend was sold because it wasn't a school related issue they were soapy when I took her to the police station to file a report that they almost suspended me I managed to get out of it by turning to the same secretary who wouldn't help us and saying I thought it wasn't a school related issue at my gay little sister's public high school they first tried to make a student change and then gave her a few days detention for politely asking why a legalize gay shirt was against their dress code the dress codes prohibits offensive profane content but nothing political this is the same again public school that holds prayer sessions at official school events school board meetings America both actions are illegal FFRF of the ACLU should be contacted they will investigate and if they find it to be illegal or unconstitutional they will warn the school that they need to stop and will litigate if the school refuses my high school band hugging because they thought it would stop teen pregnancies also my senior year the band Day of Silence they let it happen my freshman junior year of school but banded my last year saying that if anyone was participating they would get in-school suspension for two days most of the teachers didn't care and let the student stay silent throughout the day my school had a Christian Club you could get out of class for yet one of my friends was caught reading a spell book and his mother was called so she could burn it talk about religious freedom one may be pro-life and anti gay marriage but there is no way one could argue that this isn't a conflict of interests and infringing on student rights why can't you advertise a political message in school is free speech not a thing assuming us god I hate schools they seem to live outside the law courts have given schools wide authority to restrict speech students are not considered full adults with full rights they all so have limited privacy rights in schools for example when I was in middle school 7th 8th grade our Bible Belt school system let kids wear WWJD shirts that would suspend kids for wearing Marilyn Manson shirts they said it was cult activity this was a public school system the same school suspended me for tracing the veins in my arms with a big pen principal concluded I was mapping out the best spots to shoot H I was freaking 12 you should have responded by saying you were not mapping out the best spots to shoot H but you were examining the best vein to slice open so the demons could get out more quickly public school in a wealthy mostly white conservative area we had a Young Republicans Club for us when a young Democrats club tried to form the principal refused to allow it what if they come to a dance naked he eventually changed his tune after the superintendent told him what was up but it was still significantly difficult for the young Dems to find faculty sponsors hold meetings and events and basically function meanwhile many conservative and Christian groups had no problems another time there was a party many schoolmates attended there was drinking the paramedics were called when a student with diabetes became unconscious fyz who attended the party were called in to rat out others and face punishments in school what in the actual frake punishing children in school for something that has absolutely nothing to do with school seems to be a common thing to do everywhere it's absolutely mind-boggling in Canada it's the opposite situation where pro-life clubs are banned don't get funding regardless violations on freedom of speech shouldn't be tolerated but sometimes it does Kotik closest to what slander and what isn't at my high school in El Pozo TX everyone was allowed to wear red tape over their mouths on pro-life Day of Silence Bataan Gay Rights Day of Silence anyone wearing tape or refusing to speak was suspended for three days jokes on them that's four whole days of them not speaking at school a che those dumb be the exact opposite happened at my high school they actively encouraged the pro gay students to participate in the Day of Silence so one student wore a shirt that said be happy not gay and was forced to either remove the shirt or be sent home they ended up suing the school and winning look up Naxal V Indian Prairie School District imagine if that said be American not african-american pretty much as your story appeal the Christian groups as above we petitioned for two years straight to get LGBTQA our principal kept denying it every time we had the sponsors a statement Jews pending and a note from the school board members who suggested it was a great idea so we keep trying and trying and trying it was really heartbreaking because we tried so dang hard to start it up in the end we decided to do community meeting once a month at a community center also found out the very same principal who denied it was a lesbian school had a Christian Club on campus with a teacher supervisor and everything yet we weren't allowed to have a secular student discussion club even though we found a faculty supervisor and that supervisor got in big trouble for being involved the Christian Club would advertise in the ebooks where club material and were allowed to be at the club fairs and sell stuff at market day but we weren't even allowed to put up flyers or even officially exist as a club or group when I was in high school we expelled a straight-a student and rouse zero-tolerance weapon rules he was expelled because he left his tool belt in his truck which contained a hammer he worked construction if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] [Music] bye for now [Music]
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 31,206
Rating: 4.8970919 out of 5
Keywords: school, school stories, insane school stories, high school, teachers, teacher, students, study, no sense, no sense things, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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