My Kid Is Very Creepy

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parents suffered it when did you realize your kid was creepy when he started whispering just randomly to himself right at the edge of hearing it took us a while to work out what it was it was like the scene in The Sixth Sense my young son does this sometimes it comes and goes in his case he is an anxious kid and it appears to be some kind of verbal tic that appears when he's feeling overwhelmed the lego torture chamber he built was really well thought out to be fair many kids seemed to be obsessed with torture the first time they encounter it like in a movie or something while waiting at a crosswalk for the light to turn green my 3 years old was asking why I don't just cross right away I tell him that I might get hit by a car and be killed if I am NOT careful he turns to me and says but daddy you don't die on the road you die in a fire that's genuinely creepy and not also cause for psychological intervention I asked my seven-year-old cousin if she was excited for my sister to have her baby at first she was kind of sad because she wouldn't be the youngest in the family anymore moments later she brightened up Oh that'll be good because if they're younger than me then I won't be left alone when Nathan dies Nathan is her 12 year old brother I think she was just thinking way way too far into the future but still came out a little creepy I have two kids and they are both creepy when my son was four he told me he wished he could cut my head off and take it to school with him a couple of weeks after her fifth birthday I'm putting my daughter to bed and she asks why doesn't the lady in my wardrobe like you daddy I told her she has to pay rent sweetie this is just yesterday alone mom here is my drawing it's a man robbing old people see the fire mom my life is terrible it's full of sadness and lies his fish died two months ago to find why don't you just bury me somewhere then at least it will be quiet there he is six he also wrote a song for his dead fish your child is the true emo kid from 2008 myspace era I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of my 18 month old running around her room I walked to her room opened the door and saw nothing it was almost completely dark and there was no toddler running around I called out to her playfully Erica where did Erica go silence and then from behind me Sshhh hhhh I almost screamed she was standing completely still and quiet in a dark corner of the room the whole time and decided that shushing me as loudly as possible was a good idea I lost ten years of my life she's three now and continues to be the child out of a horror movie I'm hoping I can raise her to be a productive demon member of society she also yells fix a cat's tail fix it mom whenever I am using scissors for anything but I don't know what she means by it and I don't know where she got the idea with all sharp objects are locked away very securely I honestly don't know what fixing the cat's tail involves I don't ever want to know we were in FL during Hurricane Matthew I woke up at 5:00 a.m. the morning before it hit to my 9 years old son sitting up in bed repeating over and over category 5 hurricane the eyes across the street category 5 hurricane the eyes across the street freaked me the heck out after I turn out the lights my daughter likes to stare at herself in the mirror and laugh maniacally that's normal she's just laughing at the real version of herself that she trapped in the mirror long ago not my kid but a childhood story about my wife she was 7 watching a show with her parents that included a mass execution by firing squad her parents were big on reality exposure but the show wasn't I'm told especially gory oh bloody just kind of stark after the shooting stopped she turns to her mum and asks how did they know if they died her mum replies with something like well they were shooting a lot of bullets at them so they wouldn't be likely to survive wife replies but it would have been so much easier to shoot em one by one and take their names off the list her dad told this story at our wedding dinner good times hey she was being organized nothing wrong with that actually me my dad told me from at least two years old until I was about six or seven I would bury Matchbox cars in the backyard replete with an elaborate funeral setup I'd dig a small rectangular hole several inches deep line up the survivors around it then slowly drive lower the dead one and then bury it he said there's no way I would have seen anything like that at that age and he had no clue where I got it from his eyes look away in the distance as he said there must be hundreds of cars under that yard I like your dad's reaction I used to butcher beetles and put them in my mud peas and then I would bury the mud pies I was about that agent had seen funerals on TV I bet that's where you got it from - ha I'm not sure which was the first clue my daughter is a very high functioning kid with ASD she also has an empathy disorder very low empathy for human beings and doesn't feel pain like other people one good memory is when she was four or so and looking at a globe suddenly she said there are too many houses with too many people in them one day they are all going to burn it's very sad or her first full sentence when she was almost - I want meat with blood on there but recently I was creeped out by her describing the sensation of being bitten by one over her mice she talked about how she could feel it push its teeth all the way into her finger then the mouse started to pull the teeth back but then pushed them back even deeper giggling like this is the cutest thing in the world blood running out of her finger oh and when she thought one of her mice ate its own babies she said well it's a mother's choice she did think it was wrong when we found out it was another Mouse eating the babies though there's something about flying a kite at night that so unwholesome hello mother dear not a parent but a brother my older brother and I realized my little brother was creepy when we would get random girls coming up to this in the halls in school asking us to tell our little brother to stop asking them for nudes or to stop staring as them or touching them or just messaging them in general my brother and I would always tell our little brother and he would deny everything I went through his phone and saw everything he was saying to these people and confronted him about it and he still denied it my older brother graduated and my little brother and I moved schools from what I've heard from people here he's already at large again yo shut that crap down tell your parents about that get him some help when my daughter was a year and a half old she got out of her bed in the middle of the night came up to me while I was sitting at my desk and gives the fire it's coming s HHH with a finger to her lips and then goes back to bed then when she was 2 she and I were playing with her baby dolls on her bed and I asked her sweety do you want mommy to have another baby and she looks me dead in the face takes a pillow holds it over one of her dolls and whispers new at 3:00 she comes up to me strokes Maya softly and whispers take your ear off mommy I do it finally on her 3rd birthday she was in her room popping balloons from her party and I hear her go pop all the balloons pop all of the joy she's harmless that I know of but she's a little creepy somebody sometimes I think you may want to contact the Vatican for a consultation I'm a regular babysitter of two boys aged nine and five both the horrible listeners and very difficult to manage but the oldest one seriously may have some issues but he's incredibly smart he's in the fourth grade and is already at an eighth grade reading level I mean I'm talking about a very intelligent kid who knows right from wrong these are some things I've experienced little brother was in the bathtub when elder brother came in and pee on him because he wanted to and it was fun older brother punched younger brother in the face stepped on his head and started choking him I asked him why he would hurt his brother so badly and he responded because I liked to hurt him draws demons skulls and EEMA Gorgon like creatures all over his homework remember the kid is nine very manipulative to get his way for example the kids were misbehaving so I took away electronics oldest boy screamed and yelled in my face then took my phone and threw into the woods behind his house tried to make a wager with me that he wouldn't retrieve my phone until he got the PlayStation back think I might be dealing with a sociopath here please tell me you're telling the parents about these incidents not a parent but rather the kid that informed another kid's parents of some creepy behavior that she had shown this was years ago when I was only seven or eight years old I'm 20 now and I was good friends with this girl and her parents were friends with my mom I was staying the night one day when I woke up to see their daughter standing by the bed I was in I asked her what she was doing and she didn't respond I started to get creepy route so I turned on the beside lamp and saw that she was holding a butcher's knife I called for my mom and my friend bolted from the room that night my friend's parents started watching her closely for any more odd behavior sure enough she would talk to herself and displayed severe paranoia they took her to see a doctor and found out she had schizophrenia that poor girl's life has changed so much in her parents lives have been filled with stress and fear ever since of the same this.g that happened to me happen to them she is doing well now with her medicine but her parents split up because her father couldn't handle the stress but she blames herself and it is heartbreaking I'm just glad she got the help she needed before anything really bad happened thank you for including the second half of the story about her struggles with finding appropriate treatment and about how she does actually care about her family it's nice to see a well rounded a picture of someone with mental illness even in a reddit comment when my youngest daughter was three one night she looked over at me and smiled and said mommy I'll never kill you and placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder hee hee hee we weren't even talking about death or anything my mom said that when I was really little 2-4 ish I would sneak into their room sometimes and cry her eyes open and whisper feed me apparently she asked why I did that and I told her I didn't want to scare her awake my nephew came over and my dog Wiley nipped him on the leg he was okay and we won't have kids around the dog anymore anyway he asked me if Wiley was going to get trouble I said yes he will what do you think should be his punishment in his a very sweet high-pitched little boy voice he said I don't know he could get a spanking or get yelled at and then his voice suddenly dropped very low and he said or killed the dog then his voice went back to normal and he went on or take away his toys or tell him he's bad freaked me and my brother out don't punish the dog he can detect and protect you from evil clearly was doing a pig roast and talking to the kids about it asked them if they were going to eat any and my sweet little angel said I want to eat the face she was quite excited about it she had just recently turned three pork jowl done right is freaking delicious girl knows her cuts is all my 3 yo comes up to me and says here comes the gas man ssshhh hhhh hhhh and shoves her pretend gas hose in my face no idea where that came from she's actually cupping farts at you one day I was staying the night at a friend's house deeply religious woman she used to let her kids age 7 and 10 at a time watch be Ciara Christian movies many of which were very violent I was concerned at first that it might have a negative effect on them but she assured me they show no real signs of danger well while I slept over I woke up at around 2 a.m. thinking I heard somebody break in I heard shuffling feet and a whole lot of shushing I tried to wake the mother up but she was completely knocked out so I grab the broom best weapon I could find and start slowly walking toward the noise I get to the kitchen and her two little sons are there with spider-man masks on holding a stuffed animal impaled by stick over the fire they must not have heard me walkin and I overheard one of them talking about the final burning of the lamb I made a swift 180 and walked directly back into the bedroom walked calmly over to the moon and violently shook her until she woke I leaned into her ear and told her Jane your sons are sacrificing a stuffed animal in your kitchen definitely one of the strangest experiences of my life when he told me I wouldn't be alive anymore by the time he was my age I'm 27 we moved into a new apartment with my six months old boy Third's Nitin he was in my lap while my wife and I were watching TV he stared at the empty corner and suddenly started giggling as if someone was playing with him if he did that for 15 minutes did it almost daily over the course of the next six months same corner we moved the freak out as soon as lease ended not my kid but a family friend of mine has a daughter that was always kind of odd to me and my opinion was reassured when thicket and they had both a kid was found dead in a backpack underneath a pile of toys when they asked why the kitten was zipped up in the backpack and then hidden she simply replied I told you I didn't want a cat no remorse or even emotion in her voice kids nuts WTF that's not just creepy she straight up killed a living creature maybe I just don't understand the context dynamic but that's Frick man my son did insist that he was my father and that I look like him versus in looking like me it makes me wonder if there is some terminator level time manipulation looping going down did I travel back in time at some point and Father myself did he travel back in time and father me five year old told this joke in the car last week knock knock who's there LEM LEM who lemon or I'll kill you older brother turns to him and says EEI that's creepy I think he'll kill you is common with younger people because they don't really get what it means could be wrong though and your kid is evil my eldest son is seven he has a twin sister and ever since he was one-year-old he would always smash any dolls we gave him headfirst into the ground when he turned three and could walk he would follow you around and stare at you behind your back like a little evil demon he's so sneaky too i wouldn't know he had this hobby if it wasn't for the cameras in the house he pretends to be all happy and smiling when you notice him but he just gets this blank stare every time your back is turned he also told my wife and I when he could talk well that he was smashing dolls to let us know how he died in his past life he claims he was born the 11th of February 1808 and he was murdered when he was 15 by a friend off his past parents that the man who murdered him bashed his head into the ground and was never caught he has nightmares where he wakes up screaming and he says he keeps seeing himself being killed every night he also claims that he chose us to be his parents that he waited watching this whole time to pick out who he wanted his parents to be the part about him pretending to be happy only when you're watching and then immediately going into a blank stare is really disturbing but as far as the past life stuff goes I've heard plenty of stories about kids remembering their past lives and I find it pretty interesting maybe not so much the part about him getting murdered though : last night from midnight until 2:00 in the morning my 10 month old daughter was just laying in her crib staring right into the baby monitor she wasn't blinking or making any sounds but I could see her beady black eyes just staring as if she was watching me one when we woke up at 3:00 a.m. to a screaming and hysterical toddler who kept yelling monster man took my teddy and we were watched the nanny cam back and she was up from 1-3 playing in the corner with somebody who wasn't there I can't go into it's right now he's standing right behind me this is a friend's creepy kid about 11 or 12 years old I was at a yard party and I woke up on my friend and his kid this kid has a lizard and he's squeezing the crap out of it by the time I woke up blood and guts are oozing out of the poor thing it's dead this kid is laughing going on and on about all the cool stuff coming out he was revved up wouldn't surprise me if he was sporting a half-chub I mean he was into it I looked at his dad and it's actually the first time I ever really connected with the phrase rictus grin the guy was looking at his kid with that frigging smile and total fear on his face it was like something out of a movie creepy as it gets I'm pretty sure I'll see this kid on the news sometime in the next few years as a serial killer torturing animals is a pretty early sign for psychopathic tendencies I hope the parents are staying as alert as possible I have realized two things in this category one my daughter is creepy all the time but only when it's just me and her - I'm the dumb parent who walks right into every creepy scene from every creepy movie ever when daughter was three she slept until 8:30 a.m. every morning but one dreary day at 6 a.m. I hear the front door alarm go off so I roll out of bed to check out the situation the front door is open and daughter is not out front or in entry or kitchen then I see her sitting on the ground behind the curtains right up to our sliding glass door if she was tapping on the glass singing twinkle twinkle to herself I just walk right up and pull the curtain back and get her up and back to bed but them knee tall if that doesn't constantly remind off that seemed from signs and I am the father who just walks right up to the jump-scare shame dang shame not my daughter but when my little sister was about 3-4 years old she started sleeping in my parents bed more than was normal when my mom asked her do you think you could try staying in your bed tonight my little sister responded ok but can you tell the lady to stop standing by my bed at night my 6u granddaughter made a bunch of remarks about the family she used to live with before you mommy before I was dead last time that sincerely freaked out my daughter-in-law my son laughed and thinks it's awesome when I was pregnant with him I had non-stop freaky bug dreams every time I slept and while like an excuse most of them one involved my son turning into a demon and chasing me through a factory building I had to hide in a glass tank so my child wouldn't murder me today he's a very sweet boy but he's odd literature cultural theorist here during the 18th century it was believed that the woman's ideas and imagination during pregnancy could shape the entire outcome of the child's life examples being that a mother who often craved strawberries would have a child sporting a strawberry birthmark not a parent but I noticed my brother's kid manipulating his younger brother to do something that was going - cause the younger brother to get disciplined severely he did it the younger kid got his butt beaten the older brother just stood there with his creepy but frickin grin on his face I had kids my brother yelled and spanked the kid after the kid sprayed a hose through the window of the house causing the water to kill his my brother's work computer he was then spanked not hard the kid didn't even cry the kids were not even of where the computer was under that window so calm the Frick down there was no physical abuse the computer which is the real tragedy of this story was replaced by my brother's company and all the files were backed up on on a note one night I'm laying in bed facing the hallway everything is dark I see my five-year-old son's bedroom door open he walks out stands facing towards me for a couple of seconds and then starts crawling on all fours down the hallway towards my room all I could see was his dark little figure coming towards me it freaked me out so bad I had to call out to him and tell him to stop and get back up this had me crying laughing such a good mental picture driving in the car with my four-year-old a couple weeks ago him mum I want to go to the field with the rocks me what rocks him the rocks with people's names on them me what I have idea what you're talking about him the rocks with the names of the dead people mom me oh the cemetery why do you want to go there him yes I want to go dig up the dead people and look at them he will also wake up in the middle of the night and stand at my bed staring at me until I wake up he's a sweet kid though just weirdly obsessed with dead people I think that my parents tried to pretend that I wasn't creepy when I was 8 I asked for the alien trilogy for Christmas on VHS I loved horror films my other favorite series was the Joel series my favorite games were the Silent Hill series I looked at some of my old school and papers from elementary school I wrote a book for school called aliens took over the Internet circa 1997 later that year our class was asked to draw our own not Santa Claus my Santa was called psycho Santa he had a straitjacket and he was receiving electroshock therapy don't have a kid but I am the sister of a little crap my relationship with him is always defense offense defense offense because he won't take Frick off for an answer tried to control how I dress tried to control what I put into my body thinks I shouldn't drive by the way the kid is 10 I am older than him by a longshot and also thinks coming into my room that's night is okay apperently I can't go into his room to grab the crap he stole from me because no girls allowed sorry for venting I'm not the parent but I'm the creepy kid apparently when I was a baby every day without fail around 5-6 I would start laughing and babbling to myself like I was talking with friends or whatever I could be facing a wall on a high chair chilling somewhere or anyplace really but no matter what once it reached 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. I would start laughing hysterically and interacting with no one but I didn't believe my parents till they showed me some of what they caught on tape it's bizarre once when my son was about three and had just started potty training he was starting to do the tell-tale pee dance I told him that he needs to go and try to use a potty he turned eyes as big as saucers look straight at me and said I can't go in there mama there's a bad man abruptly started backing away and crying one of the most terrifying things ever especially since that was one of the first full sentences he said apparently when I was little I told my auntie that when she died I wanted to have her body stuffed and use it as a coffee table in my house when my kid was three she said daddy are monsters real I said no sweetie they're not she said then what's that behind you turned around nothing there so creepy if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] by fauna [Music]
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 59,850
Rating: 4.8867402 out of 5
Keywords: creepy, creepy kids, parents, parents stories, parenting, parenting tips, parenting styles, parenting 101, parenting is hard, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: 6gCvqZlj5_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 51sec (1491 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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