Can Flex Seal Stop a Bullet???

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Got to admit, my faith in Flex Seal is in serious crisis after watching this.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/Seal-Mcbeal_Navy-sea 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2018 🗫︎ replies

A collab from two of my favourite youtubers, Matt and Phil!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2018 🗫︎ replies

He uploaded it therefore it does therefore school shooters now have easy armor against cops

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/SkoomaDesu 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2018 🗫︎ replies
hey buddy is that new armor yeah man it's brand new awesome what's it rated its level three can stop a 308 308 what are you wearing it's my new armor level one what's level one I don't think that's a thing it is a thing it's rated to stop a hard slap from a man or a woman [Applause] hi in the last video we shot some flex tape and it was terrible at stopping bullets so this week we've really upped our game guys and I made a body armor out of flex seal yeah probably not gonna work either comes in this can and it's just like it goes on just like paint but then it dries to be like really rubbery like this and so I thought what if I just pile it all on top of a shirt but I started painting it on I could tell it's gonna take about a bazillion layers to get any thickness so instead we made this little form and just poured it in there and we put like an inch at a time and let it dry this last inch is not actually dry yet you can see it kind of moves a little bit but like everything down here is solid rubber you can kind of see how hard this stuff get it feels like I'm wearing I was gonna say a trash bag but it's more like it feels like I'm wearing a rubber rain boot like that's that's how thick this stuff is on my shirt yeah I guess we're just gonna have someone come out here in the woods and shoot at me we'll sit now let's put it on Lieutenant Dan that's a way better idea Lieutenant Dan it is great to see you my friend and you know you're looking extra fabulous in your brand-new state-of-the-art body armor made by Matt character if this works I am going to be a multi trillionaire because it just it just will it just looks great feels great it works great in the perfect world we'll see what happens the real world though this is a non-scientific test because well we're kind of skewing the results we're trying to make this thing bulletproof so in an effort to make this thing have the best chance of stopping bullets first we're gonna shoot a nine-millimeter but not just any 9-millimeter I don't have you ever seen these these are called rat shot so it's like a shotgun out of a 9-millimeter you see all those little tiny biddies so this plastic will hit and then deliver bb's into our body armor so maybe we'll have the best stopping also since that first layer is still kind of wet on the inside he's probably gonna ooze the Flex seal out of the body armor which is not ideal I'm a scientist a redneck scientist one thing right off the bat that I've noticed about my new body armor is it's a little saggy hooked to a t-shirt so maybe on revision two we'll have a stronger backing but you know what got to start somewhere right and we're starting with my gun jamming on the rat shot let me let me see if I can get this to fit in here it's not looking good hope we got it we got it these things are not made to function in a semi-automatic firearm all right who did it are you ready for the rat shot okay literally nothing hit I know for a fact I was on target I'm at like 10 feet and there's no hole here what happened I haven't I have no idea we're doing the exact same thing same rat shot same target but we're about half the distance so we're much closer now I think that will make a difference it won't spread as much and we'll see what it does to our new body armor oh yeah solid solid hit and the rat shots running great so it was getting hit the first time too but you can see these little things just bounce right off that outer layer you can see all the little dots that is from our shot hitting it but I don't even think they're going through the first layer Oh actually look he's bleeding a little bit something did make it through the first layer somewhere we got a little bit of flex seal blood coming out of Lieutenant Dan let's step it up a bit we made these thick shirts with the m249 for those who don't know thick is what you'd call a girl who's got curves in all the right places you know and that's what I think about when I think of an m249 saw like that gun is you know it's not like a little wimpy gun it's not like a little skinny ar-15 like everybody wants to be a ar-15 they're so skinny and sexy no m249 has got curves it's got some meat on it you know and so we made a thick shirt and also don't call your wife thick don't ask me how I know but if you're interested we're only selling these shirts until Friday and then they're gone forever the link in description I am still trying to give my body armor the best chance of stopping bullets so what we're gonna do now is shoot this Jai revolver but we're shooting a 410 shotgun shell out of it this is number six bird shot out of a Taurus judge and I I think that this will stop we have a little piece of cardboard underneath my target so we'll know if this goes through or not I think it's going to stop I hope it's going to stop I'll cry if it does not stop you okay buddy it seems okay all right well we got still looking pretty good on the front let's check out our piece of cardboard here okay you can see where we were not armored it's peppered here though is where our armor was right there totally safe basically I built bulletproof armor you're welcome Lieutenant Dan let's step it up a little further though to a not shot gun pistol round a real high-powered rifle this is a Henry firearms evil Roy chambered in 22 long-rifle I know I know it's big but we're actually shooting it's way too short out of it it's actually it's chamber 422 short or 22 long-rifle all right we were shooting a 22 short out of a rifle mm-hmm it's gonna be really sad if this thing busts through but it won't it won't I have confidence in my product he's dripping Wow lieutenant Dan's losing blood he's bleeding out over there lieutenant lieutenant lieutenant you're bleeding out it really Mel bad man you find something plug the hole uh okay I need something to plug the hole there it is all right is the hole there you go better mm-hmm no not better oh gosh dang it okay well that layers just you know it's it's just not oh my gosh she's bleeding more now I just made it worse well let's see if I went all the way through was that hole there before that's above where our target was anyway but here is the cardboard that was behind him no hole so we're good oh man he's the flight it you can see it sucking in here hmm well so if you think about it we actually only have about yeah probably 2/3 of that is full of hard rubber this is all liquid pouring on to the ground that's what it looks like normally it's just really thick nasty rubbery stuff you're supposed to wait like 48 hours for it to cure and so we've been working on this for like a week and this was just the last layer that we did yesterday so it obviously was a worthless layer but that kind of gives you an idea what this stuff looks like normally just liquid rubber and then it turns into a regular rubber so next up I was planning on going to a nine-millimeter like an actual 9-millimeter like a bullet not like rat shot I don't have high hopes but you know what I just thought if I'm going to kill Lieutenant Dan we should do it in style and also have any gun that I wanted to show you guys it's it's something this is a gold a our chambered in 9 millimeter so this gun is made by f1 firearms it's all skeletonized look at that oh yeah it is gold so I I had a gold tommy gun I was like you know what I need is a gold ar-15 and I thought well let's do it a 9-millimeter takes a Glock 18 mag if it were shooting two we're shooting some actually plus B hollow points at it so pretty good chance it's gonna go through and kill our old buddy Lieutenant Dan but it's not just a beauty you know what actually didn't cite this thing in either so I just put sights on it just now it's probably gonna work fine okay it is now time to test the new gun against possibly the best body armor that we've seen manufactured in years possibly the worst time will tell now looking good saw the blood splatter from him so we have Lieutenant Dan blood Oh way out here yes not looking good not looking good he's bleeding out again that one actually tore the whole front open you see what the bullet went in right there tore all this open there was so much force oh jeez let's see what we got in here [Laughter] version two will be way better I promise guys you know we had some issues with version one but version not I don't think this will ever work I decided just to finish off since this idea definitely didn't work this was your idea by the way I did this because of you guys it wasn't me I would have thought away better ideas that you guys wanted to see flex seal I mean have you seen the infomercial let me just roll a clip of that first you can see how ridiculous it is and why you guys wanted to do it and I thought that has that is a pretty good idea here it is enjoy we made this entire airboat out of screen and covered it in flexi Oh liquid alligator-infested swamps and the inside is completely dry brush roll tip were poor imagine everything you could do with flexi liquid see it's great bill Swift seems like a great guy at all but his product sucks at stopping bullets I'm just gonna go ahead and send Lieutenant Dan on you know you don't want to just wound Lieutenant Dan and leave him you got to finish him I I'm not gonna go look but I have a feeling that all of those stop with our body heart we have a big thing coming up soon I think possibly the next video if not it'll be the one after that we got big plans big things coming on demote branch but I can't tell you what they are right now if you're interested check out our thick shirts really they're awesome and they're only here for like two more days and I want to give you a hint for what we're doing this week no hint but I love you thanks for watching demolition that's a great idea [Music] I'm a doctor yes
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 11,782,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr., flex seal, flex, seal, tape, flex tape, phil swift, informercial, product, miracle, tv, as seen on
Id: tv9AVEusmes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 26 2018
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