Alpha Zero's "Immortal Zugzwang Game" against Stockfish

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I hadn't seen content from this chap before, but I really enjoyed the first two videos linking to him on this sub, so here is his third AlphaZero video. I think he genuinely enjoys seeing Stockfish getting spanked :)

👍︎︎ 45 👤︎︎ u/Quitchy 📅︎︎ Dec 07 2017 🗫︎ replies

Finally I can understand at least a few of the moves A0 did.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/Cubostar 📅︎︎ Dec 08 2017 🗫︎ replies

Incredible game. But I’m still confused about the decision ...Qh8. Why not Rd5 ...Qc7? Or even ...Qb8?

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/strangelycutlemon 📅︎︎ Dec 08 2017 🗫︎ replies

I’ve been watching some of his videos recently, but I’m unable to find his rating. Anyone know where I can find out?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Kevstuf 📅︎︎ Dec 08 2017 🗫︎ replies

Who is this guy?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/friedfox99 📅︎︎ Dec 08 2017 🗫︎ replies
hello everyone I think I'm coming down with the flu my head hurts and I'm shivering a bit but there is no reason not to show you another game from the match alpha 0 vs stockfish as I really can't get enough of alpha zero and judging by our comments you'd enjoy another game as well so here it is this game is absolutely amazing and once again I must say what I enjoy about alpha zero that it doesn't play like an engine and it really raises a lot of questions you know what if old masters like out of Anderson and Paul Morphy actually had it right all along maybe that is the way to play chess but ever since as part of loss that match against deep blue in 1997 people started thinking that the machines actually play better chess and now in 2017 you actually have top grandmasters that are trying to play like stockfish and then here comes alpha zero and says no that that is not the way to play chess you know a lot of people analyze games by Anderson Murphy tall Englishman Dino and they say that's that's a bad idea I mean okay he won the game but stockfish refuted this but we must ask ourselves did stockfish really refute this what's doctors be able to refute it if alpha zero played that move that that is the question here so I don't know if if alpha zero continues with his chess we might see a totally different chess played in 2018 19 and 20 and so on so this game I chose this one because it's it's a masterpiece it's I'm sure you've all heard of our aron nimzowitsch and aron nimzowitsch played a very nice game in 1919 23 against friedrich Samish they call this game the mortal tubes one game and it's a game that occurs once twice in a lifetime especially when you play against the top Grandmaster but here alpha zero creates an immortal to one game of its own against the stockfish and I know again it's not the top version of stockfish I mean I'm sure very soon people it's dogfish will will require will demand a rematch as you know they they can just let this go on but until that happens let's let's see this amazing game so alpha zero has the white pieces and Knight to f3 was played Knight to f6 c4 b 6 d 4 and e 6 again we entered the queen's indian defense and it's very interesting over and over deepmind the alpha 0 is playing white and stockfish defense with the queen's indian defense g3 and Bishop to a6 Queen to c2 defending the c4 pawn c5 now d5e capture sandy 5c capture sandy 5 and Bishop to b7 and I just wanted to say that yeah well everyone says that our that Anderson move or that Morphy move is in good stockfish refused this here in this game there will actually be a move that stockfish doesn't like it's it's pretty much impossible to analyze this game because what you're gonna use to analyze it with how do you analyze alpha zeros moves using stockfish that won't really work but there is one move in this game which I'm sure you'll enjoy Bishop to G to now Knight captures on d5 and here we have castles by alpha zero Knight to c6 and rook to d1 attacking the knight on d5 and here stockfish plays Bishop to e7 it seems like stock wishes are given up the night but not really if you capture it then nice to be for forking the Queen and the rook after the Queen moves Knight captures rook but after Queen captures g7 and Bishop to f6 Queen G for alpha zero wouldn't really have any compensation for the exchange so after Bishop to e7 alpha zero plays Queen to f5 a very interesting move it it does put pressure under d5 Knight but also it's very interesting it kind of I don't know it when you start playing chess you're taught and don't move the same pissed piece twice in the opening you know you have a lot of undeveloped pieces here and it seems alpha zero continues doing this it's it's using the same piece over and over in the opening and somehow achieves an advantage by doing this so you know just something to consider Queen to a5 and Knight to f6 now II for we have g6 attacking the Queen Queen to f4 stop fish castles and E 5 now knife to h5 would attempt on the Queen Queen to g4 and rook to e8 and now Knight to c3 developing and even though alpha 0 played already like 4 moves with the Queen he's not big it's not behind in development Queen to be 8 now and Knight to d5 attacking the bishop on e7 we have Bishop to a fate and Bishop to f4 now and this seems like like a very nice moment for stock fish to eliminate this dark square Bishop it's a strong piece but if you play Knight captures Bishop on f4 you get Knight to f6 check and this is terrible for black king moves now you capture the night and after rook to e7 as the rook was attacked Queen to h3 going for the h7 pawn after h5 nine capture Sun b7 would attempt on the Queen and black is falling apart so after Bishop to f4 you can't capture the bishop Queen to c8 now adding protection to the d7 bond now H 3 and we have Knight to e7 and Knight 2 e 3 alpha zero doesn't want to exchange pieces as the black is cramped in you know you don't want to exchange pieces when you control more space Bishop to c6 adding more protection to the d7 pawn because when alpha played 93 it opened up at the attack from the rook to the d7 pawn rook to d6 now not allowing not allowing stockfish to push this pawn and even further cramping his position Knight to g7 we have rook to f6 now and this is this is astonishing I mean what a move you know if you played this it would be like how is that rook ever gonna get out of there but alpha zero isn't worried Queen to be seven we have Bishop to h6 now Knight to d5 we would attempt on the rook Knight captures on d5 Bishop captures on d5 and rook to d1 96 now alpha zero exchanges bishops the Bishop captures on f8 we have chapters on f8 and Queen to h4 and already you can see that when black when alpha zero managed to exchange the dark square bishop now black has some serious weaknesses on the dark squares Bishop to c6 Queen to h6 now and now there are some there are some ideas of rook captures night and the night the g5 followed by checkmate and 87 rook a to e8 and rook to d6 by alpha zero it seems like there might be something here if you capture rook captures night but of course stockfish wouldn't capture with the rook and it it won't capture with the deep on the only move that - works for black is f captures on e6 and after Knight g5 you simply play rook to e7 and you're fine here there is no compensation for the piece for the exchange so after rook a to e8 Brooke to d6 was played and now Bishop captures on f3 eliminating that night so there is no more worry of Knight to g5 Bishop captures on f3 and Queen to a6 age for now now alpha zero is rushing that pawn up up the board to break open the Kings position Queen to a5 we have rook to d1 not allowing Queeny Queeny one check c4 now rook to d5 will attempt on the Queen Queen to e1 check King G - and now c3b captures and c3 Queen captures on c3 and h5 now rook to e7 Bishop to d1 and this Bishop to d1 is an amazing move alpha zero is planning to play Bishop to d1 and then Bishop to b3 to get the bishop to this diagonal to if7 and this this is such a beautiful planet and it's wonderful how it's wonderful how alpha0 can you know make mix such a such a positional move Bishop to d1 and we have Queen to e1 now Bishop to b3 rook to b8 protecting the d7 pawn and rook back to f3 Queen to e4 now Queen to d2 and the Queen to g4 Bishop back to d1 preparing some nasty discoveries when the rook moves Queen to b4 and now h6 you'll see you'll see y h6 night to c7 over the tempo on the rook rook to d6 now Knight to e6 and Bishop to b3 and in this position if you analyze it black is actually threatening to capture d5 pawn and if you if you if you allow stockfish to evaluate this position stockfish is offering rope to d5 protecting the e5 pawn and stockfish says that this is a draw but alpha zero plays a move that stockfish doesn't even consider alpha zero plays Bishop to b3 allowing stockfish to grab d5 pawn and stockfish immediately grabs it he says this is bad for white Queen captures on e5 but now comes rock to d5 attacking the Queen and what do you what do you do here stockfish evaluates this position again as Ron plays Queen to h8 and what what are you gonna do here but here is what alpha zero had in mind and why it sacrificed a pawn Queen to b4 now attacking this alone rook on e7 9th to c5 walking and here it comes rook captures on c5 b captures on c5 and now ignoring the pawn but Queen to h4 now attacking the rook and this rook x-raying the rogue behind it so you do have to do something about this rook to b8 and we have now worked to f6 and what what alpha zero did with this Bishop to b3 maneuver and upon sacrifice on e5 it completely locked the black Queen from the game the Queen can never enter the game again rook to f8 was played and you have to protect the f7 pawn because the rook is attacking it the bishop is attacking it and the Queen will soon come to attack it so Queen to f4 by alpha 0 and a5 and now we have g4 by alpha zero and here it is the the immortal tubes one is created and this is amazing you know I mean okay the original immortal Jews one will always belong to our own names of each but this is alpha zero created an immortal songs hwang against stockfish any move black plays is bad the Queen can't move the King can't move none of the points can move okay this one can move but it loses the game none of the rooks can move if either rook moves you capture the f7 pawn and you win the game any poor move a5 c5 or d7 that moves the loses that pawn and it doesn't make sense for example a for you simply ignore it Bishop to d5 still making it blacks move a black will have to put the pawn to c4 you capture d5 you capture and after a three simply Bishop to b3 again you achieve nothing you just gave up two points and still it's black to move and there is no move to be played here you could you could maybe play this rook back and forth back and forth but in the end it doesn't work simply Bishop to c4 the Queen will capture the a3 pawn and then this pawn will march up the board and win the game so instead after this g4 move d5 was played by stockfish Bishop captures on d5 rook to d7 now Bishop to c4 a for g5 now a3 and Queen to f3 again making it stockfish move and rook to c7 was played now Queen captures on a3 because black still can't untangle and if you play something like rook back to e7 simply Queen back to f3 and again the a pawn will March up the board and win the game so after Queen captures on a three stockfish decided that you know the this can't go on and the stock which played Queen captures on f6 given up the Queen but this is just you know not working she captures on f6 and now look after c8 we have Queen to b3 rope to f8 Queen to d6 rock back to c8 and now a four and after a four stockfish resigned the game you can stop this pawn the bishop will be supporting it to the Queen also there are all sorts of threats even if black would give up the ropes for the pawn and Bishop I mean you're getting checkmated here there's another pawn here that will break open the Kings position simply too great of a position for white but this doesn't matter I mean after after stockfish gives up the Queen anyone anyone can defeat it what what matters is this g4 move when alpha zero played g4 it created this beautiful immortal truth one position that immediately reminded me of nimzowitsch versus image versus nimzowitsch and you know it created it again stockfish so yeah that's the game I do hope you enjoyed it you know all all comments on this game and the other games my office you're more than welcome and what do you think maybe maybe the old masters had it right all along maybe you know a favoring activity over material is definitely the way to go you know because it's it's very funny that all of today's top grandmasters they imitate stockfish you know to get out at the opening and then when the position is drawn they almost always just draw the games but it seems like that's not the way to play chess and maybe maybe alpha zero is the answer to chess to stop all the drawers so yeah I would like to thank Jason sit bone and Josh for Jones for a contribution to my channel thank you a lot - really appreciate it as usual you can check two of my previous videos here I will make both of them alpha zero versus top three games thank you all for watching and we'll see you soon
Channel: agadmator's Chess Channel
Views: 1,216,109
Rating: 4.9424682 out of 5
Keywords: agadmator, chess, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, google ai, deepmind chess, deepmind vs stockfish, deepmind go, deepmind, google deepmind, google agadmator, deepmind destroys stockfish, chessgames google deepmind, chessgames deep mind, alphabet google, alpha zero immortal
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2017
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