Garry Kasparov vs. Deep Blue: The Chess Battle For Humanity

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welcome ladies and gentlemen to today's  deep dive into chess history when machines   challenged humanity for who's the stronger chess  player gary kasparov vs ibm's deep blue in two   matches 1996 and 1997 this is how it looked it  was gary seated across from a software engineer   who transferred the moves from deep blue onto  a chessboard with that little orb alien looking   like chess clock uh i will take you through the  story of both of the matches and all the games   time stamps are on the video player let's just  jump right into it this is 1996 this is game one   the setting is philadelphia and gary kasparov is  without question the greatest chess player who had   ever lived up until that moment now the computers  back then used brute force computation which is   different than today's machine learning but we'll  talk about that a little bit later gary responds   with the sicilian defense and we have the move c3  which is uh which is a move uh clearly deep blue   was familiar with the gotham chess youtube video  on the aleppin sicilian which was 24 years into   the future and the idea is that basically you want  to play d4 now gary is no slouch he responds with   the most critical move d5 normally it's not  considered recommended to put queens out early   unless you're playing the scandinavian defense or  unless you're a beginner looking to get a scholars   mate but white no longer can play knight to c3  because you cannot capture your own pieces there   you go you learned something today so white plays  d4 black plays knight f6 white develops the knight   and after bishop g4 bishop e2 nowadays it's  actually very trendy to drop the knight out to a3   because you're trying to go to b5 and sneak  into the c7 square but this is 1996 so first of   all gotham chess is a baby and is one year old  and the computer doesn't know about knight a3   so we have e6 h3 the bishop retreats and white  castles gary continues with his development so   far so good everything is more or less normal  here we have bishop to e3 uh developing the   dark square bishop and gary should probably  finish developing and choose which way to castle   but first he decides to take in the center take  and plays this interesting move bishop before now   bishop b4 is a it's an instigating kind of move  essentially you are really begging for this move   a3 to be played but you're basically saying hey  man if you develop your knight i'm gonna laser   beam it and also i can't get in the way of my  queen like i need my queen to be able to drop back   and bishop b7 is a little bit too passive so the  computer develops the knight to c3 we have queen   back and now the computer decides to chase oh gary  goes back to e7 we have knight to e5 essentially   challenging gary in a tactical fashion saying hey  you haven't castled yet so now you've got some   problems to deal with what are you gonna do with  your knight what are you gonna do with your bishop   gary decides to take on e2 first we have queen  taking back and he decides to castle all right   so far so good we are now officially in the middle  game some pawns have been traded some pieces have   been traded who is going to win rook to c1 by deep  blue obviously activating the rook putting some   pressure on this knight making this knight make a  decision if you take on e5 what ends up happening   is i take i now attack your knight forcing it to  move but in a worse turn of events my rook and   my bishop team up on the same square and bishop  c5 is a major threat but furthermore if you drop   the knight back guarding that then i actually  team up with my knight it's very good to see   what your pieces coordinate on together and white  would simply take this pawn as stupid as it looks   and it looks like you're going to trap my bishop  well then i'm just going to bring in my rook so   this did not that wasn't what ended the game but  that is why the move rook c1 is so strong putting   some pressure on the knight and gary has to bring  his rook and defend the knight so now the computer   mobilizes again it's now put three of its major  well it's they're called minor pieces knights and   bishops but it's kind of activated its three most  useful pieces right now in the most aggressive of   fashions we have bishop to b6 hitting the pawn  on d4 and the computer takes on f6 realizing   that if gary takes back with the queen he would  blunder knight d7 hitting these two so now gary   is forced to damage the structure in front of his  king and damage the structure of the pawns on the   queen side so now gary's got double death pawns  and gary's got double b pawns but the computer   has a weak pawn on d4 an isolated pawn which  could be a weakness if enough pieces get traded   computer plays rook to d1 now f5 clamping taking  a little bit more space activating the queen   fighting for the center queen e3 queen f6 and here  the computer plays a very nice idea d5 striking   in the center and immediately showcasing  why those weaknesses on the queen side are   well called weaknesses there is literally nobody  guarding them it's not like they're just standing   around and they could potentially be targets the  fact that you can take on b6 and then taking on b7   so we have rook takes d5 a trade and here the  computer plays a surprising move it doesn't   immediately cash in on its investment instead it  plays the move b3 getting the pawn out of the way   and now we have king to h8 we have queen takes  b6 rook g8 gary begins counter-attacking measures   but the computer's coming back it's gonna  start picking apart all the weaknesses here   on the queen side d4 the knight jumps into  d6 and the pawn on f5 is under pressure   apparently d4 was a mistake gary had to play rook  d8 stodgy defense it's ugly but it does the job   d4 and because he tries to create too active of  counter play the computer basically calls us bluff   says knight takes b7 gary what are you going to  do about this knight knight to e5 queen d5 and   now i monitor your pawn coming forward i've got  pressure here very bad situation for gary to be in   tries to uh play knight to d3 attacking the rook  but the rook moves to c7 that was the other idea   of moving the queen out of the way is you  can go rook c7 teaming up with the queen   and uh he tries to go for one last gasp but  the computer gets all the way to this position   and is one move away from getting mated but  check and if you sacrifice the queen here   hoping that i take it and i allow checkmate now  there's check and after king g7 you have check   and you hit this and this you're also obviously  going to take the queen you could probably do that   in either order you can take take maybe give a  check forcing the king to move into a target range   and then do this or pick up this pawn where that  will no longer be checkmate so knight takes f7 and   gary kasparov resigned after king g7 knight g5 and  rook takes h7 he resigned because after this this   this it looks like maybe you have a chance  of surviving but you don't because i just   take this is no longer mate the threat is  this the threat is this the threat is this   it's game over and the machine struck first  taking a one-nothing lead in the match of 1996   but let's go to the second game in this game and  we're not gonna look at this whole game because   it's 73 moves long in this game gary employed  a strategy of long-term play and you'll notice   that he plays a reverse grunfeld which is actually  funny he plays this opening with the black pieces   but now he plays at a tempo up with white c4  dc4 knight e5 and basically after the first 10   moves we have this where black is a pawn up but  extremely passive this knight bind is very strong   this bishop on g2 laser beams aboard this bishop  is going to come out the rooks are coming out here   uh not to the same square but the d1 and c1  and black is really black is really kind of   suffering here so queen takes b7 right gary kind  of begins uh mobilizing into the position he was   a pawn up but now he gets it back knight e5 95  and kind of a an interesting middle game position   objectively speaking if you plug this into  any modern day engine it just says equal   but gary focused on the long-term strategic play  so not too much happens in this game for a while   gary sacrifices the b-pawn for the bishop and  damages the position of black's kingside just   like we saw last game so black is a pawn up  but white has infiltration on the light squares   this bishop is going to get to d5 or e4 and stand  completely on a post and that's kind of exactly   what gary does the computer then begins to give  away upon to try to get some sort of activity   with this bishop on c3 right but queen takes  b8 bishop e4 and now you will slowly see gary   shuffling taking again the computer was willing to  sacrifice material for play which you know even is   common nowadays uh and now gary takes it down to  an end game you would think why would he do this   queen bishop for queen bishop iv i mean hey i i  heard in some youtube video that opposite colored   bishops are a draw opposite-colored bishops are  a draw but under very specific circumstances   opposite-colored bishops greatly favor the  attacking side because if you're attacking   the enemy bishop cannot defend against your bishop  and that's what gary did he slowly slowly slowly   pried away the computer's defenses looking for  an opening and finally the computer decided   you know it it was it was just unable to  guard the pawn so it sacrificed the pawn   but gary created the outside passer right  slowly slowly slowly slowly i would love   to analyze every one of these moves one by one  but instead i'll tell you that you're amazing   um and gary slowly pried away the computer's  defenses got that second pawn and some very short   while some short while later uh traded and this  position is just winning for white because now   the pawn will never promote your king and three  pawns will walk together to the promised land   and gary struck back for humanity's sake and now  the match is one to one the next two games of   the match ended in draws in the fifth game gary  offered a draw to the deep blue team on move 23   he had the black pieces and they actually declined  the draw and ultimately were outplayed which takes   us to the final game of the match gary has a  one game lead deep blue's got the black pieces   and let's see if the team of deep blue can strike  back and let the machine prevail so gary begins   with knight f3 and now we have a queen's gambit  transposition we have a slav defense although   this is actually nowadays known as a triangle  defense and gary plays a very non-standard move to   the untrained eye this just looks dumb why would  you block in your dark square bishop why is your   knight so passive why would you not just put the  knight why would you not just put the knight here   but 92 is a move it reinforces the center and it  basically um says hey let's just play a slow game   let's just play a slow game you know computer  already spends two tempi moving at c pawn but it's   kind of arguing hey this knight is kind of dumb so  i can do this oh gary invites a central pawn trade   finishes this development castles his king now  the computer tries to fight right jumping in   with the knight but gary just sidesteps brings  the bishop back to f1 not oh b1 i apologize   rookie one was designed to keep this open but  gary plays back to b1 to laser beam this to h7   uh the knight can jump in but it  no longer really threatens anything   so we have bishop to d6 and this is basically  what gary did his whole strategy this match   was plant pieces on comfortable squares not  over extend and let the computer self-destruct   right because the computer had a good opening  space but it had very poor strategic planning   it was very materialistic and rook c8 takes takes  knight f3 computer plays bishop before attacking   the rook gary moves the rook up rook d8 h4 you  would think oh here comes gary the crazy fearsome   attacker no actually not at all gary's advancing  on both sides of the board a3 b4 when you and i   push three pawns on opposite sides of the board  we look stupid when gary does it you know he's   trying to defeat a computer bishop c7 and  now c5 more spatial dominance all these pawns   at this point black's only space is right here  just in the center white is absolutely clamping   down so rook to e8 queen to d3 threatens mate  but gary's not interested in mate he's just   he's just slowly playing the position like this he  makes a forward move threatening mate and then he   drops the rook back one square and he moves the  bishop computer plays h5 stopping the kingside   initiative gary says all right b5 i'll play on  this side of the board instead bishop d2 you know   you got all these pawns on light squares those  dark squares around the king look pretty juicy   but i'm going to keep playing on that side i'm  going to keep pushing i'm going to keep pushing   and the computer's just running out of breathing  room computers just absolutely dominated   oh bishop c2 gary's slowly improving knight  to c6 bishop to a4 using your one forward   mobilizing move against you now i've pinned you  oh we have rookie 7 bishop c3 and now finally   the computer tries to go for some sort of tactic  queen is hanging and gary says nah let me just   take that you could take my bishop knight d4  look at this bind you're in you have no moves   and well you have no moves queen d7  bishop back to d2 bishop to g5 rook c8   bishop f6 and now finally gary kasparov throws in  a little tactical flare c6 that pawn can be taken   but my queen jumps into c5 and in this position  the deep blue team resigned despite having   a ton of pieces on the board this was  absolute suffocation frankly speaking this   was embarrassment this was the equivalent of what  khabib nurmagomedov does to some of his opponents   when he fights in the octagon just absolute  total domination from start to finish   you know you're not supposed to put pawns on  dark squares when you have a dark squared bishop   gary completely violated that principle because  look at what the computer did with its pawns every   pawn on a light square so that means that the dark  squares are completely counterbalanced by gary   i mean this is crazy and so gary wins  the 1996 match 4-2 and humanity prevails   but don't go anywhere i did say there was a  rematch now some rematches are unwarranted   but others oh they are quite intriguing so  it's 1997 the setting is now new york city   gary kasparov comes in and he plays the move  knight f3 d5 g3 and already you see i mean   this is not this is not gary kasparov i mean  gary kasparov doesn't do this but he's going   for a long-term strategic game he plays kind  of a king's indian attack double fiance system   very very non-standard and i don't recommend  this for newer players because this is such a   non-confrontational setup the plans are very murky  right so castles and now let's see if deep blue   has made the correct adjustments to its long-term  strategic play gary moves the queen to e1 to get   out of the pin and in the future you will build up  with your e and f pawns queen a5 a3 very solid no   weaknesses but black has more space bishop to c7  which just looks weird because now your queen's   kind of stranded knight h4 and the idea of knight  h4 is to play g4 and f4 but now he makes black   play g5 say why does he make black dude black  doesn't play g5 white goes here and then white   makes that trade and that's very weakening so g5  knight back to f3 e5 e4 all right rookie eight   now knight goes back to h2 what's gary doing  he's wasting time now he's maneuvering now   he has access to that square by making black push  both pawns so queen b6 queen c1 what's gary doing   a5 rookie one bishop d6 a lot a lot a lot of  strategic long-term maneuvering here knight   comes back to f1 and now we see the point  we are headed to the f5 square ladies and   gentlemen takes takes bishop c5 knight to  e3 big decision by the alpha zero team us   alpha zero deep blue team alpha zero is the modern  day computer do you take do you take and disallow   me from coming to f5 computer thinks it's too big  of a disadvantage giving away the bishop pair now   gary has a reinforcement that same knight is going  and now g4 big decision big decision another pawn   is pushed in front of the king gary takes takes  and plays the move f3 now one defender of the king   has been traded and black has been left with  an isolated weakness on the h6 square we have   bishop back to e7 gary plays king h1 sidestepping  the pin and activating the knight with bishop g5   rookie two because we need stability we need to  get the queen out of the pin a4 gary locks the   queen side and here the computer just goes wild f5  whoa nowadays if a computer plays a move like f5   against you it's time to resign i mean you can  take it and you can pray you can just pray to   whatever higher being uh you believe in eat just  go and pray but the computer just went all in here   i mean it just played f5 and e4 which meant that  it had calculated that this was better for black   gary played the move f4 just leaving his  rook completely hanging and probably what had   happened is the computer got to this position  and said this is good because i have a rook   but it's very difficult because if you just lazily  take back i move and you can't guard your king   you pushed every pawn in front of your  king what did you think was gonna happen   all right like so the computer has to play  knight e5 and block the bishop and now gary   gets this and this is a problem connected past  pawns so close to the king this is bad news   bishop f3 bishop c3 and here gary has the  correct state of mind to realize that this   is no longer about oh my queen's gonna get  here and i'm gonna mate the computer one day   i'm so creative no you gotta trade queens you  have to anticipate that this is gonna come   so gary's not interested in big picture stuff  like my queen's gonna get up no he's like i gotta   trade the queen because if i trade queens in the  long term these pawns are going to be really good   long term planning h5 king g1 king f8 and  gary slowly improves his position king g7   and now the creme de la creme g4 which  to the untrained eye looks like you are   just losing the trade but you are not because  your bishop is pinning the knight to the king   now that this side of the board is going to  get opened those pawns are going to come alive   and when the entire position got traded down the  bishop the two pawns and the rook remained and you   only got two guards that king is not a protector  of the of the connected past pawns and it was in   this position that the deep blue team resigned and  gary kasparov took a one-nothing lead for humanity   now we move to game number two gary's now got  the black pieces and we have a rue lopez this has   been seen many many times most caspar of carp of  games that i've covered were e4e5 right we have a   main line rulopas this is uh all the way up until  this moment has been seen hundreds and hundreds of   times and now black has hundreds i mean thousands  of times black is a big decision here i recently   made a video kasparov karpov uh 1990 game 20  uh where um you know knight uh bishop to b7 and   then there's this whole system with the zaitsev  system but here we have h6 and rookie eight and   bishop f8 this is known as mislove the smithsoft  system named after vasilis mislove uh soviet union   one of the greatest players of the soviet union  uh knight f1 bishop d7 and knight g3 and basically   this is a a very slow maneuvering game where black  plays these kind of strange retreating moves and   then plays the move c5 but trying to take space  on the queen side so it's it's funny that gary   goes for this right i mean this whole closing of  the position and maneuvering this is what he wants   he is in his wheelhouse he is in his preparation  but bishop e3 computer is you know gonna try to   be up to the up to the challenge and gary plays  move knight h4 which is really trying to solve   his problems kind of immediately he trades one  of white's active pieces but you see the computer   is trying to do some stuff on the queen side and  he's kind of completely deflected himself away   from the queen side we have queen to e2 by the  machine gary goes all the way back uh trying to   defend the the queen side but b4 is coming now  what are you gonna do you're gonna go c4 and   lock everything but activate my bishop what are  you gonna do here well we have queen c7 rook c1   and i think that the computer is preparing the  move c4 itself it wants to shred it all open the   computer senses an imbalance five versus three and  it thinks that it can break through so gary shuts   it all down but the computer begins the second  line of attack it doesn't just play a pawn push   to take space it sees the tension and now the  offensive has been switched over to mr kasparov   but then here potentially we have the nicest  move of the entire game so we just had rook   here and rook here so naturally in this position  what does white play f4 the computer prepared a   breakthrough on this side and by making black tie  his shoes together now i don't actually think gary   kasparov did that because he probably wore some  nice you know leather shoes without laces on them   um but f4 is like uh oh how do i get back in time  like knight f6 take take now that transformation   gives white a protected pass pawn in the center  of the board so queen goes back to f1 98 queen   f2 improving the position all right you got this  laser beam maybe you want this maybe at some point   you want to get rid of this pawn activate your  light squad bishop we have knight to d6 bishop   b6 queen moves rook a2 still not deciding what  to do on that side of the board and then finally   in this position knight to f5 takes takes f6 and  here kasparov says okay my position is terrible   but i am going to sit back defend come and get  me what are you going to do i'm going to go   full yoel romero i'm not going to throw a single  punch then i'm going to act like what happened   bishop takes bishop takes a takes a takes  bishop e4 now around here ladies and gentlemen   something happened say what happened you've just  been telling us moves i don't know what happened   why are you being suspenseful just tell me what  happened so bishop d6 was bait bishop d6 was bait   gary kasparov around here set a bit of a trap and  the trap that he set was he anticipated queen b6   there is a variation queen b6 that leads to this  you have to guard this so rook d8 now the computer   plays a b5 and that just looks like it's crushing  but gary was going to play rook b8 like this   and after queen takes a6 going for the second  pawn he was not going to take but rather he was   going to play e4 sacrificing two pawns but  isolating the queen out from everybody and   with a simple pawn push the queen and the bishop  will mobilize and black is creating counter play   okay two pawns for counter play but the computer  did not fall for this trap which is crazy because   back then computers were materialistic if there  was a possibility to go two pawns up they would   have played it and so around this moment when this  happened when the computer just clamped down on   black's counterplay gary thought that there was  human influence gary actually i mean the official   thing is you know he accused the team of cheating  he accused a grandmaster of advising this idea   and or like you know some sort of human overriding  now i don't know the full story i was a baby i   was one i was i was barely you know one and a  half years old but that's you know this was a   big moment because the entire concept the  entire concept behind the computer's play   uh elevated and the computer just decided to  absolutely clamp down not let kasparov breathe   now further analysis down the line showed that  he had some chances of holding this position   but it was on move 45 uh after rook two a six that  uh kasparov actually resigned uh although here   apparently some sort of queen e3 was playable  sacrificing the bishop and there's some way to   draw this with this unbelievable move rook to  e8 just leaving the queen here and you know now   you know my computer is still kind of right  now debating whether or not this is a draw   but it basically covers the e file this computer  uh this queen is lurking on e3 ready to take the   bishop or give some sort of checks and um somehow  this was possible now i would not be surprised if   bishop e4 this whole idea that was played in the  game threw gary off and he was just shocked and   well ultimately the computer struck back and  with that we actually go to the final game of   the match because the next three games ended in  draws the score is all level it's game number six   gary's got the black pieces deep blue's got the  white pieces and begins with e4 and kasparov plays   c6 now this is known as the karo khan defense i'm  not grimacing because i don't like it i love the   karo khan but gary kasparov doesn't play the  karo khan so this is already a surprise oh we   have knight c3 the classical variation  takes stakes and now black can play a   lot of different ways black can play bishop f5  which i don't believe was very popular in 1997   knight f6 which was a move in 1997 and the  karpa variation with knight d7 the idea being   that you bring the second knight to challenge  the knight in the center but the computer plays   the critical move knight to g5 and the point of  this move is to lurk for potential sacrifices over   here and so we have bishop d3 and actually one of  the ideas here is that if you play h6 i go here you cannot take me because checkmate  but if you just move your queen at   your you know you're fine and i'll take  your bishop so gary played e6 knight f3   and the move in this position all the time is  bishop to d6 because black is basically just   trying to castle play h6 and kick out the  knight but here gary kasparov made a choice   and he played the move h6 you say what's so  i don't understand i mean well this is no   longer checkmate so this obviously can't  be good so the computer went here but no   the computer took see gary kasparov knew  that this move was frankly not a good move   he knew that h6 for black was dangerous  because it would allow this sacrifice   but he did not think that the computer had this  programmed into its opening book because opening   books were a foreign concept and having this  sort of programming would mean that the computer   understood that the sacrifice of a full piece for  one pawn not even two had big long-term effect   which the computers did not have back then so he  played actually queen e7 which pins the knight to   the king but you can take and after checking e7  the variation can go for example castles queen   c7 or you can play bishop f4 to prevent the queen  from going to c7 and essentially castle and in the   long term it's very difficult for black to get the  king out of the middle so just for instance you   know if black just develops you've got a king  right there your bishop is never getting out   so the effect of that full piece is not felt  and so for that reason gary played queen e7   then took and moved this king to d8 so he delayed  the capture by a move and moved this king to d8   but now the computer played bishop f4 which just  doesn't allow the king to get away gary didn't   want to get c4d5 so he played b5 now officially  in 1997 this had never been played before this   position had been seen a few times before with  b5 now we just got a4 immediately punishing gary   for mobilizing there right so gary plays bishop  to b7 with the hope of getting take take and   activating the bishop but the computer just brings  one more piece to the party now the rook has been   activated we've got one two three four five maybe  right piece is about to play and black still can't   develop gary plays knight to d5 attacking the  bishop the bishop just moves out of the way   king moves out of the way and now the  computer does trade you say what why would you   i thought yeah but the opening of the king  is more significant queen d3 comes with an   attack on the pawn gary defends it but now we  see the power of the rook and the weakness of   the e6 pawn here there's a very strong move c4  also to break open this side of the board queen   is coming in this is game over but the computer  finds this move pinning the pawn to the queen   and after takes takes takes well remember that  other idea pawn to c4 shattering the queen side   and believe it or not it was in this  position that gary kasparov resigned the game   on move 19 in the final game of the 1997 match and  the computer defeated the world champion and this   was obviously the first time that the computer  had defeated a chess player of this magnitude and   you know it seemed to have like a pretty  big symbolic uh effect uh and then obviously   since then computers have tried to take on go  and really the strategy of learning has changed   back then there was brute force computation  some of the software engineers watching   will understand this better than you know i can  uh explain it uh they would be able to explain   it a little bit better but basically computers  learn in very different ways uh nowadays than they   did in the year 1997 but 1997 was officially the  year that uh the machine did topple uh humanity   but nowadays you know a computer like deep blue  can get beaten by a refrigerator like i was in a   hotel in texas and i was running on a treadmill  during before a chess tournament not during and   i saw that the treadmill had chess on it and it  like gave me a good competitive game like we drew   i drew a treadmill so all of you are enjoying my  youtube chess content but there are treadmills out   there that can beat us so that's all that  we have to know nowadays about chess but   in the future uh it's currently march  31st 2021 so i don't have any videos   out yet of alpha zero or stockfish or leela  or maya but i will uh if you're watching way   into the future do let me know when you  are watching in the future always fun to   read like hey i'm watching in 2024. um  and yeah as always if there's a video   that i haven't covered or a concept i haven't  covered please do let me know in the comments   courses are available they are in the description  and uh i will see you in the next video
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 1,255,668
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Keywords: garry kasparov, kasparov, kasparov karpov, karpov vs carlsen, garry kasparov vs carlsen, garry kasparov magnus carlsen, kasparov calculations, kasparov calculation, garry kasparov calculation, garry kasparov anatoly karpov, garry kasparov deep blue, kasparov deep blue, kasparov interview, garry kasparov masterclass, garry kasparov interview, deep blue, kasparov deep blue 1997, kasparov deep blue 1996, kasparov deep blue agadmator, kasparov agadmator, garry kasparov agadmator
Id: mX_fQyxKiPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 14sec (1874 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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