Exactly how good was Alpha Zero?

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hello chess friends and welcome to that of chess channel and welcome to a very special game that i decided to share today on my youtube chat channel this game was suggested to me by one of my viewers and i wanted to thank him also for this video it's a game played by the top engine alpha zero against stockfish back from 2017 back from this 100 match game that stockfish played against alpha zero and in this um the game i think we can answer the question how strong uh really alpha zero was because if you put now many of these alpha zero games into the new stock stockfish 13 engine uh you see that basically alpha zero played almost perfect chess alpha zero played many great games without inaccuracies mistakes or wonders and there are even some lines in which uh stockfish 13 has some trouble uh to detect the best next move which is really well when i think about it harder because these games were played in 2017 now in 2021 so the stalker 13 as i said has some trouble in some some occasions to even find the best next move uh for the computer so uh i decided to show that great game in which we have several moves like this in which really stock for 13 had some trouble to detect the next best move and when i analyze now many great games played by alpha zero i've came to the conclusion that basically alpha zero only lost games when alpha zero was forced to play some bad pre-arranged lines for instance we have seen recently the great game between stockfish and alpha zero in which uh stalkerish brutalizer alpha uh in only 22 moves but we have to agree i think that this game was a little bit bad for alpha zero because the pre-arranged line wasn't so good and then of course uh the alpha zero lost the game so i said when uh alpha zero plays normal openings like roy lopez italian maybe queens indian queen's gamble declined really the healthy openings in chats i think alpha zero was basically unbeatable so let's check out now this great game between alpha zero and stockfish as i said this was suggested to me i'm really satisfied that i've i've been suggesting this big game because it's really simply a beautiful beautiful chess game with tactics all over the board be prepared this is simply brilliant during chat so let's check out now the game d4 here played by alpha zero we have a knight to f6 by stockfish c4 e6 knight to f3 the counter nym so indian setup we have talked about these ideas many times so after bishop to b4 we still have opportunities to to play knight to d2 or bishop to d2 we're not vulnerable to the c to this ideas bishop takes c3 then we don't have to have this double pawn structure on the c file so it's a delay move we're waiting now black uh what's going black to do here because now we're after move b6 again we're also delaying again the knight move we don't want to play knight to c3 because bishop to b4 will happen although this is a playable line for both sides but still my suggestion is here to go into this fiance variation which in my opinion is simply the best way to beat the so-called queen's indian defense black has played now so far the queen's indian defense and after the move g3 we have a double fianchetto here bishop to b7 and also bishop to g2 we have bishop to e7 and now castle played by alpha zero castling also by starfish so this is a playable position for both sides this position has been reached millions and millions of times in chess and now the fun already starts so we have now d5 by alpha zero which is the classical variation of the queen's indian defense and we have already some dynamics in the center so the game becomes really wild um and what to do here of course black has to react the best way simply for black is to take here he takes d5 and now comes knight to 84 that's the tricky part of this line because of course you cannot take detect c4 just lose the bishop on b7 so that's why here c6 uh is the best move for black and now after c takes d5 we have knight to d5 and what you don't want to do is hear this one bishop to d5 is simply bad for white because after c takes d5 although black has here the double pawn structure but it doesn't bring so much for white because of the bishop on b7 is simply now the best minor piece on the board and even if white captures somehow the pawn on d5 if uh black i think can even sacrifice the pawn with d for something or something just in order to liberate this diagonal maybe after something like queen to c7 and then queen to c6 uh black will have a powerful uh diagonal here black will have a powerful battery on on light first and i think uh white is strategically and tactically lost in this particular line so that's why uh here i've removed knight to d5 uh white sacrificed the pawn but the for the initiative because now the knight can come on a very very active square knight f5 very dangerous now there are even some tactical ideas to sneak in with the queen here on g4 when the queen comes on g4 with the support of the knight this is already a very dangerous position for for black's king so every move knight to f5 we have knight c7 by stockfish and now e4 here um stock which played bishop to f6 if you play d5 this position has been played many many times in human chess this particular line uh i've removed d5 we can take c takes uh e takes d5 here knight to d5 and now knight to c3 is i think simplifying the game because you don't want to take of course here after knight takes c3b takes c3 the problem is now that the bishop is a little bit loose when the queens are off the board you see then you get the first check and then we can of course take the queen and the problem is i think also in many of these lines that this bishop on the b7 is a little bit stuck always to the defense of the c6 pawn you cannot advance the pawn you would love to play something like c5 uh then just in order to improve your pawn structure so that's why this bishop on g2 will be then the best minor piece on the board so that's why i have removed e4 uh here uh starfish played bishop to f6 but at least now also the d6 were unprotected that's the main weakness in black's position you see white gave up a pawn but just in order to create some other weaknesses in black's position now uh here alpha zero simply occupies the d6 square and this is now a very powerful knight in the continuation of the game bishop to a6 was played attacking the rook and when we stop a little bit and evaluate the position uh we can agree that okay white uh lost the pawn but there is a great compensation for that and the great compensation in this particular line i think it's this knight this knight on b8 is now the worst piece on the board first of all uh we should notice that all of the squares for this knights are taken c6 is here the pawn on d7 is here the bishop on a6 so the knight cannot get out that's the main issue here and when the knight cannot get out then of course the rook cannot get out and that's uh the huge huge now problem in black's position if we move bishop to a6 uh here rook to e1 uh played by alpha zero and now knight to e8 and here e5 in the continuation of the game we have knight takes d6 by stalkfish and you don't want to take here queen takes d6 although it seems in the beginning like a great idea to cement a position like this i think again um black can simplify the game with queen to e7 of course black loves now the simplification idea because black is simply up a pawn uh now when we trade off more pieces the game becomes more and more simplified so that's why here queen to e7 i think is a perfect move for black and white it doesn't gain anything here in this particular line so that's why after move knight to d6 and knight takes c6 here uh alpha zero played a brilliant move uh e takes f6 sacrificing another pawn we have now queen to f6 and you see now black has now two extra pawns on the d file on the c file so black is up two pawns but of course white has now another compensation white has now a great bishop pair and the other compensation that white is here is an endangered queen position the queen is a little bit weird here you see now what are the main problems in in black's position because after knight to c3 we have now knight to b7 uh played by uh starfish if you play uh something like knight to c4 uh in order to maybe finally play the move d5 i think you would love to play here uh d5 from black's perspective cementing the position uh locking here the long diagonal uh for the lights for bishop then get out finally with the knight maybe knight to d7 maybe even knight to e5 finally developing all over all of the pieces but after remove c4 you see we can play simply knight to e4 from white's perspective after queen to g6 now b3 is simply kicking away further uh the knight knight to e5 you see we can play f4 and similar stuff so again i think uh white is much much better knight to d6 are opportunities 10 bishop to e4 so again uh black has some troubles here around the square d6 so really really already a bad position for for black so that's why here after move knight to c3 uh knight to b7 was played by stalkfish again with the idea to play finally the move d5 and here alpha zero will show now its great attacking skills because if you lose now if you live not one only one temple here from white's perspective i think you lost because uh black is up to paul's black run regroup black will find a way to develop the minor pieces so then the game is over so you have to be active now every move now has to be a great great attacking move and here as we said the fun starts knight to e4 uh played by alpha zero attacking the queen queen to g6 was played although maybe you could try also queen to d8 but now queen to ct we can develop and if you even if you try d5 we can play knight to g5 attacking here the h7 squad threatening checkmate so you would be forced to play something like g6 but with the move g6 you're weakening a little bit the pawn structure in front of uh in front of the king there are now several doubts were problems and you gave up already the dark bishop in an early stage of the game so now after something like b3 bishop to beat you now i think uh uh black could have several problems here on dark squares then white would be the one that builds maybe the queen and bishop battle with b3 bishop to b2 queen to c3 and then uh really trying to attack here further the position so that's why you cannot do it like this the effort move knight to c3 i said here knight to e4 queen to g6 was played but now the queen gets more and more endangered now alpha zero uses the weird queen position and simply attacks the position further with move h4 in the continuation h6 was played creating some brady spaces for the queen because the queen is really really locked there even if you try something like f5 it's not so good because you get simply h5 simply pushing the queen further and now after queen to f7 we have knight to g5 as a possibility and now after queen to f6 this is the summer because you get queen to b3 you're vulnerable to some life per attacks and now if you try d5 there is a great great tactic i've analyzed this line at home because it's really really wild what happens you still can't play bishop bishop takes d5 for c takes d5 queen to d5 really well stuff and now after king to h8 rook to e6 is a hero possibility you're even forced to give up the queen because even if you try something like a queen to d8 it's not possible you get simply knight to f7 uh the fork if you take takes takes knight takes d8 and then rook to e8 rook f8 it checkmate so really really brilliant tactics that alpha zero has prepared here uh so basically you cannot play the move f5 immediately you cannot kick away the powerful knight from the central square so that's why here after move eight four uh h6 was played by uh stalkfish creating some breeding spaces for the queen now the queen has at least some kind of a square to escape in the continuation h5 anyway here by alpha zero and now after queen to h7 we have queen to g4 as we said this is the move that we wanted to play now the knight is of course not on f5 he would love to play somewhere with the knight maybe hear something like knight to d6 so far of course not possible but left to do knight to d6 and then knight to f5 then this position would be simply brilliant for white uh here i've removed queen to g4 king to h8 was played by stockfish and here if you try f5 it's not so good again it seems like a dangerous idea but we can play simply here queen to h4 queen 284 is perfectly fine because if you take here f takes e4 then we can simply play bishop to e4 and the queen is simply locked here if you try uh queen to h8 we can still play bishop to g6 and i think here uh black is already already in serious trouble so we could even try here queen to f4 or queen to h4 as i said if uh black now takes so f takes e4 we can simply take bishop to e4 now after rook to f4 first to check and now after king to h7 we can also take out the rook rook bishop to f4 and now uh white is up the exchange although of course black has now two extra pawns but this rook's activity on the e file i think is simply too much to handle here on the second rank so again i think here white is simply much much better so after remove queen to g4 as said f5 was not played here in the continuation of the game stop first right king to h8 and now bishop to g5 that's the stunner of this game and this is one move that actually stock for 13 at home had some trouble to detect immediately this line was really suggested to me by one of my viewers i wanted to thank you because i haven't seen this game before after move queen to g5 it's really such a such a beautiful game because the problem is now you cannot take if you try uh h take g5 then you get knight to g5 and there are now only two squares for the queen if you try queen to c2 in order to escape with the queen then you get simply knight to f7 and the game is over you have to play king to king to g8 now h6 is the opportunity if you try for instance here uh the knight with the king it's not good because you get simply uh king king queen to g7 if you try now rook to f7 again it's not uh better because you can simply rook to e8 now you're forced here to play uh here king to h7 and now uh we can simply take h takes g7 and here the problem is now uh also this move bishop to e4 queen to h5r opportunity so it's simply a loss-loss game if you try here maybe let's go back uh instead of this uh queen to see queen to c3 idea if you try queen to g8 then we can play simply queen to h4 that's the main issue because now the threat is uh simply to play h6 and then opening up the h file so in order to defend the h7 square uh black needs to play bishop to d3 but still we can play h6 if you try to take it's not good uh gtx h6 queen to h6 uh you can maybe cover with uh here bishop to h7 but now bishop to e4 happens and uh here it's simply lost lost game again for black so what to do here uh if you don't react if you play something like knight to c5 if you try to get your other pieces into the game if you try to get some pieces into the defense it's again not much better because we can simply kick away here the knight b4 knight to e6 maybe here we can still take we check the king has to take but now knight takes e6 and here comes the stunner queen to d4 uh simply wins the bishop so as we said in the beginning the only defensive move that black has uh here is to move bishop to d3 to cover the h7 score but now you see it becomes really a tactical problem here black can simply resign here i think in this position so the king is simply naked the rook will come into the game when we take out the bishop again rook to e4 rook to h4 rv so again blacks black is simply lost so as said here after move bishop to g5 uh we we have analyzed now this idea after h65 so here uh f5 was played by a stockfish tried to play the fork and on the knight and the queen but again we have this idea queen to f4 you cannot take of course because i will simply take out the rook on f8 so after remove queen f4 here knight to c5 was played by stockfish we have bishop to uh bishop to e7 attacking the rook and the knight we have now knight to d3 you see stockfish is battling it out somehow stockfish is trying to fight here with the fork with the counter attack against the queen but now bishop to uh queen to d6 uh again also creating this battery in the continuation we have knight to e1 we have rook to e1 and now after f takes e4 uh here we have bishop to e4 the queen is attacked you have to play here rook to f5 if you try now queen to g8 then of course we can simply take out the rook again uh black is simply lost bishop to g6 will happen also rook to rook to e8 will happen so uh again i'm pointing out as we said in the beginning the knight is simply locked here the knight doesn't have good squares the knight is simply paralyzed here and when the knight is paralyzed as we said also then the rook is paralyzed so uh that's why after move the bishop to e4 here rook to f5 was played we have bishop to h4 we have bishop to c4 and now g4 we want of course to grab the rook without losing further material now after move rook to d5 here bishop to d5 bishop to d5 but of course now rook to e8 happens and you have to cover now with the bishop but the problem is now this move as we said the knight is simply so locked so now the the game is basically over it's a plus three position here for white in the continuation we have c5 we have a queen to the d5 attacking the rook in the continuation of the game we have d6 and here stockfish lost the rook on a8 we have now a knight to knight to d7 here queen to e4 trying to simplify the game knight to f6 queen to h7 and afrikian to h7 we can say of course that it's a much much better position here for for white because the white is up the exchange of course you have to be careful because these are mobile pawns but i still think you can block them uh the bishop can of course be used as a good attacking piece because many of the spawns are on dark square so they can be really attacked by the dark bishop so here rook to e7 we have knight takes g4 rook takes a7 knight to f6 bishop to d6 you see now the bishop is taking now over in the in the continuation of the game bishop to e6 we have bishop to e5 we have knight to d7 bishop to c3 g6 bishop to d2 g takes h5 now a3 and now simply bishop to f4 cementing the bishop trying now ready to take out this pawn what we want to do now of course from white's perspective is create only one passport when white creates now in descent game one passport it's a it's much easier than to play here after bishop dc7 we have eight four we have rook to rook to a8 we have h5 getting the rook behind king to g6 rook to d8 here is f3 simply playing now many many moves are played because in this end top engine games you know that the games are always prolonged at least for 100 moves we have seen many many great games even in 200 moves so now basically uh here um stafford pardon me arthur zero is trying to get some kind of new attacking possibility with the rookie rook to e1 uh bishop to c7 here finally b5 finally provoking some weaknesses and now african change king gh2 rook to e3 was played king to e7 rook to a4 here simply trying to get uh the best squares on the board for the pieces also trying to improve uh the position of the king now after remove the c4 here came to h2 h4 bishop to e7 now we can take out this one we have graph now one pawn we have now 19 uh knight to a4 attacking the pawn rook to e2 you have to protect of course your pawns here knight to c5 we have rook to e5 and now uh here finally uh this bishop can get here on c3 that's the most important defensive setup that you want to do uh bishop to c3 protect your backward pawn and now this pawn is long-term weakness so it's a much much better position as we said for for for white so here bishop to d7 we have king to g3 uh knight to c1 uh here simply bishop to c3 uh here rook to h5 king to e6 here simply uh playing with the rook of course you don't want to take here from uh from the black perspective this bishop because uh if you try knight take c3 then b take c3 and you see now all of these pawns are on dark squares uh the problem is that black has likes were uh bishop so you cannot attack any of these pawns so that's why trading off the minor pieces it's not an option here for black but still it's a it's a completely winning endgame here although you have to play now many many moves bishop to e6 we have rook to h5 king 28 rook t5 here simply pushing the bishop again i'm i know it's a little bit boring now to watch this end game moves but now f4 uh here and now finally after rook to b5 mission accomplished i think we have grabbed the pawn and uh we have now here this passport on the a file and it's simply winning so knight f5 here simply playing with the with the rook i think in one particular moment we can even sacrifice uh the the rook for for the pawn and then simply pushing this pawn further so here in the continuation of the game rook to h8 we have bishop to c3 knight to f5 and here simply pushing further bishop d2 rook to f6 rook to h6 here simply attacking the bishop that said in one particular moment i think we have to simply push this pawn but you see now alpha zero had a different idea in mind simply grabbed many of these pawns now let's let's just watch this moves to the end knight to d6 here rook to c3 uh knight to e4 and here after rook to d3 in this position uh stockfish uh resigned so really really brilliant stuff as said these are maybe a little bit boring moves uh here in the in the end game but uh let's go back to this to this monster move um here this was i think the standard of the game knight f5 here and when the queen get the dater h5 and now point to g4 and now this was the stunner bishop to g5 this is really one move that the stalker 13 at home had some trouble to detect uh if you put now really this move into an engine uh it doesn't it doesn't detect it immediately it plays something else it tries uh here's some ideas of b4 b4 for instance what's uh the suggested move by my stopwatch 13 engine at home so as said this is really wild what's the alpha zero did back in 2007 really really brilliant chess and i really enjoyed this game and as i said uh if you put on many many of this games played by alpha zero into the new stuff for 13 engine you see now that it played basically really so great chess so right when i think about it harder it was really wild how strong this engine was back in 2017 so i miss a little bit alpha zero i would love to see now uh great game maybe between alpha zero and stalker thirteen this will be something i don't i don't know historical i think we could enjoy really some brilliant games but uh of course that's only my dream i'm i'm sure that's not going to happen because um um the the developers of alpha zero of course didn't want to use resources just for uh playing chess they're using um neuro technology for for maybe more important things but still alpha zero was a very very important time i think in chess because it was a revolution for for the first time we have seen this neural network concept it was simply simply great for chess lovers and i think in the continuation we can analyze so more games play play by alpha zero so okay i hope that you enjoyed this game i really really enjoyed it a lot if you want to see more alpha zero stockfish leela zero games uh here's the link of our whole playlist there are more than 200 games really brutal brutal sick chess games and if you want to see maybe the humans battling it out in their best chess games check out my batches games of all time series here's also the link and if you like this content don't forget to subscribe to my channel see you soon with some more videos and chess is the best of course
Channel: Jozarov’s chess channel
Views: 6,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: leela, alphazero, stockfish, ai chess, stockfish immortal, neural chess, leela chess, stockfish 13, stockfish vs, stockfish nnue vs, Leela c zero, stockfish vs Leela, ai technology, artificial intelligence, stockfish 13 vs Leela c zero, stockfish 13 vs, Leela chess, Leela, alpha zero vs stockfish, stockfish 13 vs Leela, stockfish vs alpha zero, Stockfish 13, chess, alpha zero best game, alpha zero immortal, alpha zero attack, deepmind, alpha zero brilliant, alpha zero, nnue, lc0
Id: 8bhOpN6BhJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 59sec (1439 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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