Evans Gambit on The Highest Level || AlphaZero vs Stockfish

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hello everyone and welcome to the game you've all been waiting for and to the opening you've all been waiting for it's alpha zero versus stockfish and the opening is well you all know what the opening is and it's from the match where you know they play the first part of the match was where they just play whatever they wanted and the second part was where where they play that predefined openings first alpha alpha play something with white pieces then so first places were the white pieces and often in storage and then until they deplete all of the openings which is a very interesting to see which openings you know the humans had correct and you know which new ideas can come out of some some of the openings so without further ado let's check it out alpha zero with the white pieces opens with E 4 and I didn't have to say this game comes as a suggestion from a subscriber Dario this is the second game Dario already suggested and it's quite a lovely one not gonna talk too much about list let's just see what happens with 'if I've by stockfish Knight f3 Knight to c6 and Bishop to c4 with Bishop to c5 and now for the first time in a very long time we have before the Evans gambit is on the board Bishop captures zombie force polish accepts the gambit we have c3 Bishop to a5 and now d4 so here you could go into ECAP force on d4 where you get Queen to b3 and then a lot of complicated things happen but here is it's still pretty defined with these sets by stockfish Queen to b3 threatening on f7 and now Queen to d7 defending and Knight B to d2 and it is of this moment that the moves are no longer predefined now stockfish is on the move and we have Bishop to b6 of course well-known idea in the Evans gambit you want to play nice day a5 attack of the Queen and the bishop get rid of White's LightSquared Bishop stockfish alpha doesn't mind alpha just castles here and mountain Knight to a5 with Queen to c2 and here there are a few moves known in this position I'd captures and c4 is unknown move Knight to e7 is a non move even f6 is a non move but here it's actually stockfish who plays a new move ECAP for somebody for is a new move in this position and it is already as a move ten in the Evans gambit that we a completely new game so let's see what happens see capture sandy for now alpha creates a very strong Center which is always a trade-off in the Evans gambit you give up some material but you have a very nice Center and very nice development with Knights the e7 stock fish prepares the castle rook to e1 and now just castles buy stock fish and now stock fish could have captured this Bishop on every move but stalkerish preferred development and only now does alpha retreat to f1 Bishop the f1 attacking the bishop in for later as now that the black can has castle now alpha would very much like to save the bishop pair queen back to d8 by stock fish preparing to develop delight square bishop and now Bishop to a3 another standard developing move in the Evans gambit with Knight to g6 by stock fish and now d5 humans are more often than not reluctant to play such a move as once you push a pond you can never undo it but alpha really loves grabbing more space so d5 is a basically a signature alpha move we've looked at EMI stock fish and now comes Bishop to b4 Bishop to b4 is a very strange move I thought about it a lot and then it took me a while to realize why it Bishop to b4 was played because if you want to bring the bishop over to this diagonal for example for b2 to g7 then why not just play Bishop to b2 but the thing is after Bishop to b4 stock first idea was rook to b8 and now after rook a to D 1 by alpha we have c6 and now Queen to be 2 so this is the the the setup that alpha wants now alpha 1 stock fish here sorry Bishop here our Queen B - Bishop 2 C 3 battery and the bishop will be eyeing the g7 pawn the now the idea is that if stock will decides to open up the center with pawn captures here and it captures on d5 the ropes can be traded alpha will be very strong here as the route will be very silly here officer still controlling controlling much more space so the idea is for example why Bishop to b4 instead of Bishop to b2 is Bishop to b2 and then we go into the same idea Ruby rook 81 by alpha and c6 now the difference is that after alpha makes some sort of move let's say h3c chapters and e5 will not will be actually good for stockfish after he captures and this trade happens at rook captures rook captures now it's it's a bit it's a bit different Bishop to d7 and now starfish has rook the c8 so the queen is now here instead of here so perhaps this roped the c8 which is well coming next is win of a temple for sawfish so this is probably why i also prefer the that line to this line so returning to that Bishop to b4 instead of Bishop to b2 really no idea who would play this rook to b8 like we said rook a b1 c6 now threatening C captors here but now Queen to be to preparing this and now stockfish doesn't like the idea we already shown it yeah now comes c5 now stop which grabs more space and now Bishop to c3 so still saving the disappear now attacking the g7 pawn and we have f6 just defending it and here if you give this position to an engine to a traditional engines one such a stock fish stock which will say black is better but alpha is no ordinary opponent menorah an ordinary engine and alpha disagrees with a for alpha grabs more space on the Queen side Bishop to c7 now maybe preparing a six and B 5 and now Queen to a to putting the Queen on this nice diagonal that the King occupies we have Brooke to e7 and now comes h3 with Bishop to d7 and now looked a one probably prematurely defending the a for pawn is a stock fish might have some ideas of going Queen to e8 and then the a four point would be under attack so King day Jade stop which now gets the King out of this diagonal and now Knight to h2 maybe with the ideas of grabbing even more space with f4 with the Shabak the b6 by stock fish and now look 8b one King back to g8 buy stock fish and now Knight H back to f3 I've obviously decided not the over over grab space in the center Bishop - eh Nami good ideas of bringing the bishop over here to concert of Queen and King to H do now with Russia back to c7 sort of issue you know feeling the terrain seeing what alpha has in mind and now looked a bit too often I'll prepares to double up on the B file with rook to a eight and now comes Luke to a one again Bishop back the d7 and now Queen to be one now putting pressure on the b7 phone and now just Bishop to c8 so the knight will be able to move from here at some point maybe b6 can be played Knight b7 something like that but the bishop and CH keeps a very solid defensive to b7 pawn and well the problem is that this rook is still on AAA and now Knight to G 1 now alpha once Knight to e2 followed by Knight to g3 with Queen to f8 stockfish now prepares f5 to open up the position and Knight to e2 alpha continues with the plan with f5 and now Knight the g3 and now of course as the e4 pawn is nicely defended stockfish decides to push f4 with f4 attacking the knight and now Knight to f5 so you don't want to leave a knight on e5 it's a it's a beautiful night and whites lights where the ship isn't doing all that much so stuffy decides to give it up with the shop character son f5 e captures on f5 and now Knight to e5 and I square for the knight also blocking the bishops attack towards the g7 pawn now alpha retreats Knight to f3 well basically not retreat but attacks Knight f3 going after the night here and here would you play here you could try captures captures but then the G file will be opened will be used by white for attacking and also f6 is such a powerful strong move that will open up the position and black has really no good reply to it so not a good idea to actually trade here even though it messes up White's pawn structure in front of the King here we have Queen to f6 preparing to bring the other look into the game also putting more defense to d5 Knight and now Queen to c2 alpha prepares to bring the other look into the game will be six now finally making room for the night to enter the game also the b7 point is no longer a target and rook to e1 now alpha brings the rook into the game with rook the f8 stockfish also does the same and Queen to d1 now preparing to bring the other rook over to the e-file as well we have looked at d7 by stockfish and now Bishop to b5 pushing the rule back with rudy' to d8 and now rook to c2 the idea is keeping an eye on the c4 pawn for now on the C 4 square for now as both of the night might have ideas so for jumping over to c4 well not this one as it's currently pinned but in the future so Queen captures an f5 grabbing back the pawn also unpinning and here we have rooks c2e2 finally doubling up on the e-file you can also control the c-4 square from Eve 4 so it's not a problem with nice to b7 and here is where the where the fun really starts here alpha plays at Bishop to a6 now what's the idea here well the knight is under attack and here you have to play Knight back to a5 which is not something you want to do that night is really ugly on a5 the problem is if ruby 8 well then you have a rookin b8 but it's even worse you actually lose the game here so feel free to pause the video and try to see what alpha had in mind here in this position it's it's a nice tactical shot I'll give you a couple of seconds for those of you who were able to do it congratulations you are an excellent beater of stockfish you know not for real but in an imaginary line and for those who just want to enjoy Bishop captures on e5 a beautiful line pawn captures now Bishop captures on b7 route captures and b7 and now d6 as the knight no longer keeps an eye on the d6 square and now you either have to give up the bishop or you play something like there should be eight and then comes not check with 25 because the rook can block rook f7 but there is Knight captures on e5 and now it's just Queen d5 is coming UK you cannot use any of these squares sorry it's the drawing of the square the calling of the squares is a bit harder on my laptop but all of these squares are now covered by the pawn and by the night so with 25 will be deadly so whatever you're playing you don't want the Queen d5 to come with check 25 and now you don't have a good move Ruby 8 you have to get out of the way Knight of 7 check is just deadly if you capture with the rook rook e8 will be will be terrible after of course Queen captures and if you capture with the Queen it's no better just Queen captures rook captures and now it's just mate so this is what alpha had in mind if if Ruby 8 so Knight has to go back back to a5 and now rook to e4 just grabbing more space not allowing this Knight to enter get the game via the c-4 square as now the rook and the bishop controlled the c-4 square we have Queen back to f6 by stockfish and now Bishop back to be 597 and now comes the Bishop to c4 here alpha has a different plan for the bishop now the bishop is now coming over to a2 b1 and from there the plan is the pressure h7 so this is really really insane with Knight to a5 again pressuring the Bishop Bishop to a - and now King to h8 again getting out of this nasty diagonal and out Bishop the B 1 by alpha so stockfish really tied down it's always interesting you know try playing stock with yourself you're just gonna get destroyed in 15 maybe - 20 moves but when alpha placed on fish it's like stock fish is really you know all tied up with Lube dt8 now as alpha we'll be putting a lot of pressure on the e-file and now King back to G 1 by alpha King to g8 as the bishop no longer controls this diagonal and now H for preparing the Knight to g5 and here if you allow Knight to g5 the night is coming to East 6 and then the game is pretty much over the question is how do you stop 90 g5 there are two ways you can capture the night with check or you could play h6 now let's discuss those options if Knight captures with check Queen captures the Queen is still under attack the Bishop can capture so let's say Queen f7 now comes looked at east 6 and you don't have a lot of good moves here whatever you play you could try not reacting to the move you could try Knight b7 but then you just get Queen here and then it's either mate you you loser look there is no way around it so this is just black is busted here so you have to capture and if you capture it's no better D captures any six threatens the Queen Queen e8 now again just queen g4 you threaten mate here g6 and now e seven this is just this is just beautiful stuff here so there is not much you can do here you could try something like moving the rook but it doesn't really help you where you're gonna move the rook the bishop repair another case of a bishop repair from hell once this bishop comes to a - it's all over it's pointless to play this so this that's one way to do it after h4 but obviously capturing here doesn't work so how about h6 if h6 preventing 95 then Knight the h2 and now you have a lot of other weaknesses here on the light squares as the night is still thin the due to the Bishop Knight g4 will be just deadly so here we have seven you try and unpin but now comes the bishop characters only 5d characters and again d6 is a huge problem bishop d8 and now rook captures an e5 just loses this pawn white white will just be much better queen is coming to the nasty white squares and black black will not be able to hold this so stockfish saw that well capturing and h6 doesn't really do anything stalkers played see for now ideas like Knight d7 to c5 a common mind as now the c5 square is available for this night and maybe then the knight can also come to c3 but offices nope Knight to g5 and there's really no reply to 96 we have g6 now you don't want to keep any pressure going here on the h7 square so g6 by stockfish and now Knight to e6 and here again you have a problem how do you save the rook you don't because if you play rook to f7 to defend the bishop on c7 just rook captures on f4 the Queen is under attack you have to play Queenie 7 and then rook captures Queen captures in just h5 and again the bishop pair once the position opens up will be will be to deadly once you can bring the kinder game rookie three Ruby g3 black just has no moves here so after 96 with rook captures on e6 just getting rid of that night I mean at this moment the e6 night is a monster night you know it's it's better to just give up the rope so rook captures we have D capture screen capture stockfish now has a pawn for the exchange but offices nope I still have this under control Bishop a2 now activating the bishop pair King to g7 trying to get away from the bishop pair but it's really not happening the bishop pair is just too strong we have Quinta ytube putting pressure on the c-4 Square and now rook to f6 you have to keep an eye on the Queen here but it's still not enough now stop Fischer goes in for the kill and if you remember stockfish had a lot of chances to capture this light square bishop in the beginning of the game then alpha tucked it back into f1 and now this Bishop is going in for the kill Bishop ers on c4 attacking the Queen Knight captures on c4 and now Queen captures on c4 so capturing the Queen makes no sense as rook captures your rook is pin do to the bishop this is just dead lost so stalkerish plate Queen captures on c4 we have rook captures and c4 Knight captures on c4 and now what do you play here you don't even have to pause the video of course not capturing the rook but rook is seven just picking up the bishop or forcing a a a an unfavorable trade so King to f8 is played but now Bishop captures on f6 now still a being of the exchange that the ship is under attack with rush up to DA and now the very nice rook to e4 offering a trade Bishop for a knight Knight d2 but now rook captures on f4 so here we have a trade you can't avoid the trade I mean you could but it doesn't really do any good you have to capture it Bishop captures the rook captures would check King to e7 and now rook back to f4 and here stalker still has a pawn for the exchange but even in human chess it's a very hard that a grandmaster will hold this against another grandmaster but in alpha zeros case please playing this position would black against alpha zero is just just an insult but you know the engines have to play it out until the losing side is you know losing I think by its own evaluation by ten points so at this point it's still not ten points so tonight's the be three and now starfish alpha just brings the King into the game King f1 with night the c5 and now h5 trying to create more weaknesses and the King side for the rook to gobble up the pawns with a 5 by starfish and now King to e2 just bringing the King into the game nights the e6 attacking the rook rook the c4 now we have Knight back the c5 not allowing an infiltration we are looped the c7 check and now King to e3 alpha for the ring he improves the activity of the King King to e6 and now rook to g4 we have team to f7 and here rook back to d4 there are two weaknesses now King to e6 and here alpha doesn't just capture to create some sort of a lonely pawn on the King side but rather h6 this is just a good good stuff once again alpha true - true - alpha grabbing more space we have king te 7 keeping an eye on the d6 pawn there's no way around this and now f4 we have night to e6 now attacking the rook rook to d2 and Knight back to c5 and now looked a - defending the a4 pawn with Knight to d7 and now rook the b2 and here we have king - king to f6 now alpha just play the rope to b5 and it was in this position that stuff is resigned the game as it's well it's not yet a tube swung but it will be in a few moves black is really move us here you could try King e6 but then g4 comes if you repeat king of six g5 check King e6 and now after King the before you have normal wolves you can't move the knight as you lose the pawn you can't really move the anything here if you move the King you allow King here so you're gonna lose this point you could try can give 7 King divine King g7 yes you still defend the pawn but then white gets King to c6 and and well again what do you play you can play King g6 and then alpha could play f5 check or if you capture with the King you lose the night so cap now g6 and now captures and now h7 this is just excellent stuff and after a 95 check hoping for night of 7-2 guard here how could you just capture with check and the next move you're gonna bring a queen into the game and that is it so of course a stockfish as of this moment has a ruby 5 decided that it was more than a losing more than by a 10-point evaluation and the game ended here so there we have it we haven't had an Evans gambit game you know long in a long time I hope this to rectify this as soon as possible but they would have it what better you know entity to play the Evans gambit then alpha 0 so really I hope you enjoyed this I really enjoyed it really Thank You Dario for recommending such a lovely game and yeah it's just great great great stuff great chess so you know remember when someone tells you Evans gambit is a bad is the bad opening you just play the Evans gambit you know give up some points keep your Bishop pair and you know win brilliant games like this so once again that's the game I do hope you enjoyed it as usual you can check to my previous videos see thank all for watching and I will see you soon hopefully with some more interesting content continuing the couple Wonka saga although I will continue the couple Wonka saga when I return to my home town not here I prefer doing it at my setup at home checking up on your suggestions which are insanely good such as this one and of course keeping up with everything what what goes on in the chest world thank you all I will see you soon and have an excellent rest of your day
Channel: agadmator's Chess Channel
Views: 901,308
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Keywords: agadmator, chess, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, youtube chess, deepmind ai, google ai, deepmind chess, deepmind vs stockfish, deepmind go, deepmind, google deepmind, google agadmator, deepmind destroys stockfish, chessgames google deepmind, chessgames deep mind, skynet chess, terminator google, google skynet, best chess engine, strongest chess engine, agadmator alpha zero, ALPHA ZERO
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 25sec (1285 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2019
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