Nero | Ancient Rome: The Rise And Fall Of An Empire | BBC Documentary

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the event that would define Nero's life began while he was staying at his country estate outside Rome [Music] how far is it 30 miles 13 must be the whole of room he's been burning all day you're safe here we're going back to Rome now [Music] Rufus sir we've lost control of it the streets are too narrow to get to the buyer which way is it moving them mainly West it's the wooden building that he's moving too quick for us we've lost a lot of people so you shouldn't stay here [Music] what can I do sir Rufus I don't know about any of this but say what you need and I'll make it happen [Applause] [Music] wherever we move people that the fire moves to we need open space the people make them grab my Gardens my private Gardens open them let anyone in are you sure you like that so this is now wrong answer [Music] [Music] the Great Fire of Rome in 64 AD burned for six days the wooden buildings and narrow streets went up like matchwood but far from just fiddling while Rome burned there is evidence that Nero did all he could to help control the fire and save lives [Applause] yet it was his actions after the flames had died that would prove decisive both to his reign and to the future of the Empire [Music] only four of the 14 districts survived we believe that's half a million people without homes thousands dead we ever had a fire lighters six days so much damage [Music] she's confident just can't take it in [Music] it's not so much the damage that's it's what we do next Roma's finished I can't see we have a choice we must move the capital to Neapolis Oh God I can't answer that sir in a crisis great Emperor's rule as gods rule you must decide what you believe is best for Rome this is your moment woo as the gods rule and you could become one yourself [Music] [Music] what's the matter I want to change room power warfare what about what really matters beauty art that's what's defined if we just move the capital nothing will change but if we start again we could become truly civilized people could in their daily lives people could aspire to beauty the arts that's what wrong have stand for every morning I pray that I'll die before my beauty fades no I do it's the curse of mortality knowing that you'll become less than you were but you what you're talking about transforming Rome if you could do that you would become immortal God Nero began the largest single building program in history precious metals and millions of tons of marble would be transported across the empire from Egypt Greece Spain to adorn the imperial capital [Music] the Roman invention of concrete made building easier but more than ten square miles would have to be paved and hundreds of vast elaborate buildings completed [Music] Nero became the greatest patron of art in Roman history personally commissioning countless sculptures paintings and vast mosaics the scale and likely cost of his dream was unprecedented [Music] I'll Celica please help me someone's kidnapped me and took this horrible thing to my chest please help man he has my full support traitor I knew it I was hoping to discuss it's for the breather means that when you finally allow me to perform in front of my own people I'll sing like a bird sir an emperor may do many things he may lie cheat and even when justified kill what he may not do under any circumstances he's seen why are you here sir I applaud what you're doing but the buildings will take years and the heart your commission we need it sir don't have the money a statue of yourself for 120 feet high have you any idea what that much bronze will cost the art for your public rooms alone will cost 50 million 1 million for a single bowl it's made of ma I can't possibly pay for this we must write history is beginning again this will be the age of Nero you told me to rule like a god that's what I'm doing sir gods don't have to consider the costs of anything Emperor's do he's right I'm Seneca accost I know he's like a father to you but that reliance this is my Empire and I know it's rich I know there's money out there I don't want you to find it my father he was just a merchant but he knew about money he said getting it's like pearl fishing your father couldn't string two words together he need to know where to look but you also need to be ready to break open a few oysters which kind of oysters did you have in mind the 500 years Rome has been accumulating wealth from conquered territories their gold treasures so forth and after each victory a portion of that wealth is donated as thanks to the gods robbed the temples narrows assault on the temples of Rome was an act that would live in infamy the treasure didn't just belong to the gods it was Rome's crown jewels embodying all its years of glory and greatness an arrow was simply stealing it No this is outrageous Rufus stop you must stop the side bar debate I've told you we're starting again foolish boy you're losing your mind you're not starting again no bring the heart I wrote further raids took place right across the empire a direct assault on the establishment of Rome itself Nero was now on a collision course with the Senate the closest thing Rome had to a parliament ancient loyalties were being tested and factions were beginning to form [Applause] we've been talking behind our hands about him for years bitching complaining but not changing a thing and now the temples it's an atrocity don't think that this deserves more than just a few snide puns among ourselves we [Applause] I think we better set clearly what you mean gentlemen I mean Nero must somehow be moved you lovely feeling any better I feel like two hours of runts and sweat and blood look at that rule like God's rule okay like a god a happier Islam more irritated the Senate become there must be some way there is a way you might wish to consider if there were enough men in the Senate who thought as you do what's to stop them voting to declare the emperor an enemy of the state we need huge support how can we know if enough of the senators would back us blue this is bankrupting Rome and destroying everything it stands for in the process and who would you put in his place there's no one is a direct descendant remote justice Rome is his belongs to his ancestors and they belong to whatever that woman's carrying in her womb what you're proposing is not just angling Emperor it's changing [Applause] [Music] clearly says the moderate Senate would never support it and even if they did there's not a legitimate successor because that's not absolutely true that someone of noble birth through an old and respected family they would win the support of the salient ever outside the bloodline the respected family of course I would have to be convinced it was right for Rome before suggesting myself you'd be prepared to do that if the situation is sufficiently paired and providing of course you can find a more direct method of removing mirror-image killer I mean no such thing but if you feel there's no other option it would require rather fewer supporters nine months after the fire the scale and true cost of the building program was becoming clear sooner or later even the temple money would run out then raise taxes they have been raised well I'll double up Spain call Africa Asia we're not stopping now I am not going what's that it's nothing it can be changed no it's nothing it's it's not stop it now stop it [Music] about poison we can't party can't poisoning he has tasters to check his food you need to find some way to get close to him with a knife when he's without his guard and without food awareness I'll come up high so he trusts you if you were to invite him to dinner I don't want dinner at price so as to become a euphemism for being stabbed to death if I am to be Emperor my household cannot be dishonored you copy a man kill someone in his own home it should be on the public stage for all to see or what's the point tomorrow at the chariot races that's your chance who's gonna do it let's say you're never sit there Travis natales grab his legs so it can't move that's it and I'll stop him let me stop him are you sure it's not easy to kill a man I'll just stab him I can do it you're not just forgotten you must not take this lightly if you don't kill him you can be certain that Nero will not you think twice about killing you all of us I know I can do it I'll be fine I know what I'll use Meredith I'm not gonna be there I'm gonna be with Peyser the Praetorian Baron makers as soon as Nero is dead we proclaim you Emperor you invite their support so what are America's I want you to go at once and get my temple of safety deck clean it sharp it really sharp and I want to with us at the races tomorrow you hear me I got I can do this I can do it for this bilikiss but I'm a slave but if this door doesn't open sorry it's so late I thought we should clear this up while we have the chance well if I can be of any help to either of you you asked for a dagger to be sharpened in preparation for your visit to tomorrow's games so you could do it I'm sorry if Americas has trouble T with any of this are you planning to kill me what kill you I can't um the emperor simply wanted to put his mind at rest oh you give my home all I talked to your Millikan's about was that I wanted to dagger polished well it's a family heirloom and tonight to dinner natales who's always and my dad said I'd been neglecting it which is I did have it polished but taking it to the games absolutely ridiculous what was I gonna throw at you exactly I mean to say I trust we can hold onto Milliken of course do what you like with him I'm just sorry his college a man I'll take he said it was the Telesis idea to polish the tiger ask him ask the terrace if his story matches that I'll save you the trouble of killing me but he won't what's going on I don't know they said it was urgent good clothes stay sharp thank you for joining us little problem you might be able to help it flavours you can wait outside what problem see Ben say the talus was about to tell us about sky Venus's dagger well I don't know what you I don't anything about about about attacker it's nicely salted now you have my word do to each other my boy did you know ii and Ponyo Ponyo was with Edgar wells I see Leah please please that's it I swear that's everyone reverse your turn get him to talk you traitor Rufus he's with us Rufus is one of us [Music] it wasn't working with you all right it was it was paisa he was to be Emperor why would they want to kill me because you're mad don't you say that what you're doing to Rome you're killing role you're killing it was everybody yeah that names justice good it is mercy on us poor players Flavius deepest that's just delicious the wave of assassination that Nero unleashed was unlike anything Rome had ever seen in one move all political opposition was wiped out there were no trials and no excuses they're all dead what now now I perform in public bro [Music] now without anyone to restrain him Nero set about presenting to the people his vision of an artistic Empire [Music] he announced the biggest arts festival in Roman history and he the Emperor would top the bill [Music] Mumm Mumm you'll be sensational the Senators must walk fairly people need to know that this isn't fixed I'm an artist a true remember no coughing no stopping don't touch your mouth the whole deceptive family are you listening to me don't interrupt the performance fine slender branch that mustn't break fines learned about you tonight the world will gain a great artist it's hard to imagine a modern equivalent but the outrage felt by aristocratic Romans to an emperor performing is similar to what would be felt today if queen elizabeth ii became a pole dancer blow does my heart not beat your blood father [Applause] and yet as your blood dry on my hands did I not grow stronger why did I smile bother you oh I spelled my family tree that they leaking my own self into the earth I did meeting my own self into the earth I did not know Oh cruel ignorance hey what do you think does it matter what I said he is the Emperor this is his life in a nutshell he can do what he wants and we must simply goat me too [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] I won fairly they voted fairly didn't of course they did you deserve to wear to be perfect was I perfect for self Rome is proud this is how I can lead them all prepare transform Rome by example art is divine divine oh you were perfect they saw that they even when you drop the scepter imposed it was so quick I saw people moved to tears this is her about the scepter huh what what did you just say to me you everything you wanted to be it was perfect you can all leave now thanks no Thursday you said I made a fool of myself I said you were perfect Nero u1u you didn't the huff you did enough what's perfect it's not enough [Music] [Applause] just she said I drop [Music] [Music] [Music] what about that nothing papayas death coincided with the worsening of the financial crisis the building program was bankrupting Rome Nero's dream was floundering nothing is finished nothing sold district still in ruins to try some I have given everything I have stick your ice offer if you can't say the same still right son don't any of you decide there's no money stunt yeah yeah Perficient I need money find it building does not stop with the Empire sliding towards financial ruin Nero and a massive entourage left Rome for an extended tour of public performance and private debauchery [Music] [Applause] that's lay spores remind you of anyone sir I first saw in the day prepared that's me she always said her beauty don't live sir you want to complete the building program money is desperate but I think I found a source of more you create a lot which makes everyone of a portion of their wealth to you in their wheels even the very rich if they want their families to enjoy your protection after they die they must leave tenth of their estate to you and if they don't die I'm talking about everyone in the Empire in town I make a fortune I can't wait that long why should I I don't think you'll have to wait no more waiting Rome needs this preparer a list of the richest men landowners noblemen make them leave everything they have to me sir you're talking about the most powerful men in the world it's not enough these people not enough find them change their wills and make them die to Jelena's make them die [Music] narrow now had power that few men in history have ever equalled [Music] there was no one to control him he had no enemies no friends no wise advisors Nero had become capable of anything across the empire wealthy aristocrats were offered a simple choice [Music] give their lives and leave their money to the Emperor or else see their families wiped out everything in the known world was Nero's for the taking make him a woman no please [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my papa [Music] the suicide campaign was unprecedented but so was the response in 67 ad a letter was delivered to every senator that caught for something nobody had ever done before rebellion for more suicides in Germania so we need to talk six in Africa and between them they owned half our territory there so you're a genius so the governors of Gaul and Spain are rebelling against you they've written to all the senators trim to four hundred thousand men behind them I'd rather have them in front of me I'll pay up isn't she wonderful sir this is a genuine stretch you must see that we've had rebellions before not like this these aren't barbarians wanting their freedom these are Romans parasitic rats you don't want to get me to the Empire they want to get rid of you you must tell the Senate what you plan to do about it you need to be enrolled arrow returned to address the Senate through territories slipping into poverty and starvation more and more provinces call Spain Africa Germania were joining the rebellion Rome was now the greatest city the world had ever seen but Nero's dream had sucked the wealth out of the Empire [Music] behind the facade it was collapsing [Applause] [Music] boom is beauty Oh [Music] it's all know God given the gift from a god no in buting [Music] [Applause] look at you you will be aware of the considerable unrest in well in a great many parts of your empire perhaps you can share your intentions my beloved Seneca once told me but an emperor must rule his empire as the gods rule the world that is my intention in three days I will set out for Gaul myself and confront our enemies they will learn the error of their ways this will be a defining moment in wrongs new history a revolution in the way Rome conducts its campaigns I will quash my deluded enemy not with the sword but with art my art I intend to sing to them first I'll stand on the battlefield and let their gaze fall upon me and then I will simply weep and on seeing how deeply they hurt me they will weep and in the morning I will stand before them again I will say and my voice will reach inside take hold of their hearts and actually I should get home and work on the song at once at once [Music] Nero now assembled the most bizarre army in history hundreds of prostitutes would travel to perform to the enemy alongside the Emperor their hair cut short like Amazon's [Music] you're taking a big risk asking me here don't threaten me boy there are bigger things at stake than my life Nero has lost his mind there's no successor he has no hair anything is better than this I have served the divine bloodline all my life and I'm not alone but if I remain loyal and do nothing this rebellion will tear the Empire apart so we have no choice we must sever the bloodline that has ruled us for generations and rebuild the way we govern what is supposed to be the civilized world the Senate wishes to vote to declare Nero an official enemy of the state a different of you so tell me does the sum of a bankrupt Sicilian merchant wish to be an enemy of the next Emperor or a friend there was a time when nobody would have dared ask me a question right there was a time when it wasn't worth the risk times change [Music] freed from the threat to their own lives the Senate used the only weapon it had left the man who dreamed of being a God was now an enemy of the state condemned to death my lord you need to come your guards are leaving the palace prepare prepare the July Nance join what friends remember when the rightful imp [Music] it's not enough [Music] it was now the duty of all citizens across the Empire to kill their Emperor or assist others to do so Nero had nowhere to hide [Music] I'll need you to help me don't be bad nothing will happen they didn't make me a god but I am one you know I am a god I must be must be I steal and destroy and nothing happens I kill people I killed people I killed and nothing happened how can that be if I'm not a god this can't be real whatever they think of me the world is losing a great artist but you can cry now [Music] Nero's death brought to an end the dynasty that had ruled since the age of the Emperor's had begun what followed was a bloody civil war a war the teacher Linus would not survive Rome had finally come to realize that choosing its rulers solely from a narrow group of aristocrats was no way to run an empire the man who eventually won the throne owed his position to merit rather than birth next the most famous Roman of them all Julius Caesar [Applause] how he risked everything to tear down the government he served and bring revolution to Rome I ask you once more who will fight for me today [Music] you
Channel: BBC Documentary
Views: 648,274
Rating: 4.8549953 out of 5
Keywords: bbc documentary, documentary bbc, bbc, Ancient Rome: The Rise And Fall Of An Empire, ancient rome, history documentary, historical documentary, rome documentary, rome documentary bbc, rome documentary nero, rome documentary constantine, ancient rome documentary, ancient rome the rise and fall of an empire, full documentary
Id: _ukIHEwE_zY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 18sec (3138 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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