Homeless Women LOST Storage Unit

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what's going on guys wait wait adventures here and I've got the letter hopefully you guys really enjoyed the the storage unit yesterday it is such a great unit mom's like it's got arts and crafts she loves those type of units but long story short I want to go over the letter that recedes read it to you guys and not only to you know educate you guys that sometimes your past do cross okay whether you're at live auctions and the old person that owned the unit is at the auction I've had I've seen that happen where people start crying because their units be enough for auction me personally I don't bid on those units unless there's like barsik gold in there or you get stuff like this where you buy it online and the old occupant is waiting outside the building you know trying to find out who bought the unit so they can give them a letter or talk to them or see if they can get some of their items back and it I take zero enjoyment and taking people's items this is a modern-day treasure hunting and it's just business is what it comes down to you know if I lost my unit all my stuff would be auctioned off too so it is extremely tough but the reason I want to read this letter to use not to be drama II it's simply to show you guys not only from the buyers perspective but also the sellers perspective and realize that sometimes you're passed you cross and you tend to be super respectful understand where they're coming from and I hope this letter may help you this is very rare you don't get a lot of these I would say out of 20 units maybe one but it does happen I get this question all the time should I contact the person who lost the units to give some of their stuff back that's the number one question I get a lot of times and the question the answer is no and there's a lot of reasons why it puts your your family in danger so if the the person that lost unit has family or friends that may come after you because of they think they you took their items in all reality it was a business you know deal between you and the facility you know sometimes it gets too messy you know people get emotional over there items so there's a reason why the facilities are there they are there for the middle person they're there between the fire and the cellar just like you know god forbid if you got in a divorce there would be somebody there that would be in the middle person decide to help you guys split up your items evenly right or a judge there's always gonna be a middle person right and that's what the facilities do for you they help you in that regard you know you're the middle person you buy the stuff so necessarily you won't have to have contact with the person who lost it just because it gets too messy and and this there's very rare circumstances that you would possibly you know the facility you know they're gonna throw away their stuff and there's some military items or baby pictures I've seen some people contact the old family and that's understandable I guess but most cases 99.9 percent of time you want to keep yourself safe and not contact the person who owned the unit prior so let me read you this unit sorry this letter just so you can kind of understand there is a on the bottom there is a email address so I'll keep that covered up and she typed it out which was really odd so I'll read it to you right now so let me put you down here and just so you guys can kind of see what I'm doing I filled up the box truck and it's now just emptying it out today so getting ready for last but don't tell Ashley one last unit don't tell Ashley okay are you ready I'm trying to find a way to set you guys down here let me come up you guys have seen my house but this is the pond right next to it so it's kind of a cool little area but uh I'll sit you down right over here man they took that away they had a little bench over here all right right over here actually okay here we go hi not just dark in here but okay ready hopefully you can hear me to whomever wins my former unit at central central soft storage the items in here are almost all personal things creations of mine are my mother's my fabric costume sewing machine embroidery machine some furniture please be respectful of my coffee table I've had it for 30 years and and some of the stuff you guys you won't you won't realize just simply because the videos does not come out yet so I ask that you give me a chance to buy some of my items back namely costumes fabric and music and movies I put the music and movies in there because the vast majority of them are in sleeves or in the black books no cases some do but many knots I love the vinyl collection again but you may get a few bucks for those also my negatives from years and years of photograph I actually gave this back the photographs all of them even the negatives the sheet music and music books won't let won't let you much either I know this because friends of mine tried to resell some of theirs at garage saw prices none of them moved I know from the past experience of fabric and such doesn't resell for much above pennies on the dollar the nicest thing in there is my piano though that one kills me to lose I bought it with an estate money for my dad's passing he wanted to give me back my music in all honesty the piano TV random furniture will likely but be what you can resell and make a few more bucks I just want the chance to make an offer on some of it before you try to resell it anywhere else I got really dark sorry guys the reason this is all on storage is because I was evicted two years ago and was homeless until last October I've been sleeping on the floor this whole time that reminds me can I have my mattress my back would be internally grateful so and then she puts in and then she puts in you know she wrote down it's all household and sewing fabric stuff so anyways that is the letter she says she's homeless yet it's typed up I don't understand that part but remember you can't assume maybe she went to the library or did something like that so you cannot assume anyway so that's the letter guys no no juiciness in here just wanted to give respect to her but also to kind of show you guys that sometimes it gets messy and you just gonna have to make sure that you deal with it the correct way you know you can't contact them unfortunately but good news is the flag that you guys saw and you guys will see in later videos I put a massive corner of stuff that she can have back I even contacted the manager and was like look I know typically you don't take some of this stuff because it's not necessarily personal but I would like to see if you can keep it there because she's been renting with you guys for quite a while and I went ahead and convinced him to leave it all in the corner as long as it's boxed up and they'll contact her again and see if she can pick it up so I wouldn't bub and Beyond a little bit to make sure she's happy just feels good to do it that way you don't have to do it that way if you buy a unit but all right guys much love hope you enjoyed this video and the next video is after that and so yeah it's if you guys are thinking about buying storage units you feel free to reach out to me via insta and I may be able to pull up your zip codes and look at some good ones for you so alright see you guys after the video welcome back to another show another video got Ashley with me I say another video but really this is just an extension of this crazy big storage unit all right so mom is watching the kids guys remember we only had so much room in the truck so this is it so we're gonna go through this there's some brand new focal pops in there too but we're gonna go through this guy's and try to we got to get it all done today so we gotta kind of hustle but this thing is massive so we're gonna we're gonna try to be okay all right all right so I'm gonna try to get through this stuff and then work my way back there's neck over here yeah all right all right oh this is personal okay [Applause] so we got a bunch of records in here guys you seen these last one we get a lot of storage in these yeah we have like 900 oh crap let's show them the piano so this piano was in here that's in a really good shape I don't know how much they go for I had to check but it's actually massive and it looks in really good shape so it's a big one too and it's got its own like seat - I'm gonna keep this for cave guys but I I think these things are not cheap so off to check but I mean it's a nice one so then it's a pretty big you can put your own USB in there but yeah we're probably gonna keep that for Katie what do you think honey mom this is her mom by the way mom this is I know this is you wish you could be here you're watching the kids for the next part but she's like keep all the younger for me and keep all the yard keep all the yarn so we're gonna keep all the yarn for you mom okay so a bunch of fabric guys this will sell well in our garage so just thanks so much like her can never use some blankets no random battery recharger these things oh this is rarely seen from Ikea more yarn or more fabric one thing about rod cells guys is fabric itself extremely well there's probably some mom there's probably about $400 with the pins in here just bins houses costumes probably more fabric she may be made her own to costume Oh Lucy costume wig smells like here yeah since all costumes looks like not even a costume can never use enough tape okay I like the bin stackable bins okay we have a lot of costume stuff she did plays possibly [Music] where she made her own costumes yeah but why would she need so many what the heck Wow so these are five bucks back in the day casual spirit shoes I think they used all these for costume yep we're gonna open up our own costume shop yeah but look at these are pretty clean I think so Wow where's my gloves hats okay we can put this up boys are holy crow Cal oh not expect that crossed encaustic boots nice like really sharp knife okay that's interesting now you got me on my toes gonna be a lot of boots that's funny so those of you who don't know there's two acres right in the middle of town the owner said I can put all my crop sell stuff off so I'm hoping to make like body that may sweatshirt it smells like it's been in here a while the truth is out there it is Oh x5 yeah I thought that's what it was from what yeah x-files do you not smell the crap out of this thing wow that's awesome we have a penguin [Music] this really vintage e-m-s Danny that looks perfect on you that's all these are vintage except this possibly this thing's not [Music] okay so some clothes I got some of these and we'll just stuff a few things in this box safe space let's get my gold finder out there and see if that's real get in it oh my gosh okay since Marvel collections whoa so we got this guy do you want him to keep these honey we have this guy who is this guy I don't know Guardians like star-lord isn't star-lord that's what it says yeah I have to see if these this guys work then you get that they have a little money here who knows some of the comments don't go for much on to show the network oh by the way guys I spent $700 $720 on the students so as we're going through knows I spent seven twenty all right we have a TV and it looks like it's all in there including the remote which is nice [Music] [Music] we're shoes Wow he's looking really good shape New Balance don't suck these guys suck you're gone cells we have some Doc Martens yeah look at their clean seriously we made we're gonna make I think but we got our stabby knife here the one that almost drew my blood with everybody's like millions you never heard you get two thousand psycho soft average oh my gosh is all fabric Wow a fabric sells guys my guess is that moms like I know she's watching this right now I'm gonna sell it by the yard at the grill I told her I was like longer gonna be too busy to solve this of the art for all you people out there that say tax sells who Merkel it's like Christmas what's in every single box penguins yep wha a penguin box sustained winds and cycles so maybe from traveling oh yeah last one those pigs this one's pink once yeah that's a Disney penguin [Music] we have a puppet this is definitely the hide up we have more penguins in here what what is in there okay first we have who is this person I mean the United States Syracuse DecoArt maybe [Music] Oh I'm sure there's a lot of these in here oh these are from Ikea is it cold - this is cold it's cold I don't know what kind of stuff though very interesting books where we got here a little suction cup things studfinder little sander some patches yarn bomb the US a-- yard some weights in here what is this thing what do you think instrument or tool what wow is this a flute I think so here it says it was made in the United States we're not very musically challenged pastors like you want you want to keep that thing the only thing I know how to do is like you guys know how to do the rock shh-shh okay okay look down there honey there's just a lot those things sell at garage sales you saw for like three or four bucks each because people like that I know your base like everything some photo they pack them extremely tight parts of crappy stuff in there and we're gonna have lot of our crafts artsy craftsy we got this is clothes not that close are not interesting but this is this unit is so massive I just would like to scan and see if I see anything crazy will show you guys that was the Ghostbusters [Music] [Music] this missus yard looks like those are fellows I think you got a little too excited there for those fellows what is going on with this shirt I think it's worth the straight tournament okay it smells old in here that's for sure huh yeah all about getting the money back guys so notice they hide money in the bathroom typically typically the better step is gonna be towards the background because if you guys can see there's no way to get in here like there's no not there's not a double door so literally they probably packed all the better stuff over there and then you know everything else over here that's just my take [Music] some more speakers focus a pioneer seen better days I love those the top we have some flows nothing too crazy I mean I'm gonna go through I'm obviously old Navy nope good shoes mostly clothes it is hot up here it is like 90 degrees okay all fabric clothes Oh [Music] it seems to be a thing I wanna close near smelly clothes actually they're all small you have a ladder yeah you have to tackle it sometime yeah [Music] the South professional does if we double fist pretty much professional than anything you're drinking oh he would double open you guys like that was like so amazing new attacks Cowper's eggs Betty oh they drew hey Disney stuff like that sells [Music] not impressed with the first one I saw a lot of leather jackets [Music] okay nothing no I'm trying not to show personal items because I like to keep that separate oh oh there's some money here yeah these are all a while there's just a ton of them in there mom would be like down right now I've heard those scissors are so expensive guys remember mom's got her own t-shirt down below right below bye grandma ventures t-shirt okay for the sake of time I want to go through this but it's a lot of random stuff the shoes give us some awesome choosing between the toes would bother man hands [Music] tubs for days there's just so much do you don't have something what is this what is this it's like a ship captains outfit really cool definitely into the scissors all right what is this oh my oh this is a Avatar this is from Avatar you sure yeah blue no this is from Avatar oh my gosh I got the whole getup here can you put this on honey let me see what I don't know you put on its live feed you got to run it's a woman's butt long honey yes they know they're fine you're fine but I can't put it on okay all right hold on right there oh it's a tail oh my gosh okay [Music] that's good so heavy fabric what do you what combination well certain to get the thing here maybe they're referred like you let's go through this more in Tufts you know a lot of fabric though this is the type of stuff that when you get the sale we're just having Tufts oh look at Jim you look at Tim what is he a little bear thingy all fabric in here so starting to notice a theme that's called professional right there is this thing I don't think it's what you think I was thinking it was like a jacket yeah looks like it's a part of a sleeping bag there's nothing going on down here so what if Boyce rains I'm like jerseys oh it's young 50th Oh interesting it's like fabric fabric sure a sleaze sky oh that's a target branch sometimes a target this collapse though so you gotta be careful some of the clothing yep okay cute oh I keep this what you guys don't know about me is your weight can make some Tomatoes yeah not that I had net world's biggest tomato plants nothing else but you can hope hope everybody appreciates to this video because we're like sweating yeah I don't know why it's a hot face oh my gosh we can actually see what else we got here Patrick it's a crazy suppose that we're just going to go over well yeah people over the ladies stand the men like fabrics so I think that'll do well for sure you have to list that on the grab still looks packed that's a lot of stuff right for trips this could be for trips I mean we have a big truck oh my gosh more furries okay this is men's 7 to 8 so any of you men out there I don't want this me no highest bidder yes so this has been trekking I always like dry clean stuff in fact all listed on eBay with the dry cleaning on it this is Amanda a cond art Saks Fifth Avenue I don't know that was a fail you got us a 1980 a hot so check and see if any this is real probably not this looks like a best friend's yeah you get a little magnet so you can buy on Amazon and oh my gosh dresses no so many tubs so I forget which one we looked through the last storage unit was pigs this storage unit is fabric it's all about the fabric all fabric in here just so much fabric it's expensive I used to make blanket there kitties I'll pay for this unit plus Sun with this fabric I was like looking through t-shirts because some are mentioned they do sell well there's lots of all those t-shirts this one's not vintage but it's a cool we know I was nearly a restaurant it definitely smells like it's been in there for a long bet you that's Cookie Monster yep Sesame Street cool [Music] that's just a what is this one this looks like seagulls - shameless I see they'd like penguin so I'm gonna shock there oh let's see Haiti good ones another penguin shirts pals books that's kind of a cool yeah okay I lied this fabric a fabric cap shoes socks you guys wanna be Dorothy tops no no she has the red shoes probably my tap shoes uh-huh maybe the United States mom loves these things oh fish well should I give this to her they're not I feel like that was needed just now I wasn't either we need a little laughter is right now I'm like sweating so bad so bad whoops I can always use those at the shop soda ash dry little bathroom little random stuff in here massage my back yeah your blue this may be promising maybe we're sweating over possibly drag clean oh maybe but hey well maybe this old Navy shoe jackets stuff like that anning jean jacket over in himself AGB california it was it was this was dryclean so not saying that dry-cleaning stuffs all expensive but I like listening with the dry cleaning tag so I can tell people it's been cleaned yes okay oh my gosh it's heavy one hand thinking oh I got this but no it's heavy what is what isn't it whoa they look like they took these pictures absolutely oh they're just oh it's glass down here too what is this that's private oh it's just pitcher inserts oh they are yeah I bet these things are not cheap all right that's a check Wow big big that's awesome I want to pick it up small this is a pet thing I think right okay that's not an exciting one grandma ventures like what you're missing out on look at those scissors man she she or he it was like serious about the scissors huh like and I'm not joking guys this unit probably $400 with the tubs just in the tubs and I spent $700 on the whole unit so yeah crazy more now teens enough no you should try that hat on I mean this is whoa what the heck oh my god this is so made yeah but that's really cool swinging my butt off right now what oh grandma this is a negative 8 for these negative money here because she gets to put that over here somewhere that goes to Grandma what is that your persistence that's yeah oh my god careful this is good careful shaken no this is called professional this is professional I don't think you need it with amazing focus more lace I'm actually gonna use these tips look at this so we have schools for days this where our schools for days all right we'll open a couple four and then we'll do a load to the track what is this one label all right this is the one that's labeled hemp guys whoa it feels like hemp maybe it's like kind of heavy I bet this stuff's not cheap hmm I'm gonna give this to her yeah but I just don't know I mean oh they had $5.00 six bucks nothing for each one there was six dollars so right here was 20 bucks just I'm not crazy and people say you can't make money in a storage unit why people fail source units one they simply don't have the space space is a tough one because you buy one or two units and then they're done another way that people fail is they don't have transportation a lot of people realize that like when you rent a u-haul Penske trucks like those take a lot of money and you've got to get back within a couple days or you're paying per day so vehicle transportation is a big one cash flow is a big one because these units look I spent $700 in this one if I spend $70 in another one it's $1,400 yes I can make $49 easy on this unit but then you got to think like how long is it going to take for me to sell this stuff so cash flow is a big big issue too so there's a lot of things that go into and not only that but I guess one of the bigger ones some people don't like to deal with the small stuff that you do yeah and the bigger Seguros like the it's work it cieariy works it's a lot of work runaway mom pointed to this and said that this was worth a lot of money and I think I remember fighting something about when we renewed our coats not guessing that second check ball and paint all right so we're net you wanna show them the load so we got honey we have this load over here so we're gonna send that to the truck right now guys gauge how much room we have and then we're gonna start tackling this beast here and then we're gonna get into the good stuff there is some good stuff look at those boxes down there what is in here got like painting stuff in there some random thing over there we got a lot to go through so let's go through it right now
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 55,047
Rating: 4.8365593 out of 5
Keywords: Homeless Women LOST Storage Unit, Homeless Women, LOST Storage Unit, Storage Unit, Homeless, homelessness, homeless people, homeless woman, storage unit living, storage unit auctions, storage unit business, storage wars, unboxing, storage auction, storage wars full episode, storage hunters, real storage auction, how to, opening mystery boxes, storage locker, buy, sell, buying abandoned storage unit, auction bid, unclaimed storage unit, haul video, auction hauls
Id: s-fcCXgKJwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 15sec (3315 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2019
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