Asian Delinquent Storage Unit.. Treasure Chest Inside MASSIVE Silver FOUND

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what's up guys weight with weights ventures and do I have a good storage unit for you today this thing is amazing and we paid virtually nothing for it we have grandma venture so we're here she's gonna do the camera let me show you guys the unit's it is a five by ten I think but this thing is crazy cool let's do a little awesome brass piece down here the reason I like this unit is all the solid wood now glue it or not we're kind of on the boonies right yeah we're kind of out in like the boonies so this thing is just gonna be crazy cool look at that beautiful solid wood furniture in the back man this thing is gonna be epic it's gonna be crazy that's such an awesome piece there and then look at this brass piece I think it's brass those lamps oh my gosh guys and then back here there's a ton of oh wow mom you didn't see them but there is a cool pot down there those things are expensive too look at that oh crap we may have to come back I just noticed yeah there's another there's another solid wood piece over there but right there's that looks like a gun gun shell alright well that's always guys we're gonna go through this we'll film the whole thing but I will have to make two trips because I was actually headed to the dump right here but I figured okay well let me go to the unit just in case there's something to dump you know there's stuff to dump then I'll just throw it and we'll go to dump together this place is 35 minutes from our house though so it's not too bad but all right let's dig into this are you ready I mean yeah yeah I know it is and there's a chest down there too I didn't see that in the photos so we paid three hundred dollars to this thing it was actually three twenty I believe and it's gonna be worth it I already know I already know this thing's worth it alright grab my benchers oak before we go any further make sure you subscribe we do weekly storage unit videos guys we're crushing it and also we are starting this new show up every Wednesday rotating show between all the bigger YouTube channels that do storage units like what the hell's reefs are treasure hunting with Jebus we've got thrift trader all those cool people a storage auction pirate we're gonna be doing a weekly live show in fact after I load this thing up I got a rush home because today is Wednesday and it's gonna be on my channel at 6 p.m. Pacific Standard Time but when you guys are watching this you've already seen it but let's go that's the game alright alright so alright where we started alright so we have any dear yes we have a dear light it lights up is it like a cooler steer or what I didn't I wasn't expecting that I don't know there's no markings I'm nobody other one's kind of cool I like that one yeah I look out for Griswold pans they can be quite expensive I know this one's not but okay oh let's start with this yes that's what that's what I like that piece can you guys see that let me put it close up you guys see the you're not amazing wow this is definitely brass right yeah yes we did get mixed up points but oh isn't that nice this possess all it did may be an expensive piece and it's big what would he say 15 inches yes at least all right what do we got here we have the pinion let me get it close up these will be good for the cross saw these are actually I think sprinkler heads oh yeah they are so this will be good for the ground something and look just what I needed maybe oh you got to two guys we're not even gonna ask if he brought his knife yet we'll wait and find out okay you guys can see there but we got whoa what is that it's a part of the gun what is that it's the handle of a gun no what is that though like what are we missing part of the gun or what well I don't know if it's a real Gunnarsson it's some kind of a nut we're not experts okay okay I hope you got the camera so I can tell you oh yeah yep is it no so I think it's a pellet gun pellet gun okay well glad we could figure that out yeah Wow it's a little lighter that's an old lighter yeah I sold some of these mm-hmm well it's a backhoe pipes the cases you sold those are no this is a hold leather Yahtzee maybe okay this caution sometimes we just have to guess but this this one that is a I'm not gonna attempt to oh it's broken darn it you guys see it's broken all right so the first box is going wonderfully really good put you there now we get a lot of golf clubs how many sets do we have right now three meeting I think four or five I think I thought we saw them one all right set it yet oh these are sheets but I thought sometimes people hide like breakables in them mm-hmm or bed bugs or there's some soap wait a very clean person all right so there's nothing exciting in that [Applause] let's go ahead and see we got this is kitchen it was kitchen but let's go through it yeah let's do it up here oh man it's getting hot out here it's a tiny little fan it's got writing on it kind of cool that's a beautiful piece so guys the supposedly this storage unit guy it wasn't that you couldn't pay he just dropped off somewhere I don't know where he went but he didn't it wasn't that you can pay that you couldn't get ahold of him so do these are nice bowls huh what the heck is that like that oh look at that it's a wine bottle with a nice corny look at that guy's is it carved wood yeah yeah Wow there's the top piece they like natural products I like this which makes sense this we're kind of middle voice oh this is a food saver yep sealed meal deal I use doesn't like a fishing oh you're gonna need oh this is look at that it's pretty dirty does that ring no and weight is going fishing on the 27th with his friends for his birthday yes his birthday it's a 25th I'm getting old guys April 25th don't say you're getting old that ages in your mother okay how do you say this no this I remember let me see if I can get the line mother used to have a bowl like that when I was a kid there's a set of them probably in there yeah this is number four 41 oh yeah yeah yeah let's see what else we got here what else we got here oh wow is anything in it it has like a little Asian thing no I like it it's real pretty yeah here's another piece that might have a loon Oh yep okay that's not no here's some more corny corny made in the United States somebody older gotta be careful with it yeah the reason I know is because I'm old so when you're old you know more all right put some of this back here you guys will see what's in the trunk Oh Oh interesting about the bar I see what's in here so this is for it there's a bit there's a dish if it's on that oh I love that that is so pretty what is that it's a little container for something maybe right Robb's I don't know somebody will tell us it's like really oh wow it's a revolutionary from the revolution this is that's pretty that is and not bet you anything that's 24 or 18 karat gold and it rings leg crystal that's beautiful I hope there's more that look great in your bar yeah personal which I get the personal stuff out of here guys oh this is personal oh that's nice a lot of people love Eagles yeah that's a pretty one what is that a unique face Oh little picture is it for almost got holes in the bottom I was gonna say sake which goes good with some tissue yeah I love the things they have a lot of wood yeah yeah they can see it it's very pretty they can see the pattern oh how cute there's a lid somewhere there it is the sake no that's 40 individual probably I don't know you guys are my guessing right 50 here's another cool one yes so like see an Asian theme here you think yeah I like it yeah another picture this is such an old one I'll show it oh god she isn't that unique that's really old so any newer pictures I try not this show but any older ones like real old ones I'll show that's so pretty yeah ooh 1895 what is that yeah oh the lady was that's probably her age I'm the year that it was taken yeah this says 1852 yeah the name and she died in 1927 Wow that's what people do on the back of some photos there's another here's - oh those are now I'll bet you those are sake glasses yes we're gonna keep guessing it they look like it yeah and I know you guys will please let us know if we're wrong cuz we owe two different ones these are nice I like the blue one I'll put this up here and then we'll pack it up alright just goes with so much glass oh wow these are beautiful I wish you guys can see that well let's try you guys see there's an indent right there how beautiful those things are Wow we got good units over here I am a professional picker Oh what I wouldn't give to show you one of his that he picked before he videotaped yes but hey full disclosure since I've been videotaping no I'm teasing him but oh those are little moles resent what those are let me get closer I wonder if these are gold well no it really does look like it's real gold but we have to figure it out alright well that's it for this box other than a couple personal stuff so let me put all this stuff back in the box and we shall be right back be right back and we're back action right action I know they want to see what's in here should we show up well let's show us - is it heavy oh my gosh oh my god it's something heavy oh it's a nice looking trunk unveiled oh well that wouldn't make it heavy there's something in there the rugs might be real nice some of these rugs can get very expensive right and they're welcome yeah oh I feel it made it heavy that's to keep everything from getting moisture that's let's keep it in there wow this is USN that's nice oh it's our Wallace zero 679 silver-plated maybe I know it says silver Sol dried I don't know 121 and B I don't know I don't know either that shows up what is this now that's a ladle but it looks silver tomatoes yeah I wonder if there's gonna be some kind of special punch bowl somewhere or what the lados poor I have no clue Oh silver kam beholders yep it's crushing and guys I paid 300 bucks for this unit what the heck oh wait oh my gosh there's so much silver in this yes this Oh what did one break off we have to have it oh it's a silver plated yeah still mine yep I like the trunk and here's a couple of these Brandi yeah these are silver plated they're like silver huh look silver in wood I love that gravy boat that's pretty yeah this is this is nickel silver Wow it says nickel silver so that's got a tray silver plated or for what I'm thinking it's silver this is nickel silver well I need an expert on silver to talk to us at night it's the tray or the gravy boat this says TT o WL ye-e-ep 4:05 - well keep that my gravy boat together I mean the gravy 0:04 anybody has cold there we go this thing is old to an old bread basket yeah that's silver of some kind yeah this says tarnished george h rogers company then we have this guy but let's see what's in there just to make sure is it candle no I don't think so I think it's something different oh wow look at that I'm trying to get where they go this is this says community that's all says but it's an old one uh-huh so this is Hall look this is all the silverware oh my god guys we sold some really nice silverware I love the ladles look how unique they are yeah this is silver plate I like the top of it with all the little design so simple but yet nice Wow better names and stuff oh those are so cute oh this is sheriff field look I like that one aha special EP NSA we got a lot of research going on here oh we do this is the whole set but look at these things Wow it's just this one says stainless Wow there's lots of them soon for 300 bucks we crushed it I'm surprised nobody else bit higher on this thing community well it didn't in the picture didn't do it justice did it in no but also it would those four chairs that we're gonna pull out I mean everything is just this this unit should have went a lot higher cocktail Forks I think yeah Wow look at these things crazy and more whoa look at those Forks uh-huh those are freaking weird look at those Wow yeah this one says community eight five zero six six three Rogers this reinforced plates is I'm reading them for all you guys at home oh my gosh they're crazy this is crazy woman we're making some money here huh look at this oh my gosh and there's more like I'm only showing you a little bit there's some one more in there Wow wow-wow-wow right let's see what else we got in here definitely rubbed it good enough yep made in England Sheffield England do those things mm-hmm I think that's what super spoons right no oh I think that was a sugar spoon Oh sugar face there's four of them our condiment spoon of some kind Wow look at these they look like silver don't they yeah it just says community it doesn't say anything else I keep thinking we sold some community before yeah but the community we sold had like silver plated she says we need to check this one just says community yeah we have to check yeah that's just straight say community so I'm wondering if they're full silver wow this is Italy mm-hmm [Music] this has obviously been in the family for a very long time this is read important yeah we've sold some of that and it was sold really high Oh quick good thing I checked and we had a whole set good think they were just candles huh I'm thinking Melissa this Japan sort stainless steel this one says community this one says Japan 18/8 Japan whoa serving spoons yep look at the design on this things like that really nice see just this community that's it doesn't say anything else so that makes me think I'm wondering if if they are if they're all silly or what because they just look they don't look plate it to me but I could be wrong yeah this just this community well there's a bunch of guys and you guys know to whoever does Wow that's a cool piece yeah this one says Rogers you keep pulling more out that's cool all right this chest is cool I like it it's one of the better ones oh man I don't have my knife but I do have something here be careful with it okay let's see what's in here let me guess more silver what the hell carved thing this one just says something on a corner there oh it's a whole set oh this is China 18 on it all right we won't pull it all it's a whole set guys there's more in there just save time all right so let's see what's in here oh look at the homes they don't have anything on them but wonder what they're made out of do you think they're ivory or something it does look like ivory see things but really close I'm very possible I mean stuff in here is kind of old you know huh alright oh my gosh we crushed it we crushed it Wow so I'm going to put this back in the the stuff back in the trunk guys and we haven't even touched the surface yet oh this is crazy so now look at these things Oh mom come look holy cow dude look at those down there holy crap dude there's so much money in this unit oh my gosh that is crazy that's cool Wow okay we'll be back oh my gosh we don't even touch the service are you not entertained people in the comments below how freaking amazing this unit is your boy Wade knows how to pick units he's bragging I was waiting for your here's a scroll that's pretty it's a wall hanging oh darn it did it break no didn't break soon I thought it broke through shocked it wasn't wrapped up they have our first marker how many the real ones yeah this is the grenade talked about firecrackers 5min are here that's a bowl just odds and ends yeah not much in that is there is this cool thought she may in Japan salt shaker I like those kind all right well let's put this back but they all can't be cases full silver well you can only hope those first as I said Pyrex yeah Pyrex I like to get people who look at hot I got the hose wonder if I got a set of those you like the brand here's another Corningware so this is kitchen guys will save you from this one it's older its older kitchen let's continue Wow beautiful seriously solid wood oh those are pretty my gosh it actually has what it is closed up we'll start there wow that's pretty cool I'm gonna put him right here whoa this is signed I like that and exactly was done for somebody bamboo garden Kaito yeah designed and to me that's interesting here's another one they're kind of like Matt they're matted yeah they're very pretty somebody's gonna love this let's see if I can get the [Music] very pretty look at the two parents who knows you guys art can be very expensive right the ones you buy on the cruise ship are oh I like that Oh 1946 Wow now we're gonna put some family ones yeah I was trying to see how old it is but we'll leave that one for the family though who knows maybe that's gold in there you never know right I think it's strong but I don't know it lets gold that's personal guys okay so I thought we had an agent here and apparently no we got family now this is all about you all showing us that's really cool huh mm-hmm it says 28 so 1928 oh yeah well 1926 so that's old actually grandpa was born in 1926 yes you wanted to know what who are those oh this is Norman Rockwell yeah Wow it just says normal Rockwell VB USA okay kind of hold our photo look at this clipper ship contest what kind of a personal that's a beautiful one okay this says Philippine island it looks like trying to get it where there isn't light showing okay this one hand here I love that this is a nice one yeah in there oh here's another one of those Asian themes that's a cool cool piece yeah all right few more here wow this is cool what a viewable Wellington Street Hong Kong Wow this is such such an awesome piece look at that Wow this one will be definitely eBay the Green Dragons lair nope let me put all these pictures back guys because I don't want to break him and we shall be right back we're back look at these things oh my gosh these things got to be worth some good money here want to see they look in immaculate condition you guys can see up here just boxes of goodies whoo this thing's gonna be even really good to you guys and then also look over here look at those tanks down there guys this must be air tanks maybe so all right let's dive in this is good all right this one says photos oh it's - oh it really is yeah I mean I'm still gonna go through it to make sure there's no well that's kind of cool I like that it's not to go through it but a lot of this will get back to the family what do you think's in here I don't know but Oh could that be a whole set it's over where oh how they already have a bunch of snow oh what the heck has to be special wow what is this careful if you look on the bottom here hold that think what kind of bull is this Wow hang it I don't know it has a rope to hang it and the holes to hang it it's a big it's a big bowl Oh interesting look special specially-made case a head what do we have so this is oh but this is heavy though compared to the other one yeah this says main in England Sheffield EPN si I Wow there's two matching ones yep there's this big old sucker here yeah no but we can you can clean it up so easy look at this old pie hole that is Old West that wrote in them front Bible still extremely well on eBay guys look at that Wow I have to look this one up but man that's a beautiful Bible I'm telling you 300 bucks here's some more photos guys we're gonna give this back to the back lot of photos in this yeah that's awesome wall tapestries yep air sock must have been cold Oh FM this thing could be worth some good money though never seen anything like it with a little knob sticking out the front oh there's the inch pan oh it's a flies an airplane Wow the Squier planes here there is an airplane in here guys alright so this little thing here catch all heavy sucker actually is it kind of looks that way yep and s'more it's a cool cool bench rule yeah all right let me put this away and we shall continue all right it's in the truck guys so let's see you exactly what you kind of take Caesar oh there's scuba tanks they're heavy huh I don't know I don't know anything about scuba diving so they look in really good condition though I think Landon's scuba dive Oh oh I'm sure he has yeah yeah I think yeah I think he talked about it we need to ask there's two of them down there they put in Chuck real quick no they pull their heavy little suckers we're big suckers actually what are we gonna do next I say we open some boxes because we're going to do this in two I've two rounds wait see what's in all the boxes let me grab these out here lampshades go to those lamps along the wall I'll show them that lamps there they are there's one two three four kind of unique styled lamps ones metal three or metal and ones glass ceramic I hope there now are those like four stools that you sit on or or do they go on top the elephant but I don't think they go on top the elements because of the way the elephants are these are candles oh wow look at this glass well that's those are pretty there's little bubbles inside of them can I see the top here yes I'm looking through two cameras there's three of them here yeah all different size Heights [Music] what's this a bath towels about I bet they're nice one ah keys are right over there okay actually I do have they are in fact pretty green house watch yeah grandma me like grandma said no she said we overloaded her on towels she's got plenty she loves all her towels so we got her fragile fragile jars is what it says I'm trying to move you guy for the light shows okay I got you in a good spot right now I like this little guy oh it's that a sumo wrestler yeah it's got a little mark on there yeah that's a sumo wrestler nothing like that one something sets on that yeah and a lot of times mingers the basis for them or something Oh that sets on of it that sets on one of them you what you think a fish should go in here like a little betta no I think isn't there something in there in this paper right here no this is all fair oh I don't know sight box anything you treasure could go in there I don't know somebody else will know cuz they do I love it when they tell us things okay oh my god what is it you haven't seen the front of it oh it's like a a chest only sideways a treasure chest okay got a lot of metal oh my god so cool oh I love it yeah line I love stuff like this look at that that's cool Wow this actually may be an eBay item I can ship this it's not even that heavy there's a glass in there it's got like a no sure beautiful I think this is what do you put jewelry in here or silver or silver it's a gold yeah yeah there's all the furniture in here is really nice 300 bucks guys oh my gosh alright alright huh we shop continue huh yes we will let's do a few more boxes in the organiz truck this is heavy I like heavy Moses photos oh well maybe I like Harry well I'd like to be so family photo albums the album's do get heavy I know ours are so going through here but this is all IPSS Landon's wife is half Japanese yeah and she cooks a lot and she will know a lot of this I'll bet because well yeah we'll ask her about that bowl in the bar oh shoot the camera don't show them yet Oh put your hand over it I don't want to put my hand over and I'll show them something else should we do it should we do it Christmas break or uh should we do a break I don't know I'm gonna have you just open up real quick what that's cool is that Kennedy yes that's really cool somebody's personal collection of coins yeah that's really cool a little artsy team never any pretty pictures I like those simple ones yeah that's a great set you're gonna run into a lot of personal photos in this box pretty frame family crest yeah you hold it up and I'm making sure they see it all another press it's kind of cool cuz they got both their crests on each side of the family I always thought it'd be wonderful to be from Scotland alright spices kitchen guys they might add I bet they're good cook yeah I've been and spices are not they're not cheap at all so and they last a long time but I don't know how long they've been in here here's a full John Deere that is cool that way I think I'd sell that on eBay there's John Deere collectors man Japan rice balls two of those other brands but all spices you know people keep people keep spices guys because that who it's expensive now and spices are expensive you get a lot of storage units alright one more box so I gotta organize the truck yeah it's pretty it's pretty wild right now okay maybe I mother heavy one it's gotta be it has pictures it does it yes I hope it's not photo album well I hope it is for them better for us they were definitely under this that's they have a lot of them here I bet they date the movie dad is great I try not to show on yeah its photo albums wouldn't sound little scrapbook they made and yep some old ones their bottom alright let me organize this truck we'll be right back with you stay tuned alright so guys we're going to load up some of this stuff I got to be really careful we don't want to break these that way I can get to the boxes because we're gonna spend another hour here and then we're gonna go and yeah brass down there yeah there's something over there too it looks like oh those cabinets are just yeah and there's a bunch of stuff over here but yeah so let me try to get some of this stuff in here and then situated and then we shall be back I just want to show you guys before I load it up so you don't miss anything look at these things are very expensive you try to buy one of these at the store or at your garden place yeah I mean they can go three four hundred bucks so alright oh we didn't show this piece no no what is it I'm not sure I have no idea actually you think a plant goes in the top of it and then decorative things in the middle or something I don't know I have no idea we're about to see hang tight oh right take a look at these things I mean we already showed them but man they're freaking cool that is really cool they're in good shape really good shape people love elephants so here hold this I'm going to see if there's anything in the bottom of it no nope nothing on the bomb cool and then you've got some of these yeah look at that and that cool shade during perfect shape and then this is brass yeah and then ceramic I don't know what the they had a lot of they had a little extra capital that's what I saw in this unit when you see furniture like this they either had it for a long time or they had money to spend because this stuff is not cheap not cheap furniture if I no means all right I keep expecting to find like a lace tablecloth or something Oh some atronics finally the DirecTV a which is not really worth anything some books may have this piece here obviously they were into that right the other guys wore it John Wayne and the westerns and you can't forget your American Pie gotta have American pioneer a collection so looks like just a bunch of DVDs in here yeah our garage sale you're gonna get buku movies so cheap you know normally they put the nicer stuff up top right so we're gonna go up there Porto Rican Rome says I don't think that's what it is who would want that supposed to say Oh Jack dish so doesn't mean Japanese dishes yeah we're gonna have to rely on Melissa for some of this she knows a lot about it oh yes we're ready pretty blue and it's got hey it's kind of like oh it's from light to let go might be bone china yeah look I didn't know this yeah it looks like it is oh these are nice at this point look how beautiful those are and look the blue bleeds through Wow look at these those are barred those rice spoons or soup spoon spice soup yeah that cool can I see that yes if I get too close they can't see it over there's some small ones made in China look at that that's so cute it's beautiful I like this oh yeah now that is a bowl right heck well you know what it looks like but I don't know just leave the details those are beautiful yeah the details on this is uh I'm telling you guys there's money glass I am ceramics this looks like sort of almost porcelain yeah anything break a lot of people I'm enjoyed this whole this whole unit so far China Oh China from China China cups and plates is that wood it's gone yep I wonder if it else that same stuff baby wouldn't make a pretty table all set up oh it's gold got gold around this is real China yep yeah I'll trim this is real oh let me get it where they can see it all right there you go I had going off I think I wanted them but there is around the room wasn't that pretty that we saw this set with had the platinum around the rooms the Gold's pretty - yep on China Japan yep and there they look like they've never been used how many plates there are how many Betty - I don't know but it's the whole set yeah oh you might have some more up there there's two more boxes up on that shelf and here's the fun thing guys so I paid 300 bucks for the unit that right there maybe $200 right there and then and then this thing right here maybe probably three or 350 cuz it's solid wood dresser so I paid for the unit just with these two things so when I look at buying storage units if I see really expensive nice furniture I'll add that up in my mind and then that will be my my point of interest basically how far I'll go and then everything else is gravy so you know you can easily see this stuff and think you know hey this will pay for the unit so might as well go for it I mean this this right here this whole set I may get a thousand bucks just for these you know any means so they're beautiful beautiful alright I want to get up there that may be a penalty blanket Oh button sturdy though yeah there you go look that's kind of a nice blanket mm-hmm these are blankets and sheets in here they're older though that's glass yeah and ceramics like marble yeah it's a marble cutting board don't you think what's up with this is this oh this goes to a table yes I thought they were long TV trays but now I can see it's a table young put together I think that's a part of a bit the top of a bed I really want soup oh there's some buried boxes under there oh my gosh look at the serried boxes no but look oh oh that is beautiful that is beautiful down there holy crap oh my gosh look at this thing Wow I can't see oh there's stuff in it there stuff in it I'll try to get into that before the video ends but we may have to cut it we'll have to figure that out I kind of want to show you what's in here oh my gosh there's something way cool let me show you it's so fun oh that's a suitcase I've never seen a suitcases like this I wonder if it to make up for jewelry what the heck it's that's what women used to use Wow back in my mom's day Oh somebody was in the yeah that's a cool old suitcase look at this that night a mirror in here yeah there is got some old military stuff in there yeah we'll have to go through this in depth but I just want to it's in here heavy miscellaneous coins Wow look at that that's a citizen an old vintage citizen smells good in there too yeah believe it or not yeah this is yep all right you guys ready let's go we'll play it right down here [Applause] look at those wow this is Elizabeth 1969 some sort of Asian one there 1971 1966 Elizabeth Wow crazy don't you have a lot of coins shaper Kaitlyn you an air save oh yeah I save them all see ball for the kids wow that is cool I mean jeez doh this thing is gonna be cool how you doing sweetie all right let's look at this one box shall we look at beautiful nut boxes oh there's gotta be you gotta be gold in there Pepsi couplings are gold we're gonna have to go this in depth you know wow just crazy links inside okay let's see what else is in here this is not not the normal way to open this what is this just paperwork in there gothic things beautiful things fall oh my gooosh me to see what's in there oh my gosh oh my gosh we gotta move we gotta move this over here and find out what's in here smells old too like when you open it you get that whiff just old smell Wow look how solid what it is such a beautiful really love this thing I wouldn't saw this at the garage so I would sell this online alright not all my excuse me on low collapse some big one down mom over here alright so the battery is about to die this is the case right here it's a Jewish dirt from back in the day battery's about to die we're gonna throw a new battery in here I'm gonna load this up we'll be back for another about twenty minutes then we got to take this home because I got my live show remember every Wednesday 6 p.m. rotating showing all our YouTube channels see you guys soon
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 159,258
Rating: 4.8120804 out of 5
Keywords: Asian Delinquent Storage Unit.. Treasure Chest Inside MASSIVE Silver FOUND, Treasure Chest, Storage Unit, Asian, Delinquent Storage Unit, Delinquent, Silver FOUND, Silver, Chest, Treasure, storage wars, storage auction, storage locker, storage unit auction, abandoned storage, storage unit searching, abandoned, storage unit buying, auction hunters, 2019, how to, buy, sell, storage wars full episode, american pickers, bought, luggage auction, unclaimed baggage, baggage auction
Id: F_iasGDPrEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 20sec (4160 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2019
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