Homeless Women Who LOST Storage Unit Confronted Me Outside with Personal Letter

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what's going on guys wait with weights ventures here yet another storage unit video this one's gonna be crazy it's an 8 by 20 and look where I'm at guys I'm actually standing up in the unit you can see the beams are up here I'm up here I had to climb in the unit because you can't see it from there but look at this thing it's massive it's an 8 by 20 there's a lot of stuff in here and we're gonna go through all of it we've got Grandma ventures down there look girl but it looks small when I'm all the way up here oh good yes so we're probably gonna have to break this up in a couple videos well yeah we're gonna do it we're gonna start today and then finish tomorrow and Saturday but this is a I don't know this is a massive unit guys and so I remember I'm gonna be having that big to a curve rod sell probably in May so when I bought this unit I was thinking yeah it's a lot of stuff a lot of garage sale stuff a lot of eBay stuff but since I'm gonna have that massive garage sale here in Oregon I figured hit what the heck I'll buy it so yeah it's it's crazy it's got a lot crafting supplies in here got that mom thinks it's a knitting machine but she hasn't seen it yet but look there's a bunch of clothes boxes boxes for days tubs pretty much anything you can think of is in here so we're gonna go through it all and it's massive anyway so let me get down from here yeah carefully let me get down from here and we'll we'll try but to give you an idea how much stuff is in here look she's standing there but look it goes all the way up and all the way the beams there's a bunch of those tubs alright let's dig into it and I'll keep you updated all right so we're getting started here but I'm not going to open this until the end of the videos so could we have to break it open we so this is it guys this is the units it is massive and where can it go through every single thing I might try to get to the tubs the truck is already full so if you watched the last storage ena video we did last week I did this one right after that the same day so I'm gonna have to take this is like a 2 or 3 load deal here so anyways so I will yeah oh yeah and I liked how meticulous the tubs were when I bought it it just yeah so there's hopefully there's some good stuff in here but I'm gonna have I'm not show you guys the safe normally there's nothing in here but I'm going to show you the safe after the videos and give you an update but and so that looks good it is so I'm I try to get the sprout stuff out of here just so we can I love this yes of course I like sewing supplies a lot of you gotta be careful there's a lot of needles in here a lot of times but look at those Nitti meal yeah I was hoping it was hole beads Oh cutters and some more so how much would you say all this stuff is worth right here I don't know I was thinking I'm thinking $100 or more is this it's interesting Oh makeup oh it's full of makeup we've had our share of makeup yeah that's full heavy I'm actually working on a group bunch of it right now these don't look open by the way guys that paid seven hundred and twenty dollars on this units so 720 never know it could be a little hair clips yeah I forgot my gloves downstairs all right what do we got here what do we got here oh just old magazines old magazine I bet you use them for scrapbooking or jeans and I'll see I like things like that and it's not even used tan made let's go ahead and move we have some just four cats that's one thing we don't have we have three dogs gotta be careful how we undo this just some flippers I hope that you can see how packed it is a couple of them this one maybe we'll see y'all soon they need Queenie but I think I think they work it's got a feeling yes or no send some some of those suckers mmm my guys kind of cute - penguin and beads yeah it's the way they likes being on beating like that oh she's a penguin collector there's a couple of them so knick-knack it's a tournament just a random stuff okay let's move this guy no lid I'm not a big fan of vacuums but the grass cells they go well that's the stool to the musical thing yes oh this right here yeah snap goes right on there we go I'll to see if she works [Applause] I'm not sure I can't read it this far away oh oh that's Chinese checkers good yeah I used to play that with dad Oh only on a big wooden board we should give him that yeah he'd like it yeah we have a paper shredder rotor actually we could probably use a shredder set things on really nicely oh yeah so we have sony and to fill this guy may be worth some money [Music] okay Letcher we just made a tiny dent yeah Wow the paper trailer it's all personal surfacing mistake eyes I'm just teasing some things when I say I'm joking yes mom says she's gonna say treasure box is there anything in it oh no treasures no treasure it's a little box I love the box that's kind of big it's cute I like old looking things all right scales Oh photographs that she took I used to do that so college yeah the balance is 1942 yeah I did it wait wait later than that mm-hmm this one's 1980 their birdie though I like them I don't think there's that little problem are they of Oregon no that's California in 1918 I think they're all California oh this is for Mike yeah oh but this may not be the cat [Music] [Music] Oh 45s there are 45 records a lot of kids don't even know what forty fives are anymore that was on a show someone asked one Hooters yeah Titanic John Mellencamp Steve Winwood yeah look at that hair yeah back in the day the seventies that's what they're from want this that's a cutting board he's actually not you I used to collect a lot of those when I made movies I wonder if she did the same thing we nowadays you don't need to with everything that's on TV I do yeah my wonder she music cuz she's really into music oh oh oh that was Queen oh yeah it's all music what a collection there's three or four of those John Montgomery it's all kinds of a fairy Madame o Manawatu even in there and there's a lot of Nitra all kinds of music that's cute for doing slings Christmas that's pretty to start maybe so I like the colors Oh looks like a foot pedal one stage you're sure it all goes with that other thing over there how do you equipment yeah you surprised I'd say look up some of this stuff and see what's going for [Music] what the bowl so far yeah yeah that's a stainless steel cheese cake molds well see we even got our duck with her hand lotion yes this is all bathroom stuff here the variety is amazing options creative ops open him up I wonder if that's knitting needles of course I thought they were longer than that I don't knit I crochet Oh beans I knew she was a beater I could just tell what's some of the cracks they see so that's what's up that is quite a bead collection and what a nice case beads are not she I used to that was my thing he's actually waiting he started in 20 was in school and wanted to take a class so I went with him did it for a lot of years well there's that's nice I love that oh wow okay kind of a good way to show them you be so thoughtful yeah don't you like swing the kite - yeah some parole yeah miss tiger's eye really nice bet she has more somewhere Jeter can't just stop it's so much snow all right let's take a load to the truck and then I'll we'll keep you guys updated we're barely scratching the surface though as you can see we've only dug this little hole here ass gonna be a fun one alright guys stay tuned alright so we are back took two loads to the truck so my game plan basically is to take this that is so cute he's a cool little fox okay but yeah so we're gonna continue out here guys and I think they probably what I would have done had I packed over here is I would have packed all the nice stuff over here and then work my way back so I'm gonna send me all this stuff this you know like you know the not the nicest of this unit so let's go through and see okay barson something fell out of the unit a minute ago knick-knack a bunch of kind of random stuff in here no this one all right bank statements for selection tools that will go back to the facility for the owner okay just paper softer thought this person was very similar skates those are those the kind they do on the streets yeah Oh razor yes a pink razor little girls yes oh there there moles of some kind or something their molds candy yours Oh kind of random baked beans if we're hungry yes looks like an old jar you know some of this food six nuts in two so that's why I love people put in their storage units if you want to bake alright so this is a I'm sorry I had some skates rolling off on me oh so stream oh these can get kind of expensive but I don't think this you had all those containers for that and you sold them all oh oh yeah this is the smell oh she loves penguins we got that wow he's making an ant and we see more boxes there's in that bag that Phil oh I have one of those on my desk at home yes fan this for rug making oh I don't have time to get into every crap Wade's hobby is taking over it's not a hobby anymore Oh a reef Ashley can decorate hey are those the beanie babies this is a t68 jack yeah get out of it here there was another one in another box I can't call them some more oh that one's in a nice box must be nicer this carry all bags yes a lot of them have some more fabric nice fabric this look like cow people Klaus oh those are foams for when you lay on your bed and you want your head raised I thought about one of those for Kade when he had a cold I don't know what's it say I think it's like a workout thing huh want to figure that out put some random stuff in here we have a yes light lights papers not much what are they records oh we have a bunch of hope yes oh these are just like we have at home the rules yeah I mean we have a lot of records here there's a lot of yep gosh we probably have like I'm hearing maybe 900 of these suckers collector yes yep take their word for it more records Wow let me think even if we charge a dollar a piece times like 900 because we've got that I mean that's almost a grand yeah we should do that all right so let me get this in the truck and we shall continue on I know we're going slow here but this is a big Universal yeah I bet look at this guy they taped it it's a Yamaha you guys see that yeah see that's all it's got its own little desk for it too so that whole thing is there then we have more records records down there yes and then we gotta get up there all right guys here he is back at it alright oh she's in every kind of crowd yeah there's not there's not I'm peeing and pencils and Cha this looks brand-new though doesn't look yeah I know lights power chords oh it's a knitting thing watch your kitchen stop all right so this fabric can be heavy yeah in the stuff can't I mean somebody's gonna want some of this Oh people love crafters love fabric especially stuff like Yogi Bear for their kids anymore yeah that's good I want the patterns yes she did need a point also those diagrams of some kind oh that's little everything seashells little squirrel had some personal favors oh those yeah those are CDs the music ones - and speakers - or speakers I in here wait we were wondering we're one two and three were please I like them that's back in my day I thought that was close all right all right day one really not much remember guys because the box truck was kind of full already from the last unit that you guys saw already that video with me and Andre but kind of got this little area done so next next time I'm gonna work this way and then work my way back as you can see we haven't touched it anything back there just crazy and they got like this little knitting deal there so mom's got a bunch of our yarn we're gonna have to grab for up there but and there's a bunch of shoes in those tubs so there's a oh yeah this thing's just tubs tubs tubs tubs on tops I can't wait to get in here I think we're gonna make a lot of money on this units yeah oh yeah now there's some stuff we're gonna get back we did open this box up and we're gonna give this back a flag so that's gonna go back because a lot of times that was you know from family but we have this guy and it's got its own desk that it's sitting on so alright guys next time you see us we'll be unloading some more right mom yes and five you Saturday but this is gonna be a big unit at least three loads all right talk to you soon see ya
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 33,289
Rating: 4.8165784 out of 5
Keywords: Women Who LOST Storage Unit Confronted Me Outside Facility with Personal Letter, storage unit, storage wars, real storage auction, storage unit auctions, storage locker, storage auction, abandoned storage locker, abandoned storage unit, storage wars full episode, auction hunters, storage hunters, treasure hunting, buying storage units, buying abandoned storage unit, unboxing, storage unit wars, storage facility auction, buy, sell, how to, treasure, won storage unit
Id: iTmLIVIgnL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 8sec (1808 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2019
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