I bought An Abandoned Storage Room for $700 AND WOW... Look What we Found!

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[Music] what's going on guys welcome to another wade's ventures video yes we're at a storage unit you guys gonna see us unbox the storage unit we paid 700 for this thing this is the truck it is empty and ready to go guys anyway so shout out to mark guys mark by the way is a veteran storage unit buyer here in oregon so shout out to you mark we were in a very friendly bidding war he bid 650 ibid 7 probably overpaid for the storage unit you guys let me know and be the judge uh but shout out to mark and guys mark has a huge online auction site that he does all his storage unit stuff he's been doing this for years and years so if you want to see some really good stuff knives fishing poles jewelry all the stuff the link will be below and we'll pop it up on the screen you guys can go visit mark's auction site the guy is really cool and even though we're bidding against each other i respect mark he's been doing it for a very long time so shout out to you but we are gonna go pick up the storage unit so let's do this we're in a beautiful beautiful organ guys it is nice and hot hot here it's 80 degrees and uh let's dig into this i can't wait to see what's in the storage and by the way grandma adventures is at this one about time where i thought they got rid of me you're back can't get rid of grandma okay what do we have we have a story this is the storage unit guys this is the one that me and mark were battling over um this is a it's kind of dark in here so we're gonna have to pull some of it out but man i think it may be a good one here guys and there's a beautiful snowboard over there and i think it's quite old but we'll see some boxes we're gonna go through some mystery boxes i think this is gonna be a good unit plus we have this massive box here we can go through that box but first everybody wants to know wherever you've been watching the kids watching the kids but i melt in the heat the camera drops wade will have to take over because i've melted yes yes so basically what she's saying is she is a winter storage unifier not a summer storage unifier i love the winter you're you're a seasonal storage universe so we're going to pull this chair out this will be ground adventures um director chair um and once we get the stuff out we'll pull that chair out and you can sit on that sucker so let's show them what we have for the first box let's see it by the way this thing is like it has to be oh come on show them your muscles flex flex okay so let's let's that looks rough show them what's in here yes oh wait so we have some jordans there we go they're not in the greatest shape but they'll clean up another jacket this is a j crew size small vintage made in hong kong or sorry made in india india and hong kong they're quite different yeah i don't know i think i'd go to india before hong kong right now uh yeah the jackets all right i would love to go either place you're here i'm not picky are those snow boots those are snow boots i think they go on skis or are they something else no these are um i think they're hooked up to our board over there they look like they they're leather yeah though they're they're uh in decent shape but they do have some issues around the around the uh shoelaces and some more i actually think those are cute i like those those are nice this is kind of like a mixed lot i think here's some nikes oh wait i was going to challenge everybody but i don't know how it would work yes how are you going to challenge people well they always tease me about saying i love things because i love everything and i was going to have them guess ahead of time how many times i would say that and then we'd see who would win yes that sounds great here's some nuts some more shoes guys so i think it's a mixed bag of stuff no wonder it was heavy oh remember we had like 14 different sets of yeah this person like collected them i don't know what we have snow here's some more oh that's the other oh we got two now that works better probably 150 bucks just in shoes some are better shaped than others what is that i don't know some game all right so what do we got here do we have another mother this is will say oh this is a school is this a school yeah no yeah falcon oh i can't say it faculty okay guys another word i will never say again faculty that's right up there this is just a knock off it's kind of a cool jacket it looks like a warm jacket okay i think i'm done with this box pretty good box made about 150 bucks maybe a little team we need a chicken like there's a channel that does that they have a little rolling capture are you talking jesus no no no i'm talking about something i used to watch who knows i forgot well i'll have actually put it to cheating on every time we score okay we're getting closer to director chair we have he's worried i'm gonna melt yes those are nice heavy duty tubs these are nice um i actually am gonna keep those tubs they make great tool tool and now that you're the big he's working in the backyard you ought to see what he's this might be a nice uh denise's office oh my goodness look at this thing that is a beautiful chair what what brand is it i don't know they spent some money here let me let me hold you have you hold the camera let me see you took it let's see what it is it's heavy duty it's whatever it is okay it doesn't have a brand on there but my goodness well it's the best no no name chair right there this is a nice one wow it's heavy duty okay well you can sit down at scratch not a scratch on it go ahead and sit down let me let me try it out good well you really sit back let me get next to the wall do you need your pina colada while you're watching don't mat don't don't work okay there you go okay oh wow i can't even touch the floor it's kind of fun all right guys i am oh there's don't look at him i'm checking here he's looking he's peeking and we're sitting here in the dark oh there's some good stuff in here mark you probably should now i'm joking we'll have to see we'll get he'll be the judge okay so let's pull this out all right now it did say games miscellaneous whoa that sort of thing what is that i think it's a helmet no i meant what you pulled off of it looks like look i don't know like a blob thing all right so this is a helmet i actually like that helmet i didn't say love it but i like it this is smith i bet these things are not cheap i don't know i like it all black no design it's not cool i like the matte black okay something's in there another blow up it did say games on here so i'm hoping i've lost my uh film skills so what i'm trying to get them back yeah yeah okay this is the games they're talking about oh that's nice okay oh wait there's a box there here's another one oh i love memes i watch them on youtube here's another puzzle yeah it's not open and that's what i was wondering about wade likes to open things oh no but these are pretty cool these oh man those chess pieces yes they go to that board back there one of them is broken these are they feel weird they're made out of a tarp made made out of stone or something you think they're either you know something i've never seen that dark of ivory no i don't think so i think they're nice they're cool anybody that likes chests would probably be interested in it definitely quality it's not my game okay we got yahtzee which is one of my favorites i love scrabble so when they met games they didn't mean they didn't mean video games maybe that i don't know but we can use the bell when we make money oh what do you think okay and some clothes in here yeah just some random clothes nothing special you want to use that with your chair no thank you hello nick okay well not the greatest box i almost like the i mean the smith helmet i like the helmet i really do okay over here okay oh i love that i do love that this is pretty cool see i just love stuff like that i okay i said it what does it have in the front it has yacht 1930 oh it's a big yacht guys oh oh there's the bottom you guys see it i can't see it okay that's normal but i did get have my eye test i just have to get my glasses so i'll be able to see it so if you guys want this let me know it may be interesting to ship but i'll have a grandma venture shipping piece of expert i've been getting compliments on my shipping remember if you guys want any of this stuff the link will be below for our online store i know debbie can vouch for my okay next okay this thing looks a little broken here i like that clock down there yeah we'll pick this up first this is an old oh it's actually a newer replica looking oh it's got a chip in the front i like it though main china oh it's pottery barn oh i never i didn't know pottery barn had a clock yeah it's a pottery barn i guess they have everything clock wow pottery barn it's a nice brand yeah um toilet paper we can always use that yeah yeah we're running low could it be he just loves secret little boxes other rattles oh no bolts or whatever that's something for chairs i'm not sure so they don't slide around that's my guess but i bet i'm wrong i think a lot of this is personal guys so we try not to show the personal uh wallet yeah but it's broken in a lot of people will buy those because they're already broken here it's always sunny in philadelphia yeah this is all if you're watching katrina i want to say hi to you because you watch all the time black and white okay what we got over here a bunch of books we gotta have books we always have books yep all books oh interesting okay we're gonna spare people from the books oh yeah sorry you guys okay next that goes with the chess pieces unless there's more in there beautiful oh it's got a little issues here it's got a few issues but it's still unique yep and i don't think these are three dollars but whoa those are cute whoa these are these are probably handmade look at that pieces be cute i think they're cute i think these are handmade they're carb looking like the top of the like the chess board yeah oh those are cool wow these are old oh i like them these are old there's the king what's the queen in flight i want to see oh i love i always like the horses i bet these are hand carved you know they're old they're very nice this could be worse and the board's nice too i like the design on the board and it's only got that issue there close so they can see the design see the little carvings yeah it's a pretty nice one it smells old looks old it doesn't you can tell here it's not a stinky smell we've had those without the sneaky smell yes never forget have nightmares all right so this is all paperwork personal and they put it in a trash bag that's where i put my bills that will stay behind okay we got it oh personal dumb money oh yeah okay that's all that book looked interesting yeah i did we're gonna keep that behind we'll leave that behind we're gonna need this soon probably i hope so i like heaters yeah well i'm sure well i mean i like them when it's cold and i'd like to have it cold at night where you just cover up with fluffy blankets and your head gets cold and so wonderful [Music] hey we're in [Laughter] in a while we can tell i have i i've been talking to kids for days and i i love talking to kids but oh this is very unique and an umbrella rack you can put your umbrellas and your coats on this one solid wood um i think this obviously can be put back on pretty easily this is cool we're missing one there somehow it might be in there i'm hoping it's there so you put your umbrellas here hang your gloves right here okay so we have quite a bit more to go through and i want to see if anything's in that beautiful desk wow it says winners only on that thing and it is immaculate shape then we got those three and that's no okay we got some what is that card thing sticking up in there i see a round card no down lower there yeah here yeah isn't that cool what i don't know oh it's got oh god that can't be what it is it's too big grab adventures did we make money this is really cool guys let me see what is it though i don't know it's got a turtle there and it's carved you can see it's carved it's something somebody tell us what it is comment on it i don't know they know so much don't disappoint it oh they can barely see it there's a there's a light at the end of that here hold that real quick and hold it up maybe it's one of those fighting things no you would not make a great yeah okay don't quit your day job okay i don't have a day job maybe there's a reason for that yeah okay next let's see what we got in here this is a really oh we have games uh a little iron oh that's the cutest little iron it's got its believe it or not i'd probably it has to be for some special thing i'd get like 25 bucks out of it oh wow they wanted 70 dollars for this iron you know what it has to be some kind of a craft iron or something these are dog treats those are mature yeah yeah do you want to try one no they have emblems on them i thought they were like i think they're dog treats oh these some of these oh these are dvds oh they're okay so there's some games we have the casino sealed inception which was a really good wade liked that series i did too so these are sealed brand new and then we have madden uh nba he's got some good ones here call of duty and they don't return there nope how many people let me know in the comments actually bought these and never returned them and i know landon could say yeah if wade's brother does not return that i've done it i've done it a few times oh this looks new that is cool from ikea oh no just because it's from ikea doesn't mean so bad okay we're gonna keep that there that's personal oh the kids actually oh that's fun i bought them one of those dog treats a yeah they must and some plates these are probably from ikea they are ikea okay they're a good size so it's not a bad box with this and we have dogs so that's about 80 bucks right there i wonder if they go uh bad after a certain amount of time i don't know we'll find out we'll test them on jack first yeah he has a stomach of iron and he's the smallest dog okay is this personal yep man that's a lot of personal a lot of personal it's that way oh you plug it in it's a carbon dioxide deal oh that's kind of cool these don't look to be the cleanest dude no they don't smell the greatest either there's some kind of bike lock in there okay we're gonna use that stable we got a table so moving right along quickly aren't we oh yeah you think we're fast forwarding but we're not it's going this fast hmo what would that be i don't know oh oh oh it's formula from similac for babies oh i wouldn't uh i'd throw that away flash cards those are cool oh that'd be great for kade and axel we'll keep these that's something uh caden and i can do yes he can help me read them and some lotion there what's in there or stick your hand in there wade [Laughter] were you scared for a second no okay i was just trying to get out of the way of that okay we're getting hopefully some good stuff guys mark's watching right now and he's probably like i dodged a bullet yeah he's going yoo-hoo okay what do we got here better him than me [Laughter] no we're gonna we're gonna find money in here we already found about 300 bucks that's a little bit of tools yeah there's some tools in there all right here we go we got a rug right that rug looks like it goes in a vehicle oh what's in here open up open up okay oh these are cds guys just regular old cds yes nothing popped out at me got some interesting stuff in here there's something in here look at that oh that's a kobe oh my goodness to be kidding oh my goodness what year is it wait i'm bleeding right now see i got oh god now he's gonna have to stop working everybody i'm sorry we gotta go wade's injured okay so we have a kobe there o'neal we have a michael jordan and that's a look he's not too bad himself yeah oh oh man he just lost that one hold on i got it that one's mine finders keepers okay another michael jordan this is an mvp card here's a they're in cases in good shape yeah they're in great shape here's another kobe oh my gosh what year is it you know ashley's gonna want to keep these oh oh yeah she's uh she's a big oh they don't even think these are going anywhere yeah ashley has already she don't even know we have them and she's claimed him i think here's another michael yep this is a chicago bulls michael jordan fleeter and we have a um i don't know oh this one is um who is this one you don't recognize oh this is vince carter that's vince carter then we have an allen iverson get this so they're in this and they're in a plastic case inside of it so they really try to keep good care of these you have um oh antoine walker is that a good one there's some good ones and he you've got another michael jordan another michael jordan the longer you keep those the better they'll be ray allen yep then we have grand hills oh this one's signs and who is it i don't know who it's signed i need to get this one it's an unknown player it's a world cup um soccer but it's signed well find out if that's a good soccer player or not yeah it's signed well here's another michael jordan they must be they must have knew they have something with these because they're in plastic and all the bulls another michael jordan another michael jordan yep there he is we may have made some money on this unit this one's signed as well this is a um um john sayley from the heat i don't know who that is maybe it's his manager here's another allen i love alan um he almost went bankrupt oh dear he's uh well a lot of a lot of players oh this is this i guess i know a lot do michael jordan bowls i hope mahomes don't oh no he's good he's suffered life don't worry um here's another jason williams and the last one is a kobe oh there's a few codes we have four kobe's in here uh angels lakers guard kobe bryant that is so cool that is so sad it is i'm wait he was gonna be 43. i know we just had a birthday did a lot with the community i just feel so bad for his little girl and there's other little girls okay so this is personal with some change in here guys but you got a cube but i love the box it's a signature series probably for obviously um yeah that's a cool wood box and there's no scratches on it okay oh another card oh dear tracy mcgrady okay tracy where'd i put the cards at right there where to my left to my right all right okay show him how you would do this oh dear don't bend on him folks don't bet on him [Laughter] oh here's some more cards in here oh we have a another iverson i think those cards deserve at least three here's the mvp here's number five we have five kobe bryants in here that's a good one too five kobe bryant as far as i know okay what else is in here what is that this is a oh this is a heat warmer oh and then the last thing we have is oh bird seed you need some more bird who would have thought that would have been in here huh the squirrels eat our bird scene you get magic our bird our squirrels think they're birds they love our birdseed okay well that's cut me a little bit he's not he's teasing us okay his voice has gone up he found might have made some money here folks we'll see okay we have some pants snow pants these are going to be in style very very soon so let's hope the winter stuff out i'm counting on snow this year they're saying we're going to have some okay it looks like this is all this is all closed someday we'll have smell on our video cameras i know they can invent that yeah you'll have and believe me some of the smell is not going to be the greatest and then you can share the full experience look at those things yeah keep them there hey they match you [Laughter] okay okay here you know you wanted your job aligned certain things you wanted your job back okay this i have no idea how much it's worth and we'll have to check it out but my goodness i bet it could be it's a well-used snowboard but it might oh it's not much at all that's not used oh it doesn't seem that supposed to look like that on the back okay let me see the camera that's wrong i mean it's number two it's numbered okay let's see if i can get this little light here so it's numbered d54 made in the united states you really should keep it someday the boys are going to want to snowboard and they cost some fortunes yep and it's numbered here w0904 a0143 so looks to be in pretty good shape i bet this could be worth some money okay you want you want to pick that up put it over there for me okay this is what i want to get to these three boxes here oh one says halloween of course this is the most random unit ever okay wade's favorite is not christmas halloween or pots and pans or books did you get so much of that oh i felt a breeze did you yeah that was nice okay so this is just a big banner what's it a banner up i don't know but honestly it's too big to roll out hey we could use the blank side to make our own banner yeah that's true okay this may be personal i thought it was more baseball cards oh wow but it may be personal guys so give me one second let me we don't like to show the personal i'll show black and white photos real old ones that are but not uh current ones oh that's kind of a cool album oh we're gonna have to look at all these but these are all wow these are all personal whoa this is gonna go back to the family okay now what's in the suitcase i don't know okay nothing i used to watch a suitcase unveilings ooh okay we need something is it heavy uh kind of yeah this is a oh is it there they're never there but you can still sell the cases if you i need a new one group a bunch of the cases up you can sell them this is a think pad this is probably the business he worked for because a lot of businesses what's the thinkpad it's like a a laptop basically i had to think pad oh for the business itself yeah a lot of businesses use think all right so so we had a very smart individual had a bunch of books looks like there's a bible there the type of books are very much uh yeah i mean they're not romance no it's all about making money that's a guys let me see now that's family photos okay so this one is a one of your least favorites hey i like books but yeah oh oh commercial commercial all right guys we'll be right back we're gonna go turn the lights on all right we're back guys so we're gonna go through these three boxes here hopefully there's some goodies this beautiful desk with not one scratch on it that's a 200 250 desk right there and two tubs right over here and then that's it wow that was quick well quick but i think it's gonna be four number seven keeps rolling in my head i think we made it we made it we went i think we did all right so let's see what we have i said something 3d oh oh my goodness if this is not expired this could be worth 40 bucks right here what is it expire 2018 it's teeth whitening strips oh but you can still sell them um you just got to make sure you disclose they are expired and we got some brand new listerine okay little mint this is all there's our commercial yeah that's all uh you know bathroom type stuff what's that thing what is that that's a lamp oh it was with the bathroom stuff i would just walk what could it be okay so there something's heavy in here guys at least it wasn't heavy it's not the proper way to go through the storage unit but i can't do it anyway i am proper today so even though it's stuff's not in here it's heavy oh my goodness not just the case it's just the case yep you can still sell the cases um with you know the empty cases online and they sell not there when are they ever gonna be there i don't remember ever going through an iphone case and seeing one that has not broken in there who knows okay okay is this what was heavy in here the books maybe we have some more coins stick them in your pocket those are quarters those are modern quarters yep so we got about four dollars here see hmm maybe more than four dollars actually there you go in my pocket here now he can get his little drink on the way home it's little slushy drinking ooh this is cool that is so pretty it's a sign it's signed it's hand blown isn't it yeah from 2011 and it's signed on the back that's nice i love that one i like the big bubble and the way it looks in the top this is old is it in there oh my goodness it is wow that's one thing that really sells on ebay isn't it um yeah i had a few they sat for a while but something like this is quite unique i think it would do well oops you got it turned yep okay give me one second guys okay we'll do this okay what else we got in here is this old photograph so that's going to go back to the fam yep this is all old photographs that's the one good advantage of doing going through storage units in the units because you can go through you don't have to drive back yeah you can leave the personal stuff behind what is there what is that that's a heat pad i think you put it in the microwave mine i want to wash my hands after that oh that's why it's heavy oh yeah oh broke an iphone i you got to gather these up and you sell them all together people still can repair them okay so that's it guys and some clothes there's some cologne in here though dior that's probably pretty good it could be worth some money actually could be worth some money i remember when we found out that you could sell perfume half used this is a look at this this is nice it's got a tag weight yeah this is a um oh that's just from mount hood or something oh this is a nike nike piece and it's a um reversible so the um actual i bet it's vintage too yeah it is so that's a quick thirty jardin 35 bucks yeah that's a 35 piece right there that's nice yeah quick 35 okay back into here fill it up with stuff yeah okay let's see what's in this thing real quick this one is semi-heavy okay we should have set that other one right here okay let's go ahead and see oh first one leave that personal there so this is like some ikea thing yeah something you have to put together yeah we know how that goes that's personal an empty bag i think nothing in here yep empty something is heavy in here though i need to look at something before you hurt yourself oh they're not hard personal personal just some books some old vhs sound of music personal photos [Music] i'll see what this is this is a oh okay this is just so random there's some nice jackets in here this is colorful what is that i like light zip zone this is a medium i bet you this could be a that is quite cute it could be 40 bucks maybe 15. i like the outside of it too the white lines on it yeah that's worth the money that's a snow jacket here's an express i kind of like men in those kind of coats yeah maybe it's really a nice look well let's see no no no okay oh this is a levi oh it looked like a levi didn't it yeah so there's about 67 are those supposed to be the polka dots on it or is that that's not polka dots i thought you got your ice checked i did but i don't mean i got my noodles those are not polka dots just like when you thought the moose had teeth okay um yeah okay and then a random fake plant deal here here we go okay that was great you want to bring them out here no i'm gonna go through these boxes real quick um hoping there's something good he can't leave the desk alone he's dying to get from the dead oh oh i think we're gonna find socks oh my goodness ikea's shelving and it is like yes oh my god oh that's 70 pounds that must go to those big shelves right there yeah that's probably what it is okay let's go through these two boxes okay you put your laundry in a box all right back to the jungle so the melting pot all right guys so while we were on break since the lights went out on us we went ahead and i put put everything that you guys already saw in the truck may not look like a lot but there is a good amount of personal stuff there all those photos bills taxes all that kind of stuff is right in there i have a few more things i need to add to it so let's show you what we have over here so you guys saw the beautiful sailboat this thing is amazing now a lot of people think well that's old-fashioned people want these desks no this is a roll top desk and it has no scratches it's beautiful it is gorgeous and it is a really nice desk guys it shuts and closes perfectly i don't have the key to it unless i look through the boxes but it is in really good shape um there is personal stuff in here i had to put back i probably should have done that before let me hand you over here and i'll hide it okay we're good so there's a few personal bills i have to put in there but this thing is really good condition um does have one issue where they're missing a show yeah there used to be a shelf here but i think somebody will still want this yeah it could be in here um it's a beautiful condition so we have that we also have we found a iverson um card as well in here i used to get these when i was a kid these little plaques all right so and then we also have a 49 inch led tv and it is in there and guess what it's toshiba it looks brand new guys still has the plastic wrap over it i had to take it all the way out to make sure it's brand new but it's in there so we've got a 49 inch tv that we can sell and then we have the last box the halloween and of course the best for last right ashley likes halloween if it's something she don't already have which is hard to do yep all right okay so what do we have in here it doesn't look like halloween to me no but we have a ton of dvds oh my goodness oh i used to watch this um good thing we went through here there's some more personal in here that's gonna go back that's gonna go back oh that's for halloween there you are for next year wait i'm actually going to give this tag i think kate would like this yes it's a it's a spaceship yes he would it's a little big for him because it looks like an adult head yeah that's pretty cool and then we have some more there's more sunny uh it's always sunny in philadelphia the office i've been i can yeah oh one of my favorites breaking bad i love that one zoo that was interesting zoo we have um breaking bands blu-ray i love breaking bad we have a some sort of isn't that oz not the zoo or oz yeah sorry i had it backwards okay um there's some good ones in here guys and some more brick-and-mortar you can't have too much breaking bad we got you your own pillow i know i'll pass okay let me put them no i don't want no okay that's what i tell the kids when they bring me zorro's dog hair that yuck okay guys so that's that what do you how how does it feel to be back in the game rusty i'm rusty let me know how her camera skills were by by the way oh don't be honest all right remember if you want to find any of this stuff online our link will be below you can shop it it'll be in the first comments ship online she's putting the ship online that's the one thing that i am confiscating from this yes it's in pretty good condition couple scoffs but man it's beautiful and i can build the box and she can build the box all right guys thank you so much for joining have an amazing day hit the thumbs up button make sure you subscribe and look out we're gonna be soon possibly doing daily videos see you next winter [Laughter] watch out daily videos are back alright guys peace out have a great day see you next story junior thanks for watching don't forget to hit the subscribe button and if you want to watch more from wade's ventures click the videos on the left
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 60,731
Rating: 4.9067459 out of 5
Keywords: I bought An Abandoned Storage Room, Storage Room, abandoned room, storage locker, storage unit, storage wars, storage auction, storage unit finds, storage wars full episode, treasure hunting, whats inside, abandoned storage units, extreme unboxing, thrifting haul, reselling business, storage, storage lockers youtube, auction hunters, mystery boxes, unboxing, found cash, opening mystery boxes, self storage, time capsule, taco stacks, Curiosity Incorporated, Resale Rabbit
Id: 1iI4mj2J-n4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 49sec (2509 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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