FINDING UNREAL FINDS Inside STORAGE Sheds.. See For Yourself.. #30

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you guys ready hey man whoa we hit the jackpot guys waiting with weights ventures and you're watching The Ventures YouTube channel a family channel we scour the state of Oregon and do this full time finding amazing storage units that we can make a ton of money on but more importantly share it with our YouTube family so buckle in we bought three massive storage units and we're ready to unbox them live in the warehouse to show you guys the treasures and the amazing stuff that we're finding here in the state of Oregon so get your popcorn ready hit the subscribe button and the like button and let's get into this what's up guys welcome to another video today oh let me clean off the screen here hopefully you don't mind hey welcome in guys we got a crazy cool show for you today so you haven't seen this this is about eight to nine days after the big birthday but a big shout out to grandma venture she got me a GoPro eight yes so this is the last show we're gonna be doing on this camera so no more blurriness no more lighting issues we have to go pro eight which is going to be phenomenal yeah that's ironic saying that on the birthday I know but alright guys so we got the GoPro we're gonna be good so this is the last video on this camera but get-get get used to better footage alright so that being said we've got crazy mystery big heavy boxes to show you guys there's a lot of stuff in here and so we're gonna go through this and hopefully you guys love the auctions because we have a lot of cool more auction stuff to get rid of a lot of our supplies and a lot of cool stuff and those of you who've already participated the auctions you probably already received some of your items so kudos they are amazing amazing stuff we're finding out of these boxes and I'm glad that we can share with the YouTube fam all right remember hit the thumbs up button and make sure that you leave a comment cuz when you hit the thumbs up and you leave a comment it lets YouTube know that this video has a lot of activity means more people watch and without further ado on the last day of this camera we have grandma ventures who is gonna be doing the unboxings right what a surprise now real quick before we get into this you're gonna notice that those are not in boxes and it's because I needed to use those the box that those things were in for the auctions somebody bought some stuff from an auction and I had to snipe a box no all right so and so we're gonna show you what's in there and then also we have some big heavy really heavy boxes over here that we're going to show you after we're done so without further ado what do we have what do we have okay what do we have you should be doing this means it's your birthday no no no I'm the camera person until the we use the GoPro and then we have no more blurriness ooh that's cool looks like a pinecone yeah they did have good taste and stuff I love yes that's a cool planner I found out today you can plant blueberries in planters and they grow yes something I want you to do yes here's another one I would say it's six inches I think these are all gonna be really nice planners I just got a feeling I can't wait cuz I like this one I bet you one of those goes to this well what's the bottom look like I bet it does try it out it's not the same color though you guys see grandma all right it's probably my favorite so far like planners we dad had our whole house full of plants was a big one yep I might actually use some of these for cuz I'm growing herbs herbs strawberry this one looks a little older I like it there's no markings that I can see but wow this is pretty cool I'm going to keep this guy I think yep they corn all shapes and sizes trying to be nice to the tissue paper I like to do favors okay oh there's more than one in some of these way I like them they're little now these are small [Music] okay what else we got [Music] what do you see so what you can say about planners we can say that ones orange but that one's forage it's got little ripply oh here's another one right Wow tie-dye look so now there's two of them they match they match be cute on your porch that's cool oh that light okay we have another one and you can see the aftermath right here they did not spare a tissue in this or not too sure but a tissue paper oh wow you know what I'm just gonna push all that tissue paper on the floor okay go ahead do let's let's see it you did it ever so gently you guys buying all those stamps from Grandma you know where all the tissue paper is coming from so these were also in that box guys on the side do you want them open right yeah these are Mary englebright someone wrote it out so I could ask okay so we have two of these and they're in fantastic condition they're new and never out of the box and the box is got a little dent right here but it's still nice I wonder if we can pop it out somehow okay are they the same cell no and they're really big they're huge Wow so this is her well on the back it says it's Mary Englebright in disguise yeah I mean they're big guys this is big-big don't like them their target collector dolls Oh target what it says in the heart but I don't know if they mean that target or I don't know you guys tell me they're numbered yeah weird they're sure cute they are she did love this she's punched up the target a lot because she did love this person now what does it say it I was gonna I wasn't gonna tell them but I will is this stamp room cubbies for small cabinet tight curtains for room and a glass jar in parenthesis a glass jar yeah it's gotta be you think oh yeah oh wow they must have been getting low on that something they have a lot more barking okay these are the curtains those are all they're kind of like 60 colors oh I see something in here Oh what do we got him I want them to know this I do I did find the glass jar it is a glass jar there's nothing in there okay and here are the little wow those are freaking cute they're all different well help these are probably 20 inches so they're you know no in there solid wood solid wood this when you put photos in I like that oh wow this one you can put family photos in they can be hung on the wall that I think it's upside down is it yeah because of the way the hangers oh that's the only reason I would know that yep you do put pictures in here oh here we have some a little train tin which i think is fantastic full of Christian music wow this looks like a not really old tent Ellis has made in England I found two mud boxes too bad our oh that's Mary Engler friend sold this mug I'm shipping it off on Monday I need this box wait nothing it's where that mug goes oh so I can sell that lady her mug with the box just love that idea is there anything in this one no nope mm-hmm this tin was actually made in England over here guys you can't really see what's in there oh it's a jewelry needs to be finished they were probably going to paint on it oh that does have things in the drawers tell us Sean yeah so this they're gonna refinish this it's got some keys in there ooh money we found money is it American yes because if they're in there they might be have special days these are 1998 liberties all right yeah these are to be finished they could be painted on yep that's pretty cool yeah well I think anything cat sells look at that and here's two cat looks cat cook cat lovers cookbook all right do you cook for your cat is that what it is oh okay there's some good things in these drawers I'll take the box one okay it doesn't seem heavy nothing on the top okay must be fun to refinish oh yeah artist paint on him Oh oh wow this is our first official jewelry that we found in this locker I always but he had so many lockers you know like what is this is this see there's markings on there well it looks like it says sterling okay now we have these and another woman oh wow did you see this oh they're old porcelain ballerina slippers they were 247 back in the day wow I gotta put those down it's workable the camera okay there we go let's see what do we have in there look are these huh it has to be the most random box ever though poreless Sun sabers this is really cool though guys so this is that box wow I did not expect that in that box did you know Wow yep all right so guys let me cut out real quick I need to put this stuff away and this stuff away and make more room and then we'll open up those bodies all right we're back guys this actually said 10k early in 10k is what it says on here sterling 10k for those that are wondering about this piece here it's the first jewelry found I didn't think we'd ever find jewelry in the students all right ready would have been fun to get all I know he's supposedly they got a lot more around the Portland so yep I know duct tape see you can tell how strong the other tape was cuz this stuff actually cuts fine right it's the other stuff was like crazy yeah duct tape for everything even fix fences with it yeah ooh what is okay that's a lot oh these are really nice towels they're beautiful yeah and those are towels you know they're top I never seen anything like that before oh here's a really old dress dress I don't know what that that is that was the homemade doll a doll would wear this really yeah okay see that's the one strap Oh oh my gosh that thing is going online what do you think careful it's pac-man it's an old pac-man what man what it's a video game the video game wouldn't I know the video game but what is that like a laundry bag or something I don't know here hold it up for a quick second it's got a slit up there I think it might be a laundry bag or something I don't know but I did make a cute little boy's laundry Oh what the heck you know some things can be whatever you want him to be yeah that is pretty cool all right let's see what else we got oh you want to help okay what is this thing I don't know I think it's crab material that's what I think oh this is a date a tablecloth who's in there maybe okay so we found a bunch of these in there and they look like they're in there I don't know what they are all their patterns they don't feel like anything's in there but they're in there iron-on transfer oh for fabric they are they're realize what they were their iron-on transfers for fabrics and those can be quite spendy and people love those Wow I mean I don't think these are older they're probably retired because you know they don't make that those find anymore but those are iron-on transfers Wow and they're from Daisy Kingdom I used to buy a lot of stuff from Daisy Kingdom there's a few more in here those are great and there's some more stuff that you can iron on other things and make them into transfers hmm all right what do you got a tablecloth okay an old tablecloth and I've got all turned around it's a Care Bear elephant I think it has the little it is that is Care Bear because it's got the it's a little elephant Care Bear it's yeah Wow the some of these can be collectible now this is a piece of fabric that hasn't been used it's old fabric okay I think Aaron watches our show and she her mother knows a lot about old fabric yeah this one says wholly hobby Oh Holly hi yes hobby oh yeah Abby okay holy all right okay okay it's a handmade quilted pillow case for the 60s yeah that's an interesting one here's a rug no yep next some things we can identify right away other things take the two of us going back and forth oh okay here's a lot of embroidery hoops and embroidery thread where was that yet last night oh my gosh this is the first time we found this though right I'm Erica oh here's some fabric yep okay this fabric is called the cutout where you sew it together and you stuff these things uh-huh and there's a lot of different things like there oh wow and then they have the back and you stuff them and make little pillows out of them here's a cat and the back of the cat okay there's some nother pretty can in the back of the case they would make pretty good pillows well the kids love them now here's a doll but seems thick and you would make the legs and sew it all together and it has all the instructions right there Wow there's someone on your option that asks for fabric the other night we have a lot of it it's a cool fur put on your head there we go that actually looks pretty good that looks pretty good actually and here's a rain hat you put over the fur when it's raining okay doing some umbrella holders to put your umbrellas in okay and I'm almost scared I better look first yeah I like needles well I was thinking what is what is that it's I think it's jewelry making supplies there's one more right we're finding a lot of jewelry today oh yeah oh yeah it is those are used to make earrings this is jewelry making supplies and stuff can get really expensive to do that yeah oh here's earrings yep and the hoops everything clasp we might find more of it in these boxes I have a feeling here's a little needlepoint kit from you know it's probably 10 years old or so oh this is so cute you hang it up and put things in it I wonder if you put pot holders in it or something mmm but it's in really good condition because here's some a butterfly pot holder that someone made oh it's so cute oh that is a breaker up yep little everything in this box off yeah yeah okay this is a sealed envelope it has something in it tada oh my gosh is that more jewelry a whole sample long lasting comfort sample yeah gotta keep those this is the most softest feeling napkins two of them I love those and then we have some well used Christmas hot pads these are older but so beautiful I don't okay I'm gonna say I think these are odd shaped placemats but I could be wrong and we only have two of them I'm just trying to guess I'm trying to guess okay what else we got in there we're still pulling out of here I think this is a tablecloth okay you notice I'm putting the disclaimer I think on some of these I think I'll take my hat off Annie hey this might be a I'm not sure what this is okay be a sheet or a tablecloth here's another one it's it's actually Oh it could be a tablecloth I think yeah here's a embellished barrette okay and you know we got to have our little dust mop oh just put that thing over there over there okay now we've got do we have more of that stuff well that's fabric more craft supplies yes wall stencils was a random box they paid five bucks for this thing back here guy looks familiar I can't recognize the signature but he looks familiar who's that must be a star I've seen her no I don't know who that is but he signed it okay we have Oh got new craft kits brand new a new wait is that what we already pulled out let me know and there's a floss keeper for your embroidery floss okay well this is heavy oh my gosh i when i was doing embroidery i would have loved this pack DMC colors 360 and here's a daisy kingdom has all the fabrics no man here okay all these are new countries in CIL's and another cross stitch yeah okay Oh Oh contact paper four shelves okay both of these oh my god a lot of contact paper coming up here there we go all brand-new a umbrella you can stab me with it there you go Oh crocheted hot pads these look like they're handmade too and then this Cup you know what now I have to retract what I said those other things were I think this goes on the back of a chair and those other two things that I thought were placemats go on the arms of the chair that's what I'm thinking here we got another tablecloth okay round table okay and we just got some random stuff in here it's all let's just show you yeah I'm just hoping in my head please let me know what this is okay all right let's go into the next box no that's so heavy okay all right I am so interested in this I think it's gonna have we may it's auction off that embroidery like oh no wonder this is heavy it's got a bunch of oh my gosh holy moly Oh whoa now let's make think we've got to have some engines whoa they can't know right away this thing is packed surprise surprise we got stamps yeah and these are brand-new and we have another stamp girl there's a little everything in here yep they must have used this to put their art supplies in yeah or maybe paint they put their pain in there love this stamp it's one of my favorite so far I love fairy stamps and I know that I have I think Mary Ellen said she loves them to remember right I'm brand-new they want a 13 bucks back in 98 for those I'll show you hey this isn't just stamps there's just a few stamps and then a lot of other surprises here Wow I love these little kids look brand-new this is this is their brand-new little garden ones they have a lot of it we gotta gather all these little Lego boxes up ding this thing was 20 bucks they're nice yeah okay this is no ordinary little Lego box wow it has something special in there that may be way better get out yes careful that that one's open right there what's open what what's this guy doing in here I don't know he's already broken that's why they have them in there it's an angel these are nice beads this is an angel that's broken we can glue them I'm actually keeping these because they're actually you look online they suffer a lot of money they're older okay now we got B see a lot of them okay I got to make sure these are oh oh my gosh there we go finally got it we drop some there's a lot of them in here guys these can get spendy we used to buy these beads I sold all my beads for a lot of money because I kept collecting and collecting here's little mini stamps and these have the little they're kind of the newer ones focus focus there we go you know these people are very clever I'll show you why I say that what happened here oh this is sir petit stair the deed stops what you guys thought they are pity stamps that's fine what a great way to store your beads in these little spice containers that one has dividers I wish I would have thought about that back in the day yeah I bought all those different containers a lot of beads for jewelry making and yep I think we're gonna find a lot more - Wow oh you this one they're in a heart shape and look at those came apart - yeah let's put them in there now there's a bunch of them in here guys they all oh no these are marked yeah these are marbles they don't have any holes in them I think a lot of people put these in jars yeah or use them as decoration that we got okay I gotta get him out to uh get the other stuff I would just sleep in the box all right let them roll around them we'll get it that's more I think that would be more for the scrapbooking yeah but they probably use them for lots of things I don't even know about oh these are the three or four my second $19.99 now these look like special art pens oh yeah I'm not you know real famous on that but oh my god hopefully they still have Incan um a little tiny special beads okay we have glitter in here Wow I never even heard of this stuff before well it's a small little case okay this is called paper crazed papal stabilizer it binds paper pulp together I've never heard of it candy mold for sunflowers we have some of these I'm gonna put those with the other ones this book is wrapped up special Oh still daddy's girl I love that yeah I'll let you figure out what that is Wayne I can't even begin to guess this is potpourri potpourri its potpourri and we have flowers that you can add the things verbs you can answer things oh we got some things coming up here okay I already have some of these birds I gotta add this with a nature's bounty more beads no these are cool brand-new bubble shippers I can always use those I bet those are pen pencils oh yeah no pens they're pens but some of these are the generals meaning the United States well I don't know oh it says for ceramic stamps it's paper casting refill so if we sell any stamp Lots we'll put this in there are you game they printed those out probably they were a true crafter weren't they he really were now a heat tool it coats an embossing heat tool oh wow back then they paid on clearance 30 bucks it was at the craft warehouse this is a fun book coming up next it has elegant too whimsical cards I like the whimsical 60 design what's in there that's a catalog are compressional is southern France some of the stamps we got catalog that's their catalog whoops I can put it back wait oh that's okay let me see well show them though this is probably on the Wow look at that that is so cool oh why are you focusing kooky moods this is this is scrapbookers right yes these big old things lots of things scrapbooking decorating things okay let's show them these real quick yep they're full I don't see any brand on them but I know but they're so cute they're tiny little things and we have more oh my gosh we have more scrapbooking charm and bead collectibles and there's a bunch of them in there guys Wow tomatoes okay yep well this is brown bag cookie molds they have their tag from 1992 it's very very nice and they're big this thing's like 8 inches guys rabbit wow this one is doves and a heart Wow these are very nice and very cool how many do they have in there there's quite a few there's like eight or maybe more look at that you want to show them all everybody s 1992 oh look at people that love coffee cups you can make your cookie their coffee and these are big this is six inches by six inches wow people really gotta have our beer right yep and they got the tags they they haven't been used no they just they probably collected them they're very new and very nice yes what is it's got your that's Winnie the Pooh cookie balls are so nice oh this is Disney has Disney on the back of it and they're back they have their the dates on some of them yep now this one's just a like a for Valentine's Day I mean this is a big cookie these are all big cookies I love big sugar cookies with nice frosting on them these would be perfect for that if you wanted to use them oh gotta have our moose and everyone this is a big old guy what a collection they had a great collection angel angel oh yeah Wow they wanted 15 bucks made in the United States back in the day for that in the 90s 92 oh here's a nice round one with a tree on it the detail on them are pretty crazy this is terracotta yeah I think it is some kind of something like that like the hearts in this yeah I think this is terracotta these are expensive nice little low oh and you know how the Sun and the moon I love the Sun in the moon oh wow guys look at that and that crazy cool I'm gushing over these out got to have our sheep remember the big sheep yep I think we're down to our last one yes this is the last point what is the last one Oh coffee pots and tea pots and it's got a little gold star wow it's a heavy guy yep this is the last one in there yep that's it but how many we got well let's count them but there's a lot of them over here guys so and they're big one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 of these that is that is a pretty big collection that was a good fine wasn't it alright it's that time I need coffee it's early in the morning alright guys so that being said what we enjoyed this video hit the thumbs up and share it to your Facebook groups if you can really appreciate you guys thank you so much and I don't know if we can top this tomorrow but we'll see so we're gonna try see you tomorrow have an amazing day what's up guys and girls thank you so much for watching today's video if you want to see and support the ventures family a lot of people ask where can you do that so this is grandma ventures Poshmark guys she's got over about 1300 items that you find in storage units I'll put her link below if you want to shop her Poshmark you can find everything that we get in storage units and shop her Poshmark also this is my Poshmark over a thousand items you can go here and shop wayde's ventures Poshmark if you find anything that you like these are all from storage units so if you see something in a video you like you can go to these to posh marks also eBay we have quite a few items on this replica count 500 items everything that you finds in these storage units you can go to ebay and shop and all this stuff here will be available to you and then if you want to learn how to buy storage units $34 that's 25 cents per video and I teach you everything you need to know about buying storage units so if you're at home and you want to buy storage units the link will be below it's a complete course you pay for the store the course for 34 bucks and then right away you can start watching a hundred and thirty six videos and I teach you how to buy storage units and then lastly if you go to youtube and you go to Wade's Ventures YouTube right below or she's me right beside the subscribe button you'll notice a join button if you click that joint button guys you can get extra footage footage that has never been released on YouTube between me grandma ventures and the family you can click that and get extra footage so there's so many ways you can connect with us thank you so much for the support and I shall talk to you on the other side hopefully you enjoy tomorrow's video thanks for watching don't forget to hit the subscribe button and if you want to watch more from wades ventures click the videos on the left
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 19,220
Rating: 4.9504032 out of 5
Keywords: FINDING UNREAL FINDS Inside STORAGE UNIT.. See For Yourself, FINDING, UNREAL, FINDS, Inside, STORAGE UNIT, See, For, Yourself, Storage unit, storage, unit, locker, self storage, storage locker, storage room, storage unit near me, uhaul near me, public storage, storage near me, extra space storage, storage sheds, storage containers, self storage near me, public storage near me, u haul storage, storage facilities near me, storage pods, cheap storage units, mini storage, wades ventures
Id: z2SQLvFN0Ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 51sec (2751 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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