2021 Storage Auction.. Back In Action! Buying Abandoned Storage Units.

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[Music] what's up guys welcome to another wade's ventures video we bought a storage unit and uh yes it's gonna be a good one hopefully hopefully it's all boxes guys um so i want to show you guys something you guys all remember the famous bottle storage unit you know the one where we opened every box and it was full of bottles this was the scene in the crime guys i'll put a link up top if you want to see the absolute absolutely most hilarious storage unit ever bought on youtube click the link and you can watch that video after this video it was literally bought from that that little unit there and it was the most craziest storage unit ever with grandma ventures but that's not what we're here for today we bought another storage unit and we are going to go ahead and open it here today hopefully i found the right row here there we go we're in beautiful portland oregon guys oh we have the wifey here guys and this is the sofa this is the storage units right here um they used every inch they used every inch and um it's full of boxes so we bought this off storage treasures for those that are wondering um paid 400 and twenty dollars for this unit smaller unit five by seven but it's plum full of boxes and totes and we're going to open up some today so we're gonna do is half of the boxes here and then half of the boxes in the warehouse with grandma ventures and we're gonna open up every single one what do you think let's go yes so before we open a box let's pause the video for three seconds i'll allow you guys to hit the thumbs up button make sure you share the video on the right hand side and once three seconds is up then we'll go ahead and open a box ready you want to count down three two one i didn't know where i am okay now that you smashed the like button guys we can continue all right so i'll have you hold the camera and i'll get one of these carts over here it's been a while since i've done a storage unit guys so i'm kind of like i don't even know how to operate one of these anymore we'll use this these are like small little hallways i know okay um we need keys so okay i didn't bring a knife did not bring a knife is that a surprise is that a surprise hopefully there's some goodies in here okay got it all right so we'll move this over here and let's get going here guys see we have we'll start with the first box so supposedly they've been here for a while [Music] oh my goodness is that really hair that is i think it's hair is it no oh it's soft that's nice what is it it's a scarf oh this is definitely a scarf yeah you're right okay so this is like just clothes this must have been a gift or something it smells like it's been in here a while you know that old smell okay oh wow this thing is plumb full guys okay man i should brought the knife okay i'll man handle it though there ready i i have high expectations for the storage unit because we bought the bottle one at this facility and it can't be any worse than that right oh my gosh don't do it again don't do it again oh my goodness please no bottle unit oh my goodness yep it's all bottles down there guys if this becomes all what is that oh look at that gotta be careful there but we'll use that to open the boxes wow okay that scares me a little bit i'm not well i do see one box that says glasses so okay hopefully we're not making them sick okay wow that's all this is all personal all personal okay this box we're gonna bring over here yes there's gotta be something in here okay look at those things that's not good yeah this is there's some uh these are nice these are doc martens they're in decent shape so that's some money there okay okay ooh that says games and dvds okay we're good we'll give you guys a little sneak peek here so we still have all these i still have hope i still have hope i'm still not sure okay so angels okay i'm not going to go deep into this one looks like we got some underwear and stuff in there no no no no i wonder how long they've been in there let's see okay that was an interesting box make sure you hit the thumbs up button guys because so far this facility between this and the bottle units um this may be a no buy facility for me going forward we'll see okay this one's a little heavier easter yeah it's coming up okay we got some wrapped things and looks like they haven't used these probably from the dollar tree or something maybe it's pretty bad i normally buy like really good units guys so when we're like look at that beautiful dollar tree now we'll find something i had oops as grand adventure says oh wow that is disgusting though look at that yeah let's not take it out oh that's been in there for a while that's what i didn't know they did that people are going to want to know when this expires um probably i already did i don't see an expiration date on it is it on the lid on the top i don't know i'm not eating that though okay that way this one was so heavy here's the other cup and we got some toothbrushes in there more toothbrushes i'm afraid to open this okay just garbage bags paper paper that's it okay that was real fun okay i think we need to skip everything and go to this box right here [Music] just because it says games okay okay ready they definitely shopped at the dollar tree it's in there it looks really good shape like brand new okay that's not bad they must do like online shopping because they've got two of them just in case one breaks made in italy pasta machine okay yes they look in great shape okay well that was promising okay looks a little chopper [Music] this is some plates what's in here okay these are old slippers that are mins mints some blankets and what are these what are these i don't know but i've never seen these before they come out oh oh oh you might not want to touch that super heels what what oh yeah oh that's to get your your kegels your kegels going okay all right guys we'll be right back just stay tuned all right we're back guys so let's go ahead and do this got a new cart as you can see right here and i'm like hesitant i don't know which one to do it looks like they're gonna come falling down okay hopefully there's something fabulous in here [Applause] denmark oh okay so it's like i was expecting like george these are brand new some socks slacks [Applause] chase she definitely liked your snacks because there's a lot of snacks in here some markers shampoo never opened it smells good in here some more shampoo i don't think so i don't wanna be red head this is a nice purse looks like great condition yeah um okay and what are these assorted what are they looks like oh it's cotton fabric yeah okay that's that box moving right along [Applause] i know we're gonna find something good in here this facility location is crushing my soul you do remember we we're at another one here yeah too and it wasn't i mean it wasn't like the worst but it wasn't the best okay this looks like was it all paperwork man they really taped it good okay i still gotta look through this guys uh because there could be money in here coins i've noticed it could be expensive stuff in here you just never know cleaning supplies yeah that's nice and that's one good thing about thing about storage units guys is you get a lot of this stuff we can you can use it saves you a ton of money like autonomous you have to go to the store and buy your own i mean everybody can use a scrub brush right yeah we use them yeah and you can find you find a lot of jewelry believe it or not you'll find jewelry money you'll find all kinds of stuff in these like miscellaneous boxes you know so but yeah okay you know i'm leaving the hair there it's just gonna chill there okay okay next the big one yeah this is variety personal thing i think they've all been variety so far personal okay let's dig into this let's dig into it okay this is going to be a mixed bag man we're getting a lot of brand new stuff in here oh that's for thread yeah where does your eye patches on huh so he can't see what he's throwing oh my goodness oh it's so you can see you can see thread blindfold you can thread blindfold this one i have no idea i don't think i'd still want to do that blindfold no quick and easy a lot of the switch kind of looks older yeah it's been in here a long time this unit's been in here a very long time that's why one thing you notice guys when you buy storage units is pay attention on the type of boxes because that will kind of give you a clue on how long this stuff has been in here some of these boxes are older boxes the companies don't use the logos like that anymore so that's why okay okay yeah a bunch of personal in here that's cool yeah people love them oh these are sealed yes you wanna try it no i don't know where i just i know they're just altoids if you gave me like 100 bucks i would definitely be popping those in my mouth i feel like you've got it too excited you'd probably just pop one in anyway okay i don't know what to do i don't know it's just personal clean this box is not impressing me how much like bathroom stuff do you store in a storage unit is what i want now some of this can go for good money because they discontinue it and people want the you know the stuff they've been using for a long time socks can you guys smell smash that like button okay okay don't um downplay some of this stuff if it's brand new and it's discontinued even if it's expired people like the old type of stuff they can't get a hold of anymore socks brand new yeah made in the united states i can always use socks latte what is that that looks a little peculiar it's pretty brown i'm trying to spice things up on here since there's literally been nothing well we did [Music] we did get the kegel machine oh my goodness that's neat that's new okay what's this this is how you do that's that's not for scratching your back that's for the shower oh i knew that okay got some shoes in here i feel like i'm done with this box when you're just hoping for more oh made in brazil they definitely are like a very you know it's all about the cost saving money with this look at this brand new yeah goodness a lot of cleaning stuff in here [Music] and it just keeps coming [Applause] it's close okay this one's heavy this is a heavy one guys let's see some of those can be worth money you'd be shocked people like them because they're like they don't trust cell phones you know if the cell phone tower goes down they'll uh made in the united states fl collection never heard of that before so so far i've seen dollar tree buy marks let me know in the comments guys if you have a biomart by you we do that's personal i'll put that in the personal box oh my goodness these are coupons they were a couponer she was a couponer oh my goodness what is this bags it's just quick for the camera i just like to be quick for the people that and i'm like curiously looking for something that's worth money okay well we have a lot more boxes so hopefully we do have a lot more boxes guys and what you said in the totes and we have totes yeah we have tots i want to see what's in that it better not be cleaning supplies okay ready yeah they really taped their boxes yeah they didn't mess around did they it doesn't help that i'm using a steak knife okay okay those bags and bags this has got me all exhausted opening these bags well you never know but the box wasn't that heavy [Applause] there's nothing in there nothing [Applause] nothing in there okay oh my goodness is this the bottle unit all over again oh my god holy crap these are all receipts look at that guys what is that a number for when they're called i think wow they they were parking i don't know there was shopaholics oh there's something okay how's that it's like a oh toy but it's not it's a total vision cube clothes come out it's prettier more killing me vape okay what do we have in here those are nice oh air walk those look like brand new almost here's the other one and they actually wrapped it [Music] so that's nice we're definitely gonna make our money from this unit but it's gonna be like it's just a difference you know definitely a shopaholic um i mean they and she wrapped everything here's some more yeah there's some slippers mattress cover this is just plastic maybe that's the master cover rush hour express got a random heel in there of course bottles empty oh wow that is cool that's a tin not really old but that is cool original chocolate chip cookies what's this in here you got me all excited bags and trash literally well well tissue paper okay grandma might like the tissue paper yeah possibly okay what is the deal what is the deal here why would they keep all these i feel like i'm glad this person didn't have a larger than that you're glad this is only a 5x7 well because like the units that we see where people keep just tubs and bags it's like that's all it is okay oh this one's heavy this has got the good oh there's some tubs in here we're gonna find some stuff in here guys we're gonna find some stuff this one is really heavy wow this is gonna be it guys this i'm feeling this one what do you think this is going to be a good one right here okay oh the blender's in here it's in there i bet you it's brand new too almost okay i take that back i take that back rewind definitely not brand new but it's in there okay [Music] what's in here this is fragile will help i'll open that up [Applause] another box oh it's from finger huts okay i'm gonna tip it this way guys we try not to show the labels or any personal [Music] let's see whatever it is let me remove that okay i was kind of right it was some kind of tool those [Music] [Applause] [Applause] yep there's all jumbled up and this is in there we can actually use that okay so this box is not as bad there's something in here oh it's paperwork guys paperwork [Music] she taped up everything oh it's a recipe book it's brand new wow some betty crockers can go for good money keep it sealed yeah this is sealed some betty crocker especially brand new vintage betty crocker okay this is in here oh what is that what's that for uh like a ice pack okay so it's not a urine thing got me worried there for a second okay i don't know what the cords were for but maxi pads oh there okay what is going on with this box some more personal okay come on baby oh okay i'm this is sealed i'm going to open it collectible spin yes people love collectibles it's heavy this is i have a feeling there's a couple more right there too oh it's one collectible spoon and then it comes with the book oh no no the book like matches the spoon reader's digest book okay i want to keep it with the box that's really cool actually okay i'm assuming this is similar open it for the first oh this is the book this is just a book reader's digest national parks i do like the national parks so here's another one i like that one this one is cool and it's brand new brand new that's awesome okay okay it's working out for me a bunch of magazines in here free sampling allison what is it a bible kid's bible it's cute those are screws all paperwork guys magazines oh you have one more of these oh you add that to the oh maybe they they bought these extra receipt their recipes i know you guys been wanting to see what's in this thing oh i guess i could've done that oh it probably goes with that it's an accessory or something what's in the bag oh no i'm all scared the blackberry this is the pack race your boy wade can use this now you guys may have not noticed but i've been losing weight we've been on a diet was 226 pounds now i'm down to 216. but tell me something so i've been on a diet for a while now and i have to work out to lose weight and you just cut out a few things and you drop like uh a few things your boy weighed it hasn't happened i cut off the same things and i still have to do more no cars how do guys do that that's the perfect being a guy is this trash or treasure i guess depends on who you ask more accessories just something oh i have no idea [Applause] more knives i think these are scissors oh wow perfect yeah i might keep those up we need this for the remaining boxes yeah here's some more so they must have shopped online for studying [Music] yep there's three of them in there really had to do a lot of work that's something that we keep at our house so i'm wondering if there's a lot of late nights with the ice cream shopping on 1866 numbers 1 800 numbers i don't know okay all right so guys we're going to put the stuff back there and we shall continue and i want to get to those tubs asap so hang tight don't go anywhere look at this mode it's like super cinema you can see the whole place isn't that crazy gopros are amazing guys all right should we give them a little lay the land before we continue with these super amazing boxes so this is it's this is a really cool old building look at this this facility is just really cool as you can see outside this is portland not a great view but all right let's get back into the madness i know you guys want to see more hair care products soaps we might want to get out of this view though as we continue right it's kind of is it it is a fish bowl all right guys so this is what we have we're going to fishbowl this remaining out i'm going to try to get these boxes out so we can see what's in those tubs but we just have boxes after boxes so can't wait okay oh those are unopened yeah those are boxes you got another one here settled three two so we have six in total brand new okay so i'm trying to get bust out these boxes here so we can get to the tubs and i can't wait more bathroom stuff i can't wait to see more brushes you can see how old the box is get back here you can see how old the boxes are this is brand new that was open this is brand new oh is that like a a fryer like a dryer it dries out it is yeah you put all your food on here like bacon and stuff and it's got layers yeah no like you know how they dry bananas we bought dried but like that kind of these are all from like online or uh you know when people shop for late night qvc yeah finger hut it's a dog oh no i thought it was an oh is it a dog no i'm not sure this is some of the free stuff you get guys when you buy online a flying wasp trap this is in there and it's sealed i bet it's brand new and iron i just want to see that's brand new yep wow brand new there we got a lot of brand new stuff in here in this units okay oh this is the bible and oh wait no that's not it's something else i'm not sure it could be a bible a lot of times guys you can sell bibles occasionally i will but a lot of times i'll leave them behind so give them back to the family kitchen knife sharpener there was a little thing over here i wanted to show you we found this as well this could be silver actually they have 88 on that watch when they bought it so it's got like a little indian face on it really cool 88 dollar watch okay this heater is in here we're not going to open it up it's in there it's heavy and then we have can never have enough of these and then we have a sh these are empty i'm not sure we had one of those i like the one we have now yeah okay so now oh this there's a good box up here it's labeled yeah there was another one that would open that was labeled that wasn't what it said it wasn't a good box all right okay it's a heavy box so i'm hoping yeah this is all bedding oh close and i shouldn't have opened that door [Music] from the dollar tree to demonstrate okay these are heavy they're like club this is definitely yep this is all close close not that you guys don't like clothes but we have all clothes of course that was not very exciting wasn't it no that's a not not exciting box oh we don't have a lot of room to operate guys it's literally like two feet in between very tight in here anybody use phone books does anybody still use phone books let me know in the comments do they still give out phone books yeah yeah i think they do [Applause] okay normally when you put something in here you want to keep it nice yeah this is kind of a nice little looks brand new to be honest that man this must be silk no but it's really soft it's a nice sweater [Applause] some slippers oh here we go okay okay you pick my interest this is in the white stag i mean it's not like the craziest thing but still something we're finding a lot of shopping types of cash a thousand places to see before you die this is trump truffles this is what they're eating when they were shopping okay all right let's continue this is really light so i'm guessing it's um blankets or something this is a really nice girl let's see who is it oh faded glory you tricked me it still looks nice yeah laminate yeah okay soap there's so many boxes left guys this is i want you to open that one i know but we show everything [Applause] [Applause] classical don't need that oh it's like a cheese cutter but it's brand new that lemon kit's new too a lot of these i'm actually going to use they look like they're like the 80s yeah a lot of people they still work though yeah yeah great when they're like sealed i bet you we got three or four hundred bucks just in that type of stuff oh wow those things are awesome yeah they're really cool doilies look at that oh and their place placement yeah wow those are beautiful delicate and beautiful somebody's gonna love those grand adventures we'll put that on her poshmark guys i think oh there's something heavy in here what else is in here oh wow this is cool oh she only paid three bucks for it ah dang it there's a chip it's a handle oh what is chipping here probably the flower oh part of the flower chipped off still beautiful i see where it shipped off are you sure one chip right there yeah honestly though i still think somebody will love it you know that's professional knife skills guys professional utility bag brand new just basic shoes men's shoes okay nothing else oh this is heavy this is the heaviest thing in the thing heaviest thing in the thing it's all paperwork wow that's the one good thing guys about going through the storage unit is you can leave the personal here and then you don't have to take it home um kind of saves you time and space okay this oh look at this oh my goodness there's been bags and bags of receipts in here guys this is why you gotta look through them all though because there's stuff or is it just more receipts it's more receipts oh my goodness wait wait what nevermind what is this it's an old watch but um wow look how much they shocked guys let's see 99 cents 99 cents open that one no we're opening the top and this thing is heavy guys this is like the bottle unit all over again except it's qvc and just look at this no wonder definitely a shopping problem definitely a shopping problem yep this is the shopping problem here wow maybe we'll get luckier on the next one and there's still so many boxes left i'll give you guys a clue here we have a lot more boxes to go through this is crazy okay you don't realize how much they can jam pack in these storage units guys they can put a lot of stuff in storage okay this one smells nice this smells gross to me i don't know what that is i don't think you want to touch it i think it's a woman thing a woman thing this is the bathroom one you got some people hide money in the bathroom because they know people don't like to go through it so even if it looks disgusting you got to go through it because normally sometimes that's when people hide jewelry money that type of stuff what is that it's another heating okay okay it's just it's in it's in the it's in a different bag okay commercial break and we get back i'm gonna try to get this red tub and all these small ones and that one says fragile be right back guys what's going on guys this is how you get to our online store so many people are asking how can we purchase stuff in the storage units guys well let me tell you so all you do is you go to any one of our videos it doesn't matter which one you click the video guys and then what you'll do is you'll scroll down and the first link of any one of our videos will be our online store link guys it's it's always pinned at the top comment of any one of our videos so you click that and then it will take you to our online store this is our online store for grand adventures and myself 3 100 items in this store and 100 percent of everything that you see here is out of storage units guys so if you want to support the adventures family and you want to purchase something that you see in one of the videos it's going to be right here this is called poshmark guys if you don't have an account you can sign up it's completely free to sign up for a poshmark account and you can see it see anything that you possibly want that was out of a storage unit click it and you can buy directly from here directly from us guys so that's exactly how you get to our online store hopefully you enjoy all the items you see in storage units guys and again if you want to purchase anything that you see in any of the videos just click that link in any of the comments of the videos and it'll take you directly to our online store where you can purchase all this cool stuff that we find in the storage units all right guys have an amazing day thank you thank you for the support much love and let's see you to the next video thanks for watching don't forget to hit the subscribe button and if you want to watch more from wade's ventures click the videos on the left
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 16,543
Rating: 4.9299192 out of 5
Keywords: Storage Auction, Buying Abandoned Storage Units, storage, 2021, storage wars, storagewars, treasure hunt, treasure hunting, storage auctions, self storage, opening mystery boxes, making money, buy storage locker, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage units, storage unit finds, storage hunters, found money, storage locker, abandoned storage, abandoned storage locker, storage auction locker, how to make money, storage auction finds, mystery boxes
Id: TtbLEQQh8tI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 37sec (3097 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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