Abandon storage unit with 1 million boxes!! Paid $1,000!

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all right it says we're live we're live were you just yawning oh part two okay i'm sweating right now i'm sweating part two that was work okay let's do this okay stretch it out okay this video might be a little more sticky a little more shaky oh no those were some heavy boxes okay there's some good boxes labeled in here welcome back i said welcome back i said don't break your back oh that too anything hello box number one it says hangers i'm kind of hoping there's um comics in here what comics we found we found some comics we found one or two but like a whole box of them would be nice trying to get to the good stuff hoping they're so good there's tubs in here for oh my days there's so many boxes here where do i even start i don't know but i feel like i need a chair a what a chair i think i need to oh are you the director today uh i need a margarita and steak i need a margarita steak all right i'm gonna get some boxes out guys and then we'll start opening that one's heavy whatever's in that thing yeah pat said find me a chair well i need a drink a chair oh patricia said welcome back please don't get hurt up there when you're this strong you don't get hurt people okay anything nothing nothing all right yeah my right hand's shaky what is in here they're all the rest of my hands on here the laundry basket's gonna come crashing oh my gosh paul said we couldn't see his muscles they're blinded by his shorts oh okay i got that song stuck in my head a knife went out are you in here they went aloha it's got a bunch of hats in that one it's a nice bag what is this feels good is it a fanny pack oh no it's a purse it's a purse okay that's i can see oh my goodness more of this stuff it's all brand new in here that's well that's good look at that oh that's cool it's a tea set there's just so much of it in there oh careful that's gonna be good be break knives and utensils i'm gonna guess it's kitchen i bet you there's some expensive cut coat knives in here well nice so you need a knife right now so did you shout out our new member oh i didn't see thank you for joining thank you for joining the membership guys you could do an unboxing member video if you want to be a member and get a little grand adventures logo that's the right by the join button okay wow easy mix this is definitely utensils in here wow look at that it's packed whoa cool fish something united states i don't even know if it's backwards or what but yeah you look on the inside i bet they put their salmon on here [Music] okay what could it be i think it is hangers guys they did label one box hangers earlier and it wasn't this one is really heavy okay sucks wow they really taped these up nicely oh sue doc two dollar super chat oh shout outs oh man i couldn't read the message darn it sorry thank you so much oh oklahoma oh look at that we appreciate all the support guys yes thank you that is cool can we keep that why is this so heavy there's got to be something in the bottom of this thing you might want to check oh is that an xbox game xbox 360. oh cool here's another one xbox one see we haven't even gone through any of these boxes so i'm wondering if there is some more you know of that type of stuff here's some some brand new so we've got some goodwill let's see oh yeah they really like their socks packing i don't know if it's like it's a copy oh it's a little cross pretty cross but i know there's something heavy down here yes pat so you'll have to do some deep detail unboxings brand new cute you should give this to your um your nephew yeah oh that's new oh it's a makeup yeah there's a lot of good stuff in as well okay okay we're getting there oh crap sorry did you just drop them i almost lost you oh my goodness you knocked into me and i lost him well everything is brand new like they didn't even use it oh we got another member another member shout out look at this i'm curious what there's a box under there i know i know i know you want to see what's in there oh my goodness it's a quesadilla maker oh cool wow and it's big oh my goodness it's a quesadilla maker i have a feeling this may not be going anywhere um i've always felt like quesadilla makers are pointless because you could do the same thing on a pan yeah but i bet you that's like a special are you careful it might be a personal picture oh no it's not oh wait wait wait and maybe it is it is darn it is so cool actually what i'll do is i'll show i'll show it without their photo those who don't know we love we don't like to show the personal photos oh that's cool but that is really cool it's like a 3d thing here's another unopened puzzle i think that's the same thing similar pictures we don't those will be going back we don't like to uh personal first of all have to respect the fan right all right this one's really heavy right here it says close it's grandpa's clothes it can't be grandpa's clothes because it's like really heavy oh maybe it's all jeans is why some of these can go for really good money guys you gotta check out your jeans yep these are all jeans guys wendy says hi i'm watching from the uk do you ship over here unfortunately not every moment it could be soon yeah i would be shocked if poshmark goes off there guys where you can ship internationally and then of course ebay oh coach is that clutch yep gotta make sure it's real but it does feel real and have to get that checked out i'm not sure sure it looks real oh those are cool it's not coach i was gonna say it doesn't for a second it looked like coach but then i was like treasure craft made in the united states oh these are full of breakables not maybe not that what's in here what's in here what could it be oh it's another one treasure craft cool you see number three i wonder if this anybody know about these it's the whole set wow it looks like wood but it's not [Music] it feels expensive i bet this is not a cheap platter so let me know in chat guys so i don't have time to look it up but wow could be worth something okay still got a lot of boxes to go someone says they make cookie jars oh do they okay and pottery oh it's all sheets okay oh my goodness this thing is heavy well there's something in here guys oh wow should we show them i want to see so sure so if you see they get to see yeah why not yeah okay oh i i guarantee you guys this is the first storage unit i've ever bought that every box is like 90 pounds yeah we were lifting that truck and there's like no light boxes even the small ones are heavy yeah so uh someone said if you have treasure craft in the unit you're gonna find a lot more collectibles if you have that treasure craft thing that you asked anybody look that up by the way uncle krog wants to show you to show the toys okay this thing's like 100 million pounds all right is that what's in there's toys huh i brought the other card in here okay let's show them what's in here first maybe some first off one of those plates just sold for 40 on ebay the treasure craft oh yeah look that is old here's another one of them okay here's some lesser known random plates i have a feeling am i gonna like it it's heavy so it's gotta be something oh oh i love those yankee candle it's a scent light that might be a little bit different it's brand new i like the um ones you put the oils in it smells great that's new that's brand new my goodness they want almost thirty dollars 30 bucks though that's expensive here's the holiday sense everything in this unit is brand new i don't understand these people not use any of this stuff maybe they're shopaholics mouthwash oh and it's sealed i like it i don't mind using that if it's sealed okay okay this is is this sealed that's sealed let's see oh wow i hate seeing the stuff guys what is it oh but somebody you can't technically give that back can you um a lot of places don't want you to but i try to sometimes i feel like that's that can be personal oh with more glow lights oh here's some bunch of those things oh my goodness wow the brighter you thread more of it beads there's beads in here some more beads this must be their crafting box maybe whoa what the heck this is an old faucet is that a faucet is it old it looks like they've never used it though maybe it's made to look old i think it's just made to look cold i'm sorry i don't know oh yeah oh my goodness look at this holy moly more of that i know these aren't cheap wow look wow what is this oh the little bowls wow that's not a bad box oh someone asked what what have you been painting um oh our new shed they must notice your fingers and uh kade our younger oldest calls it the castle yeah it's that big he thinks it's a castle it's 11 feet tall and i'm like when hoa sent the approval over they only said how big is it they didn't ask for the height they just got to the you know the width and length so it's only neat by 12 but it's 11 feet tall it looks like a castle in my yard yeah it's quite big those are nice those are darn near brand new just been used a couple times probably this is grandma's books on the box not grandma's books nope not grandma's books which i'm kind of glad it's not grandma's okay some books can be nice okay what's this in here i'm gonna use clothes could it be closed okay and a suitcase type bag wow that's a nice suitcase someone wants to know what size bed that is i'm gonna guess a king okay what's in here is it a remote okay let's see i've always want to do you guys the uh anybody knows how to let me know i've always wanted to buy a bandit luggage from airports that'd be fun oh my god what is it oh gosh adult diapers more oh my goodness no no i may need those in like maybe they can be like you're on your maybe if i'm just watching a good movie and i don't want to get up okay well please let me know if that's going to happen because i don't want to be anywhere near you just yeah a lot of people are saying adult diapers sell well on ebay look at this oh wow 100 or amazon 150 pounds here guys 150 pounds and i'm not exaggerating so better be something something crazy someone said return them at walmart okay are these albums oh my goodness it can't be adult diapers because that's way too heavy oh is it oh it's a bunch of bathroom stuff what is that lotion or something i'm starting to think this was a older person's storage you know someone said it looks like a sales kit what's in the justin bieber binder oh never mind oh there's a lot more down there that might be a jewelry case thing oh or crafting never mind i change it to crafting that's my guess you can't oh this is heavy this is a heavy box right here oh just sheets and something else some sort of like picture frame [Music] shoes all right okay man there are so many mattresses in here yeah so many mattresses there's a ton of boxes over there and if you look oh there's a chest in there this thing is back this thing is packed guys let me show you so my plan of attack is i'm going to get all the boxes in this uh load and then i'm going to get um the bigger stuff tomorrow because i unfortunately i'll show you guys but i i don't have um my backers just watching yeah it's it's crazy let's ah so this is the truck so i don't have a ton of room in here so we're going to make this going to be like two or three trips at least two or three trips uh grandma's doing great she's watching the kids right now i gotta get back to the house because i got somebody um that's buying something local so i gotta get that item and get back to the house soon as possible um but yeah she's doing great um and then what are you doing uh were you looking through something without us you know that's number one rule at the ventures household we got you know guys we have a rule okay if i look through it you guys have to look through it that's how we we don't peek um all right guys i gotta get this going uh we're running out of time i gotta get back to the house of six so i have less than an hour we have an hour to get home um because somebody's coming so leave her alone pat said i thought you were my bff ah what happened i thought you were my bff huh well yeah lots of work ahead we're only gonna get the rest of the boxes um we're only gonna get the rest of the boxes and then we'll uh come back it's really weird so i bought a unit here they give you 72 hours and then i bought two units by my house and they only give you 48 and it's the same company extra space storage so it's like come on guys give me 72 now 48 if one facility gives you 72 another 148 it's like what's going on ah that's truly that's true um all right guys um so i gotta get this unpacked tomorrow i gotta get two more storage units all the stuff we're gonna do in dive live boxing at the warehouse with gram adventures and then i got to get two storage units tomorrow and then and then wednesday or thursday i've got to get everything shipped out that we did for the auctions um you got to get the auction stuff shipped out and then uh yeah i got a crazy crazy week i need to get probably a beer tonight now okay i worked hard for it let me know in the comments you think i deserve a beer or not do you deserve wine do you deserve wine you want to go run and then drink your wine let me know does ashley deserve wine do jennifer says okay pat let we gotta get pat say so before we go does she deserve it water lost audio oh no of course she does passes yes definitely all right welcome all the new members thank you so much thanks for all the super chats appreciate you guys and more videos to come okay let the wine flow all right guys have an amazing day see you next time maybe we'll do it live tomorrow we'll see all right guys see ya
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 22,838
Rating: 4.9519725 out of 5
Id: 9sjh1MMXta0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 35sec (1715 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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