984 Autographed ROOKIE BASEBALL CARDS 1970s 1980s 1990s PAID $500 UNREAL...!!!

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[Music] all right guys we paid five hundred dollars what do we have we're beautiful portland oregon i was gonna say we're gonna say sunny because there's just gonna say sunny it's pouring guys it's been a while since we've had a storage unit video this is gonna be a good one we're back um this is 500 guys and hopefully we made some money on this one now we're gonna go through every single box in this video so you guys can see everything that's in there and uh yeah hopefully everybody had a great new year's and a great christmas um we're planning on buying a ton of storage units for 2021 so i'm looking to buy a lot social media is going to be really important so look out for a lot of videos guys make sure you hit the thumbs up button and share it to your social media on the bottom right hand corner of the video let's get into this all right so um let's go through and show them a few things that we have here we do have a mower which maybe actually looks like almost really good condition we have a pressure washer here which um you know these are about 150 bucks i you know won't be able to probably get that probably 100 bucks for it but so right there made about 200 and then we have some other stuff here i'm not sure what's up with this tank um yeah i want to look into that there is a gumball machine over here which is really cool got some ladders um i'm excited because i think there's some basketball cards in there and i see a dragon in here so i don't know what the heck's up with the dragon but we're gonna go through here and we have the worker bee that's gonna be the camera person grand adventures at home watching the kids because we are kind of far away from the house all right that being said there hasn't been airplanes like where have you been there just hasn't been any good storage units that's went up for auction in the month of december but get ready even if i had to buy storage unit and i'm boxing the snow your boy waits get on some units okay all right let's get into this i'm gonna use the uh this chair thing by the way this looks antiques i can't remember what you like what's this little thing here for like a and we'll start with this she said he like ooh xbox games okay oh you forgot your name oh dang it i did oh well i'll manhandle it all right we have a pressure washer that looks nice so yeah i've got one kind of similar i don't know yeah and did you guys notice that the um every single time i buy a storage unit there's always a freaking light that's out look there's no lights out anywhere except when we bought the unit so sorry if it's too dark but that's pretty cool huh okay let's dig into this i haven't bought one in a while it's like so exciting okay all right i want to get the this guy first okay we'll get the two big items out here we go yeah when i was 18 i worked at sears and i sold man that was like 12 years or 14 years ago crazy i sold lawn mowers um but this is a nice one it's in good condition too those this type of stuff goes really quickly when you saw it locally so [Music] looks like they didn't mow a lot along right right let me move the camera i'm just insane all right so let's dig into this all right i'm wondering let's go through this box first we have a life jackets here oh it's new it's got its tags wanted 40 bucks for it right there oh perfect for christmas yeah oh remember we don't like the show it's a fat field company what it looks like the fat oh it's fat feed coffee i've never heard of that before oh this is the food box oh man every single time it's the food box picture right there oh my gosh what is that dude do you know these things are like aren't they like 60 bucks no the one i bought is like 100 bucks and it's sealed so you can resell it never open wow oh this is probably 50 bucks right here okay with the food you got to look through the whole box though guys when you get food we're not going to go through all this here but you have to look through it all you should never know what you'll find but yeah it does look like all three okay some more clothes not much else a log or a a wood for a good time yeah and a few other buckets let's have an odd odd start to the video this is a guy's unit you just want to oh my gosh look at all those dude oh i gotta get in that box oh my goodness there's cards in there holy crap dude i am super excited wow your boy wade's a collector of cards yeah and i've never found this many cards uh i thought we have this is a dream this is a dream okay i gotta get it hopefully they're in great condition yeah okay sorry this has got to go we got we'll go to wow we'll go through this cards i gotta find i gotta get to the cart there oh we'll use this on the table sorry guys we're outsourced i haven't bought a unit in like two years you sure you don't want to save that for the last five okay all right let's go through these this is dusty okay is that money this is the first thing guys i showed you at the beginning that's cool that's oh it does something wow can you hear that rain in the background it's like really really strong isn't this like um a um i have a bunch of these yeah aren't there covers for like railroads or something i don't know but they're worth money things or yeah i've got a bunch of them let us know in the comments yeah let us know in the comments i forgot that my grandpa had a whole bunch oh cool oh yep this is the main korea vintage i gotta stand over here said i know that it's getting um wow another one there it's kind of dark in here guys all right what do we got this one's kind of plain [Music] oh nice dinner time that's loud um okay there's nothing else going on here some money nope shavings yeah there's definitely oh maybe they're all baseball cards yeah i'm not ex as excited for baseball but i still uh i still uh wouldn't mind them okay wow this is a machete it says brazil on here huh this thing looks like it's seen some action boys and girls oh careful professional professional i don't know what that is okay oh what is that well there's bullets in there that's old yeah it's kind of like a old belt what if we'll find it again what oh well we have a lot of them here okay oh look at the axe oh man i'm ready for war in here right now you got you this is made in the united states you got a log to start your fire it's east and wing i don't know if i'm saying that right you swing that's a nice axe wow look at the handle on that beautiful all right what else we got here we have a bunch of magazines in here oh there's some basketball stars some baseball okay so they had some basketball in here hopefully ooh ken griffey look at that ken griffey jr that one oh this one's signed jim campbell wow be careful with these somebody's name yeah some of these are old they're from the 90s wade boggs yeah there's a lot of wade dwyane wade of course there's kirby your boy wait over here is good at sports not baseball though not baseball i did play baseball one year and it was terrifying kevin michael he's a uh coach now some books what is in the box what is in the box let me peek first okay those are cool those are really cool guys and they're made out of some stone marble maybe uh [Applause] okay some macy's jewelry okay that's about it for this one let me put this guy back here yeah myself this guy down here okay now now let's get to this one you guys ready oh look at that what the heck is this wow you don't want to put it on no all right and they are full i got to be i don't want to touch this with too many of my hands here or too much my hands because i don't want to get the cards dirty but we'll just take a peek oh oh they're basketball they're in great shape wow okay i don't want to go through all these with dirty hands guys um i try to put this guy yeah there's a lot here okay so that's and they're in great shape those seams okay ready wow it's full let's see if they're basketball oh did they write on their 90s here that's baseball oh there's some baseball but they're in great shape you can tell they really cared for their their cards okay this is cool look at that it's a old old antique little pouch thing that is cool that's a big rider yeah this looks like it just like holds oh my god oh my goodness please don't hurt yourself not joking you always think you could do it when you see it you would not be a good ninja turtle you gotta be there look at this thing look at that that is old and it has a little there wow that's that's unique oh a bunch of bunch of cords computer cords that sort of thing okay oh sorry guys we don't like to show personal photos what is this cable tracker oh okay it probably checks like if it's hot or cold okay what do we have in here is this a camera oh no just just cassettes and we have a mask and what do we have here i think it's a oh it's a flask oh never mind it's like an air thing air tube thingy okay what oh this oh a little pin okay this is where you put your bbs they did airsoft this is the camera right here folks it's a nice case wow look at that these still sell panasonic i'll give the model number if anybody wants to look it up online looks in pretty good shape nice it's pretty good that's a pretty good little bowl i think these right here are going to be popular these are nice they look so old and of course okay i'm gonna put the cards over here so i don't want them we're gonna put them in a different thingy okay xbox more cards dude we did well no and that one right there i don't know let's put this ancestry over here too so we don't ruin it okay you guys ready [Applause] wow my goodness guys this was their whole collection wow this is unreal here we go look at this there's some old and they're in great shape [Music] i know it's kind of dark in here guys um let's see these are from 1987 so they were mass-produced in the 80s but i bet you these are all these are all baseball baseball but they're in great shape look at the corners on those things let's be really careful okay so you were looking for the basketball i like i pre i mean i'll collect i did buy some mike trout uh psa tens which means like but uh i do prefer basketball but this is going to be hours of looking into seeing what we have here i mean my goodness do you see how many are here i know look look at this oh they wrote on them but they don't say oh bowman so is a rookie oh my goodness oh wow there's some rookie cards in here so he basically spent a lot of time on this a lot of time a lot of money i don't say it's too dark let's see 80s 83 wow yeah he spent a lot oh wow that one's yeah this one is coming out yeah oh he did 1976 tops and something's on the bottom oh and he even put like some of the players on there big players so that will help a lot when i go through yeah these are from the 70s i mean that was 50 years ago wow guys this is unreal and you wonder why it was so heavy my goodness we're gonna have to do a whole separate video on all these cards yeah i think huh they look to be in great shape you can tell he cared about him too because he like labeled everything too you know look at that wow just all really good shape okay guys we're going to continue showing the storage unit but my goodness let's see look at this one that's the rookie card so you need to look after griffey raided rook griff ready rookie mcgriff wow all right guys what can you say this is my kind of unit i didn't see any of that either okay let's put one of these boxes in here um i can tell you this is probably 300 pounds so honey i'm getting right there it's heavy okay so let's continue here okay this one says pots and pans not as exciting after those cards and i think that this is really heavy too and i believe they're pots and pans you stay what do we have that looks old what is in here okay we gotta bring in the light because you're in the dark uh should i spin around this way if you can okay what do i can't even read the name on there oh here we go oh this is polo and it's still ticking yeah they're polo assassins or something how do you open it anyway let's see let's see what else do we have in here so that looks older it's got like braille yeah oh it's a swiss made but i don't see the name on it okay so we have some beads cool this guy he looks old yeah he's a little chipped he's still i don't know oh it's a candle holder i think all right that would be my guess i'm not sure is there a ring on them huh oh what is that oh it's not a ring it's something stuck in there wishful thinking yeah okay and we have some oh records records bam we have bambi yeah oh my gosh these are anybody want these let me know in the comments these aren't growing up oh okay yeah these are i'm keeping these teddy bears oh my goodness they're in great shape they're in fantastic shape jungle book that's our little red riding hood oh my goodness look at the way it opens wow i'm excited this is cool okay all right guys we're gonna finish up going through this bucket don't worry but i need to get some of this in the truck we'll be right back hang tight see you on the next slide all right guys listen um we only brought one sd card we have 18 minutes left on this so we're going to kind of roll through things a little quicker i have not gone through any of these boxes yet i just had to get some big stuff out to save some time so we have this beautiful tank here still don't know what the heck is going on with this thing or if it's worth any money but we also have the gumballs i don't recommend eating any of those by the way those two ladders sell really quickly those are tall they'll sell really quickly we have these guys a lot of uh hedge trimmers and different things and this is what we already went through there's so much money in this unit and my goodness so all right let's continue here guys now we did leave off on this buck uh bucket but we're not gonna go through it oh happy valentine's day do they smell nice okay all right so we're not gonna really go through too many of this bucket because it doesn't look like it has anything crazy yeah all right so let's go through and pop some pants lots and pants no i'm just kidding okay oh wait oh yeah look at this what do we got here what is that what are those they look like letters they have dates on from the 60s here can you hold this letters oh my goodness they're signed they're signs let's look let's look i think this is his high-end collection oh my goodness these are all signed oh my goodness i think these are his this was his higher end collection well it looks like it's off and they're all penny sleeves is that signed it's signed oh my god and they're in great shape oh my goodness guys this is all signs these are a lot of cards okay let's randomly pick one more just to make sure that we're not crazy here thinking they're all signed yep oh my gosh yeah wow we could have a lot of we could have thousands here these are all signs these aren't just regular baseball these are all signed that's crazy that's awesome we'll do a separate video guys we'll do a sep oh see they're all signed that's cool wow we'll do a separate video on these oh i think this is over here let's try one more i just wanna make sure i'm not crazy i wanna make sure i'm not crazy oh my goodness they're both each card they're all signed that's crazy wow you have no idea how happy i am this is nuts okay one more i just want to make sure i'm not crazy yep all signed that's cool wow this is nuts dude wow wow oh my goodness wow jackpot okay you're gonna go red that's not even going to go in the back of the truck that's going to be in the front in your seat in your lap okay guys got to kind of hurry a little bit this is a really nice backpack and there's i some know if there's anything in here oh just close yep just close okay looks like they use it for their kids backpack yeah all right oh yep hockey hockey penguins we're not up to date on our hockey okay and they look pretty brand new [Music] oh my goodness these are brand new wow they're brand new those are beautiful looks like these are been used those are columbia's oh and those are wow darn you're brand new wow guys oh and they have the omni these could be 150 shoes oh what we have a polo and it's got the original box honestly this this is gonna be a thousand thousands of dollars here guys for sure okay okay let's only have like 10 minutes here guys okay so this looks like it's all bottles okay let's save tools we don't want to waste our time on that right we should get to this one down here let's go to this one real quick this one says xbox games oh wow yep wow they're all in there okay i'm gonna stop staying while just such a crazy unit such a crazy unit okay let's go through i don't know what to go through okay let's um let's go through this stuff here since it's all over here we've got some clothes here guys all right oh my goodness this thing is heavy what is it dvd oh it says dvds on it do you want to open this do you have the keys honey okay no i don't okay all right guys we're gonna open up some of these boxes just to save time we'll be right back guys we opened a few boxes just to save time this was the dvd box this is bad boys over 100 of them in here guys these are some good names i mean that is a crazy collection we opened up this box over here and it is a garage box it's got a bunch of garage stuff in it and some spices now this we need to look at right here okay so oh he was in a lifetime member of the huh i don't know what that is oh there's a patchful maybe on the oh that's going in there though oh what the heck guys look there's so many oh he was definitely in the armed forces these are all old fans look at that [Applause] oh wow that's crazy what is this oh yep it's got two of those yep what is in here oh nothing let me find it in here a lot of good treasures yeah some of this may be silver guys um we'll have to see some of this may be silver though look at that that's an old looking fork yeah this one does say i can't get my glasses okay anyway look at these oh wow those are old little tea cups okay not bad not bad okay um this was the last box that we needed open and it said close close close close all right so now we need to get into this stuff okay let's see looks like we have some mask some goggles those are cool speedo goggles i wish there was more light in here okay let me grab this oh my goodness this is going to be a task i think there's dishes in here guys here's a lunch pail ooh that's a nice one okay yeah there's dishes in here let me see if i can grab it okay i think they're broken some of them look to be fine yeah some of these are broken though oh this is kitchen oh some of these are from ikea oh wow oh those are plastic i see a holiday sweater oh oh wow we're gonna give this back guys oh my goodness i'm gonna hide the pitcher oh man come on get out there we're gonna give this back can you guys see it is it too dark a little bit let's go take it out here wow lieutenant so we're gonna we're gonna give this back guys now this is just too cool we i've got a flag of my dad when he passed and um this was over his casket and it still folded when they folded it and it's in a case like this so a lot of people see he was in the arms we'll just keep those but we yeah we choose to give them back i would if i had a family member i would be mine back all right let's be careful here's a hat there's a picture down there oh there is a hat wow look at this guy i think i got dust in my mouth okay see some clothes here a lot of clothes oh this may be some personal awards excuse me yeah this is all personal stuff guys and we don't like to show oh my goodness i gotta show that not so close to me there's you can't see it there's too much reflection you guys see it it's beautiful so this we're gonna get back as well we're gonna give that back with the flag okay so this is all personal guys we're not going to show what's in there um all right so let's go through these last two tubs sorry this is moving quickly at the end shame on me for not getting an sd card or a flashlight well who would have thought i know like literally every single time what is the deal ah okay we have some of these what are these hats called again yeah okay whoa look at those those are so cool oh those are awesome i have no idea that is cool this one does say made in espanyol espanol espanol whatever that's cool ff1986 these are close by the way oh wow this thing looks men and their swords oh it does say china on there so this is not too old probably but it's cool okay look at this what are these they're little chickens i don't know what the heck those things are oh maybe oh they were probably perfect there's a ton of them there is a lot of them in here guys maybe they're perfume look wow okay okay grab that i'll grab the camera all right one box left one tub left this guy right here we did get a cool paddle okay we have three minutes left okay go we gotta go we will do follow-up videos guys there's your basketball oh my goodness oh is that jordan oh no okay there's jordan's in here though here's some more wow and here's some cards here oh there's some hard cases oh there's another sword case yep here's another sword case not the sword oh it looks like they're this is a's yeah there's there's a tent in here all right guys thank you so much hit the thumbs up button this is a 50 minute video i didn't think i'd go longer in 15 minutes or we would've got another sd card um wow let me know in the comments guys we will be having an auction a youtube auction probably five days after this video hits so if you want any of this stuff put in the comments what you want and uh that way when i come to the auction yeah join us at the auction join us at the auction you guys can bid on some of this stuff all right and we are giving the flag away much love any last words two minutes thank you we're glad we're back this is a good union it's a really good unit guys and we will be doing a follow-up video in the warehouse with more in-depth um look at everything that we found today so we did extremely well though and uh can't wait and all you guys know on the sports cards that are signed holy crap right all right guys thank you so much make sure you subscribe to the channel if you're new and until next time right beautiful okay happy valentine's day what's going on guys this is how you get to our online store so many people are asking how can we purchase stuff in the storage units guys well let me tell you so all you do is you go to any one of our videos it doesn't matter which one you click the video guys and then what you'll do is you'll scroll down and the first link of any one of our videos will be our online store link guys it's it's always pinned at the top comment of any one of our videos so you click that and then it will take you to our online store this is our online store for grand adventures and myself 3 100 items in this store and 100 of everything that you see here is out of storage units guys so if you want to support the adventures family and you want to purchase something that you see in one of the videos it's going to be right here this is called poshmark guys if you don't have an account you can sign up it's completely free to sign up for a poshmark account and you can see it see anything that you possibly want that was out of a storage unit click it and you can buy directly from here directly from us guys so that's exactly how you get to our online store hopefully you enjoy all the items you see in storage units guys and again if you want to purchase anything that you see in any of the videos just click that link in any of the comments of the videos and it'll take you directly to our online store where you can purchase all this cool stuff that we find in the storage units alright guys have an amazing day thank you thank you for the support much love and let's see you to the next video thanks for watching don't forget to hit the subscribe button and if you want to watch more from wade's ventures click the videos on the left
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 36,857
Rating: 4.8957348 out of 5
Keywords: Autographed ROOKIE BASEBALL CARDS, ROOKIE BASEBALL, rookie baseball cards, mlb, baseball, rookies, sports cards, rookie, mlb rookies, baseball cards unboxing, baseball cards collection, baseball cards box breaks, baseball cards opening, 2021 storage units, storage lockers, i bought an abandoned storage unit, treasure hunting, storage wars full episode, storage unit finds, storage auction, storage unit finds money, how to make money, baseball cards, psa collector, wades ventures
Id: I9Z5caYNhu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 7sec (2587 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2021
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