Stellaris Planet Type Tier List

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[Music] what are you going to call it i think i'll call it bob bob you don't like bob you can't call a planet bob oh control baby [Music] the galaxy is a wide and wonderful place and there are so many different types of celestial bodies that your population your pops can live on but which ones are great which ones are pretty garbage in this video today i'm going to be making a tier list so we can rank the different celestial bodies or habitats for your citizens slaves possibly even drones starting at the very bottom we have the f-tier you can probably already guess what's going to go in here and yes unsurprisingly it is tomb worlds why are two mods down here why are they so terrible well every single type of pop except those with tomb world habitability start with zero percent habitability on this planet and of course having low habitability reduces your resource output as well as increasing the upkeep of your pops it's generally something you want to avoid not only that but each unblocked district slot will only increase the planet capacity by 3. the normal here is four per unblock district slot so that means pop growth on tomb worlds is hampered even for those that have perfect habitability on that planet not only that but you can get a bunch of random events that are really really painful to deal with mutants can come forth solar flares can roast the planet it can be really really annoying don't get me wrong all planets are useful but two worlds are simply the worst of the bunch and if you're enjoying this video please colonize that like button now we get to the sea tier these planets do have use they are useful but there are some reasons why they are a little bit of a hindrance not necessarily a help all the time what do we have in this tear well wet worlds are the first type we have here in the seat here the first habitable celestial body that has ended up here why is it here well wet worlds have very proclivity to get agriculture district slots on them you're more likely to get agriculture districts and then the rare resource you're most likely to get is exotic gases now exotic gases are very useful don't get me wrong but agriculture districts are something you don't really want to have as a maximum here you want to be getting the other district types that being energy districts or mining districts those are much more important to have on your planets than agriculture districts wet worlds are one of the main three types of planet you will get the others being frozen planets and dry planets those are kind of the basic normal planet types and of those wet worlds i would say are the worst pick of the bunch unless of course you are going for food but if you're doing that you're doing something wacky and crazy and that's up to you shattered ring is next up in the seat now i did struggle with this one originally i had this placed in the b tier but there are a couple of factors that almost forced me to push it down below now the shattered ring world origin is what you'd need to take in order to start with a shattered ring world you could also conquer one now there are a couple of drawbacks to having a shattered ring origin the first being you give up your habitable planet the second being you have no habitability on other planets but this isn't a tier list for origins this is for the ring world itself so what's going on with the ring world well first off you don't have the regular district instead of an energy district if you're a regular bio empire you get a trade district that can be a bit of a problem if you're not running a trade based meta but if you are that can be very useful and very nice okay fair enough the next issue is the mining districts they don't produce four minerals base they instead produce two minerals and one alloy that can lead you to have significant mineral related problems especially if you're trying to use the industrial segments to refine some of those minerals into consumer goods or alloys so you are at a very low mineral efficiency from this world because you're really not going to get much now one saving grace is the fact that it is a size 25 world however you're going to start off with a whole host of blockers on this world which mean you can't get up to that massive size that's an issue the second one is that each available district is not worth the usual for it is only worth three that is going to slow down your logistic pop growth and keep your population a little lower on top of that once you finally have fully developed this world in the late game you're going to be very very tempted to restore the shattered ring segment into a regular ring world segment and that will completely break the economy of this planet and all of the things you've built up there if you want to turn it into a ring world and get the full benefits of the ring world and if you don't you're then missing out on the full benefits of the ring world it's it's really not a very pleasant system to have great if you can pick one up terrible if you start with one in the b tier we have some solid choices for your planets what do we have here first off we have one of the other main world types and that is frozen worlds frozen worlds are more likely to have mining districts and more likely to have deposits for crystals in addition we have all the regular effects of a normal planet you're going to start at probably 80 habitability on this world possibly 60 it could also be 20 but none of that is too difficult to get around with a little bit of technology and ingenuity the good part about these worlds is that we have lots of mining districts that's very very useful for hive mind empires hive mind bio gestalt consciousnesses and it can also be useful for regular empires however moving on to the next type dry worlds have a higher chance of spawning more energy districts and as you might know energy is the most important basic resource in solaris we can convert any resource into energy credits and we can convert energy credits into any resource it is the fundamental basis of all of our economies and stellaris is predominantly an economic game these are also the most likely worlds to get volatile moat deposits on and volatile moats are the best and most important of the three basic strategic resources or rare resources as you need them to upgrade your alloy foundry building and the upgraded alloy foundry building is very important to get bonuses for your alloy production which is the most important resource in the game aside from science if you're going to pick a starting planet type i really would recommend you pick one of the dry worlds but what do you think about this list so far you may completely disagree with some of my choices please let me know in the comments section i would love to hear from you now we've got up to the a tier all of these worlds are fantastic in their own right and there is no reason why you would ever ignore them or choose not to settle on them gaia worlds are the pinnacle of a world that is kind of in balance with nature where any species is apparently able to live blah blah blah anyway look the point is guy wills have 100 habitability for every type of species in the game in addition to that you'll get plus 10 resource outputs from all jobs on that world and biological pops will get a plus 10 happiness as well there is even more too because every unblocked district slot will give you plus six to your planetary capacity making it a fantastic world for logistical pop growth you can find these out and about in the galaxy don't colonize it if it's a holy world you've been warned you can also create them by terraforming or using some special decisions for instance if you have the new bowel life seeding decision from the last bowel relic but if this is so good and it really is pretty much the top of the a tier why isn't it in the s tier well the reason for that is there are worlds that are simply better and we'll get to those very very soon on the surface relic worlds don't seem that fantastic they only have eighty percent base habitability for all species i mean that is something that's very useful they also only give the regular four planetary capacity per unblock district so why are they up here in the at well they have a series of blockers on them which when cleared reveal some unique planetary features together with these features you're going to get the ability to build two max crystal mines two max gas extraction wells and two max moat harvesting traps but that's not all you'll also get a plus thirty percent bonus to research from jobs and eight researcher jobs that means that relic worlds have a fantastic place in the output of both rare resources and also research which is one of the most useful if not the best resource in stellaris habitats are mega structures we construct in the orbit of planets just above them and they allow us to colonize many more worlds in our systems we could also start off with void dwellers allowing us to have three habitats right at the start of the game but why are they up here in the a tier well when you build a habitat depending on the resource deposit of the planet below you'll get access to a special district not only will you get access to the basic districts of habitation trade and the entertainment district in addition to industrial districts for all of them but you can also get access to mining districts energy districts and research districts now research districts are very very powerful because they mean that our researchers are not limited by the number of building slots we have on our planets so we can make habitats fall to the brim with researchers it costs 1500 alloys and 150 influence to build one of these habitats but they are really very very useful in addition to that we have some unique designations for habitats for instance a research habitat simply gets a bonus 10 to its research output which is unavailable to most regular planet types they instead simply get a reduction to a researcher's upkeep which is not as good finally we have ring worlds now ring worlds are pretty great the only and main issue with them is how expensive they are to produce and how long it takes to build them which means you often don't get them until very late in the game as the technological requirements for building ring worlds or repairing ring worlds are only usually available quite late in the game yes you do get access to research districts here which are very good in a similar way to habitats with their research districts and you can really do some crazy things with trade districts if you're running a trade build and in addition to all of that there are some special planet designations that are going to increase your output for instance you get a special designation for your researchers but overall there are actually better planet types for your pops still to come and i'd like to say a huge thank you to all the supporters of this channel the channel members and the patrons you are very appreciated and if you'd like to support this channel there is a link to patreon down in the description and somewhere on the screen is a join button and now we've got to simply the best celestial bodies or planets or habitats for your population to live on and we've got quite an interesting split here as one of each of these is fantastic depending on your empire's authority type and the population you have living in your empire first off we have hive worlds now these are basically the gaia world of hive mind empires they have the same benefit as guy was giving plus 10 resources to jobs also your regular resource districts are not tied to planetary features but in addition to that they have a nice little trick where if your authority is hive mind if you're a gashed out bio hive mind consciousness you get 100 habitability on this planet otherwise you get zero percent so that means that you have locked this planet off and made it completely useless to any non-hive mind empires you also get an additional spawning drone job on the planet as well as six housing from hive districts and six planet capacity per unblocked district and on top of all of that all of your building slots are unlocked you will need to take the hive world's ascension perk in order to do this but it is definitely worth it if you are a hive mind these are the planets you need to be creating and then we have the gaia world of machine empires a machine world just like the hive world this has a neat trick where any non-mechanical non-machine or non-cybernetic species where the owner is driven a simulator will have zero percent habitability your machines will otherwise have 100 habitability and your cybernetic pops should start off with around 50 now you will be getting plus 10 resources from job output as well as an additional replicated job and minus 10 to your pop housing usage you will only get four capacity per unblocked district but as a machine you shouldn't really care about that and then on top of all of that all of your building slots are unlocked you can also and i didn't mention this about the hive mind one but just like the hive mind the hive world you can also build any number of the regular districts on your planet the number of districts associated with specific planetary features is ignored if you want to fill it up with energy districts or mining districts or in the case of the previous one the hive world with food districts you can do just that and that means the versatility of these planets cannot be understated and finally we come to in my opinion the best planet type in the game pretty much the only issue is if you're a hive mind you can't really build one of these but if you get access to it oh absolutely fantastic that is the accumonopolis this will give 100 habitability to all of the pops living on it as well as a whopping 20 bonus to resources from jobs but oh no that's not all any biological pops will get a 50 pop growth speed bonus that's right plus 50 percent every unblocked district will give you plus six planet capacity and all of your building slots are unlocked additionally you get access to special districts on an accumonopolis you get access to a forge archology a factory arcology an entertainment arcology in the case of a rogue servator you get a special arcology for your bio trophies to live in as well that cannot be ignored because it is very very useful and in addition to these bonuses if you convert a relic world into an acumenopolis you'll get another 10 to any research output as well so your researchers will still have plus 30 research output as if they were on a relic world this means that an accumonopolis is the best way of making not only alloys but also your science income and on top of all that it's the best way to get more pops in your empire if you are growing them it does cost time and resources 20 000 minerals and 300 influence to upgrade a planet into an acumenopolis but it is well worth it you should definitely do it if you have a relic world at your disposal or if you take the special project the arcology project in order to upgrade a world and if you'd like to know more about ecumenopolis worlds and how best to use them as the heart of your empire click the video on screen now
Channel: Montu Plays
Views: 143,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stellaris, stellaris gameplay, montu plays, montu plays stellaris
Id: C88jv2OifnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 12 2022
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