Stellaris - Must Have Mods (That You Always Want To Enable)

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A lot of these mods are about making things look pretty, but other than the Outliner mod there wasn’t in the way of UI/UX mods or management mods. I’m to the point that my biggest struggle with the game is all the weird places data gets stored. It’d be great if there were mods addressing that.

Anyone have favorites they’d recommend for that?

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/TheBallotInYourBox 📅︎︎ Jun 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

I write what i wrote there: Ok nice Video, i like most of your videos. But calling light boarders a must have and for example "automatic pop migration" is not on that list is a little wired. That mod that makes the game playable late game unless you like moving unemployed pop around your 50 planets manually all the time. Same goes for 2x / 5x repeateables, without those you are clicking a new tech every 20 seconds almost. While your mod list is more a "nice to have" list or a must have list for better visuals.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/3punkt1415 📅︎︎ Jun 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

I started playing it with the Reborn Mod, and now I can't play without it.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Doobie_wan_Kenobi 📅︎︎ Jun 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

I have a conflict with two of these mods from his list.

One is saying it requires version 2.7.1 and the other says it requires 2.7.2 and both won't work at the same time.

It's Real Space 3.6 and More Events Mod. Seems odd he would suggest two mods that don't work together.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/chesh05 📅︎︎ Jun 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

No offense, but making the game look good is my last priority. 99% of the time i'm on the galaxy map anyway.

The top priority is to make the game less micro, or easier to micro. To that end i prefer to have the planetary notification, the tiny outliner, and the more pre-build mod.

Then comes AI and difficulty improvement.

Then comes more content in general. Events, megastructures, traits, ascension perks, etc..

The last one is making the galaxy look better.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Jewbacca1991 📅︎︎ Jun 16 2020 🗫︎ replies
over the last few days I've been alluding to this particular video initially it was going to be a tier list and after a little bit of soul-searching I thought by myself you know what mmm doing a tier list for something that is created by people with no monetary gain is not necessarily the coolest thing in the world and you should always support your mod creators because even the most terrible of mods still has value to add to the game and putting it in materialist would not be fair to them instead today we're gonna be looking at nine whole mods that make the game more appetizing and I personally feel better these are definitely mods that I would install every single time and use during every single playthrough like I said there is nine of them so let's dive right into them let's go with the visuals one ones first and the first one is quadrants fixed now quadrants fixed adds this little little area around the map these circles here where the galaxy is basically subdivided in the core the inner ring and the mid ring as well as the outer ring which is out here so what does it do absolutely nothing is purely a visual mod that makes the galaxy look better from a sci-fi standpoint having to look at your galaxy and basically think by yourself oh yeah this is how I would set the topography of my galaxy for illustration purposes this is the way they go so there you have it the quadrants fixed then on top of that we have the pinwheel galaxy mod which is also one that you're looking at right now now what it does is it adds a brand new texture for the galaxy itself and it's absolutely gorgeous as you can see the galaxy texture has changed and looks better on a larger scale and you can get a normal version of this but also a more purple variant of it which is rather nice then we have to move on to alight borders now as you can see here the borders have changed a little bit where they are lighter and that basically means that the game looks a little bit nicer which I feel is a big big one in terms of visual aspects then we have a mod that is a little bit more impactful in terms of visuals but also in terms of gameplay and that has real space 3.6 this is the third iteration of real space that has been in development for quite some time and continuous updates are dropping as well I would like to however I give you guys a heads up the list of this mods is not actually compatible with the extension of real space which is color of the deep so please be aware of that I have not included it in this particular version of the mod list essentially what the this year mod does is it adds all sorts of new systems that are incredibly pretty and good to look at but not on top on top of that they also have their own modifier so V for instance go over here into a system that is a little bit different like this one over here as you can see this system has a environmental hazard which reduces ship hull points by 15% which adds all sorts of strategic things like this is a Class W SAR what else do we have here we've got the joys of wolf-rayet stars this is the class T actually but it has all of these these year nebulae and gas clouds attached to it now a lot of the stuff is already in the game itself and a lot of this there you have one of them the inner 2.7 update a lot of content has been added to make the galaxy prettier but in extension of that real space really adds a lot of additional flavor within the galaxy such as this luminous blue variable that's sitting out over here and there is a couple of even better ones let's see if I can find one on the galaxy map all right now I'm looking for something very very specific let's see where are you I think this is a good example here this is a proto stellar system with a accretion disk that is ready to generate new planets and that by itself adds so much more potential RP flavor what does a system mean to you as an empire what can you do with it in the long term want to capture it do you want to basically use it as a area for strategic defense etcetera especially with all the new modifiers being thrown into the mix real space really really makes the game so much better from a visual aspect and I really recommend this one to be installed pretty much at all times I think I found a Nova system over here and it looks like one if I can actually get into it there we go Yass there you have it a nice little Nova system here where a star is being consumed by what appears to be a black hole so there you have it and it looks absolutely gorgeous so yeah having all of these systems is a great way to build your story within the galaxy even having your own mods that uses real space and adds new anomalies on top of it is a real real real boon because you know you always want to have more content in the game right and that's something that I am personally a really big fan of then for the last visual amount we have the Machine ship set the machines ship set is something that I have already talked about at length in a different video as well at least in the past and I highly recommend for you to download to this one this is a top-of-the-line ship set that could be pretty much be installed well it could be part of the vanilla game if I was in charge of development because it basically takes the automated dreadnaught from leviathans and turns it into a full ship set that is high quality and on top of that it does something but no vanilla ship set does it adjusts the megastructures as well so every single item that you build whether or not it's a ring world or a ship or a dyson sphere or any of the other structures in the game it has its own model and animations and that is really taking a Schneider step up in terms of quality and it's really something I wish that the developers themselves would do themselves there we get to the quality of life mods and maths means that I need to go back into one of my own empires over here and the first one is of course tiny outliner how could we forget about tiny outliner over here tiny outliner is basically an updated version of the vanilla outliner that basically streamlines the whole experience and makes everything a bit more compact and easier to see the vanilla one it has serves its functions but tiny outliner is pretty much the number one thing that I would always run even if I was forced to forgo of some of the other mods but or not they were no longer compatible or not but yeah tiny outliner really download it download it now because it is so good you will you will adjust yourselves very very quickly to it because it is just so amazing then I want to go into two special mods and I will not be showing any footage of these mods because just showing them would be spoiler territory to begin with what are these mods this is more events mods and dynamic political events both of these mods add so much flavor to the game I cannot even begin to summarise how amazing it is so what does it do so more events mods as it already implies adds more events and that right there is something that everybody would want the real reason why I list distant stars as one of the best expansions to come out for the game is that more of an it just it adds more events that's literally it with more events mods however it adds even more it adds dozens of new events including a potential new Final Crisis that can pop up which i think is really cool little pockets of space that are out there new planets to me explore new ancient species that can pop up and all of these are out there and that's just something that I think is such a just as a general overview of the type of anomalies that it adds a new asteroid computer catacombs new black holes lost FTL prototypes toxic worlds a giant tank a whole bunch of different ones that sisty hidden Tundra a planet that appears not to be it and there's a whole bunch more of generic events added on top of that and finally are more of an add also add a new origin quest which is called extinct abductors a mysterious find reveals knowledge about your species distance past and possible future so yeah there you have it more events mod absolutely downloaded now like seriously download it now what are you doing subscribe to it there's a link down in the description below to illustrate it then there is dynamic political event mod there is dynamic political events dynamic political events is one of the things that I'd really really want to see in stellaris at some point of on an official level because the one thing that I really really think is a really bad thing about the game right now is that any Empire you have is if there is effectively an empire of hats and what I mean by that is is they always wear the same hat either you are a technocrat or you are or authoritarianism or anything like that this particular mod however adds flavor and basically make sure that stuff happens in your empire allow me to give you a couple of examples that can happen there there could be a military coup within your empire that could be a lot like movement within your empire that could be a spiritualist mission from another empire towards you that could be a populace begging for war because of the border incidents we could have local monarchies on a planet which is really cool because basically what happens is the local population says that hey this guy is or this girl is really awesome you would like to install them as our local monarch and it adds all sorts of flavor and events then there is also then there is the interspecies marriage thing which is kind of make the funk by xeno compatibility but still it's a cool event to have because it adds flavor especially during the mid game not having anything happening on your planets to make every single one of them distinct let's say for instance if you live in New York City your culture is gonna be different than from say Los Angeles even though it's in the same country every single planet having their own personality it really adds so much flavor and potential 4rp which i think is extreme good but yeah dynamic political events is amazing and you should totally go and grab this this is one of the ones that I always have installed why do I have a little always installed well because II know sex scandals that's why because yes that is a thing and of course we can have ruler cults as well which is rather cool and that wraps up this list here of must-have mods that you should play with all the time and I once again I cannot recommend these mods high enough because they just every single one of them just add so much additional flavor but also visuals that I really really like the game to have sure the 2.7 update added a bunch of new cool visuals but for instance real space really blows that out of the water more than more event smart dynamic political events really adds that additional layer of intrigue that I've really been yearning for within the game quadrant fixed and pinwheel galaxy as well as light borders they're just there to make the game look better in my personal opinion and all of these could just be poured it straight into the main game and I would have no problem with that I would buy an update that would have all of these in it just off the get-go to slap it 15 bucks just do it I'd buy it no problem if you want to go and try this out because you don't have to buy it the links for these mods are down in the description below don't collect them all because they are totally worth your while I want to thank my patrons for making this video possible but I also want to thank the modders out there for making all of these mods possible if it wasn't for you and of course people like yourself this community would not be where it is today your mods is what makes this community flourish and allows people infinite replayability even if your mod is not on this list well maybe we will cover it sometime in the future because not every mod is a must install every single time I'm afraid so looking at you there Giga structures I love you but I'm not gonna play you every single time we're gonna wrap it up here thank you so much for watching and until next time good care of yourselves and as always each other
Channel: ASpec
Views: 325,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stellaris, ASpec, A_Spec, Mods, Machine Ships, TinyOutliner, Pin Galaxy, Dynamic Political Events, More Events, Lighter Borders, RealSpace, Best Mods, Best Mods Stellaris
Id: KXNBUBfagys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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