Hoi4 Top 5 Minor Countries

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hello and welcome back to another hearts of iron 4 video so today this is going to be my top five picks for the minor countries in the game now if you're watching this video you might have chosen a small country and gotten your ass handed to you or maybe you're just looking for an opinion some ideas for countries that are good to play and that's what i'm here for now one thing to note that all of these choices are my own opinions at the end of the day just as i always say in a lot of my videos you have to play the game to understand what you like and what countries you prefer the most at the end of the day every country offers pros and cons and they all have different national focus trees so there's a lot of replayability and variety when it comes to the game so because of that i don't want to make it seem like i'm telling you you have to play these countries these are just the countries that i like and i will be diving into why i actually like them so what's good about each one and then at the end of this video you can obviously just give me your own feedback as well you know leave a comment down below what you like playing what routes um and without further ado let's get right into it okay so coming in at number five on our list you might have been able to guess by the flag in that introduction but it is going to be the dominion of canada now why did i pick this country so for starters you have a custom national focus tree it's not just the base one that any or most miners are given in the game and it offers you a few different routes you can basically go communist or fascist you have some stuff to deal with so for example you have the great depression which impacts you and then you also have a conscription crisis so you have to manage that and the biggest reason why i've chosen this for the number five spot is because you're so well protected at the end of the day if you play a democratic or you know maybe a fascist or communist route you're very well protected now you have the united states to deal with if you go one of those alternate routes but if you're playing democratic it is a great opportunity to just experience the game without the risk of being invaded and as you hit that 1941 stage and the united states joins the allies there is no way that the ai is ever going to take you out so it's a great country to play because of that you can dip your toes into the combat without any risk to you at all you can focus on air production exclusively or you could maybe just become a naval power and try and help out your allies that way and do a little bit of you know land warfare or you can go entirely all in on naval warfare or land warfare and that way you can really start to experience the game a little bit more it also gives you time to try out a whole bunch of different templates because again you're so excluded from everyone else you can kind of try out what works and what doesn't so it's just a great country to play because of that and the other nice thing is because it's such a big territory in the incredibly unlikely event that an enemy lands on your coastlines you have all the time in the world to deploy some troops train them up deploy them and make fallback lions here or you can make some in the rocky mountains and the enemy will basically never break you so just a great country to play nice and easy and my whole country so represent anyways let's move on to number four so coming in at number four on our list here we have mexico now the reason why i've chosen mexico the national focus tree is expansive you have a whole bunch of options to play and the best part is if you go the fascist routes or the communist routes you can actually take a bunch of these smaller countries over here and make a super mexico then you can focus on the south and do even more expansion and there are some achievements that you can work towards that i still haven't done yet uh i don't really play mexico a ton to be 100 honest but every time i have played the country it is very fun so that's my main reason for picking it the other great thing is again with a lot of these north american and south american countries you're very well protected if you go a democratic route you have no worries at all if you go the alternate routes even then you can set up pretty good defenses along your uh lines here with the united states and then from there it's just a few ports that you actually have to guard so overall it's a very fun country a lot of replayability again if we just look at the focus tree here one that is really fun to do is the legion of christ it's just a nuts nuts campaign the other cool one though is if you go the red shirts you can get trotsky back in power so that's a really cool one to play um and then if you manage to pull off the war you can actually take on the soviets and if you then take on the soviets and basically help the germans win and then you puppet them when the war ends if you can manage to puppet them when the war is over you would actually earn the achievement very easily that way so it's just a very cool country to play again offers great protection you don't have to worry too much about invasions um only when you start to dive into those alternate history routes that's when you're going to have the united states knocking on your door but there's plenty of strategies online and i'll probably make one in the future on how to defeat them i just haven't had time to do that yet so anyways that's gonna conclude the number four spot so let's move on to number three so coming in at number three on our list this is going to be the kingdom of romania so my reasons for choosing this country it offers a ton of combat because you're in europe uh you have three different options you can go the democratic route you could or i guess not aligned you could go with the fascist route and join up with the germans or you could go a soviet route and obviously joined up with the soviets so there's a lot of options when it comes to that there's a few achievements that you can actually do and i've already completed those ones for this country uh my personal favorite i think is death dishonor or cake and that's the one where you have to take a slice out of all your starting neighbors i do have a video available on my channel if you want to watch that little shameless plug there but for the most part it's just a great country probably one of the better miners to pick in the balkan region and europe as a whole because you have basically the most manpower out of all these countries right here you can fairly easily take over them and your national focus tree allows you to do that without upsetting the allies very quickly so it's just a great country to play lots of options when it comes to that and the best part is because the soviets are on your border and you can join up with the germans it allows you to practice in large-scale combat without taking on a lot of risk because the germans are going to do most of the heavy lifting at the end of the day your focus is just on helping them push into the soviet territory and from that you can get a lot of factories so once that's complete you know you can do whatever you really want you can go after turkey and expand down there and then start a big conquest into africa and try and take some territory through that so just another great country to play pretty safe overall as well because you have the mountain regions you can build up forts along these river fronts so it's very hard to break romania especially if you use forts so that's just my main reason why and again manpower isn't a huge issue with this country compared to some of these other miners especially if you take over a lot of territory so i think it's just a great country to play a lot of fun and the best part is that i should have said i guess as well if we just click on resource you got oil so in case you didn't know what that means it means heavy tanks times a thousand because heavy tanks are bomb and if you have oil you don't have to trade for oil obviously you don't have to trade and give up your civilian factories so you can become a big player in the game anyways that is my number three spot definitely check out this country highly recommend it let's move on to number two so coming in at number two on our list here we have spain now this is a very fun country that i love to play absolutely bonkers national focus tree with three different routes for each side so if you go on the republican side you have three choices fascist side three choices i guess democratic as well but we won't talk about that anyways it's just a great country to play again like all the others and one of my personal favorites because you have the anarchist route that is an insane campaign if you have not tried that i highly recommend it um the unfortunate thing is it's part of the law resistance dlc so if you don't have that it's kind of a bland country but even then it's still very fun you have a civil war to deal with um which is just a great experience to try out and why i like that civil war so much is because it allows you to practice land combat on a very small scale with infantry only so you can get very i don't know how to wear this advanced very good at using an infantry army so it's just great practice you get to learn about a lot of the game's mechanics from that civil war so having air superiority you know you get to see the germans supply tanks and you'll notice how the tanks do so much power and um the infantry losses can rack up substantially if you're not careful about your attacks you have to plan out where you're going to attack to end the civil war as quickly as possible because the longer it goes on you don't have the industry capacity that the other countries are going to have and that's going to put you in a bad position later on so it's just a great country to play and practice with for the most part though what's even better is that once that civil war ends you have all the time in the world to basically just prepare and do whatever you want if you go a fascist route you can quickly take gibraltar close off this gap now the allies have to send all their ships around africa and that gives the italians more time to actually take on the british navy um so that's just another great option you can also help in the war against france or if you really want to you could join up with the soviets and go that way or you could try and take portugal and basically just have this entire small bit of territory for yourself all kinds of things that you can do at the end of the day don't skip this country because it just offers so much replayability and options when it comes to what you can actually do with it um the other great thing is with your location you have access to you know like i said two different oceans basically so if you want to become a naval power you can certainly do that as well you can team up with other countries and help them in that or you can become an air power and focus on just naval bombing in these regions and that's always just another option last thing you get access to africa because of this territory so if you want to try and take over a whole bunch of colonial possessions you can certainly do that as well and just give yourself a few more factories and access to some resources so just another great country to play pretty simple overall and like i said that civil war just teaches you so much about this game and if you ever have a civil war in a major country this is a great chance to practice for that so for example if you want to take the germans down a monarchist route this is a great country to practice with before you go ahead and try that because again you're doing things on a smaller scale it allows you to practice and you also learn a lot about the terrain effects throughout this game because it's a lot of mountain regions so you have to plan your attacks carefully anyways that is my explanation for the number two pick so let's move on to the final one so this is it this is the number one country and that is going to be china now some of you are probably going to debate this one saying that it's probably not a minor but i would disagree obviously you have a very small military factory count and civ count at the start of the game and the biggest impact is that you have the warlords to deal with so if you open up the national focus tree and you notice over here you have two choices you can either utilize or unite the fronts and have all of those miners in a faction or you can try and capitulate them so right from the get-go it offers two routes that you can play you can go highly aggressive or you can go entirely defensive after that's done you can try and team up with other countries through some of those other national focuses and you have a war to deal with against japan very early on so this country's great i included it in my other top five countries um and the reason it's taking the number one spot today is because i just think it is the best miner hands down to play because you learn so much about defense you learn a ton about defending your coastline which is very important when you play as a major in this game especially if you're in multiplayer you know that's definitely needed so i i think it's just a great country to play you have all kinds of choices you can conquer the japanese and once you actually take them out and then take on all the warlords you can go after the allies and join up with some other countries you can also fight the soviet union i've done that before and oh that's pretty loud lightning okay um but the cruelest thing is once you take on some of these other majors you become super china and you will never run out of manpower that is the best thing about this country you're more likely to run out of equipment then you are manpower there's absolutely no way you should run out of manpower as this country you have one of the highest populations 340 million before you even take back the rest of your core territory so just a crazy country to play um you can build up a pretty sizable navy as well because once you take over the japanese territory and all the warlords you can have well over 150 factories by 1940 if you do it fast enough so just a crazy country to play uh if we just go through the national focus tree here real quick you can see over here you have all kinds of options when it comes to some of the bonuses that you want to take so if you want to go a navy route you could pair up with the us you could try and go with the japanese which doesn't really work um you could go down with some of the western allies and get some military bonuses you could go with the germans or the soviets and help them out that way so just a great country to play a lot of fun and probably just one of my favorites to play actually i just love doing this country um the other cool one if you want you can actually play as the warlords themselves for example my favorite one out of all the warlords is the guangxi clique because you have a lot of steel and tungsten compared to some of the other countries here and you'll also have decent manpower still plus you have pretty good factory counts to start with so you can build up pretty similar to the chinese and then try and take them on later on in the game once the japanese have been beaten so just another fun country to play and there are some achievements that come along with it for example this one i should have had this by now i i just didn't do it on my last china playthrough which was stupid i don't know why i did that but anyways that is my number one pick for the top five minor countries to play i highly recommend it and again like i previously said all of these countries are just my own personal picks you know at the end of the day you have to play the game to find what works for you and what you like the most so don't feel discouraged or feel like you have to play any of these countries these are just what i like playing and that's why i'm making this video today so anyways like i said this brings us to the end of the video if you've managed to watch the whole thing then thank you very much as always if you have any feedback suggestions content that you'd like to see in the future just leave a comment down below or you can use the link in the description to join our discord channel i always try and respond to you guys comments as fast as i can although my time is limited but at the end of the day i do still read everything that you guys say so i hope you guys enjoyed the video i'll see you on the next one
Channel: ScumpyDawg
Views: 36,090
Rating: 4.8900094 out of 5
Keywords: Best countries, hearts of iron iv, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron romania, hoi4 romania, hoi4 greece, hoi4 germany, hoi4 china, hoi4 guide, hoi4 minors, hoi4 majors, hoi4 mexico, hoi4 canada, hoi4 spain, hoi4 beginner guide, hoi4 gameplay, gaming, hoi4 best country, hoi4 new player, hoi4 small country, hoi4 yugoslavia
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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