Turkey restores the Ottoman Empire with Sultana in BfB

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hello everyone i am tori and welcome to my newest hands of iron 4 video you have been asking me to play turkey for quite a while now and i didn't really want to because the focus tree is a bit too big for my taste but it's finally time to change that i've tested this a bit and i think i know my way around the focus 3 more or less but not completely so yet so today we're going to try and reform the ottoman empire and if i and also you the viewers enjoy it i might revisit this and do turon next so let me know if you want me to but before we begin a message from a sponsor this video is brought to you by conquerors blade conquerors blade is a free-to-play tactical mmo set in an open medieval world the players become warlords with their own armies which they can lead in battle as heroes on the battlefield it's a game i have played before and there is even a gameplay video of it on my channel so if you would like to see more of the gameplay and how it works do have a look at that video i actually enjoyed this quite a bit even though i'm not very good anyway season six of conquerors blade the scourge of winter has just started it takes place in the north of the world and the worst winter it ever faced which means they have added snow to the game maybe there was snow before but now you wait through it to face the desert craters there's also three new promoted units the landscapes armageddon lancers and the house rangers there are new season exclusive rewards for you to unlock weapon skins armors and some more stuff you can get with the battle pass also players in north america now have their two new dedicated servers if you would like to learn more about the game and try it out do watch that video i mentioned and click the link in the description below if you register an account through that link you will get a free 7 seven-day premium account go on check it out all right back to house of iron trigger difficulty iron mode historical focuses let's go i've done some testing right here we are and here's why i didn't want to play turkey it's not that the focus tree is big is that it's slow we won't be able to do anything until 1938-39 because there's just so much preparation going on here before we can move on to the more interesting stuff down here we have three main paths that diverge within themselves as well this is uh redoing the ottoman empire the middle big one leads to turan and this is some sort of a balkan and taunt and there's also a small military one here that we're going to ignore for a very long time okay then let's start with the montreal convention as we have to and we have quite a lot of internal stuff going on there's traditionalists versus the chemists and also the chords now i don't really like the quartz mechanic because you have to keep the resistance low and the compliance high let's switch to local police force that's what you guys have been telling me to do although that's probably not the best choice here but we'll see i might even need to do military governor because of how much resistance this gets but i digress essentially you need to keep your resistance low and your compliance high and then you can integrate them but integrating this entire region costs you 800 political power so it is um not really worth it let's make sure to prioritize garrisons and start our research electronics construction and the doctrine let's do superior firepower i like it again see i used to love the beer 500 and it got knifed a bit so i moved to mass assault mostly i think super fireball is still superior let's do just the guns for now we will do support companies but we can add them later as for construction just a lot of civilian factories and the provinces with the most infrastructure and some convoys we do have an army but um there's not much we can do with it the armies no longer provide resistance help so it's just gonna sit here i guess i know i know martinez can be useful but it's a small template i might always trade more later now switch everyone to just regular infantry because i like just using one template because it's easier to manage that way and i will exercise them okay unpausing and speeding the game up our leader is of course ataturk he has a lot of wonderful modifiers but he is old and he will not live long but we can make the most of it while he still leads us okay the monterey convention is complete and we're going aggressive the united kingdom loans its support it loans is the appropriate word because they never give it they only promise it yep sorry opposes us no compromise we shall do this thing now the british will probably abandon us yep as always nothing has changed we must stay the cause and the soviet back down we get extra political power wonderful now in order to go down this path here to do the ottoman empire we need to fully integrate the bank that will give us even more political power and let us hire a silent workhorse political power is going to be crucial to us we're going to need a lot of it the kurdish state is going to be a constant troublemaker i think we might need to make an agency and recruit some spies to handle that mechanical computing we're going to take no military advisors whatsoever um well for one because we don't need them yet but the other part is that we're going to be purging them unfortunately the important thing to note here is that if we give the management of the government to the traditionalists some of the focuses will change and they will give different outcomes for example with this we will get atari's legacy which will give us a nice bonus but if we change the government before that it will give us penalties right we'll get back to that a bit later this is a very good focus because we'll get a prime minister for free and also switch to free trade which is of course the best trade policy the bank has been integrated now we can hire someone else here a captain of industry or a financial expert are available right now and this guy will be available to us later he's not that good we can also use him later but he's not that great neither is he and what we could use an elusive gentleman so i'm not sure he is an illusive gentleman or a financial expert because the captain of industry will be removed later on um i guess we'll do the financial expert new focus ratifying the six arrows that gives us a series of very very powerful decisions we will want a lot of stability so let's do improved work conditions and do some upgrades to the agency so that we can have two operatives anti-partisan oh we need steel of course let's buy it from the soviet union our new operative he has three nationalities he's gonna be useful let's send him to deal with the unrest immediately now there's also state management where we can give control uh of states more towards the chemist all the traditionalists but in my experience it's pretty much pointless let's not waste potential power on it let's save up some pokeballs so we can use those decisions right away oh right research machine tools red fire the six arrows that's done okay now we need to do all of this down to looking outward so down here to peace in the world down here to privatize our infrastructure before that we'll need to hold an election it is tempting to do these first because they give very powerful bonuses but we need to go down here first because creation of an opposition party that is required for an election will take some time so we're going to privatize the andalus agency extra stability as for the six arrows they change depending on what your government is but we can do republicanism which is very good because for only 25 political power we get five stability so yeah definitely republicanism and i'm going to uncheck everything other than republicanism so that i'll get a notification every time i can enact it because it is so good we need to keep doing this for as long as we can because this will go away eventually the other is secularism and that deals with state management which is going to be mostly pontius at this point populism it gives political power but it also costs political part an act i guess i can calculate if it's worth it the bonuses apply after under flat increase and decrease so that's going to be 1.9 that's 10 percent so 0.19 political power per day times 60 that's almost 12 political power for the entirety of this decision and it costs 50 to an x so no now this is useful it gives us extra wall support and we're actually gonna do that so that we can go to partial mobilization but only once reformism similar with political power and this increases construction speed but it's also not worth it actually check improve with conditions as well when we can do it we'll do it and let's continue our doctrine research we've privatized the agency and now we lift the ban on other parties and an opposition will start to form and sadly attack's dream will be ruined and will go back to the ottoman empire but he won't live to see it we can also do some actions here in the kurdish states but it's also not worth it because if we succeed cool if we fail we'll do stability which is way more important than compliance in the area so no and i know our stability is super high right now but it will be going down in the future so we need to secure it as highly as we can right now doing some cryptology we will be invading greece so let's start decrypting all right now we can do the nice bonuses here including an extra resize slot and we can pay off our debt republicanism is available again let's keep doing it and stability will go over this increases base stability position movement cool see now stability goes down but we've invested so much in that we're still at 100 oh also almost forgot we can now go to partial mobilization that will do wonders for our economy well maybe not wonders but it will boost it traditional group mobilizers rural citizens we can lose stability and gain democracy or we can gain stability and gain more democracy of course the option that gives us stability stability is important mechanical computing done computing machine yes it is ahead of time but it is worth it conspiracy to commit voter fraud we can lose stability and kurdish rebels are getting apathy and we can gain stability and the kurdish rebels also get a petty and the traditionalists too but that doesn't matter cooperate with the debt council that's a lot of political power that we can use oh um new decisions are available yeah let's not do that this essentially lets you trade political power for factories which is not worth it because you'll need that political part of other stuff we can use that later but not right now if i have free political power i'll get scientists we could also do anti-democratic raids because they give us some stability but it's not that much as long as we have republicanism it's not really worth it so let's do some quick calculation for 120 days we get 0.7 weekly stability at the cost of 10 upfront stability so it's not a lot of gain 0.7 weekly stability basically means 0.1 per day so that's 12 stability total at the cost of 10 so that's just 2 stability for 50. now with republicanism we get 5 stability for 25. so we just need to repeat this one traditional group approaches kurdish organizations for alliance the corruption could bear fruit in the future sure extra base stability it's like 120 or more right now but that's still not enough see attack himself gets 30 and we will lose him sadly rally held in support of mandarin's movement no problem we have to side with the guy in order to re-establish the ottoman empire so we will have to retire whatever happens and the democrat party which is comprised of islamist fundamentalists i think our traditionalists i don't know anyway they are the ones we need to reform the empire oh i don't have the guy anymore we had an escape artist available no matter fatima go do the resistance thingy was compliant 27. yeah those kurdish events do periodically reduce it so it's not that great okay now we utilize foreign capital we will be able to discuss investment possibilities which is also not worth it because it costs a lot of political power and we need it but we also get an extra research thought can we pay off our debt yet almost first we need to do this and now with one hundred and twenty political power we can click to pay off our debts it will take a while but when it's done we'll no longer have that problem before we do it we could hire camille tollen who gives us extra political power so let's start with that and then we pay off the debt because he pretty much offsets the debt anyway with his political power gain and political power is the most important thing for us right now oh decision republicanism keep repeating it we want to keep our stability at a hundred percent or over it no damn it i shouldn't have trained them up that was a mistake we wasted resources i forgot about the civil war and now i just reminded myself about it no matter we didn't lose that much but we did waste quite a bit of equipment so yeah we shouldn't have trained them up you will see why in a moment well on the bright side we at least got some army experience speaking of army experience we will need a military theorist soon utilize foreign capital done and we could hold our first party election but it's not the best course of action we want to delay it as much as possible while also not wasting time see this will make us weaker but is also necessary to be on the path to the ottoman empire and in order to do that we need to do peace in the world so we'll do these first that's just one of the reasons css our future gives us the legacy of ataturk which is daily political power gain plus 0.1 and extra stability which is wonderful if we first give power to the traditionalist and then do this focus the legacy of ataturk will actually be a debuff because we will be going against his wishes however there is a way around this see if you get this first and get the legacy of ataturk that is a positive modifier it will stay positive forever so this is pretty important don't do the election until you assess our future so treaty of zadabad there is another important thing with the focus sequence down here but we'll talk about that later ataturk takes ill the fading further decisions see essentially we can seek treatment for him and spend political power in order to prolong his life but it costs a lot of political power and we will also get rid of him because we're holding an election so um it's a pity but we're not going to save his life we'll just make the most of it now if we retire him we lose 10 stability and if he just dies we also lose 10 stability and i think if we retire him he lives a bit longer and we will have a national spirit i think so we will retire him right before his time runs out let's uncheck the decision and let's uncheck these as well we don't want to discuss investment possibilities it's a waste of political power unless you have like two thousand political power then yeah you can get extra factories from it but we have better things to spend it on republicanism is not available but what we can do is pay off our debt treaty of sadhabad ultimately leads to iran iraq and afghanistan becoming our puppets which is highly desirable of course iraq signs afghanistan signs iran's signs and we get 75 people from it now in order to assess our future ataturk can no longer lead us apparently i forgot about this requirement and if we do the election and now it's it's not the best choice we want to do it after we do access our future so what we need to do is just retire but we can do that in 10 days because 10 days of focus progress can be stored and we don't want to retire him until we have to and it's retirement time goodbye ataturk instead of him we will get by and that also unlocks assess our future so let's do that once again this is very important to do assess our future before holding an election he's decent he's not as good as ataturk but he is decent and we still get him as a national spirit stability plus 15 now when we get the death of ataturk that will be a problem because we'll just lose him but um let's not worry about it ahead of time no decision available republicanism we need to keep doing ethnicity stability went down but if we keep doing republicanism it will stay very high don't do raids but to do republicanism and work conditions when available also we will lose republicanism once um we change our government so we can make use of that only a limited number of times that's our future is complete we get the legacy of ataturk himself and a nice guy 2.68 per day not perfect not good no hot issue this will um give us uh territory down here and simple good power i suppose i could give refuge to scientists already yeah sure let's do that we'll lose some political bomb but the gains in research speed are worth it other issue complete and france should give it to us yay one hundred and twenty police enough to give refuge to italian scientists once again we lose some stability but not a lot and gain five percent overall research speed these bonuses do add up which is why i'm doing computing machine ahead of time all the time next up peace in the world 15 stability sorry total of 20 stability maybe i am overly fixated on it but stability gives very nice bonuses to pretty much everything and the republicanism decision is just too good to pass out oh we lost um the prime minister because he was the prime minister hell was it him or was it someone else okay so i was mistaken because when i was playing a test game i thought i lost the captain of industry but apparently i probably just lost the prime minister i'm not sure we want to hire someone else though those gentlemen could be nice well i forgot to keep upgrading my agency let's do some more cryptology and we do want to decrypt greece before we attack them he's tempting because of the justified war goal thingy but i think i'm gonna pass on him let's get the illusive gentleman extra operative mobile defense order can we do republicanism one more time before we do the election because it will be gone then yes we can wonderful what are we doing there is some serious unrest here and other torque dies i will let this auto expire nope the national spirit has been removed automatically so there's no point in letting it all expire goodbye ataturk fortunately you will not see your ideals trampled decent world complete now we hold our first election and with that we will lose access to republicanism sadly but i think we've made the most of it new operative no one too special ah whatever let's get this guy he has a monocle very spy-like and you are going to build up a spy network in greece probably should have started with that already i could do the the um what's the word well the mission uh congressional government yeah that speaking of which i should probably work towards that many yugoslavia as well it's not a necessity but it can be helpful unfortunately we will not keep such a high political power gain all the time and here's the election day no more republicanism sadly now if we do the republicans that will just continue our current policy and we could keep ataturk if we kept sending him for treatment but if we choose the democratic party it's the islamic traditionalists and they can let us do the ottoman empire again now we have andan mendes man of the nation stability political power and political advisor cost oh i guess i should have delayed hiring this guy or did we have a discount on him i guess it doesn't really matter oh i can have him again for the extra political power but this time i need to pay for him huh well i already did get the use of gentlemen so i probably shouldn't yeah let's not waste both copper pity though still we got the legacy of ataturk stability fifteen percent the political power gain and if we did assess our future afterwards see national spirit legacy of other turk would be just minus five percent stability but we worked around it now the communists will become hostile and the and the arrows have changed we still have populism but it's useless we have liberalism but it's also useless jihad gives us a lot of war support but we don't really need war support right now still we can use it and fidelity gives us some manpower but it's not that much essentially this is 10 000 manpower for 75 political power a bit too expensive chinese united front things happen as you can see not much is changing here we have a resistance and we have our compliance and they're both hovering around the same value and nothing is changing yeah i'm actually gonna go up to civilian other side here and down to local autonomy here this should be better death of other turkey oh wait a minute we had that already he dies twice time to hire a military theorist the army experience will be necessary also it's about time we started making military factories isn't it well i guess i can wait a little bit longer engineers and let's start working on maybe getting some support equipment soonish really gonna need those military factories let's do the regional elections thing and do not hire any of these they will go away once we're done decrypting greece start working on yugoslavia infantry equipment designer motorized we need to start researching the support companies we're going to need because we could do capture cipher operation sure i guess let's try it you and you also always resume your missions this should be on by default i think i can't prepare collaboration governments yet because i'm technically democratic at the moment you don't need to worry about the management of factions just do the right focuses and this will go away on its own if republicans have been defeated and now we privatize our infrastructure political power gain plus 25 temporarily we've decrypted greece next up we purge at the offices this is going to start a civil war but don't worry we have it handled see what we're going to do is cheat a bit we're going to take all our troops move them to our capital for safekeeping and create a new template see let's go to the division designer create empty by the way someone told me about this in the comments i used to only modify them a long time ago so thank you those people and we're going to create an artillery only template with just one artillery unit could also be anti-air whatever and we're going to call it the garbage unit not like the unit that takes care of the garbage that's a very necessary job no it's a unit that literally is garbage so let's save that and this is why it was a waste of time to exercise our troops see i'm going to switch all of them to garbage unit why well because when the civil war starts the troops will be divided between us and the enemy and what does the enemy do with templates nothing they don't switch over templates well they can create new ones but they will not switch the units they have so the garbage unit is what we're going to be fighting in the civil war hardly a challenge oops wrong research i wanted to do this one we've captured the sci-fi should we keep doing those i suppose we could try and infiltrate the greek army since we're going to attack them soon keep the network in greece going all right there might be trouble with these i tested this award they did get istanbul we'll probably lose the progress on those factories that is a pity but let's cancel these we need to start doing military ones after the civil war i chose of austria we are gathering up some podca power it will be necessary in the moment and finally we're making a lot of it thanks to the bonuses we have with motorized complete we can start working on the signal companies integrated support civil war is about to start let's go we fight that's a lot of water sport isn't it my stability went down which is why i was stacking so much stability we will keep stacking stability what do we do now well now we switch to war economy and extensive conscription which is why we saved up so much political power and army regrouping now we will be purging the officers afterwards not ottoman loyalists have been invited to return to active service okay the ultimate loyalist will happen in a moment now there's nothing we can do right now in terms of fixes that we actually need to do we could go back and do for example expand our armaments that's going to give us two military factories because we need to wait for the civil war to be over or we could do learning from the great war which gives us extra army experience and opens up some doctrine bonuses i guess this is better let's do these two and see some of the troops went to the enemy but there's still the garbage unit so what we're gonna do now is switch them we're not in a rush i mean i could do cavalry because it moves faster but i can also do infantry and they'll just start gaining experience because they are what i'm going to be using let's switch them into three armies five over here five over here ten over here field marshall some generals not the chemist ones and attack aggressively once you receive some reinforcements let's go civil war in turkey yes i also have planes let's use them ottoman officers of a chance to restore the sultanate yes of course we will lose some political power on this though so what i'm gonna do is wait for this to almost auto expire so that we can get as much political power in the meantime as we can i'm not sure which is the default option usually the top one so if it all expires we should get the saturn anyway but to make sure to not make a mistake our glory awaits we get a referet pasha crown a regent he's not very good because we lose both kopa but he gives us stability which is something and he's also a general with a brilliant strategist thingy so i can make him a field marshal and assign him to the army we also got all the chemist officers very high level generals let's replace those two level two guys with those level four guys that's a bit better continue cipher for yugoslavia is decrypted due hungary next also we are now not aligned so we should be able to do provisional government yes yes we can do collaboration government of greece oh we don't have civilian factories okay improved compete machine and now we have new offices they're not as good as sadly but an offense expert can help a bit here we go i mean it's not like they can offer any resistance they are literally the garbage units see this is just pure it already have no defense i mean i'm not strong either because we didn't get reinforcements yet fully but they just can't stand against us also why are you not doing your thing just take the fish points we should have gone with cavalry they just move faster which is important here learning from the great war now let's do modernizing our army that will give us doctrine bonuses that will be useful modernize our artillery a bit and you've done your part good new decisions what are they working conditions of course and war propaganda against turkey i could but my one support is already at 100 now if i'm on an offensive war i will need more but work conditions more pressing i guess i probably should have done the other thing because i could do the work conditions afterwards so if you're replaying this as i am then probably do warp again the first and again stability is more important so the word is done we're the provisionary state of anatolia and we're only at 10 days of progress here so i could cancel it and go straight to pivot to the past but the doctrine bonuses sound nice so let's finish it it's just 35 days after all oh i forgot to give them skills that's better and then now we can exercise them also modify the template a bit between you with infantry and some support let's just do engineers and recon for now we don't have production to do artillery and anti-air as well we hardly have production for support equipment but it'll have to do exercise god damn it see i forgot that we're switching to non-aligned and while in democracy you could have local autonomy we switched and in defaulted not to use default no it switched to no garrison which is terrible i can do reconciliation but there's so much resistance now that i think i need to do martial law yeah let's do martial law we might care about reconciliation a bit later god damn it this could lead to a civil war another one come on come on get the garrison this is nuisance it should have switched to the default oh well time to pivot to the past yeah i guess we could switch to the reconciliation policy uh which increases the compliance maybe it would reduce resistance so i think we need to get the resistance down first martial law should accomplish that easily signal company researched time for the better guns i guess also we need to build military factories that should do it we don't really need the network in yugoslavia you help with resistance too also i'm going to need more support equipment go to eight and i'm gonna need to purchase some aluminium alright resistance seems to be going down it's gonna be fine still a major annoyance also might be time to start preparing our naval invasions because we're going to be invading greece in the meantime we purchase the chemists right let's try switching to reconciliation and see if resistance keeps going down because this requires much less garrison it seems to still be going down okay see all the problems happened because it switched to no garrison rather than to the default when the option became unavailable let's modernize our tactics that's eight percent and division organization which is significant hungary turned fascist and munich agreement happened i would ideally want to conquer hungary not sure if that will be possible are we doing cryptology almost done with hungary but we should actually work on bulgaria too reorganize the troops a bit you will handle the greek border cautiously at first you will do a naval invasion of athens and the surrounding bits you just one guy will invade you guys will handle the islands here this should make the invasion of greece relatively painless but for us everyone be aggressive except for the guy or the land frontline and we have plenty of good generals so that's not going to be an issue so planes there's no need to overhaul our training methods army logistics specialist no no regrouping expert decrypted hungary working on bulgaria and now i restore the divine house resistance going down with reconciliation yeah this should bring our compliance uh pretty high and then we can integrate those states but it costs 800 political parts to do so it might be better to just depress them by doing those operations oh this is prepared then go also resume missions afterwards the resume mission thing should be the default shouldn't it the russian government in greece will be quite helpful we stole the divine done going to rebuild our nation well the civil war was quick and painless mostly so this focus is not really necessary but we have to do it to continue regimental combat teams resistance is growing now because the agents are gone but it should be stable enough i do have to monitor it though rebuilding our nation done return of the sultan and we can start making better guns we probably benefit more from having more guns rather than better guns still we do need them we have a temporary bonus to civilian factory construction i need military ones more at the moment army planning expert army logistics specialist and our guys have returned from the mission has their resistance still manageable do take care of it and repeat the collaboration government once that's possible that's a very expensive special project return of the sultan complete now we attack greece with a look at the sultan stability wall support protocol advisor cost armor chief uh chief dammit i shouldn't have hired these guys i should have waited until he was in the office oh well at least we have high stability you guys all trained up and ready it seems so yes let's get our navy ready don't have enough civilian factories to trade well that's all because of the operations this will go away soon oh this is a very expensive operation you have the infantry weapons for it if we don't start the operation soon the effort will be wasted excavation actually going to increase in the priority of operations mechanized offensive right so i don't think we'll manage to do the operation on time oh well anyways time to attack let's get the navy in position with decrypted bulgaria we press the austrohangar and claim and we declare war on greece the romanians should not come in to defend them because they guarantee us as well go naval invasions launched perfect these guys don't need to progress too far too quickly they're mostly here to uh pool the greek troops from more important locations and we've taken their capital move quickly very quickly multiselenica was defended but not strongly enough attack as well and you too yeah operation will be wasted won't it let's cancel we're almost done with greece anyway let me take you over huh this rented okay the compliance um also reduced their surrender threshold so that helped a bit greece was the next who's next i think bulgaria we could go after yugoslav but it will be much easier to do once we own bulgaria go here it's ready to attack and we start with 30 compliance in greece which is going to be helpful the resistance here is very manageable i'm going to move everyone to yugoslavia we can alter the royal succession laws to magnetic kinetic primogenitor if crusader kings has taught me anything is that primogenitor is the way to go also usually if there's a little decision like this it prevents a disaster later on apparently we now extract some other minimum grease suppose i could change the numbers here a bit let's add motorized to the mix and include the signal companies also do we have artillery from greece yes we do so let's add artillery as well and produce a bit of it how's that okay i won't need that much artillery and i need to start producing anti-air as well this should suffice for now if bulgaria submits to us good if they don't we'll crush them also exercise a bit god damn it i forgot to activate the greek cipher when we went to war with them that was stupid on the other hand it was such a quick and easy war that it didn't really make a difference but i must remember to do it who's next well we don't really have anyone to decrypt i mean i suppose i could invade romania no we'll do something else with romania let's start decrypting the germans and the soviets and italians i'll probably go against one of them at least it really joins the axis and with this we get to work on yugoslavia and romania but actually once we create our own faction ah damn it will guarantee access still if they accept this they will become our puppet anyways but i suppose we probably need to be much stronger than they are for this to happen let's make sure to deploy some more troops i don't want to attack you gustavia until i have bulgaria on my side i could it's just inefficient advanced computing machine but current government supports immoral not my problem i think okay now we're gonna do a line in bulgaria if i understand correctly i haven't checked those files exactly but usually those focuses work like this if your arm is strong enough they will submit sometimes factions are a factor in this uh we'll see i guess i'll have to deploy these guys ahead of time deploy no i have not given you perks korea fighter not that good infantry expert good uh improvisation expert let's flip this around a bit unrest again yeah it's fine we'll introduce a german ultimatum it is a good time to attack people if we want to we're non-alliance we have to wait a little bit i could try attacking saudi arabia but in my test game when i did that they joined the chinese united front and that's problematic for many reasons so let's not hungry on the other hand suppose we could justify we're going hungry it would be nice to have you the slava first we could all right how long will that take 130 five days on the other hand the allies are busy maybe it is a good moment to attack someone else no si singh yang is part of the united front aren't they yes against iran and iraq will be ours regardless saudi arabia we could get the saudi arabia through iraq but not right now hungary is the only option remaining i guess i'll do hungary preferably before they joined the access how's my production not that good i've deployed too many troops can i deploy any more of it yes i can not that many but yes about you all right you won't deploy in time let's cancel them so that the equipment can be redistributed oh and i forgot to construct stuff do i need more military factories or should we go civilian now some more military and then civilian again come on threaten bulgaria for me oh also air force i don't want to fight them i want them to submit to me because they're a member of the axis for fighting them is a bit of an issue bulgaria what do you do you submit wonderful no longer part of the axis you could create a faction rhythm the faction will happen on its own once we expanded the sabbat pact but this is important if you first reclaim the fallen empire then expand the saddabat pact then the pan national association of ulemas will be automatically bypassed because the focus will be completed and then immediately this condition will be satisfied and a day or two later the other countries will validate the pact and you would get them as puppets but if this is bypassed you get nothing so do not do the damascus dictat do not do reclaim the foreign empire until you expand the celebrate pact oh also now we have bulgaria on our side we can use this to kill yugoslavia let's prepare we're gonna do naval invasions once again you guys will attack on the land oh right i have bulgarian troops to request forces and distribute forces i don't need to be calling bulgaria into the war you go here and be cautious i don't need to call them in as the majority of the fighting will be done through naval invasions let's just make sure to use the best units we have for those naval invasions i'm also going to send a few units here there isn't a port in the area so they will be in danger but i will try to connect the area quickly thus creating a huge front line against the yugoslavians and then i will transport all the troops except for this few here to fight them on the larger front also navy relocate here patrol this area once you're ready we can attack everybody is in position next doctrine and we can do warp again do we need to warp up propaganda i don't think so we'll see in a moment once we start the offensive war preparation complete activate wait for the organization to be full point capture pulling capitulates and ussr takes over okay declare war on yugoslavia and do not call allies we don't want bulgaria in it go these invasions launched perfect now they should abandon the area more or less because we do have a land border they'll be focusing on that beautiful we have landed now this will require some micromanagement all of you guys need to be transported there immediately also then lease from was that iran wonderful now speed is the key i can't give them enough time to relocate their troops also when i did my test game this is about the time that romania decided to join a faction once i completed this focus that's when and we have landed manual management and you stay where you are relocating move quickly this is very efficient we question the motives of hungary soon there will be no hungary you there you there you just focus on belgrade they didn't have enough time to deploy their troops properly and i should be able to get some very quick gains here take lubiano for me oh damn it i forgot to do a collaboration mission that was pretty stupid of me wasn't it i knew i was going to attack them i forgot to do a collaboration mission but at least i did get some bonuses from intelligence maybe i can get a collaboration mission going on in hungary although probably not because we will have enough time let's try it we'll know what focuses they're doing and as long as they're not joining the access i should be able to complete that in time oh did some of my troops get killed no you just got surrounded but you're about to take belgrade too oh we're about to cut them off good do that this is fairly chaotic but those rushes always go like this and you no longer have supply let's do that war propaganda you know what i did don't you yes yes again first greece now yugoslavia and i'm almost done with the war i forgot to activate the bloody cipher okay should have done that from the start but i didn't which was absolutely stupid well a third time's the charm let's hope i remember against hungary activated decide for now it got us a bit of a bonus but it's too little too late now what we're going to do is pass a few times and take all stays what's next next we do hungary go there aggressively we do have a war goal against romania romania is guaranteed by france so i'm not sure i want him to attack them see they would want to join my faction they would want to create a faction with me so i think i'm going to use them betray them and only then kill them we'll do that in a moment because i need to finish the focus iraq iran and afghanistan join our faction and now that we have a faction romania wants to join it too and i will invite them of course we will betray them now we can reclaim the fallen empire we stand together with romania i'm gonna be late with the operation again aren't i oh and i can become spymaster extra spy at least until we betray romania and puppet these guys but even for a short time an extra spy can be very useful and then capitulate and how long until we attack we're about to attack yeah and the coalition government won't happen here either i'm so bad at this here we could have had 30 here already no way joins our eyes reduction has high resistance and it also has high compliance now so it's not all bad time for atomic research license foreign design you know it is theoretically possible for us to almost kill hungary just throughout budapest and sit on it until the very moment that we finish our operation of course we then would need to monitor them to make sure they don't join the axis in the meantime so let's try it probably won't work we need we'll need 60 days to prepare this let's see what they're researching next joint aluminium mining company maybe it is an option maybe i can do it in the preparation of course why does it take some bloody long to do this well new operative bulgarian guy no hamza was this guy i do like natural orator let's do propaganda in hungary because why they are not we don't want to delay this too much because they might join the axis virginian attacks finland you know what this is wasting too much time let's just attack not calling in any allies perhaps i will stop them right before they take budapest not sure yet full of paris france has capitulated all right let's not waste time just take them hungary is taken now well now it's time for romania isn't it we can't kick them from the faction of this month i wouldn't want to not yet oh by the way i should probably start integrating bulgaria soon they're a member of our faction but i will benefit more from betraying them i think why well because then i can join commandant or the axis reclaim the fallen empire and with that we can do the pan national association of ulemas remember first this then this then this not yeah not the other way around to gain three puppets i think i'm going to wait with killing romania until we finish this because then we can use iraq's iran's and afghanistan's troops to take over romania who's justifying against me soviet union is justifying his romania not a problem they'll just give them territory decisions oh wonderful we can get three cores herzegovina which means with some core territory here we go to the what's that compliance map mode wait i should have more we'll take a moment being effect well this is our core anyway that is our core as well and so is domination these are the three new courts we got and they probably have better infrastructure than we have back home yes yes they do so let's build factories here with arabia given once again it is tempting to conquer saudi arabia yemen and oman however in my test game that made them join the chinese united front and that's just no good let's send our agents to deal with resistance for now we can spy on romania right now because they are our subject sorry ally same thing really almost we're gonna have to make our decision do we kill the germans with the soviets or do we kill the soviets with the germans siding with the germans seems more appropriate and yes i'm gonna need all that political power we need to annex our puppets and make them cores we finally have a decent number of factories let's get another reset slot oh damn it i forgot we have to kick them from the faction kick romania from faction alright so iraq iran and afghanistan are now my puppets let's request forces from them that's going to be very helpful take all those troops distribute them to our armies and redo their orders yes get ready to kill romania be cautious maybe balanced we don't want them joining the axes before we can kill them and we can declare war on them immediately because we have a truce but soon 2nd of june i can now modify my templates further support entire air okay i have lots of artillery lots of everything i can just build more troops it seems and so we shall let's make 12 at a time lowest priority almost decreased cars and priority for some reason when the truce is over the attack these guys are on their way uh it doesn't really matter if they are not there at the start and we can now declare war call allies because we want bulgaria to be involved okay go you two you're at invite german advisors yeah four months away from joining the axis this will go much smoother once the other forces get here don't worry we'll kill them easily ah betrayal so crucial for victory we can do war propaganda we don't really need war propaganda but we do have enough political power so maybe let's do it and we definitely want to improve work conditions so yeah propaganda and worker conditions and once again we will not be doing the compliance thing unfortunately i guess i've almost made my decision that we're going to be fighting the soviet union together with the germans which means i should start working on my spy network there forward observers as you can see we're progressing it's time for bulgaria to be annexed once we're done with the civilian factories i guess fifth research slot next up the damask is dictat that will make france give us this we're guys doing well enough so when we finish them off go aggressive i do love the caliph modifier have you noticed weekly manpower plus 1250. that's over five thousand manpower per month and not mobilization just creation of manpower theoretically it's not a huge amount but it does add up also i suppose i could go to surface bar requirement later on because romania take all states ottoman empire grows iraq iran and afghanistan will annex normally saudi arabia yemen and oman are a problem we don't want them to join the chinese united front however crazy that may sound you guys keep telling me to do local police force rather than civilian oversight i personally like civilian oversight because compliance grows faster but i guess i can try it go home guys must visit turkey sometime i knew a guy i knew a guy from here and apparently he would get up in the morning go swim in the sea and then eat some oranges from his own tree i'm not sure if that was the truth i don't know if oranges grow in turkey but it was a beautiful tale i'm sorry why shouldn't they it's warm enough i think and now we sit back enjoy ourselves and wait for a good moment to strike against the soviet union or germany but preferably the soviet union our territories are ours we could create sir as a puppet but we're not going to refining our strategies that's two bonuses for doctrines which will cover the rest of them are we doing on infantry weapons very well let's maybe add some more guys here psychological warfare complete coloration government and the soviet union once again this should be the default one of you told me in the comments to have a look at this and click it to automatically resume missions thank you i'm gonna switch them around she's not gonna be on the mission so i want her in moscow that's better oh we're running out of manpower seems like i'm making too many troops let's deploy the ones we have and maybe not make any more at least for now all right i can make a few more we detach some troops to exercise them refine our strategy so we get the doctrine bonus and now we can start with the next doctrine also spend experience it doesn't really matter which we select because all of these are of low value and we want to get him down here eventually although i guess we only need the war support from this well the world wars can be useful later could also just delay it and work on our army fixes in the meantime cypher italy is decrypted maybe this time i will remember to use it probably not though i never remember to use the cyphus which is very stupid of me would i plan to be fighting the service let's pause germany so we can focus on them oh mission started good i really should have gone with service by requirement i don't have enough manpower i mean we'll get some more once we're next our suspects subjects and i make them core still we need more suppose i could use colonial templates let's see how much manpower our subjects have with one thousand not a lot nothing eighty nine thousand and sixty three thousand what's something i guess i can make them all right i copied some templates they even have some artillery in them let's deploy as many as we can manpower wise best guns please to recruit in the soviet union we'll have a soviet operative available once we get another slot do we want to fight japan i'm not sure but i want to have the option let's see if we have something more pressing here first it'd be useful we'll do it later supporting the east a booger only has manpower for three units to deploy them cancel the rest and do the same to the other countries including ourselves exercise them all i don't want to exercise expeditionary forces because i don't remember who provides the equipment for them some bold company upgrades and the final doctrine here we go once we go to war with this routine i will go to service by requirement so we will suddenly have enough manpower for everyone agent injured unfortunate it also means the operation was a success a great success actually we might try capturing their ciphers later supporting the east now we can get camel corps which are pretty bad actually it's like just worst cavalry that gets bonuses in the desert play the rocket artillery this tempting maybe later i'm making too much motorized equipment not enough anti-air and support you only attack the soviet union it's almost time for us to attack the soviet union just make sure our troops are trained up also let's let them exhaust each other a bit the operative is unavailable right she can take his place we'll rebuild the network afterwards boosting our forces we're taking our time there's no need to rush nor rather there's no need to rush too much that's even too many upgrades let's not do anything here now i could detect the soviet union as my own faction or i could dismantle it and join the access i could also attack saudi arabia having dismantled my faction but then there is a chance of getting into a war with china and we don't want that so let's leave them alone for now camels are done let's do the war sport thing and then the war goes on japan because right after the soviet union we might want to invade japan i think i need to dismantle my faction if we join the axis we will have more options and we'll be able to attack japan without having to attack the axis at the same time as dismantle the faction we don't need it anymore they are our puppets and here's a rocket artillery which is very very tempting i'm going to research it just so i can see what would happen if i exchanged the recon companies for this all right i dismantled the faction and the expositioning forces were sent back which is actually fine we'll just re-request them we'll have to reorganize our armies that's also not a problem really better anti-air human attacks philippines which means japan is about to be at all with the allies as soon as it demands french indochina as well shocking all complete we've done all the doctrines support weapons 4. i am pretty much ready to fight the soviets i guess during the man's french indochina and gets killed soon i will need another field marshal oh he didn't gain any levels that's disappointing i guess i'll just use the one i have here's a logistics wizard of toronto okay i guess i don't need to exercise them that much should i annex my puppets before we fight that might be the right thing to do let's send bulgaria our stuff startling these all the convoys and guns all the guns well not all the guns but some support equipment and our current oh and some motorized we do have that we will get all of it back that should do it then we can send all of this to iran iraq and afghanistan respectively and next them to convoys are being sent out or go against japan i guess i could reset some marines so that the business would apply to newer units although do i really want to use marines now i don't let's invest in construction instead and in concentrated industry and start producing better guns their independence is not dropping as quickly as i would like it to oh here's the land lease good let's modify it yeah right sending more than these let's research the landing craft and we'll get this from the japan focus i've built up bulgaria as much as i can pretty much let's move to other countries who's next iran because the biggest let's do infrastructure up to level say five everywhere that should also apply to us shouldn't it we do need to get supplies there after all are we doing with the codes we could integrate them well that would cost us political power that we can spend elsewhere so let's not let's observe germany killing the soviet union in the meantime yeah i will need to join that i could just attack italy now i think we'll benefit more from taking out the soviets also my guys are already on the job corporation government worked but i do need to rebuild my network so we can do one more okay we've done total rocket artillery now i want to see what happens if i exchange a recon company for support rocket artillery hit points and organization would go down so if the attack would go up but not by that much just by 20 no difference in breakthrough almost it's not worth it is it let's just keep it as is all right we finished our main part of the focus tree now we could get some more military factories but there's just two or we could get some research bonuses here i guess this could be helpful let's embrace military tradition although two three hundred percent bonus for support technology okay this gives us a bunch for engineers recon and any other support and this gives us a bonus for two supports those are these two although before this actually finishes i'm gonna need to start researching certain companies so the bonuses are not wasted come on i need to annex them and now we do utilizing our terrain for engineers that'll give us very advanced support companies and soon we'll annex bulgaria just a moment longer and now we can do it sure let's do it bulgaria is ours and i should get all the equipment back and send it to iran let's start with just a bit of lindlies and we'll add more once we reduce their independence a bit we won't want any of this equipment we send them to be wasted so yeah they'll get more once they are an integrated puppet and we've got some bulgarian forces they shall be changed to our regular template and exercise also can i now make this my core territory i thought i would be able to i need this bit too well soon i guess we have that much political power that i could actually integrate the chords now we don't want to use any of these because it will eat up our bonus too quickly we want to do signal first and then engineers and recon because they have their individual bonuses rather they will in a moment but if you look here this is a 200 bonus for support technology and 150 bonus for reconnaissance company if i were to do the reconnaissance company now it would eat up the 200 bonus and completely waste their 150 business so we want this 200 to go on this one and these two will get their respective bonuses utilizing our terrain is complete that's one extra bonus and with this done we can commence the events first signal company and then the other two see it is a bit ahead of time but with the bonus it will happen quickly priority of arms with that we'll do artillery iran lower independence and modify the land lease improved and now then please a bit let's just keep doing this we have nothing better to do we want to wait for the soviet union to be a bit more exhausted before we join the fight so also overhaul the training methods because we can iceland got attacked next delivery six days oh no soviet union the next tenutuba if china gets a next soon maybe i can attack saudi arabia i didn't realize the japan wargle would expire i won't have enough time to use it that's a pity all the conflict what the hell i ever mentioned i hate border conflict mechanics oh they're well equipped just get there quickly seriously this is so stupid so bloody stupid hey bought the conflict yay one unit got defeated we lost all that territory you at least notified me maybe it did maybe i missed it anyway did i mention this is stupid i'm gonna need to kill them okay if i'd be about time to attack the soviets i would like to annex iran and iraq before that happens possibly afghanistan too oh we can annex around did i miss that okay let us do so can i make the mark core territories i can not maybe because they did what they did bastards but really but do you think it's stupid that they can take my land without war me agreeing to such a thing or me being able to declare war over this i really hate this mechanic really time to lend these to iraq and to modify the land leaves for iraq a bit full of rome interesting perhaps we should side against the axis united states are especially aggressive this time good thing we haven't attacked anyone yet oh by the way um mission has commenced so since the mission has commenced move to germany i mean the united states might get repelled soon if they don't maybe it's time to fight germany instead lower iraq's independence or the violence there should be just a give everything button yeah i think i need to switch sides in the conflict i haven't taken sides in yet with the allies pushing so strongly and if italy capitulates that might be the right choice i think he'll be about to capitulate they definitely need a change of plans good thing we haven't attacked too early it's always wise to wait it out a bit let them fight each other germany's still doing good but if italy falls and they're fighting the allies in the south it will not be pretty for them perhaps we should still attack italy while they haven't capitulated so that we can utilize our war goal with that i will need to distribute my troops properly switch them all to my regular template and i suppose i might need to disband some you're right i was using some iraq's manpower and afghanistan i think it's finally time to get involved we could turn against germany or we could go for the soviet union but we're already prepared for the soviet union so i guess it's only proper to crush them their collaboration will be full and will defeat them easily now how are we doing on the annexation almost then all right we annex iraq we get the equipment back and then we attack do i have a wargle on you i do not let us get one maybe something far away just so we know that the germans don't take it in the meantime and some free dog outs and also the troops do we need that many probably not one full army group will be more than enough and they still don't have enough equipment they will get it soon once we next iraq because we're sending it all to iraq also manpower is not that great is it no matter we'll go to service by requirement and it will be okay stop the exercise and let's make an army group this 27 unit army will just uh stay behind might even disband the mulsi as you can see the germans have overtaken our border with the soviet union so we'll only have a connection down here which is pretty good because they're not very strong down here usually and this army can i know guard us against naval invasions if they happen i'm gonna do three armies here and two here this is a larger area but also it's not likely to be as defended aggressive at first then we'll switch to balanced or cautious and the annexation of iraq must happen first as well because we need that equipment that we've sent them and we can annex iraq let's do it perfect also got some more troops i guess i don't really need them i could use the manpower they represent also they're a different build i need to test out infantry plus support against infantry plus artillery plus support it would be more expensive to use it that way but it might be profitable anyway i'm gonna disband these units so that we can use the manpower for reinforcements we only have against them left we would like to annex them as well but i can't really afford to send them equipment unless we only send them convoys and make some dockyards to produce them yeah i think that is what we're gonna do are we're doing equipment wonderfully now we do have large stockpiles of everything once we got it back from iraq you can have all my convoys 500 a month will do afghanistan you're the next to be a next and since we do have that political power reserve maybe i should deal with the courts once and for all by integrating them into our society it is expensive but what else am i going to spend it on i'm still angry about this border war all right let's integrate the kurds we want to restore order in the soviet union exactly move a bit faster please i am working on improving the infrastructure in the area i guess i could improve it more that's fine i think perhaps aggressive is too much go balanced how are the agents oh how did we get booted out of moscow oh no right i moved her to germany no no keep doing the soviet union actually keep doing both i might join the axis in a moment we'll see yeah change your plans focus on the soviet union forever i'll probably join the axis temporarily then you get out of moscow because it might be taken soon at least my cipher against the soviet union is almost decrypted let's remember to use it this time google's ready go go go call allies which means afghanistan we should do fine against them really fine regardless attacking all right and i'm being invited into the access i will join but first i will acquire military access it is always good to have that in case you want to use it here comes military access and yeah we will join the axes temporarily they're just again against the vichy fronts not a problem why are you not attacking you guys really need to be more aggressive to us to armies oh that's because most of you are not here that's fine they'll get there in time and we're already advancing actually since we seem to be overwhelmingly powerful let's just make everyone aggressive after all it's like called afghanistan let's make sure to do that the version of paris that was quick the soviet union will not take that much to capitulate since we have collaboration governments there for 200 percent power overwhelming afghanistan's independence lord convoys wonderful for decreasing independence that's why the germans want to attack from my territory oh damn they're gonna garrison the british raj's border i'm not going to walk with the allies probably should not have joined the axis no matter it's gonna be fine convoy's from the u.s good and i need some political pass so that i can go to service by requirement because i don't have enough manpower so it's cipher decrypted this time let's use it oh and joining the axis actually removed my cipher progress on germany and my completed cipher in italy but we can become spymaster so that's something oh that wasted my political power should the waiters need manpower more than i need the spies what's my participation six percent decent if you take into account the short time we have been in this war lovely shade of green better artillery i could remove disorganized armed forces with this but do i need to division speed reduction that's all and so i'm also about reduction but war support is very high anyway so i don't need to waste my time doing this about i just don't do anything for a while because i want the political power and these good i don't really need the convoys for myself which is why i'm giving them to afghanistan new operative how about a german as the propaganda that should further reduce their surrender threshold wait a minute the strength of threshold seems to be unaffected by the collaboration thingy which is strange was the logistics wonderful service by requirement and let's do the repeating focus of construction repair this is going to be necessary for the infrastructure i don't need an expeditionary force these guys are starting to encounter some resistance i think i could still keep them on aggressive but i'll go down to balanced don't want to get unnecessary losses growing steadily and at twenty percent twenty percent is enough to get most of the soviet union we just need to play around with piloting them this is really problematic go cautious not you you go forth probably reorganize a bit don't need that many troops here you guys will go to crimea very quickly by the engineers they left crimea undefended good for me and we're running out of research to do and all the doctrines most of the artillery stuff all the arteries of our support companies well all that's left is these troops arriving in crimea that's almost taken already just go here manually frontline orders always get messed up around here don't you deep before the ottoman royal family okay that might be what we needed to change the succession laws for we can get sultana which is a girl stability fifteen percent was about ten percent compliance gained zero point zero one political advisor cost she's better than ataturk or at least comparable or you can just not of course we can get her all right let's have a look she is great so tana and khalifa wonderful the compliance game thing is going to be quite useful too we could do war propaganda but we don't need to oh and we will restore the village of baghdad that's going to give me extra cores on iraq cool extra cause means extra manpower that's not a huge amount but nonetheless significant and afghanistan is slowly getting integrated thanks to our convoys and the wonderful thing about that is we're gonna get all those convoys back now you attack this way 24 participation which is sufficient and germany is getting defeated so right after we've dealt with the soviet union it'll be time to change sides all right i don't need you guys attacking from german territory we've secured crimea you can leave actually we've connected here so what i'm gonna do is reorganize my guys a bit it might cost us some progress in the short term but in the long term it should work out great everyone be balanced and do a field martial level order on the entirety of oh no it's not connected yet so i messed up but it's about to be come on cause i just messed up my orders all right that's better field martial level order on all of this the organization might cause me to be pushed back a little bit artillery maxed out you know they seem to be in trouble you just go aggressive no no that wastes too much manpower balanced was fine we're not in a rush agent captured well we have a lot of agents we can rescue him quite easily that's not moving is that not enough infrastructure that's silly i had to go back to aggressive once again because they're just not moving yeah there isn't a lot of infrastructure is there i'm just going to build some more switch construction in repair to construction engineering and the last upgrade for anti-air we had to keep flipping between aggressive and balanced which is probably not the best progress has been largely halted which is a pity germany is not doing their part maybe because they're in trouble here if i am to defeat the soviet union being the you know main participant of the war i can't waste too much manpower should probably go to total mobilization recruitable population will not be a problem and we can always do women in the workforce if we run out of manpower oh the germans might be about to take leningrad i may need to help them a bit you guys go north and help yeah germany definitely needs to be betrayed soon i'll research some rocket artillery maybe i'll add some to my units later then grad is undefended which is pretty silly i need to annex afghanistan because i need those convoys back to trade with the united states we'll have to send them other stuff you have my regular equipment go after the next land lease delivery i should be able to annex them for leningrad we did that 33 participation might want to dispatch one army to take moscow or half of you guys that will work too or do a manual attack it might succeed some manual management believe that the collaboration government thing seems to not be working oh nice and terrible full of cairo whatever no italy is done for yeah definitely need to go against them soon are you guys gonna take moscow no you guys are gonna take moscow go attack with all your might and you might just get it here we go moscow is mine is that enough it is not enough getting quite a deep here there are some victory points in the area might be helpful really into a next rack because i'm out of equipment oh god damn it i forgot i need 300 political power that was pretty dumb of me let's cancel the lent lease because we've already sent them enough 85 percent was capitulation not enough perhaps if i do some propaganda that will help probably not i did tell my guys to capture the cipher so this should be done in a couple of days and then we can push a bit stronger crush them germany's influencing me we'll have to kill them for this 93 agent captured which is unfortunate so everything takes too much time and finally i can annex afghanistan and i guess this ban these troops i don't need them although i do have the equipment let's just switch them to my regular units i might have a use for them so now we should have lots of equipment that can send to reinforce our guys actually have less than i hoped for at least now i can buy steel from the us 97. those generally pushing back intriguing i mean if we joined afraid they won't be able to defend themselves so the netherlands did a great job here all the americans most likely anyways it's almost time for us to get involved i wish there were more end game technologies this is 1943 and i've pretty much researched everything i wanted and germany decided to take stuff oh southern bizarre i think i need this for a decision so let's take this directly also make sure to take some more territory directly but i guess we can do that later we want to pop it the soviet union this is vital because then we'll be able to take more stuff although if this is pretty cheap for us already maybe i don't need to pop up them but if i do we'll get a lot more manpower so let's let's pop up the soviet union and i guess the next mongolia and that's our tan one germany takes a bunch more stuff not an issue and we take our soviet puppet make sure to separate it from the germans completely so they can't take stuff inside it all the provinces that both of the germans and all the coasts this way they should not be able to take territory or at least their ai won't allow them to okay that's good let's give them to our soviet puppet we need to take some chords for ourselves just to make sure our compliance doesn't go to waste here and here no whatever doesn't really matter and the rest i suppose i can give to my puppet too much for one round see i wasn't checking if i can actually accept this and i can't because i've taken too much which means i have to redo this whole thing pass and only now do it now i will surely have enough points this should suffice some territory for ourselves too not too much just a bit and the rest for the soviets that's as much as we can afford this round and now the germans should not be able to take anything if we pass so i'm going to give all of this to the soviet union so that when i enact them and get all their manpower in compliance they should go up immediately and because of the collaboration governments i did i just can't let the collaboration government form yet probably won't let it form at all high compliance has other benefits and done you can see we got most of it even though our war score was not the top one germany did get a lot and we will need to betray them soon russia is now my puppet and it has three million manpower that i'm going to absorb wait when i had a cooperation government this should be much higher something went wrong here i should have a hundred percent collaboration in the territories that used to belong to the soviet union something is wrong whatever it doesn't matter that much what matters is that now we're gonna beat the germans up let's leave at the faction i won't need to use all the 66 also you guys often don't like it so let's just ignore it and move our guys to the german border we don't need to station them here because if we don't call russia in the germans won't be able to attack here oh i seem to have lost one unit here have reinforcements i have a wargle on italy i'm not sure i can use it yes i can they still exist i will need a separate one on germany oops that's poland 20 days sure i'll need to cancel military access i guess or just get my troops out of their territory although i wish you guys could move a bit faster you're all on strategic redeployment which is good okay then let's make sure to build some factories in russia once we're done with our own that'll make it easier and faster to next time build up a network in germany is germany going to survive for long i don't think so i'm going to get involved in this war as quickly as i can we need to get a chunk of germany justification is complete but our troops are still in their territory need to wait a bit longer no i'm bothering italy down south and realize sending troops now just don't go through german territory and we're out of german territory we're in position we can attack i think yes yes we can i'm actually going to start with italy also i do bother japan i know russia bought as japan i don't need to call russian let's start with italy declare war germany and japan have been called in so the war goal against germany was not necessary now i can get military access from the allies maybe even join their faction once again this might not be necessary but it's good to have it most of the allies are just not poland because if they give us military access we will automatically take back their land and we don't really want to do that we want to take it for ourselves also japan's doing quite well not well enough to beat china right military access thing requested and i think i can justify a war goal on saudi arabia now lots of messages and this army here can take care of them apparently we need to declare a separate war on their puppet that's better we do have the upper hand and the eyes are inviting us to their faction but um i don't think i want that it will be problematic also hope there's no fighting against the japanese really don't want to go there right now from the guaranteed saudi arabia seriously what's stupid of them guess i'll have to cancel the war go for now maybe not right now i might be able to take the allies on or we won't want to it's rarely worth it you know what i should do i should get my troops out of here cancel my military access with france yes let's do that and make sure of the italians retake it then i can take the territory back for myself council military access with france get you guys here might even let them get as far as here are we doing in germany very well agent killed well that was quick recruit in germany restore the village of danube and moldova sorry more cores boom see the manpower increase freaking france maybe i should join the allies will i be able to keep justifying if i do that i'm not sure but let's start some more justifications before we join the allies but then again if we join the allies we will be giving polish territory back to poland i didn't want to do that on the other hand we do care about uh the our peninsula more than we care about poland a difficult choice okay i have an idea won't spoil it too quickly we'll also expire on the 12th of september okay i can sacrifice poland this bid here is worse problem is if i join the allies i won't be able to turn on them until japan is defeated do i want to turn on them i guess i don't have to we can be the good ottoman empire and we can give up some land down south in exchange of all of russia i think it's a good deal sure so what i'm going to do is justify on oman as well and accept the invitation to the allies am i still justifying the war goals i am and the guarantee of france is worth nothing now so i'll be able to get saudi arabian and oman thanks to this but i still want the italians to take over this territory maybe they will advance rocket artillery complete cold warms from denmark tibetan empire japanese mechanism and japan am i not at japan i am at war with japan strange we're not tibetan empire because they're already capitulated that must be it yeah sadly we're giving this territory back to poland but um we'll have a lot of territory on of our own and netherlands capitulate again i guess i have to just uh live with the fact that i'm not gonna have syria let's accept it and move on are you in germany very well new operative let's take the german we do want to have a lot of spy network now since we've joined the allies we can no longer do collaboration governments which is crap but it's not like we really need that as logistics i need more anti-air also we're going to need to innovate japan but i am going to inherit the soviet fleet soon which will be sufficient for that purpose although we haven't really done any fighting with japan so maybe this will conclude without japan and the peace conference full of pearl harbor really what's my war score seven percent only that's gotta be a joke the allies always have unrealistically high contribution in those calculations um it's probably because of how air force is calculated or just britain gets a bias i'm not sure one of those things if i take munich is that gonna be enough to win it might be oh it's not the capitulation it might be because the game slowed down yes yes it is and we don't need to tweet japan and also our war participation is so low that we didn't get anything i do hate it how it's calculated with the participation of the allies you always get it inflated because i get some italian land but not the land i want i guess i'll take what i can get let's go from the south perhaps it's a bad thing that it ended so quickly without japan getting involved in the final peace conference there's going to be some juicy border go though so that's something is there anything else from vichy france to be taken no we essentially did well maybe not most of the way to the americans probably did most of the work but we did a lot of work and didn't really get anything can i quit the faction no no we need to defeat japan first right yeah we need to defeat japan for this to happen you know not like it's really a problem we did get a lot of territory overall just not with this now it's possible that some of them will not be members of the alaris some of the new territories we should check that out for example yugoslavia not a member of the eyes if i was not indiana i could detect them same goes for them what a waste of time this war was for me let's start invasion preparations that should be enough two armies and the rest will secure on the borders here oh i do have a border with japan i forgot i took this directly well it's a small mistake we're paying for let's get a navy over there or at least we got some territory not really proportional to how much we did in the war but it always goes like this with the allies they always take too much for themselves oh interesting nationalist spain has joined i could get some more war score by beating up spain but we're also about to be able to attack saudi arabia let's make sure to leave an army here and you guys can go to spain help out a bit we need a lot more manpower to kill the allies if we'll even do it gabon capitulates japan has done quite well down here still wasn't able to defeat china it'll be good for us if japan defeated china before we defeated japan but sadly that will probably not happen justification saudi arabia complete declare france guarantees them but it doesn't matter because we are allied and they join the japanese alliance which is fine i'm going to kill him regardless hopefully leave spain alone and don't help here maybe it'll kill france now i need them to be defeated for the water and it's already 1943 and i don't like playing that far into the game because it slows down a lot i probably should have called russia into the war with the germans then this might have gone to them as their core territory oh well too late now okay just use the strategic redeployment thing need to send some land lease to russia you can have my convoys and cars and guns and support equipment everything i also need to steal russian manpower they only have two million but it's significant for me so let's create a colonial template just copy this one and this one suppose i can use the garbage unit i've created to train a lot of them quickly and what's connects rush on their fleet will be enough to defeat the japanese fleet here and land in their territory i shouldn't be getting involved in spain but i don't want this war to drag on forever and we can do republicanism again how is that because i'm in the allies well sure kick from faction seriously can france come to their help if we're fighting in the war together i think they can i'm going to cancel on yemen and oman for now and i'm going to need that military access back and you guys go home republican italy that's cool military access i'm going to create a new template just a tiny no not infantry tiny cavalry template we can create camels but they're slower than cavalry and they take more equipment the only advantage they have is they get a bonus in the desert so no thank you just regular cavalry please ottoman delivery service ods complete we're gonna need to make a lot of these i should probably be doing them rather than that artillery thing a lot please i got military access from italy france german republic i should probably do that too oh yeah they're doing improved national spirit which is great but they're in the same faction as britain we've taken saudi arabia that's something let's lower russian independence it's a pity that japan didn't manage to kill china yet we're still very far from capitulation also i'm not really using the spies let's uh exchange this guy for a captain of industry although i could become spymaster of the allies i mean if i was still in the faction with them i'm researching random stuff because i don't really have anything good to research anymore damn it once again i forgot to gather a polka pot and next i always do this well we're getting 2.6 a day so it's not that bad let's get our navy maybe the russian navy will help us here do we have naval security no not really oh we do so i didn't even need to call russia and i will just so we can have some more war score well the troops are underway it's all that matters go kill japan for me we've landed go take over everything and quickly please you take hiroshima and then also take over everything ron austral votes to join germany once again yeah the entire war against germany was a bust at least i got military access from it go a little faster please my participation is once again very small i wish china would get defeated it looks like the japanese don't really have troops here i mean they rarely defend it well but they usually at least try tokyo is about to be mine and that's going to be it for the war in a moment i only have an eight percent but well i guess it's justified they haven't spent a lot of time doing anything here well china's been fighting them for years one could argue that i'm the one who actually wins the war but i guess it's less important this war should be ending uh very soon yeah 95 towards capitulation and there we go once again i don't have much more score can i pop up japan i can i take saudi arabia not in one move right so what we're going to do is pop up japan with wait a minute weird something's wrong with the score calculation i can't take 65 score here but i can pop up japan 421 which is strange i guess puppet in japan is worth more or i could pop up japan with just some cheap territory take all states untake the cheapest one puppet and take the others hello puppet spain that would be nice take all states undertake the cheapest one they have pop it and take the others that's how we get a lot of stuff in this game what else manchuka do we care not really i don't want another puppet let's take some saudi states as much as we can and entertain okay now suppose i can pass a few times take the remaining saudi states and start feeding puppets give japanese stuff to japan to turn alright i'm going to pass a few times again best place plus plus plus pass japan gets all the japanese states now time for spain as much as i can afford and turn less best pass plus pass give spain spanish territory and done didn't get that much but we got more than in our war against germany and we contributed much more in the war against germany i think so we did well enough spain is our puppet and owns quite a lot of territory japan is our puppet and it also owns quite a lot of territory china i suppose i could fight china let's annex russia and then recap a bit we send them enough stuff to enact them we just need more political power we could also annex japan and spain well i didn't want to be necessary i think i'm going to end this soon because it's already 1944. we could take out all the allies too i suppose um but it would take a long time and i would need to use all the 66 which some of you like and some of you don't also yes it still works china next tibet china is looking very long let's look at the factions map mode i got kicked out of the allies shame really i would be close to taking them over once i annex russia it might be why they kicked me out afraid of my power i own well this of course and russia and japan and spain the eyes are bigger and they are stronger i could defeat them but it would be some of you would consider it cheating anyway let's make sure to drain russian manpower before we annex them they have three million twenty nine hundred thousand so can we deploy these guys yet i probably won't need to we have a lot of troops some cavalry and some artillery units also expeditionary forces which will go into this band these guys will switch into a russian template and that should drain their manpower okay now we can annex it's calculating there we go let's have a look the ottoman empire is a bit bigger but it didn't give me access to any of these decisions because i expanded the wrong way i should be expanding here now these guys go back to being cavalry manpower goes back to the pool so it's important to see the factories yep all good this video is already very very long and it is 1944 already which means the game runs slowly so i'm not going to continue this because just finishing this game would take me as much time as creating a whole new video and i'm pretty sure you will enjoy that more so i'm gonna just tell you how if you want to continue this how from this point um you should be the allies if you want to your biggest i will be the oldest 66 of course you station your troops all over france and germany and the united kingdom and the united states and all the other allies you know just this weak cavalry unit on garrison orders on aggressive we got military access from them already so we can do it we just need to you know select territory do a garrison order and they will start moving of course you need to give them generals and field marshals and distribute them properly then you take your strong units and position them at your borders so that you know they don't invade you also some not too strong units at ports we only have three million manpower that's not that much to realize this plan so we could in the meantime go out to china and take them out and steal their manpower that is something we can do they cannot stand against us and their alliance is weak and the allies will not meddle so that would probably be good we should probably do china first then you know we station our troops the weak troops or across the allies then we stationed some strong troops in the united states because they're very powerful and in britain because they're difficult to reach well united states are also difficult to reach then we station powerful troops on all our borders and then we just just to find someone they would guarantee like yemen declare war after eight orders and the allied world falls but the ottoman focus is so slow that we couldn't really do anything for the first two three years which is why we've achieved what we've achieved in 1944 which is pretty late and yes you can keep playing after this but just look at the game speed and this is without any wars going on regional government of russia do we want that i guess we can oh now the collaboration took effect i guess that would be a good idea because that would give us even more and power however it would also make the map look less ottoman so it's not really an option i mean it will still be green just uh it wouldn't have the name ottoman empire also the research is pretty much done there's nothing more to research for me it wouldn't be that interesting to keep playing past this point so i'm going to end it here thank you very much for watching let me know how you enjoy this and if you would like me to try doing two round as well however keep in mind that this tree is very slow and i could probably do two other videos and time it takes me to do one turkey video that is it then we bid sultana goodbye and remember this video had a sponsor too check them out please and i'll see you again soon
Channel: Taureor
Views: 358,978
Rating: 4.8998299 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4 Turkey, hoi4 defeat axis, hoi4, hoi4 ironman gameplay, iron, hoi4 meme, hoi4 challenge, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, hearts of iron 4 fail, taureor, hoi4 Turkey world conquest, hearts of iron 4 challenge, hearts of iron 4 ironman Turkey, world conquest, hoi4 gameplay, hoi4 continent, hoi4 turkish empire, hearts of iron 4, hoi4 world conquest, hoi4 annex ussr, hoi4 strong Turkey, hoi4 intelligence, hoi4 ottoman empire, hoi4 battle for bosphorus, hoi4 battle for bosporus
Id: A7zgZQbwe7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 23sec (4643 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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