Hearts of Iron 4 BIGGEST EXPLOIT YET?? - One Empire Cheese

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hold your breath guys i'm gonna do something incredibly insane do you see all these glorious capital ships now at the bottom of the english channel i bet you thought that was pretty dumb right hey i am feedback gaming and this is hearts of i'm for it's been a while since i've shown an incredibly broken exploit so i think it's about time we show you one right right you like exploits like this video we'll see more in future if that's the case single player new game 1936 the united kingdom rule britannia that's right i live in the united kingdom yes yes i do drink tea sometimes and yes i do know the queen as is requirement of every british person and today we play on historical on regular and off we go do you know what grinds my gears those pesky colonists that broke away how about we do a recolonization of the united states eh that sounds like a plan right right good first of all select all the divisions control left click on undersigned divisions and we'll make them all these rubbish colonial garrison troops and we'll put them on the border uh here there we go regarding equipment we're just gonna make an absolute crap ton of guns everything on guns apart from one in artillery and one for support equipment and delete the rest regarding the ships yeah delete the rest we'll make a brand new fleet and we'll just make some convoys for today good we're getting the fleet we're going to shift left-click all the command groups right-click them pop them into reserve and g to merge them we'll move them all to portsmouth off they go regarding research you will go for machine tools construction jump start that industry and we'll also go for mobile warfare for a change and also start to work on artillery we'll max out the factories for mills in london and the rest will be civvies there there we go that's what i want regarding the national focus we're not going to pick one because when you don't select a national focus you get double the political power per day and trust me we need political power we need a lot of it quick regarding the air wings uh we just select them now move them back to the uk here shift left click onto pilot exercise and get them to level three alright time for the exploit in the man the guns expansion they added a new thing the london naval treaties when you make ships you have to make them below a certain tonnage and if you're part of the tree you just can't make them so for instance if i was to make a brand new ship this one as you can see it is larger than 10 000 production costs so i just can't build this it is part of the london naval treaty i bet you'd even know this even existed that's how much of an impact it actually makes on the game but there is a way we can cheese it right now to make it super spicy because brun is the creator of the london naval tree yeah london yep would have guessed that right we dictate what's the largest ship could be what if we deleted all of our capital ships so we dictated that the largest ship would be incredibly small so wait for all those ships to merge go five speed boom boom boom add them all up we need to wait for every single ship there we go then we're going to break off all the carriers then we'll break off all the battleships then we'll break off all apart from the hood then all the heavy cruisers too there we go hold your breath guys i'm going to do something incredibly insane do you see all these glorious capital ships now at the bottom of the english channel i bet you thought that was pretty dumb right so now if we go into london naval treaties after we wait a few days aha here we go so we re-invite people back into london naval tree but now the requirement is significantly lower but we don't want to invite them we want to send a warning to tell these boys they've been very naughty and they've gone over the london naval treaty even though the threshold only changed in the last few days yeah that's pretty crazy right so we need 50 political power to send them a warning and there we go so the first warning we are going to send to chile boom send warning so what we're saying to chile is you've been very naughty you've gone over the london naval tree even though just changed the requirements for the last two days can you please disarm and they've chosen they are gonna disarm damn that's not what we wanted gonna wait for another 50 political power and send a warning to someone else there is a random chance they can rearm and agree to the new terms or they can say no and then guess what you get a free war goal i know right next one we're going to send a warning to is brazil and what did brazil say they reject and here you go we now have a war goal against brazil and we are going to take it that water will now last until the 20th february 1938 we have two years to make our move so you're probably thinking annexing brazil that's not a big deal it's just brazil sure they're the biggest power in south america sure they've got a handful of factories sure they've got a decent amount of rubber but what's this they are guaranteed by the united states of america oh boy and what is significant about the united states at the very start of the game oh yeah that's right they have basically no divisions hmm so let's make a few divisions of our own just a handful we'll also change our occupation law we'll put it on let's say no garrison which will give us all the guns back japan has declared war on chile so this is one of the random things that happened in this game so because the london naval treaty has changed japan's declared war in chile uh i'm not sure why they have a war goal on them technically i detate the rules of the london naval treaty but yeah prepare for chaos anyway this is gonna be like a non-historical game but on historical so now we've got all the guns that were garrisons now been added to our pool for all the new troops they're currently training and now we go back to garrison because we do want a garrison and we're gonna go on local autonomy there we go all right split up the army into two we'll give them generals he will do he will do field martial of course montgomery for his logistics wizardry pop him under here frontline from here to here pop you here and exercise these two level three now we're waiting we need to deploy these divisions we are practically just ready to declare war anyway so we'll drop these boys down boom drop them here split in half slightly over the limit but you know what i can deal with that wait for them to arrive back and then we execute the next part of our plan so now we can select focuses now so we'll go for reinforce the empire right we're all in position stop exercising get on the front line three two one declare on brazil activate the order go aggressive off you go and of course we've got to bring in canada into the war the british american war yeah is that the right war yeah it is okay how do you think about that so the secret to this war you've probably heard me say this a thousand times on a thousand of my videos is not to actually fight them on the front line but it is just to walk by them on the front line just go for a general stroll through the front line and walk around them attach all of the air wings close air support as well as air superiority pop them onto my arm and just let the ai take care of it i can't be messing around with stuff like that then we have the ability to split right down the middle the famous state of new england has been split in half oh everyone loves the new england state how do you make an american salty about high four you talk about the state of new england and there we go slice down the middle and we work on production we've got a concentrated industry because we're a blitzkrieg in them at record speed as you can see we're pinning them in we're not actually winning these battles as you can see most of them are red but the truth behind it is we're pushing in we're doing quite well for some reason we're involved in this peace conference with ethiopia in italy okay okay we knew how to actually have a puppet focus against chile why i don't know they said that they were going to join the london naval tree but we have a war goal against them so just be aware if you send a warning you might get the war goal there you go anyway warp again against the united states okay another little pro tip for you is if they're not on the front line press h to put them in place hold control press h and then they will run to the front line look how quickly they move forward oh lightning speed so the secret here to do is just not let them naturally push forward try and make like little forks like this see this fork here and here and then you can encircle these divisions quite naturally as you push forward and there we go encirclement of two divisions remember they only start with like 30-ish divisions so the honest truth is just in circling a handful of divisions will make a massive difference in the long run then the one in buffalo now and he has been encircled oh no what a shame and there's a breakout in the north too it's pretty much over this is how weak the united states is at the start of the game guys that's why you have to take advantage of him there and then also what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna research military police because we're gonna have to be suppressing quite a lot of territory and i want to make sure i've got enough guns for that so don't forget you are still at war with brazil oh we've got the abdication crisis okay we'll just abdicate i guess we're not going non-aligned guys i love that canada wanted control of pennsylvania and new jersey why i don't know next focus we're gonna go for a service overseas we've got mobile warfare now so we can go for construction too you see we're just moving by pushing further forward all the divisions are gathered in the midwest is that the midwest god damn get my american geography down here boys i like the midwest here and then the uh middle east here hey once again lots of gaps in the front line here making sure i go around them don't fight them head-on come on guys we all know this we've played the game at least two times we know then how to find four you go for the encirclement like that oh how beautiful is that so glorious america now has 10 to 30 divisions so you're probably wondering why didn't you defend this northern front line because that means that america will probably put divisions on this front line and i'll not even care oh no a canadian division has been circled i don't care so once again just keep going control b see these guys are all just walking control beating now they're all railroaded quick as you get them on the front line the quicker the key you're pushing into enemy territory as you can see even though there's only one division on this front line for this entire front line there's just one and i'm just gonna take advantage of that and he's encircled rip after service overseas we go for mediterranean bastion see they're all gathering now in the north region encircled chicago with four divisions keep going keep going and keep going all right how many visions they got we definitely got four here getting encircled uh eight to 24. they're all on the front line of canada not that it actually matters oh three of them got encircled it's very important that we handle the garrisons and they're becoming a massive problem right now that's something we have to keep a close eye on oh east coast and we have brazil that's a good thing because that means there's three divisions we get to encircle that means when we land into brazil we don't have to deal with as many divisions always helpful oh wow gee thanks brazil you've literally just lost your port all right these ten divisions on the back they're gonna plan a naval invasion to uh this part of brazil so the moment united states is the only major power and i think philippines has been knocked out yeah they have to fight japan which is slightly annoying because i mean japan's gonna get some of this peace deal oh well not the end of the world okay let's make a new division uh duplicate uh artillery and artillery artillery and a single division i'll do and this will be these guys they're about to do the naval invasion of brazil give them a different icon good all right now we are going to protect the suez we've got mulcher police and then we go for i guess some gun upgrades i guess and then our mp will be our horses so make sure that someone assigned it isn't that makes me upset and then we work on the better guns yeah we're working on that now good east coast what's this more brazilians go here the united states has been annexed oh my goodness i didn't think they'd taken that quickly i was hoping to knock out brazil first there's still time okay first thing i'd like to do is just cover the coastline grab all of that grab texas florida this is crucial part of the strategy because you need to be able to block off japan you have got the majority of the contribution we just need to make sure they don't get any more so do that then we grab new york uh they've grabbed hawaii in a bunch of islands okay fair enough and i suppose at this point i just eat up the rest right there's a very small chance that japan might pop it so don't let them do that because they have just puppeted the philippines now i personally don't care but there's going to be in the comments screeching why didn't you puppet them dave you don't have a navy you could have got a full navy off the united states eh i don't care france has declared war in chile we're reaching that 50 world tension threshold where they start to join other factions now that is a major concern we need to try and avoid that for as long as possible these brazilian divisions are just literally floating and there we go and now the 10 divisions go here and do your naval invasion we'll grab our submarines break them off escort all the areas we're going to do the naval invasion and give it uh an admiral we don't need that many divisions anymore so this army group can be deleted and we'll make a nice even 24 army group for this guy biggest concern we've got right now is resistance and that is going to eat a lot of guns if we're not careful we've got local autonomy which helps increase compliance we need 200 000 van power just to keep the resistance down and that's 20 000 guns we need to produce more support equipment and we need to produce more artillery new zealand would like to send us some guns thank you new zealand all right so it's crucial we knock out brazil right now because there's a very high chance that they'll join a faction probably the chinese united front or the japanese faction so let's take care of that now war propaganda against japan sure wait for the org to regain three two one off you go how many divisions has brazil got one to five that can't be right i guess i encircled most of their divisions then this is gonna be a walk in the park easy we're gonna do now is going to recruit and deploy and prioritize all equipment for garrisons we need to get those garrisons 100 strength to be gaining compliance you do not gain compliance as quickly if you do not have full garrison support on all your areas that you occupy that aren't cores might as well exercise our entire fleet we've got so much oil we don't even know what to do with it now next focus we're going to go for is the balkan strategy these are focuses you've probably even seen anyone go for before i know i know hey nice encirclement as soon as we've got mobile warfare why not go for this guy as well army maneuver genius i bet you'd even know this guy existed right so this makes the speed of this division 4.2 kilometers per hour when the normal speed is four right the chinese united front has just formed and luckily have an axe the entirety of brazil there you go g g portugal seeks to purchase british ships sure oh look at that boys look at that the united kingdom in 1937 the illustrate the size of my growth look at the compliance or maybe the resistance is better oh there we go the resistance that really shows off the collars that we occupy beautiful all right we've got partial mobilization now and we can pump out a bunch of civvies at this point guys it's really down to you how you want to play the game i'm just going to pretty much dick about and see how much land i can conquer as democratic britain you know that's right guys we are democratic right now don't forget that so what i've got now is a war goal on chile so what i could do we'll get some fatter divisions let's make a single division and then convert them over when we get 24. good few civvies that are broken and the factories that are broken shift those to the top take care of those immediately i'll look at the power of our industry right now plan b naval invasion chile here's a nice little bug i guess this is an exploit as well uh if they're moving overseas the speed is 12 kilometers per hour it's still fast faster than traveling on land but if you control b here they'll somehow railroad oversea how does that even work i don't know do they install railway lines on the ocean i don't know figure that one out comment below be aware that right now they're in the chinese united front we're gonna having a little war versus china oh single battleship can we get enough range yes we can and off you go just to wait for the preparation to complete uh we'll send only half and they're off these divisions are insanely strong so when i land i should be able to just push them out the way and chile will collapse i say that and i land and uh they're holding out pretty well give a bit of firepower infantry expert and go organization first too and we broke their capital and get out of the way there we go 92 percent towards capitulation send all the other divisions over all the ones i've left at home boom go here and the rest go northwards off you go throws amusing when the ai does this back and forth back and forth oh and overrun okay now we'll go down the boring path of limited reality seems a strange thing to say re-armament whilst i've been at war like three times rip right let's move these divisions over now to china well in this case british malaysia and we'll make a naval invasion order from here and to the south yeah oh my goodness we've got so many civilian factories okay i guess we can make military factories now since we've got so many factors coming from america do some old-fashioned war propaganda against italy confusing because we're not even at war with them 24 divisions are all good to go we can always drop those into china when we're ready boop okay it was like to general go for you harsh leader and we'll exercise you to level three as well one concern we're gonna run into is lack of supply so if we go for logistics companies and we're gonna have to get a single motorized to take care of motorized issues all right let's take care of my dudes so let's go for infantry expert let's go for armor logistics and let's go for regrouping when we've got the political power anyway oh no supply problems uh you go here then the rest goes here these divisions stop exercising get into position get the org up when you're ready boys three two one off you go for some bizarre reason only two divisions have been deployed i don't know why here we send them back ten divisions definitely assigned right yeah ten divisions and off you go and two's only gone again i have no idea why anyway if we land and take the port oh it's because france has taken some of the land right okay when that case might as well get france into this war then i guess they want to join the faction let them join the faction welcome to allies naval invasion low supply issues yay oh no china is literally getting bullied allies and japan against them and slap on logistics and we need motorized start working a little bit on anti-air too extra divisions that we've got at home bring them to china and then we can wrap up china nice and quickly not gonna work on in circumstances i'm just gonna bump my head against the front line over and over again to get war participation i need to get that a lot a lot higher 21 will not do give up the azores to britain you know what azores for free lease how about permanent do you know what i fancy submarines the worst submarines ever pump them out in numbers japan in the north making some decent gains here made a nice breakthrough in the center uh in the south uh slap on some anti-air and some reconnaissance we've got so many civilian factories right now oh my god i don't even know what to do with them so one thing we can do with them is just dump them into mi5 oh in this case mi6 well one better eh fortify east asia i've run out of manpower let's go for limited conscription meanwhile compliance is getting mighty high practically everywhere my contribution is 53 that's what i want to see my initial plan was to rush down this focus tree and just go to war with italy and eat them um but they'll probably just join the axis and then we've been war with germany anyway there's a war with germany regardless china is on a knife's edge 97 grab that city and rip okay what we're going to do here i'm going to grab this cut off the coastline oh my god i have very few victory points i'm not even sure how much i can even do done we took the southern half of china the best part of china all back in europe exercise to level three make sure they're all my artillery divisions assign the generals all the ones with the best attack obviously the singapore strategy i don't think i've ever selected this focus ever before okay i think i've made one too many army groups i've really eaten into my manpower and i had a lot of manpower i can't continue until i get rid of the water and all wars soon so i just realized that going down this path to go for war against japan is kind of a waste of time because you think about it they're gonna end up justifying on me from malaysia anyway at some point because historical's turned on so in this case i'll go down for this one i want to go for these focuses the ones i've probably never selected in my entire life which makes turkey go democratic and spain go democratic spice spice everywhere all right let's put my armies on the front line go delete all the orders and front line go go go supply problems oh just under 61 of 68 good and we'll also push turkey towards democracy done to go what okay let's stop exercising put everyone on aggressive and then go go go when available i'll see if they declare and see what happens i'm really curious about this because i'm just gonna try and bash through the east wall immediately poland refuses the german ultimatum are they gonna put troops on the board or they let me to walk in oh my god this is going to be so broken if they just let me walk in ah they put troops on the front line smart very smart ai and they're even choosing not to declare war immediately they're delaying down zigger war i've never seen this before the germans have declared war on the netherlands so they just ignored poland just gone for the dutch okay all right all right okay and i've gone for belgium i guess i just invite them right and then i just grab all my troops and then just put them on the front line of belgium and the netherlands yeah go there boys call to arms for everyone and off we go len leases from everyone that len lee sent me planes interesting that's new fully deciphered the germans full spy network inside of them not looking good did we just go off we go oh my damn and we're actually breaking them insane oh my goodness encirclement brutal encirclement of his best medium tanks rommels panzers have been encircled f all right second wave off you go need manpower extensive conscription but the germans are thinking right now like how are the british so unbelievably strong oh rip rip the occupation of tanzania we get an option to declare war on them 200 political power yeah sure why not drop an extra army off just to clean up libya and any other mess that's going on around the world uh the ability to declare war on mexico you know i'll take that every possible opportunity to declare war even though i'm democratic i want to take it all deorged those divisions are mine now oh my goodness rip next wave go lack of air power is really hurting us so let's go for some hurricanes then we can rush for spitfire uh which is aerial fight command siege of to brooke instead of being held by australians it is held by italians well not anymore anyway all right update libby's taken push back into egypt series three taken again pushing them down into africa it's italians are made of push out again the towns are pretty strong well it looks like the divisions have taken a beating though very low strength a lot of those divisions germany on the other hand is holding firm doing a really good job at it looks at things and the reason why is that air support is very very good so we need to get some planes in there and then we can take care of them start working on non-spitfires as well as the more advanced spike falls then we'll also make them cheaper so we can produce way more we can reduce the british raj from a colony down to a puppet okay all right let's go for the continuous focus of air production now we can produce 9.9 10 fighter twos a day that's pretty good we've got lots of air xp2 so we go for the range and the engine chamberlain passes away f lord halifax becomes the leader of the party sure who's this guy no idea training up some fire wings here 200s gonna get them all to level three and then we'll deploy all of them finally send them into battle off you go boys and there they go deployed hopefully with some air control now we might have more of an impact japan going for the focus secure the philippines you own the philippines why oh man air power makes all the difference i should have made planes a lot early on and while mistakes were made my contribution 63 damn right oh my goodness italy oof big oof one moment britain had basically 50 planes and now we have thousands these 20 divisions are gonna go here into japan why oh look strike the southern resource area yeah don't declare on me that would be a big mistake but the ai will do it anyway pretty much those are all the options you've got for invading the uk as democratic you've also got invade ireland but you need to have nowhere in france to capitulate and i didn't want to have to recapture france and norway don't we messing with that so that's another option for you and there goes the axis gone all right what do we do we do the same thing again i don't think we can take that much though how the puppet in germany oh that's so annoying oh well see this is why you guys constantly going about player-led press conferences right a thing of beauty japan is declared on british malaya surprise surprise all right convoy raid all of this let them off add a admiral and we've got a naval invasion here off you go make me proud and a very clean naval invasion what i like to see are all the japanese divisions in china because uh there's not a lot going on the mainland too little too late japan rip and most of it goes to china i guess french china did something i guess that's what i like to see the whole of the japanese mainland oh the manchu republic is french men is also french so one thing you could have also done is you could have sent a warning to the soviet union and that could have possibly flip a coin give you a war justification against them but the problem is is landing into the soviet union kind of where are you going to land from the only suitable location is landing in siberia from your eastern holdings but even then that's a bit of a grind and the soviet union starts up with one of the biggest armies in the game so probably not the best choice well the united states on the other hand is ripe for the pick-ins hence why i went for them austria votes to join germany okay or what's left of germany the climax hold an imperial conference remember don't forget this democratic britain all right imperial conference of 1942 i need to up relations with everyone canada south africa india aussies new zealand i don't even know if i need it for malaya but i'll do it anyway begin the conference discuss defense and you always go for the bottom one every single time blah blah blah blah blah they all say yes play about discuss trade bomb option quit india movement it's a bit late for that blah blah blah blah blah discuss the economy discuss appeasement and finally discuss the imperial conference bottom option and australia canada new zealand south africa india all except boom uh now we're gonna go for to press subjects continuous focus we have to wait for everyone to lose their autonomy i can do that a lot quicker by sending convoys and guns i was boosting democracy in spain it doesn't look like i can get them over 60 and all my spies are in prison oops watch this single spy release every single one from prison amazing okay colony colony can annax malaya uh we'll hold off on that and india and south africa the ones behind ten thousand guns for you 10 000 guns for you we've reduced everyone down to an integrated puppet every single one how did we do that we built lots of civilian factories and infrastructure inside of the areas that were colonial states and then we did the emergency len lease of uh guns and then also an absolute crap a convoys oh and also we also went for suppressed subjects which slowly and truly ticks down their autonomy anyway the last one now imperial federation the imperial federation has long been toted as an alternative to self-governance after a lengthy period of preparations time has now at last come to unify our government with those of our dominions and to retake our position as the world's predominant superpower and boom imperial federation democratic britain as lord edward halifax the prime minister wow a lot of this is cored now so i don't even have to control it canada's court south africa australia new zealand is all called unfortunately india and malaysia does not get caught boo but there you go guys look at that so let's not forget this is very important you pay attention to this i conquered all of this as democratic britain and at the very end the soviet union's declared war on us so what you could do is defeat the soviet union and take all of siberia and that would make a very big font guys did you enjoy this video do you like glitches do you like exploits tell me in the comments like subscribe i hope you have an awesome day and i'll see you guys next time see you soon bye-bye currently guys ad revenue has tanked the lockdown has totally frozen youtube economy if you want to help me out the best thing you can do in these times is become a patreon the link is in the description below thank you boys and girls
Channel: FeedBackGaming
Views: 395,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HOI4, The Dragon Swallowed the Sun, achievement, break, cheat, cheats, exploit, feedback, hearts of iron, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron 4 cheats, hearts of iron 4 guide, hearts of iron 4 tutorial, hearts of iron iv gameplay, hoi4, hoi4 achievements, hoi4 british empire, hoi4 cheats, hoi4 exploit, hoi4 funny, hoi4 guide, hoi4 imperial federation, hoi4 la resistance, hoi4 la resistance tutorial, hoi4 memes, hoi4 one empire, hoi4 tutorial, one empire hoi4
Id: 18q6bO4LpJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 52sec (1792 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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