Hogwarts Legacy - Part 4 - THE FORBIDDEN FOREST

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all right guys so welcome back to Hogwarts Legacy I think we can all agree that so far this game has been absolutely incredible and so much fun and so with that said I wanted to give a big thank you to Warner Brothers games for sponsoring this video in Hogwarts Legacy you get to experience life as a fifth year student which is of course self-created by you at the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry of course Hogwarts within your time at Hogwarts you'll get to experience and live the unwritten as well as embark on a very dangerous journey to uncover the hidden truth of the Wizarding worlds 1800s Hogwarts Legacy introduces a new original story that will put you the player at the center of your very own Wizarding Adventure this game is developed by Avalanche software and published by Warner Brothers games under the poor key games label as you may know by now Hogwarts Legacy is now available for PlayStation 5 the Xbox series X and S and PC if you guys want to look into Hogwarts Legacy for yourselves I'll have a link down in the description so a brand new day begins for us here at Hogwarts and I'm pretty pumped for this video because we have got you've got a pretty good amount of things to accomplish before we continue on with this story and uh I don't know about you guys but I'm really I'm really liking this hat we've got on very uncharacteristic of like what we're kind of used to seeing but I like it like I really really like it I'll probably have it on for the entire episode unless we get something cooler which so far we've been doing every single time we play but uh we have a decent amount of quests here we we have two main quests and then we've got some side things we got to do um and I have a feeling that this game is about to start opening up I feel like since the last episode we saw the world map finally I feel like we're really close to finally unlocking the broomstick and learning how to fly it and whatnot and I think that's going to be really cool once we get to do that but uh before we begin anything I really want to finish the cross ones round three because we're supposed to get a reward as you can see there when you play this game the more side quests you do it's said that it's supposed to affect your Rebellion it's supposed to affect main quests and stuff like that so as long as these videos keep doing well then we'll we'll do as much as we possibly can travel but right now can I open this oh oh I don't know that was just open like that oh dude can I flush the toilet yes we can I'm not gonna be spending my morning Flushing flushing toilets here feels good to be back very soon we'll be flying across the horizon and exploring God knows what here it is so I like to practice with the training dummy and the final round a round excuse me of crossed wands hello Lucan is the final round of cross ones ready big match today it all comes down to this but with it all ready for a shot at glory I think I said Lucas Lucan I'm really sorry about that I certainly am brilliant are you dealing with a partner [Music] let's last time we did it with with the yeah let's go Sebastian this time around yes Sebastian then let's get started he actually had our back over at the library which I was expecting we can make that's a real victory that's the spirit Championship round a 2v3 okay so break through the red shield with damage spells like the fire making spell incendio okay cool [Music] oh you can do like a perfect Dodge as well oh my gosh okay this is getting a little harder um do this and then hit it with the throw this guy should be also stronger okay I was not expecting this send you better than that deflect all my attacks at Eric northcott okay well I thought I don't know what just happened all right come on Sebastian it's okay we had a little bit of a setback let me heal oh no I pressed the wrong spell hold on hold on [Music] come on [Music] over here that is a little trickier this time I mean I just started playing clearly I miss pressed the button but yeah mixing these up is pretty awesome I could have done I should have done better than that [Music] that was pretty intense oh my God [Music] that was nothing I'm just getting started if the best duelist in the school weren't enough competition then perhaps you should consider transferring to Durham's drank now to the victor goes foreign and so it is my great honor to present you with this simple yet elegant token of supreme dueling accomplishment [Music] I don't know that I deserve that um no man thank you it's been an honor you earned it you are a creatively crowned the tournament winner I suppose I should get back to my schoolwork wonder how my herbology plants are doing I have intended them in ages speaking of we got to take class hey what was that if I go to the robe and I take it off as an appearance this is what we just unlocked the inner outfits so wow hey these are clean look at this all right so we have uh we've got these which are really nice themselves then we have this this is so cool dude what I like is that you don't technically have to be rocking out with the road the entire time you know like look at this how elegant this looks so cool we just unlocked this one that is pretty sweet considering we're already here let's finish the last and final quest we've got with Luke and Brad will be here and then I'd like to practice with the training dummy since I did this time will be a bit more of a challenge ready brilliant wonderful I'll set things up remember to cast all the spell combinations before the dummy lands again if you need to stop practicing before you finish all of them let me know [Music] well we're going heavy with these spells now [Music] okay now what incident it's not that bad all right so we've got here incendio what no I run out six times you kidding me all right hold on let me wait for this one to fill up come here you went a little bit too far that's pretty crazy impressive wand work I'd hate to face you in a Jew I wonder if that's gonna be like the ultimate test thanks Lucan you've been a great help oh stop don't make me blush seriously well done training dummies will think twice before challenging you again even though you won the tournament already I'm glad to see you haven't stopped training stay sharp my friend I like little Mr Brown will be spell accommodation practice too oh tell it all it's raining a bit huh little drizzle lumos oh it's not that dark this is what we were doing that last Quest yeah that we went uh our Incognito yeah I remember this revelio I thought there was a page there for some reason oh yeah we were here I remember being here not not in the playthrough but when I went to go play it early at the uh WB events I was actually able to explore this a little bit very nice anything on the other side I don't believe so [Music] this is where class starts I suppose [Music] good morning Professor garlic how wonderful it is to see you again Lenora dear oh here you'll need these for today's class um a little treat for your auntie [Music] oh hello class please welcome the newest Rose in our garden we do look forward to Growing together literally how thrilling it is to have everyone back together again and this year will be filled with enchantment and excitement but the most important thing cultivated in herbology is knowledge The Prudent herbologist is no more afraid of the venomous tentacular than the bouncing ball [Music] now then today we will be acquainting ourselves with the mellifluous tuber known as the mandrake root Akio let's see if we can't make our fibrous friends a bit more comfortable shall we first let's protect our ears [Music] now the tendrils and give it a firm tug well that's cool [Music] foreign [Music] the soil should envelop the root like a warm dirty blanket put a mandrake right at ease that's convenient I said it last time I'm very sorry about that yours was a bit mature I'm afraid all right then off you go Splendid work everyone [Music] now for our next task we'll be planting Disney at home you can all get started I need to have a brief word with our new student really is that so I feel like I'm always a special one obviously we're the main protagonist but I find it quite funny I wonder if hippogriffs like not grass talk to Professor garlic yes Professor firstly well done with your Mandrake they can be rather difficult to get a grasp of [Music] foreign [Music] so remember to keep those ears protect now as I mentioned next we'll be planting Destiny let us find you some seeds I already have some Professor pick them up in hogsmead you visited the magic neap wonderful a prepared student is bound to bloom I've arranged for you to have your own potting table here in the classroom I wasn't easy to spare one on such late notice plant the seeds there now and you can return to harvest them later even with soil sunlight and a bit of magic they will take time to grow all right cool let's see how to balance my staff thistle Arrangement mifflers fancy or roses so we'll go here there's restorative properties make it a vital ingredient in the wicked weld potion as you all should know from Professor Sharp's class pardon me Professor what am I supposed to do with the Disney seeds your part in all this floral Alchemy is simple take the seeds to your potting table plant them and then wait for Harvest Time a small planter foreign we got the seeds here uh the leaves of this medicinal herb are used in the wig and wild potion okay we can only choose this one yes so grill time is 10 minutes and it's a small plant size sweet okay so it's any seeds can be purchased at the magic nape and can be grown in pots of it that's so cool man you just leave them here doing their thing as they grow that's awesome well done once it can be harvested your ditney will be ready to use in wig and weld potion I'll let Professor sharp don't know about that now what say we Branch out into introduce you to a different sort of Flora the Chinese chomping cabbage you'll find that some plants are better suited to uses outside of a cauldron the cabbages do get testy without something to chew fortunately I have a dummy for them to gnaw on be a deer and let them have a good jumping yes professor they're in the other Greenhouse it's just at the end of the Footbridge leading out of this room your classmate Mr Pruitt has kindly offered to accompany you come back and see me when you're finished oh and mind your fingers they do bite okay who's coming with me okay hello saw you on your way to hogsmeade the other day nice to meet you I'm Leander I'll be showing you the Chinese chomping cabbages up these stairs will take us there but your lead all right Mr Leander by the way excuse me your Jewel was Sebastian he's good I'm really good but you outright slaughtered him it was brilliant oh well thank you I nearly put Sebastian in his place myself here we are home of the Chinese chomping cabbage [Music] I'll take this go on grab a few of those cabbages now see that dummy just toss the cabbages at it they'll do the rest all right let me grab some more all right so hold L1 and tap [Music] oh my God here it is sweet you see confirmed we do not have the broomstick or any sort of okay that's perfect so this is the cabbage all right so then tap I want to use your assign tool there you go but mouth's on wow mum planted some in her garden last year to keep the Gnomes out did save her the denoming but they left a honking daffodils in tatters vicious little bastards aren't they my kind of plants not like stupid booba tubers and bouncing bulbs the kind of plants to just have your back in a fight I'm not saying you can't go it alone but well imagine that wasn't a dummy that's actually really true very helpful extra Firepower right [Music] um suppose they could come in handy trust me Leander I was imagining it the entire time you were I mean of course you're uh not someone to be trifled with I see that dog weed and death cap has more of them if you're Keen other plants too once your parents wouldn't plant in the garden you get the idea anyway we uh probably ought to head back to class take your time I'll see you back in class I like this guy he's nice okay back to class we go let's get out of here Don't Want to Be Tardy put myself in detention did I just go higher I think I went even higher I don't know what I just did that's fine I'll grab this here never mind I can't I thought that was forget about it I'll grab these instead mellow sweet leaves [Music] helpful reminders to why we should all wear our Dragon hide but I'll end our lesson here terribly sorry Mr look it's growing inspect you can add fertilizer to this plant to increase its yield you can create fertilizer by Conjuring a Duncan pot oh cool maybe we'll learn that later on I tended to the Chinese chomping cabbages professor plants aren't they I they weren't too much trouble as you do seem to be quite green fingered oh I'm eager to see your skill in the soil continue to Blossom [Music] magical plants have so much to offer I'm eager to learn more I'm glad herbology is a bound to your subject tend to your garden and it will tend to you well I suppose that's everything for a chat sometime I so enjoy checking in with my new students all right well that was easy I wish every class was like that shouldn't they be auras or someone from the ministry guarding the school after the interview all right guys we're here potion class new Quest let's go is one of the most challenging and hazardous subjects taught at this school as fifth years you will be required to reach new heights of both discipline and intellect you will begin this term by brewing a Wigan weld potion Mr takar can you tell us why this particular potion might come in handy yes Professor sharp the wig and weld potion can be used to sterilize and even heal a variety of injuries it can heal some injuries but not all points for Ravenclaw before today's class is completed each of you will have brewed a wig and weld potion of your own you never know when you might need it please begin [Music] use a strong even motion when crushing your ingredients please be meticulous when adding powder to your potions one errant sneeze could be disastrous oh my God foreign let's keep stirring it [Music] I'm glad they at least make us do it I just you know [Music] have a little cutscene or whatnot something simple but it's better than nothing I see most of you have not forgotten how to stir hmm not an easy potion to brew well done and from what I hear of your recent exploits in hogsmead you'd also do well to practice Brewing the defensive adoros potion Professor Weasley had you acquire the recipe from Jay Pippins correct yes sir good for the moment you can find the ingredients you need in my office but in the future you'll be expected to provide your own ingredients some can be harvested from the prawns you grow in your herbology class and rarer ones can be purchased others however may be harder to obtain and will require you to be a bit more resourceful come and see me when you finished Brewing and we'll see if it was skill or luck the first time around [Music] anything else here that I can require a little chest or oh maybe some of this one okay well that wasn't a whole lot should you Trump the dead knee or crush it the wrong answer could result in the unfortunately oh wow that's not good all right let's go over here foreign Professor sharp say that you have permission to go into his office [Music] but why does that matter to you brilliant and it matters because you can be a part of something truly creative you remember me don't you Gareth Weasley ah yes we met in the common room listen anyone with a troll sized brain can Brew in a Juris potion I'm working on something that's certain to be spectacular I'm just missing one tiny last ingredient that will add that extra spark I suspect that's where I come in you're as clever as I'd hoped simply need a single super feather as you'll already be in Sharp's office with his permission Pat habit for me hmm I'm not sure that's a good idea you know what let's be a little risky let's do it I'll get you the sweeper feather as long as you're certain sharp won't miss it I assure you he won't feathers aren't that valuable wait until you see what I'm brewing hurry back to me when you have the feather dude we're gonna get in trouble for this we're already doing really dumb decisions here not not very smart precision we got the fur [Music] oh we've got the eggs there's just one more the feather all right he's got a couple right I'm just not gonna like I'm not gonna it's got three of them okay well that yeah that looks pretty rare I don't know I think this man just lied to me oh God memorandum organum Berks was at an increased amount of activity outside of the ordinary Shop hours or particularly in the wee hours of the night with suspicious deliveries being made to the Shop's back entrance given that we know of the Shop's reputation we are adding more uh our ours to join those that we have already been watching to join those that have already been watching the shop you're amongst the new additions further instructions to follow okay ocean stations organized and free of clutter here's the Flopper feather you wanted brilliant thank you this is going to take a moment to brew you should get back to Brewing you're a Juris potion and I'll tell you when this concoction's finished oh all right so we're gonna Brew our potion we're going to put in our own business there are two things that cannot be right we're also getting stations unlocked and be thorough so this is good I was really close to buying a couple of these back when we were in hogsmeade but thankfully we didn't so this enhances our defense by covering us with a durable Rocky skin let him Brew this Brewing time is 30 seconds okay that shouldn't take too long so do I have to stay their accounts back away and that's odd what's happening wait it's not supposed to I knew it bro I knew it I knew it what happened Dragon dung well done oh my God probably smells really bad Mr Weasley sorry Professor that'll be points from Gryffindor again oh my God Mr Weasley did not do this on his own his accomplice will answer to me as well that's just incredible I knew that was bad I just didn't want to be like a party pooper you know so I gave it a shot didn't work out I brewed an adora's potion as you asked Professor I'm surprised you had the time you seemed rather busy helping Mr Weasley Brew chaos [Music] sorry about let's be honest we got caught I'm sorry Professor I was merely trying to help a friend taking responsibility for one's actions does go a long way with me I shall assume that you've learned a lesson as for the work you did today at your own cauldron I will say you've done well I confess I was skeptical given the advanced nature of this class and the fact you're a new student I'm glad I was able to meet your expectations a rare occurrence and you do well to remember that you're not a potions Master quite yet in addition to having a solid grasp of how to combine various ingredients you should gain an understanding of the ingredients themselves pay particular attention in herbology the plants you nurture there are often essential to the potions you brew here now I recommend that you find a safe location in which to practice Brewing you cannot leave a hot cauldron simply anywhere but are we all [Music] I think each of us has had enough excitement for one day passes dismissed sweet potions class and we are now level 10. [Music] all right pretty cool so dude what happened are you gonna tell me where you're trying to brew here that was an interesting class thanks to you it wasn't precisely what I had in mind but it was still brilliant I appreciate your help I hope sharp wasn't too disagreeable when you handed in your potion heard him talking about taking responsibility Professor sharp wasn't happy leave me out of your grand plans next time sorry to hear that hopefully he's already forgotten about it sharp may seem Gruff but I'd bet a few galleons he blew up a potion or two in his day best be off next time we talk I promise fewer explosions dude I just told you keep me off your business I don't want to deal with people like you you are your trouble my robes are going to reap from them Rebellion back here oh that's right this is the the little Keys we gotta follow me where is this going right over here you say [Music] as soon as it moves [Music] it's going yes well that was much faster than the last time we got another one of these remember it was like 16 tokens or something in total so it's good to know that we've got another one to the collection all right let's go here to the question I think now we head over yes meet naughty in the lower Ox field oh this is gonna be good this is gonna be really good can you please teach me how to ride a broomstick I want my broomstick damn it it's crazy like that shows you how long this game might possibly be um when I asked the devs um they were they didn't give me a for sure answer because it's so subjective right depends how you play how much you do how much you don't do but we're currently a few hours into the game and we still are kind of just getting introduced to everything so that goes to show you how big this game might just be you know we haven't even learned how to fly yet hours into the story that's pretty crazy I did not expect that I thought we're gonna be flying right off the bat but I was wrong Rebellion I will take this broken broom [Music] the armor Belong To Sir okay what else we got here if it's fall free it's foamy all right let's get out of here all right I'm starting to think this is it I'm started I think we're about to learn I see people with Broomsticks oh man I'm dying to fly I'm I'm really down to fly here look at this how beautiful my goodness gracious this is incredible this is so cool gosh what do we have here rebelio I mean there are hidden caves and stuff that you can explore if you find them around the lower sections of this Castle which is really interesting man look what bro like my goodness this is so beautiful wow this is like screenshot worthy here it's so dope let me grab some of these I know we grabbed some uh glasses but we'll go ahead and grab some more moonstone so I don't have to do uh Accu I could just hit them off and then they'll automatically go in my inventory is that what it is [Music] so right here we are getting a better understanding we are in fact getting a better understanding of how complex this can be I mean you can you can kind of go I don't know there's a lot going on around the castle is one of the biggest concerns I think we are in good hands I think everything's panning out how we hoped a lot of exploring possibilities and when I get that broomstick boy I'm gonna be flying out of here telling you right now I'm gonna be flying I'm gonna be flying all over the place hmm damn I didn't even know we had that fast travel Point here this is the big really did I really come over here I could have just gone through that bridge I'm gonna fast traveled yeah we're about to learn how to fly there is absolutely no way we don't get our broomstick we need our broomstick whoa okay hold on revelio oh that's just a sheep there was something hidden in the grass hold on it's in here [Music] yes thank you thank you too the grounds Keepers tools 7 out of 15. proved dangerous if I'm not careful very dangerous and there's a cave down there by the way I just saw that on the mini map it's quite risky and also kind of exciting it is good to see you my friend hello Natty how are you I hope you've recovered from our rather eventful trip to hogsmead I am well but I have been worried about you my friend with ran Rock wood and Harlow I'm all right at the moment we did not speak about it at the time but I am hoping now you might tell me why they were looking for you let me just tell her they want something that Professor fig and I found at Gringotts when were you at gringo just before we came to Hogwarts in fact it's why I was late to the Sorting ceremony a portkey brought us there after the dragon attacked our Carriage what on Earth there's one more thing it's a bit odd if I'm honest professor Professor figs as I have a rare connection to a powerful form of ancient magic is that the magic you used fighting the trolls in hogsmeat I think so I'm still learning but I can see traces of it and I've cast magic I can't otherwise explain I know that's a lot to absorb it is and I will have more questions for now it is safe to say that Rookwood and Halo are a threat to both of us to all of us which is why I wanted to speak to you I realized something that Dan Hogs meat you displayed such courage fighting that Troll and sirona was an intimidated one bit by Rookwood and Harlow both of you have inspired me to take a stand of my own what sort of stand men like Rookwood and Hollow are the reason my mother and I left matibily land I am not going to sit by and watch them destroy my new home good Rookwood and Harlow are a dangerous pair and the fact that they're working with Round Rock well other more reason they must be stopped rumor has it that Theophilus Harlow runs rookwood's day-to-day operations taking him down with crippled rookwood's entire Enterprise that may be true but shouldn't officer singer handle someone like Harlow I spoke with her she was polite but perhaps understandably would not discuss details with a student I overheard some of Rookwood [ __ ] talking about a massive poaching operation that Hollow is planning I was thinking that we could investigate a bit try to get the evidence that officers singer needs all right but how I am going to watch and listen find out precisely what Hollow is up to I shall reach out when I know more in the meantime remember I am here if you need me thank you Natty very cool be on your gut Rebellion not here right we're good here what's going on here you can't imagine how inconvenient travel was before I invented can I go inside these little oh gee I don't have time to argue I told you repeatedly not to stray far from home especially when I'm inside with your little sister but you should even mummy your slots are full you can socks as gear vendors I might have to go back to hogsmeade and sell some stuff man I think I'm gonna have to do that because or hold on why don't you do some more drawings for me hmm look at the show for some [Music] hello sir what do you sell here hello I'm Jalal semi and this is my potion shop I can answer any questions you have about the town so any Whispers going about the town There's a thief on the Loose by the name of Katrin Haggerty she's an ashfinder she's stealing everything that's not nailed down and people have had enough Catherine's hiding in a camp just Southwest of town can you tell me a bit about yourself oh let's see well I Am Lord hogsfield's preeminent portion here but that was once a lowly Hogwarts student like you in fact I'll give you the Hogwarts discount yeah it's the standard price as my prices are load off already you see hmm what do you have for sale I sell only portions and their ingredients if you can't fix it with a portion and it's best left broken I say my ingredients are all local to this area and my potions are brewed to keep you healthy and safe all right so let's see what do you have for sale I want to see if I can suck I can't help you with today so we could sell stuff um he's got these potions he's also got ingredients um I can sell these I don't know what to I'm gonna So I'm Never Gonna wear this I'll have no trouble selling this thank you so this is well honestly I'm also not gonna wear the Bane mask probably not my style um five and zero I think they're the same thing there we go I hope to see you again sometime thanks dude really appreciate it we also have a wand handle which is really nice little gray one this one's cool too but again this just matches the entire outfit which is what I'm kind of going for [Music] okay um Rebellion see if we can find some of these other chests but now we're gonna have to go somewhere else and just sell our stuff oh there it is very nice now we can start seeing what we're acquiring revelio I'm literally just coming inside their homes and stealing all their stuff I feel terrible I feel really terrible about this but hey you know what thankfully you guys will be all right I promise hmm pardon me is everything all right hardly I've just lost my business and almost my life you'd best look elsewhere for Wares I have nothing to sell now never thought it'd come to this be on your guard and rock and his loyalists will spare no one they attacked you oh ramrock has no patience for goblins who won't join him while I too would like to see Goblin Kind treated by Wizards as equals Bloodshed is not the answer when I said as much they turned on me struck me till I nearly passed out took my cards my belongings even that which is most precious to me my paintings has run Rock's lot ever attacked you like this before I've been taunting and threatening me for a while now but they've always believed that violence is the only way to get what they want things have taken a much darker turn of late ramrock is getting more powerful and his loyalists know it I feel Untouchable ramrock assumed that all goblins would agree to follow him wrong many of us would like a diplomatic end to the Discord with wizard kind you mentioned that your paintings were taken a Euro painter I am it's my calling though most would think in an unusual path for a goblin most of my family work in metal or associated with green Gods I'd wager my finest brush that ramrock's lot I have no appreciation for any of my work and it will be tossed aside for kindling without my cuts and my livelihood who knows when I'll be able to paint again all right Marshall keep an eye out I'm sorry this happened to you 'll certainly keep an eye out for your cards that is very kind of you but I think they took them to their camp south west of here just pass some ruins too dangerous to try and retrieve them I did enchant the carts to return to me if I ever lost them however slim though the chances may be I'm holding out hope that some of what was taken is returned to me I feel bad it was nice meeting you I wish it had been under better circumstances revelio all right so that's a little side quest we've just begun [Music] all right so the psych was over there I'm I I will tackle that clearly but I gotta I don't want to lose track of where I was going so let's Trials of Merlin this is where we're supposed to go right yes a woman needs help this is exactly the quest where we were aiming aiming for we also did just uncover new neckwear which for some reason it's locked level 11. well that's that's interesting we also have this one oh my God nice superb that was really nice all right we're gonna keep that one for the stats of course but I am gonna go with this because I'm really liking this little blue contrast is looking mighty nice and we've got a purple extraordinary there is so much oh what okay I might keep this for a little bit yeah okay now we're looking completely different huh this is wild dude yeah all right let's go all right that's cool let's let's be a little different for a while we'll come back to the brogues and stuff like that but we could be a little bit different to that Goblin Banker at Gringotts I should I surprised that way I must have come this way think [Music] hello you guys okay I have no idea who it is you think I might have seen I've been busy with my research I do not have time to Victor Rookwood don't give a dog she sniff back your time boy speak of the devil Mr Rookwood would like a word with you a student you can't be enough out of you leave her alone [Music] oh you guys have no idea you have no idea who you've messed with wow I feel pretty strong right now what is that oh what's the light go out of your eyes scared I'm sick boots so the collection section of your Field Guide has been updated with a new anime type you may learn available insights on enemies such as their weaknesses on uh to certain spells all right so remember I have a uh let's go oh my God that's hilarious that man turned into a chicken who's on Earth just happened I've never been accosted in such a manner since close to Hogwarts you guys ever heard that that joke uh why'd the chicken cross the road heard it recently and uh the answer is like because no okay I found it very funny personally but maybe you didn't you were right I am thanks in new small parts to excellent defensive skills could you tell me why two ashwinders were ready to dispatch me to get to you as finders Victor rookwood's thieves and extortionists his little cronies they seemed quite keen on you it's a long story but thank you for your help hmm well you've avoided them for the moment prayer warned me things were getting dangerous best kept moving on my research before they return you mentioned someone named Priya yes my wife she's the one who piqued my interest in Merlin gave me a book when we were students at Hogwarts typical hard-working Hufflepuff brilliant potioneer has her own shop in Nocturne alley she's a traveling vendor here's what's going on in the highlands before I do okay research how interesting you're a researcher nor a Treadwell At Your Service historian and archaeologists specializing in Merlin's work and life I thought that Merlin and the tales about King Arthur's Court were a myth me a myth your lucky Circle Duggan didn't hear you chat is on endlessly about his connection to Merlin from his portrait at Hogwarts Merlin attended Hogwarts you know and I'm studying some Curious fixtures he left here centuries ago fixtures these Vine covered pillars dozens of them all around the area I've taken to calling them the trials of Merlin I believe he created them as a diversion for his fellow slytherins he was terribly fond of puzzles and enigmas I can see why you're so interested in Merlin I'd be Keen to know more about the trials well then I'll let you in on a little secret no one has yet managed to figure out how they work but I believe I have just unlocked a crucial clue I suspect that mallow Suite is an important component in getting the trials to work malosuite versatile herb Merlin repeatedly mentioned it in his writings I had just arrived to test my theory when I was so rudely interrupted you see each swirl in Merlin's writing has its symbol in the center that started me thinking what if the mallow Suite is meant to be placed at the center of the symbols precisely we care to do the honors we can see what happens of our little hypothesis I brought a trunk chock full of mallow sweet with me it's just over there by my tent Rebellion anything else you got here this trunk let's take plenty even if you already have some I have the mallow Suite lovely now notice the vines on these pillars here as well as a stone swell on the ground each trial has these features place the mallow Suite on the swirl and we'll see what happens okay let's do it disappeared what should I do now [Music] that was not bad [Music] nice what a day I couldn't hardly believe it bro like I was I was thinking this entire time about like you know robes and it's playing as a stupid like now that we've seen like all the possibilities as far as outfits go man like you can make your character look so cool man this is this is awesome I take it we can call that a success we can indeed however I now have even more questions how does it work I must review my notes I may have missed something are all of the trials like this one oh not precisely well I think each has those Telltale Vines and the swell on the ground you should feel free to solve them as you come across them I believe I have what I need to continue my research my guess is that each will also require mallow sweet which you can find in hoaxmead should you need more I really must be of such a pleasure to meet you and do be careful out here now I've got what I needed I shall return to the safety of my notes and books the trials [Music] well goodbye now nice talking to you so do we have any main quests now here active for us our house ghost is looking for you you can find him near the Great Hall net all right let's speak to this student here for some assistance hello can I help you oh thank goodness yes my name is Grace pinch Smedley of the bath pinched medleys I was hoping someone would come along soon I was about to defy my father's wishes and would never have forgiven myself you you see I need to retrieve something from the bottom of the lake might you be the one to help me diving into the lake sounds like an adventure tell me more Splendid precisely the response I'd hoped for what do you need help retrieving years ago my grandfather who fancied himself quite the astronomer set sail from hogsmead station for what was meant to be a quick stargazing cruise with my grandmother they never returned I'm so sorry what happened to them we can't be sure we only know that neither they nor their boat made it back to shore they were presumed drowned father was so distraught that he forbade our family from setting foot on or in the Black Lake ever again treasured family astrally vanished with them that night if you could dive down and retrieve it I may be able to bring my father some peace you seem to think I might have heard of the bath bench medleys why would I know your family that's like asking why the sky is blue or grass is green the pinched medley name is synonymous with intellectual curiosity we are known for our contributions to science and art I'm surprised you haven't heard of us frankly but with all I plan to discover about the world around us those that don't yet know the name certainly one day will what exactly is an astrolabe it's an astonishing ancient navigational tool essentially a handheld model of the universe well it's mainly used for studying the Stars astronomical Pursuits but it has nearly a thousand uses fascinating device sadly I'd imagine it's rusted Beyond repair now still we'd love to have it returned to us it would be like getting a bit of my grandparents back it sounds dangerous especially for something of Mis sentimental value I understand but I'd be forever grateful of course you may discover much more than the astrolabe anything else you found would be all yours I've cross-referenced the vessel's last alleged location against the Lakes topography depth charts and tide schedule my best guess is that it's just over there about a furlong from the dock it would be wonderful to have my grandfather's astrolabe back I do hope you find the astrolabe it would mean so much to our family it sounds as if our astral labor is just North East North either dog I should dive down and see go ahead and what is this one juice rebellious rebelio [Music] incending back here [Music] won't you look at this [Music] oh man hell yeah just want to jump in here real quickly guys and say this video is sponsored by WB Games that I keep looks so nice clearly the stat statistically is not as as good as ours but I mean I can go here now right for example if I really want to get jiggy with it and just because we have it it's a cape bro that's hilarious that's hilarious oh my God now I look like I don't know what I look like anymore I just look like you know that funny five-year-old that walks around with a cable on his neck thinking he's a superhero do I feel like Rebellion [Music] so we're gonna go for it all right we're here already let's just go let's swim I know we could swim I just had no idea we could dive can we really dive this is a pretty long swim we should be doing all this oh boy still got the book in my hand look at all my oh my Miss look at Hogwarts dude this must be why the pink medley Family Australia is it's over here all right perfect search [Music] oh we found it I should let Grace know that I found her family astrolabe I love lumos it's so simple find the dive too terribly difficult hello Grace I followed your bearings on a dive in the Black Lake oh how incredible did you find the astrolabe damn and it's your Sprint price I did it I'm keeping it I did I hope it makes your father happy it will can't wait to see his face thank you so so keep an eye out for more spots to dive a diver of your caliber is certain to find all sorts of things down there thank you again I do hope you keep diving you certainly have a knack for finding treasure the mermaid mask that's nice [Music] all right we are back up top within the walls of the castle oof I'm back up here Rebellion I think I saw something another key and another page Rebellion [Music] the question is this hmm what quest that is are you there yes you I wonder if you might come with me for a moment yes one second [Music] man what side quest is that interesting you wanted to see me sir yes sir Nicholas de Mimsy porpington natural service nice to meet you sir Nicholas I know about the book you found and it's missing pages I may be able to help follow me if you will it's not too far how do you know about the book and that it's missing pages word gets around amongst the ghosts you you were spotted with Mr sallow in the Restricted Section don't worry your secret's safe with me must be nice natural walk you know just this may be a leap but I believe I know who ended up with those pages I'd be happy to take you to him if he'd be so kind as to perform a small favor for me along the way [Music] that'd be hmm a small favor in exchange for getting those pages rotten I thank you pardon roast beef rotten roast beef that is correct rotten roast beef if one flows through it Chase it I suppose I can do that but why me symbol my young friend I ghostly form well clearly [Music] [Music] what do we have down here another chest I'll pick that up if you'd be so kind as to collect the roast beef I shall explain everything else in due course revelio foreign let's see um okay is it in here somewhere keep following you okay I'll keep following here we are tickle the pair and head on in that's what it said tickle the pair yes in the painting I'll wait right here no do try not to get in the way revelio that's what it said when I picked up the page to enter the Hufflepuff common room one must tap the barrel two from the bottom middle of the second row let me tickle the pair in the kitchen everywhere well hello there fellas package likely you know how hungry I am starving all of a sudden it smells blue isn't it myself when the house I was placed prepared food on these tables it magically transferred to the tables in the Great Hall directly above that is cool and you can explore this area that's awesome and some beef but it's not rotten let's keep looking is there like a trash here somewhere another wand accessory ugh there's a disgusting smell I must be getting close oh a student what a treat what can think he get for you a pumpkin pasta that's some Welsh rabbit sounds lovely but what I really need is this rotten roast beef [Music] Anki surprises Nick's tired a loitering about simply to experience the faintest memory of the taste of food to you and the other house elves conjure the food served in the Great Hall goodness no not even how selves can conjure food out of thin air is one of the five principal exceptions tagamp's law of Elemental Transfiguration oh we can however multiply it transform it and of course prepare it then we send it straight up to the Great Hall are there any restrictions as to what you can make here think he supposes not however think he had he had the best luck with the many recipes left by Helga Hufflepuff her Quinn's Pie has always been a favorite but the new fangled eyebrow Smokies are becoming popular as well is it all right for students to wander into the kitchens well since you asked students aren't supposed to be in the kitchens but think he doesn't mind there's nothing that lifts finky Spirits more than the company of students so rarely get visitors and we have plenty of treats come back anytime you please it was nice to meet you thank you for the beef to help to meet you as well please give Nick finkies regards Rebellion okay what else we got here I knew all of this was going on right beneath our feet exactly my point super cool [Music] all right Nick I got the roast beef what you got ah you're back no trouble I take it not at all Finke sends her regards along with the rotten roast beef ah glad to hear it kind Alpha vinky now let's get that beef to Sir Patrick Delaney podmore and you'll be one step closer to finding those pages this is all while the cryptics are Nicholas what's going on terribly sorry I'm getting ahead of myself Patrick gather for various um headless activities headless activities yes you'll see anyway but a member of that hunt Richard jackdaw had the pages when he was alive my plan is to take the rotten roast beef to Sir Patrick so that he'll allow me at us to engage with the hunt and speak to jackdaw uh shall we I thought the rotten roast beef was for you it is in a way you see I've been trying to gain access to the hunt for quite some time offering the beef to Patrick may help me in that regard one of course also helping you hmm is the Headless hunt dangerous oh the Headless hunt wouldn't hurt a fly let alone a student just a group of fun-loving headless ghosts very well I'd like to meet Sir Patrick myself and see this headless hunt ah wonderful you won't regret it hmm what is going on a little sketchy [Music] oh my god do you stay behind him that's a Patrick we want we Nesta look who's here what have we told you nearly headless Nick hello sir I'm saying two letters pass we brought a little something for Sir Patrick probably coming trying to package weight in again once the Patrick lets me join the Headless hunt hobby right there with them this offering is sure to win him over oh don't forget why I'm here sir best assorts will have your information from a young Jack tour in no time wherever he may be what I'd give for a flagon of mead or a nice leg of lamb right about now then this party would be complete how about the next best thing Sir Patrick ah Sir Nicholas and a student who let you in uh we brought you a gift this is all very suspicious what do you really want as if I need to ask um it's Richard Jackal where can we find him uh may we speak to him jack tour eh why here he is now what a shame without his head I bet you've always wondered what that's like okay Nick sir you jazz it's bound to be around here somewhere would have been used in a game if you find it I give you my permission to speak with him my young model it's the least I can do for you for bringing this putrescent gift um sir there's another matter I wish to discuss with you if I'm not that's a Nicholas how many times do I have to tell you are entry requirements are quite clear but sir we aren't the Headless except for a little bit of tendon hunt after all now please follow me and I shall help you find your way out geez all right farewell my young friend perhaps your luck with these chaps will be better than mine okay over a bridge with two a map it doesn't appear to be connected to the missing pages best hang on to it for now that's completely different that's like a treasure hunt all right let's go this way who will be next to play our little game of hide and seek amongst the pumpkins that'll be the bridge right there Rebellion probably not right now let's just let's do this hello again can you help me ah sir Nicholas's young friend has he abandoned you not at all I need to speak to Richard jackdaw so Patrick said his head might be around here somewhere indeed it might be hmm it is a bit unorthodox to include a mortal but if you do wish to speak to speak why not if his head amongst these pumpkins not just once but five times good old dumfry will move the head to a different spot each time you find it those are the rules what say you let's do this if that's what I need to do to speak to jackdaw I'll do it marvelous of course I'm mortal holding a wand has an advantage over us ghosts you can simply Blast away to your heart's content remember the game's not over until you find him five times Cast Away until you I could do that too if I had a wand ER bodies looks like we need to find another pumpkin to hide it hey jacked off whatever you say dumb free this is not my finest moment destroy the pumpkins to find the head that's very interesting here we go again oh whoa hold on revelio revelio through the blue Rebellion there's a bunch more here would have thought Immortal would be so great did I come back yeah it's literally just a blue one they just keep growing I feel like I'm going crazy I've destroyed some of these there's the next one oh it's a cross or is it not playing yeah they keep yeah they keep rebellious are we still going this is easy man I am too overpowered with my magic abilities all right let's keep going rebellious really jeez well done of course having a wand served you well I believe congratulations are in order not too bad for Immortal now say what you need to say to Old Jack Doria you've earned it nicely done but what's going on you're not a member of the Headless hunt no I'm not Sir Nicholas said you might know the location of some pages I'm looking for Merlin's beard I know precisely the ones you mean I pinched them from peeves how could I forget the map on those pages led me to my demise I was not ready for what awaited me in that cave the pages are likely still molding away with Maya remains quite a final Adventure I must confess the pages are why you lost your head and I must visit a cave and search for your corpse yes oh you think a decapitated ghost would get used to the word corpse say here's an idea why don't you meet me at the edge of the Forbidden Forest and I'll show you where to go what will I find in the cave aside from my mortal remains if I remember correctly some Treasures a magical bridge but what kind of an adventure would it be if I spoiled the surprises for you did someone in the cave cut off your head I was having a look around when I suddenly sensed a refreshing Breeze after which I felt well light-headed that's all I remember hence when you visit be prepared I can't tell you what for specifically but you've seen a perceptive sort beware a light Breeze how is it possible to steal from peeves apologized I didn't steal the pages from his ghostly form I merely found them in his wake of Destruction he has a pong Shore for Wrecking things books bottles suits of armor whatever's likely to cause the most chaos I found them after he ran Riot through the library doubt even noticed they were gone I need those pages so I suppose I'd better meet you thank you not to worry I'll just need to be reunited with my body first but don't free can handle that see you at the forest's edge this is okay to the forbidden [Music] thought you're Immortal on his feet here going to the Forbidden forestry before we get to do this Quest and head over to the forbidden Forest we need to get this spell right which is basically the disarming spell so in order to do that we've got to learn it and so we can only do that during the daytime it's night time right now so if we go here to the map we can actually press R3 and we can wait and now it's gonna become daytime super cool there we go a little meditation for you So It Begins [Music] this is gonna be cool [Music] thank you [Music] all right now what I hope you were able to take care of everything I had asked you to do Professor I completed all of your most recent assignments well done then you're ready to learn Expelliarmus pay close attention the disarming charm May often be all you need to defeat the most powerful dark witches and wizards you might encounter spell casting requires a focused mind and a steady wand foreign [Music] good work the dummy is here if you wish to stay in practice Professor do you have a moment I do what is it [Music] I wondered did you attend Hogwarts I did I am a proud member of Ravenclaw house why do you ask I was curious as to how Hogwarts has changed over the years I see well the castle itself as I'm sure you have surmised is full of surprises I dare say more than the staircases change around here as for the students well they seem to get more capable every year although we got up to just as much Mischief in my day as you seem to now I used to look the other way at all sorts of roguery when I was head girl I can tell you however that I did once admonish a certain Phineas nigellous flag for enjoying a sugar quill during a lecture I I hadn't realized that you and Professor black were students here together appearances can be deceiving you see I was once wounded by time itself time itself I never would have imagined such a thing oh well it was the risk I took with my prior position you may you all may not have heard that I wasn't unspeakable at the ministry for years and unspeakable what as you might suspect I cannot speak about what we did suffice it to say the job was not without its hazards I hope I've satisfied your curiosity for the moment you have thank you for speaking with me Professor keep up with your wand work one must always be prepared for Mischief both inside and outside of the castle I wanted to make sure I wasn't rude enough to her about her age and whatnot so yeah all right I sign new spells here we go but keep practicing Expelliarmus May save your life one day we are approaching officially The Forbidden Forest oh dude this is gonna be awesome here we go let's do this oh my gosh dare I say again notice how we okay notice how we still haven't we'll leave that for later just in case how we still haven't unlocked the broomsticks or any sort of traversal equipment this is nuts we have arrived here I am as good as my word we meet again Richard jackdaw I suppose I shouldn't be surprised to see you just like a Gryffindor to Brave the Forbidden Forest and pursuit of Adventure well said now where do we go from here follow me I shall lead you as far as I can but I fear I may remain a tad reluctant to revisit the scene of My Demise keep your eyes open for a bird bath when you find it say intramuros I think it's Latin or Greek as you can imagine I never paid much attention in school shall we aside from the bird bath anything else I should look for indeed a few landmarks as a stone bridge and if I recall a lake you'll see you've been very helpful thank you oh this is pretty spooky surprising how much of this is rather unfortunately coming back to me nice we got a fast travel right now you know the closer we get the more I'm remembering probably best I leave you to it simply stick to the path and keep a sharp eye out for that bird bath had you it's that latter Greek hmm all right dude well I'll catch you on the flip side after the Forbidden Forest I go by myself totally not scared keep going got this totally under control you could probably use my little wand lumos but honestly oh this looks beautiful whoa okay we're gonna go this way the waterfall for a thief Jack Rising as good as his word it's still waterfall we'll keep following our Trail this way are on the right path counter any creatures as of right now I'm trying to survive this is awesome dude everything is just like the movies absolutely solemn about this place such Regal creatures Dags revelio on the right track guys fast travel right here there it is as jacked or described oh intramuros [Music] it's working it's it worked yeah this is pretty aren't you a little far from home Ren Rock knew you'd eventually lead us to whatever it is you're hiding ah early oh my gosh okay these guys came to play and came a little dirty I got some for myself boys yes heck yeah let's go that's all you got you guys are pathetic will report back to Round Rock now let me yeah here we go let's go to the tomb dude I'm excited let's go oh spooky spooky I wonder how big this place is guess we're about to find out man revelio revelio let me get some of that in Sunday beautiful but it doesn't stay lit for long uh like that no all right this is so cool like I I don't even know what to say this is awesome the lore behind this right now is so well done like if you are a hardcore fan casual visitors down here of this universe of Potter and Friends you're gonna lie there's no way you don't love this Harry Potter fans are gonna be geeked out about this 100 oh God all right now we're fighting um the weakness should be fired right parries are incredible right now come here not gonna get away with that shut up revelio no what in the world is this boy that's not good are we supposed to go all right we're supposed to go over there let's go in here this is most definitely going to be a boss or sort of mini boss without a doubt tell me right now I know my stuff [Music] they're coming what was that I don't even know what I just did it was cool back here somebody shoot me with something from above get out of here bro get out of town with that garbage something really good must be in that chest I mean my goodness all right so I'm not gonna be able to see what's in it we're gonna get it and we'll check it out later because I'm full on everything so unfortunately yeah we gotta go to a vendor and then see what it what it's got inside because I'm I'm super curious that's to what that could have been because that's awesome there there's got to be something awesome in that chest just because of what we just had to go through to unlock it or access it okay that's awesome it's really interesting over there let's stop back there if I can move that platform somehow spiders oh my gosh hey if you have something against spiders you're not gonna like this section of the game pretty creepy untouched chest territor wasn't very thorough in his search of this cave not anymore just like that that's easy peasy oh wow less skeleton in sight but I may as well help myself to this [Music] let me see if I can grab this now I the golden snitch scarf this is a scarf we just unlocked right now 23. yeah we're gonna rock this I'm just gonna go ahead and change the Aesthetics back to the baby blue one it's better for us look this is one of the ones we just probably got yeah that's brand new I wasn't there before I know that for a fact that was not there before a lot of it could have been um appearance as well so that's new as well that's right baby let's go yes foreign oh my gosh all right so what do we got oh you don't have to do incendio oh my God just just gotta hit it well that would have been much easier if I knew that prior you're breaking my head over it oh man I saw the flame emblem I'm like okay we gotta hit it with corresponding spell I was sadly mistaken [Music] we got the baby spiders on the deck all right where do we go now what just happened is it this way why do I feel like I'm going the wrong way hold on there was a path up there [Music] okay so they're they're actually rewarding us for exploring which I really like I'm glad Richard jackdaw left a little something behind for me but where could he be all right we're here it's a good thing [Music] let me see what we have here this is crazy touched chest with soul wasn't very thorough in his search of this cave oh please do not fall right now [Music] you guys are you think you're gonna take me down listen I am I am a special sort of student okay I can feel it in my bones I see magic that most people don't see oh thank you take this that's my favorite move my special move I like them all but that one was pretty cool I'm gonna grab this chest here some more money skeleton in sight but I may as well help myself to this I feel like we're gonna get a boss or something before getting the pages it's like it's almost impossible for that now it's really exploring here this is inviting exploration a lot of it no oh yes foreign absolutely oh dude what in the world that's another Fat chest right there I'm glad Richard jackdaw left a little something behind for me but where could he be more potions maybe down this path this is definitely it okay there it is the bridge it's almost complete more spiders I'm telling you the spiders man I did not expect to be battling so many spiders today oh my God is that it yes this is really good for XP and whatnot oh God is that Mom and Dad over there this just doesn't look good throw everything you got at that one you build up my finish right here excellent oh there's more where are they coming from dying you're done oh the Perry today has been absolutely incredible maybe I gotta take this thing out here there it is let's go I can only imagine how this fight see you later loser monsters pretty nice all right all right grab all this I don't know what we're gonna be able to do with the spider fangs but I suppose it might be something uh rather important [Music] Turtle wasn't very thorough and as such this cage thank you around the symbol s are we missing another symbols yeah yeah cause I know there's this one but how do we hit this one and and then these two all right I got an idea go back over here and I think this is that's gotta be the final step there it goes you that smells like trouble over there that smells like trouble oh yeah those are those Guardians getting closer to Jack those remains and those pages we meet again Richard jackdawal thank you for keeping these Pages safe all these years God here it is the map that brought your doom jackdaw Beyond this room here is thank you that's right oh look at that they're freaking acts away oh my gosh that is insanely oh me right now it's pretty good spinning arms oh my goodness three henchmen here one what is this the big boys three Final Bosses oh wow it works on him too oh you ain't that bad oh yeah we could summon this real quick you ain't that bad but yeah [Music] next who's next I should have actually waited [Music] that was a little scary a little bit Cindy yeah just stop stop for a second here bud stop for a secure nice investigate the traces of ancient magic but that's another thing what's happening hold on [Music] Rebellion that poor kid that's where he died I've seen this before Gringotts and the restricted well there's so much going on wow my goodness where am I oh no the room's starting to flood how am I being protected what sort of magic is this whoa I can only hope this magic protects me until I'm able to make my way out of it uh okay it's open good what is this place oh my God what the hell [Music] foreign [Music] dude no way it's you cause someone finally found our map chamber I recognize you from the pensives you'll Professor Rackham I am indeed I must confess that I am surprised to see someone so young standing before me I'm the same age that you and Isadora morganock were when you started the Hogwarts you've paid attention and might I presume you share our ability to see traces of ancient magic e yes sir I do as you have likely realized by now our ability gives us a unique relationship with all forms of magic we can access expressions of Magic the few others can opportunities will arise that allow you to sharpen this rare Talent do not squander them I won't Professor thank you we have much to discuss but first a map found in a certain book LED you here place the book on the pedestal I don't have the book with me sir hmm that is unfortunate I'm afraid we must pause our conversation until you return with the book I'm a bit confused sir why is this room called the map chamber I assure you that all will be clear once the book has been placed on the pedestal hmm the stats using carvings in the house on the Cliffside those are review are you a seer I am did you know that I would be here I cannot say more at present except to say that your presence here does not entirely surprise me very well I'll retrieve the book right away good we shall speak again once the book is in place the connection to ancient magic has unlocked talents plus one you will receive one Talent Point each time you increase your Wizarding level you have new Talent points to spend in the talents many of Field Guide oh my God you've earned Talent points starting at level five you may spend these Talent points as you wish to enhance your spells to increase your combat power stealth and more Choose Wisely Talent points may only be spent once improve your spell casting boost your abilities with the dark arts I mean I don't want to be evil but hey that might not be too bad overall effectiveness stealth let me know down below what do you guys think we're gonna go for core now just to have a basic hold on what in the world no way dude now like hours in is when we're starting to see all these different types of hold R2 and tap in any direction to swap and unlock spell set yeah that's actually very important holy smokes man dealing damage to a cursed Target inflicts damage to awkward's targets Stupify has the same effect as a curse on enemies cursed enemies take increased damage that is crazy dude enemies are near Target live oh so now these is for like your spells to perform better whoa oh my gosh all right we're gonna start off with the basic this actually allows us to have more see more shortcuts for spells I'm gonna do that because I need that I really need that throw catches and throw disarmed enemy weapons okay I will acquire that this will give us more health good and then we're gonna do a little bit of this [Music] um I like this and you know what it doesn't hurt to do a little bit of dark magic the magic of the dark arts yeah wait what is this one hmm [Music] foreign we'll do one of these ah we'll do two of these why not all right I like that oh this is getting really really good now see so I can hold R2 now [Music] and we've got another slot you see perfect so we can do lumos well we had it we can do and then we can do apparel here and I think we're good for now yeah so we have that on the other slot perfect this is my main slot oh man revelio yeah this has been pretty incredible dare I say pretty freaking incredible what a quest what an insane Quest that was I found the pages and the map chamber why would I need the book handy resource indeed your Field Guide I'm most pleased to be included wow we're going up here up here and where we're going to come out through can I open that chest over there please tell me I can I cannot rebellious that would have been nice just saying incending did you see the incendio how much powerful it was uh how much more powerful it was now that was awesome I wonder when Professor fig will be back I did promise him I wouldn't neglect my studies suppose I have enough to distract myself with till he returns with a book thank you that's right we have completed the quests and we now have another Talent point which we get every single time we level up which is gonna be awesome what a sensational you need to learn the pulso the banishing charm useful for pushing objects or adversaries away complete the required tasks and meet me in my classroom you got it all right guys so that's gonna wrap up this video this has been an incredible episode so much happened I was not expecting so many things to happen but this was this was pretty pretty awesome thank you guys so much for watching I truly hope you guys enjoyed this one a massive thank you to WB Games for sponsoring the video really really appreciate it if you guys want to know more about Hogwarts Legacy and are possibly thinking about getting it for yourselves I'll have a link down in the description you guys can feel free to check that out and uh take it from there so thank you so much again keep it locked here to the channel we will be back and uh I'll catch you guys on the next one
Channel: Hollow
Views: 839,815
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hogwarts legacy, hogwarts legacy gameplay, hogwarts legacy walkthrough, hogwarts legacy part 1, hogwarts legacy full game, hogwarts legacy ending, hogwarts legacy review, hogwarts legacy walkthrough part 1, hogwarts legacy ps5, hogwarts legacy xbox series x, hogwarts legacy pc, hogwarts gameplay, hogwarts walkthrough, hogwarts part 1, hohgwarts full game, hogwarts ending, hogwarts review, hogwarts walkthrough part 1
Id: fxxvFAsI-qk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 39sec (7059 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2023
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