Hogwarts Legacy - Part 5 - FLYING CLASS

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so welcome back guys to Hogwarts Legacy we currently find ourselves in the dungeon which is technically where we last left off and I feel like I've got this entire episode mapped out because I just saw what quest lies ahead and let me just show you guys I'm super super pumped the next Quest the next main quest is flying class this is something that we've literally been talking about since the entire game started and it's finally here now before we do that we do have a couple of things we've got to do I'm gonna try and go to our first assignment over at Professor Sharps and then we'll go to Flying class and then we'll go outside of Hogwarts and finish this Quest that we had for the goblin if you guys remember but we'll go there on a broomstick flying so I've got it all worked out it's gonna be spectacular matter of fact I think we're gonna go we're gonna do flying class first yeah I think that's what we're gonna do well hold on there's a key here that we're about to smash go ahead and unlock this key focused fully engaged I'm trying to get all these to eventually open up the chest it requires a whole lot of tokens that's also locked see I don't think we've ever been down here only just recently look at that Rebellion another key too well splendid [Music] dragon statue [Music] okay we've got 15 out of 15 field pages did we get anything for that hmm interesting now look at the details here huh my goodness like you think you'd be exaggerating when you say this this this Castle is alive which in reality it technically is a urine of Ashes [Music] rumored to have once born the encryption Pioneer in Dragon taming should not have started with the Hungarian horntail foreign let's unlock this one seems like getting that token might not be that difficult after all very nice all right let's keep following along here our journey continues off to our next adventure we are inside the Bell Tower on the other side actually that's where we were at interesting I want I feel like it's night time yeah it's night time I don't think we're gonna be able to do this class just yet look at the broomsticks there we're probably gonna have to wait oh my gosh oh my gosh I can't believe it we're finally gonna learn how to fly let's go those are my classmates everybody started [Music] Mr clarkton your attention please sorry madam Kagawa everyone please welcome a new student to our flying class hello the goal of today is to remind all of you how to maneuver on a broomstick safely as broom flight is first and foremost a means of transportation this I fear some of you have forgotten diving rolling and loop the loops will not be taught or in fact tolerated in this class we'll leave that to professional quidditch players like the toyo hashitengu not a fan I take it now let's see how well everyone kept up with their practice over the summer holidays for those who need a refresher step up to your broom say up firmly and clearly then kick your leg over and rest your weight on the seat up thank you now your turn up up you stupid ratty School broom up let's go [Music] one leg over so there's a leg on each side none of that side settled nonsense a gust of wind will throw you right off [Music] and if you hear my whistle while you're in flight ground yourself at once good now for your first lesson fly through each ring in the courtyard do take care the brooms are school property I want them returned in one piece this is brilliant let's go I wish I had my own broom bro this is balance ah man flying is so fine well done now that you're climatized to your broom let's see how well you manage with a more advanced size shall we [Music] this next set of rings will take you around the ground for more of a challenge to hold R2 to go faster what a view oh my God I can't believe we're finally flying dude oh the old Boat House wish you could have experienced crossing the lake as the first year is this something that I've thoroughly enjoyed when I went to go play at Early Access and it's just nice dude nice to be able to fly around Hogwarts you know one thing this game has been doing really well is implementing music aquatic resident likes to make an appearance once in a while [Music] whoa the implementation of music has been spot on man like it really puts you in the mood of whatever it is you're doing just listen to the music right now how incredible is this have a moment [Music] I say I watched you fly through those Rings you seem to handle yourself on that Dusty School broom well enough I'd imagine you're ready for something a bit more challenging but I'm getting ahead of myself we haven't probably met I'm Everett klopton am I right in suspecting that a Gryffindor like you might be interested in a high-flying adventure hmm I can't say no to that what did you have in mind a bit of a detour so to speak follow me the tour is about to begin follow closely now right now we're flying over the Transfiguration Courtyard lovely as ever yeah by the window today foreign I know we're gonna get in trouble but honestly I don't really care Bob it's all isn't it ahead of the gardens the Hufflepuff common room windows just peek out big claustrophobic for my taste how was ever flying so quickly I wonder if we get faster Grooms helpful if you need to escape a tricky situation okay so here we go speed burst there it is more like it yes [Music] think of all the magic holding it up I mean look at it and the owlery that's a bit of solid architecture isn't it flying tips and the jaunt around Hogwarts this is quite the tall Everett [Music] you really fly fast I'm assuming the brooms might just be Aesthetics cosmetics [Music] let's hurry back I remember somebody once said it'd be cool if you could like call the the broom you know and then it'll kind of fly to you know [Music] it's Mountain here and where have you two been [Music] oh hello Professor we were trying to get a bit of extra practicing Hefty points will be taken from each of you for not following my instructions Mr clopton I'm disappointed in you you're in this class because you're still because you're still not showing yourself or frankly your broom the proper respect but Professor enough class is finished for the day [Music] as for you you do well to use better judgment in the future chin up that was some rather good fly I knew we were gonna get in trouble but hey that's the Gryffindor away I don't care sorry about that business with Kagawa but you have to admit those views were worth it it was worth losing a few house points for that detour you seem at home on a broom but if you had a fancy model you could fly laps around Imelda she's kagawa's favorite I could show her a thing or two if I have my own broom hate having to return the school broom after class perhaps off to purchase a broom then if you can you should I wish I could I recommend visiting Alby weeks at spint which is in hogsmeade he's always looking to test new models I'll keep an eye out for you in the sky really [Music] we are going to be heading eventually to hogsmeade to get ourselves a broom the only way we can I've not forgotten about our library Venture how did you fare if you're Keen for some elicit spell practice meet me outside the defense against the dark arts classroom I know a discreet place near there oh this guy's getting naughty required assistance with a delivery and thought you might be interested please visit me at gpippin's portions if you'd like to earn a few coins hmm wasn't that hogsmeade please make me in the seventh floor Corridor as soon as you can I have an idea for somewhere you can focus on your studies away from prying eyes and distractions oh we've got a lot to do right now I feel like I need to go get a broom stick all right so here we go we've got uh the quest tab in the shadows of the undercroft level six required we're more than capable of any of these the room of requirements oh snap okay Professor Sharp's assignments we gotta figure out a way to do this as well I think I'm gonna head over you know I'm gonna head over to hogsmeade man I I think that's what we're gonna do hold on a second I'm going to hogsmeade I'm gonna see if I can get myself a broom okay I need to fly I really need to fly like there's just it's over we've learned how to fly might as well embrace it I think it's this one hmm no that's not it but we're gonna go over there we're gonna fast travel over there and see what we got that was so fun oh my gosh once you once you fly it's like it's like hard up travel any other way you know what I mean I just got to figure out a way revelio I gotta figure out a way to to see where this thing is at or the shop it's it's I know we also have a side quest here as well [Music] um was that in here do let me know if I can be of any assistance at all what do you mean Pippin you just you mailed me what are you talking about [Music] hmm hello Mr Pippin you need help with the delivery yes I do a capable student such as yourself should have no trouble making the trip to Cambridge it's just south of Hogwarts what do you need delivered fatabella Wang ordered a few invisibility potions I used to go myself but lately Fatima has taken to Turning every visit into an argument constantly complaining about the quality of my stock but how can I maintain Excellence when she ordered so often give me no time to brew you take this rather irritating task off my hands I'd happily allow you to claim the delivery fee from Fatima okay I'd be happy to help with the delivery you've no idea how grateful I am truly here are the invisibility potions she requested hopefully she won't give you too much trouble she's a talented questionnaire in her own right I dare say I wouldn't mind having a look at her potion recipes one day all right let's see invisibility potion we also have his shop today and see if we have anything we can sell um we can sell this oh but I really like the color of this oh so we sell this this uh scarf it might be time to move on from it to be honest I'm gonna sew this fairly good never hurts to keep my stocks replenished [Music] a lot of these we don't really need six saw this one too next goodbye all right here we've got some potions the focus potion Thunder Brew invisibility and Maxima didn't we need Maxima potion for something as well I think one of them again farewell for now one of the quests I think we need a Maxima so acquire Maxima ah look at that excuse me coming through yep it's here 100 it's here we found it look at all these little dorks with their broomsticks they're much cooler than I am because I don't even have one ah new face wonderful yes you face indeed and possibly the best broomstick flyer in all of the land we got here hello Mr weeks is it I'll be weeks At Your Service welcome to spin witches apologies if you came by before and weren't able to come in Shop's been closed since trade routes were disrupted had to travel as far as London to meet with my supplier and I've only just returned thankfully with inventory I presume you're in the market for a new broom got a few rare you Weavers available Ember Dash Silver Arrows win wisps too no matter what broom you choose you'll be pleased they're all exceptional both in quality and performance really you said disrupted trade routes caused you to close bent witches terrible it's been trade routes reported as unusable evidently criminals were overtaking roads threatening hamlets I can fly safely almost anywhere but you try flying with an inventory of brooms on your back no easy fee right then back to work if a particular broom takes your fancy just let me know do you mind sharing more about your brooms I have a passion Forum every detail of every model take wind wisps well known for their quality Ash handles you Weavers are rare because some fear fly in them likely to do with the u1's darker reputation Venue at the Ember Dash known for its handsome appearance working with brooms every day makes me practically giddy it's one of many reasons I cherish running this shop sounds quite the array of brooms I'll have a look around thank you what are we looking for today yeah these are going to be pretty expensive I have a feeling oh they're not they're not even that expensive the perfect broom for those with a fiery temperament hold on that item is of the highest quality [Music] oh my to celebrate your particular Hogwarts house Prime that item is if the highest quality built for stability look at this broom a stylish broom with a light torch quite literally what okay so between this one is quality and I'm between that one and this one this one is pretty cool that item is if the highest quality I wonder if this actually I like this I'm gonna get this one you'll be thrilled with that bro I promise you guys we just got our first room oh my God thanks for stopping by whilst nearly any broom will certainly be a step up from the practice brooms in kagawa's class they all have their limitations you seem to be a flyer who might be interested in say some enhancements go on ah knew I was right about you I think you'll be quite happy with the performance of any broom at lower altitudes but you may notice that speed consistency tends to falter as you rise I believe I can remedy this issue I have some ideas for enchantments upgrades if you will that will improve the performance of any broom you fly what I need is someone to conduct a broom flight and report back to me so I can perfect the upgrades as it happens another Hogwarts student Imelda Reyes is using abandoned broom courses for time trials clever girl an ideal situation for collecting flight statistics if you were to compete for the best time and succeed then report back to me without your Broome behaved I could complete work on my first upgrade what say how long have you had a passion for brooms since the moment I saw my first quidditch match seeing Flyers maneuver the way they do oh some people continue to have their doubts about me and my ideas I hope that won't dissuade you from helping I know I'm onto something why do you need me to report you on this broom flight I did try to get Imelda to help but she has some flying habits and quirks that made her difficult to collaborate with I need a flyer with no bad habits and The Knack for flying your class May Everett said you were natural on a broom he's forever in here study in the newest models almost as passionate about brooms as I am if you're rumored talent for flying can help you beat imelda's times then having you assess the broom will be invaluable [Music] sounds as if you took kagawa's class I did but my focus on the technical elements of brooms rather than the art of flying drove her mad she thinks it fit in Iran spint witches now I don't reckon either of us ever pictured me batting away bludgers for the Cannons or puddle me United and I find a certain satisfaction in winning over the naysayers who think I may be too young to run this shop with your help I can continue proving myself the most knowledgeable purveyor of Wizarding Sporting Goods around [Music] that sounds intriguing I'll see what I can do thank you it'll be worth your while if I'm right the new upgrade ought to enhance brooms in every regard and I can give you a special price the time trial should be a bit of fun too go to the Quidditch and Imelda rays will sort you out oh once you've beaten imelda's time be sure to let me know light tests args me in certain other areas prohibit flying look for they're not flying icon enthusiasm Okay so what's the question we have available now because we've got a quest all the way over here um I think this is the side quest yeah now this is a flight test oh we've got the flight test on right now we've got uh carted away demanding delivery let's go ahead and do this and then we're gonna go yeah hold on let's deliver these potions [Music] it's any more cozy than hogsmeade or or should we wait okay so here we go you have entered an area that allows flight press L1 and tap Circle oh yes look at the broom oh my God it literally has a lamp that's why I got it because of the lamp that's the only reason okay man whoa you know I feel like we're closer to I feel bad let's go help out this guy if you guys remember that troll it should be relatively close so let's go ahead and help him out right oh he's on the way over there Jesus Christ all right well let's fly then let's go oh so you also have you see when you press L2 you get The Little Speed burst and it's got a meter [Music] so of course you can probably benefit from the upgrade this guy was talking about oh my gosh [Music] I wonder it seems like if you're doing this while you're low to the ground it doesn't deplete let's see if I continue to go high ah there it is so you can kind of go back down and continue the speed so it doesn't deplete like so oh my God this is dope all right we're gonna go help out this poor little [Music] guy over there what round rock did to that Goblin bankrupt Gringotts I shouldn't be surprised at what happened to on exactly poor little guy he's got no more cart to sell his Goods I feel bad all right let's get out and see what we have here what in the world is this hmm you know what we'll be right back to whatever that is you know I want to say so far this game has been answering all the questions and concerns that I had is this game gonna be filled with life outside and the answer to that I think it is it's full of life everywhere we've gone so far this must be it looks as if there's more than one way I will regret not joining us sorry boys screwed up yep not happening do all that oh my God what was that [Music] check this out yes look at that incendio upgrade dude oh my God yeah all right this guy's a Little Bit Stronger [Music] actually not a little bit stronger a lot stronger let me collect easier oh my God this is crazy I just smashed them foreign [Music] do not make me fly to you always on the defensive oh God I fell hold on there's that sneaky little student let me collect the dress first dude and then we can talk about fighting and getting all sorts come here there we go now to free arms cards oh my gosh that was awesome that was freaking awesome [Music] Rebellion revelio oh hold on thank you can we not move that free the cards from the encampment there we go oh damn that looks nice Rebellion we're getting a good amount of stuff here look at this unidentified the carts are turning to one unidentified back item well this is quite interesting incending revelio find you now we've got more goblins over there all right let me take a look at the new gear we just acquired because we actually acquired uh actually a handful of things look at this that looks pretty nice too I hate to destroy these but we're gonna have to do something about our gear inventory capacity we're gonna have to upgrade that with the Merlin trials that's funny that's hilarious dude cute but uh I'm not gonna be rocking that sorry see broom upgrades we do have upgrades good to know okay what do we have here oh legendary take this to the room of requirement to review its qualities okay well that's interesting and then we've got another outfit here now so far is best so let's go ahead and destroy those back over here and see what we can get from this Rebellion where's that one chest back up there to sleep on my face so I'm starting to think the more that I kind of stay here I'm starting to think the way we do this is by bringing these over here please tell me I am right I am so right I was correct okay revelio that's one um how do we acquire more maybe every every little section has its own example right here I can bring these over here perfect that'll be that all right so the other piece of rocks seem to be here well hidden what the heck are you kidding me what [Applause] this man we actually figured it out wow [Music] we figured it out sweet man revelia and the lamp seems to kind of work not as much as I thought but it's a pretty cool addition to the broom oh my God flying is like incredible I know we could just fast travel there but insanity perfect if you're here for my Wares I'm afraid I still don't have my carts on I have good news your cards are on their way back I don't know what to say any hope I have of getting my belongings back was quickly fading Round Rock's lot called me a fall for believing in the good and wizard kind thank you for proving them wrong I managed to free your carts fairly easily I'm glad you're all right oh I can't wait to have my things back especially my paints ah no hired me dealing with witches and wizards for years and we've always got along just fine perhaps my next piece will be a tribute to all that is good between us what a nice idea on I wish you luck with it oh I can't wait to get started thank you again for all you've done hmm a goblin made helmet it's my car survive I'd be happy to show you my wish oh that's cool all right so what does that look like that that sounds pretty interesting headgear correct oh my God that's awesome that's so cool there we go wow look at this view Jesus this view is impeccable this is a really nice view here I'm going to get a little bit lower a little bit faster on the speed very nice so we have those balloons up top that we can actually smash with our with our flying broom oh we're going pretty pretty South here huh yeah we are headed south pretty South indeed not everything here is friendly though if you can tell we've got to be very very mindful of that I wonder who lives here that pigment should have been here by now madame luang I have a delivery from Jay Pippin's potions sent a child to do his work for him Diddy always cutting corners and take an easy way out did he have your brother for him as well doesn't matter you could probably do it better than he can anyway why do you keep ordering from him if you think the quality to be inferior it would seem I have more and more customers who are trying to stay out of sight but want to judge you can simply imagine the stress I'm under to deliver quality products unlike some vendors I strive to keep my customers satisfied here are the potions you requested you think it's so simple I know Pippin is always trying to cheat his customers cuts and Corners to save some galleons for himself at the expense of quality you'll not be getting a cannot out of me until you prove the potion works drink it okay seems simple enough I'll do it I should think so drink the invisibility potion there do I have it here yes aha it seems to have worked hmm well I suppose that will do if the demand for potions is as high as you say have you considered being easier to work with perhaps combining your recipes and skills not such a chance that neduel had a sharp handed to him the rest of us had to make our own way I'll not give him the benefit of my hard work and gumption if he fails on his own so be it she's salty he mentioned that more and more customers are trying to stay out of sight why well I can't speak for all of them but certainly my ashwinder customers have their reasons if I were you I'd forget I heard that very well I shall let Mr Pippen know I delivered the potions as requested you do that do you have for sale yeah that's what she's got what are we looking for today hmm you don't have a honest sweetheart you're not that cool you're not that special I'm sorry this will do just fine thank you for stopping in I appreciate it officially back at hogsmeade another side quest completed feels good in the market for portions are we I delivered the potions to Fatima lawang very good and did she cause you any trouble I can see why you didn't want to go she was quite cantankerous I do truly appreciate your help and at least it's done with hmm [Music] delivering those potions was a bit more work than I'd expected I'd like an additional fee I suppose that's business for you hey well I shall increase your pay but I'm not at all pleased about it best of luck with your potions Mr Pepin do take care I wonder if that was uh a right choice Pioneers cap foreign nice oh we're starting to rack up that money I like it I'm kind of becoming addicted to it I think there was also a little pouch up here or something so we've traveled back here to Hogwarts and uh we're gonna go ahead and meet up with Sebastian let's see what he's got for us this I have to say what he said was kind of intriguing so pretty excited about this one here we go over here Sebastian it's been a while it has glad you received my owl I have something to show you first let me thank you for what you did in the library of course scripting tried to give me detention but I have ways out of these things well you took the fall for me and that counts for something did you find what you were looking for I did but something was missing I'm not sure here is the best place to discuss it understood we can talk more in a moment in the undercroft not even the professors know about this place I have to say this way I don't know if I trust them dude you know how others girls there's a secret passage just here it's well disguised one of them is bound to betray us eventually lumos oh all right how did you find this place my friend ominous gaunt he named it the undercroft we used to play golf Stones here all the time with my sister and she loved that infernal game what I wouldn't give to lose to her again I should tell you I swore to ominous I would Safeguard this place so please keep this between us he never confides in anyone but he's trusted me since the day we met I wouldn't want to jeopardize that we used to sneak in here almost daily we've never been caught I think I've seen ominous in potions or was it herbology I've noticed that he uses his wand to navigate the castle he does no idea how though ominous was born blind and no spell could reverse it his one seems almost sentient not surprising I suppose Ollivander always says the wand chooses the wizard is that how he found this place no someone in his family knew about it the gaunts are full of secrets I've never heard anyone else speak of it I've certainly never seen anyone else here again mention this to no one especially ominous he has no love lost for his family or their secrets but this place is special to him understood but why does ominous have no love lost for his family his father's family a direct descendant of Salazar Slytherin one of the four founders of Hogwarts obsessed with blood status most of them ominous cannot abide them as he'll be the first to tell you anyway the undercroft has been a perfect place to sneak off to away from prying eyes and even practice otherwise forbidden spells really like what like the blasting curse professors say it's not an appropriate spell to teach students it sounds like a dangerous spell you sound like ominous frowns upon using forbidden spells although he did enjoy learning this one a spell like confringo is only truly dangerous in untrained hands such spells should be properly taught not banned to be fair I'm admittedly partial to more fiery forms of magic but you should learn it I can teach it to you safely here it may take a while to get the feel for it mimic my wand movement the incantation is confringer very well confringo you're getting it ready to actually try it out stick to the targets though best to keep the undercroft intact have a go at those candelabras both have their uses but I think you'll find that a confringo cast travels a bit farther than that of a spell-like incendia okay so then what would be the point of having two of them [Music] that's fine if I have it on both here this is my second slot anyways how hot you'll get used to it that's it I think I've got it well done this is a little dangerous we're playing with fire now no pun intended I have to say I enjoyed that the first time ominous and I practiced confringo we singed our eyebrows I would have paid to see that I swore we'd never live it down so this day there's something about that spell that's addictive um this is exactly the type of magic I've been hoping to learn there's more where that came from I've been practicing similar spells here for ages although I didn't tell Ann and ominous about everyone I haven't been here in some time it's not the same without hand I'm sorry about your sister if there's anything I can do perhaps when I next head to felcroft you could come along mitan she could use some cheering up [Music] just let me know when and I'll meet you oh she misses Hogwarts she's been stuck at home with our Guardian Uncle Solomon unfortunately you'll have to meet him too we'll meeting a new student will be precisely what she needs I shall look forward to it cheers by the way what was it you couldn't discuss out in the hall earlier I'm not sure where to start you said something was missing from what you found in the library might it have something to do with Victor Rookwood he didn't mistake you for someone else at all in hogsmead did he nothing gets past you I'll tell you what I can Rookwood and ranrock are trying to recover something they think I took from a vault in Gringotts Gringotts when were you there Professor fig and I wound up there after the dragon attack there was this port key that a Porky to Gringotts well it's all a bit convoluted I'm listening I'm not gonna trust this guy dude the book I found in the Restricted Section was missing some pages that's about it pity didn't think you'd disappoint me with so vague an answer I suppose with both Rookwood and ranrock after you a bit more time practicing the blasting curses in order spend as much time here as you'd like and remember keep this place between us yes I'll send you an owl Sebastian gives me that vibe that he is not to be trusted I I don't I don't know we know how these things work there's always a character that just ends up turning on us right it happened so many times in the movies just when you think they're they're good they're just not so I'm gonna play it safe while I can [Music] hello Sebastian wait you there I can hear oh hello ominous isn't it I believe we have potions together and herbology I recognize that voice heard you talking to Gareth Weasley in potions class you're the new fifth year did you just come from the undercroft how did you get in there [Music] should I lie to this could I should I be honest with them ah screw it actually Sebastian brought me there but he made it perfectly clear to keep quiet about it that rat you breathe a word about this place to anyone and not even your precious Professor fig will be able to help you my father is friends with Headmaster and I'm not afraid to exploit that connection if I need to damn you needn't threaten me I'm not going to say anything about your undercroft why should I trust you just betrayed Sebastian please I was trying to defend him he was clear that this was a secret place and I was to tell no one he's a good friend I don't need you to tell me about my oldest friend thank you very much ominous I just met I know what you meant Sebastian gets himself in enough trouble he doesn't need your help damn I knew that was going to get an earful about this oh God I thought that if I lied to him he was gonna know like he would have sense that I was gonna that I was lying maybe that was a better choice which I I was really keen on you know choosing that but I don't know my nerves got the best of me we have failed I'm sorry Sebastian so what we're going to do now is we're gonna head over to the Quidditch pitch and see if we can do this this trial or some much needed upgrades on our broom all right here they are let's see if we can do this Gryffindor hmm Imelda raise I'll be weak sent me did he know still tinkering with his broom upgrade no doubt I tried to help him once he nitpicked my flying technique and that was the end of that the nerve why is he ropping you into his brim testing silliness you've barely started flying from what I know caught wind of you showing off in flying class with Clapton hmm seems someone's jealous of my skills on a broom me so they're in quidditch Captain jealous of you everyone knows that class is only for beginners troublemakers and bumbling baboons for some reason now people think your competition I can't be having that perhaps I am competition you're not even Slytherin could be a useless squib for all I know enough of this only one way to find out who's the better flyer I hold one of the fastest times on this course let's see if you can beat it Slytherin vs Gryffindor actually why not I can beat your record I'm so looking forward to seeing you lose I love how I'm just naturally gifted at everything we do you know what I mean fun ah okay so this is like to uh refill the meter and I completely missed all of them that was pretty pathetic oh man this is pretty intense yep pretty intense foreign this is exactly what I've been asking for oh my gosh [Music] all right it's 22 rings in total speed shall maintain as long as we keep collecting these little bubbles [Music] my goodness we're going extra fast we're actually getting to see different sections of the world this is nice come on come on come on yeah those bottles give you a massive speed burst I wonder if we can beat her record it doesn't seem impossible at the moment I think we've got this [Music] she had no idea I was going to come in here first day ever flying look at us brilliant oh dude I just smoked a record she's gonna be mad excuse me uh I'd hate to inform you but you lost that's fine you won don't think this is over you can't determine skill from one single trial surely my win means something not terrible but you're still going to have to prove yourself if you want to earn my respect I don't want your respect challenge accepted then perhaps you have what it takes after all we shall see but don't get your hopes up the next course near Irondale offers a much tougher challenge you can try to prepare by racing this course again just checking at the podium where the leaderboard is you can check your time and start the race we'll see next time if your win here was more than just a fluke whilst on an errand for Alby weeks nice we will return I suspect Mr weeks will be glad to hear how I fed yeah that was pretty cool more for the sake of broom flights we're gonna we're gonna fly over there okay we're gonna fly over there instead of fast traveling I feel like I feel like it serves the episode better if we just fly there so I'm assuming the more races we do like you know how she mentioned she had another race there was supposed to be a much tougher challenge I'm assuming the more those you complete the more upgrades you unlock Maybe that would make sense but I don't know I'm about to find out ah I can't fly here no problem sometimes it seems like roads lead to hogsmeade oh we're here [Music] oh you're back we've something to report I hope Mr wheat I was able to set a record on my broom incredible Miss Rey's must have been shocked tell me how was the broom a little turbulent and it's wanting for a bit of speed but it fed well enough I will say that it tended to drift a bit to the left on certain turns heard us like swoosh when I dipped oh thank you hmm that's precisely what I needed to know drifted eh she'll get to work immediately even the naysayers will be forced to admit that my Works have potential all along why would anyone doubt your ability to upgrade brooms now you'd be surprised people get set in their ways worried that fiddling with what's working fine will somehow ruin it those people don't appreciate the sense of Freedom that comes with quality broom flights nor do they appreciate all that's involved in the creative process I have a friend in Rome runs a shop like mine says it's worse there of course they do nap in the afternoons from what I hear and where would we be without enhancements I mean if Elliot smevic could let the no Sayers get to him we would never have had the cushioning charm I don't listen to him I'm excited to hear more I have a very good feeling about this upgrade I guarantee you'll be pleased expect to hear from me soon hmm how to address the issue of altitude as it relates to speed worst completes [Music] so guys this has been a really fun a really fun episode to be honest this game has still continued to amaze me in the fact that everything that we learn in a new episode it just keeps throwing new stuff at us and it hasn't felt repetitive one bit and that's the type of thing that you can run across when it comes to games like these and so far everything has felt really refreshing and I'm just excited to continue the story for you guys expect more episodes and uh I hope you guys enjoyed this one thanks for watching and I'll catch you later
Channel: Hollow
Views: 593,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hogwarts legacy, hogwarts legacy gameplay, hogwarts legacy walkthrough, hogwarts legacy part 1, hogwarts legacy full game, hogwarts legacy ending, hogwarts legacy review, hogwarts legacy walkthrough part 1, hogwarts legacy ps5, hogwarts legacy xbox series x, hogwarts legacy pc, hogwarts gameplay, hogwarts walkthrough, hogwarts part 1, hohgwarts full game, hogwarts ending, hogwarts review, hogwarts walkthrough part 1
Id: CTwn1Ghz6is
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 11sec (3611 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2023
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