Hogwarts Legacy - Part 6 - THE ROOM OF REQUIREMENT

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[Music] thank you excuse me I've been just kind of floating around here on my broom enjoying the view I guess you can say I still can't believe this is a thing in a modern day platform a video game a Harry Potter video game where we can explore and fly around and kind of do whatever we want guys welcome back to Hogwarts Legacy Professor Weasley hmm somewhere away from prying eyes [Music] foreign [Music] forgive me the Headmaster stopped me and I Merlin's beard I see you've wasted no time shall we [Music] So It Begins what is this place is the womb of requirement it only appears when one is in real need of it ordinarily a student might stumble upon this room entirely by accident if ever I'd only planned to suggest to you how to find it by walking past that bit of War focusing on what you need but you've managed to reveal the room on your own while I'm here we should take advantage of the moment now where is Deke you've sneaked fast and gone ahead deep Professor the house elf I was speaking to in my classroom your first day thought you might help you use the room once you found it once I'm clambering over this mess [Music] this presents the perfect opportunity to teach you evanesco the vanishing spell you can cast evanesco to vanish certain objects such as these chairs and other things here in the room I suggest you practice the wand movements first then you can clear the chairs away absolutely let's do it [Music] sweet it's Splendid Now cast evanesco on those chairs so evanesca we're gonna probably go here to hmm hold on we're gonna do it on this one so evanesco do we want to do it for square yes excellent work you'll note that you are now in possession of moonstone we shall discuss its uses later let's move on this game just keeps on giving honestly where in Merlin's name is that elf a is that goodness my old school bag I wondered where that had got to can't believe it's still here I'll just take a quick look at this give you an opportunity to explore on your own until we locate Deke yes professor [Music] okay oh hi you keep it down some of us are trying to rest you just scared me thank you let's walk clear the chairs here when we get some moonshine from me that's beautiful that is absolutely beautiful out of the way Don't Mind If I Do [Music] cool dude I'm sorry so it's kind of crazy because if you don't have the spell enabled on your on your um shortcuts you don't see it like you don't see what you can use it on or whatnot on the world do I get up there oh I see what I gotta do this way and then possibly jump up top there we go I point to genius but I've got no more slots left I'm gonna just dismantle some of these things break them apart let's see what we've got in this chest [Music] oh unidentified hand item and that's a legendary it seems did I really just put on the first year cap all right we'll rock with that for a little bit but this isn't as precarious as it looks come on guys what are you doing no not that's not helpful you worthless pile of tin wow bro look at this somebody just like I don't want to say pointless little interactions within the world of this game but you don't really need to have them but they just put them in there anyways and it adds to the magic feel of this this game and the environment and the environment that it's built a bit offended the room thought I needed a bath cheeky thing there goes the grand toilet again what is this go down and under here yeah I think we're just supposed to clear the way all the way through [Music] was that a Golden Stitch where I didn't perhaps you should summon your wits and find out okay you know what let's go ahead and move this out of the way let's see what's going on here [Music] yeah it's over there I can see it [Music] [Music] yikes Castle huh oh there you are wait right there dick will come to you hello all right we've been looking for you apologies Professor Weasley dig was looking through some of what's appeared in the room since Deke was last here is this the student indeed it is take his honor to meet you Deke has been a friend since I was a second year we discovered this room together I mentioned you to Deke we believe that you might be able to benefit from this room like I did Deke would you be so kind of course Professor Weasley [Music] the room of requirement will always be equipped for The Seekers needs it's unplottable so won't appear on any map most happen upon it by accident if ever deep seen students in need of an extra file for potions stumble upon the room filled with them you seem to have accessed it in its form as the room of hidden things I was thinking about needing a place away from prying eyes [Music] brilliant oh that explains it then what I need specifically is a place where I can catch up on my schoolwork without distraction well then the room can provide you with precisely that [Music] now it's time to focus on what you need Just Close Your Eyes imagine the room precisely as you need it the room will do the rest [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow wow you've given yourself quite a canvas to work with [Music] my goodness I look forward to seeing what you do with the space ah and it seems the room has provided you with a desk of description excellent it can identify unfamiliar items of clothing one should always understand the effects of anything in which one is clothed you have unlocked the desk of description use it to reveal the magical properties of any unidentified gear that you've collected I can't dude oh my God [Music] no way you'll find plenty of items of clothing that need to be identified the desk will be an invaluable resource [Music] take a look at this because that's legendary gear right there Plus and has a Venom one increased venomous fantacular damage I I would imagine you can get the entire set eventually right like if you just keep oh my let me see the other one was the and it's higher than this one wife 17 offense it's not as nice looking um but it obviously it's just better and it's a legendary increased damage dealts to Cursed targets that's really cool I look kind of elegant you ask me revelio [Music] I imagine the desk of description will come in handy it will hope you'll take advantage of it now I'll give you a brief lesson in Conjuring the room might not provide everything you need on its own Conjuring yes the magic of creating or Conjuring objects I'll teach you beautiful [Music] well I'm sure this will come in handy Professor Weasley and I failed very good when Conjuring more complex objects you'll need what's called a spell craft spell crafts are like recipes they list the ingredients or resources needed to conjure a particular object you should have acquired some for a potion station and potting table from tomes and Scrolls in hogsmead I did where can I find the resources I need why resources such as Moonstone can be obtained throughout the highlands it's much safer and easier to purchase them they can also be collected by Vanishing objects in the room such as the chairs you vanished earlier in fact you should have enough resources for now I see can I regain Resources by Vanishing something I've already conjured you can indeed indeed go ahead and conjure the potions station and potting table you should find both familiar since they'll resemble the ones you've already used to study magical plots and brew potions in class Okay cool so Conjuring spell [Music] oh wow all right so the conjuring spell I'll put it on this one let's go ahead and uh whoa oh my God this is crazy utility Enchanted items can be used in the room or requirement oh man this is so cool dude what the heck [Music] small Gothic potion station small electric potion hmm foreign Conjuring budget in the room and the room of requirement my goodness [Music] this is insane [Music] all right um foreign this one let's go with the first one yet change the color wow here goes the customization oh man how Wicked is that [Music] dude that is just incredible [Music] all right and then we've got here a potting table herbology scientific potting table with a small pot [Music] ential yeah we'll go with this [Music] should we put this somewhere else or should we yeah we'll put this one on this side here we can also change the color well done or not you can use these whenever you need to brew potions or grow plants presuming of course you've collected any seeds or potion ingredients you need in hogsmead or outside the castle grounds Deke will be here to answer any questions you may have not underestimate his insights wow I'm just like wow can you tell me a bit more about Deke he's been at Hogwarts longer than I have and seems to know it's every nook cranny and secret we discovered this room together when I was a student Deke has had a good deal of experience both here at Hogwarts and at a previous post I shall let to Deke tell you more when he's ready but again you would be wise to listen to any suggestions he may have can I use this type of transfiguration magic outside of the room Conjuring and Vanishing are strictly forbidden elsewhere in the castle charms in place that it would be exhausting to reverse the errors in both judgment and Magic but the room of requirement has its own rules I will be sure to speak with Deke if I need anything thank you good luck I shall linger a bit longer in case you'd like to learn another Transfiguration spell for use in the room okay cool the quest has been completed and we've got a flu from a flu flame right in here so we can just fast travel here whenever I suppose it's a Weasley again I'm ready for the next lesson Professor very well first you'll need to gather some moonstone you can acquire it by Vanishing items here in the room of requirement or you can gather it carefully outside of the Hogwarts grounds return to me once you've gathered enough and we shall begin the lesson I think I have enough come and see me as soon as you can I return from a rather unproductive trip to the ministry hoping your time has been more fruitful than mine of course remember Professor fig he's been gone for a minute should have enough right I would audium levios see me after class nice let's see so here we've got uh these seeds we also have one of the Professor Garlic's class [Music] ah same one I think that the dittany leaves of a medicinal herb yep that's the same one we've got over there it's 10 minutes [Music] and then let's see here we've got this is one of the potions we need actually we just need ashwinter eggs and Mongrel fur okay that's good too I wonder if we can like track these items you know what I mean okay that's good to know gosh I have the Moonstone you requested Professor good then we may begin your lesson more than herbology table conjuration can be can we create this space to your liking why don't you try it on the walls and floor [Music] [Laughter] oh man this is cool [Music] no way bro get out of here change the size but now right there wash won't you look at us go I'm here doing the unthinkable all right this is hard work so um do this here let's see what else we got I like that one there and I also like possibly hmm we'll put that one there I like that one there let's go back we don't always have to do that we can also do chairs and all sorts of other stuff what about one of these big old tables yes look at this why is that so big hey [Music] perfecto all right sweet um we've got rugs sweet that works man change color is square I completely foreign [Music] that's awesome let's do a big Square mirror here it works good work shall we move on one second Professor Jesus Christ [Music] now how do I [Music] no my question now is that looks terrible that is disgusting here my question now is how do I get rid of this table okay that makes sense I just make it disappear that makes perfect sense all right I'm gonna grab this and I'm gonna change the color because I didn't I did not change the car at all I'll go with this one that's not even in the right place there we go what up what an ugly design man I am not an interior designer I am sorry one right there and I'll put another one and I put one right here [Music] no okay well that works you know what we'll go with that why not this place is hideous I've conjured everything I can what's next Professor I I've ready to take on alteration the altering spell will allow you to customize any conjun item you can change the colors patterns and styles of your furniture to suit your taste let's get started shall we watch closely as I demonstrate how to perform the altering spell didn't we do that I guess not [Music] just aim your wand at any conjured item and perform the altering spell to customize it [Music] um okay [Music] all right so let's go ahead and do about these ugly lamps we've got here professor ah so it's like a shortcut okay that's actually pretty good [Music] what is actually a really good matter of fact [Music] I'm not even gonna put that there there's no need to put that there [Music] change its color okay adjust the size of an item how about we get uh we get this [Music] the mirror of the mirror let's go for the mirror can I go for the mirror how about this mirror no this one foreign there we go now you're ready for something a little more advanced you can use the altering spell directly on the room's architecture try these new designs on the floor or balcony oh my God she's going crazy right now alter the balcony or the floor of the room girl you crazy you are absolutely insane oh my God [Music] dude get out of town [Music] I like this Stone of course Professor Weasley Professor Weasley showed Deke this bit of magic some years ago Nate thinks you'll enjoy it come and talk to dig when you're ready same right now look wow Professor Weasley said I should ask you about changing the room's Ambience of course yeah what sort of overall look most appeals to you [Music] a cool Moonlight Ambiance sounds perfect I focus best in a room that is dark and mysterious I do um but this one actually sounds really good let's see what this is I like the room to feel mysterious eerie as if I'm in the Forbidden Forest surrounded by shallows oh sounds perfect I hope we can change [Music] look at that [Music] quite a difference of course you needn't keep this style if you don't like it you can always ask Deke to change it back now you have learned a good bit about alteration thank you Professor the room is full of possibilities indeed no matter how much time I spend here the room always manages to surprise me [Music] I don't even know it's just crazy [Music] it gets bigger this is insanity an even bigger space how did that happen the room equips itself to your needs it must have sensed that you needed more space to practice spellcasting if you'd like to customize the space further you can use these spell crafts you'll find more of them both inside and outside the school keep an eye out good I'll leave you to it this is your space now use it wisely [Music] that's so cool I like this Ambience uh Vibe we've got some dressing screens I mean this is awesome it's good because you can actually now use the sense of like you know the lamps and stuff they've actually got a purpose so let's see I think we can actually like this now that's awesome bro [Music] foreign [Music] I'll put some of that that's made pretty quickly let's see what's down over here I mean all of this can be fixed like customized completely this is crazy what in the world [Music] yo what the [ __ ] [Music] the whole law can be changed like what [Music] give me a break [Music] guys the possibilities on here are absolutely endless look this already looks like a different spot [Music] man [Music] put this here you can change all the frames I mean you can already kind of sense yeah this is gonna be like that little area there yeah I like it all right we're gonna change this other side real quick let's be a little uniform let's have some uniformity in our lives [Music] beautiful change this we kind of fit this here all right I like it I'm on this floor this floor seems quite magical yeah we can make this from a little bit different you see that man what the [Music] oh don't hit that [Music] all right let's see what what else do we have here because wow look at that man that looks cool whoa [Music] that looks really cool yeah this whole thing can change completely I'd like to ask you about changing the room's Ambience of course yeah what sort of overall look most appeals to you I would like the room to feel as if it's being lit by the moon oh sounds perfect let's see what that does just probably changes the time of day that's probably oh that is nice that is nice this might be my favorite [Music] that might just be my favorite this is nice yeah there's so much you can do here I mean that we can stay here for hours and hours to be honest this is freaking ridiculous let's go to the quest okay let's let's go here to the quest we have the map chamber I think it's time for us to go to Professor fig and see what's going on with him I'm a little bit worried about this man I was hoping to see you you're back finally Minister spavin talks more than he listens ranted on and on about Rogue dragons wouldn't listen to a word about goblins speaking of which listen professor so much happened while you were away nearly headless Nick asked me to get some rotten roast beef from the kitchens rotten roast beef yes I thought it was odd too but then we took the roast beef to support more of the Headless hunt and you've met the Headless hunt that must have been interesting to say this and then I had to find Richard jackdaw's head in the pumpkins so that he'd tell me about how he died who on Earth is Richard jackdaw he was a student here long ago anyway he told me about a secret Cavern I went there and right next to jackdaw's skeleton I found the missing pages you found the pages I did and because jackdaw had followed the map they contained when I found the pages I found the location on the map believe it or not it's a room below Hogwarts why am I not surprised shall we I was hoping you'd say that Owen will need to bring the book I hope Professor figs and turn out on usbrow the room is called the map chamber by the way and the portrait of Percival Rackham awaits us there Professor Rackham I look forward to meeting him how did this jackdaw get the pages from the book evidently peeves stole them and jackdaw stole them from him he's here we go to think it was beneath us all this time [Music] this looks promising [Music] [Music] [Applause] there's hogsmeade and over here the Forbidden Forest and of course Hogwarts it's magnificent [Music] [Music] if only you were here to see this [Music] hmm this is so cool wow hello Professor Rackham we've placed the book on the pedestal as you asked and this is my mentor Professor fig how do you do Professor fig and you my young friend see now why you needed to return with the book I do I also see why you refer to this room as the map chamber that you have come this far tells me that you possess extraordinary magical ability the potential and power of which will unlock should you prove yourself worthy the location of each of four trials will in time appear on the map trials that will test you and give you access to invaluable knowledge trials that you must complete on your own do you recall the pensive memory viewed in my vault in Gringotts [Music] you and your friend Charles spoke of the Porky and of Trials you'd created for one who could see traces of ancient magic precisely Charles is another of the keepers a designation we gave ourselves centuries ago in light of the knowledge that we have been bound to keep hidden until perhaps now so the passage from your ruins to Gringotts everything in the vault the Restricted Section finding this room none of these was a trial they were an important part of the journey but they were not trials themselves the fact that you have come this far however bodes well the trials were designed to ensure that the power and knowledge we had kept secret for so long does not fall into the wrong hands they will test your abilities both innate and learned but of equal importance everything you witness as you complete the trials will inform what you choose to do with all that we share you will need patience the trials have much to teach you it will take time now I'm afraid we don't have the luxury of time we have waited this long Professor fig surely a few more respectfully sir while I do not know the secret you keep I do know that our young friend here has seen traces traces of a powerful dark magic being wielded by Goblin Kind and we encountered an uncommonly powerful Goblin wielding such magic as we prepare to leave your vault at Gringotts we may already be too late this is grave news indeed young friend do you trust Professor fig I do then in the light of your considerable skill and all you have already accomplished we shall begin you will find the location of the first trial marked on the map below you whilst Professor fig May assist you in locating the trials they may be completed only by one with our ability wow shall we have a look do you trust Professor fig I know that it's not far you may have seen it yourself let me just say it doesn't look familiar I didn't think I have perhaps your young friend is not as well traveled as you think as your Mentor the least I can do is go ahead to make sure it is safe join me as soon as you can you said that you know that Tower what can you tell me about it not much I'm afraid I've passed it dozens of times it's north of hogsmead my recollection is that it seems abandoned clearly however the tower conceals more than meets the eye I'll find you at the tower as soon as I can until then be careful and do not tell anyone where you're going I hope I'm wrong but I'm having my doubts for the first time about Professor fig he's always been telling us to be very quiet and not say anything which rightfully so what we're doing are and should be not told am I making any sense I should not be towed to anyone it's time you learned Iglesias Ed it is an efficient way to cool down a heated situation but first I will need you to complete a few tasks once you've done that come and see me let me see the core the core will give us another page for the Spells holding the Dodge now allows you to vanish quickly and reappear nearby what in the world what the heck that's crazy bro yes I'm gonna grab that duh dark arts you look foreign to say that I don't want to use this I might I might hold off on that a little bit just because I don't know it seems like these are actually a bit more important stealth detector is reduced allows you to Sprint while using disillusionment I'm I'm gonna go for I'm gonna go for this and I'm gonna go for this yeah let's do that I need these all right guys so we are finally headed over to meet Professor fig at the tower let's see what this is all about I'm gonna Traverse here and just overall safely explore in there get to enjoy nice beautiful scenery look at this where this is probably the furthest and we've gone out ever like ever I don't know we can go into those trees in there we probably can I'm sure we can but yeah we definitely can let's see yeah we could you could see that that's the Forbidden Forest perhaps this is Matt I'm kind of lost yeah there's people down there's things and enemies and stuff down there for sure oh my gosh let's go wow this is I'm I'm already a little nervous I'm not even gonna lie I am pretty nervous right now but thankfully the music is still peaceful I think we've got a little travel spot here often another adventure are we we're not alone we are not ran Rock's loyalists around a dozen I can see but could be more can't we operate past them into the tower we could but we've no idea what's in the tower more importantly however I'd like to know why they're here they've set up camp just ahead I suggest we investigate a little before doing anything else let's go well this isn't ideal no it isn't this way and I'd suggest we use the disillusionment charm here no sense in announcing our arrival um at one time quickly now so reaching an enemy undetected allows you to cast petrificus totalis perfect no big deal stay hidden and cast petrificus totalus here we go Dallas well done revelio there must be something here ramrock said so I take this guy out I actually don't care if I get caught I'm up for the action matter of fact I think it'd be pretty fun we have been caught oh look at that dude no way get out of here I'm a monster oh okay now that things are getting a little bit more serious with the Spells and stuff gameplay and combat is really starting to feel fan rock is full really good to your demise Rebellion wow hear the goblin presence foreign can we fly here no we can't fly orders directly from Round Rock such Tower and surrounding area look for anything to do with names what do you find here could be the key to Goblin kindly taking its rifle place in the world to find rock okay revelia oh what the hell really oh [ __ ] so will I oh okay [Applause] oh these guys mean business oh man come on give me a break yeah I've been trying to do the dogs so much that I completely forgot that I can Parry as well easy work too easy Rebellion keep searching the tower uh Mr fig what are we doing when we go in here and search this or what looks like we found the entrance that's right you want to open that up or what it's locked was Rebellion an unlocking Tom very handy no time now but if you don't learn it soon enough we can work on it back at the castle this man just keeps on surprising me I wonder who this is with robes like that it could be anyone let me go to the Gear real quick it's it's good to note that now after all this time Niles when we're actually starting to what's up with these nazarus when we're actually starting to explore outside of the castle which is pretty pretty wild to even say that sorry about that shouldn't be surprised to have found a map chamber under the castle Merlin knows what else is hidden here a better hat as well revelio I imagine these brooms have been Enchanted for centuries never seen an enchantment last this long welcome to San bakar's Tower here hello professor did you say sambakar's Tower I did Professor bakar is a keeper you have yet to encounter I'm glad to see that I was correct in presuming that we would meet again soon after our last encounter though I surmise based on the commotion I heard that you did not have an easy time getting to me we did not Professor we encountered goblins outside the tower the Goblins were aware of my fault is disquieting enough but if they have also made a connection to this Tower then the threat may be greater than I thought all the more reason for us to move forward downstairs near the entry a reservoir of ancient magic like those you've seen before has been unlocked commanded to access a doorway I'm afraid I cannot say more as Professor fig cannot join you he and I will in time see you back at the map chamber remember what you see oh I gotta do this alone we're going to need to understand how ran Rock's loyalists knew about a tower that once belonged to a keeper for the moment however even more important things to set your mind to a reservoir of ancient magic I believe yes sir then I shall leave matters in your increasingly capable hands that said be careful I will sir I'll see you back in the map chamber I can't take myself seriously with these glasses bro the reservoir of ancient magic downstairs near the entry Rebellion [Music] [Music] I should investigate that's exactly what we're doing the first trial hmm I've seen this before in Gringotts and the Restricted Section Rebellion all right let's see what we got I have a feeling we're gonna fight we're gonna fight a whole lot oh come on that must have done something let's have a look around wait what revelia what oh we're back here what in the world oh that's trippy that must have done something let's have a look around what am I supposed to do here well it's a trial supposed to kind of figure it out here it is another potion College I love that dude oh my goodness what is going on oh yeah here it goes traces of ancient Magic something must be different this is different [Music] man this is so trippy my God oh boy oh my God the first trial begins I'm ready for either never welcome sight are you still don't know what to expect this time [Music] already that I've ever been I do kind of wish that [Music] delicious then when we do like when you're changing slots you would kind of slow down time a little bit so we can change in time you know what I mean we just have them all okay foreign ever since I got that new Dodge move it's like I can't I can't deflect anymore I just can't think about it but we're good should be good Rebellion you break down no just got to keep going I have a feeling it's only gonna get tougher these look familiar it's definitely not familiar Rebellion I think this is the the darkest we've gotten since the very beginning of the game I don't think we've gotten this dark and this serious [Music] all right hold on I gotta go and dismantle some stuff I don't need man I really need to complete more of Merlin's trials straight up foreign oh nice got a couple of chests here that are just begging for me to open them what did that burst of magic do and I perhaps I should examine things from both sides look at that mask the ceramic mask how cool is that foreign what the hell did this do I choose more statues yes I like that oh you guys are done oh okay maybe not that actually hit me crap here 's probably smarter that way nope [Music] nice let's go okay we just gotta get used to swapping out that's all no big deal what do we have revelio we've got this platform here I don't even know we need the platform statue where they're just waiting for me maybe perhaps I won't give it the satisfaction it craves okay I think I gotta pull this Pacquiao this way and fail miserably hold on I'll be I'll be right there what the hell and drop down here statue's still there question is how do we get there we've only got one platform on this side but this side around here [Music] what is happening oh shoot oh my God [Music] man that's crazy that's when I go back I need to see how the room changes when I move in and out of the archway yeah I just go back here it seems like Auto explore this archery from both sides wow bro I like it I like that a lot [Music] that's fine I'll never get used to these to these floors this is super trippy oh my God anybody else wants them it's over for you these guys special ability is like insane it isn't what it is it just depletes the deteriorates it it dissolves it let's go to the combat right now is crazy oh get it wrecked Rebellion man sweet we're gonna play this safe here oh my gosh wow okay cool Rebellion this looks like the same exact area where we started and there's two potions right there at the entrance that's gotta be that's gotta be worrisome I mean what is gonna happen here and a big chest yep I'm a little concerned I'm more than a little five potions whoa okay hold on give me a sec I I got some gear I know that I don't have especially the scarf it's plus 28. I'm gonna go ahead and grab that putting on the hood right let's go this is a boss fight oh my gosh it's Sunday oh my God okay you missed me you missed me big guy that's right you boys better be scared be in this Hood we ain't going nowhere here ah you're a little far away from me that's it [Music] I think we passed this with flying colors And So It Begins destroy the orbs as it's charging up this is a legit boss come on come on oh no can bring it over wow my gosh that was crazy that was literally that was freaking crazy [Music] no no phone please come on let's just get there in one piece whoa another pensive [Music] of course I don't foreign just take something off wow what's your drop [Music] thank you [Music] your ability to transfigure the world around you is remarkable [Music] what is it my father isn't getting better I don't think he'll ever work over from the death of my brother it is agonizing to see those we love suffer the trout was years ago but the pain of losing him is as deep for him now as if it happened only yesterday he doesn't need pretty pillars he needs peace to help him professor for your father already it's not enough I want to take away his pain it is tempting I know to use this magic that you're mastering to transfigure more than the physical world human emotion is a potent Force unto itself even the most well-meaning and competent witch cannot possibly know the consequences of irrevocably manipulating it so I'm to watch as my father's pain destroys him it is not your pain to take [Music] I sense Something Brewing in here what really happened with this check every year a student sees something sillier than I could ever imagine in their tea leaves oh miss Morgana welcome back to Hogwarts professor going to take some getting used to Professor rickwood I was so pleased to hear that you had accepted the position of defense against the dark arts professor sit sit is Adora tell us about your travels I was actually hoping that you and the others might join me at my home this evening there's much I'd like to share with you be delightful we shall let the others know very well see you then she looks older huh for sure or sure another memory now to find a way out of there all crystallized Stone let's get out of here hey guys I'm back I am indeed alive what have we here I'm a student at Hogwarts sir and this is Professor Fick professor Charles Rookwood At Your Service someone completed the first trial I have Professor Brookwood hmm we saw you in the pensive in Gringotts with it's a raccoon indeed so you found the port key to access Professor rackham's Vault and you deciphered the map within the locket you found floating above that pensive I did I found something that I can't identify floating above the last pensive ah yes you will find a similar artifact in each trial you must take her to keep them safe you'll need them to complete the journey we have set forth for you once you have them all we will tell you what to do with them very well are you able to tell me anything about the next trial before you proceed I would like to speak with Charles regarding the Urgent situation involving the goblins goblins the student has seen traces of a powerful dark magic being wielded by Goblin Kind they and their Mentor Professor fig not only encountered goblins lurking outside of San bakar's Tower they also encountered a powerful Goblin in my vault at Gringotts hmm I'm afraid it would be wise to Halt the trials until we know more we shall defer to you in this matter of course now then wait Professor the name Rookwood do you think that there's a connection to Victor perhaps but we can't be sure of its significance if any for now tell me what you saw in the pensive before the witch from the last pensive Isadora became a Hogwarts professor she argued with Professor Rackham about using magic to remove pain hmm hopefully the next pensive provides more context for now we should learn what round rock knows I will be honest I've no idea where to start actually I might know of someone I saw sirona at the three broomsticks speaking to a goblin once they seemed friendly well it's worth a try see what you can find out of course don't forget my studies yes sir he had Mr Potter what am I saying stop Professor have you encountered swirling traces of magic in the world aside from those along our path not that I recall what are they evidence of the Keeper's efforts to manipulate the power of ancient magic during our time if I am correct and I usually am you should be able to use them to inform and enhance your own magic thank you sir I will look out for them [Music] oh my God [Music] that was one heck of an episode and it looks like the seasons are changing and they will continue to change every time we complete a new trial momentum the slowing charm it allows you to freeze objects or people in mid-air simply complete a few tasks and then come and see me well I should ask sirona at the three broomsticks about the goblin she was talking to the day of the troll attack hello again I've got spectacular news the the broom upgrade's ready ah stop by the shop when you can I hope you will come and see me about a pressing and highly confidential matter at your earliest convenience I believe that we may be able to help each other
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Views: 491,320
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Keywords: hogwarts legacy, hogwarts legacy gameplay, hogwarts legacy walkthrough, hogwarts legacy part 1, hogwarts legacy full game, hogwarts legacy ending, hogwarts legacy review, hogwarts legacy walkthrough part 1, hogwarts legacy ps5, hogwarts legacy xbox series x, hogwarts legacy pc, hogwarts gameplay, hogwarts walkthrough, hogwarts part 1, hohgwarts full game, hogwarts ending, hogwarts review, hogwarts walkthrough part 1
Id: uB_8tGkdOuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 4sec (4684 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2023
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