Hogwarts Legacy - Part 7 - TAMING BEASTS

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all right welcome back guys so I have to say I'm trying to contain myself I I recently posted part one officially of this series and it is doing exceptional numbers it feels so good when you start a new series and it just does great and you guys enjoy it and the scores of this game just released recently and they are amazing this game is getting really really incredible reviews overall just a start to an incredible day and on top of that WB Games has also decided to sponsor episode so ladies and gentlemen welcome back to Hogwarts Legacy by the time you guys are watching this video you should already be playing the game so please let me know what has been your favorite aspect of this game so far but before you do let's roll the promo in Hogwarts Legacy you get to experience life as a fifth year student which is of course self-created by you at the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry of course Hogwarts within your time at Hogwarts you'll get to experience and live the unwritten as well as embark on a very dangerous journey to cover the hidden truth of the Wizarding worlds Hogwarts Legacy introduces a new original story that will put you the player at the center of your very own Wizarding Adventure this game is developed by Avalanche software and published by Warner Brothers games under the poor key games label as you may know by now Hogwarts Legacy is now available for PlayStation 5 the Xbox series xns and PC if you guys want to look into Hogwarts Legacy for yourselves I'll have a link down in the description so there is a lot to do in today's adventure first off we're gonna head and finally get ourselves a brand new broom upgrade which I'm really excited for and I also wanted to show you guys something that I realized last night if we go here this is something we've been struggling with for quite some time the storage space and I thought it was just complete the Merlin trials but once you do that you go here and under Merlin trials you have to claim the reward which increases your storage now just like that we've got more storage yeah I feel pretty silly about that we also have a brand new broom sort of appearance reward that we can check out there's a lot of rewards that we weren't really unlocking I was so just lost and exploring and playing the missions that I kind of forgot to uh claim my rewards we also have um let's see from defeating spiders We've Got Gear I mean this is crazy I just realized all of this I was like wait wait a minute are you serious um so you got for different categories obviously you've got for the quest the exploration the field guide pages and stuff like that um so this is all literally from assignments right here you know we've got gloves come almost a complete entire set look at this new glasses more gloves this is crazy exploration all right almost done with that let's see for Field Guide Pages we've unlocked a decent amount of Field Guide pages I am positively overwhelmed with the amount of Cosmetics this game has provided for us or I guess I could say is providing for us I'm super pumped about that let's take a look at the gear section here and um if we look let's start off with the glove okay this is the best glove I have right now clearly um but as you guys know we can keep this and then just kind of change the appearance um oh yeah you can see right here the slots we've got a lot more slots now I can yeah I can go for something like this I like that that actually looks pretty nice and then for the goggles or the glasses we can go for this oh my God that looks trippy dude walking around Hogwarts like this I don't know about that one um I kind of like the regular standard glasses it's very I don't know just goes with the game you know um we also have you see do I have any better headgear I don't think so you just literally have the the appearance but I can't really do anything because I've got the hood on unless I take off the hood but I don't really want to I'm really liking this one so far so we have this one um which everything I've got right now is almost top quality but we can always change the appearance um we'll go with that and then for the robe it's probably gonna be the best one this is this is a legendary after all but I am kind of looking forward to it is a brand new season a new season has started in the world of whoa in the world of Hogwarts Legacy what in the world oh my gosh that's hilarious dude oh get out of here oh my goodness we're gonna rock with this I like this one actually to be honest this is really nice let's see uh what sort of clothes we've got underneath I like those boots I'm gonna go with that just because of the boots and then for this we have a new appearance oh nice wow really I do like the little lamp honestly and it actually goes really nicely at night but why not let's just swap it out a little bit be a little different and now with that said we're gonna go over to the quest we've got as I said a decent amount of quest that we have to get to but one that I really want to do right now is uh look into a new broom enhancements with Alby weeks so I was going to fast travel to hogsmeade but I just also realized it's a new season in town and uh I think it's only right that we fly there so we can enjoy The View okay oh my gosh this is something I've been really uh excited for these rocks have seen better days since the very beginning you know the whole unlocking the broom and flying and now that we're starting off this episode with a nice little broom upgrade um it's gonna be nice the next season we shall be experiencing is gonna be winter and I'm really pumped for that um as well as I've been thinking there is four trials within the game I'm assuming after every single trial which should be a couple of hours in between each then a new season comes until the finale of the game I'm presuming that's how this is kind of allocated and organized or whatnot is it in here yes welcome back I've arranged a special price on the Broom upgrade for you I truly appreciate all of your help sweet what are we looking for today hmm an enhancement that increases your room's acceleration speed I mean that's very generous sir but it's a thousand you know I've been helping you out maybe it'd be nice if you kind of helped me out ask him as if the highest quality all right you know the other broom that I really really liked was this one I didn't get it because I like this one with a little lamp but now I don't really have the lamp so it's kind of like that item is it the highest quality oh this one had a lamp too anyways you'll be thrilled with that broom I promise you we're probably gonna need this to do the side quest anyways thanks for stopping by I must tell you Arthur vogsmead's been by the shop asking about rumors of a brome upgrade without the information you provided my work would have taken twice as long thank you again it may sound ambitious but I've already begun work on another upgrade more difficult to perfect than the last I wondered would you be interested in joining forces again there's another cause near Arendale that Miss Reyes has mastered if you were to test this first upgrade there it may help me as I develop the next oh you'll consider it won't you I love how his success depends on her downfall what more can you tell me about the next course it's just a joke from here south of oxmade beautiful mountain views the course was designed to test flyer stamina some of your classmates mentioned they were edited there eager to see what Imelda has in store a bit surprising considering many of them Express reticence at the idea of racing against the result I hope that won't deter you and you'll give the course a go at least think on it let's do it sounds as if you're really outdoing yourself if I'm able to help I will thank you I know this recent success was only the beginning of what I can do for broom flight report back as soon as you can and we'll be Off to the Races sweet I wonder if I can sell stuff with him what are we looking for today oh I could very nice um okay I don't need that many things right so 24. 3 I don't need everything so might as well empty out some storage perfect 34 24. good and just like thanks for stopping by hope to see you again we're back over 2500 right so let's go speak to Reyes then Off to the Races we go [Music] seriously oh hold on revelio oh you think you'd get away huh you little page hugs me I can't believe now it's when I'm unlocking this the only all Wizarding Village in Britain augs made has been a favorite haunt of Hogwarts students third years and up for centuries oh wow yeah I definitely feel it when you accelerate I hope one of the upgrades is that you can go a little higher without depleting your like you know stamina honestly we could fast travel everywhere for the majority because there are so many fast travel points and I feel like that's one thing people are not talking about enough this game actually having so many accessible fast travel points there are so many different locations and spots in every single part of this world that having all those blue flames is very very helpful reality you don't really need a broom but would this really be a Harry potter-ish game without a broom I don't know you need it it's not needed but you want it so I don't know maybe we will need it eventually it's just super fun to use being completely honest now we are headed all the way over here I can't wait to wait for uh to wait I can't wait for winter excuse me that's gonna be that's gonna be beautiful man we're getting close we are getting very close now I'm only including this because a lot of this area we haven't really discovered yet and second of all you know the new season is in place and I want you guys to kind of check it out there's that really cool music and I think we're headed that way where the balloons are actually no we're not we're not doing uh that challenge just yet headed over to Reyes I almost forgot Jesus Christ or should I say Maryland's beard no you can feed a beast okay the dueling Feats defeat an enemy with oh cool you'll be able to go back there eventually I don't know that was a challenge whoa what is this come to the wrong place child no no I don't want to go in there let's calm down I'm trying to go around yes come here we are here we are Mr weeks wasn't wrong about the mountain views if it isn't the fastest Gryffindor that's right it is I I'm back to give you your biggest nightmare yet before let me just steal some of your stuff here hold on hello Imelda so another trial of course it's another trial and you'd better be taking part [Music] so what you finally scared everyone else away oh I have plenty of Challengers they're just not very good no one sets records by wishing for them and I need strong competition to stay on top of my game are you going to try to beat my flying record or not I mean duh that's what I came here for strong competition could that have been a compliment Imelda go ahead believe what you want makes no difference compliments make people soft no one goes around telling me I did a fine job and do I care no I say I'm the best and that's all I need so please try to beat my record fifth year and don't be disappointed when you lose I think somebody needs a hug here you need a hug I mean you sound kind of bitter I'm ready to fly finally a decent challenge [Music] all right I'm not the same flyer I once was are we racing now I think it was somebody racing with me [Music] oh that's her come on that can't be I'm gonna have to get these in order to now that's more like it in order to beat her record I'm gonna have to get these [Music] woohoo [Music] oh my God this is a little bit intense it's a little tighter as well definitely a little tighter I don't think I've missed one of the bubbles yet are we gonna have a perfect score I don't really care as long as I beat her excellent I want to rub it in her face but I know the best oh my gosh oh I missed one no darn it I'm an idiot for that one foreign music dude jeez everything about this game is so perfect all right let's get these right here five more rings and we win it all [Music] let's go [Music] up we go and I completely miss those rings to the left I didn't even see them we're gonna win I mean 100 we've got two more Rings left it's a close call a lot closer than the first uh trial that means the third one the next one is gonna have to be a lot better amazing because that was a close call we won like 20 seconds but she's still gonna be pretty upset but I don't care I truly don't care I'm sorry bro Imelda Reyes and you've improved I must admit that was a bloody good run be careful earn a reputation for talent around here and some people get put out about it sounds like you're speaking from experience yes well I am anyway you didn't do abysmally I can't deny that but you'll not have the same luck on the south coast course you said your reputation for talent put some people out like him hmm if you must know jealousy from members of my own house when we were First Years narrator Roberts and I spent loads of time on our brims pledge to fly every day as my skill on a broom grew rapidly I may add narrator suddenly didn't have time for flying practice I tried to give her pointers but she didn't have the natural ability I did clearly she was jealous her thing spends all her time now dawdling by the lake obsessed with mirror people won't even learn to swim I refused to downplay my talents to cuddle someone else's fragile ego anyway I need to ready the next course stop by when it's ready if you can handle it sure we'll see won't we until next time I have expected you to back down rest on your laurels the South Coast trial it if you don't lose your nerve to race this course again visit the podium with the leaderboard where you can start the race and check your time another successful flight I should let Mr weeks know man you know what I want to do oh we got to return back to Mr weeks you know what you know what I'm gonna do just for a little bit here I'm gonna go to I can't believe I'm doing this um oh this one's actually better nice I'm gonna go here just just for a little bit okay okay I know it's not it's not very good God what in the world we don't have the helmet though unfortunately but we could gotta should I keep the scarf or should I put like nothing on no I I kind of like the scarf honestly yeah that drawer why not this is one heck of a view oh my God this is so silly dude what in the world okay cool Rebellion revelio anything in here this looks intriguing yes a field guide gorgeous brooch depicts magical bird of some sort which particular magic bird is unclear but some believe it's me and it's meant to represent one of the medieval Irish Druids uh Cleo cleona's Birds who sang the sick to sleep did I pronounce that right well there's so many NPCs look and look at how many points of interest and like caves and stuff this is this is crazy we gotta go back to hogsmeade though so let's let's get on with it we'll be back here don't you worry about that we will return as of now it is I heading back to hogsby let's go and with the power of fast travel we have arrived back at hogsmeade Rebellion are you serious we never got this spin twitch's sporting needs ran by lb weeks this Shop sells all manner of Wizarding sports goods including the latest rooms models gossip around town is that Alby himself is working on a number of broom enhancements oh I know that for sure trust me he's told me himself [Music] good news Mr wigs with your upgrade I was able to set a new record at the Irondale course brilliant I knew the upgrade had fantastic potential how did your broom feel it rides well let's get to Tad shaky at top speed and the handle wobbles a bit when I hit a strong gust of wind ah yes hmm I see I think I know how to address that thank you I owe you one if it means another upgrade the pleasure's all mine you Sanders determined as I am to improve broom flight it's a joy to have a collaborator like yourself if I'm right and I do hope I am you'll be hearing good news from me soon [Music] thank you again truly thank you I do make a good team it's pretty nice a nice what a nice young man well I shouldn't be talking I'm almost there so what a nice gentleman all right so we've got actually now a couple of missions available to us main quest that is I should start saying quests actually matter of fact I've been really wanting to get uh to know what this is all about do we get a haircut here do we change our look what is this all about I have been wondering about this for ever now still haven't really common side here and really seen what it's oh what is that another little field was that a field page I forgot I think it's open oh hello oh and how would one like to be styled today well hello you know what guys I'm I like this I like this but I need to feel like a student I feel like a knight and and honestly I kind of feel like a murderer so I I don't I don't want to feel like that I want to change back to my robes I'm not gonna be able to see my hair though so I'm gonna take off the hood I'm gonna take off this beautiful nice mask that I've got on and I'm probably just gonna put on a nice little set of glasses now we look more like a kid a crazy lunatic that's right and this actually goes well with the blue scarf that I'm so in love with Rebellion it's got to be a field pigeon here right oh there's a chest sorry I'm gonna go behind your counter and I'm gonna take your stash okay I'm really sorry about that please don't hate me I know you've got a little pouch with some money here but I'm in great need of some money as well so I'll take that as well thank you hello I I'm coming produce myself they used to call me Snelly oh Snelly why aren't you studying to be an aura but I showed them they're stuck in the dust at the ministry and I'm here thriving absolutely thriving but look at you look at you I can certainly see why you paid me a visit looking for a change are we why not I say what sort of change some are going for that muggle with consumption sort of Death Becomes me Allure but you won't find poisons here no need for chloride of lime or ammonia when you have magic if you spend a moment choosing how you'd like to look you can change your hair too if you'd like okay let's see what this is all about I have no idea offices do you offer excuse me yeah you can rearrange your haircut and your Scar and your character and this this is good it's good this is good I wonder if there's like different oh look at this maybe my hair's grown out a little bit it's a different season it's Autumn or fall whatever you guys want to call it maybe I've decided to let the hair grow a little you know I've had a change of mood recently over the last few months and I feel like these haircuts are different maybe or these the same haircuts that we had at the beginning oh I know there's a lot of them are the same but I feel like there's more here I don't I don't know if I'm going crazy bro I honestly like this hair how it looks not like me I I don't even have that type of hair and I would look terrible but it looks so cool like just looks cool dude [Music] um I honestly like this one I think I'm gonna go for that for a little bit we can do that right let the hair grow a bit you'd say care now and I sure hope to see you soon yeah that looks that doesn't look bad I kind of feel bad changing my style I'm gonna change my eyes because honestly my eyes are not that color I'm not that handsome um let's go for like a brown I know I'm totally just turning into a different person now and maybe I want to change my scar maybe my scar now is over here or something maybe I used magic to transfer my scar somewhere else [Music] I do like that one though but this one looks pretty cool too [Music] gonna go with that I'm a fan of scars sorry and I should hope to see you soon very cool we went to the barber shop or should we say the hair salon I don't know this looks nice I like it I really like this this looks really nice all right cool oh by the way we have a we should have another upgrade right for the um it's under the what was it under Talent yes we have another Talon point should we do dark arts or should we do spells I was able to cast the pulsal to unlock this okay we've got this which is oh I think this kind of ricochets to the other people oh yeah that's actually really good when I do that really pays to do a bunch of side quests in this game so I need to attend the Beast class taught by Professor Holland I'm so like uh reminiscing not reminiscing just thinking about reminiscing is not the right terminology here I'm thinking about still thinking about the uh the scores of this game like I was planning I was like man I really hope people enjoy this because I I mean when I played this game early I really did enjoy it and I'm like hopefully people feel the same way because then we're all kind of sharing a connection if you will let me also get this flu flame what are you up to now uh just nothing just attending class that's all [Music] I kind of miss my little bald head welcome everyone I see you've already met some of the many beasts we study in this class though be advised none of these creatures should be taken lightly they are all in their own way dangerous especially if one does not know how to handle them properly now it seems many of you are out of practice let's take some time to review the basics of how to care for a beast shall we miss Sweeting would you please assist our new student with the lesson today yes Professor Howen hello I'm poppy poppy sweetie don't worry about Professor how in speech she over exaggerates sometimes all the beasts in class are perfectly safe oh yes [Music] and practice on Gerald just keep an eye out for his tongue all right what are we gonna do here you can use my brush just be gentle oh and think pleasant thoughts I like to think it enriches his experience the Beast padding brush is used to nurture magical beasts tap right on the d-pad and then assign the Beast panning brush to your spell set wait what really okay um here oh my God [Music] that's hilarious oh my God that is awesome I'm sure he feels much better I think he might be hungry oh we gotta feed him too dude what in the world see this is why it's good to unlock different slots because you have so many things here you go little buddy [Music] not gonna lie that food looks like dung but he likes it suppose the pellets taste like to Gerald pudding I like to think and power tool I think we can safely say that Gerald likes you that's good news he seems very nice he is kindness is one of his best qualities right after ambition and cleanliness good work everyone now let's make our way to the pens and select another Beast and please do be careful as you feed and groom them Miss Sweeting why don't you show our new student to the measles in the farthest pen this way the needles are over here [Music] bro this game just has it all like there is so much in this game like this is incredible oh a couple of knees or whiskers or to get me a few Canucks at least enough to buy something from honeydukes [Music] stupid thing [Music] he's gonna get scratched man what are you doing just toss achilia poppy worries about a worthless little rodent her name is Persephone her name is Persephone that's really not funny oh [Music] let's go I don't like that kid just want to jump in here real quickly guys and say this video is sponsored by WB Games those two don't belong anywhere near this class which isn't training Stephanie was on to them instantly thank you for your help let's carry on feed and brush the measles just as you did with Gerald oh there you go little guys [Music] a little bit of that for you a little bit of this for you and you all get some love her knees was really took to you I'll give it to all of you guys do I I know oh it appears our time has come to an end no please close the pens and see yourselves out now where is our new student ah right here there you are I would like a moment please really sure let's talk can I get a free pet that'd be nice hello Professor you wanted to speak with me I did how did you find your first beasts lesson [Music] um I actually like that it was wonderful I believe I'm really going to enjoy this class good you seem to understand that when beasts are properly controlled they can play a vital role in our lives some provide us with magically imbued materials if cared for correctly which does not include torturing them for whiskers well done by the way probably best to let me handle it next time yes Professor they're nearly as bad as the savagers in rookwood's poacher pack sadly we're the ones who suffer stumbling over dead beasts terrible waste of resources surely the poachers can be brought to Justice by someone the ministry perhaps hmm an optimistic idea now why don't we focus on more immediate matters that we can control Professor Weasley has asked that I prepare some assignments designed to help you catch up to the other fifth Years be on the lookout for my owl meanwhile I also encourage you to study as many beasts as you can on your own time that's sweet okay I need to talk to you come here talk to Papa eat something poppy thank you again for saying something to those brutes so that I didn't have to you weren't all Gary at noon in the desert I certainly hope that's a good thing it's something my gran and I say it means that something or someone is a welcome surprise at least that's what we decided it meant I couldn't stand there and watch them harm the poor thing we're of a similar mind actually in light of that someone I'd like you to meet in the forest [Music] treed me very well lead the way I'd hoped I would cool poppy well we also have um I wouldn't take just anyone there in fact you're the first really well thank you I think as I said we think alike pleasant surprise oh look at these little little beautiful little animals they're not beasts [Music] I'll give them some food or like this game is crazy bro I'm really trying to like bond with animals and stuff [Music] brush you I will brush you literally we're bonding right now and then I'm about to fly in a broom and going to a forest I mean how crazy is this game how crazy is life right now how do you not love video games come on man [Music] I like the look man I love the colors of this robe with the scarf it's really nice uh poppy can we fly there please no we can't she doesn't want to fly right now that's fine quite the weather we're having don't you think poppy where are you taking me it really is much better if I just show you foreign she's cool people we're good don't worry we're nearly there just ahead [Music] stand back [Music] don't tell me oh are we about to please meet hiring isn't she just magnificent [Music] go on introduce yourself to her you must always show hippogriffs the proper courtesy before you approach them [Music] this is crazy dude this is pretty freaking awesome bro it's so playful foreign don't you dare bite me with that beak do it I don't think I've ever seen Evergreen take to someone this quickly you can feed and brush however you'd like we're about a team hypocrite you can check on her every once in a while bring her pasties tell her what's going on in the castle you wouldn't know from looking at her but she's a dreadful busybody she goes this is incredible right now what is life this has been such an incredible episode look at us taming wild animals wild beasts doesn't get any better than this I'm sorry it just does not we're about to fly this puppy let's go oh mama down we're fine no okay maybe maybe soon we'll be back don't worry we're fine we'll get to fly that soon enough [Music] so what did you think of high Wing well she's incredible I thought she was brilliant can't believe you introduced me to her I suspected you two might get along are you the reason students have been seeing hippogriffs flying above the Forbidden Forest perhaps did you know that once you earn hippocrite's trust they'll always be there for you I've seen it firsthand with her how exactly did you and high wind cross paths it's a longer story but I rescued her from poachers a few years back got her to safety and well she was fine until recently you may have noticed that poachers are something of a problem in the area so I worry they could get her again and I might not be there next time Professor howin mentioned the poachers as well he seemed to imply that we couldn't rely on the ministry to help I don't often agree with Professor howin but on that I fear she's right the poacher's influence is growing I see them every day in the village lingering talking to people they're up to something I'm just not sure what that sounds suspicious when it sounds incriminating uh that does seem strange sounds as if they're planning something exactly I'm going to look into it find out what's going on I wouldn't uh which is a dangerous uh would be good to investigate I think that's a fine idea information is power and the more I know the better I can keep hiring safe you seem undeterred will you let me know what you find out oh I will as far in the mission that we did when we uh when I went over to the uh WB capture event we had to take down those poachers yeah that's probably what it is indeed all right man that was awesome eventually we will be able to fly that bad boy and that will be legendary I mean look at this area here around Hogwarts I haven't even been here like what in the world I have not been here there's just still so much I have yet to explore let's take a look at our Gladwin Moon the Hogwarts caretaker wishes to speak with me but about something I should find him near the reception hall alrighty here we are revelio now we're back here at the entrance hall now one up top foreign well you shall wait here and then begin the quest oh hello there dude hello again Mr Moon oh I'm gonna see you again my young friend Gladwin Moon oh Hogwarts caretaker At Your Service first please allow me to apologize if I seemed a bit unsteady when you were afraid I had a rather disconcerting encounter although I hear your visit to hogsmeade was even more eventful than mine I suppose you could call it eventful I certainly wasn't expecting a troll attack oh of course not and from what I understand the village was lucky you were there in fact my recent visit to hogsmeade is the reason I was hoping to bump into you I could use your help with something do you see that curious statue over there watch what happens when that light changes from day to night [Music] no if you wouldn't mind humoring me for a moment see if you can remove the moon from the statue odd little Contraptions aren't they it seems the statue vanishes once the Moon is removed which incidentally can only be done at night uh why don't you hold on to that one for now and I'll explain more as we walk ever since that fateful day in the village those curious statues have begun appearing about the castle a fair number have been strewn around hogsmeade come on it seems is trying to torment me you see that day in hogsmeade I turned a corner and came face to face with a bog backyard or shapeshifter if you will which takes the form of whatever scares you most this one took the form of adamic eyes a demi guys Rebellion yes terrifying creature holy unnerving I encountered one when I was a lad in Korea terrible experience those statues are democracies the moon's isum are an uninspired play on mine some Jack and apes used a bogart to learn my greatest fear and use it against me I have my suspicion as to the scoundrel or Scoundrels responsible it is my hope that they will slip up and reveal themselves as the why aren't your help in removing the statues why me [Music] a couple of reasons frankly uh first you're daring do against those trolls in oxmeade has gained you a reputation for fearlessness second as Macabre and idiots damn it guys is most would find my fear of them unwarranted I've seen how they affect me I'm at my Wit's End young friend I simply can't do them in fact I know two statues right here in the faculty Tower perhaps you could start simply by removing them so uh I can go about my evening duties [Music] The Faculty Tower I'm not sure where I should be going in there oh you needn't worry you'll be perfectly fine if you simply mind you're not seen at first you know how to cast a disillusionment charm correct you'll want to do that before wandering the tower at night next you'll notice that the door is locked however will you gain Allah that's how but what about curfew curfew about Tosh I sent you a bit like me when I was your age and I took advantage of it oh everyone loved me for it all those were the days now you'll find one statue in the prefix bathroom and the other in the hospital wing good luck oh and thank you you're welcome very welcome all right here we go alohomora So It Begins perfection that's the same spell fig used when we were at the tower I believe wait Grant's access to variety of locked rooms and containers to do the world but requires a magical powers to perform successfully Castle Square when prompted near a battle oh I don't have to change anything ah Aloha Mora okay good [Music] oh I remember I did this so use l and R to move the Sparks and rotate the dials onto the corresponding gear [Music] [Music] there you go gotcha [Music] well done you're in remember use a dissolution Rebellion all right so we gotta get the moon in the prefix bathroom and in the hospital this is another example of the game just providing more and more literally search suggest what's in here Professor fig I'm in receipts I am in receipt of your most recent owl apologies for the delay in my response I'm still receiving a good deal of Correspondence regarding the introduction of The Not So secret stooging a penalty in quidditch which in my humble opinion was brought um has brought the game into the Modern Age astonishing frankly how many Spectators won nothing less than seeing quidditch Keepers flattened entirely that's the topic of your recent letter we at the ministry assure you that any and all potential threats of the wizard of the wizard kind are taken quite seriously I have made a note of your concerns and as uh what does it say there and and as much as time allows the department of magical law enforcement will ensure that the matter is looked into schedule permitting we value the opinions of the esteemed wizard such as yourself and you may rest assured that we have matters well in hand should you wish I can have my secretary secure sheets for yourself and a guest in the years in this year's quidditch final I think you would be delighted to see the results of the well-run and efficient governments all right hold on um let's go up top oh okay good so we gotta do rebellious to see the uh the people we're hiding from here of course reading reminders to staff the Hogwarts house level elves do an exceptional job of keeping the castle in order they are selded unprepared for any number of items that they might encounter each day however only the other day an unexpected stash of Wizarding crack Wizarding crackers went off from behind a cushion uh the Kaka that the cacophony cacophony I don't know how to say that was most untoward uh engulfing one poor elf in blue smoke and giving those of us nearby and abominable ringing in our ears for the rest of the day I'm sorry my reading is third level I accept I expect that the culprit was peeved so please keep an eye out and be careful Matilda Weasley deputy and mistress Okay so let's keep going up here [Music] is it dumb it's up there right still a little higher it's got a new hat that's nice oh we're raising a generation of coddle Cape Flappers that can scarcely the difference between Arkham Knight and Oswaldo I don't think I'm supposed to hit the wall it's still early but that's okay another I will continue to go up this is a really really tall tower it's a lot of levels here go back there dude now just grab this [Music] must be the prefect bathroom oh dude I'm gonna get caught here oh I'm super nervous [Applause] come on oh my goodness gracious oh gosh okay here we go hmm that's hilarious that wouldn't be so combative if the ministry would allow them to have one now we'll go ahead and grab this one all right so now we've got to retrieve the next one at the hospital are we gonna like these really nice chests here we just gotta be mindful of the people around us I think once we're and uh we're entering this stage the background like the game kind of just pauses a bit oh God right you know what we're out of here nope not in here I think we're in the clear [Music] thank you extra value all right good man did they hear my uh [Music] oh my God [Music] I suppose I should pay closer attention in the next match oh my God well we got that there's a letter here as well Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry hospitaling attending healer nurse Noreen Bailey patient name has been redacted by order of Professor black the patience was uh the patient was injured during a quidditch match though in my uh professional opinion hardly counts as an injury in fact if anyone was injured it was me as I do not believe I've ever rolled my eyes quite so hard in my life there's a wonder I can even see to write this note rather unbelievably or indeed despicably the Headmaster now wants to cancel quidditch all because a pure blood redacted information went and redacted information before the snitch was even in sight when I pressed uh the Headmaster slightly I was told to redacted it from yeah of it is redacting redacted excuse me redacting redacted tomato tomato are we going down below all right man we did this pretty good return to Gladwin I think uh we can consider that a great success yeah that was really successful I mean I thought I was gonna get caught Revenue matter of fact I'm gonna go right here and I'm gonna grab this field page toward a shell whoa It's gotta cost a lot level three lock I cannot unlock that [Music] um where's this thing going taking me back up there oh no it's going back downstairs [Music] wait up for me where did it go here it is let's open this up we need that token [Music] I thought I was gonna go I'm sorry got the my nerves got the best my Nerf's got the best of me this could be tricky man got it got it fool me once shame on you kill me twice shame on me you feel me you fooled me twice I guess uh me take this off hello Mr Moon I have the moons you asked me to collect oh goodness you're as Fearless as that out an excellent start if we can collect more it it may shed some light on it was behind all this of course I first suspected peas he drove the previous caretaker rancorous cup to an early retirement with his intolerable buffoonery but that does not explain the Bogger in oxme does it no I am determined with your help to discover the identity of my Tormentor it's definitely intriguing I'd like to help you solve this mystery you my friend are a gentle person and a scholar and I have something to offer in exchange for your assistance now remember the moons are only retrievable at night thus I encourage you to use a disillusionment when necessary hmm she's all there to find I don't know precisely he Buffs but it doesn't seems they're everywhere I look you have your work cut out for you if you were to ever unravel their meaning seems interesting you mentioned offering something in exchange for my assistance I did did uh once you've brought me enough moons I'll show you even more powerful forms of Allah Mora well every lock is as easy to pick as the faculty Towers so that's how you unlock certain levels of the Locking spell understood I shall keep an eye out I appreciate that that is very interesting return oh and I knew you were the one to ask for help keep at it so we can solve this mystery I feel like what we were doing was uh illegal you know but [Music] um let me pet this little cat here I'll put a little cat a little birdie little cat that's cool all right so we're here at hogsmeade and we are in front of Pippin's potion shop and so I think he actually has the ingredients to not only make those potions but drink drink them in the market for potions are we so if we go here we've got the ash winter eggs oh wise decision thank you [Music] I'll just get all of them and then we've got the fur [Music] oh wise decision thank you he's got Focus potion he also has a potion so I don't know how to make it just bought the ingredients just to buy the ingredients but we also have the recipe Focus potion there's a bit I'm not gonna buy the recipe just yet I hope to see you again farewell for now unless I have to make it now let me just let me see so acquire and use a focus potion acquire maximum and adorous potions and use them simultaneously foreign visibility we're gonna need we're gonna need to buy the recipe for what can I do for you today thank you and we do have we have Focus potion right I'll buy one just in case okay we just spent a whole lot I'll See You Again farewell for now wow all right so let's go over to if we go to the Hogwarts map we can now go over to the room of requirement and once we go to the rumor requirement we should be able to make the potion there so we have Focus okay um where's the focus here's the focus and then we've got Maxima which we need to make hold on we need to make Maxima and I think to make Maxima we need uh leech juice yeah sweet not too shabby 30 seconds so while that's going I'm gonna go ahead and do the first thing which is acquire and use a focus potion I'll do that [Music] whoops whoa [Music] I wonder what that does for us probably like stronger attacks or something foreign Maxima take this and excellent whoa oh yeah that's a stone one that's cool all right did we do that already or what let me see what happens after the spell or the potion wears off excuse me thank you [Music] that's so cool [Music] [Music] all right how are your assignments coming along Professor Sharp I think you'd be proud of me [Music] I completed your assignments Professor good you should be ready to learn to pulso let's see what you can do concentrate do not let your mind wander [Music] you've got it now and I think you should perhaps best not to go flinging your classmates about the halls I suggest having a go at the enchanted books here okay cool let's let's see um actually I'm gonna put it on this one just so it matches [Music] the master your spell casting [Music] well repetition good finger so crazy all right so we've got uh Rebellion 's office we've got our new Quest available now and so let's see yeah we gotta go back to hogsmeade we will be going back to the three Broomsticks and uh we know what happened last time over at the three Broomsticks [Music] anyways uh with that said I think we shall conclude this episode here it's been a pretty productive one I think we've got a decent amount of things out of the way and I cannot wait for the next Sonic Adventure of Hogwarts Legacy thank you guys so much for watching I truly I hope you guys are enjoying this series this is this has been a blast so far and I'm gonna try to do as much as I possibly can and of course a massive thank you to WB Games for sponsoring this video if you guys want to check out Hogwarts Legacy I'll always have a link down in the description you guys can feel free to click that and go from there well thank you guys and uh stay tuned I'll catch you on the next one something blew up there I don't I don't know what that was
Channel: Hollow
Views: 460,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hogwarts legacy, hogwarts legacy gameplay, hogwarts legacy walkthrough, hogwarts legacy part 1, hogwarts legacy full game, hogwarts legacy ending, hogwarts legacy review, hogwarts legacy walkthrough part 1, hogwarts legacy ps5, hogwarts legacy xbox series x, hogwarts legacy pc, hogwarts gameplay, hogwarts walkthrough, hogwarts part 1, hohgwarts full game, hogwarts ending, hogwarts review, hogwarts walkthrough part 1
Id: YWlXdUsFzlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 23sec (4043 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 08 2023
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