Hogwarts Legacy - Part 2 - BEGINNING OF SCHOOL

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foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] just have to wait for the right moment one moment what's this look what is this I just almost heard of a dumbbells that wasn't quite the reaction I wanted oh well what did you hope would happen I suppose I hoped it would lighten the mood ravenclaws can be a bit on edge the first day of class I'm Everett by the way you seem downright calm next to some of these characters and you survived a rather harrowing trip here foreign I'm glad to be here ready for classes to start good glad to hear it truly there's no reason to be nervous most professors are firm but fair I mean not all of the tricks I play are as simple as a tossed down bomb then I'm still here wait did you say most professors are found but fair I did but probably best I let you judge for yourself I do tend to push their limits I should wander off before someone traces at dung bong back to me nice meeting you you too effort must be different starting Hogwarts in your fifth year that's not right either I want him to be in the perfect place a place he'll be happy with but I can't seem to find it great golden gobstones I want him to thrive here golden gold Stones my own little expression I bought this dittany ceiling from home and I so want him to feel cozy Disney is amazing isn't it so much healing power and such a little plant I have a bit of a thing for plants as you can see pleased to meet you I'm Samantha nice to meet you Samantha is dittany used in women World potion it is looks like someone's been studying up on their potion making actually Professor fig told me about Wigan World potion of course I heard you were studying with him before turn he's an enigma fig teaches about Theory it seems to know a lot about Practical Magic foreign different forms of magic well I hope he told you about more than wig and weld you've lots to catch up on I'm sure [Music] an affinity for herbology is more typical of a Hufflepuff than a Ravenclaw isn't it ordinarily perhaps but it runs in my family we have a full plot of these little fellows back home I suppose you could say her apologies in my roots [Music] is it common practice for students to grow their own ingredients oh yes our herbology teacher Professor garlic encourages it and I don't think Professor sharp our potions Master cares where you get your ingredients as long as your Brews are all perfect it was nice to meet you Samantha good luck with your destiny thank you and good luck to you too on your first day [Music] you always tell the first year all right deep breath [Music] why hello would you like to take a look can't see too much in the day well except for stars like serious canopa's Vega and arturas I'm amid pleasure to have you and Ravenclaw never met someone who's been so close to a dragon before can't say I recommend it frankly it's nice to meet you Amit I take it to you like astronomy oh yes so much to be learned from the Stars also there's something about the open air and night sky above the tower it's invigorating you will adore astronomy Professor Shaw is incredibly knowledgeable I hope astronomy is on my schedule it sounds interesting I have good news for you you are most definitely taking astronomy it is required for all 50 years you will be enthralled with the tower plus a quality telescope can show you things you never dreamed of I suppose I'll see you in class then yes oh and speaking of class better give to my first one of the Year nothing like the smell of fresh parchment is there be seeing you hey there blue Ravenclaw Professor Weasley is looking for you just outside he would best not keep her waiting [Music] I can't imagine starting a new school this late [Music] foreign good morning if I trust you're ready for your first day at Hogwarts I've been dreaming of this day for a long time can't believe I'm here well you are here make the most of it you only have one first day at Hogwarts now in light of your unique situation joining us as a fifth year you'll need to catch up with your classmates and not fall behind especially as you'll be expected to complete your owls at the end of the year owls owls yes your ordinary Wizarding level exams they will determine what type of career you can have when you leave here after much discussion with the Headmaster and the department of magical education at the ministry we've devised something extraordinary to ensure your success here you are [Music] what is it it is a Wizard's Field Guide it will help you to keep track of what you are learning so that you master all that's expected of a fifth year you would be wise to take full advantage of this exceptionally valuable resource [Music] thank you Professor but what do you mean it will keep track of what I'm learning perhaps seeing it in action will answer any questions you may have walk with me and we shall put it to the test [Music] this way the guide will give you opportunities to practice your magic and educate yourself about Wizarding law foreign ly would have appreciated something like the field guide when I was a student [Music] why don't you cast reveillo on this bust and see what details the field guide can provide foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] keep your eyes open for more opportunities like that inside and outside of the castle [Music] no time to waste you've classes to attend [Music] thank you [Music] ah good timing perfect opportunity to show you how to use blue flames to get around a bit quicker your Field Guide contains a map of the Castle open it up and find Central Hall [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] and here we are quite the Time Saver these stairs lead directly to Central Hall you can get almost anywhere in the castle quickly from Central Hall oh there's something happening here it's the heart of the hive our King's cross station so to speak that should be all for now you'll be expected to attend both charms and defense against the dark arts classes today and I'd like to be sure you get to hogsmead as soon as possible to replace the supplies you lost on the way here oxmeade Professor hogsmeade is the only all Wizarding Village in Britain and is home to an array of shops and pubs you should be able to find all of the school supplies you require in hogsmead you will also I imagine enjoy many a butterbeer there with friends in due course can you tell me more about the defense against the dark arts class defense against the dark arts as the name implies focuses on how to defend oneself against the evils that lurk Beyond these walls a Mastery of defense against the dark arts is required for those who aspire to become auras fortunately we are lucky to have the ever-gifted professor Heckert in charge of our students education in that regard what will I learn in charm's class exactly what you might expect spells charms jinxes all terribly useful I think you will enjoy Professor Ronan he's a clever and entertaining Wizard and a talented teacher thank you Professor Weasley a lot to absorb on your first day and you have much to learn happily your professors have agreed to create additional assignments for you outside of class you'll be up to speed in no time judging by your Adept use of revelio earlier I'd say Professor figs succeeded in at least showing you the basics he did Professor he's been terribly vague as to the events preceding your arrival specifically about what happened after that awful dragon attack my suspicion is that there's more to the story than a search for belongings and an extended trip up to the castle foreign Professor but I'm afraid that's all there is to it hmm almost precisely what Professor fig said speak of the devil Professor fig your ears must have been burning oh yes you seem to have provided our new fifth year with a solid foundation in the basics of spellcasting ah I'm afraid I can't take all the credit there Professor they've around um aptitude for magic it seems hmm well I'm just glad you both arrived in one piece perfectly good fly in the path of a dragon I wouldn't say I chose the dragon's path professor rather unfortunately it would seem that it chose us very well enough chit chat I need to get to class myself might I rely on you Professor fig to explain the details of the field guides map of course thank you good luck today and remember to use your Field Guide it will be invaluable to you and invaluable to me as I'll be using it to keep up to date on your progress yes Professor come and find me in my classroom after you've attended both classes today and I'll explain more about those assignments I mentioned and we'll see if we can't get you to hogsmead for those supplies it's good to see you professor and you I was hoping our paths would cross today before you immersed yourself in studies did I hear you masterfully evade Professor Weasley's interrogation regarding our late arrival [Music] I did my best but I'm fairly certain she suspects we're not being entirely forthcoming yes well Professor Weasley is a brilliant and astute witch it was right to keep the details to yourself for now we don't know where this path we've embarked upon will lead it may require a bit more flexibility with your time than she would approve of and she may feel obliged to share details with the Headmaster that would be better left between us understood Professor good now as capable as you are I believe the ability you possess obliges you to be well trained happily you have the benefit of an exceptionally skilled team of witches and wizards to guide you speaking of guides and so that I may avoid Another Not So subtle approve from Professor Weasley why don't I show you the clever enchantment we included in the field guides map unfold it and have a look [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] to help you find your way this will be incredibly helpful thank you now sounds like you've quite a day ahead what with classes and a trip to hogsmeat for supplies including your own wand you'll enjoy Mr Ollivander he's an exceptional Craftsman and a good friend I shall reach out when I have more information about our mystery lock it for now focus on your classes and pay attention more than your owls May hinge on the magic you are able to master Within These Walls girl thinks she can fly less than anyone we'll talk if you ask me Imelda Reyes is always arranging through the trial what am I missing [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] real story have you ever wondered how owls know where to deliver their letters magic I suppose some of us don't necessarily want him to get back [Music] here behind you there is an open seat here thank you hello I am Nettie so you are the new student have you met Professor Ronan yet Shall We Begin welcome to year five of Champs now this will be a crucial year in your education on the art of charmwork but I am confident that we will take hold with a passion and rigor requisite of such a challenge right now everyone please open your textbooks to page 517 but before we begin can anyone here tell me the difference between the incantations of the color change and growth charts anyone anyone um I am afraid it is too late to study now hmm my the seven months must have really taken a toll on you all by the looks of it you all spent your holidays practicing obliviate on one another do you even remember how to perform a basic summoning charm [Music] well it seems that we are in dire need of review everyone get into Pairs and take positions on opposite sides of the classroom now let's put those textbooks to use as the blunt objects you so believe they are and they turn summoning them out of one another's hands only one book will be needed but partnership Miss Dale thank you get into place now [Music] Ikea that is not bad you are a swift learner I see a lot of potential but remember potential is nothing without practice keep at it you might just rival Miss on eye here very good everyone that's enough of that well as you all seem to have the basics down and it is an exceptionally lovely day I was thinking that we might have ourselves a little Excursion outside for a spot of fresh air after me hi I've always found that fun goes hand in hand with Mastery as I'm sure the Quidditch players amongst us would agree hmm so what better than a bit of sport without a prowess with the summoning charm to the test right so why don't we have our newest students start us off hmm [Music] very simply cast Akio on one of the Spheres and relinquish your charm at the last possible moment now think of this like gobstones if you will but instead of throwing the marbles out you are summoning them toward you the trick is to pull the sphere as far as possible but not a bit more or it'll fall yes now I could keep talking about Theory all day but practice is the best professor good don't lose your composure [Music] okay up here excellent good happens to the best of us [Music] splendid stay focused very good points to Ravenclaw but there's certainly no sporting playing without some friendly competition Miss onai would you care to give our new student a bit of a challenge come on up you'll be the blues just as before and miss onai you are playing red clear yes sir let us see this [Music] don't lose your composure [Music] that is how it's done [Music] trying what's this yes [Music] not too honey [Music] let us make this a bit more interesting shall we [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] Focus now you will need it this round settles it all here we go [Music] I know everyone is watching but try not to be nervous [Music] stay focused [Music] that is how it's done [Music] ah you almost had it what's this there we go [Music] I do not think I will start going easier very good foreign [Music] both of you well done classes dismissed gather your things on the way out [Music] well done back there you took the loss in striped didn't want to go too easy on you took me weeks to become proficient with accio took weeks for me to get anything right when I transferred here it gets easier I promise [Music] that's good to hear it's a lot to take in all at once to put it lightly I remember how I felt when I first arrived I transferred here from wagadu just before my fourth year my mother received an offer to teach divination here before I knew it we had left Uganda and we're halfway around the world at a new school in a new country is wagadu much bigger than Hogwarts Wagga to school of magic is the largest Wizarding School in the world so yes bigger than Hogwarts but it never seemed intimidating or overwhelming to me it always felt like home it's nice to learn about another Wizarding school thank you for asking I do miss wagadu but I am glad to be here at Hogwarts ah I think Professor Runner wants to talk to you better not keep him waiting until next time of course you can use [Music] if you're so inclined a word if you would you'd be using it on clothing to be precise you wanted to see you know me Professor I did I trust your first charms lesson lived up to expectation well an outdoor competition wasn't exactly the lesson I was expecting sir what charm is there in the expect Miss onai is a talented witch take it in stride one often gains the most from the battles one has lost of course Professor it was a challenging Match Miss onai is always a fierce competitor though I sense that she is a bit distracted of late now Professor Weasley has asked that your professors give you instruction outside of the ordinary curriculum expect to hear from me soon regarding a special assignment that I am preparing for you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] you know [Music] [Music] hello how was your first day coming along hello Samantha nice to see you again I wondered how your first day was going you certainly seem to hold your own in charms I've been fortunate beginner's luck my brother William would tell you not to be so humble and to trust your abilities then again he tends to be overconfident in his well better see to my charms homework I'm afraid I can't count on beginner's laps to impress Professor Ronan [Music] foreign [Music] okay just the way [Music] you've got um [Music] Professor Hackett perhaps you'd be good enough to blast each other to pieces on your own time I get new students every year but I only have one hebridium black skull it was a token from the great poacherade of 1878 no doubt you've heard of it now you may be asking yourself how an old woman like me single-handedly took out the largest culturing in eastern Wales and lived to boast about it knowledge the wise age matters very little today we will review a spell that has saved me from Death at the hands of dark Wizards more times than I care to remember levioso Leviosa a levitation charm levio show a surprised opponent has a weak opponent care to defend yourself master Pruitt no one thing I've learned as an unspeakable is the value of simplicity especially in the heat of battle now let's practice what we've just learned starting with something small Leviosa [Music] now let's try something a little larger [Music] [Music] let us begin with a basic cost [Music] see how the dummy deflected your cast This Time cast levioso first then the basic cost remember a surprised opponent is a weak opponent has Master brought so artfully helped me demonstrate earlier [Music] now the basic cost well done very good but the best way to practice is by dueling we'll start with YouTube Duelists take your marks it's time for a proper Hogwarts welcome now I want a fair tool use the oso basic cost and protego you may begin [Music] complicates things lucky nothing lucky about it our perspectives [Music] [Applause] [Music] not bad for a beginner you give as good as you get [Music] I put you on the spot and you Rose to the challenge points to Ravenclaw thank you Professor Heckert glad to have the opportunity to practice if what I've seen today is any indication we can expect great things from you I demand Excellence from my students they are capable of achieving it and they must achieve it a classroom duel is one thing but battling dark Wizards or as ever more likely goblins is a different kettle of grindelos entirely understood Professor so I'd advise you to keep practicing whenever you can perhaps Mr sallow will have some ideas for you again well done today I shall reach out soon with additional assignments all right that's enough spectacle for one day class is dismissed nice work I enjoyed that well that duel was quite something everyone will be talking about it it was certainly good practice practice it felt more like I was dueling an expert Sebastian sallow by the way didn't expect a new student to be so Deft with a wand then again perhaps this wasn't your first duel [Music] I've dueled enough consider yourself lucky I held back huh fair enough you owe me an honest Jewel when you aren't you know you might be a perfect fit for a certain exclusive unsanctioned dueling organization exclusive and unsanctioned Count Me In excellent knew I was right about you if you want to get the most out of your time at Hogwarts you're going to need to break the rules now and then whether it's joining a secret dueling club or sneaking into the restricted section of the library you just have to be clever enough not to get caught thank you Sebastian I'll keep that in mind good pleasure chatting with you I'm sure I'll see you soon perhaps somewhere unsanctioned we'll see if your performance today was sheer luck or actual skill look for Luke and Brad will be near the clock tower entrance if you're interested [Music] till next time [Music] I'd hate to face Professor Hackett in a duel foreign [Music] [Music] I've always said that travel broadens the mind sometimes I wish someone would transfigure me into a squirrel [Music] one boy fell off his room foreign what about the room Professor I was thinking the same thing Deke perhaps you could help oh excuse dick ah there you are [Music] I trust your first classes went well they did Professor I heard as much from professors Heckert and Ronan seems Professor fig taught you quite a bit before you arrived I'd wager there's a good deal more to your travels here than what you've told me isn't there nothing more Professor I see like trying to get a sonnet from a streamer regardless you must continue to build upon what you've learned in that regard I've asked your professors to help hasten your progress with some extra assignments [Music] Professor Ronan did mention something about that in fact Professor Ronan will meet you outside momentarily to assign your first one now regarding the trip to hogsmeade I mentioned earlier we've arranged to replace the supplies lost on your way here including seeds potion recipes and spell crafts thank you professor and Mr Ollivander will connect you with the perfect wand you've managed your classes well with a borrowed wand but you'll find the magic you cast with your own wand to be far superior [Music] I'm eager to get to hogsmead very well I'd like you to make your first visit to the village with a classmate help you get your bearings perhaps Sebastian Salah or nazioni I've noticed you spending time with them [Music] I'd like to go with Natty excellent choice Miss onai is one of our most talented students and she knows the area she'll keep you well clear of any of Victor rookwood's undesirables on Route Rookwood her rather unsavory local best to avoid him and his associates including his right hand of sorts Theophilus Harlow if you can once you've finished Professor ronan's assignment your friend will meet you at the castle doors no time to waste the sooner you complete your work the sooner you can enjoy a butter beer at the three Broomsticks [Music] thank you ah there you are you have a new spell to teach me Professor indeed I do and an exceedingly useful one at that The Mending charm reperto fixes things right up makes a broken object good as new in the blink of an eye hmm it seems as if that might come in handy more frequently than one would imagine as Professor Weasley mentioned I am not the only one who will be teaching you spells outside of Klaus in an effort to catch you up with your peers a number of your professors have agreed to do so as well but first each shall ask that you complete a few preliminary tasks to hone your magic I have arranged some for today see them through and then report back to me who we will have you casting Roberto in no time I'll start on the task right away professor [Music] professor this is the right area I wonder whether flying page is Rebellion foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] flying page must be around here somewhere [Music] I trust the preliminary tasks weren't I completed the assignments Professor marvelous you clearly know your way around basic charms let us give the old mending charm a try then shall we remember to be deliberate in your enunciation and movements I want to see some Vigor now one at the ready yes sir remember your wand is a conduit of your magic [Music] laughs foreign that's it very good if you would like to practice bending something have a go with that broken statue in the Alcove by the water it allegedly symbolized heartbreak perhaps a jilted lover thought it too accurate and lashed out [Music] prepare it nicely done works like a charm doesn't it foreign [Music] there's something in there [Music] our doors atrocious hello looking for me Natty I hope I haven't kept you waiting long not at all Professor Weasley tells me that you need to go to Hog's beat you must be eager to have your own things again and to see the village I've been looking forward to it good shall we set off I intend to give you a first-rate hogsmeade experience [Music]
Channel: Bloody Heel Gaming
Views: 6,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hogwarts Legacy, PS5Share, PS5, Gamer, Harry Potter, Hogwarts, Magic, Spells
Id: U8qqXadSMN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 46sec (3286 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 06 2023
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