Sons of the Forest - Part 1 - SURVIVING IN A LOST ISLAND..

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so it's finally here I never thought this game was actually gonna release I've been waiting the entire world has been waiting for like three hours it completely destroyed steam's service if you will and after waiting for nearly three hours we can finally play this game ladies and gentlemen welcome to the beginning of a brand new survival Adventure welcome to Sons of the forest or we could just call it the forest too but for those of you that don't know what this game is all about technically we are headed into a remote island to rescue a multi-billionaire and little do we know this island is filled with uh cannibals and so we must Thrive and survive to stay alive so sit back relax and let's do this all right so here it is puffcorp this is the island seems like we've got some sort of snow on the top huh oh my goodness typical of this game you're headed to the island there's a crash the first one was on a plane today we arrived in helicopter okay what do we have here fisheye and Kevin or kelvin that would typically be your pals huh site map which is the island medium connection we've got Virginia Puffin Barbara Edward and is it go ahead and shut that off got all the info we need right here we are ready fight demons what is going on hold on is that fisher Calvin Calvin come here oh my God are they dead already swim around what are you doing oh my gosh oh we gotta hit this there's no way in hell this would be possible I underwater I doubt it all right okay what where do we go oh my gosh go to the surface go to the surface I'm pretty pumped I'm not even gonna lie this episode's not gonna be too long because I'm I'm not going to be here for the weekend so when I get back we'll resume it but I'm going to try and get a little bit of it in just so we kind of get things started see if you guys enjoy the video if it does as well we'll continue it in the next two days or so and who the hell is that Ace Slow Down slow down oh oh my god let's go oh this looks so nice open emergency only really well welcome to the island this looks sensational uh we got this guy over there who's crawling for his life here we go let's rescue him and bring them back up come here buddy you okay how you doing you hurt you're bleeding oh it's Kelvin this is the guy that helps us that's right you can give him commands and you'll basically do whatever you tell them to kind of sort of okay checking his vision see if he's aware alerts and oriented perhaps okay so follow me uh let's get this guy to do something go get some sticks uh I'm just gonna go say logs and drop them here yeah that is cool that is so cool and don't forget oh my goodness okay we got a lot of Pelican cases here that we can pick up and I'm assuming we got some duct tape all right let's let's figure this place out first let's let's go ahead and uh open up the okay we're gonna how do I put this away q and r to rotate I to open up your inventory whoa dude that is nice add items to the mat to open or combine them Okay so sweet so oh my God yo this guy's quick click the gear to open the emergency pack shoot oh wow okay that's handy so we've got the GPS tracker I'm gonna equip that find Team B Okay so we've got we got the team over on the GPS we've got the ax we're gonna equip this we've got a little utility knife uh axes can be used to cut down trees all right hold on man before we continue hopefully this game kind of walks me through how to do certain things if you guys know I never really played much of the forest I've tried it a couple of times never really finished it I felt like I got into it a little bit too late and I hope again if this video does well you guys enjoy it I hope that we can maybe actually finish this whether it's by myself on single player or maybe with a friend or two I I think it'll be great regardless or maybe both who knows oh [ __ ] damn this guy's quick he came here to work Calvin don't want to die he wants to survive all right so what's up with my health can I take some learn the basics of construction okay what do we have improvised oh sweet the basics okay so that's a tent should we make a tent probably should make a tent basic fire reinforced fire standing fire skull lamp oh this is cool okay I just want to know we blocked with this how do I how do I swap out my um L is for lighter is that what it was yes okay so map M is for map and L is for lighter okay that makes sense and how do I get the ax out I'll just do it through here for now and see what we got all right so first things first we should probably go ahead and uh look at our manual here and let's see how we can craft ourselves a little tent um or should we go straight for something a little bit better maybe like little house let's go for a little tent first yeah let's go for a tent a stick and a tarp okay so maybe we can do it right here I don't want to go into the forest just yet because you know I get a little scared see if they have anything these poor souls the skies were Bandits who knows only thing as clear as the people that live here are not [ __ ] around all right so let's go ahead and we gotta go get some sticks let's figure out some sticks here I mean I don't think there's anything else on the ground that we can loot at the moment that's a rock how do we get sticks here aha I figured as much here we got some sticks what is this oh some berries nice quite delicious now clearly the more that we explore and loot and stuff the more recipes and and crafting items we're going to be able to discover new crafting recipe there we go available in the inventory go ahead and pick this up all right I need to find a way to get my uh get my ax like what's the uh maybe number one number two the numbers don't work come on we've got another suitcase here it's nice let's go to the inventory and equip the ax we're just gonna build a simple little tent see if we can get something going and maybe build a little fire get some cooking going on and whatever it is that people in deserted Islands tend to do we'll go back to the menu here we need the tarp and the stick we've got a stick tarp first equipped cool okay I'll put it right over I think right here looks cool okay oh snap all right let's go look at us go building a 10 inch it oh the game looks really nice too so we can use this to save it seems like look at that tent bro bro that looks awesome okay so let's let's keep exploring this little basic fire huh the basic fire is sticks and the lighter okay so we'll do the basic fire right here and then we'll light it up [ __ ] cool what does this do oh that's probably to keep the fire going okay how about we go and we take a look at the next best thing which is going to be the reinforced fire so we need some stones all right we're gonna go ahead and see if we can grab some Stones first and foremost I'm gonna do another one but actually right over here okay sweet see how many we can pick up those were spiders BB Crawlers got another one right here I think that should be enough let's go back over here ah there we go that's another one one more oh [ __ ] let's go dude that's awesome all right so what what can I do with fire hmm Maybe we can cook oh clearly we can cook once we start getting a little hungry then we'll we'll see if we can start chopping up some meat or something somewhere probably should have told this man to take the wood over there um probably might be easier just making the making the house here right how do we do this so okay hold on just a second place the log right there remove a play structure by holding C oh God okay so this is the floor so it's gonna be one stick kind of make a square with it okay can I pick up multiple sticks what happens if you do this no what about okay I'm sure there's got to be a way to make multiple sticks uh stack on top of each other hold on maybe if I stack it here then okay maybe that's how you do it I don't know I know in the original one as as little as I played it I know you could stack sticks on top of one another um I just don't know if it was only two maybe we can get an upgrade later on into the game and possibly see how we can improve that ability so here we have uh the floor okay we just did hold on we just did this now we gotta slice the logs in half now this guy is working overtime my goodness I can appreciate that so maybe uh-huh oh hell yeah dude this is awesome go ahead and chop this up chop that one up and chop that one up too yeah man there's got to be a weight up it's got to be a way to get more than just one that's a little silly if you ask me well it's not that bad so that's my health right is that my health over at the uh on the left let me see if that helps oh snap that is my health I'm gonna be following obviously the book rules just to make sure we're doing everything correctly foreign now what we've got the floor done I wonder if there's like a better way to do this where I can just instead of that middle log there maybe you need the middle log for support I'm not sure let me go here to the inventory real quick guidebook fire what the hell so it's different when you swap over it's different so this it's raining by the way okay um this is way different look at everything here oh my God shelter a tree shelter dude this is insane wait a minute are you kidding there's no way oh my God uh okay gather half lines uh gather my goodness you have got to be kidding me I can't believe I was gonna build that crap by myself I was gonna grab that and single-handedly build it [Applause] foreign top of each other right or am I wrong there we go we now know that if we stack them on top of each other we can actually pick them up at the same time well this is a lot this is this is a lot of logs we got to gather up here we're starting to get a little hungry maybe right now would be a good time to gather some water as well definitely some good time to gather water now that it's raining I'm gonna take a look at that as soon as I'm done with this log here there's some sticks you never know when we're gonna need that yeah I'm starting to get used to the uh or at least I'm attempting to get used to the mechanics he's taking a little break it seems which would make sense he gets tired right yeah it stopped raining so I don't know if we can gather water anymore I'm just gonna keep going maybe I should keep chopping down the wood and then have him take it over there that actually might be a good idea yeah so we'll go ahead and do that chop down some more wood here I love I love the Aesthetics of this game dude and the animation of the wood chipping super sweet look at that that looks awesome bro yeah so I chopped down the wood and he takes it that's actually perfect chopping down some wood life has never been better [Music] there it goes all right I'm gonna chop a couple more trees here maybe one or two more um probably something there it's kind of creepy dropped us down huh either I'm going crazy or I I can hear something in the woods a bit distant back there but it's like the second time I hear a voice or some sort of growl could be going crazy thank you all right so we should be able to bring that to us oh God whoa okay it's getting a little it's getting a little dark this guy's bringing the wood where is it he's placing them all over here we should probably sleep for real we should definitely actually I'm gonna I'm gonna sleep because I want you guys to be able to see the process happen as it happens you know what I mean so if we sleep here now I'm freaking thirsty and I'm hungry oh my God that was excessive bro but it worked right oh [ __ ] let's go nice all right yeah we're really hungry oh my God so if we're hungry my question is does Kelvin get hungry as well oh you can collect the feathers new crafting recipe available in the inventory what is that hold on we've got this you know we can take this [ __ ] mail dude okay let me see something standing planter wall planter utility birdhouse rock bath Shelf log storage Rock Storage Bench wall torch a bone chair dude there's so much in this game what is happening small animal trap fish trap bone maker trap fly swatter trap hunting shelter let's go dude foreign just a little bit um I wonder how we can gather water I don't know if I have anything switch mode yeah I don't know if I can struts roof this is not good water is very important and my meat is going to go bad if I don't eat it so that seems perfectly cooked oh all right so my food is perfect which I guess that's important yeah I can only carry two logs at the moment interesting oh [ __ ] there's got to be a couple of them here on the ground bro what is that noise it's freaking me out I'm telling you there's something in that there's something or someone in that bush right there yes I'm very tired now planks we should have plenty of planks oh yes let's go Sam planks you can carry three at a time perfect it's for the roof should I go over there and bring some logs or should I just chop down a tree and then just do it myself this place is giving me the creeps man I don't know [ __ ] this it's like somebody's watching [ __ ] with me I'll have you know I do not appreciate that stamina's low come on come on there we go now we got one we got two come on Calvin pick up the pace [Music] here literally just one more and this little cabin will be complete oh Calvin oh okay okay how do I do windows we've got a fence you gotta bring out my ax oh God okay we'll do a couple of Windows here what do you guys think oh God not too crazy I don't want him to be looking at us this works out just great and then of course we need to have a nice little view to the ocean so we're gonna do this right here let me grab Kelvin tell him to come with me hey stop working for a minute hold on I need you to take item sorry I don't have anything oh so you can give them stuff so that means he can probably die take a break stay here build shelter fire no get sticks follow me okay follow me dude let's see if we can [ __ ] don't get too close let's see let's see if we can find a little river somewhere or something we have the map now we've got some points of interest which is kind of interesting we're going a little bit into the woods not too much I want to see if there's like a waterfall or something or somewhere in which we can acquire some water some drinking water I know we're we're basically right next to an ocean but dude oh that's a squirrel okay I think I see something yes there might be water here some mushrooms I don't want to eat that oh some squirrels come here come here what the [ __ ] is this oh no no no that's not good oh my God multiple new crafting recipes available in the inventory oh my God all right what do we got what do we got crafted spear the torch or stone Arrow how do I drink water I need water oh my God you kidding me are you kidding me so I was right all this time I had to go to a river a clean water river and just submerge myself and drink some water well that's cool what's also really cool is is this sort of area here which is like super massively open oh we got some berries you can survive off of berries right I've got a five in the strength now I don't know what that means maybe I had to wait a little bit bring up the map this area is crazy so I wonder if maybe I don't have to go all the way over there I can kind of Follow the the ocean and drink this water no this water's got to be polluted so beautiful who is that okay that's Kelvin oh my God I got scared for a second I think we're good see that's the cave there's a cave in there I there is a cave in there we're gonna we're gonna go and check that out eventually but I don't think we're prepared for that just yet okay we are definitely not prepared for that we also do have here we take a look at the map we have the helicopter crash which is kind of insane it's it's right over here do I have any meat on me I do not I don't know if I want to go to that helicopter crash scared dude what is this oh oh shoot oh my God right by the water really doesn't give me a lot but maybe we can can I store these [Applause] oh that's amazing dude all right got another stick can we put this bed inside the house inside the little cabin I think we can to be honest isn't that big this might be too I'll hold up wow this is perfect now we don't need this crap anymore okay hold on how do I oh get rid of this wasn't it C would that be like an inside thing oh [ __ ] dude what are you doing there although that's kind of stupid because we could have crafted that somewhere else I can't believe I'm saying it but we've survived our first day all right we have slept there's a little light it's got to be the most pointless little light I've ever actually decided to to use I mean I just wasted my my red tarp or the rag that I acquired in the forest and it's not really doing much we've got some seagulls here I could have just done like a little campfire oh look at the seagull hey come on man I need some food that's gonna land on the ground [Music] thank you all right so we're hungry the last thing that I'm gonna do uh before we call it a day we have officially survived our first night or so in the world of the forest too which has been very exciting go ahead and craft a little little campfire right here what do you guys say yeah I think so um you have enough sticks barely put it right here let's gather some stones I know we've got another one over there on the other side but I want to have this one right close to to our new home so we've got the reinforced fire going now we're gonna go ahead and uh throw the meat there I wish I would have had more things from from the suitcases or you know the Pelican boxes um but we really didn't have a whole lot from that so on the next episode what I want to do is obviously Explore More of the forest start heading into there maybe explore the crash site we have the helicopter crash site and then we also have this cave over there which is kind of intriguing me but I feel like that that should probably be something that we ought to explore when we're a bit more prepared closed captioning not available [Music] just give me like a day or two I'm gonna be out I'll be back soon and uh I hope you enjoyed
Channel: Hollow
Views: 712,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sons of the forest, sons of the forest gameplay, sons of the forest walkthrough, sons of the forest part 1, sons of the forest full gameplayme, sons of the forest ending, sons of the forest review, son of the forest, the forest 2, the forest 2 gameplay, the forest 2 walkthrough, the forest 2 full game, sons of the forest best weapon, sons of the forest 4k gameplay, sons of the forest crafting, sons, forest, the forest
Id: 2juag-xeaPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 57sec (2157 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2023
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