Hogwarts Legacy - Part 12 - MINING CAVE

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alrighty guys so welcome back to Hogwarts Legacy you know we're about what 12 episodes into this game and I think the last episode was probably one of my favorites it was dark and now I see and I've had a feeling now I see where the story can lead when it comes to Sebastian and so we do have a couple of things we have to do we'll go here to the quest menu and I'll show you guys we have to do an assignment for Professor Weasley in order to continue the main quests and it's relatively simple but I do want to go and start with another side quest for Sebastian and then we'll go to Professor Weasley I've been meaning to do The Lost Child as well but I want to start this and continue this thing that we have with Sebastian and ominous very very intriguing Sebastian semi and I was saying he found something interesting in the book from the scriptorium and he wants to discuss it in the under craft what did you discover in the spell book we found in the scriptorium Salazar Slytherin Spellbook was a little difficult to interpret but fascinating evidently he encouraged teaching dark magic at Hogwarts neither the imperious curse nor the killing curse was unforgivable during his time he believed students should be prepared to use dark magic when necessary not to fear it that's why we had to use crucial to gain access to the scriptorium he didn't want his knowledge shared with anyone who was afraid of the power of dark magic and I don't know I feel like my um [Music] I feel like my decisions are becoming mentally insane here I kind of agree it was hard to do but casting crucio was our only option and I'm glad we did it because in the spell book I also found something else references to a lost Relic which from what I can tell grants the holder the power to reverse dark magic curses and you think this Relic might be able to save Anne precisely I plan to search for this Relic but I don't think we should tell anyone especially ominous he wouldn't understand it's crazy how he's kind of turning his back on his friend right we should tell ominous man we need to tell him he's the reason we found the book and he deserves to know what you've learned you've seen how he Frets about the dark arts I promise I'll tell him when I found the Relic when I know more I shall send her now don't feel sorry for ominous keeping this to ourselves for now is for his own good I'll decide what's for my own good oh ominous we were just about to get some air care to join you're a liar Sebastian I heard everything useful you never engage in anything to do with dark magic again no I didn't I said I understood you wanting that I'd never swear to give up on finding a cure for Anne but I went to stop do you I know when not to stop leave this alone ominous I'll be on my way thank God oh my goodness he was overhearing everything I am not letting this go fashion seems a little pissed off you just broke that Barrel over there ominous Sebastian Manuel I appreciate you telling Sebastian not to keep this from me but going after that Relic is not a good idea Sebastian doesn't even realize it but he's as irresponsible and Reckless now as his parents were years ago it's why they died I knew his parents died but I never heard what happened Mr and Mrs sallow were professors spent nearly every waking moment in the cellar Library noses buried in books and Sebastian were upstairs when it happened they heard a sudden crash and ran downstairs but it was too late their parents had crumpled to the floor a defect with the lamp in the cellar caused the room to fill with an undetectable toxin Sebastian and Anne were helpless they had no magic yet what a horrible story it is that's why I can't understand Sebastian's recklessness I've practically lost Anne I cannot lose Sebastian too please avoid anything to do with that spell book man these are hard choices those references in the book seem promising everything to do with Salazar Slytherin seems promising until it's too late I hope Sebastian pursues this no further but if you think he might please let me know it would mean a lot oh boy all right so revelia I guess that's it for this um and this is probably my favorite Arc and it's not even a main quest it's it's Sebastian's so caught up in curing his sister that he's disregarding all of the dangers of the dark arts and he was spying on us what are you doing here Sebastian huh freaking heck dude I love flying this crap yes it does I the wielder of the black hippogriff I am Unstoppable all right we're gonna wait for here probably night time to be honest oh no you are yeah good is this Mr Bickel's home I believe so he supposedly has evidence against Harlow we need to speak with him hmm or his wife it seems to be outside are you all right we're looking for Mr Bickle my husband oh I'm terribly sorry Mrs pickle who killed your husband the air is Archie I don't mean to be Grim but could Harlow have taken him oh gee Satchel is missing so he may have left on his own hopefully he's just gone wondering as he's prone to do I hope he wasn't here when Harlow you when my husband do you know which way Archie might have gone he has a little hideout in the forest he never wanders far but if he witnessed Harlow doing something to his father I'm afraid to leave Casey comes back home is there anything more you can tell me about Harlow actor rookwood's second in command hmm a miserable awful Creature if this and murderous what reason would Harlow have to kill your husband my husband had been looking into Harlow's dealings and discovered some of what he's been up to I begged him to leave it alone but he he was convinced that oh we'll find your son Mrs pickle thank you you're gonna wait here and we're gonna find your son that's exactly what's gonna happen and what we do do not worry Mrs Pika we will bring Archie home and we can't fly when I took the letter we found to officer singer she told me about Mr Pickle he had been doing the same thing we are providing officer singer with evidence to take down Hollow I had hoped to speak with him about what he had found but we were too late I wonder if I should go come back and buy some potions from that guy I need to do some things with potions to get another spell and it's part of completing another thing I say about the less you brought her he thanked me but she clearly felt that it was not enough this is a shame that Hypocrites cannot speak ing could provide all the evidence against Hollow that we need we will need something more whoa this must be little at his Hideout that Mrs Bickel mentioned Archie achi's welcome he would not have done this to his own height black scale a brillian dragon that grow to over 9 meters in length a large rough scale originally belonging to one of the one of these beasts is one of the prized possessions that Archie Bickle keeps in his hideout someone came here but a valley or maybe our only hope for finding out which way he went achie's Footprints he went this way he's off but we would have found at you by now to be a wizard I suspect he'll keep running if he's being followed [Music] Rebellion oh no whatever shall I do oh please curse you cross paths with that wolf pack bastards rebellious could be in that cave [Music] hmm Archie satchel why would he leave it behind he was likely running from Hollow distracted this may be a good time for revelio again I don't know what just happened but my my face cam just went off I think my my face cam I left it on overnight so I probably overheated I don't know but it's never done that before it's I'm telling you man I've been having so many issues lately I don't even know revelio actually went this way sorry if I have to end up cutting off the face on this video but that's fine we'll keep it going I'm still here in spirit all right just don't leave me please I have a bad feeling about this hollow must have a reason for pursuing Archie I wonder what Archie saw I hope you didn't see Harlow kill his father he would never overcome it Rebellion at least not in any way I can imagine yeah that must suck oh there's something over there another flu uh flame we will need revelio again off on another adventure are we multiple sets of footprints oh Harlow caught up to him here yes this is not good they went this way oh my God they are beautiful are they not I I have one of those ancestrals too I witnessed death when I was nine so my first test was shortly thereafter I found comfort in it I still do good because I have one of my own I just can't summon it right now I'm sorry you experienced something like that at so young in age I was with my father when he died and I felt quite helpless it was a long time ago in some ways but in other ways it seems like it was only yesterday you must miss him my father was a wonderful man I let us keep moving yes we must find Archie listen I feel bad for your dad and all but this little kid's missing let's go what are we doing here we could talk and move girl come on now you must protect Archie we must save him taking him oh [Music] he's cursed are you interested let's go baby oh shut it will ya a grave mistake you made [Music] I did not expect this temp to be so large on the inside that complicates things a little or inside the tent which is very very large but this is this should be expected it happened in movies so Rebellion why are we even surprised when we clearly should not be but I don't even care to be stealthy right now honestly that's why I haven't even upgraded my my stealth because wants to be stealthy when you can wait what can someone help me oh he's here little kid we're coming Rebellion the thing that could draw unwanted attention experience OH police you guys really thought you had something going huh I don't think so man we could we could literally have these potions and use them to finish oh that's cute [Music] you tried to hit me [Music] oh my God oh my God bro the fighting is so fun [Music] thank you sorry about that here excellent rebellious excellent execution from here Archie Archie pickle who I am your mother sent us to find you [Music] not too loud Archie did you get this open locked Aloha Mora imagine if we got here and we didn't have this the spell to Black pick locks oh man that would suck the game probably wouldn't even give you this mission hold on let me let me revelio [Music] he killed my father he's so he's so sorry Archie we won't let him get away with it but first we need to get you home to your mother thank you for saving me you wouldn't have it any other way Archie now let's get you home we know a safe way back all right we're here it's pickle Mrs pickle oh Archie you're here oh you're safe mother oh mother father's friends are in danger I heard the people who took me talking about them rich friends darling Mrs Ray Mr filbert and I think they also said Otto's name I shall speak with them you run inside yes Mother your husband's friends may be in danger just as he was how can we help you've done enough my husband was a powerful wizard and couldn't defeat Harlow the last thing we need is that monster coming after you may be too late for that I'm afraid Harlow's already after us then you need an Eden I'm sorry again about your husband Mr s thank you and thank you for bringing Archie home I can never repay the two of you for your kindness [Music] my father used to say that rain does not fall on one roof alone we are here to help each other that's a good one I like that one I must learn more about Mr because friends and why Harlow is after them you'll be hearing from me as soon as I know something thank you for your help today let's see what we have here Cave of sorts oh hold up oh my God this is so cool this is so cool It's gotta be yeah this is it this is definitely it revelio well we've got two little nice chests I like this there is so much to explore in this game love of God yes this is in fact the underground Harbor in order to unlock I think we need to be in the because I unlocked one and the only time I unlocked one of those chests was under the um I was under the uh visibility potion revelio aha got it he's also complete I should attend Transfiguration let's get it and now we've got a nice little shortcut to come back down here even though I don't think we need any sort of reason to come back down here to the underground Harbor but it's nice to know let's go interesting dude got a little shortcut here right through here a 10 Transfiguration class during the day I heard Professor Weasley transfigured the book with all her test answers into an owl to adoptions from cheating [Music] [Music] settle down settle down Transfiguration as you may be wary of hearing me say is an exact science that can take a lifetime to master but we needn't be daunted almost anything can be transformed if you can just perceive the potential within it as I see in all of you tremendous witches and wizards every one of you or it could just be my eyesight [Music] now you all know what to do [Music] alrighty tell me bro we got god-like powers with these spells we're creating life here out of nothing beautifully done only if that [ __ ] was real all right so speak with Professor Weasley you wanted to discuss my progress so far this term Professor I did [Music] thank you professor the extra assignments have been helpful as I suspected they would be now it seems you've been making good use of the opportunities presented by your field guide of course the guide isn't the only measure of success I've heard that you can brew an impressive Edgars potion hopefully you won't need it anytime soon but it is a valuable potion to have when it is needed thank you Professor I will say I'm especially impressed with all you've accomplished in light of the rumors of your extracurricular activities was your visit to the kitchens and the hogsmead graveyard with Nick to bribe a ghost for information connected in any way to Professor fig um no not at all I'm fascinated by ghosts and food and I was interested in learning more about the castle and the surrounding area I see I admire your pawn shop for learning but do remember that your classwork and Field Guide are designed to educate you thoroughly it'll be the end of the year in no time and you'll want to be well prepared for your owls I'll provide a final assessment at that time to ensure that you're ready for your exams until then well done you are dismissed why thank you Professor Weasley that was a pretty simple assignment all right so we go here and uh let's see what I will do here I will do this one there oh my God fighting people with that spell is gonna be hilarious since our visit to feldcraft something dawned on me about the triptych meet me the Overlook just north of the Forbidden Forest and I'll explain my plan with the helmet failed but I have another idea I think we may be able to find what we need at a goblin mine south of Hogwarts meet me there and bring someone who speaks gobbledygook I remember our meat mentioning something about gobbledygook we're gonna go to the talents really quickly and based upon what I'm looking here we either have for the heels or we've got this really cool one which Stupify deals direct damage on impact or protego a perfect protego releases a damaging blast that sounds really good we also have this uh this new spell we just learned um which turns him into an explosive Barrel or we can go to the dark arts and the cursed enemy restores some of your health also sounds really really good striking the enemy curse by crucial releases a projectile that curses a nearby enemy I'm gonna do that and so we are officially on our way to our next West we're going really really high up here their buddy old pal Rebellion nice [Music] hello mate do I recall you saying that you speak gopity cook I did I mean I do speak it is this to do with the goblin I saw you with in hogsmeat it is his name is lordkok we could use your help with something he's waiting for me near a goblin mind would you be willing to help of course how exciting I mean well might this be dangerous I think he simply wants to show me something that involves gobbledygook if it helps he's a friend of sironas good to hear good to hear if sirona trusts him then I feel much better all right Lord God is waiting should we go of course just want to check the pronunciation of a couple of times first so I will meet you there my goodness all right here we are actually no we're not it's a little bit further can we go from this to a broom in midair I don't think we can that'd be sick you gotta land first before doing that the goblin line we're about to find out what this is all about Marlin trial when I see one there is we are ready a friend who speaks gobbledygook is meeting us before he arrives perhaps you could tell me why we're here of course unfortunately presenting ranrock with the helmet of Earth God did not have the effect I'd hoped because he knew the details surrounding its plunder he presumed I'd had help from a witch or wizard in retrieving it [Music] you said this would repair the chasm between the two of you how did you not expect him to react this way I'm afraid we do not have the luxury of rational expectation when it comes to ran Rock damn bragbor in his blasted journals practical an ancestor of ran rocks renowned metal worker if we are to work together I suppose I must tell you more not long ago ranrock sent me to collect a recently Unearthed set of bragboar's journals they describe repositories that bragbor had been commissioned to build for a group of witches and wizards what do you mean repositories large magically fortified receptacles crafted from Goblin metal ranrock recruited others to help me locate the repositories we were to search anywhere that was connected to five names mentioned in the journals Rackham Fitzgerald picar morganock and Rookwood Brookwood castle that is where we began our search why does Round Rock care so much about these repositories he cares about what they contain for centuries Wizards have refused to share their magical knowledge with goblins your kind will not even let us carry ones thus many goblins myself included have spent our lives mistrusting wizard kind ranrock was convinced that the repositories contained a magical power that Wizards wanted to keep for themselves he was is determined to take it for Goblin Kind But Here Comes My friend I'll meet probably best to continue our conversation later greetings Lord [ __ ] it is an honor sir gobbledygook oh enough please do not tell me that was meant to be gobbledygook I um well yes perhaps my pronunciation was a bit off I imagine certain dialects differ pronunciation is not the issue I barely recognize that as language I trust you can read gobbledygook better than you can speak it I can sir just Lord [ __ ] thankfully we only need someone who can decipher written plans since I cannot join you in the mine what written plans and why can't you come with us we need some idea of what ranrock knows or is plotting I suspect a careless loyalist may have left plans behind and I'm unable to join you because I cannot risk anyone reporting my presence to ran rock all you need to do is not be either by the eye above the enchanted door or a loitering loyalist wow what else should we know about the enchanted door the door will not open while the eye can see you you and your friend must be invisible to it to gain access from what I know of wizard magic that shouldn't be too difficult to achieve I'll meet and I can do this I will await your return of course we're doing a mission with I shall see you soon with our buddy with a classmates not too bad not too shabby at all let me get this full thing so many of them in the game the door is looking at us all right so we're gonna have to probably put here to be seen Dewey all right hopefully we can do it like this not out of potion The Mind's Eye books so rarely prepare one for reality a real goblin mine it's even grander than I had expected I cannot believe I met a goblin just learn what we have impressive workmanship for so simple a device to workmanship aside it's the only way forward you're watching a really interesting pair guys revelio revelio oh shoot why do we go over there let me go over here I read about mines like this all together I'll get you through this mine [Music] I mean do not tell anyone I just you first okay gotta be careful with that door what is this to here he's watched by a door lumos yes of course all right so do we have to pull this lumos I love how he says that so nice so much passion behind it like a character from one of the adventure books I read during the summer holiday let's take a look around our meat see if we can find any plans let me know if you see any more plans or schematics we can't return to lodgok empty headed what I'm beheaded [Applause] Rebellion up through here I presume clever Ness yeah nice Rebellion fascinating to see gobbledygook written in a goblin hand it flourishes our extraordinary I will get to the bottom of what they've been building down here all right so we just got to keep searching really I'm collecting some cash another one right here if I'm translating this correctly and I think that I am they're building something rather large but what there must be more notes around here what could they be building ah but if you don't fill up so much you can actually go further worry about it easily diverse I'm gonna turn that dude into a barrel [Music] come here [Music] oh gosh possession come on boys that's all you got a little bit disappointed in you all turning channel into barrels a couple more oh this really is too much job well done stay close another boiler place is more complex than I had expected I agree my friend let's go up top here and see what we can find Rebellion here was wait what oh I think I got lost we just break through that no we did not door is locked right yeah for long I found a way around oh cool something else for a little House of requirements the room of requirement excuse me the house over I mean it is a house tech it's just inside a room all right Rebellion okay I think we gotta go through this under pass sorts here schematic what are they going to build this mine is too small for whatever it is all the heck whoa look at this I would have never guessed foreign I hate those little ones [Music] foreign okay I guess what I'm looking for something oh no the double come up here oh gosh how many of them are there my goodness we also just completed a uh side challenge there let it hide why could it sneaking about you'll see can I do this when we're under foreign I think I need to light him up before I can move that piece back there that's probably what it is this is not good they're building enormous drills bigger than this mine could contain let's get out of here until Lord got what we found the drill and harvest the uh the power that they're searching for eign I need a moment to catch my breath this was more than I bargained for glad you came with me I'll meet you tell that we know what they're up to can we please talk about what just happened that wasn't so bad was it it was it really was I'm afraid I've had enough adventure for one day for a lifetime perhaps thank you armit I couldn't have done it without you now if you don't mind I'd like to have a word with lodgok understood I'll leave you to it your Goblin secrets are safe with me but I get to write the book about this Escapade someday without further ado had you Ah that's a good one without further Ado let's shoot is that a stupid joke to laugh at probably which wasn't really a joke they're building enormous drills we found their plans Round Rock must be searching for the repositories I fear you are correct other than Rookwood Castle however I do not know where else he plans to search I've been wondering about something else you said before we entered the mine yes if you share around Rock's views then why are you helping me I expected Rookwood Castle to be deserted when I arrived to begin my search so a surprise to find a witch there who had set up a sort of improvised research site she was studying something so intently that she almost didn't notice me when she looked up I thought she would react with fear or disdain but instead she did something that I will never forget without a moment's hesitation and asked me to sit with her she told me that she was a researcher and showed me a small oddly shaped container with the strange symbol on it she was certain it was made of goblin metal but was unable to open it she wanted to work together Miriam yes but how did you Professor fake's wife he told me of her research and I know of the container [Music] the reverence with which she talked of goblins and their intelligence and skill it caught the entirely off guard I'd never been treated with such Respect by a witch or wizard so to my surprise I let her study the container if she would allow me to search the castle on my own [Music] we parted ways with her promising to share what she'd learned more of ranrock's recruits arrived and we began to dig eventually locating the first Repository ranrock was thrilled with our discovery but Furious what I told him about Miriam berated me for trusting a witch and I heard she'd been killed you think ranrock murdered her I don't want to believe it but no after that something shifted in me [Music] I had seen how the power from the repositories was transforming ranrock transforming all of them I could no longer remain a part of it thank you Lord [ __ ] for telling me this hmm I tell you all of this so that you understand what is at stake Round Rock never found all of blackboard's journals but the ones he did find suggest that Bradmore at some point built a repository far greater in size than the one beneath Rookwood Castle what you've discovered here today worries me deeply deeply if Round Rock learns from the location of that Repository I fear we shall be destined for a great War I will find out what ran Rock knows watch for my owl that's funny instead of I'll text you just watch for my own that's pretty hilarious [Music]
Channel: Hollow
Views: 235,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hogwarts legacy, hogwarts legacy gameplay, hogwarts legacy walkthrough, hogwarts legacy part 1, hogwarts legacy full game, hogwarts legacy ending, hogwarts legacy review, hogwarts legacy walkthrough part 1, hogwarts legacy ps5, hogwarts legacy xbox series x, hogwarts legacy pc, hogwarts gameplay, hogwarts walkthrough, hogwarts part 1, hohgwarts full game, hogwarts ending, hogwarts review, hogwarts walkthrough part 1
Id: eb8vrzt18P4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 48sec (3048 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 10 2023
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