Hogwarts Legacy - Part 3 - RESTRICTED SECTION

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foreign I'm trying to remember when was the last time that I willingly woke up early in the morning to get back into a video game because it's been some time and here we are the last episode was absolutely incredible we finally got to visit hogsmeade explore a little bit we picked out our wand we got new gear you know the new robe and we got a lot of stuff we had our first boss fight I guess you can say um possibly like a miniature boss fight I would assume but it was a nice little introduction to test out the new wall and the new abilities and spells and whatnot it's been it's been a blast so far and so here we are beginning our second official day as a fifth year now we do have our main quest here which is speak to Professor fig but if you guys were calling I completely forgot to do it last time we do have this Quest that kind of intrigues me which is the crossed wands round one talk to Luke and bradleby so I think I think I want to start off with this and see what this is about and uh see what happens so he's not too far off did we pin that I think we did I think the uh I think this is only for our main quests that little Trail [Music] see so we're back here oh oh my God I'm sorry I'm in somebody's room oh my goodness all right so maybe maybe I shouldn't go there let me just follow the trail oh that would have been embarrassing let's see where this leads is this still locked yeah that's still locked feels like we're going away from it but perhaps we're not I don't even know where he's at Mr bradleby and we're now officially in The Faculty Tower we're gonna go down here man you actually forget how fast this guy can run I am sprinting through it yeah so I think this is actually taking us in fact I'm glad you can make it lucan's just over there ah okay so this is what we kind of did in the early build and this is also what we saw can I help you in the um and the trailers like leading up to the hype of this game so we're gonna do it because this is important Sebastian told me to see you about a club if Sebastian vouchers for you that's all I need to know I coordinate duels crossed once sorts it's invitation early so you must have really impressed Sebastian I'm flattered to hear that Sebastian's not a bad duelist either imagine it's quite something to see the two of you Jill how does cross wands work exactly you show up I'm actually with other Duelists and whoever is still standing in the end wins it's our way of determining the school's greatest duelist once and for all and to liven things up the winner is awarded the prize interested I like prizes sure of course dueling's an entertaining Pastime I agree besides in Cross ones you could deal with a partner if you like your first time I'll pair you with Sebastian next time you'll need to bring a partner along or Jewel alone so cats step into the ring let's do it get me in the ring the fireworks we're here already so might as well we'll make you regret signing up I'm so scared so breakthrough yellow shield with control spells okay the levitation spell maybe also uh okay cool yeah that's kind of what we learned in class and I can get you with this can we throw anything here yeah my goodness thank you and the battling feels pretty cool don't get a lie nice work Sebastian wasn't wrong about you there's strong competition ahead but keep this up and you Champion brilliant Count Me In I shall now it takes time to organize these deals but check with me later I may have something lined up for you again congratulations on your first crossed ones Victory well thought see you again Rebellion cross wands round one got a nice little chest in there okay I'm gonna go this way hello he wants to speak to me I feel sorry for your next opponent yeah that's right so so do I just wait till I've grown a bit then we'll see how well you do no these guys are Relentless geez [Music] there's so many things that you can interact with here in the school it's just kind of like I feel like I don't have the proper spells for a lot of these things [Music] as long as we're only one time per week I can plunge the boy's lavatory not for the mink please you'll make me late he tried to stop me did rancorous cup salt to trip me can find me inside of a jar but he failed Us in his containment jobs so I took my revenge to wreak havoc and harm it was granted my privileges be handsome indeed or I'd fire up the cannon and so she agreed to draw up a contract with her not with him that if I behaved I'd have one weekly stream I'll get you for this all right cool story haunted toilets a lesson Dire Straits it is probably best to avoid this particular toilet as it allegedly allegedly was one of peeves a favorite pranking spots well that's nice remind me to never come here again all right so let's keep moving across the bridge okay how do we get up there let me use my little Pathfinder I think one of these days I'm just gonna kind of sit down and really explore like everything in the castle to see exactly how big this place is that feels enormous another fast travel point okay I think we're here hello professor wow look at his room dude oh my God jeez Professor I'm glad to see you and I you thank Merlin you're in one piece I heard about the attack trolls in hogsmead sir the trolls were wearing armor it had that dark glow like the dragon collar Goblin silver ranrock used it to control the dragon but how and why send trolls too they were there because of me I overheard ramrock talking with Victor Rookwood rangrock was in hogsmeade with Rookwood the trolls were ranrock's distractions so that Rookwood could get to me and he would have had sirona and the patrons at the three broomsticks not intervened great news indeed if ran rocks goblins and dark Wizards are after you they want what we found in that vault hmm speaking of the Vault do you think that Round Rock is working with any of the Goblins at Gringotts I do not Gringotts goblins aren't typically the friendliest of beings but they have a great deal of Integrity no I dare say after what happened to that poor Banker the Goblins at Gringotts are no followers of ramrock they're after the locket you said you discovered something in it yes yes I discovered an inscription when I read it aloud this map appeared clever enchantment it's a map of Hogwarts to be sure but I do not know where it leads it leads to the library the Restricted Section to be precise and a bit beyond I see traces of magic there on the map I suspected you would see something shall we go I appreciate your enthusiasm and I'm eager to discover what we may find there as well but if our experience at Gringotts let alone what happened to Miriam taught me anything it's that the path we're on is terribly dangerous I'd like you to work with Professor heckett a bit before we continue but sir how dangerous could the library be perhaps we're only after a book perhaps we are only after a book but we should be prepared for anything once you've honed your defensive magic further come and see me I'll let Professor Hackett know to expect you [Music] what is this little thing back here let's see [Music] so I'm not gonna lie I was a little worried when when I found out we had to do certain quests to complete other quests or to unlock other quests but right now so far it's actually not bad because it just seems like it's part of the part of the story you know it's not you know we got to learn it and it's going to improve our character it's not I guess I was thinking mentally or it might be something tedious but again we'll see as we continue here perhaps you can help me it's Arthur Plumley hmm did I speak to this man hello were you calling me I was yes thought you might be interested in joining me for a bit of an adventure following a treasure map to be precise slight Rush fight from battling the old troll I should think ask poppy if she'd be interested as well but couldn't drag her away from her puff scheme I found two maps lying about both leading to locations around Hogwarts care to have a look at one [Music] dude let's try that following a Hogwarts treasure map Count Me In wonderful Hogwarts fascinates me you can keep whatever treasure lies at the end of your map I'll be Satisfied just knowing where it leads where do you suggest I search First based on a cursory review of your map I'd suggest somewhere near hackett's classroom oh okay we're headed there very well I shall take a look if I can find the time fair enough meet me back here if you find anything so that's good because we at least officially unlocked a possible secret chest so we've got some Clues here this is interesting this is the magic spell I've got to use here huh okay find the first landmark Arthur's treasure map go down through here okay yeah this is one of the uh ah a rhinoceros skeleton I'm on the right track exactly so yeah this is the the skeleton we just found and then it's either this or that once I find this painting maybe we gotta use the spell okay I'll keep that in mind [Music] help me with my sad pretty with my sad predicament it's probably around here somewhere hmm I mean thankfully I I think we can always tackle that side quests later we have some matters to discuss let me see what what we got with this Mission and then we'll we'll search a bit on that I'm here about the new spell you wanted to teach me professor good a professor fig indicated a set of certain assignments you are to learn incendio the fire making spell handy for lighting torches burning away spider webs and when necessary defending against those who would wish to do us harm s versatile quite but before we get started I'd like you to complete a few tasks you may be surprised by some of them astonishing how much students don't think their professors know when you're finished come and see me then we shall begin working on and send you absolutely you know where to find me once you've finished when two rounds of cross wands okay complete round of spell combinations practice with oh so that's how you unlock that should look at that seems crossed ones isn't a secret as it's believed to be that's exactly what I was just thinking I was like dude it wasn't even that serious the teachers know about it this guy really thought he had something special sort of underground entertainment that nobody knew about what a joke all right we're gonna head there and then we'll come back I probably should be using the Fast Travel point a bit more but considering that this is considering this is like the first beginning few hours of the game and there is still a lot revelio it's just nice come here it's just nice lackling the lanky that the statue depicts the wizard a tall slendered wizard who appears quite proud of himself for what precisely no one knows that's awesome just checking I was just thinking we still haven't getting our broomsticks yet I'm I'm super pumped ready for when that happens no one in the school I'd be afraid did you do this I know hello Lucan is the next round of cross ones all said why yes it is I've got a great match lined up ready for another round this guy's like a little underground dealer man this is awesome I'm ready let's do it brilliant are you dealing with a partner [Music] let's try [Music] let's try yeah yes Nasi then let's get to it she's like my best pal around here you know ready to get thrashed whoa hey apologies in advance oh my these people swear you know me and her battle the troll little dorks breakthrough violent Shields okay this is with four spells like the summoning charm Akio [Music] of course and the reason being is because of the color right oh hold on [Music] come here thank you let's go I'm sorry that beginning part was a bit uh atrocious back there shouldn't have been that sloppy we could have done better than that for sure Bravo I gave it my all you did indeed so I've already taken notice of you but after that last round they'll really have it in for you you'd better keep practicing if you want a chance of winning or at least surviving the next round I'll let you know when we're ready hope to see you then [Music] speak sir I got the Simon one complete a rattle spell combinations practice with Luke and Brad will be okay hello Lucan may I use the training dummy of course I'll fetch it and give you a list of combinations to practice ready to have a try now sure that would be wonderful be sure to cast all your spells before the dummy lands if you need to stop practicing before you finish all of them let me know here we have the Spells up top and then the basic attacks so that's it okay [Music] nicely done let's go yes [Music] I'd say that's enough practice you looked good out there thank you Lucan I say better to discover one's weaknesses during practice than during a duel you'll be a fearsome Challenger now all right I think we're good Quest complete assignment's all finished all right so now we can go back to the main assignment you see so like we did that but it was super it was super important you know let me see let's try out the fast traveling now so we're here let's go all the way over here wow dude look at this map oh my God there is so much going on here this is nuts let's go back to the Hogwarts map all right this is where we're supposed to be and we're gonna travel right over here let me travel here just in case because I'm not sure if that's right in front of her door or not probably isn't but handy resource indeed I'm most pleased to be included oh that was so good nice I trust Mr brattleby was able to accommodate you and that you found success in your endeavors oh we found great success I finished all of the tasks you gave me Professor Hackett glad to hear it then you should be ready to learn and send you should be Professor yes I'm sorry to say I visited enough careless colleagues at cinemagas to assure you that fire is a Fickle servant your spell casting has impressed me thus far but please maintain Focus I would rather we not end today's lesson with your robes aflame let us begin and remember focus on the proper wand movement concentrate and keep your wand steady yeah we can't afford to burn this robe this is the the digital Deluxe okay we can be doing all that [Music] nice incendio also dude let's go secrets of the Restricted Section so you have learned enough spells that you'll need to equip incendio to your spouse set to do this you need to swap it with a different spell good work oh my God okay so they talk to us uh about this briefly hmm so to use a spell or item you must first add it to your spell sets add incendio now hover over and send you hold L R2 and tap the corresponding face button okay so we can hmm we've got repero you know what I'll do that for now why not [Music] these are the essentials okay cool very nice revelio what is this the black skeleton this large dragon skeleton that hangs in the defense against the dark arts classroom it's allegedly a trophy taken by Professor Hackett after she's single-handedly according to her defeated oh yeah she talked about this in class one of the largest approaching rings in the Eastern Wales during the Great poacherate of 1878. she spoke about that I remember so we've got incendio like and send it keep at it and do try not to instill oh man that's awesome sorry yeah that is pretty cool we've learned it man officially we've got another adventure are we whoa we have officially learned one of the coolest spells one step closer to the finishing moves which is something I'm really excited for look at this painting here or this frame on the wall how incredibly beautiful that is that is awesome hmm there's the fountain I'm getting closer Rebellion remember this is part of the treasure hunt from Arthur okay so I think if we look at the fountain okay head on if we go over to our inventory and if we're looking at the fountain head-on based on the clues of this treasure map behind to the right side of the fountain behind the tree this might be the room aliens are back brilliant revelia [Music] hmm I've always said that travel broadens wasn't there a room here but it wasn't this one hmm stavo looks promising oh hold on guys in Transfiguration this looks like the portrait from the mouth this is it and where's the treasure back here there it is oh let's go there was a doorway hidden within the portrait came of Arthur's search what oh my God that is so cool so let's take a look at what we just acquired by the way here the challenges tab we do have um some rewards we've got the collect 15 Guild uh Field Guide pages in Hogwarts we've got this one these two are new here this is super cool man look at this this is so many cool little Rewards all right let's go here to the Gear I want to see what we just unlocked it might be just a uh aesthetically parents sort of yep oh my God that looks awesome the authentic historian's uniform benefiting a student of History that's so cool my God that's so cool we also have some new eyewear this one's pretty hilarious defense 13 way better than the one we have you know I'm gonna rock it I'm gonna rock it I'm gonna go with that honestly I don't even care this is incredible look at this okay look at my new War uh a new robes oh man this is aren't they brilliant hello Nelly you seem excited about something the did Alien keys are back the walkies they're the Dalian Keys surely you've seen them flying about rumor is that a former headmistress Professor mole conjured them to protect the contents of certain locked cabinets years ago Professor black couldn't be bothered to disenchant the Keys and they appear every few years you should try to catch one why would I do that each key will lead you to a locked cabinet somewhere in the castle if you can manage to get the key into the cabinet lock not an easy task you may find a reward more rewards why would Professor mole conjure flying Keys what I heard is that it had something to do with keeping peeves out of things but that may or may not be true he's a poltergeist I thought they could go almost anywhere surely you will be trying to complete the challenge as well ah I've tried and I can't even get past the first cabinet perhaps you'll have better luck I'd love to know what's in the cabinets perhaps I'll give it a go I hope you do in fact I think I heard one of the keys in the astronomy Tower you should listen for them I hope you follow a few keys at least if you manage to open a cabinet I'd love to know what you find if anything all right so let's follow this shall we some of those keys were flying around when when we played over at the WB headquarters eventually you'll see a bunch of them here and there but again this is only the beginning so much more to learn and see I'm dying to see what this game is going to look like not only like when the seasons change but also like towards the end game you know how's the mood gonna be let me talk to this guy where is he you can't imagine how inconvenient wait where's Arthur I want to tell him about his treasure hmm [Music] hello lumos lumos whoa okay we're going actually to the key here [Music] awesome dude [Music] shut that off revelia do we have anything interesting here yes we do there's so many guide Pages bro tapestry of badanaba's deep Army [Music] okay we'll keep going up rebellious oh hello there excuse me coming through looking for a key you guys seen a key anywhere around here man this astronomy Tower is looking nice Jesus bro oh my goodness excuse me Merlin Merlin's beard hmm we'll be pleased to hear that I received a word from my context a Cambridge who can considered that they had in fact been incorrect in their understanding of meteor showers it seems that an Irish astronomer and a British astronomer both built upon the work done by an Italian astronomer all Muggles mind you as far as I know to propose calculating the position of the Dust up at Earth's orbits as means of connecting meteors to comets brilliant really one can only imagine what they might do with an enchanted telescope frustratingly in my correspondence I did feel that I had to continue using pseudonym from my days as a gentleman scholar while I still find it rather exciting to have a secret identity the reason it irks me I'm also looking forward to our trip late this year the Jantar mantar did I say that right what an adventure we shall have I miss you dear sister and I do hope you are well with love love Rebellion man how much time wanted to like designing this what are you up to now this Castle interiorly I'm gonna use lumos here just in case going a little too high for miles I wonder where it might lead me hold on wait where'd he go revelio wait what I can hear it ah no way where's the cabinet how do I get this key in there oh we have to control it slap I'm so sorry yes oh wow an old coin perhaps Nelly knows what it means revelio often another adventure are we that's interesting you're gonna like slap the key as soon as it goes right through the lock through the little Keyhole all right so we're headed back to Nelly off of the astronomy Tower down below I free I feel pretty good man we're doing a decent amount of little puzzles here and there interacting with uh different characters around the castle making new friends learning new spells and now after this we're definitely gonna go we're gonna go straight back to to the main quest she should be down here yep oh it's dark outside whoa were you able to follow one of the detailian keys hello Nelly I managed to get a daily and key into its lock brilliant what did you find in the cabinet a curious token of some sort looks like a Gryffindor House token I better unlocks our house chest I call them house chests I've seen the one in our common room and I heard there are also in the other common rooms keep an eye out oh cool I do hope you continue on for so much effort the prize must be something Grand find the Gryffindor House chest insert the house talking into your house Trust okay now I'm intrigued I know I said we're gonna go back to the main quest but now I mean how can I not be intrigued lumos it's getting a little dark in the castle guys I'm a little scared it's only a news let's head back up top now there's just a bunch of students lying around with just side quests and little activities for us to do interesting so we're gonna head here real quick I wonder if I should just fast travel there here's something Rebellion whoa we're getting closer [Music] I mean she said what we find here might be very very good so I guess it's worth it excuse me all right we're here revelio oh Rebellion thank you fat lady portrait that's kind of insulting [Music] no way is it this one this must be my album seems I'll need to find more house tokens if I'm to open this oh are you a few by the look of it man 16 tokens okay now I'm insulted wow my goodness all right that's fine you know what it's fine I now see why they've added so many fast travel points like everywhere because imagine if you didn't have that you'd have to keep oh my goodness it's so big that you'd go crazy going back and forth well let's see if we find Arthur I know he was around here and I just couldn't see him last time which would have been practical to speak to him when I was at this area but he wasn't here oh man he was in this corner what have you learned hello Arthur thought you might like to know that my map led to a doorway hidden within a portrait oh how clever I'm led to the boathouse Haley found the treasure before I saw the Headmaster coming he shoot me out of there but not before I got a few galleons richer what did you find I found what I believe is an authentic historian's uniform oh that's lucky seems as though we both had success glad I enlisted you to join me well on to the next Hogwarts mystery wonder if a quick rummage round Weasley's office [Music] okay now we're headed to the main quest and we shall wait ah there you are hello sir you'll be pleased to know that I worked on my defensive magic with Professor Hackett so I hear she tells me you've taken rather well to your new wand you must continue to work with her and your other professors to improve your skills that said I don't wish to postpone our visit to the library any longer so shall we proceed fig I have work for you come head must I'm with a student in my schedule your schedule will wait indefinitely as will your student I would think that after all the trouble you caused me with ozric you'd be eager to make amends my office five minutes damn that man is exasperating unfortunately our trip to the Restricted Section will have to wait a bit longer but Professor we have no choice it would be unwise to provoke our illustrious Headmaster further I shall find you when I've completed whatever toils I must endure [Music] hmm well let's go speak to Sebastian oh I was really excited for this Mission and then just got turned down man now what Rebellion a little chest in the corner here oh what is that is that for our wand oh cool that is very cool man that looks nice let's go if I can do that I can definitely do that Sebastian mentioned sneaking into the Restricted Section perhaps he'll have an idea oh well we're about to do this with Sebastian oh we're being naughty I'm Gonna Be Naughty Boys all right let's go find Sebastian see these are the types of friends that are going to get you in trouble in life but you know what sometimes we got to do a little crime here and there doesn't hurt anybody right Sebastian there you are I was hoping to see you I was in the three broomsticks after the troll attack and saw what happened with Rookwood and Harlow not many students have Victor rookwood's attention what was that all about hmm I don't know if I should say anything just in case I've never even met him perhaps he mistook me for another student if you say so I won't press you now but you will have to tell me what's going on at some point you might need me so why were you looking for me I need to find something for Professor fig but it's in the restricted section of the library he can't get it himself he was called Away by black at the last moment I suppose I could wait to get a note from him but you want to show some initiative precisely you mentioned being clever enough not to get caught in the Restricted Section and I am meet me outside the library tonight and tell no one what will happen if we're caught in the Restricted Section detention no doubt but a word of caution or two will help for one avoid peeves the Poltergeist aside from wanting destruction of property he loves nothing more than telling on the likes of us soon should I be about the librarian Madame Scribner doesn't take crying to clandestine activities taking place amongst her precious books so do all that you can to avoid her she and I have had our entanglements but I can hold my own against her you may not be so lucky thank you Sebastian I'll meet you later all right oh so we're getting crazy with it huh see there that's the door we need to reach and those annoying prefects would love nothing more than to Rattle us to Scribner so don't let them see us understood I can be sneaky let's go hold on now there's a spell you should know the disillusionment charm good forgetting places you're not supposed to be cast it and you'll appear as little more than a trick of the light just as long as you keep your distance and stay quiet you mean I'll actually be able to turn invisible something like that it's not as foolproof as a cloak but those are expensive and spells spells are free give it a try oh foreign [Music] yeah we learned we've used this spell we just have to be very very careful we also now need to possibly put it somewhere else um I don't know if we're gonna use incendio here so maybe we should probably use this new spell [Music] and replace it for what is this I know we get new slots later on like new pages or spells [Music] all right we'll do that let's see [Music] okay let's go Rebellion oh she's right there will go invisible nearby and adversaries will sense okay and then investigate suspicious Behavior being cut wall by the authorities will result in a quest of failure [Music] wait what seriously all right so that was just and I cannot see you that's just for distraction it's funny how the painting talked to me right I shall pretend I do not see you I guess [Music] all right so we're gonna go back down here we've got to be very careful here oh gosh why are we here we are here oh my prayer is still here behind the bookcase so we are now officially inside the Library in fact a little risky here key revelio I gotta see where this teacher's at he told me the librarian would be gone by now Jubilee but it'll still be all right do you see her desk behind me the key is in the drawer of that desk now here's what we're going to do I'll create a distraction to draw her away you focus on getting the key I'll meet you outside of the Restricted Section wait why do I need a key isn't there a spell for this Aloha Mora that's how I always used to get him but the librarian tweaked that I knew the spell and cast an anti Aloha more charm on the lock so now it's just this key but don't worry I said I'd get you in and I always keep my word trust me [Music] she's gonna come looking there's someone there is that you peeves okay here it is oh my God we've got the library so difficult after all how to find that book perfect all right so I think this is the book right here oh that one's Charmed to look more useful than it is fooled me twice never judge a tone by its cover I say all right fine oh there's a chest there hold on I didn't grab it that's a nice little scarf I like that color keep going a little bit further so use basic cast uh while undetected to lure authority figures to oh my God aim mode grants precision and I wish I knew this sooner ghost don't let her see you Revenue foreign yeah that's a little spooky not even gonna lie that's that's a little freaky but it's fine we got this all right so we've gotta go uh why is she looking over here surely no one's wandering about in here at this sir okay we almost got caught should be in the cleaner my dearly departed so what is it you've been looking for I'm looking for a cure to help my twin sister Anne so that she can return to Hogwarts is giving why do you think we're fine does the Hogwarts matron have nothing that can help her no we've tried everyone from nurse Blaney to Saint mongos but I can research on my own no need to concern yourself with that right now let's focus on what you're after which is what precisely I'll know it when I see it you're being awfully cryptic hey man I gotta follow uh professor's orders you know I think I spoke a little too much oh we can finally open this oh my God 500 nice secrets of the darkest Arts that is cool that was a lot you can definitely go shopping with that all right so we're here in the inner depths of the celebrity [Music] what was that out exploring where they shouldn't be naughty naughty you'll get caughty peeves don't you think [Music] of course now what oh blasted peeves I've got to stop him or at least get to the librarian with a good excuse for all of this can I trust you how do I know you won't go to the librarian and blame this all on me why would I do that I like having friends who are in my debt now go good luck in your search Now where's that damned Poltergeist got to I do have that Vibe about Sebastian I've always had to repair this armor hmm I've always had that Vibe about him I don't know so yeah I feel like we need a we need to get that new page for the Spells okay let's go ahead and put this here for now and then repair so search for the chest here revelio nothing hidden inside here as well this is very mysterious down here what's going on very dark too hello another chest ancient magic there must be more to this one that's it oh man oh man look at this hold on before we go in there something I want to do that I've been wanting to do for a little bit of time now go ahead and grab this it's going to give us better better stats so we've got that we still don't have availability to put traits on our gear it seems like yeah I don't think we do there we go back to normal okay [Music] we should have kept the same stats so we're good let me also change this lumos I can't really see much whoa [Music] oh my God [Music] your gear slots are full you can sew access gears to what so what happens do I keep that what was in that chest no my inventory how is it full oh what where might this lead this is getting really interesting what in the world lumos [Music] whoa [Music] okay now we're talking revelio all right so back here discover the secrets I need to wake up that Rune over there oh just a basic attack lumos I was hilarious are basic strike did the job [Music] I don't like this rebellious yep here we go all right um okay we're good how surprising gods of the ready incendio oh a little bit too far oh whoa oh my gosh hey this is getting crazy what Insanity that should be his weakness I don't want to use the ultimate ability yet a gift of ancient magic accumulate by successfully attacking or taking damage successful 10 plus a combos will begin generating ancient magic power-ups collecting these will greatly fill your ancient magic meter and recover a small amount of Health [Music] but at least one segment of your ancient magic meter is for you can cast devastating ancient magic attacks that deal massive damage and break Shields okay I'm hoping that there are more so I can use it that's why I didn't there's probably gonna be more there's no way lumos what did I say Rebellion oh my god let's go oh my goodness that was freaking awesome ew all right so here we go we have that chest over there lumos oh snap oh my goodness lumos this must be the way forward but to where Rebellion anything interesting hidden [Music] oh look at okay so they're giving those obstacles now we might actually fall and die here I'm gonna go ahead and point that out there's also this little that's super cool let's keep my weights about me I appreciate that you know my gear slots located man we're getting gear and I can't see them darn it this is oh there's a lot of them in here all right we came we came prepared I feel like I'm getting stronger too come here now right now let's go [Music] you thought oh let's go foreign oh no okay all right fine you got me down that's insane I wanted to do this let's go turn them boys up to dust lumos is a book after all [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign whoa foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] at that point you're a God right you're creating life literally [Music] oh [Music] [Music] thank you you wanted to see me I had mistress Fitzgerald Professor Rackham this is the door I'm morgenark welcome Professor Rookwood Professor Bacall we understand that you are adjusting well to life at Hogwarts I am I am glad especially in life of your unusual situation starting as a fifth year as it happens I was also admitted to Hogwarts as a fifth year I have never heard of another like us Miss Morgan when we spoke yesterday after class you asked about the beautiful swirls you saw years ago when we visited your Hammer I recognized you all immediately I cannot thank you enough for what you did we were glad to help and yes I did see swirls of magic everywhere that day my father insists it was My Imagination Running Wild but it was certainly real to me it was not your imagination first of all Professor Rackham can see them too but we have never known of another who could I don't understand what are they The Whispers or traces that appear when a particular form of ancient magic is wielded ancient Magic few are capable of wielding it Hogwarts itself is a stronghold of ancient Magic so if I can see traces of ancient magic does that does that wield it too with the proper training but let us not get ahead of ourselves Miss Morgan before I can train you to wield such Magic you must first master all that Hogwarts has to offer a magic this powerful can do great harm in the wrong hands it must be wielded by a select View such we ask that you not speak to anyone about what we have discussed here today [Music] well interesting Sebastian [Music] sneaking in the Restricted Section again I had thought we were through with this Mischief clearly detentions are insufficient I'm afraid I must take this to the Headmaster but that being said peeves informs me that you didn't come alone tonight someone has coerced you I would have you tell me you're a bright boy don't waste this there was nobody else I came alone okay wow oh Sebastian what will your uncle say I thought he was gonna rat us out secrets of the restricted that was awesome so what now we just get out of here we go we've got to go to Professor Fig's classroom can we fast travel from here we'll go in this little section that was a really good Mission I really enjoyed that that was really cool that was very very cool [Music] revelio all right and so here we are faster fig as if my schedule wasn't congested enough the ministry has charge uh charged me with arranging the rather inconvenience arrival of a new student at Hogwarts A fifth year you can believe Professor Weasley insists that they will need an escort and a mentor to help them acclimatize before term begins I have assigned the test to you please see Professor Weasley for teeth that's talking about us of course um so this is a completely different Quest here hmm interesting take the book to Professor fig you cannot be serious goblins working with Rookwood makes no sense it is rather unorthodox to say the least an orthodox it's inconceivable it's ah fig you have a visitor I'll see what I can find out sir I was able to search the Restricted Section while you were with Professor black it was a book we were after what that's [Music] Russian but thinking on it perhaps it's best you spare me the details fair enough in fact the book was below the Restricted Section as it appeared on the map I want to hear everything first let's have a look oh oh dear some of these Pages seem to be missing it appears someone has got to the book before us still I will need time to study what remains perhaps we can still Salvage something useful and it may take some time I wonder why it was here below Hogwarts I think I know sir I saw two more memories where I found the book another pensive godric's heart the man we saw before Passover Rackham was a professor here the first memory showed him and three other professors using ancient magic to restore a hamlet from a drought Miriam was right and the second memory they were talking to a student who started as a fifth year like I did she could see traces of magic too why those memories hmm perhaps this book will explain now I'll have to take it with me to London the Headmaster has insisted that I speak directly to the minister about George's death what will you tell them about Mr osbrick's death I don't know how much I dare say George tried to convince the ministry about ran Rock but to no avail my instinct is to follow the path we are on for the moment and keep the details to ourselves until we know more of course I understand I'll see what I can learn about the missing pages while you're gone good don't neglect your studies your wand work is improving by the day but you'll want to pay attention in herbology and Potions there's more to Magic than spell casting plenty to keep me occupied while you're gone you've done exceptionally well I look forward to seeing all that you've accomplished when I return oh and don't neglect your friends you may be surprised by how much you can learn from them as well look at that level nine [Music] that is awesome Rebellion so we've got a man Julie metal and see if we've a new school Champion meet me at the usual place for the final round of cross ones also the training dummy is still available [Music] as soon as possible I would like to talk to you about Rookwood and Harlow and it might be best to do so outside of the castle oh let's go so Nazi just sends you uh an outpost requesting to meet her in lower Hogs field okay she's gonna be all the way over here so I'll select the world oh are you kidding me oh my God this thing is massive this is the world map most of the map is covered by fog limiting what you can see omelets are small communities throughout the world this is the hamlets Laura hogsfield okay I'm going to provide you opportunities for vendors of flu Flames the sides side quests and collectibles [Music] as you explore you will remove fog and reveal more of the map and revealing New Opportunities opportunities like Hamlet's dungeons abandoned camps big and Weasley have asked that I teach you an additional defensive spell please complete the assignments I have given you and then proceed to see me in my classroom thank you
Channel: Hollow
Views: 977,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hogwarts legacy, hogwarts legacy gameplay, hogwarts legacy walkthrough, hogwarts legacy part 1, hogwarts legacy full game, hogwarts legacy ending, hogwarts legacy review, hogwarts legacy walkthrough part 1, hogwarts legacy ps5, hogwarts legacy xbox series x, hogwarts legacy pc, hogwarts gameplay, hogwarts walkthrough, hogwarts part 1, hohgwarts full game, hogwarts ending, hogwarts review, hogwarts walkthrough part 1
Id: Hk1N9L0ZHmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 25sec (4525 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 06 2023
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