Atomic Heart - Part 1 - A ROBOT APOCALYPSE BEGINS..

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all right guys welcome back and welcome to [Music] atomic heart I am hoping that this game lives up to the hype there's been a lot of speculation about this game based on the game plays that we've seen it's got everything aesthetically to be a phenomenal experience atomic heart takes place in 1955 within facility 3826 a fictional top secret USSR military base built to manufacture robots scientist Dimitri secondov has created a special substance called polymer a neural network Collective and plan to launch its next version introducing a new thought device allowing humans to control robots with their mind but the plan was sabotaged which resulted in the unleashing of a technological nightmare yeah this is definitely my cup of tea a massive thank you to my good friends over at Focus entertainment for the early free copy of this game to be able to get these videos started up early here on the channel so sit back relax I really love this place Good Vibes the cello May complex was built from the ground up to be the ideal comfortable workplace can it glove I've been here before wow do we make it for the speech oh we've got plenty of time we can even go on rides afterwards this looks incredible loads on The Icarus platform dude look at the waterline technology this city and the clouds was built in 1950s leading scientists from all the other Soviet republics live here including the German SSR you need to have an exceptionally brilliant and dedicated mind to work here my goodness Color Me impressed would you care for some more soda Camry oh sure thanks sure thanks what is happening thank you so much I'm like kind of mind-blown looks like another bot got stuck in a tree that always cracks me up [Music] dude this is so trippy man wow what a beautiful day I've always been fascinated and scared of of a future with with robots like this and just seeing it now they're going haywire what the hell did you do to them Let Me Lie there all day number three is fault honey these houses painted but look at what they're doing in state give me your control code I'll set them straight oh thank you sweetie oh thanks Mom the code zero four five one okay then get to work you bums move it move it oh you did it oh thanks a million and enjoy the celebration at this freaking oh my God oh my good morning my boy how are you did you sleep well good morning Dr sachinoff I slept fine waiting orders how do you like the new glove better than the old one it's growing on me I'd expect nothing less I designed the device myself be careful with it now it's more important than you might think yes Dr section off I'll keep it safe report to the lab to complete your integration with the glove I've got a full schedule today so Mikhail stockhausen will get you up to speed I'll be in touch later Roger that [Music] I'm pretty excited about this game right now I don't know what the future holds but you've been bored up to the laboratory comrade major there's a turbine waiting for you the airway are your orders clear crystal get off my case already I'm pleased to hear you don't have any questions for once you [ __ ] there's just so much going on like there's a lot going on in this world right now it's not foreign look I don't know what to say this is dope no rest for the wicked tourist platform residents and facility guests right the address got a robot cleaning mopping the floor well grooming the floor is that the right terminal I'm just gonna shut up let's keep going here got this guy selling cookies what is that right up you can become part of collective with a thought device comrades Collective good day comrade come closer I'm here to help would you like a thought device it's high time you got one nah thanks I'm just browsing before I restrict yourself to browsing when you can get your own personalized device this very instant I can even help you pick out the right unit it can even match your eye color hey how about a gooseberry Violet model huh you are polymerized aren't you I sure am say I thought these devices weren't going to come online until Monday that's right comrade but judging by your uniform you are clear to activate your thought neuro connector right away at the moment the device functions as a personal telephone set and headlight but it also allows the user to get used to wearing it on their head no ocean is too it's free right absolutely allow me to connect you all right then [Music] it's with Collective 2.0 thank you uh is this good that's odd I can't seem to access your biometric data there's some sort of malfunction I'm so sorry I don't sweat it I'm not really a jewelry guy anyway so long I do apologize have a great day hey man you say you experimental glove I get the feeling you'll be more useful than this goofy Contraption on my forehead since you're so special and all you'll see how special I am soon enough but you ought to refer to me as Charles the chatting artificial librarian an educational system I'll call you whatever I feel like glove they're all selling it this is the third person selling it it's so freaking it's just so crisp right the Fidelity on the water is incredible the voices of the robots are kind of trippy got a little telephone booth [Music] this is so crazy all right let's just go let's let's learn about the history of facility 3826 hear about its great discoveries and pay your respects to all the victims of war okay that's it that's all you got for me all right talk to you later everyone here seems so happy and content just like in China you've been to China comrade major I've Been Everywhere I mean everywhere except for China I guess facility 3826 isn't all that far from our Chinese allies I like their spirit and I hear it's nice there indeed it is [Music] let's keep going we're going around we're headed over to the lab got another robot here doing a civilian duties this is the library is it not major nachai reporting for Duty on comrade sectionoff's direct order welcome comrade major today is a joyful occasion the birthday of collective yeah yeah many happy returns cut to the chase would you have got places to be naturally this is the future of Soviet education a personal project of Dr sechinov's poly education gone are the days when Soviet citizens had to spend years studying at educational institutions From This Moment On just to inject a special neuropolymer encoded with the education you want a university level Natural Sciences curriculum for example and you'll instantly become an educated member of society want to learn Korean or get a doctorate in nuclear physics or learn to play the piano with Collective 2.0 you can oh yeah yeah been there done that skip the four playbot excuse me of course your particular case definitely calls for something more efficacious nevertheless you will still need an initial neuropolymer injection comrades such enough is expecting you agent P3 I've been informed of your imminent arrival here take this capsule I don't know why I said Library it's the laboratory the laboratory right I don't know I was thinking about something else perhaps that is trippy [Music] what the hell is that of my hand [Music] is that coming from [Music] you have just upgraded your glove with scanner functionality using the neuropolymer as a conduit the sensors in your glove are now directly connected to your neural system especially your eyes polymer retina to activate the scanner just make a special gesture please choose an object of interest and extend your arm toward it the palm of your hand should be facing the object contract all the fingers on your hand except for your thumb and index finger extend your thumb and index finger to form a right angle to activate the scanner holy shitbot who designed this thing the Spanish Inquisition foreign okay so tap RB and hold RB again to activate demon be gone for your information that's a highly user-friendly gesture it was developed by our leading expert in the field of advanced interpretive avant-garde absurdist dadaism whatever that guy's been smoking sign me up didn't you say you were in a hurry just a moment ago shut your trap and keep scanning would you I'm getting acquainted with the new hardware you are now capable of seeing hidden objects this ability could prove very useful in the future but for now please continue with your mission okay cool hidden objects what is going on here huh some robot training I like it can I go up there no I can't of course why would I even think that's a good idea [Music] it's coming yeah that's that's freaking creepy oh no [Music] a robot building a robot that's interesting let's get out of here general of facility 3826 doctors to begin [Applause] foreign [Music] I love this place no matter how many times I come here it always amazes me it's just so nice it's all the ray tracing on the ground too and finally we will be free to forget the difficult tedious drudgery of unskilled labor and dedicate ourselves to science on behalf of all at facility 3826 I present to you the device of the future the neural connector thought it will allow human beings to be at the center of collective 2.0 a network For All Mankind together uniting the intellect of all individuals into a powerful mind free of all boundaries thanks to the thought neural connector you will control robots with your mastering academic subjects with breathtaking speed accessing all human knowledge and of course combining it with your own individual discoveries we'll no longer need control panels cumbersome Communications equipment and loudspeakers documents electronic notebooks Etc is that how you say his name talk about style science is power I tell you dude the boss has a way of looking down on insurmountable obstacles I really respect that there are no obstacles science cannot surmount other than an electronic love that never shuts up here is your vehicle activation code comrade major [Music] got it the vehicle is waiting downstairs you should hurry you don't have much time we can take the same elevator we took to get up here thanks Einstein what would I ever do without you I thank you care if you might break an ankle there quite a pose you gotta hold for quite some time oh okay I'm out let's go back downstairs let's come down here and pick up a key this has been this this is I mean sorry I can't meet with you in person my boy the reporters have been hounding me all day so what do you think of cellame you've built yourself a city of the Future boss there's nothing else like it in the whole USSR I built it For All Mankind not for myself humanity is on the verge of great discoveries one day we'll reach the Stars these Castles in the Sky will be the beginning of our journey to the farthest reaches of the universe I'm merely helping Humanity realize its own greatness you're a dreamer Dr sachinoff fantasy and science go hand in hand most modern inventions were described long ago in science fiction flying machines space travel even robots are you telling me you got your ideas from sci-fi novels I got them from the dreams of mankind P3 man was born to dream to do great things but unfortunately there are those who wish to crush those dreams and that's where men like you come in sege men sworn to defend Mankind and its Destiny need me to get rid of somebody boss you're very relaxed about it my boy I hope it won't come to that but let's take it one step at a time first you'll need a substantial glove upgrade report to the lab a Tereshkova robot will meet you there and take you to the vavalov complex understood yes sir I'm getting in the car right now okay look at the you can't really see it here as as well as inside with the rage like the reflections yeah yeah Ray tracing that looks pretty good man so far performance wise is Top Notch I mean I'm not really stuttering I'm not I don't have any issues maxed out settings at 120 with Ray tracing and 120 because I capped it at 120. anyways oh God please secure your seat belt we wish you a very pleasant journey isn't there supposed to be a radio in here the entire Soviet Union is ecstatic about the unveiling of collective 2.0 yeah the American government is expressing deepening concern about the skyrocketing unemployment figures following the deliveries we've got plenty of thought devices there won't be a shortage said people's Deputy Alexander shelchinov in response to widespread concern in the city of Ozarks how about some music I'm gonna take that off first there's no way this is facility 3826's audio guide we will soon be arriving at our destination estimated time of arrival is 11 47 am outside temperature 26 degrees Celsius there is a slight breeze you can now observe the soyuz granite Bridge spanning Lake lazor and two of the facility's high-profile test sites the vdnh and sahelin these are connected by magnetic levitation or maglev rail this technology was pioneered by the telame design department and a personal project of Dr lebedianski dude look at this world this is crazy you can now observe the operations of an automated plant performing robot assembly and distributing machine parts required by the facility's various complexes controlled remotely by a collective 1.0 node a plan such as this is capable of autonomously managing and fulfilling up to 100 orders per hour see those Roboto boxes man this is nuts again like the devs the creatures directly below is Dr sejanov's computational Center the main radio processing unit and control Nexus for this network node we are currently flying over sunflower solar Farms capable of supplying electricity to the entire vdnh as well as the Friendship of people's park nearby settlements and the maglev train lines maglev train stations connect all of facility 3826 allowing Personnel to travel from one complex to another with comfort and ease right that's the little planet we're in we are now flying past the Majestic call of the motherland Monument erected in 1949 to Mark the Soviet Union's victory in World War II and are now entering the grounds of the vavilov complex the site where facility 3826's numerous agricultural Miracles Turk route you are now observing the Soviet sickle Monument designed by sculptors Elena muhina and Alexander kibalnikov and autonomously erected in 1951 by the collective 1.0 neural network with the help of robot builders note that this effectively makes it the world's first collaborative artistic effort between man and machine oh my God our brief guided tour is coming to an end facility 3826 is always ready to welcome new Specialists from anywhere in the Soviet Union we are confident that you will be thrilled to live and work in this world of revolutionary breakthroughs and fantastic scientific achievements for the glory of the Communist party and the Soviet people this is pretty interesting the plot so far major the drove is initiating combat Maneuvers initiating what for real watch out what am I supposed to do about it until the vehicle has come to a complete stop you have reached your destinations have a nice day take my hand comrade major I will escort you to the Babylon complex hoodness sweaty hell is going on here unfortunately I have no information on the subject all the robots robot have been carrying out their normal operations until they suddenly became hostile bot get your rusty metal asses out of here that was really very rude of them the elevator is now operational oh my God bro you imagine how freaky this could be [ __ ] that oh my gosh our Ascent is once again continuing normally a drove a towing robot will be here shortly to perform magnetic coupling and take us by air to son of a [ __ ] not again what the [ __ ] [ __ ] oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] well there you have it I'm ready let's do this [Music] again I've got no idea how the game is going to play it feels great looks beautiful I'm very optimistic I guess that's us yep quite the beard I like it foreign [Music] do not panic well so all of a sudden we're some sort of apocalyptic robot world and we're gonna get our first melee weapon it seems gave it to me I can feel it oh okay wizard this is P3 come in it's okay are you all right my boy I'm okay boss but nothing here is the way it's supposed to be whatever's going on clearly started a while ago Victor Petrov is the reason he's a traitor who hacked into Collective Central Hub and caused the civilian robots to attack facility employees Petrov has the access codes for The Hub commission is to find him and bring him to me alive copy that sir the target is Victor Petrov my mission is to find him and bring him to you exactly can I do this oh God do you want some bacon oh no I can't do that I oh God what about the chicken oh goodness I'm so sorry oh hold on really I've swamped through polymer plenty of times and haven't drowned yet it's a freaking Miracle of modern science wait what or am I what the heck [Music] so you swim through this thing oh okay so here are the robots hey how you guys doing all right uh to deal damage oh that's the heavy attack so Dodge attacks oh Dodge okay well you guys ain't that bad [Music] oh my God this is awesome hey that little piggy oh dude that's brutal holy cow I know I wasn't gonna kill him so I'm fine we're fine I feel terrible those are like trees or a problem uh the heck is that [ __ ] hey glove yes major any details on the target Victor Petrov is the lead engineer behind Collective 2.0 he was arrested for treason and sentenced to community service at the vavalov complex got it I can deal with that where should I start looking Petrov is currently somewhere in the underground levels of the vavalov complex we'll have to find a way inside okay let's do it hey you I'm coming you alive in there clearly all right can I hop over the fence there we go it's a robot man what are we doing oh hi get away from me I don't trust these robots at all gotta love the mustache okay that's new hello hey what are you cooking at almost choked to death there give me your hand yeah I didn't see that coming should be more careful this place is a damn madhouse yeah I noticed thanks for the help no sweats honey what are you doing here anyway oh just passing through who are you me Xena granny Xena that's all you need to know fine I get it so what's going on here lots of casualties I don't know if you noticed but the robots are attacking people anyone who couldn't find a place to hide is dead meat I could really use a weapon you got anything of course but I'm not giving you [ __ ] beneath us is a complex if you need a weapon go down there the vavalov complex that's where I'm headed ah well today's your lucky day I'm heading that way too it's basically safe [ __ ] it's a chiller son of a [ __ ] we've got 30 seconds move your ass 30 seconds until what ah 30 seconds into a [ __ ] Sonny Boy royally [ __ ] oh get over here Beefcake no no no no no now take this key and turn it clockwise I said clockwise idiot yeah like that I'll hold them off for now you got a hell of an Arsenal there lady what are you planning here we go riding my ass for two days now yo Grandma's crazy are we just saving the pigs you hang on to that key I got this oh my God holy [ __ ] oh that's not that's not good Ness ah what's going on where are we going we're going pretty deep down and we keep going lower that's that's phenomenal the hell are we in Hell or something like a couple hundred feet down all right what's the first thing we we do we light up a cigarette and and smoke it in one hit wow what a goddamn cluster [ __ ] okay well that is impressive oh there's looting finally okay in your own capsule things are starting to open up here for us we use this all right we gotta go up there should I help this guy or should I smash him in I think smashing him is oh look at his head thank God this is like all robot so it's not like you know blood and all that stuff don't have to really worry about being demonetized for chopping people's heads off because they're robots so makes it all much better the graphics in this game are so nice all right so we've got this that's probably going to come in handy and we've got uh she almost got away this is an emergency log entry I'm a programmer named Katarina there's been an incident of the Babylon complex robots have started killing everyone in sights right now I'm in hey who's there they found me stay away I've got a Grenade hey Lady this is Sergeant Major ibrahimov I'm human you need to come with us it's dangerous here get away from me you monster no listen to me we need to find a way to open this armored door gee you think enough with the we got it already here we go oh oh he needs some help oh God what is that what the heck is that okay shotgun shells where's the shotgun quick access menu to open the inventory press and hold X oh this dude left me a shotgun shell oh yeah don't I don't want to curse but screw it here we are now all right now this is another very important thing about this game the Gunplay has to feel good if the Gunplay does not feel good we're we're screwed all right so this has to feel good so how do I swap is there a way to fast swap there we go left and right all right I don't need oh hi automatic doors I like it safe areas so break rooms are the games that safe areas each is equipped with a manual save machine well that's nice and a nice little chest with some more shotgun shells and synthetic material and metal parts sweet well the whole lore behind this game is phenomenal can I break this I really wish that would have been the case though oh whoa and the machines Rose all right hold on for warned is uh for armed forewarned is forearmed okay so enemies can perform power uh Power attacks that knock P3 down if they hit all right so dodging come on bro give me your best shots that first part really kicked my ass destroyed robots contain a neuropolymer resuscitation drug called neuromed extract the neuromed capsule and use it to heal yourself really all right so collecting resources if there are a lot of crates in front of you hold RB in the direction okay and move from one to the other without releasing RB this will allow you to collect oh that wouldn't hurt to collect other resources you find along the way major dude that's amazing why hasn't a game backpack for storing items and Equipment it utilizes a quantum singularity to shrink items placed within it then restores them to their original size upon extraction yeah Weird Science huh it's like we're living in sci-fi times or something in order to turn it on when you got here comrade my orders are to document everything and then look at document your own ass if you want to but you're not recording me let me true and just call me comment I'm granny Zina to you sonny uh but we are oh sorry uh granny Xena not without authorization really I was always allowed in here before and now I'm not listen here either you let me through right this instant or I'll come back later and somebody else will be calling his heels in here what you say go ahead that's what I thought just missed so that's really cool that you can just hold it and loot oh my God that's awesome so what do we have here foreign director of facility 3826 all employees of facility 3826 including service employees are to undergo polymerization on June 10 1955 make sure everyone signs the protocol after the procedure sneak up on the robot and perform a stealth attack I'll use the opportunity to permanently disable it so we can also do stealth attacks this oh oh okay I like that that's cool have a seat me Heil I just need to finish my work and then I'll help you with that report lab tech 84 bring Conrad coats off some tea with you in a second okay okay well that didn't work out did it I'm gonna try and loot as much as possible here even with all the Looting we really don't get a whole lot of bullets seems like we're getting more parts than anything else to craft later on possibly another way is that a pair is it working all pairs at facility 3826 are connected to emergency power and are never turned off this allows employees to remain in constant contact but I need like a password or an access level or something to get into a pair right I can provide you with access to any facility device this also applies to the chirpers you will surely encounter while on route to your mission objective got it okay another one of these here there's a lot of notes left behind okay those are different employees here the following employees are from the pesticide Workshop is scored the victim a nailova to vavalov complex all these employees are to receive additional Hazard pay for three working days drop the paperwork for them to trip for the trip and make sure it gets done he kinder go ahead here and just keep paying glove my name is chalice comrade major whatever hey how'd this Patrol guy managed to hack Collective the traitor wasn't working alone he was conspiring with several others several huh so where are they they have already been eliminated but it will be impossible to get to Patrol without your assistance that's why you're here mess apparently apparently we can pick this lock no way dude hold on see if I can figure this out wow that is cool man let me loot here a little bit sorry fellas foreign about that here we go some metal parts oh God you're telling me a handful of Traders somehow managed to hack into Collective a network created by the best Minds in the Soviet Union technically speaking Collective has not been hacked no one could possibly circumvent the algorithms created by Professor lebedev's team at the Academy of consequences then why is all this crazy [ __ ] going down the Traders introduced a false combat mode into one of collective's algorithms that causes the central Hub to see all humans as invading soldiers and our scientists really can't fix it without patrov they can but it will take some time during which many more people will die and information about the incident will make its way outside the facility yo they're going crazy oh my God oh and they're fast too okay I'm stuck hold on hold on I need help screw this get out of town [Music] s all right so these robots can get a little intense as you guys just saw back there but nothing to be alarmed about we should be a-okay as a Soviet side damn it why is everything locked here the emergency mode was activated as soon as the robots began attacking humans facility 3826 is on lockdown that includes the inner sector so how am I supposed to open this door it's locked with an electromagnetic lock so I need to fry it with an electromagnetic pulse how the hell am I going to do that your glove can be equipped with an EMP generating shock module a capsule containing the neuropolymer required to install the shot module should be somewhere on facility grounds okay I'll deal with it [Music] all right love and robots my dearest is too dangerous to keep leaving messages like this this is the last one get ready I'm getting my paperwork together and then I'll be right behind you we're going to get out of this nightmare yours always else that robot was in that stall hiding there like a sicko and a chassiser of sorts open that up what does it got oh reload the shotgun [Music] what's wrong oh [ __ ] [Music] wow I just got crushed come on get up Soldier great just a little more you okay I'm fine how many fingers ah four great now get up I need your help yes that's not good they brought you here put pressure on this wound they try to save you and who are you Doctor you got a name no time for small talk god damn oh four steps four steps four steps come on get me them what's this doing here what took you so long you got a neuropolymer we don't need one so what's your name doc Larissa and you ask a lot of questions you know what you're on your own you got this going it's useless we don't have the I've got the equipment great now again how did you do that you asked a lot of questions oh my God oh you just chopped them in half whoa dude relax life is not that serious yeah clearly you gotta avoid the beam anyway little dork come here you better mess with me oh god oh this guy knows [ __ ] MMA now he's take one dough kicks slash look at that spinning roundhouse kick oh God Charles where does the chef Larissa crawled into go it's hard to say the ventilation system contains a large number of branching Ducks fine I can deal with it later [Music] this is exactly what's going to happen if we let robots be part of our civilization I'm telling you man to be doomed hopefully 50 years from now nobody's watching this video in the in the distant future and uh is hiding in a bunker regretting everything what's that freaky thing on the door unlock are you serious then open it already come on we're in a hurry I'm unable to assist you I lack any kind of lock picking functionality you'll have to find your own method for picking locks I'm sure you're smart enough yeah right in other words you're basically useless as always try snapping your fingers at the exact moment the Locking pin light goes on immediately that's cool [Music] and you have a timer it seems oh that's gnarly I like that it worked [Music] okay I don't know what's going on music is kind of creeping me out okay everybody's dead why I don't like this Charles what's on the other side of the door that's Nora's voice she's very dangerous well it's normal hi Nora Nora she's a fridge man what are you talking about let me save the game here bro don't let her find your arms wait what can't you see I'm trying open to suggestions bring me to the sensor manipulator quick how titillating how do we do this dominant men really turn me on oh I'll turn you on all right just let me not yet what a fruit I'm on fire I can't reach her I'm trying I'm trying she's strong ass [ __ ] I don't even know if I'm doing this myself or if it's the game doing that oh okay your skills will become available to you soon but choose shock for now oh cool so this is a skill tree nice fortunate enough to acquire about 50 grams of neuropolymer I suggest exchanging this dose with lovely Nora for a new skill you don't mind do you really so your glove can produce an electromagnetic discharge that targets enemies and Neo's electric damage robotic targets are especially vulnerable to electricity hmm all right we got it oh how can I resist now let me show you what I can do professionally I mean I've seen it literally crispy Critters I am here to help you upgrade your red hot pocket rockets and believe me handsome you can upgrade whatever tickles your fancy weapons are useful open the corresponding window major get rid of that glove handsome you don't need him anymore now that you've got me I'll service you however you want got a sword a massive sword thrust it deep into my sockets yeah chill stirred here and sharper Nora can upgrade weapons and equipment as well as manufacture new items from blueprints but I can do so much more a quick romp with your axes just a taste of things to come you handsome Beast did you enjoy it big guy yeah cool use this powerful weapon to split the skulls of your enemies and bring me gifts so we can get down and dirty whoa I'll show you what real smut feels like why should I bring you gifts girls like being pampered because the repair vendor needs resources to break them down and produce items luckily for us it's not very picky although some upgrades may call for Unique components I take it the facility is full of all kinds of junk it is indeed comrade major I'll keep an eye out then I can't wait for your strong hands to grope my interface with the lustful abandon that's it we're done here let's go and this this robot's out of control man what's wrong with it are we allowed to upgrade uh anything else keep this for now go ahead and Save is with black bodies sixes for all of my orders and are always polite the black ones walking around like they own the place they go wherever they want just ignore orders yesterday one of them bumped into me and didn't even apologize they only respond to people with high Soldier ratings or something come back to me when you can great the goddamn elevators are out what am I supposed to do jump down they've no power and connect the power they'll start working again so it looks like I need to find a circuit breaker but where the hell is it I can follow the wires but they're all hidden inside the walls electrical emissions can be detected via scar Supply rooms locked well that's just [ __ ] great I can't just snap my fingers here I need a key and let me guess you can't open this lock can you Charles unfortunately not but I can set a waypoint you can use to find the key it should be in a nearby workspace you're finally starting to come in handy yeah I'm a little freaked out about this all right so what now we gotta go to the Waypoint okay perfect up this way you gotta be careful for uh any of these crazy robots around yo this is trippy as hell but take care there's a dandelion security camera up ahead if it detects us this place will be swarming with robots take it easy I can always distract it by throwing something then knock it out with an EMP okay so by throwing an object elsewhere or temporarily disabled disabling it by using shock all right good well the shock also does have some sort of regenerating delay time which obviously makes sense foreign go ahead and loot this got another one over here oh and it's only temporary oh God oh my God if we get caught here we're so screwed before it's too late thank you all right the keys got to be in here you found the key we can access the circuit breaker now yep but I'm just gonna have a look around first I need some parts to upgrade my weapon I won't get far with this pile of [ __ ] I wouldn't dream of stopping you smart move Charles smart move foreign [Music] oh my gosh all right we're good we're good there's only one robot it's no big deal hey Chuck charless whatever what'll happen if word gets out about this the Soviet Union's reputation will suffer Soviet robots are considered to be perfectly safe and reliable all over the world they are of course they are that's why petrov's treason struck at the very heart of the motherland it quite literally stabbed his own country in the back he wants the entire world to stop using our robots that son of a [ __ ] let me just loot up a little bit here you got another audio log they say Monday he gets off Saturday but I'd like you to really take the weekend off as you know National polymerization is happening throughout the Soviet Union on Monday the 13th and our executive leaders want us to put together a team of volunteers for the upcoming celebrations will get a reprobound have a great weekend oh my god dude oh God get off of me Jesus all right let's get out of here can I drop down yes of course I can mine how do we get to that I think it goes through here but the SE double doors yep right up in here we go hey let's put a cookie in there yeah even locks like cookies right wow Charles yes do you like cookies what are you doing asking a glove if you like cookies psychopath oh hi what happened here this is a passive security system with a laser relay I've seen stuff like this plenty of times you need a color code unfortunately we don't have any codes you'll have to try to decipher it using logic seriously like I was gonna stand here until it turns off on its own oh it's so cute but creepy what is this the decoder regarding your question about the functionality of the beam decoder this bulky system is a passive security device yes as you correct it correctedly remarked any child could operate it but while this child of yours isn't entering combinations a signal is sent to the security panel and the guard on duty can stop any unauthorized actions whereas in an emergency it can be operated by an untrained employee also due to the software limitations robots cannot control the beam decoder which reduces the chance of an error in the event of a robot malfunction does that answer your question no congratulations on your promotion or the programmer planner of the vivilav complex okay let's give this a go shall we the passive security relay unlocked the passive security relays functionality by putting the magnetic fluxes in the correct order yeah the power's on let's head back okay got it totally got it well which one I suggest the one on the right in other words you don't actually know in that case I'm taking the one on the left I'm gonna take his suggestion the one on the right it's not being idiot about it either hopefully we've made the right I've marked another Waypoint for ease of navigation how dense do you think I am I know where I need to go to complete my mission I was only trying to make things easier for you you can make things easier by getting off my grill wow we're such [ __ ] dude to help you jeez don't be such a douche about it if you recall the door is electromagnetically locked are you freaking dead or something Audrey please continue all right so use shock on enemies to stop them in their tracks or even kill them okay let's calm down stuck here and I don't like it I don't like getting stuck oh really I was aiming at the robot not the door yeah he's dead he gone all right let me take a little pop of this oh another save station excellent [Music] oh and we got some shotgun shells you can also do some upgrades as well but I feel like we can hold off on that a little bit we could save the game let's see how long we're going to be in this cable cart section for oh well that's artistic got some blue boxes here thank you very much where are we uh oh you could actually hover over and read the banners science creates the future progress begins with you oh man that's awesome [Music] oh my goodness there's no other way forward we have to take it take it where Petrov escaped while working in vavalov's cold Workshop it would be logical to begin our search there so how do I get there first we need to get to the Distribution Center this cable car will take us there oh my God there's a chest right here there's also two crates back here or one I guess so I just realized that if you hover over certain writings on the wall or anywhere it actually gives you the subtitle that's awesome I was a little concerned at first I'm like how am I going to be able to read what's going on in certain areas and well I guess we just figured it out play this smartly here these cable carts are going to be coming Full Speed Ahead you can swim through polymer I've done it before it's nice actually kind of like swimming with whales and dolphins in the ocean so peaceful all right so polymer is that thing we came across last time that goo-like substance and I guess we're gonna swim [Music] should I try and go over there first I don't know maybe maybe I should hold on before we hit the polymer before we hit the polymer pool let me just make sure there's nothing here like this little crate back here see this based on what I've seen from this game so far it's going to be really heavy on like upgrading and acquiring materials to do those upgrades so important to Loop [Music] oh my God I'm kind of stuck here to emerge from the polymer use B this is so uncomfortable like I don't even understand what what the thought behind this idea was we're gonna make a goo that you can swim through I mean a lot of things in this game have surprised me it's just so different which is always pretty cool all right so the cable system is offline reboot the control system to reactivate the line how am I supposed to restart the line there should be a control panel nearby you don't say all right let's check this area out oh we've got a save here that's always good we've also got a chest I will take that oh oh we just got a handle for the ax all right hold on authorization code name P3 access granted okay so time for an upgrade I need to shoot better okay let's see here time for an upgrade all right so that's the human upgrades correct what is this shock electrifies enemies if we go down here we've got the telekinesis we've got the polymeric jet switch to crafting okay yeah I want to go to crafting here's the ax ammo and cartridge we can upgrade the ax if we go to grip is this what we just picked up okay but we don't have enough to install it we need 24. of a certain type of material we also have it you know what I'm gonna I'm Gonna Save up a little more before we start getting a little adventurous with these upgrades in the meantime our search for Victor continues [Music] there's the control panel and of course it's locked you guys just love these things don't you this is a new one a combination lock it'd take me a year to guess the combo look around maybe someone has the code oh that's a smart idea schematic need to find the schematic who said that uh what was that hello sir all stuck no schematic [ __ ] me he's alive schematic need a schematic unfortunately he's dead we are surrounded by corpses why have you Frozen just like everything here they won't go nope won't go without the schematic the dead have a residual neuropolymer memory and are capable of communicating for some time after death that's pretty cool all right so the schematic the one I need to move the cars where is it the schematic the one I need to move the cars where is it everybody here is As Dead As [ __ ] station Master die in this tunnel this tunnel he died everything froze right in front of my eyes you need the schematic okay so are you sure the station master has it are you sure the station master has it does he take it with him everywhere he goes to find them get the schematic got it I'll look for it maybe I should have said thank you holy [ __ ] a talking corpse what did you say comrade major you know I fought in the whole war from beginning to end I've seen some [ __ ] but talking corpses that's how you work how the [ __ ] is this even possible it's a byproduct of lingering neuropolymer memory activity everyone killed here was polymerized their brains haven't decomposed yet so they remain connected with the neuro poem so basically you die and you stay dead and you know it you hear me somewhere around here there's the code okay so what am I supposed to do with this garbage with my eyes closed we'll make it okay I think I've got an idea Charles so this isn't a dead person talking to me it's the neuropolymer in his Noggin right crudely speaking yes as it fades away neuropolymer memory temporarily stores the individual's last thoughts creepy how long are they going to talk for I can't say exactly somewhere between a minute and a couple of days but it seems that more time passes after death the more corrupt the information becomes I see so the stuff they're saying isn't always that important [Music] all right should I be looting I hope this works the cable car line is activated welcome passengers please take your seats according to your ticket sorry no ticket I was gonna say should I be looting before I enter this cart here I don't know it seems like maybe I should go check let me check back here real quick I don't think we're gonna go upwards anyways I think we're going down below and there is absolutely nothing what a waste of life this has been an entire waste of my life five seconds of walking ready to depart it's like I'm in Disney World let's go I know this is gonna go horribly wrong like we're probably gonna crash and die messed up it's gonna be a bumpy ride one of those predictable I might be wrong I don't know but I'm just gonna throw it out there now we've got cards with robots [Music] and what did I say that we're gonna crash and die we're not dead so I I got it half right [ __ ] I knew it was gonna be rough I'm trying oh [ __ ] what the careful there's a gap up ahead I see it okay hold on I need to find a way to move forward climbing the wall That's How do you have mountaineering training I'm a spec op Soldier not some City wuss riding a desk got all kinds of training I must admit I'm quite glad to hear that bro like my right trigger doesn't work okay here we go oh my I can't do a regular attack it's not working oh this is not good yeah I'm trying to I'm trying to do a basic attack and it's it's just simply not registering wow that looked like it hurt thankfully you're full of wires and programming and that bones and tissues so anyways let me see if I swap out the weapon what the [ __ ] wow are you kidding me nah I need a refund right now like right now all right hold up let's let's go down here to this really creepy cave it's not really a game but you know whatever I don't suppose I'm supposed to be down here hey can I climb this tap a near pipe and climb with the left no shot oh my goodness this is phenomenal all right let's go I shouldn't be I don't know I shouldn't be Fanning out about this it's just a basic it's 2023 man this should be this should be essentially these standard in video games okay climbing pipes no big deal oh keep going the game so far has had little bugs and issues here and there which are a bit irritating like that melee weapon not really working for me I don't know [ __ ] that was a surprise I agree you've got quick reflexes major you bet I wouldn't survive without him oh my God so there's some sort of worm now trying to kill me whatever that is I don't know oh my God oh time out time out yeah let's just Charles that was a bit off rights can drill through even the hardest minerals my goodness okay what the oh crap no no no hold on hold on crazy these are the ones this [ __ ] right [Music] there it is what is that a roundhouse kick oh God I am absolutely fed up with you enough damn I could have electrocuted him whatever man those things are resilient they can they can pack a punch and they can take it right but it seems like we've got our okay I think we get going through oh here we go [Music] we've got a bottom floor and we've got a top floor what is this what is this Source ring oh it's the same and it's the same thing all right so you got to go through the vent you're gonna go ahead and see if we can loot up as much we can here we'll box down below right here got some cabinets up top else interesting here what is this I took such good care of those wonderful powerful brilliantly designed machines and now all of the irony what are you talking about our finest product pushing did you know we weren't allowed to sell them abroad coming what's so ironic about that why is there a ban on exporting them you foreign why is there a ban on exporting them they're cutting that shitty building machinery that's why Point them at the ground or any sort of tunnel Subway's hell it's the Moon that we're going to use so their top secret and their armor is tougher than a tags PTA plates unmarked Cutting Edge signs wow what's so ironic about that oh it's ridiculous really [Music] roboticist when I heard the robots were attacking people I rushed you wanted to switch mine off so they chopped me up I was killed I I have to control pennies got buried under the rubble now they're on their own God knows what like they're sleepwalking or something I wonder what they're dreaming of without us well well you worked on the burafs from day one just about everything in here and it's all thanks to my boros we both oh it's not the whole infrastructure they're tearing down what they built they've got no idea whose mind is like a small child's room love care or it'll descend in the confusion well that's not good sorry I'm in a hurry The Machine's mind is like a child I've knocked it or turned into confusion man do I ever love crawling through dark ass tunnels that was a [ __ ] hell of a ride under ordinary circumstances the cable car Network links all the underground sectors of facility 3826 it should be easier next time thanks bud I think I'll just hoof it on the surface this does not even look remotely safe real goodness okay um oh my God oh my God hey this is my stop what a nice trip what the heck dude man this game is intense like there could be moments where there could be slightly challenging and I'm going up here because I saw there was a chest and so I'm gonna grab it and now we'll head back to our regular scheduled programming which is continue searching for Victor [Music] all right so what do we have here [Music] I'll probably pull on my shotgun nope no need to reload it perfect all right we've got to save yeah we've got a safe station in here oh oh that feels good yeah that feels real good on cartoons can I save yeah the heck is that that's a fox blueprint I don't know what a fox is but that looked pretty deadly okay I don't think we can go through here I think there's a door that should oh yep we go and this is the peaceful atom which is the heart of the Soviet mechanization this honestly this is kind of creepy the nation of Science and Industry was built by the hard-working [Music] hello uh what oh my God laser wall that's some serious security bro people put him up for a reason if you see one that means there's something important on the other side quite right comrade major the Distribution Center we're looking for is in fact on the other side there's no way I'm making it through a laser wall in one piece there's a repair vendor up ahead try upgrading your equipment to increase your laser resistance not a pervy lunatic fridge why are these robots so angry man I mean I know why but it's like calm down you don't have to throw that guy into the freaking laser I mean that that I mean look oh my God that is that is terrifying honey you're bad oh God what took you so long I was so lonely uh like I need to go through a laser wall preferably alive what a silly idea honey awful risky you should stay with me instead I'll do whatever you want no just give me laser protection oh so brutal I'm shaking squirt your polymer inside me whoa what let her boss all right I get it you'll get your polymer and your precious components just install the laser protection already whatever you say stud upgrade initiated relax and enjoy just promise you'll talk dirty to me again I am so gonna punch you yes yes punish me master I love dominant males yeah oh gross what is up with this game dude your defense system is active try to run through the laser wall after that creepy [ __ ] I'd be willing to run through any wall I thought I could bring the ladder here all right here we go ow that hurt that thing packs a punch oh we're good we're good fine what the hell is this right here we go don't worry honey I'm right as rain the operation was totally painless that's us must be such enough Skye Larissa did you talk to him [Music] [Applause] well you should have it would have saved us a whole lot of trouble also the people who saved us when you talk like that I'll meet you at the exit I'm right behind you honey I just hope we're not too late hope can be dangerous hands up what's going on you deaf hands behind your head Special Operations and that's the last question you get you're going to challenge me of course comrade major intrusion huh intrusion warning face oh this can't be good hello oh they're just gonna keep flying out of there oh my God guys let's calm down freaking crap all right enough is enough get out of here oh that was a collateral I want some of this little freaking [ __ ] let me heal up real quick please you're not even worth a shotgun shot here you go that's right where's that little helicopter come here pretty good at ordering those robots around it's almost like there is property and he locked the goddamn door the Trove ran off with a mobile power so it's called a candle Powers the emergency lockdown system this door cannot be opened without a candle I'll find another one there's gotta be more than one candle in this complex right we need to hurry otherwise Petrov will escape the sector and we'll have to track him down again Okay so no problem we need to find the candle go through the door let's go to this side it's pointing this way Charles what's that birch tree encased in glass in the room down there the famous pec4 power generator the birch tree Pack 4 is a vegetative polymer based power generator it's an experimental model the first step of our program to conquer the distant planets of the solar system interesting okay we've got another dead guy here on the ground let me just check the area first I'm sure there's nothing important here we're gonna have to go through those vents but I speak to the dead robot see what he has to say okay so you've got nothing to be scared of you're dead [Music] scared of what the robots no no and simply he's lingering polymer memory is exhausted comrade major got it people here getting killed by stuff other than robots but what I cannot ascertain but I'd be lying if I said we'll never find out understood oh that's just great let's go find out here to the right of another person crumbled into a little ball inside events dad with its own body decomposing got another chest here oh there it is hold on before I pick it up that's that candle looking thing right oh it doesn't look like a candle it's that ball that whatever do we have here oh a handgun no shot let's go oh dude let's go hold on let's open up the door [Music] but I really like that there's been a decent amount of little puzzles to open up certain doors and stuff that's been really fun oh another audio log prisoner psychologist notes Petrov so you think you're smarter than your bosses no you're twisting my words doc I never said I was smarter than them but you said no I said that if I had the same opportunities and resources they do I'd accomplish just as much as they have if not more do you envy people like such enough labeta filomonenko Envy isn't really the right word envy is when you want what someone else has I don't want what anyone else has I want to be right there with them I want to be their equal and I'm not talking about their discretionary Authority I want us all to be genuinely equal but that's enough we've talked about this a hundred times and you still don't believe me this is a waste of time Guard we're done here do I always have to carry it like this the candle is a complex unstable piece of equipment it cannot be stowed in your backpack along with your other items there is a high probability of mutual destructuralization like an explosion not necessarily but the candle would be disabled so I'll have to carry it like this got it the candle is quite durable you can drop it or even throw it intentionally nothing will happen to it okay he's right so I suppose he goes in here [Music] Victor where we're coming for you loaders are going nuts is this petrov's doing be careful loaders are extremely durable you won't be able to damage them with a simple ax shock therapy usually works pretty well on Nut Cases metallic or otherwise all right let's all right so those things can actually harm us well that's weird those are just construction tools but maybe they're being manipulated what does that do oh that slows it down oh interesting I have a feeling those tools are are painting a bigger picture for us than we are led to believe at the moment like that right there perfect saying here automated archive number 18. I'm missing anything here you can easily pass by a bunch of tables like I just did and missed the loot it's just crazy it's like almost everything has loot inside okay good all right so this one can squash me or cut me in half I I don't know whoa yeah that sounds like petrov's voice I hope that asshole's brains didn't get splattered all over the floor we need Petrova live hurry major what the [ __ ] does it look like I'm doing why is my character so upset all the time stop being so angry man it's no we're gonna go down here where are we find a way to hit the polymer all right there's like tracks on the ground these things appear to have some sort of rhythm going on it looks like there was a Containment Breach in the algae workshop and experimental materials leaked out that's actually good for us uh oh hold on I gotta go up there oh oh dude what the heck there's even fish swimming here what the hell man nope simply brilliant okay okay calm down there there little robot there's no need for that aggression all right let's see all right can I open this up there's more robots here I probably ought to be careful what is this well what do we have here hold up dude bro don't play with me help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help foreign get out of here man that's right I got this little hang on as well these guys are freaking me out like it's not that difficult to take them out but they are freaking me out got a camera [Music] shut that crap off hold on wait wait a minute wait thank you I will gladly take your resources if you don't mind can I go through that polymer what is this thing dudes is a kind of lock it'll open once all the holes have canisters of lunar soil in them you Egghead sure loved your fancy locks don't you guess I'll go find some canisters I've got one oh so that's the one we found okay we got two more to go perfect all right no big deal all right just give me a second here let me loot up this place [Music] looks like we're gonna need all we can get our adventures ahead so we're gonna get prepared as best as possible it's a weird song but I like the girl's voice is that a radio of the future indeed it is professor lebedev of the Academy of consequences has developed a non-linear algorithm based on the principles of non-commutative quantum mathematics Charles yes who are you just talking to oh sorry Charles I just cut them off I feel terrible what is this what is the point of this room I didn't expect what the hell's going on here dude I'll explain it in terms you can understand the Academy of consequences has found a way to calculate musical radio waves from the future they don't actually pick them up this isn't a time machine after all what you're hearing is based on a very specific mathematical calculation a highly complex neuropolymer based algorithm neat I didn't see [Music] look at this this game is trippy man I've been saying it I've said it a couple times already but it is trippy oh what is that the Electro well that looks cool not that bad [ __ ] lady robot perv again I'll go around her not so fast comrade major I understand that interactions with this model may be unpleasant for you but it would be proven to see if she has anything we can use fine she does I guess she'll be worth it she actually has one of the canisters we're looking for Ah that's just my luck there it is she also has the electro there you are sugar oh I missed you so much have you dumped that stupid glove yet don't count on it I love it when you get angry yes yes scold me punish me I was a bad girl strummed up another disgusting creep what you killed someone again sister but you haven't entered me for so long big guy I was so lonely I had to blow off some steam enough will this ever end don't get flustered over such little things sugar I made you a present you're gonna like it I promise I'd like to pull the plug on you but it's too bad I can't do without your help [Music] this is a pretty nice weapon or at least it's a free weapon and if it's for free it's found me wait where is it oh she's making it won't you look at that I don't know who's going inside of you girl but damn you you Wilding straight up [Music] set of bullets energy weapons consume your gloves energy throughout a cable which is on the bottom I did my best this is cool for real now could you please not kill anyone else myself hey so do I have enough do I have enough to oh man I have enough for this for the fox so this is a three damage and one two three and seven attack speed verses yeah that's yeah you know what this might not even be a good idea but I I don't know this looks good [Music] I'm probably ought to create it I know I just spent a whole lot of uh materials there but look at this beauty man this is awesome let's go oh this looks so gnarly oh God what a cool freaking yeah I felt like the other one was a bit slow too I feel like I need to get this I need to organize all these things here but that's fine we'll go for now let's get out of here Charles what does Petrov need with the repair vendor why would the sicko try to take control of Nora why would he even need weapons he's got robots fighting for him the traitor realized that employees confronted with hostile robots will defend themselves and the soldiers defending the facility will attempt to get more powerful weapons he must have been scared someone would bump into him by accident shoot him like the traitor's piece of dog [ __ ] he is that very well may be regardless Petrov was unable to get his hands on a repair vendor however Nora's algorithm what was that overloaded you can overload your inventory oh that's not good I've got another one rucksack is overloaded uh done I think it worked bro what are you talking about right now [Music] so this is my rug sack my inventory slots okay um nobody told me about this we are pretty so what do I do like if I want to get rid of this takes a lot this takes three slots can I sneak up behind this little stupid robot here thinking this place is huge and it's got such a knob's name written all over it God visit the Nora repair vendor often and do not forget to learn active skills and upgrades for your weapons to complete missions as effectively as possible so where are we this is the scene map the heart of the vanilla complex samples of seeds from all manner so they can be cultivated to grow on the moon and Mars stunning and unique experiments are in danger of being lost forever oh this is good complex a collection that is enriched daily by both experimental Saddles and starfiled seeds seedlings and pollen of terrestrial origin during the war vavilov's Leningrad stockpile numbered 250 000 samples today the accumulated number of samples stored at facility 3826 is over 500 000. every year scientists across the globe discover around 2 000 new plant species which is exactly the number of new samples the Battle of Constitution okay good so I'm Gonna Save here before we do oh ks23 electromagnetic barrel for the shotgun authorization major nichayev code name P3 access granted I gotta upgrade my piece uh let's see if we can do some upgrades for us [Music] all right what do we have here so we Amplified modulator and upgraded uh an upgrade to the electromagnetic unit that increases its effective range I think we need a character something for us increases your maximum dude that's clutch that is money what is this here Photon sync increases your shoots laser resistance your excellent physical ability grants you an additional Dodge Charge Shields you from all damage when dodging oh that's great every major worth their salt must be able to run a marathon increase your running speed your glove can surround you with a narrow polymer Shield that protects you from melee and range to damage and redirects part of the neutralized projectile's energy into the re okay so that's the shield that's [ __ ] that's good additional charge I'm gonna go for this a Dodge Charge it's good [Music] all right so the polymeric shield defend against enemy attacks and instantly counter attack I also like this man like this melee weapon is freaking awesome let's go ahead and save that up just in case who who else wants some of this pie huh I'm serving pumpkin pie no I'm not I don't know what I'm saying I'm sorry oh we've got another chest I don't know where we're headed but hopefully it's somewhere good [Music] I think I missed a couple more uh [Music] I probably ought to just hold it instead [Music] crispy Critters they're most certainly crispy major shut up Charles no time for this oh God oh my God oh God this is not good okay this this is not good we are in trouble here stop it stop stopping man I love this ax this thing is quick with it uh okay that's not good oh God okay hold on give me a second here get okay okay what the freaking crap is it foreign yeah that's right that's right took out an entire Squad of robots hold up give me a second here yeah they can start really teaming up on you and you you get bombarded really quickly let me try this move here oh very nice very very nice yeah this is much better than the first ax we had I don't know with like maybe some upgrades it'll be a different story but right now in this current moment this is really good let's get the hell out of here get out of this seed at bank [Applause] close that up maybe send it back down man I hate those cameras you didn't even see them foreign oh my God what is this robots are taking over the world I don't like it all right so I've got no power left you've only left me with one choice my handy dandy ax I still have a handgun but I don't know if I want to use a handgun for these bastards maybe just one there we go that ought to do it all right let's loot up I mean there's some sort of trade-off you spend the bullets but we get the parts so all right perfect should I grab that chest I probably should be able to come back this way oh [ __ ] will you stop damn bro I'm just gonna go for it [Music] holy cow yeah we're pretty high up here I don't know if this is the way [Music] but I saw the chest and I just kind of felt obligated to [Music] so I'm assuming maybe swim on the polymer and then we'll be able to go back yes we'll be able to go back to where we came from well that's perfect excellent oh man that feels good to be back in here I will say it feels good to be back [Music] oh shoot the electro EMP generator probably should wait a little more before doing any other upgrades all right so weapon ergonomics use energy weapons guns and melee weapons wisely in order to allocate your resources efficiently Evacuate the feedback immediately bro for one chest I am not going down there I'm sorry screw that I follow my path of least resistance and uh what the hell is that stop it I said stop please stop it doesn't have to be this we can all get along okay maybe it does have to be this way how freaking annoying man what is this garbage so that electricity those little flying robots spew out is that like them repairing certain robots all right we got to do this quick [Music] oh extended Max stand up here another chest there's another chest over there as well oh I just realized that can I grab that one that one seems relatively easy see if I go through here if I climb up here and then I do a little 180 climb up here and grab it okay so now we can get out of here [Music] climb back up this way here we go [Music] see you later losers hold on oh God that Laser's still on my ass screw it I'm going in not gonna waste any more time what's going on here oh we're on the other side we're on that part just a little while ago right hold on I know you're here Petrov you've got nowhere to run I'll give you 10 seconds to surrender 10 seconds and that is it not one more not one less 10 seconds is that him over there oh he's got the candle though that is him let's listen to this audio log first listen to me yes agent this recording is for you I can hear you banging around in the warehouse you'll never take me alive so listen up you have no idea what's going on who's the brainless mud now huh wow your brain smart you know that according to biometric readings this is Patrol it is crispy Critters oh [ __ ] all right it really is betroth ah I had a feeling to them this way wizard this is P3 come in wizard here have you found Patrol my boy I found his body he's been decapitated a loader turned his skull into blood pudding damn his head contained coats I would have used to end this nightmare quickly I'm sorry Dr sachinoff I was too late then we'll have to solve the problem another way did he have any rings on him two gold rings uh no ring sir just a candle understood I need you to report to the vdnh at once B3 you've got bigger problems than Petrov to deal with what could be worse than Petrov stockhausen will debrief you at the vdnh hurry time is of the essence do I make myself clear my boy 10-4 wizard moving out all right foreign oh this is cool huh that's so cool [Music] man these puzzles will open up doors I I I'm fascinated by them they're so nice just gotta be careful this is exactly where we came from yep should I save the game probably should save the game to be honest save the game in the meantime [Music] fire cartridge what is that so what will it be major what the weapons or uh what is that dude look at all these weapons oh my God this is crazy fire cartridge where do I use that and how do I use that that's that's the question huh do I attach it to this gun hold on how do I what can I transfer move so cartridge slots a cartridge shot gives the enemy or the weapon I'm sorry it is installed on Elemental damage depending on the cartridge type fire Frost or electricity to install a cartridge you need to get an appropriate upgrade for the selected weapon use the radial menu to select and install the cart so I need to upgrade the weapon [Music] cartridge model module Jesus my reading sucks the installation of a cartridge module allows for the application of a thin layer of special chemical polymer to the bullets as it passes through the barrel so with this one then no shot bro don't even play with me right now hold on a second hold on a damn second I don't really think I can use that fire thing just yet I put the little cartridge module but I'm not sure I know how to I don't know if that's for the fire or not okay no worries no need to stress that out right now I'll figure it out foreign activate the pec4 birch tree oh uh okay I just realized I don't have a whole lot of Health yeah we need one more I think the other one was on the other side right yeah the other candle I don't have a lot of Health which is I don't know it's kind of concerning that's actually very concerning I am I'm officially concerned let's put this candle here climate readings are sub-optimal electricity generation not possible uh what the energy from the candles isn't sufficient to power the main gate but installing them activated A system that provides special polymers to the birch tree life support system the life support system has four primary functions maintaining optimal temperature eliminating insects in other words four columns four canisters that's just great so with the canister from the hot Workshop the algae Workshop the pesticide workshop and the cold Workshop he's right here [Music] that's hot um oh [Music] okay um so let's look at the inventory because I really don't have a lot dude I got these little ones I guess this is just a big one right yeah I think that's what it is yeah okay here we go let's see if we can get this part done um where the hell are we exactly I'm gonna go ahead and Save this oh my God I'll save slot thank the goodness oh God the medium capsule oh that's good [Music] all right so data has been saved we still have the task at hand what is this hello [Music] oh what the heck is that no hold on hold hold on [ __ ] second bro what the hell is this Boiler Room okay that's the algae you know what we're here already foreign [Music] screw it we're doing it holy [ __ ] where did all these monsters come from a mere hypothesis but they're the bodies of dead soldiers that have been infected by Sprouts Charles I'm in the hot shop am I going to turn into a crispy Critter if I stay in here too long no the laboratory table's in the hot Workshop or the Miriam require high temperatures but the temperature within the shop itself is quite comfortable what in the world is this place dude oh the Dynamo there's so many little pieces of gear and weapons that we can unlock I'm I'm a bit overwhelmed it's my first episode so I am a bit overwhelmed but it's fine we'll get through this together I think came from that way so we got to continue this way pesticide Workshop so should we go if this is the this is the algae right crap bro there's no [ __ ] way there's no way oh god what the hell is this thing they are ferocious but not more ferocious than me I'm so happy I upgraded to this melee weapon it is so fast [Music] it's time for you to die but weed whacking time oh dude what the hell that's awesome they're so cool looking too look at that What's creepy about these is that they're not even the robots they're humans they're kind of mutated that is creepy that actually probably makes them creepier now there's nothing important here so except for in that room we've got another audio log here what could this possibly be you heard about the thing they grow in the germination Department I heard it's something between a Venus flytrap and a gigantic Hemlock plant what's that about who knows it's just a little genetic mishap and now it's more like a carnivorous animal than a plant they even took a whole tank of PA 400 over there for it we should have nipped the thing in the bud they're gonna get themselves in trouble over there for sure that should be fine if they keep spraying there this should be fine hold on what the hell is this [Music] freaking Critters this place just keeps getting more and more [ __ ] up foreign [Applause] that's fine we can do this bro we can we do not freak out there is no need to freak out uh geez how many of you are there give me the collateral damage damn it okay I'm running out of bullets here back to my little ax okay we're doing pretty good okay I don't mean to be over the top here but I think we just kicked some plant ass and now we've got this whole entire section for us just for us alone in which we can loot peacefully for just a couple of minutes here what what the hell was that what was that okay this is becoming a little concerning now [Music] why is why does he keep doing that you gotta make up your mind you're either dead or you're alive you know you got to do one you can't be both well actually you can if you're a robot but you're not you're human stopping creeping me out the nation of Science and Industry was built by the hard-working peasantry [Music] I'm gathering so much loot that I I honestly don't know what it is it's overwhelming but we're gonna need all these upgrades like every single one of them okay this one's on fire that might not be a good thing I think I should probably stay a little bit behind oh whoa whoa there's no what [Music] we will not surrender oh no get in line you sons of [ __ ] nope that's not good that's poison foreign take a little Health here finish me off please what the just wait for a medic okay but I'm hurting right now I'll never walk again anyway okay so what makes you think the whole place has gone tits up uh maybe there's a way to lift this thing give me a sec [Music] maybe there's a way to lift this thing give me a sec okay there were three of us a robot could have lifted this but we can't ask them now uh what what makes you think the whole place is gone tits up if this happened people from other complexes would be here already it's happening everywhere isn't it obvious [Music] right I'll try to figure something out just be quick [Music] okay hold on I mean the only other way to go I think it's over here there's no other place to actually go right now but the polymer canister from the Audi Workshop let's go ahead and do that got this little thing again foreign problem has been solved uh what is that what is that she's lost it [ __ ] my life this is usually a harmless geodesic geology robot usually harmless my ass what other tricks does it have up its sleeve I'm not sure I don't have access to this model's data I wish it didn't have access to us I couldn't agree more comrade major come on let's go find that canister at least we won't have to find the door to the shop we can just climb through the window that's hey that's true that is very true my father just playing these little cartoons here look how they run at you man what is that oh why are you so upset upset okay you are very angry where do you think the canister might be a device that dispenses luminescent polymer is located on one of these platforms ah let's go find it very very angry nothing in here right I know they're gonna be all over the place and we are going to have to be fighting them and you know I'm okay with that okay with the fact that we are outnumbered I truly believe will be just fine oh my God oh my God [Music] I just found my new ability all right drop kicks just got drop kicked by a robot perfect sorry this is so cool hey calm down calm down wait so I can dodge while holding the charge I had no idea that's awesome yeah there's no canister here I'm sure we can find one here somewhere we found the dispenser now we gotta find a goddamn canister okay so it's on the other side so we're gonna jump across all right we're on the right path which is what's more important than anything right now it's important to be on the right path my friend we are on the right path and we've got this little robot that thinks he can match up to my capability you should be dead you can't swim you're made of electricity impossible you just die already I don't know why I keep saying die they don't really die what's this oh finally someone new to talk to a live one too someone else come here before me sure see that dead body that's a lecture the technician been having quite a conversation since they killed us the thing is 20 minutes ago the night should have went out of him he could manage to say something right at the end but it was complete gibberish what do you mean went out oh I don't know have expired children I think this must be how the vaccinations formed the people being so chatting residual brain activity or something what else could it be hmm is anyone else here don't you worry why was anyone else here [Music] it was an assistant professor he taught for days or not or comrade ulubeck off silent this morning all expired now and still holding arms don't you wonder why all right but it's fascinating tell people about it if you make it out alive okay okay of all this carnage oh yeah anything for science right well not anything suggesting that I'm getting a little carried away but if you get a chance okay so long oh here it is will this canister work judging from its shape and diameter indeed so let's go to the canister slot back there see what we get from this canister detected synthesizing movement of polymer canister will be built in 35 days what 35 great I'll come back later the synthesis process can be sped up that's good news how the massive mixers that enrich raw polymer with anaerobic bacteria operate at a set speed so if the speed is increased the process will get sped up too where's the control panel there isn't one under normal circumstances the speed of the process does not vary but a shock blast could provide their electric motors with extra voltage now we just need to find those Motors here let's go I'm sorry there's always one thing or the other man and we've got a safe slot this is interesting all the way up here [Music] I feel like there's a boss fight or something coming on hopefully I'm wrong but yeah there we go did you know there was a cable car here I assume there must be a way to service the equipment oh my God [Music] foreign [Music] by overclocking the motors we got to be careful it's a long way down I could get hurt hurt you're an optimist that's my thing Chucky nice oh it just went from 35 to 20. look at that pool glow it's actually kind of pretty please note that your unscheduled maintenance has initiated the repair algorithm we've got another one coming up here so there's one two four more of those five in the total no bro [Music] listen this is BS man I knew this was way too simple way too simple foreign oh that was a laser the [ __ ] out of here dude this is not good at all no one draw this particular turn of events it was a rhetorical question Chuck dashing while jumping press B while jumping top B1 jumping to make an additional leap while in the air the hell is this oh my God why aren't we here now all right so we need oh my God help me I just missed oh damn okay now we're talking foreign we just need one red okay this needs to become blue now what what what uh okay all right we got a little break that was good we got a little bit of a break let me read over here well for zero so I thought we had zero two more and we're done with this garbage two more I'm gonna wait a little bit more because I know once I activate that electricity once I shock it you these robots are gonna come out so I'm gonna at least wait till I'm right up in front of it [Music] you just need to speed up the last motor no at least I don't have to worry about Ammo garbage bro all right good I don't really care about the other ones as much just that one with the laser that's a bit too much for me oh it's better Pleasant lights all around shayla's buzzing in the distance okay um can we please get okay this is not good for business this is this isn't good let's get out of here dude holy smokes we gotta run I gotta run is every single section gonna be this crazy is it always the best approach maker sure sometimes you can try upgrading your gear or find another way to keep the Bots at Bay oh what okay so maybe I gotta take out all the robots first all right yeah oh my God foreign how do I get out I want to get out I want to go home to get out of here I went up that's an elevator and I'm out see you later losers dude that was only one camera yes got something constructed to say have I done something to offend you why are you taking your frustration out on me sorry it's not your fault I'm just mad at myself why you didn't kill Petrov he was killed by his own weapon a hostile robot that doesn't matter I was supposed to take him alive and I failed and that's not all saved my life he's like a father to me as far as I can remember anyway I let him down how much of your life do you remember comrade major two years maybe a little more I can't remember much from before I got hurt but as I said he's like a father to me if there's anything I'm sure about it's that fair enough but it's illogical to berate yourself for something that isn't your fault who cares if it's logical or not Dr sechino was counting on me and I let him down now he's disappointed in me feel like [ __ ] if that's what's troubling you just let it go there's nothing unusual about your situation what do you mean isn't it obvious comrade section off is always disappointed in everyone there's no pleasing the man his perfectionism is pathological and everyone knows it every single person in his life lets him down what no that's [ __ ] europolymer gloves are incapable of deception yeah I guess so polymer canister connected the tree it's glowing it's beautiful the preliminary power generation phase has begun that is awesome all right so we're gonna go to the boiler room I don't know if every single section is going to be that crazy because that was crazy [Music] there's a save right here oh what the hell all right so can we do some upgrades so what do you think about our birch tree sugar the one in the humongous glass thing what about it she's Holding Out for a Hero just like I do waiting for someone to save her from the biting cold oh that's it enough one deranged Tin Can is plenty for me I knew you would stay loyal to me handsome take off the glove and we'll be together forever don't hold your breath so why is this birch tree so important it's not important at all stud warm her crispy Critters at least the tree doesn't talk you would be lonely without me sugar would I really guess what allows you to grab all enemies in the area of effect lifting them up in the air for a short period if the effect is interrupted or ends that the target will fall to the ground upgrade to the electromagnetic unit that increases effective range more damage I like this one this is getting nuts okay is that a chest oh wow I just walked right by it look at that see we're gonna unlock this it's probably just like an extra room or something or maybe not it's a shortcut huh oh this is a short oh nice oh that's freaking awesome we have got to be extremely careful kind of dreading this the algae room was not that simple sorry pal what's up dude the boilers look like they're about to blow the hell are we supposed to do I have no data I've never been here before ah okay I'll deal with it we've got one more right it's this one right here hey these are either I'm getting stronger these guys are kind of wishing that stuff before it's cryogenic right indeed it is that is a Fahrenheit A candle filled with cryopolymer it's designed to reduce temperatures and equalize pressure in high temperature furnaces I'll try getting them into the boilers okay that works this heavy attack is coming in so large man so freaking awesome let me loot this before before I start putting that thing in there and then maybe get some sort of barrage of enemies trying to kill me where is it come over here sweetie okay I found the opening so I gotta put a bunch of them apparently there's one of these already in the pipeline that is interesting okay so we'll control this one bring it through here it worked two more left gee are you sure oh oh god of course they're coming out of course they're coming out to play where are they come on I got a [ __ ] barrel of acid that's what I thought oh throw it man that doesn't do anything all right let's see where's the other one go through here another right this is super super interesting the way they're making us through these tasks [ __ ] off dude we ain't scared no more is there another one I think we're clear of the robots and there's one more boiler who the hell came up with all this [ __ ] I'm sick to death of shoving balls into tubes we're doing this so we can leave the babylove complex why can't I just I don't know walk out a regular door I'm afraid only and The Irregular door is available all right we got to bring this man this one's annoying this is like super far this way believe we gotta go down and up top and going across the wall and I think we stop here and it's not this one because that one goes out so we got to go through the middle and through here okay all right we're here already wasn't as bad as I was thinking it's all just figuring it out there he goes well he may return to their workstations yeah they're a bit more aggressive now I guess the ones that were here at the beginning were kind of like burnt and maybe malfunctioning so they were weaker as well and a lot slower but not these guys nope [Music] got red major have you found Dr philatovay yet the one who helped betroth butcher hundreds of people no still crawling around somewhere I emphasize that Dr philatova must not be hurt if her life is threatened you must come to our defense what rescue the [ __ ] whose fault it is I'm waiting knee deep in Gore what the [ __ ] try to fit off use Dr philatova without her knowledge she had no inkling of his true intentions I mean the viciousness of his homicidal maniac her guilt must be established by a court of law too good for her she deserves no less Dr philatova is a renowned neural surgeon Dr sechenov entrusted her with the collective research that connected both humans and robots she must not be hurt did I make myself clear comrade major I'll keep it in mind [Music] saving up capsules and materials upgrades right now let's finish this what's the hot Workshop used for heat resistant polymers are made here but most of the research is dedicated to the cultivation of heat resistant Flora nice the polymers here are enriched with essential oils from cactica seraris a cat the polymers make it possible to cultivate groups of plants that are adapted to high temperatures do they want to make the desert Greener or something something like that they plan to terraform Mars all right so wait do we come from here how do I how in the world I gotta wait for this jump up here go up here perfect the canisters fill automatically once the temperature is normalized sweet we got it oh we got the hot Workshop counter sir everything here seems pretty cut and dry we should head back before something [ __ ] up happens correct all right actually this is not a good idea to be so high up here we just the safest route what do we know about petrov's girlfriend Charles are you referring to Dr philotova that's what I said did the cat get your tongue do you know her doctor Larissa felatva MD has worked with Dr sechino for many years he entrusted her with one of the most crucial aspects of collective 2.0 with good reason she replaced the late Chariton zaharov in that role who's zaharov a tenured professor of Medical Science an esteemed neurosurgeon and one of the scientists who vanquished the brown plague Chariton radionovich zaharov was also Dr sechino's closest friend and trusted colleague they laid the foundation for facility 3826 together great whatever so what about philatva she's a talented neurosurgeon and was comrade Zahara of student and assistant she continued the professor's work after he died but she is now a criminal and a traitor to the motherland understood it's too bad just kind of cute [Music] there we go look at her Bloom what a beauty photosynthesis has begun the tree's condition is improving rapidly attention Distribution Center employees access to the right wing of the complex is now available that's this sign right oh boy I think we should probably find a safe spot first this is going to be the pesticide workshop and the cold Workshop it's too bad how it all ended up no one ever thought something like this would happen it was always going to the Stars the bright future that awaits us now all I can do is lie here and think about it all how long ago did the robots attack to be honest I haven't been very good at keeping track of time but it must have been quite a while ago at least a few days [Music] how did you end up in the corridor I was the first one they did in lab tech 42 did it I went to get some coffee and it grabbed me by the neck right here Jesus can you tell me anything how did this all get started it was quick unexpected and very bloody you're lucky you know there are only a few robots here now the first day the place was swarming with them every Corridor had someone screaming or dying and where did the robots go how should I know all over the facility I guess I assume they went through those tunnels a few of them got stopped or taken out and I guess the rest are probably still out there waiting for you you seem pretty calm about this why shouldn't I be I had my film of screaming when it all went down freaked out swore so terrified dying people funny thing is what scared them most wasn't the robots that were butchering them seeing me dead and talking why do you think that is because it's a damn scary thing to be talking to a dead man I'm talking I'm not even sure I'm happy about it it doesn't matter anyway well I gotta run all right see you so we've got the pesticides he's just got to be some kind of mistake and the cold works you should have should have foreseen this he must have I'm sure of it it's got to be a mistake what else could it be we were dreaming of going to the Stars working for the greater good a shame oh boy on you save yes thank you let me see if I have [Music] let's see if I have enough for that new melee weapon insufficient resources ah that sucks we'll be back what's this crap that is a sprout what's a sprout Sprouts were designed as highly efficient feed for large livestock but there's something wrong with this sprout oh that's just freaking great a killer chicken now I've seen it all are you kidding me what is going on here attracting their attention is not advised too late you guys are luckier behind that freaking you know what screw this let's go come on I invite you [Music] oh I could have oh okay I could have done that too to block them okay well I'm a little bit too late to that party what happened to this guy oh you cannot help me but there are still people alive here you certainly took your sweet time getting chill no I'm not the rescue team more like a Vanguard plenty of time has passed but there's still no alarm no Army coming to the rescue did you see how all this got started can you tell me about it I don't want to I certainly can the machines didn't attack right away they should have spread throughout the facility at first so they could attack all at once I suspected something was off the moment the lab tech robots all went into our offices and positioned themselves behind people's backs most of my colleagues died Washington stations what scared me most wasn't the killing but the way they slowly walked towards the humans it was kind of like gym class she could tell you to split up into pairs interesting how long ago did you die I don't remember but I stayed alive longer than Rose there was no way in there was shooting and then hoses started coming out of everywhere most people died in the first couple of seconds very quickly the robot shooter smashed their heads in or snapped their necks by popping the Caps off shoulder bottles he took to our heels and a lab tech grabbed comrade athanasia there was a soldier around who tried to stop him but he just had time to say oh that's where I sort of stopped being scared and charged the robot the last thing I remember is being dead [Music] I'm sorry we're gonna take those [ __ ] down you can't blame the machines humans did this doesn't look like an accident it'll take months to plant something like this okay they'll send someone for you once this is all over frankly it won't make much difference to me better make sure this contagion or whatever's wrong with the robots doesn't spread to the other complexes let's go cold what's with this place its purpose is to study how living things can survive in a vacuum so it's for planting crops on the moon and stuff among other things yes the research conducted here applies to a wide range of subjects from primitive single cell plant life to livestock and other animals oh God okay well that was easy so dead if I had fire I could easily burn that [ __ ] oh it's dead anyways so it doesn't matter anymore I feel so terrible fish oh God they're coming they're coming oh they're over there perfect all right [ __ ] it is it just me or other guys it's got different polymers over there right over there and they spliced hold on hold on don't get too strong oh God it's got a charge up I'm turning my chirp around with my elbow this ain't that bad this is by far the best choice I've made in this game right now foreign [Music] I had to get rid of it my man's was in trouble no way in hell we're about to be eaten by chickens that is an insult to my human race what a goddamn cluster [ __ ] it's going here oh there's a purple reading what is that Greetings oh oh who me the computer mistook you for the head of this laboratory reminder it is time for you to take your blood pressure medication playing an excerpt from an automated reporting what is going on here dude yes it's much better definitely so on with my life today 783. oh yes at first it was extremely difficult for me not to pay any attention to this but then I realized there's something stop a circle of life [Music] barriers think that propaganda increases so to them their employees this isn't killing it's just maintaining the circle of life yeah sandals attached the swine who gave us the right to mistreat the others won right right now God knows it's true sometimes I think music emotions themselves become the kind of Dance of Death the spinning after all that should do the trick it can't be right okay I should actually be transferred to another department holding temporary well keep your claws off that love this recording oh okay I'll switch it off what is going on here what if I open up this door oh that's what happens it's a shortcut or what oh my God could it be this one or maybe this one did I just kill all of them it's standard to the manufacturing process that's where the polymers organic components come from where'd they all go then to the algae Workshop to undergo polymeric synthesis I don't even want to know [Music] yo what that's abusive huge I've never seen so many planners in one place before this is where they grow the plants that will be used to terraform the Moon Mars and Venus but right now it's not working for [ __ ] we need to find the control panel [Music] bro this is abusive give me a little punk one hitter equator what I'm talking about nothing but dead bodies there's a power activation laser relay on the wall okay I can deal with that but I will never get used to this [ __ ] all right hold on these little leeches oh whatever they are damn you saw that shot that was pretty clean all right so we got to figure this out I've got the red at the bottom there we go all right cool there we go so how do I feel the canister the canister fills with cryopolymer automatically you just need to wait that sounds a little too easy looks like you've got company I knew there was no way we could just wait patiently for this thing uh okay so I'm just gonna wait here maybe [Music] it's not it's not that [ __ ] what's the matter with it what am I supposed to do the canister will only be filled of an optimal low temperature is maintained in the workshop the fans blow cold air into the room they will stay on and don't let the Sprouts fly into the spinning fan blades why the [ __ ] didn't you turned off try using Shuffle all right we gotta take these boys out [Music] no big deal is kind of creepy to me I don't know about you guys but this I don't know it just feels like I'm playing some sort of horror Zombie Survival game at this point [Music] okay fans on right bro oh my God there we go that's what I'm talking about do I have to fight off this robot too oh my God yep that one's new oh that's dangerous that one's dangerous hold on but I'm dangerous too [ __ ] whoa how about this oh my God [Music] all right good I don't mean to be overly optimistic but I think the worst is over I told Mom right I kind of wish we could run and loot at the same time hopefully once we upgrade our abilities here as we progress in this story that that's that becomes an option Echo stopping every time just to loot is a little bit irritating and very time consuming so we're gonna go straight back over there to the control room and see if the is full I don't think it is because it is telling me to wait for the canister to to be filled up but me being optimistic once again we got to press the button oh God this is not good [Music] foreign [Music] I love how they play this music here for us that's just awesome everything's supposed to be okay but it's not [Music] I need to see if I find an upgrade to kind of make this regenerating process faster for the electricity [Music] what about my handgun [Music] oh [ __ ] [Music] oh my God [Music] I probably shouldn't even try to fight them they're just going to keep spawning in maybe I didn't just wait for the fans to go red and kind of focus on that instead [Music] oh my God it's almost full [Music] okay foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] my God [Music] [Music] we're fans we got more fans let's go [Music] I could probably also just use this on them as well Patrick shock come on bro that thing's gotta be filled up already [Music] foreign [Music] don't feel me now [Music] we're waiting for at this point [Music] oh it took a long time finally [Music] oh [ __ ] this is not good [Music] I cannot let him get in here [Music] bro look at all the resources let me get that you know how hard I work for this junk let me get that let's get out of here exactly I sure love these goddamn canisters of yours you guys never get sick of shoving them into things well it's a tradition yeah well maybe you should think about reevaluating your traditions if I see one more canister [Music] foreign yeah that was not supposed to happen I was supposed to grab onto it and then you know well let's go we're here we're prepared for little books want some of this two partner oh that feels awesome feels like a little shortcut of sorts hey there fellas you guys doing watch out is there anything in here oh there's just more robots that's all I am dying to get the other melee weapon because it's even faster and stronger than this one much better than the first ax we acquired Sweet let's go what's in here it's just an empty room [Music] oh I don't like this one it's not good so what you got let's see what you got bro see what you got oh my God that's what that's exactly what I said yeah it's like that heart attack that that power-up melee is super super clutch I feel like we're getting somewhere important in the story at this point now things are starting to ramp up okay this is great did you hear that I hear everything you hear major so what do you think crispy Critters quiet damn it there's something dangerous up ahead and that's my [ __ ] line indeed but we still need to get that canister of pesticide polymer uh-oh [ __ ] you're not is this some kind of joke you could wake it up at any time in two hours time in the pesticide reaches critical low it'll wake up do you understand I need a canister a pesticide polymer there's a canister right there inside you have to find a PA 400 polymer container we blow the [ __ ] to Kingdom Come then you can take whatever you want okay [Music] fine have it your way but won't the canister be destroyed [Music] snippy's break constantly we're almost out of PA 400. you'll find that polymer container [Music] yeah could you tell me what it looks like it's a yellow kind of uh kind of cylinder find that yellow cylinder or we're screwed [ __ ] that thing is huge is here they make something like that it was the unexpected result of a bold scientific experiment you Eggheads and your bold [ __ ] experiments where do I find that yellow cylinder it's a polymer container major they're always yellow it shouldn't be hard to find wow so just when we're about to get out of here now we've got a possible boss fight and it's it's massive wow so believe it or not I've been playing for over three hours I haven't stopped playing this game so I think this is the right time to call it quits on the next episode hopefully we get rid of this monstrosity we have ahead of us now and maybe get out of this facility finally and see what else the story has to unfold thank you guys for watching if you'd like to see more Atomic Hearts make sure you guys drop the video like and a massive thank you to focus entertainment for the review code I'll catch you later
Channel: Hollow
Views: 1,194,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Atomic Heart, Atomic Heart gameplay, Atomic Heart walkthrough, Atomic Heart part 1, Atomic Heart full game, Atomic Heart ending, Atomic Heart review, Atomic Heart walkthrough part 1, Atomic Heart ps5, Atomic Heart xbox series x, Atomic Heart pc, Atomic heart all bosses, Atomic Heart all weapons, Atomic Heart all cuscenes, Atomic Heart first impressions, Atomic Heart best weapons, Atomic, Heart, Walkthrough, Full Game, atomic heart end
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 192min 37sec (11557 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 20 2023
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