FOUND JEWELRY HOARDER STORAGE UNIT I Bought An Abandoned Storage Locker / Opening Mystery Boxes

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you ready he said he wanted a rematch so here we go round two round two of what what are we doing we're gonna try and find the highest value of silver and gold silver and gold anything only i got robbed is this my prize for winning that is your prize for winning i got robbed bragging rights and i call rematch look at all the jewelry all the silver all the gold we still have to go through i call rematch shake on it rematch [Music] all of this jewelry all of this treasure it all came from abandoned storage units and we were lucky enough to find hordes and hordes of it we appreciate hoarders especially when they're hoarding gold and silver so the challenge is this george can you find more gold or more silver than me one point for every piece of gold one point for every piece of silver precious gems pearls they don't count even though there's still money ladies first first i think i found something priceless what priceless what is it what a strand of my hair well that depends on if this is princess bride i mean no if this is lord of the rings she gave me three strands of her golden hair i'm not going with this i'm just gonna you're not the way we both know there's gold in there that came from the five dollar unit with the safe that came from a unit with a safe as well but it wasn't in the safe it was in a garbage bag you know what if you go through that entire baggie i get that entire wine box deal deal all right go for it let's dig in let's see what you got she's going through the entire bag we've got the magnifying glass we've got the magnets this has got to be three pounds worth of jewelry oh my goodness there's so much in here and i should have said no i should have said no all right let's go in this little okay black trinket box what's the back of it oh this was made in the u.s okay is that calibri something right there exceptional value doesn't really share much with us tie clip that's nice it's a golf tie clip golf tie clip goes with that that uh money clip we found don't see any markings unfortunately all right well there's got to be some in here if i remember correctly here's a vintage bulova watch all right that is okay so anybody who knows watches that's money and it looks like if you look at the face of the watch there you see how you see how this looks like gold has come off so it's gold plated it was probably gold plated and it's probably marked somewhere gold plated but just the uh just the watch the watch alone can be a hundred dollars or more i think that one's going to be well more than 100 so there there is a number back there and i think the way to tell if this is a legit watch is you have to pop the back off and it'll tell you well you got more than just one watch and i think that one looks like gold right there the one you just picked up the zodiac is that is the zodi is that from the zodiac the zodiac the uh cereal eater it says 10 karat gold 10 carrot show me show me show me see that you need the magnifying glass i'm good i believe you okay all right that's one point george zodiac gold watch one point for george this is an end car ultrasonic we can't see it when you're reading it i know i have to i have to read it first and then i'll show you no you have to read upside down like you make me do when you film me i'm looking on the back to see it's it's swiss made and i don't see any markings of where it would indicate that it's gold we're looking up george's nose and seeing if there's any gold up there are there any nose hairs i need to trim don't embarrass me like that oh really fake this might be another one that you'd have to pop the back off to see if it's if it's real gold all right now remember we brought all of this from ohio to florida because we haven't had time to actually go through it in a preparation to getting to florida an embassy watch let's look on the back and see if there's any indication even if there's not she still has this entire pile and i remember going through this and finding gold nothing i don't remember if there was silver on that here's a cute little golf watch that should go in one of your watch lots on the sunday night live it's got swiss parts and uh what do you think watch lot yeah definitely in a watch lock oh a golfer's pen gold or not gold i don't think this is gold it would say it on the outside i think so yeah i don't know golfers like to spend a lot of money i don't see any marker that would indicate that this is real gold all right so i'm gonna say george only has one point right now and that's for the watch i actually have a fighting chance until she finds something here's a supposed to be a bible with a cross oh wow this is a pen pen or cufflink pen and oh derold we can't see that the marker on there it says derold let's see huh not marked everybody's looking at my nails going wow jeremy you got your nails done nice french tips and to you i say thank you here is a thai pen any gold it does say made in the usa on the back and then it has them the makers mark but it does not indicate whether it's real gold or not so that's a no-go more golfing another golf i don't know what this is called what is it called it's uh it's for divot it's some type of market it's a marker that's where you put your ball if somebody's hitting a ball next to you so it's a keychain no indication if this is gold so that doesn't count all right here's another tie pin looks like uh looks like star trek yeah me me up scotty found some alien hotties how did captain kirk always find all the alien hotties on every planet no i don't know no marker i found me an alien hottie too but i was born in the u.s oh yeah i forgot so this one has a marker of swank and then boom it's a sword also the tie so it looks like this the sword's going through your tie nice cute is that your favorite so far i do like that one all right here's a golf cuff link let's see if i can find the matching one is that it no nope it is golf that is golf that'll go in a in a jewelry lot on a sunday night live so this one has the maker's mark on the inside but it does not indicate if this is real gold alright there it is there's the matching cufflink and you don't see it on the inside where the cufflink goes in like right in all right see the makers mark right there yep but it doesn't have we see it it does not indicate if it's real cold wow i'm doing pretty good because you only have one point right one point so far i mean i'd probably be doing a whole lot better if you actually found more gold another pair of cufflinks what what kind are they like show them to us george forgets where the camera is all the time she goes the middle of the the device instead of the edge that's why i have you to make sure that you focus in on me because i can't see what the viewfinder sees and what it doesn't see cufflinks galore you know what i think you are chicken you chicken because you know i'm gonna beat you this time so these cufflinks just have the maker's mark on the inside made by anson but unfortunately not gold no indicator that it's gold i'm dying over here all these cufflinks i think you're dying because you got a sweat hoodie on and it's almost 80 degrees out here but you know that i'm always cold cold-hearted another pair of cufflinks and they have the maker's mark right there that say swing they're swankalicious get your swank on unfortunately no indicator if it's gold or not all right remember swank swank made higher end costume doors there's two one for me one for you since when do we have our golf we should start i thought we were going to take up scuba diving we were in florida to scuba dive not golf these cufflinks are engraved john but no indicator whether it's real gold or not that would have been awesome if they were engraved george hey made in the u.s there's the maker's mark but nowhere on there do i see whether it's gold or not you're dying this round a lot to go through [Music] not a whole lot here's a money clip from made by avon that's not gonna oh there's another didn't we find this already yeah there it is [Applause] these pins most likely aren't gold they are like four h pins right there oh i found another strand of my hair see that there yep that's priceless um i'm pretty sure it's not priceless trust me on that one considering it's everywhere like everywhere i don't even need to get new carpet i got so much hair you still have shed carpet i used to have linoleum floors now i just have george hair floors this one has the maker's mark on it of i think it says anson but not gold oh do you think that's black onyx maybe another pair of cufflinks so swank again this is unmarked on branded cufflinks i have to get that tested so we know yeah here's a gold bracelet is it real gold though yes definitely gold-plated you're sure there's the maker's mark it says you only get a point if you're sure if it's gold-plated no it's not it's not yes it's made by avon okay she saw all the shiny stuff and she went that's what i'm going for going for the gold another pair of uh cufflinks maker's mark of swank and a lot of stuff here unfortunately not gold here's another thai clip gold no no marketing i think i think i might see silver i think it's stainless steel but don't tell her what do you got there you'll never guess more cufflinks more cufflinks you chose the right one and these are unbranded really mark all right let's see what you got is that a military button um it's probably gold if it is if i were you i'd be looking at the back or just give them to me i'll trade you i don't see any maker's mark or any type of indicator it's unmarked and you're scored it doesn't count one point after all of that one point still found another strand here yeah that doesn't count and it looks like there could be some gold in there it's engraved ciw what is it i don't know maybe a tea golf tee oh okay that looks like a golf tee right sure i'll go with that does it unscrew does it unscrew is there maybe something hidden inside i heard you had checked that out no but this bends it's a coil like a spring all right bracelet there's a lovely bracelet let's look at the clasp there's definitely markings on there oh oh she's getting out pulling out the uh she's getting out the magnifying glass and boom boom nine two five are you serious all right there you go she's got silver right where show me right up there 925. all right we'll go with that so is it gold-plated silver uh a lot of times there's gold-plated silver yes okay so you have two points two points you got a watch and you got a tennis bracelet so far i remembered that bracelet that bracelet was nice another tie clip it's engraved c but no indicator here's a cufflink that's engraved c that looks like a g to me looks like a genie maybe i'll just see maybe i'll just see g's everywhere i go i don't know it looks like a genius another horse thing another tie clip yeah this was made in the uh usa made by hickok there's the maker's mark definitely not gold oh here's a bracelet that one might be plated and plated counts so we are giving points for gold-plated or gold filled yes that was george's addition to the point system right now she has two points out of this entire bag literally it felt like three pounds i don't think this is gold there's no marker on it i'm actually doing pretty good circus pen don't move don't move there we go now we can see it i wonder if that's worth something and it's not gold though here's two more golf pins which definitely aren't gold that's what's making that's uh like 10 golf pins so far yeah pineapple pen 1995 pineapples and then this this is too shiny to be silver this doesn't look like silver and i don't know she's gonna check with the magnet she's giving it the magnet test and it is not sticking it's not sticking but i could feel some some force uh oh she's feeling force she feels uh i don't think i don't think this is real silver all right so she only has two points so far out of all of this and this will all be up for auction on our sunday night live auctions this could be a pearl and jeremy will say if you can feel the grit rub it on your tooth back and forth smooth or grainy i don't know you don't know if it's smooth or grainy no you carry you can't read either so i mean it's not surprising this one has the maker's mark but i don't think it's real gold why do you not think it's gold i don't see any indicator that it's gold because if my memory serves me correct it was gold when i found it did you take the back off yeah yeah it has a bunch of numbers perfect we'll find out later keep on going it's cold she didn't look at the actual pinpoint part that's worked what's that nothing keep going keep going here is what is that a globe it looks like a globe from 56 56 wow i think it's gold it could be but i don't see a marker interesting another tie clip yeah somebody like some tie clips don't see any marking on there here's another clip i don't see any marker on that here's a little golf club for the golf lover in your life i don't see any indicator of gold we went putt-putting once that's all we've ever done huh yeah who won i think you did and we did it in ohio where their mosquitoes are big enough to carry chickens away it was wonderful it was actually within uh one of our very first dates yeah we got eaten by so many mosquitoes it was ridiculous we decided to come to florida instead the mosquitoes aren't as vicious down here oh the mosquitoes up in ohio this is a beautiful bracelet but i don't see any marker you know what marker i'm seeing jeremy winning still nada same bracelet i mean this looks like it could be gold but unless there's a marking on it and we don't have the right tester for it all right george's entire bag right here one bracelet of silver one watch of gold two two is not bad with all of that over zero two to nothing i'm up next what are you thinking jeremy i thought uh you were going to explore this box change of heart um i just wanted to play with these balls first you're wearing these fancy balls you know what i'm putting those back in and oh it's so warm here in florida right now that i don't even need my hoodie look at this i'm in t-shirts so here we go uh remember who loves me is jesus jesus it no it's jesus see anything there i don't see anything no it's a nice piece it's a nice piece but it doesn't doesn't get me a point okay so it doesn't get me a point set that aside over there now this came from a unit that we paid five dollars for it was a mercy bid and it ended up being a pretty good unit had unwrapped christmas gifts and it came in an unbelievable unit and the best thing was there was a giant safe is the biggest safe we have ever found in a unit it was a back breaking safe we went through this quickly we're gonna spend more time on it now and when we were done we just basically we put everything back in so let's take a look here what do we got here minus all the safe concrete um no that's probably still in here after beating on that thing not bad there's a watch okay now i don't think a little crack on the face can you see what do you see there all i saw was base metal base metal okay so this is the back yeah steel back you can see you see where this is all rubbed away yes so if it was plated then whatever it was plated with it's rubbing away if this was actual gold it wouldn't rub away so no points there you're still beating me you're still beating me two to one but check this out you see this here check out that stop watch oh wow it's a beautiful pocket watch that is that's what i meant a pocket watch but now if i remember correctly now that's winding yeah that's how you wind it up and then this should press there we go now this is a west clock west clock is a pretty collectible name brand as far as timepieces go and can you okay can you hear it ticking right now i know in the background we've got other rvus you know running air conditioning things like that but can you hear it clicking no so usually okay let's see if we can actually do it on us on a pocket watch like this you can unscrew the back you see how it's moving a little bit i see it rotating but i'm going the wrong way it's not it's getting stuck on the way off okay there it goes what we would do is we'd pop this off and we'd see different information back there as far as what the metals were but i'm gonna guess that um just looking at this we already know this is not silver but it would be cool to see what's inside that west clock it is it is worth money let's see what we have in here oh [Music] i remember what's in here now okay i'll set that aside just for fun because you probably you probably rather see this right a charlie wong there's a charlie watch out charlie that idiot you bit me charlie swiss something china china china swiss parts watches assembled all right so we're not seeing anything in regards to gold or silver there but we also have how many other watches here like there's a bunch of watches in here there's a watch synchro quartz the one in the middle is amazon there's a watch bellini look at that there's a watch so there's just five watches just right there so that lotus that's a quartz if we turn it around to the back we see stainless steel [Music] that's what i see on the back stainless steel yeah and then this one if we turn it around stainless steel we'll just turn we'll turn these all around usually these old ones are gold plated it's usually 10 karat gold gold filled gold-plated i don't see anything not even on the lip i hear one of them ticking you see these grooves here that's the uh oh you think it's the other pocket now you see this here with these grooves that's to give us the okay here we go and i'm sure most people know how to get in the back of their watch but that's together we don't have the right tools well this is to give us the turning power to actually get back into this one so we're doing it we are so close you feel like coming off yep i'm also tearing my nail up doing it well i was close well that's how you get in that one i'm not too this is the one that i really want to get in that one i think is worth something and there's no markings here but the markings would be on the inside yeah if you were to look if you were to look through the magnifying glass down on it can you see anything on the face it's usually on the lower part of the face yeah in there i don't see anything nothing no all right we'll look this one up later so i still have officially no points what are you talking about why you always pulling up these weird words that i don't know i just said zero oh okay and then i said zero in in egyptian this is something's written right there hong kong hong kong something's written right there what's that okay but look at that that's money 125 two-year service award but the scalpel the random scalpel absolutely counts we still don't know why this so don't get points for being able to shank anybody one blade sterile one blade it's so weird so so weird you never know when you need to shank someone no you know what i'm pretty sure i know i'm pretty sure i do know when somebody needs shank is it the town bully talk about that later we'll talk about that later here we go here's a calligraphy pin now a lot of times the heads of these are actually sterling so i do see something wrong okay let's take a look and it says schaefer uh-huh wait which one is my better eye for up front you just had lasik surgery i know but one one of my eyes is bionic to see farther and one of my eyes sees better up front and that's how they did it and then the two come together okay so this is my one that sees better clothes so science from schaefer do you see anything that says sterling no it says schaefer made in the usa so it's an old color calligraphy pen and it's a schaefer made in the usa so nothing sterling wise there this could be this could be something here you see how it's all chunky like that for whatever reason they like to make gold like nuggety and chunky like that i've never i've never been a fan of it but i'm not seeing it's not everyone's style i'm not seeing any markings here i do hear ticking like captain hook is coming or the gator is coming for captain hook that's what i hear okay i don't think i don't think that's gold or silver okay let's just do a little oh yeah there's some some of that concrete yeah can't wait to get in here have you found any of my strands of hair yet i've been throwing him off the table the entire time okay this has to count you know why that's silver isn't it that is silver does that count yes all right that is one point for me one point for me this is a 19 silver 24 liberty coin that is a silver coin this should be counting as well you know why because that too is silver that is a silver nickel i'm nickel why was i saying nickel quarter order that's what you like shiny quarter what's that make it right now george does that make a more time right now two to two would you look at that okay i'm tired now if you beat me and you find another gold or silver piece in this pile then we won't need a rematch or will no rematch yeah we would need a rematch we would need to know who's going to win total look at that america right there i think yep there's another one there's another one america cuff links set those aside looks like there's the armband to that piece right there the hong kong one oh man look at this you see that right there now look at this what do you see on the back right down there sterling okay what do you see right here sterling it's a stir silver yes that's three me to you i am finally in the lead time to put you out of your misery look at that i mean put me out of my mind 1913 coin that is silver that's what that's four points for me it's for you what's that right there what does that look like that is um some type of foreign you know what i don't even it's canadian it's 43 43 my guess is it's silver that gives me five points now let's look at this what do you think that is there another pocket watch i'm at five points and come on give me some markings give me something there we go and guaranteed five years five years i don't see let me look here real quick okay langdendorf swiss master seven jewelers one adjustment okay and then that's the back of the cover that's the back i we're gonna have to check this out i don't see a gold marking anywhere that doesn't mean it's not gold but that's got to be worth something that that's got to be checked out okay oh look at that movie movie movie sounds groovy all right there is something there see if i can find any markings i cannot that looks rough that doesn't look like anything oh you see that now do you see that 925. you see it yep that would be one two three four six six points for me right now you know what let's try and up that ante just a little bit you see this here uh-huh what's that say inside it says 10k gold fill gold filled that would be a seventh point that would be six silver points and one gold point even if it is only gold filled still counts okay we got there's a g do you see that yeah i see it now but a g and there's markings in it there's markings in it let me see here and it is you're not gonna believe it what tell me it's not real it's 18 carat no way 18 carat that's right there um there we go we got it 18 karat those are probably little mini diamonds 18 karat right there that's eight points did you just say eight eight and i should get a point for this little thing too that looks pearly looks like a pearl i should get a point for it it's weird these are these are the casino chips a dollar a piece these will sell on ebay somebody will want them no points though no points they're just added keys look at this here see how old that is what's it say another this is a female bulova watch baloba all right anything on the back because i see something that's all you see okay what do you see i see bulova 6118716 and i see you better you better look up top you better look up top right now you got to get in there focus it just so you know i ain't lying you're looking at the bottom not the top okay it's hard to see through the viewfinder and the magnifying glass oh you want me to tell you what it says yes okay let me read it for you because i can read i think you're just making excuses because you don't know how to read it it says 10k rolled gold plated and that would be a point huh good for you that excuse me you get an attitude now that i'm winning after all these times that i've lost now you're getting now i'm thrilled for you oh really really good for you that you can read nine points this was the calculator that was in there set that aside there is wild bill everybody has been asking for this id bracelet whose name was bill oh okay and we know it's not gold so that'll just it'll go it'll go up for auction look at this here or maybe even be a free giveaway you see that there and what that says sterling sterling on the inside yeah that's two four six eight nine two you appreciate ten and i haven't even gotten into this stuff yet ten ten points you know what let's just take a little look over here what do we got smoked right now 1964. okay 1964. i don't remember if there's any silver content in there you know what there is i'm almost positive look at that tiger eye right there in that claw that's pretty cool 12 points there that's neat put that over there and then let's see what we have here we got another ring we lost the setting that definitely looks real can you read it on the inside not yet all right i'll read it for you it says it says [Laughter] it says it's a whole lot easier reading right side up than it is right side down and i'm working with the wrong 10k bam 10k that would be 13. all right here's another one setting is lost and you see it already in there uh-huh you see the markings yeah i see it all right so that would be point number 14. this one is 18k that one's 18. all right let's see what else we got the clark asbestos company it's a nice little knife that knife that will go in your knife lot we'll set that aside key is just random there another random key i'm at 14 points what's the date on that that one has a date of kind of rough 1940-something well it's a point 48 15 15. this one is too rough to even know so we're not gonna count that one oh yeah not that you're ever gonna catch up at this point we've got a bunch of buffalo nickels and if they're not wartime nickels they're not they're not actual silver so these we'll set these aside and then this is a douche land and 1992 we don't know if that is silver or not something draft sigma craft and then what do we got here that looks like it could be silver i do remember finding this but we never saw we never found any markers let me take a look in the magnifying glass really quick okay i'm looking up in the in the class i don't see anything we can't count it okay and then we've got this necklace and it says i see it right there on the clasp it says it says i'm using the wrong eye again korea says korea so this one is not going to be gold so we're going to set that aside this was the old lighter we found that still worked and some of the old lighters had silver and gold in them okay there it is it's a five star made in korea and then this is italy oh look at that right there do you see it already 14k italy can you see it you're not going to see it i see it now okay so that's like i don't know that's like point 50. and then oh we're not even done yet we're not even done yet look at this this is gold from somebody's tooth that's point 16. that's a tooth that is a tooth so that's gold okay and then look at that there see that there and it is um i can see it right now even though we're losing light 10k i see it already 10k yep 10k there's point i don't know 17 18. here's the w for what the hells let's see what's on the back typically we want to look on here i don't see anything on that pin but this will go in your jewelry lot as well there's a big w for the you know what that w is for it's for the wind because i'm killing you you are you're crushing it okay but i'm happy i'm happy for you really now you're happy i'm not a sore loser like someone i know well i won't be losing you know why because this is sterling as well take a look at this one it says sterling on the back it's a pin it's pretty cool pretty detailed that's cool so that's like point that was us shaking hands when uh we agreed to the rematch oh really yeah uh because that's like point i don't know a lot a lot right point a lot okay there's another like tie tack see that there yeah all right let's take a peek here and it says schwein says schwank swank isn't gonna count we're gonna set that one aside this one definitely looks like gold looks like there's three rubies up top i'm gonna take the back off rubies or emeralds uh i saw red but i'm red green color blind what did you say green okay then three emeralds let me see what we got here we have 10k there we go i don't know what point i'm on i just know i'm killing you in this so this is gold right there and that's probably what george said emeralds i lost count but i definitely know that i'm losing here's another tie clip it's about time i finally won a competition i finally won i'm winning it i'm winning it oh you crushed it tie clip right there i ain't even done what you're talking about you're you're not done there's more i got one more don't you try and take this victory away from me i was going to shake your hand you had like 500 victories don't you take this victory away from me all right there is one more coin we don't know if it's silver we could guess that it's silver and we know for sure look at this there's the clasp and here is the necklace and this is without a doubt we don't have to look at this i will just to see the carrot but this is definitely gold it is it is i'll tell you one moment here he's looking very hard so that he can uh brag a little bit it's covering itself pr aren't you tired of losing made and i can see made in okay it's i see the k but i can't tell i see the k it's definitely gold it doesn't matter for once for once or once and look at this we still have all of this left what do you say best out of three best out of three you got yourself a deal on [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 48,074
Rating: 4.910275 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: GyMVB1eOj1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 37sec (2797 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2020
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