Ancient Tech in an Abandoned Castle

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hello and welcome my name's campbell and this is autodidactic channel hope you're all having a spectacular day thanks for joining me and today something different this is a video that was actually sent to me by a subscriber so thank you very much i actually somehow i've lost the email so i'm not sure who sent it to me but um thank you and thank you to everyone who does send me stuff i do try and get to it all and i'm gonna make a bit more of an effort to um to show you know make videos and sort of show the information that is being sent to me and so today what we have is a video called the incredible abandoned 17th century castle in france full of historical treasures and this place um has some pretty cool stuff in it so i'm just going to flip through show you a few bits and pieces and of course the link will be below in the description so make sure you do check out the whole video and yeah let's jump into it [Music] so here we have the video uh this is by explomo so i'll leave the link to this below in the description so you can check out because the whole video is it's like an hour hour 52 and it's worth a look this is just one shot i'll go through some of this does this look familiar to you i have covered this on previous videos or you know devices that are very similar and look at the back here we have twin columns and they're clearly um they look electrical they look like um are they fuses the old um the old type of fuse i forgot what they're called but yeah and of course all these other bits all you know copper very well made things so let's have a look at this incredible abandoned 17th century castle in france and i just want to point out here if you look at the ground you can see that there this is clearly you know it's all overgrown but we can still see the geometry in the ground that's of course the whole castle what they're calling the castle and there that shot there too see this um and see the shape you know the half circle the corners we see that shape everywhere they use it a lot for gardens and for fountains and things but you know the imprint is still there and there was no doubt something here you know you can see this is the borders and so here are the guys that are making the video and they are inside this house and just check out this um ornate balustrade made of metal wrought iron as they call it and of course we have all these you know technasmia shapes and designs built into it we have the knob here if you can see that standing up it's got a little ball on top of it so this looks very you know antiquity as well let's hear what they've got to say of all it's so interesting it's a huge property there are so many rooms plenty of antiques historic artifacts you are surely gonna love it and we try to dig into the history a little bit find out about the story about the people who lived there and apparently the lost residents actually were german people before that there was a french family of mr vinson i'm not going to say the surname to protect this property from any death any vandalism it's absolutely amazing and as you can see i'm not with raymond today but i'm companies with another friend exploring me arnott check him out we've been friends since the very beginning he's been showing me around and now i'm showing him around in france and yeah it's time for an awesome explorer so let's start and let's begin that the main door of this huge castle and now it's just been blocked by lawn mires gardening equipment and it's barricaded with a big wooden bar this is actually the first room have a look yeah so check out this room look at this uh the artwork the inlaying on this billiard table i mean it looks like it's even might have some iron on the feet there um just a nice piece all these you know candle candelabra things uh look like they're iron as well and uh he's going to show us now this um this wheel device which we are not quite sure what it is and neither is he and then i saw these things and i started thinking thinking over thinking like what can it be we think it has to do something with the time with the sun maybe else with astrology i mean it's literally all over the place look over here there seems to be iron things inside as well a mouse trap there is another device over here and this looks like a clock it could turn around you could also spin it over here so if anyone knows what this might have been then leave it down in the comment section please because i would love to learn more about it but i think it definitely was something with science and with the sun there you go what do you think um we've looked at these before this is the second one um like i said this seems to have you know some electrical componenty type things um these these these have got batteries um they've got like you know the cathodes going into them all the anodes um and yeah it looks like they're wired up in a series of four batteries that's what that looks like somewhere to store the energy maybe that this made because they've both got handles obviously you crank them and you know that could be a way you know who knows they could be generators they could be generating from you know etheric energy or it could be mechanical energy um as far as a clock i'm not sure i think he thought this that because of this you know this pointer but this is i mean it looks like it's one bar rather than you know an hours and a second that are separate it looks like one pointer and that's just like a north and south so it may be to do with polarities and also we've got these these uh nails which are metal which of course have got to do with you know magnetism and polarities as well and also also um to do with you know collecting etheric energy if you think about organite and having different types of materials next to each other that generate energy too and as far as these lines there's 28 of them so that doesn't seem to you know apply to our clocks or time cycles who knows maybe we had 28 hour days who knows but that to me looks like a an electromagnetic device for generating energy this looks like where you store the energy this looks like just you know a smaller version of this maybe these are batteries i'm not sure could be you know a portable device and then this thing at the end this thing here uh what do we think this is obviously we've got a sphere here elevated to this uh so it's at the midpoint you know the um the vertical i'm sorry the horizontal looks to be in line with this you know the horizontal of this this spinning wheel uh it's got this little bit now you see this and i've got there is a video i've done on this um i'll link it at the end or and in the description and this you know with this little bit coming off you know this is the thing if you take this wheel off you could then try and convince people oh no this is this is the earth and this is the moon and it's to do with you know spheres and things and spherical earth because there's there's all these globes out there but they're not um they're not solid they're just you know they're like the astrological globes you see with different um you know horizons and horizontals and verticals and things but this this looks very techy to me of course this is going to spin so that's some kind of generator maybe i'm not sure what this caliper down here is but you know there may be a piece of the tech missing um but yeah what do you think that is is this you know this is also obviously you know this is a sphere and we see these spheres everywhere is it full of mercury or something and again to do with magnetism leave your comments below [Music] oh [Music] and also a bit of a different view here look at this so we've got two wheels um which could be acting as flywheels as well as you know the spin and then we have this at the back glass tube not sure um what is that i don't know some kind of fuse maybe i don't know um okay to buy a ball of course and then we have this another ball hanging off and this you know so you know if if these were magnets um and this was metal you know you could by spinning that you could generate magnetic you know electricity or magnetic energy and yeah i don't know maybe they're somehow converting it into electrical energy and storing it in here leave your comments below wonderful marble stove over here you can tell they've used the stove a lot there are still traces of ash and also traces of burning right in the center and look actually in the inner side on the iron plate it's a night's head with a line on top still the tools for the fireplace a shovel another tiny shovel and here's a fireplace uh of course a lot of speculation about fireplaces now this one here doesn't look too ornate but you can see um these two pillars these you know the twin pillars maybe but you see this in a lot of the old fireplaces you know the original ones that you have these on each side i'm not sure if they're connected i think this is the grill so i don't think they're connected maybe they are uh but but this is just a feature you see and these plates at the back uh these are metal obviously you can see it's very ornate and you know they say that's there to sort of help radiate heat you know it heats up and radiates heat but when you look at the old ones and the old picks and and the ones that are still you know haven't been touched this iron seems to go up and across and cover the chimney hatch you know so again this is clearly being used as a fireplace but is that what it was intended as originally there are still traces of ash and also traces of burning right in the center nice shell actually in the inner side from the iron blade it's a night's head with a line on top still the tools for the fireplace a shovel another tiny shovel actually curious if there's also a bellows but and also yes there's a side note someone mentioned i can't remember who it was um sorry um you know these tools that you know the traditional type of fire tools that are hanging up um you know you get like the the tongs and and you get a poker and the pokers most of them seem to have a funny end on them and uh someone mentioned that it looks like a key um you know the end of the of the poker so i don't know just a side note there and if you are sitting in your chair right now watching this video and probably thinking how can people walk away from this and leave it all behind well likewise do i feel it's so utterly sad there's people in the world who are not that wealthy and maybe you're poor or hungry starving hungry and then there's people in the world who have that much money to just leave the property behind like this just do nothing with it i mean make a homeless shelter out of it sell the antiques give it a new purpose or just restore it back to its former glory but often money is the issue and that's very sad castles like this often raise the awareness to me that life is not a permanent value this was once one of the most important buildings in this french town and now it just lies there neglected and forgotten and have a look at the beautiful beautiful staircase and stair hall over here a lot of books there wow the mint green banister the cobwebs in between literally everywhere so you can see the little ball up on the top here i mean you know this is a dome i actually showed a picture recently i can't remember where but it showed like a dome that they pulled out of the ground and it had actually a big bit coming down off it so you know is that is that tech what's off this over here i'm not sure but i think those are some old photos oh luke wow some beautiful prints all of them actually like tiny glass blades inside wow look at all the documents over here it seems that they are dated from centuries ago okay i'm gonna just grab one out to give you an idea of what the documents actually look like i wanna do this carefully for example this oh my gosh no way okay the first letter i literally grabbed it's dated from the year 70 44 70 44. no way you can still see the old stamp over here apparently back in these days there was a baron living here there's a very important person in that time and this was the person who was living inside of this castle the boron's name was jean-baptiste at least that's the name which is on the letter here written okay now i really want to grab another letter because this was totally unexpected and yet i want to do it very very carefully again let's see no way no way this letter it's from 16 21 and this is literally dedicated to the people who live there have a look at the writing only okay so who lives in france we need to get into this place i mean um can anyone read that um you know if you go through this i don't know if you can if you can read french or if that's if it's old french or whatever it is um but yeah how's that documents sixteen hundreds just sitting there in this house um rotting so how many other houses around are there just like this one you know full of old stuff full of what we're looking for but just sitting there and no one knows about them so uh you know if you know of any abandoned you know places around you um yeah get out there with a camera and do some exploring i cannot even relate what it's written there i can speak a little french but this is just unreadable i cannot believe that it's so well preserved it's almost 400 years 400 years okay i'm not sure if this is real but right over here it's saying 1 4 9 5 1495. that's the half of a millennium and these huge books it's actually about french parks and gardens but it's still closed i'm keeping it like that to be honest however i think i can open this one huge stories i even see the 11th century in here written and it's all about churches and religious things yet another wonderful chandelier wow that's literally the only word i can say wow so there's another fireplace and as you can see again we've got these twin pillars of twin bits and you know always the orbs and bits and the ornateness and again another one of these you know what they tell us about these heat plates uh in the background but again as well you know this is all marble and stuff and above it there's mirrors and you know there's often artwork above these five places and is that really where you put artwork above a heat source and and all this nice ornate marble because you can see what the heat does to it it makes it look crap um so yeah again fireplaces what are they really actually right behind here there were some very very old dictionaries most of them are from the 19th century as you can see over here incredible so many historic books and just want to zoom in on the dictionary actually it was one set and each set started with a specific letter so it went from a b c d e f g h k all the way to t up to when including z so still the complete set is present and it was even a supplement it's just left like it used to be right over here immediately a sewing machine and not a singer but this is a fluff the cover is on top it seems to be stuck the sewing machine is still there but i think it's locked on this side yeah there is a lock so unfortunately i cannot reveal the cover of it where again beautiful french clock and actually have a look over here it looks like this table is folding so yeah you can bend it open and it's i think this was for card playing games or poker maybe then over here there is also a beautiful secretary desk again many different compartments but they seem to be empty there's also this little bust looks like it was from a child i mean there's again so many details over here if you really start focusing on all the details it's literally incredible how somebody could even think about making and creating something like this back in the past oh look at this device i'm not completely certain about it but i think it had to do something with electricity you can also see the wires over here like a little generator or something with anode and cathode i think it was something like that firstly there was yet another cabinets what damn my gosh look at these books they're all about science my gosh complete collection they are probably all most of them are from the 15th and the 16th century it is saying right over here my gosh this is also truly truly old paperwork it needs to be restored just put in a museum even some clopadias like my gosh that's unbelievable really so there you go guys hope you enjoyed that one and again i'll leave the link better to explore mo so do jump across and hit the subscribe button because he's got some pretty cool content and um when you do let him know that i sent you let him know that auto sent you and maybe that way he might see some of our videos and what we're talking about and he might be able to you know he might link it up because all these explorers are going into these places but they're not going into them looking at them as we would look at them so it'd be good to get some of these people that are out there doing it anyway you know looking you know from from the perspective that uh history may not be what they think it is and you know especially getting into old mud flutters and things like that so there you go i hope you enjoyed that one guys that was pretty amazing hey and like i said there's there must be other places like this out there so you know if they're around you or there's a possibility that something like this is near you then um yeah get out there and check it out get some footage and let us let us all have a look and so thanks for spending some time with me again also thank you to everyone who supports this channel in whichever way you can by liking sharing the content because obviously we are being shadow banned by youtube and of course thank you to everyone who does support me on paypal patreon and my merch store and there's links below if you would like to help out and there's also a link for bitcoin now i am accepting bitcoin if you are in that arena so there you go guys um have an amazing day stay awesome because you are and i'll talk to you all on the next upload bye for now
Channel: AutoDidactic 2
Views: 69,575
Rating: 4.8848262 out of 5
Keywords: tartary, tartaria, tartarian, mud, flood, star, fort, his-story, history, alternative, chronology, reset, old, world, Explomo, jon levi, autodidactic
Id: PnnF5FO7110
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 27sec (1647 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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