DEAD PEOPLES Things For Sale ... Bought Jewelry Hoarders Stash

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and now we wait today we're on another treasure hunt there are so many opportunities everywhere anywhere and everywhere in florida to find treasure we're gonna hit up the thrift stores we're gonna see if we can hit up any other places as well on the way and see how much money we can make today if you're not subscribed make sure you subscribe and hit that all bell notification so you know every time we upload a video and every time we go live [Music] location number one here we go strikeout number one uh-oh looks like there could be some really good stuff in there too we'll have to come back here another day the best part about florida there is something for sale everywhere i just had to pull over on the side of the road wait until you see this i love it check out this old ford man alive old ford truck obviously restored registration is in there oh my goodness there's the mileage wow wow wow wow check out the back the tailgate man i don't even know what i could put in a truck like that anymore it's just it's beautiful it's absolutely beautiful completely restored i'm sure we can take a peek at the the engine too oh yeah boy simpler times simpler days for sure how cool is that let's see how do you get in how do you get in um that i'm not sure of but i know it's cool man it's absolutely beautiful all right i got a good feeling about this one giant goodwill in a mall complex gotta be good you know you hit it big on youtube when you have a whole toy line come out with your name right there and it's already in goodwill can you believe that i love the toy bins i had to dig deep check this out here's a lego set lego friends uh ages 5 to 12. it's brand new box has a little bit of damage a stephanie asking a buck 18. i think because it's lego that's a good one look at this here's disney princess 2.98 [Music] i'm gonna pass on that one i think i just found the perfect thing for our live stream background in florida you gotta check this out it's awesome look at that look at this now penguins dolphins i just love it there's there's a walrus um there's a dolphin with a mechanic tail there's a manatee that's my spirit animal right there that's my spirit animal combined with with walrus and um maybe oh there's there's georgia's spirit animal right there shark attack so i don't know i was thinking maybe if we got a net or something we could put these behind in a live stream i've not seen any prices on them there's even a orca just found this rubber snake three bucks 299 but i thought it might just be absolutely incredible to set up as a prank for george maybe set it by the camper i don't know maybe in the new house on the ranch let's see what happens i thought charades was always for adults i didn't know huh triple x version uh i wear double x so this is gonna be one size too big for me check this out in the t-shirt section oh my goodness it comes with a cape it literally comes with a cape it's velcroed okay originally at the party shop 24.99 here brand new with the tags it is 2.99 i think this is a given it's going in i can't believe it she gave me the whole tote for two dollars look at that there's a sturgeon look at that sturgeon with jaw grip right there and i get a little crab i mean i could take these oh there's a big crab i could take these home to ohio but i think oh there we go oh that's that's that's somebody's spirit animal a bi polar bear at an estate sale just bought this table and everything on that table it's already being boxed up so we did a bulk deal 75 dollars so there's all the costume jewelry you like right be able to make some money off of the ones you don't yeah hopefully this is everything i just got obviously i didn't buy it for free but there was an old timex that is here's a i'm telling you there was an old timex in here i saw i got all the watches here's the i got all the watches i got all the jewelry 75 bucks this jewelry find was so good i had to get back to the camper i've got to look through it i'm going to try and figure out how much money they were asking for it all remember they gave it to me for 75 but that wasn't the best thing i found on this trip this right here is the best thing i found on this trip and george is in here right now coming back soon i'm gonna put this bad boy in the toilet in the camper let's find out what the hell happens i figured it out looking at each and every one of these price tags they they had them everywhere like pins trays ten dollars they were asking well hello there you beautiful people they were asking a total of 220 dollars for all of this time to dig in and see what we actually got for our 75 dollar purchase here we go let's take a peek we've got our first item right here look there's the six dollar price tag right there we got the tassel and everything okay these are the watches now i saw these and i thought for 75 dollars the watches alone were going to be worth it i saw an old timex and let's see what we have here okay this is an elgin right here this one here is an elgin i'm going to move that off to the side there are more watches wait not yeah elgin this is an old quartz and base is [Music] it's going to be stainless steel belgian yep yep that one's an old elgin so probably just in watches we have our purchase price of 75 now this one is a timex water resistant old timex and how does that one latch any idea how that latches stainless steel all right beautiful old timex i don't think it latches i think it just went on with the expanda ex we'll just call it the expanda band so there's the timex and then here we have uh oh the back look at that the back is missing all right the back is missing but i still think you know somebody might buy it for the band here so we've got three watches to start that's a pretty good start i'm gonna set those aside let's see oh here's more watches here is more watches right here so they had most of this stuff they had most of this stuff in egg cartons which obviously i i like the incredible edible egg uh this one now this box actually fell everywhere there's another six dollar price tag this box fell everywhere so i had to throw it back in but let's see what we have here we have a ltd i think that's a limited there's a limited right there so there's another one we have it's getting a little difficult to read upside down i i think it's called a total dojo tojo something like that i think that's a female watch we have a quartz right here an older quartz and that's the advance per something all right there's a quartz there here is b-e-u-r-u-s beerus i'm sure i'm going to say it wrong it looks like it's gold-plated let's look at the back here stainless steel stainless steel i'm not seeing any gp or gf or gold plated or gold filled but there's a bearish right there and then look at this here we have we have for ourselves a handy dandy stopwatch my country tis of the sweet land of liberty of the uh sing limited edition commemorative quartz right there kind of a nice one there and then statue of liberty and then bam limited edition quartz that's pr that might be worth this one right here might be worth the actual purchase price of it all check out the eagle on the back pretty sweet there that's cool okay so for the watches just for the watches and there might be oh wait there's more there are more here i just saw more i'm sorry here's another total it's another quartz i think it's total teo or maybe it's t-o-z-a-i tosi toesy so there's another toesie again looks like it could have been plated but i'm not seeing anything it was probably plated with something just not what i was hoping for gold and then there is okay we're gonna have to we're gonna have to cheat on this one try and see what we got here it is this is a citizen all right there you go guys you guys know citizen watches can be really collectible as well there is an old citizen watch base metal japan base metal yp all right this looks like that looks like all of the watches double check yep i think we got them all one more egg carton right here and again you can see the six dollar sticker they had six dollars on just about everything and i pulled another one here that one was six dollars too you can see that so let's go through this one first let's see what we have we've got i'm hoping for some gold and silver there are some earrings here is some more designer earrings again these are going to kind of be costume jewelry i love how you love me that's for you guys you know what this pin is for all of you guys we appreciate your love and your support so much there's another earring missing it's missing its match and that looks like it's probably a belt buckle loop check this out look at this all right this is that's a buoy with a sailboat now that that's pretty cool and that oh wait oh you know what this was this was the stopwatch they were asking 12 bucks for the stopwatch that's for a stopwatch now we know what that was for okay we'll move those over to here let's move this in and oh that looks good okay let's see what this is first this is a charlotte pcc pin i'm not sure what a charlotte pcc pin is but that is what that is and this i think i'm seeing silver i actually think i'm seeing silver and there is another sticker right there six dollar sticker there's a heart and i thought this was silver i thought i saw you know aspects of silver but now that i really have it nobody's gonna paint silver over like that so that's not so that's gonna be good too okay here oh there's another set of earrings right there that looks like that might go and here's an omni omni looks like it was plated with something looks like it was plated at some point with gold maybe not marked but i'm gonna put that with the watches i got a back for an earring there there is an oh that's a pin look at that there that's actually a pin that's an anchor and i think we have actually we have a lot of pins i think that came in all of this this was just an awesome awesome buy and then here is wait i was gonna think it was an earring but it is not an earring it is actually another pin i don't i don't think it's real i did see because a lot of this fell so i'm checking this right now a lot of this fell in the truck when i did a turn a lot of it got mixed up which shouldn't be too hard to get it all back together all right let's set that back right there let's check these out here we go i like it already there is a three i didn't even see that three dollar price tag so now we are over 220 this looks like that is oh it's a golf bag these are golf bag cufflinks check that out golf bag cufflinks with golf ball backs okay so golf ball backs golf ball bag cufflinks here are baseball mitt cufflinks that is cool that is really cool i don't see any gold markings yet that doesn't mean it's not there and then there is a golf pin if i can actually get it there we go there's a golf pin right there that's pretty cool let's check the back for gold i'm not seeing anything there but a little golf and a little baseball that goes a long ways let's set that over there let's open this up let's see what we have in here oh this is what i thought was maybe gold if we got gold what is that it says diamond cut diamond cut i just don't know what it is yet though these are cuff links matching cufflinks i don't think those are cut diamonds and then there is a matching tie tack let's take the tie tack out see is there any identifying markers on it see how that shines and maybe something here okay not seeing anything that says gold which is which is you know we obviously we want gold but it doesn't mean you're always going to get gold it doesn't matter because we're not done searching it all there's a whole lot more to find here look at this box of surprises now this one was filled with bracelets obviously 12 dollars for bracelets or what you know what let's just set that one this round holy cow that one let me peek let me peek oh my goodness okay i'm gonna set that one aside we're gonna bring this one back okay and we'll get to that one so this one obviously was bracelets we've got all kinds of bracelets this looks like one of those copper bracelets let's see what else we have here there's that is a clip-on earring bracelets costume jewelry bracelets i think there's gonna be some really good stuff in here i think this is one of those copper ones you know you got the the area right there supposed to do something i don't know help your pulse or something crazy like that i doubt that it actually works but there's a wooden one these are pretty good okay so those are bracelets let's see what's in here what do we oh my goodness what do we have in here okay this is another charlotte ppg again not sure what that is and then we have there is there's the christian fish uh that is a money holder there there's a 30 year holder we've got 25 year tie tie-tac but there's nothing in there there's a bunch of pins in here though okay more than gold there's a pin right there says more than gold must be gold and silver would be my guess there is a president ford pin wow there's a blast from the past let's see if we can find a year on it you guys look at president ford and the president ford committee james a baker the third chairman this is all on the on the edge something about the treasure okay president ford there here's a tie clip oh wow wow wow look at that look at that how cool it looks like it's all the presidential buildings okay some other cool stuff in here here's another tie clip that is a baseball bat and a baseball that's pretty awesome and then reagan our main man reagan for president right there so we've got some presidential buttons as well there's another more than gold pin so we have one sealed then we have this one let's see gold doesn't look like it's gold so it says it's more than gold but unfortunately there's no gold in it that's not good uh there's another charlotte ppg pin again let's just open one wait no wait this might be one right here no that's bank of america usa like never before us olympics uh 2000 to 2004 official sponsor of the us olympics so there's an olympic pin let's open this one let's see let's see what it actually looks like there we go the charlotte pc pcc gold it is stamped okay it is stamped let's take a look all right it is stamped let's see come on come on and 100 made in the usa union made metal that's what it says 100 usa union made metal and here is the back to that watch we found boom boom boom boom all right i'm gonna set that aside for that watch there's another tie clip let's see if we have gold we'll see any markings there uh here is another type there's a unicorn there's a unicorn on this tie clip no joke that that is a unicorn see that there see the horn that is a unicorn absolutely i guess i never thought i'd see a tie clip on a unicorn here is a giant k there's a giant k and there's america america pin there is the christian fish and cross pin as well man there's a lot of everything in here there is another american eagle this is a tie clip this is by hickok that is by hickok right there we saw a lot of that the last time this is swank all right let's see what we got with the swank here this is looking swanky cbk swank and then we even got a nice dirty rusty penny still can't wait to get in here it's got almost my first name on it h-a-l-s hailstone but uh maybe maybe it stands for a ton of hail stuff there's some gonna be some good stuff here okay let's look at this first here's another sticker six dollars and we know they were asking over 225 for all this we got it for the bulk deal let's set those aside i basically just went in oh another watch i went in and i said how much do you want for it all and i was gonna start the offer at a hundred dollars and she said how much are you thinking i said i was going to ask you the same thing and she said 75 bucks and i didn't even flinch i just said yeah i could have said 50 and she probably would have said yes but i just went ahead with the 75 so there's another watch that'll go with the other watch this is some really cool look at that really really cool costume jewelry look at that piece there that's like looks like an egyptian piece that george would wear potentially potentially she doesn't wear anything that is not silver because everything else is an uh allergic or an allergen to her body so i can't get that undone but that's a pretty cool piece right there as well another necklace here's another necklace again looks like something maybe an egyptian would wear a little paintings on it everybody always asks why doesn't george keep all of the jewelry well number one she's allergic to it number two she's not a big fan of jewelry number three we don't make money if we keep things have to sell it or you are not making any money at all look at this this is all tangled can't make money by keeping stuff the goal is always to get rid of it okay and that'd be like me saying you work for walmart why don't you buy everything in walmart why don't you take it all home with you and you go oh well that would be stealing and i can't afford it and it's the exact same thing um it all has to be sold so that we can pay bills this is a beautiful piece i thought i saw i thought i saw gold carrot there look at that little acorn on the end awesome but i guess i guess it's not an acorn okay there's another beautiful necklace there cool stuff here i'm gonna go i'm just gonna say that one's garbage that's junk here's another watch this is an old quartz again we got our money back just in the watches easily another watch so now we've got two obviously way more than that and everything that we bought check this out there is some kind of crazy show and somebody glued something into there so maybe that was just for putting jewelry in at the end of the day it's a nice big piece beautiful piece there and there is the other earring with the buoy and the ship and then not only that buoy but look at this boo-yee kind of a flower pattern heart thing going on here kind of cool earring we saw this earlier we didn't see this could be could be maybe maybe silver okay here's another watch right here man where did these watches keep coming from coming out everywhere this is base metal this is faded glory that's a faded glory watch and then we do have we have some more earrings here so a couple more earrings so once stuck up in here we'll find the matches all the matches were there i just i dumped them accidentally in the truck and they went every oh my goodness look at all these look at all of the there okay there's a unicorn that goes with the this goes with the tie clip so there's a unicorn there's the k that goes with the tie clip and there's a horse these are all well you know what they are the cufflinks i don't think we saw one for that there's another america and not sure it says patent pending i'm not sure what that one represents that might be special olympics not sure on that one some of you guys might know there's another tie clip golf so there's a lot of his and her jewelry in here there's something written in here see if we can figure it out hiccup all right this is hickok and there's more k and then look at these these are pretty elaborate look at that those are those are those are what they are those are cufflinks it's pretty crazy huh okay so a lot of tie clips a lot of cufflinks what do we have here here's another you know what there's another three dollars that i didn't see before so we'll set that aside and then let's see what we have in there is a there's a ram kind of looks like a pokemon aries aries march 12th april 20th so this is an aries necklace apparently and i just mixed all this stuff up unfortunately there's another there's another club right there there is a duck okay so we got duck cuff links check that out that is cool and then there's a crown in the middle of here there's a crown in this tie tack let's see any markings very cool tie tack and there is another oh that's okay that is tie tack as well so lots of good stuff all right let's get into this one and then we got to go put a snake in the butt in the toilet there it is there it is and all of its glare we've got so much to look at and bam okay look at all this i think there's some potential some real gold in here some really cool stuff look at this look at that that's a a broach a pin what do you want to call it a broach okay you can call it a broach if you want to call it a broach you call it a broach it's your world we're just living in it so it's a broach i can't even get it sealed so there's that there's another olympic that is i can't tell what year that is another olympic pin and that look at that we found this is the match to the other one that we found right there so there is another pin here's another pin or again broach do your hanging dangly low does it wobble to and fro that's a little weird there awkward there's another brooch right there again not seeing any markings right now doesn't mean that there isn't any earring set that aside there another earring oh this one's going to be good this one is i love it those are brooches check those out or pins whatever you want to call them i don't care what you call them as long as you call them something all right we've got some more earrings right there and what would that be i think that's a clip-on earring i think i'm pretty sure that would clip on in the back i've never really seen it you gotta have a big ear but boom and here is another pin and then oh another freaky dukey pen this reminds me of the freaky deaky dolls if i can get it in my big old hands there we go and another one does that match one maybe i don't know and remember some costume jewelry is worth well well well more than gold and silver jewelry oh i love it i love the nautical theme so that's why we jumped all over this for the price that it was that's a nice pin right there right there and then a little bit more earrings it looks like yeah another earring so what they did is they they bent all the backs down there's another earring and i think the match is probably oh we found that match earlier we did find that match earlier and then there's this which that's that's a clip-on and we got a couple more looks like we got a couple more that's a clip-on and then this that's a beautiful that's a beautiful pin right there all right it's time to go get that snake in the toilet and see what happens just a little bit of prep work since you all got her so scared about snakes even though we haven't seen a single snake yet this should be a lot of fun [Laughter] and now we wait [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 43,935
Rating: 4.906404 out of 5
Keywords: found jewelry, jewelry hoarder, jewelry stash
Id: zB0ujI1oUHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 20sec (2000 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2021
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