HOARDER HORROR SHOW! Bought a nasty unit for $1,700 at an abandoned storage auction. What's inside?

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i'm bidding on a unit let me show you what i'm bidding on it's an online auction look at this it's a horror show this is a nightmare on livermore street the fact that i want to know what's in there means to me that i think the world wants to know what's in there oh my goodness this is locker nuts right here oh my goodness what did i do guys i hope i hope you're gonna i hope you're gonna stay with me and be with me to to get through this so i have to be by myself because it's kind of scary i said so what's the story here did the guy die she said yeah yep he passed away all right let's go is that what we got here we have a little bit of hoarder tendencies here uh oh i found money guys not the kind of money we need to find parker brothers this looks like an old atari game gotta look in every little nick and cranny oh my goodness all right what's up locker nuts i'm bidding on a unit let me show you what i'm bidding on this an online auction it's closed in just a few minutes i've got the high bid at 1200 literally when i intended to start filming it was like at 300 and something and it's gone up that much in the last five minutes last night was at 30 this morning's at 1 30 and right now to 1200 which is just stupid money stupid money i mean i don't even know why i'm doing it look at the photos here i'm gonna show you a few more photos look at this it's a horror show this is a nightmare on livermore street okay this is uh looks really really scary which is why i gotta have it all right i gotta have it when i see a locker like that i say i gotta know what's in it look at this right here this old trunk and what's that little wood wood thing right there maybe a barrel maybe a treasure chest i don't know where are we at oh i don't have the high bid anymore oops definitely don't want to do that i really thought thousand would have been crazy crazy on this one all right a couple minutes later and this is uh yeah this is getting pretty high all right no no doubt about that i certainly don't like wasting 16. it's 1600 plus 15 all right so plus i'm gonna rent this one 250 dollars to rent it for a month well now it's at 1700. the fact that i want to know what's in there means to me that i think the world wants to know what's in there and together we're gonna go on this adventure and find out if i win this i'm not out let's keep going coming down to it here guys we got what 20 seconds now 20 seconds hopefully i don't regret that we're gonna find out in the next coming uh you know i don't know a couple days a week i don't know when i'll get to this one but i'm gonna run down there right now as soon as i win this and it does appear that i just want it let's wait for the confirmation it's gonna it's gonna do something here up and then my email just came in congrats you've won yeah looks like the paid invoice just came through that means my fees are paid and i'ma head to the facility and pay the other part which is the whopping 1700. they only take cash dang it all right locker nuts we're here look at this right by the freeway unfortunately cause we're gonna have a lot of background noise but boom got it got it got it yes yours feels so good let me show you something real quick this is a great sign right here do you see that that's a cobweb on the outside so this thing has definitely not been open in a while the spiders work pretty fast but still i like it it's like a security system knowing that no one's broke in here recently but the inside we know is a lot dustier and a lot more cobwebs all right look at this i i've never even opened it you know that means i never even opened it i didn't even peek when the manager took the lock off i've been waiting for you guys i was waiting you ready now that you're here let's go you ready let's open this thing all right here we go oh my goodness it looks scarier in person oh what did i do what did i do oh i'm locking that to you i am locking it this is locker nuts right here oh my goodness there is so much stuff here definitely this has been sitting for a very long time do you see all of this do you see all this that's crazy there's so much dust so much dirt and so many cobwebs we're definitely going to be coming across some spiders in here i hope they play nice honestly guys i don't see anything in here that's like jumping out at me like oh yes this is why i spent seventeen hundred dollars plus 250 on fees all right but look at i mean these old electronics cool hitachi all right these tube tvs not so cool i know there's a little bit of a market for them but not too much one of the reasons why i was comfortable buying this honestly is because not far from here there's a recycle place for electronics and metal so we can drop that off for free they'll take it and i see a lot of electronics here some of this stuff will be good so it won't but at least i know i have an easy quick close way to dispose of it uh i was just saying i need a couple more garbage cans there's two right there and look at that there's another garbage can base right there at the wheels that's awesome i see some paint there's also a disposal place actually closer than the electronics disposal place so yeah oh geez look at this one two three four five tvs six tvs minimum six tvs what did i do guys i hope i hope you're gonna i hope you're gonna stay with me and be with me to to get through this so i don't have to be by myself because it's kind of scary this is this is kind of scary you know i'm just playing right it's not that scary it's actually i'm excited this kind of stuff excites me dust cobwebs exciting but here's another wrinkle okay here's something that i just learned upon getting here i actually called the office here and tried to fill them out for some information she wasn't having it she's like i can't tell you anything all i can tell you is that it's been here a long time well no they're the dusty goblins are telling more of that story than she was but when i got here and paid then she's like i said so what's the story here did the guy die she said yeah yep he passed away i don't know how long ago i probably need to go ask her if they want the photos back i'll save them to the side just to be safe in case there's family that wants to come and retrieve them the amount of stuff i say this has got to been here ten years untouched all right cobwebs right in the front there's no way anyone got up in here no way no way what's the deal here is this a collector is this just a hoarder is this just some eccentric person or is this just all garbage but i don't know but the rent here current rent is 250 a month so my thinking go ahead see if you track with me guys my thinking is 250 a month someone paid this for 10 years they paid a lot of money to store this stuff so i don't think it's all junk that's my gut someone's telling me this one there's going to be something good in here let's see let's see if there is all right you know what i'm going to strap on the gopro and let's start digging i'm going to start with getting the tvs out we'll do an electronics run we'll start making a dent all right let's get started i'm excited how about you you know it's serious when i'm putting my gloves on i don't usually wear gloves i really do not like to use gloves plus it makes it hard to operate cameras and such but this one oh i tell you i am tempted just to go in it with the bare skin just so you can show you my hands at the end of the day this freeway is going to be kind of a nuisance and i'm sorry for the noise i would definitely prefer to be down there somewhere where it's less less noise but we'll do our best guys we'll do our best all right well where do we even start i don't know where to start i'm overwhelmed all right let's go so much dust and cobwebs you see why i took the truck today right i didn't want to put this stuff in my van i still baby the van a bit hey there's a little chair cushion let's try this right you ready oh wow what's in here come on treasures come on priceless treasures photo i think this guy's maybe a little bit of a hoarder maybe this is a part for a am fm tuner but it's broken it's off the inside and he kept that oh oh guys you know what i start to think right away porter porter feelings right now is that what we got here we have a little bit of hoarder tendencies here uh oh i see a lot of miscellaneous stuff kind of hoarders there's a little dice derby cup that's cool it's older stuff i see a lot of older stuff it's a neat old stein right here that's chipped this is gonna be a junkie locker not that we didn't already know that from looking at it but all right first box is already give me a little peeks in here this is this pretty crusty pottery wheel workshop all right a little pottery wheel that's neat trying to sound positive here's some seashells lots of nuts and bolts here what's this grime salt oh okay for like cooking oh boy lots of stuff lots of little circuit boards and parts and doohickeys there's so much random stuff in here there's a little eight-track stereo wd-40 there's some wd-40 in there here's a bullet some monopoly money i found money guys not the kind of money we need to find but i did find money technically technically vintage monopoly pieces money not much value there but i'll put it aside because i might be stretched on this one to get my money back 1700 bucks invested in the nanny i see a coin down here i can't get it with the gloves no it's plastic or something shells coin game got kind of excited for secondary well that was that box is kind of a bust got a little wd-40 all right it's got some it's got some juice in it all right look at that tv it's a little container for jasmine tea an old tin it's actually pretty nice i might take that to the vintage market look at this unitec portable mini tv clock radio wow that's actually kind of neat i wish i had the top to it parker brothers this looks like an old atari game and we think if we have some vintage video games in here that'd be that would be a good thing indeed oh fleetwood huh it's an eight-track car stereo oh there's where the e-track goes that's cool put that aside [Music] that's neat that's old spotlight right here that's a pretty cool piece i'm realizing that i'm woefully unprepared for today and you know why because i ran out the house as soon as i paid i was out the door last month at this place there was this one unit that i was watching it sold it went higher than i was willing to pay so i let it go but it went back up for auction this month so what i was thinking on this one i was thinking it looked like it could have been the same owner actually but i was like man i want to get down here and pay just before it gets canceled again don't know what what happened with the other one when i came back up but i just want to make sure that i secure this one that is why i ran down here i kind of left without grabbing some of my essentials like i didn't have my magnet mount for my gopro that i usually like to have i didn't bring boxes to transfer stuff to so not super super well prepared today i hope that wasn't expensive so yeah not totally well prepared today but next time i will bring more stuff there's a battery out there i'll get that dealt with properly that can't go in the trash these books aren't going to be high value books here i can pretty much guarantee that international guide to stamps and stamp collecting fortran self-taught okay well you know what what's that that's a programming language isn't it fortran so maybe this guy's a programmer and that could be good maybe we'll find some vintage computers too this is metal they do take metal recycling there so it's electronics and metal general electric uh walkie-talkie those batteries don't look so good not so good starting a unit that's this packed is often problematic because it's like where do you start everything's just so sloppy look at this i'm hoping you put the good stuff in first because this stuff right here this is not good this is the battery compartment there's a little walkman like a general electric version of the walkman popeye huh that's a that could that go with that yes it could and i think it does empty paints uh that looks like an old camera maybe boy these parts though his parts just never know what's gonna be in here though that's kind of neat old leather pouch mexico man that ripped right off too that sucks we got in here gotta look in every little nook and cranny oh my goodness for that very reason right there that could be a little bit of gold right here you guys right there that's gold i think holy smokes i was expecting matches but i was just saying oh you gotta look in every nook and cranny just because and then boom here's an old bumper sticker from kellogg's and it's got the olympics dig in america that's a vintage piece i don't think it's like worth a lot of money but it's just cool i'll put it aside i'm making a mess out of my truck just a little something right here huh little piece of jewelry it could be silver put that aside i really spilled it out because i want to make sure that any jewelry spilled out was on the bottom we didn't miss it but not the case not the case in my truck i do keep a loop all right this one these loops that you get off amazon it's pretty useful let me just see if i can see anything on this i don't see any markings on that but i'm fairly certain it's cold all right we got these other pieces in here too i just want to find some gold so i could say yeah i already found gold it's a purely an eagle ego thing how's it nothing marked but that doesn't mean it's not i do think that hoop at least is gold that's unfortunate this fell down and i see now it looks like it's 45 records yes it is it's not what you want to drop on the ground what do we got here the ojs the temptations the delphonics ponderosa twins and they're in rough rough condition the whispers but i'll put these aside we'll look through those a little more carefully maybe there's something good in there i got to get them out of the sun though i'll put them in the car all right so we found music found little gold found a video game these are things that i like i want to find much much more of that kind of stuff please a lot more stuff okay here's a little camera man that's dirty doesn't mean it's bad it's just dirty oh my goodness this guy is kind of a hoarder he's got a piece of a hose all right that's not a good sign that means he keeps scratching like that he's going to potentially have a lot more trash in here i was curious what this is in these two we'll find that out in a second but this box right here this trunk very interesting i wonder what this was now i see is the ice cream maker it's like an ice cream bucket that's cool looks old look at this old thing the star electric vibrator it's an old vibrator for like relaxing your muscles maybe look at this you can't even tell what it is there's so much dust and dirt martin luther king oh my goodness couldn't even see that it's a man so dirty i need a paint brush to brush it off 1987 okay it's not too old oh yes yes yes yes look at this two more atari games baseball and combat not big ticket but video games nevertheless what is this steel tail i don't know what's with the string tied around but we got to make yeah this is still too i gotta make sure there's no bundles of cash in there i've heard of crazier stuff than that the old toshiba alarm clock but man look it's what melted let it go this is neat now that's pretty neat oh man it is so crusty though look at this how rusted it is it's probably from being so close to the door the elements have not been kind that's an old phone okay i'm gonna put that aside even if it's rusty and crusty it's still potential value i know what this is right here you guys know what that is that's a weight to a cuckoo clock oh man everything wants to move around there oh look we got here we got a mystery briefcase i hope janna lets me in the house when i get home and i'm gonna be dusty and dirty oh it's an old typewriter skylark royal that's funny this thing is super duper clean but the the case is very dirty the case actually did a great job of keeping the dirt out that might be a vintage market piece right there i thought this was a shopping cart when i saw it you know part of a shopping cart is not because those big middle wheels that's a dolly for a warehouse or something what was this uh made in japan whatever it was dang probably shouldn't have that sitting on there probably let's see oh this works good actually yeah i was going to recycle that but no way i'll take that to the market that's a few bucks right there even rusty here we got some cassettes the bag is just disintegrating i can't imagine those cassettes are in any better condition than the bag we're not going to put those in a cassette player heck no robert palmer though that's pretty good little rock what is that it's an 8-track okay it looks fatter than that well the inside's all corrupt corroded though i don't think being close to the door here for decades maybe was very good for it there's a little antenna right here oh oh where did these come from they're just raining down wm rogers i think it says oh no this kind of looks like it might be sterling let's see wm rogers here that's most likely plated yeah i'm gonna have a feeling this is gonna be the same yep same pattern okay i'm almost positive those plated pieces but we'll take them home and look at them closer that's kind of neat oh it's copper that's nice it's part of a lamp that's really nice i'm a big fan of copper so if i go oh that's really nice and it looks like garbage that's just why i just really like copper things okay there's a couple of bicycle pedals very old that's definitely going to go to the vintage market campanolo made in italy oh heck yeah heck yeah that's going aside okay oh boy see if i pull this out that's all gonna fall down so it's very oh jeez come on guys a wedding dress maybe is that what that is no this is probably just a tablecloth or maybe this a bigger tablecloth or that very well might be drapes there's no money in the middle of that drape we've heard of crazier things you know wowza that looks like the bottom of the sahara desert right there do you see that and that is leather or it used to be now it's a fossil nope no money okay all right let's see what's in these little boxes right here and i'm assuming there are boxes but no that's a block of wood [Music] what the heck is this what is this okay that is a solid hunk of metal what type of metal is that i think it's copper what the heck that is i think a solid block of copper i have never seen anything like that before that's just a block of copper i think maybe for people making things out of copper is this how they buy the raw materials i don't know that is bizarre i don't even know what to do with it i'm walking around like in circles so confused it's pretty awesome i think we bring it to the scrap yard i think they pay for that i don't know get on there you guys having fun yet i actually am i really am i'm having fun already the guy was probably pretty handy and if he had a computer programming maybe he's in electronics too definitely went hand in hand back in the 80s you know the birthplace of all the technology was right here in the bay area silicon valley so there's a lot of guys that were pretty legit at that stuff they knew how to program they knew how to do electronics there's a handle probably for a boom box but there's a broken piece right there so it's metal these guys made a lot of money back then too you know how to do that stuff in the bay area you got a pretty good job most likely there's some more circuit boards and part of a boom box right here here's an old lamp and i wonder if that goes to it right there is this copper it looks more like brass i can't even tell it's so dirty oh man oh did you hear that wow these are heavy oh i love this sound though that's so dope i'm pretty sure that's copper oh my goodness there's more what is this uh it's a clothesline an old clothesline that's funny my grandparents used to have one of those oh man i wish i had some boxes or milk crates or something like put this stuff in or some barrels would be even better i really do got to go through it and there's a tool a little ratchet has broken the broken tools what's that it's an old timex that's funny pretty messed up but it's timex what else do we have in here my goodness i got to go through everything there's the bait ah jeez something stuck me oh that looks like what is that too it looks like the inside of a car yeah it's off some car eight tracks right here huh that's kind of neat that's a homemade speaker box right there see that it's made of plywood kind of neat i don't think that's worth anything though another old component oh wow look at this nikko solid-state stereo receiver that's pretty old i wonder if there's some value on that it could be but we're not gonna find out we're gonna let it go whoa big old knife stainless steel usa that's friday the 13th right there look at this old tv general electric man i wish it was in better shape what am i seeing rolling around here is this little rat poopies or mouse i mean no i don't think so i hope not rca this is a big old magnet wait is copper stick to magnet i didn't think it did boy that's an old golf bag right there there's some old clubs too spalling spalding that's the old one definitely a vintage set right there okay what is this a fisher equalizer very dusty i'm putting that aside that might have a little value i don't know maybe we'll look it up it's eq 273 or computer parts and look it's like broken parts well i made a little bit right here i can i can physically step into the locker for whatever that's worth which is not much but i can do it all right what's this the old recipe cards or something i see it's a salad yeah they are we'll put that aside all the cookbooks do well in our auctions you know i don't know about old recipe cards but we'll try it if we can find enough of them yeah because you know what we do guys we do live auctions every monday night on our youtube channel that's when we do them and we auction off some of the best stuff that we find so far i found almost nothing that would go into our auction yeah we're gonna have to find some really good stuff in here in order to make our auctions we only put the best stuff in the auction so if you've never been come by and check it out mondays at 5 p.m pacific that's when we do them at least we can recycle this stuff that's good because this would not sell at the flea market this is not flea market stuff it's a little realistic uh bookshelf oh man stereo this is wrecked this is a table right here and it is oh oh that's not coming out that's coming out that's the other speaker oh i see an rc car in here whoa whoa it's in plastic so that protected it from the elements for a little bit at least the moisture i think what do we have here play group made in korea clay group that's got to be 1980s yeah that's something different that is wrecked yeah this is some tin right here they'll want that at the scrapyard oh my goodness look at that right there stinking lawnmower right in front of me didn't even see it this guy was definitely a little bit of a hoarder all right this is not stuff that you normally keep the stuff that you would normally just toss or recycle you know but now on pause for a minute we can see a little bit more the lawnmower right there obviously it's a little metal toolbox right there i do see some interesting stuff over here it looks like a projector right here and that there is something neat that looks good right there that wood box definitely has me curious i'm interested in finding out what that is yeah we got to keep working here though we're making progress here's some 7-up bottles a little bit of vintage to it oh my goodness it looks like ash like that's maybe the bottom of a barbecue or something i don't know what a mess and i don't have a broom i don't see a broom i see a handle up there maybe we can find a broom this looks like garbage in here i'm not complaining i'm not complaining i'm having fun it just doesn't look so good that's all i'm saying that's all i'm saying there's an old comic book actually just without the cover on it huh that's kind of cool presented by stan lee i'll put that aside that's a good sign that's actually a really good sign guys if we found a comic book even if the cover's missing even if it's thrashed the fact that we found a comic book is a very very good okay i don't know if this is so smart but i'm going to try to take this out right here there we go here we go okay here we go that was successful oh my goodness look how far up it stacked i'm worried that if i move the wrong thing that's those all just gonna fall down that could be trouble you know what this will work it's a hillbilly hack right there hillbilly ingenuity no broom no problem all right that was good right there that's a good fine shoot that's the best thing we've found in the locker so far most helpful another one a little shorter what we got here hopefully it's not like a pendleton or something western trails not a pendleton we have anything in the pockets no oh what's this though that's actually kind of cool it's an overalls jumpsuit whatever you call it coveralls united but look it's got a really nice patch sewn on there united airlines so you work for the airlines too i guess and that's actually kind of neat i don't know if there's any value in that at all but it's still neat i'll put it aside that's a vintage market piece i think i don't know guys sometimes i just guess bring it out see what happens i'd rather try and fail than never try at all this is fantastic right here yeah it's not cashmere nothing's it's not that fantastic man there's a lot of trash in here what's this microwave i still think there's gonna be way better stuff in here guys i really do all right we're getting through it actually i don't look too dirty i feel it i feel a little light coating of dust and dirt on me but not too bad yet yeah yeah let's keep going got more oh man this shower curtains are just all crunchy super crunchy i don't know why you keep that you hear that shower curtain that might be that's a raincoat actually look at that look at that oh my goodness this is tearing up and disintegrating it's a bunch of copper wire i'm gonna put the copper aside because the copper actually has some value i might make a few bucks off copper the rest of it will just recycle just checking to see if there's anything hiding in there there's not look at this man these are in such rough shape unfortunately i don't think these are gonna be salvageable heartbreak there's a just more recycled stuff though there's some albums there's just so much stuff in here looks like a jack solid metal oh wow look at this there's a michael jackson right here got to be there okay i'm not going to take it out right now but i don't think these gonna be in good condition what's that champagne jam atlanta rhythm section there's an old reel the real no this old projector again in parts oh look at this the eight-track is actually hanging out of it but it is a jimmy hendrix eight-track that's a shame i'll put that aside it doesn't say good you know i like to kind of work in a pattern you know just kind of like clear one area but i see something right here what's this that's got my attention what is this uh shave master hmm we'll put that aside though geez there's so much to see a radiator over here i don't know what this thing is here some kind of lawn part oh man i see tires oh oh no this could get way worse let's go back over here i really wanted to see what was in here right now i'm starting to slightly not want to know so much about what's in here starting to lose that desire a little oh i gotta be careful i don't break my window out okay okay let's see what's in here it's like a toolbox it's a little barbecue that's kind of funny but uh not really at least it can go to the scrap yard look at that corvette remote control and i don't think the end's supposed to look like that there's an old camera right there and scale and that's kind of neat old toy i think i'm about to get another garbage bag i think i might start number three that one's almost full and starting to rip get number three nasty nasty nasty right there old glass bottles with a little bit of food and mold inside oh bummer you know what that is oh man you guys that's too bad it broke that's a rob rob robotic operating buddy and that's for the nintendo it's missing a lot of stuff bummer bomber bummer bummer's broken still neat piece these unbroken are like 100 bucks right there so that's kind of a neat piece fine another good sign that maybe we're going to have some better video games in here although right now it's like it's hard to believe that there's gonna be anything but garbage in here and maybe there's only garbage in here but i still think there's gonna be better stuff once i get past it uh but man the tires down there the radiator those are not not good signs all right let me get this out this right here might have a little bit of value like i said with the other stuff it gets to be just it's going to be an issue of volume in this locker i just there's too much stuff in here 10 by 15. stuff that i'm going to is going to be difficult to sell or not high price we're just gonna have to move it on moving on what's that some kind of it's obviously a mirror but i don't know what it's for there's a purpose for these see how it's got the little dial right here to it's a positioner right or something i don't know if they do with those just yet those might have a little value i don't really know they were definitely older and they meant for something special what is this thing what is that it looks like a concrete oh it's a kiln doing like ceramics or something oh please need some silver i'm almost positive this all silver plate plate bonita old ashtray good luck with the horse in it neat old piece man if i had a little bit of sterling it wouldn't take too long to turn things around here that's wallace right here wallace sterling boom right there wallace sterling that's silver there's a sterling silver right there there may be some other pieces in here too but we found at least one strolling silver that's really good that's really really really really really good in the hope that's not so good more paper work in here yeah this porsche right here that's a porsche catalog i think herrera needs to be flattened out oh that's nice that might have a little bit of money a little little little bit all right guys you know what i'm gonna stop this for just a little bit i could dig a little more free for him and uh give my back a rest this strap really does hurt my back a little bit let me just pause it for a bit i'll clear out some stuff i'll start it again if we find something really really interesting this is kind of neat right here look at this old tv not interesting but the little remote caddy on the back there's the remote that's pretty neat all right well that's what it looks like with everything put back in well not everything all right we got that i'm going to run down like i said this is the recycle place is really really close they recycle metal and electronics so hopefully they'll take everything that i got on there and i put everything it doesn't look like i did that much but i did i i did that's the proof right there but uh it just never goes back in right i guess we took this right here we took this hole right here yeah there's quite a bit sorted i didn't actually get much further than when i shut the camera off i did find some baseball cards in that in that shoot box right there i just opened it baseball cards closed it and that trash can right there there's some more silverware so we'll take i didn't look at it any further we'll look at it together on the next one but really i just tried to grab more metal and electronics so that's where we're at that's where we're at all right good start good start oh man 1700 bucks though really i think this would have been like a two or three hundred dollar locker would have been fair on this one so far knowing that the amount of work there is and the amount of dump fees i think two or three hundred my curiosity is expensive i had to pay for this one i had to find out and i think you guys wanted to find out too that's just my gut it's my gut even though you guys probably didn't even see this until now uh i i figured you'd want to see what's in here we're getting to it all right well i'm going to close this up go recycle and then we'll be back for more maybe that's the end of the video maybe it's not i don't know but we'll see together soon enough but until then good luck to you god bless you we'll see you next time here on nuts oh that one's that one's really in there good oh let's go in this i peeked in this at the end of the last one and this is what i saw oh i saw that that i stopped but i see some it looks like atari right here that gets me more excited than the cards
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 43,023
Rating: 4.9439254 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, #extremeunboxing, found money, found cash, how to make money, big profit, selling items, making money, storagetreasures.com, unboxing, treasure hunt, gold, silver, silver coins, jewelry, found treasure, found gold, found safe, locked safe, found coins, found gun, hoarder, horror
Id: fctW_HSAvB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 55sec (2395 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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