BACK FOR MORE DIGGING in this nasty hoarder locker I bought at an online storage auction for $1,700

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that'll work these hoarders they hide stuff in weird places oh wow look at that look at all those records look at that dust i got the magic touch a mysterious locker long forgotten about covered in dust and spider webs a man on a quest for adventure buys it at auction for 1700 hoping to find treasure what comes next stay tuned right here on locker nets what's up locker nuts all right we are back just dropped off all that electronic and metal recycling it was so fast i grabbed something to eat now i'm back at the locker you ready to start digging let's go see if we find some more good stuff but oh wait it's not that locker it's this one because i already got back here and i threw all the stuff that i already processed dumped dump stuff garbage already threw all that on there so we got a nice little clean area to keep digging oh it's so fun we haven't found any really really really really good stuff yet we found some okay stuff but we found a bunch of old stuff dusty stuff and that's always a good time all right but i'm hoping for something better and i know you are too let me get the gopro on and get the digging okay dish soap plates it doesn't look so good food cat food absolutely yeah i think that's all going to go keeping all these scrap pieces of wood and this just doesn't this is not hardwood or nothing it's just a piece of redwood i gotta be really careful about how slow i go on some of this because i will get overwhelmed very easily okay here's a couple rugs right here now this might be something a little better oh it's one rug okay do you guys know anything about rugs because i don't really know anything about rugs but i know hand stitch is better and that looks like it might be hand stitched to me that could be something a little good i don't know i don't know nothing but i do have a guy who knows mike the storage auction pirate i'll take a picture of that after and send it to him he'll let me know if it's something to pay attention to or not he's good like that and the price is right because he does it for free he does it for me for free anyways stuff's crusty and rusty and passes prime oh that one's that one's really in there good oh let's go in this i peeked in this at the end of the last one and this is what i saw oh i saw that that i stopped but i see some it looks like atari right here that gets me more excited than the v and then the cards enduro okay i remember that was a good game combat i thought we already had a combat donkey kong now that's a fun game all right they're in the box so they're a little bit better conditioned the others that were loose they're all dusty what do we got here oh that's a bad shape it's pete rose i think this is that's what it looks like to me all right this is a good little box though i'll put that in the car okay got a little bit of goodies there from the last dig you probably saw that in the last video more scrap electronics in here that will take to the electronic recycle on the next trip okay i'm trying to grab garbage right now okay that's what we're going for we're going for garbage we actually want garbage i mean i don't want i don't want this all to be treasure but right now i need to find stuff for the dump so i could maximize my trip oh boy that's falling apart that was tupperware too that's too bad nice little piece oh yeah that's right i looked in here too and i see more silverware most likely silver plate but we did find one sterling oh my goodness this is sterling isn't it no maybe not i thought i saw sterling no maybe not silver plate okay smiles have seen what i want to see i definitely want to see sterling we did find one sterling spoon so far so it is possible and that was in a bunch of uh it's plated pieces too so little old toy right there i think he's broken though oh it goes to remote control too oh i see a porsche in here that's pan okay what is going on with that look at it's this remote control mg main taiwan we'll put it aside a couple more pieces here they got quite a patina on them you see that look at that patina on that that one i still think it's just silver plate though there's a little brass cup there's something from italy i really should have brought bins oh yeah down here in these bags these bags are falling apart when i picked them up earlier i see a whole bunch of tubes that's a magnavox right there a whole bunch of tubes all right and being said we're going the vintage market in just a couple weeks there's more i thought those might be something we'll bring out there the bags are disintegrating i need a better bag for that for sure this little glass piece a little pitcher engineering magazines money got any envelopes of money that's what i want to know i'll tell you one thing that's definitely not worth nothing is these hoses no collectibility on these i guarantee you that what's that for uh this is for uh doing like cross stitch or embroidery or something that's what that is i was serious when i said i want to see what's in the shoe in the last episode i said that and it's tied on pretty dang good still can't see what's in there though that'll work and there's nothing in there i'll just make double triple sure because i don't know why it was all tied up like that i just see me felt like maybe there's some money in there i know that's kind of like maybe sounds kind of crazy but guys these hoarders they hide stuff in weird places money and shoe is not that uncommon although i've never found it stories stories have been told about it there's a whole bunch of old colognes what else we got in here brute just shaver sure there's nothing else and i don't see anything else i've got to get a garbage can this is driving crazy these sloppy floppy bags well now i did it i felt that one up so heavy i can't get up here and it's ripping and splitting it's gonna have to be there so i can't i lost my table basically dang ah bummer okay back to it more tubes yeah you know what i'm not even sure what this is right here guys it's a movie paradise never heard of it but uh says right here phoebe kate's girl from gremlins what is this 1981 is this uh i don't know what this is how's that a movie look how humongous it's bigger than a vinyl lp it was super dusty i have no clue what that is at a disc is it a tape in there i don't know i can't figure out how to open it either just doing something wrong i don't really know i don't want to break it that's something a little different i want there's any value in that huh that was up here i thought was just a piece of wood okay there's an old paperwork or something catalogs so dusty i gotta look in there just gotta look underneath and see if anything fell down just hard so much dust all right a couple more of those seat pads is one of the first things we pulled out there's two more gloves man you can barely work with these things okay i don't see anything too amazing that's actually a neat pencil i don't see anything too amazing in here oh oh take that back that's where we look huh lisa l-e-s-a lisa very old electronic watch man that the bag was so cloudy you didn't even see that i can't say it looks super hard but there's a couple keepers let's see what's in the staple box it has me more interested because yeah it's staples could have been coins had the check what's next here oh look now that i drug that down this box right here says science kit it's a really neat box but i hope it's not a science case i hope it's comic books or baseball cards or something like that it'd be cool all right old newspaper oh no this actually i think is a science kit it's all a bunch of chemicals calcium oxide lead hydrotide when's this newspaper from 1985. okay there is a place in town that i can bring these chemicals and there's a little bit of chemicals some paint over here i'll put it over there with that but there's a place here i could take all that stuff and they dispose of it's a hazardous waste facility and that's where that's gonna go all right let's see what's in here because i do want to know there's a whole bunch of magazines over there i see it's a sports illustrated there's a ton of them it is a science kit my goodness vintage science kit what the heck look at that bottle these have been sitting a long time so hmm the box is cool it's worth a few bucks it's a big deal though i don't know i think i'll take that down i think they'll actually take the stuff out of the box and give me the box back i'm pretty sure that's what they do that's how they do it all right game board monopoly found the pieces already oh wow look at that look at all those records that's not really good they're sitting out like that though they look rough well guys we could see back here for the first time i see more junk unfortunately i'm not seeing the treasures yet but the treasures might be in some boxes look at that dust taste it there's some shoes man look at that stitches all coming out oh man that's been worn off what's nothing oh bingo bag that's funny nothing oh come on get off here it's hooked on the legs there we go oh these are really really dirty i don't know how they look under all that dust but elton john d.b king if those are in decent condition oh obviously those aren't there i see much cracks but if there's someone there to decondition those might be worth cleaning all right they might be look at that panasonic this little tiny tv now it's missing the bottom that's a shame everything seems it's a portable that's what it is huh that's funny it's a shelf for something all right here's a bunch of me oh it's plastic that's metal metal plastic another rc car right here these don't look like terribly high uh quality ones they're really low quality ones even for the time all right guys i got a lot of stuff out right here i just spent the time getting garbage out and uh that's getting full i got this out and it is uh yeah look it's definitely it's definitely not in great shape so let's uh yeah let's take this apart you know how i like to do it my favorite way i got the magic touch yeah and if you guys thought that that might have been in decent condition usable salvageable well the fact that it just fell apart so easily is an indication that no that was at the end of its life end of its life yeah okay that put us pretty close to limit on that truck i mean i could go up a little bit more it's all right but i don't like to overdo it plus i'm getting tired i don't exactly know what this thing is right here uh i had something on top of this copper wires it's a little different it's over here yeah that can go okay an old camera and all these chemicals more chemicals pots can go what these are bricks like a fireplace or something those can go definitely those can go okay it's starting to sneeze now this is a dusty one all right guys that's where we're at that's where we're leaving off we got it we dug a nice hole so now this whole well i gotta put a few things back in but not that much at all uh but we're yeah we got a lot out of here man but it's a 10 it's a 10 by 15 so i don't know how far back it goes i see that pad up there i think it goes past that but i don't know that might be the back right there jeez this is going to be a lot of stuff i do still hope that we find better stuff you see these sports illustrators over here looks like 1980s uh there's a two very very large stacks up and that's good all right that's those signs of the collector signs of a collector right but so far i've just seen that he collected scrap metal and electronics in various states of disarray so that's not the kind of collections that we want no no sir no sir tires no good all right well anyways we're gonna wrap it right here there's gonna be a lot of taking stuff to the recycle and taking stuff to the dump but that's what i signed up for i just wish i didn't have to pay so much for it okay let's wrap that tie that down go home i'm gonna add a little bit more garbage if you can believe that i'm gonna add a little more garbage to this thing maybe the back seat because i got leftovers from the flea market we went to the flea market last that's in my van a bunch of garbage so i'll add that and tomorrow morning and be hitting the dump i'm gonna go home right now maybe do a little editing so you guys have some videos to watch because uh from what i hear you guys like to watch the videos a little bit so anyways i do appreciate that i do and i thank you for watching and uh for now that'll be it i think we'll be back here tomorrow morning or maybe i'll go to the other locker i haven't finished that one who knows all i know is tomorrow's gonna be another adventure stay tuned until then good luck to you god bless you see you next time here on live nuts oh this is a little better oh my goodness finally finally we find something a little bit better those hot wheels no red line but that's an oldie
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 29,943
Rating: 4.9610233 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, #extremeunboxing, found money, found cash, how to make money, big profit, selling items, making money,, unboxing, treasure hunt, gold, silver, silver coins, jewelry, found treasure, found gold, found safe, locked safe, found coins, found gun, hoarder, horror
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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