BIGGEST DIAMOND RING I've ever found inside DECEASED OWNER storage locker I bought at the auction!

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[Music] all right all right locker nuts i know you've been waiting for this i've been waiting for this do you know what i've got here i've got that paper bag that came out of the locker i bought just a quick review this locker cost me 800 bucks the story was that the owner was deceased she had passed away it didn't look like much but i was taking a chance that maybe something good got left behind and i think this is it we found some other great stuff too actually we've been finding a lot of really good stuff um but this bag i think takes the cake and i'm saying that based on two of the boxes that it's spilled out of this bag into the cardboard box where we found it um jewelry and it looks like the real deal i have to say i mean i've been saving this for the end so we can go through it together but i did peek in a few other more boxes just to make sure that it was worth the build up and i think it is but right now i'm going to bring it in here this is the auction room and i've got the good lighting i've got my loop i've got everything set up we'll go on the tripod let's look at these pieces up close in detail and see if we really got the great stuff i think we do all right guys we're going to take all these items out and we're going to go through them one by one all right we're going to go through one by one and see what we got let's see what what about most of them do that one's quiet but most of them do have a little jingle jingle in them i think it's actually been a while since i went through jewelry like this it's so fun so fun first things first let's take a look at this i don't think these are anything special here we got a crucifix on a is this a necklace or is this rosary beads i'm not sure it does look like it broke i'll have to see if that's gold i see no markings on it so i do not think it is it doesn't stick to the magnet so i don't know we might have to test that later with the acid you know do the acid test right okay i don't think it is though there's just a nice shell necklace pretty cool all right we got some more shell necklaces here it's nice nothing super special either all right let's start with this what do we got oh yes oh yes all right well that says 14 karat but looks like there's earrings there before but uh it might be the wrong box but that doesn't mean it's not something good oops i didn't see do you see right there do you see there's that dm insignia i didn't see it when i was looking at it um i think i was looking elsewhere definitely see that dm that means that's a danbury mint piece probably gold plated i don't see a mark on that either okay it does not stick to the magnet all right so that's an unknown got something here then oh look at that oh hello that's pretty hopefully that's a real little diamond right there a little pendant see that right there you can see the four and the k and almost make out a one it's been well worn off or maybe just was never stamped very well all right that looks like a 14k to me that's good got a twofer right there huh let's start putting stuff here okay there's a 14k right there and that's an unknown all right next piece next box danbury mint okay now this could also be the wrong box and i say that because i kind of hope it is i kind of hope it is all right one of our viewers um left a comment and said that danbury mint sometimes makes stuff out of sterling but not gold that they know of so that's why i don't think this is dangerous because i think this is gold what's that say right there i think it's 18k that's 18k right 18 karat gold that's fantastic if that's 18k that's almost definitely a diamond right there oh yes i'm not going to put it back in here because this is danbury mint that's not dan barryman i'm almost certain of that i'm not positive but i'm almost certain next box so funny that we found this in the paper bag all right got some pearl earrings mickey moto 750 750 mickey moto i know those are good those are very good pearls because that's what i bought jennifer our wedding present was a pearl mikimoto necklace is beautiful all right so that's pearl earrings 750 i think is gold i think that represents 18 karat very nice this is good okay next one oh boo boo empty empty oh me all right let's go we got lots more boxes don't worry scent station i get it i get it unscrew top dip entire tip into fragrance for two minutes do that make sense what looks like a pen what is this oh oh okay there's no scent in there right now but i think this might be for putting perfume in and then maybe you go like this that's my guess the screw top that's very nice i don't know about value on that um [Music] hmm okay this is one we peaked in at the end of the last video whitehall company and i know we've gotten some comments on that saying no whitehall is definitely good okay definitely good i'm just checking underneath because that that little pendant came underneath soon make sure i don't miss anything nolan miller china nolan miller china all right so i don't know i was hopeful these might be something real doesn't stick so maybe it's gold-plated um i would think that if it was solid it would say so we're gonna put that over there in the unknown okay next box oh okay this is something better okay what do we got here oh man that's a real diamond that's a big diamond that's a big diamond oh we do have something there see that 14k 14k will make my day wh what does that mean i'm not sure um but look at this look at that diamond i hope that's a diamond not a cubic zirconia i don't know what size that is that's got to be at least a carrot i would think wow okay this has got some potential that's a real diamond that's some big money i think right there okay i put our 14k department okay can we look in here i don't think so okay i'm back hmm it says right there 14k bridge gold what does that mean bridge gold it's 14k we'll add that to our 14k department okay 14k okay next box and jewelry box go through this no there's a staple let's just see if anything's hiding below nope nope nope nope nope i'm gonna dip dang it all right we got here anything it's like pouches disintegrating stuff must be pretty old crements all right what's in here royal touch inc new york pearls oh pretty cultured pearl care all right look at that very nice it's probably gold 14k that's a mark 14k so we got a little gold on there and uh cultured pearls that's pretty nice very nice very nice okay guys what do we got about five more boxes to get through jewelry let's take a look at this real quick i think it's a camera um it is it is kodak advantix little 35 millimeter camera right no biggie all right let's look at this one right here pure card in oh this is got some weight to it guys this has got some weight to it this is heavy we're gonna weigh all this stuff up by the end of the video okay so we'll try to get an approximate on the uh value here we got some real money here 14k right what's this say mcm 14k mcm 14k 14kt is 14 carat yo 14 carat i don't know if that's pure card and but it's pretty dang nice is what it is little necklace does a bracelet it's a little necklace that's got some weight to it very nice okay this is very good okay danbury again now this might be damn very mint forever it says forever i think this is a danbury mint doesn't stick to a magnet so far everything's past the magnet test magnet doesn't mean that much all right you know what guys i don't know about this i don't know that could be gold i know it says damn very mint right here but most of the boxes have been mixed up three more boxes three more okay another damn this is damn very mint i don't think so though oh unless cambrian makes solid gold let's see i see a marking in here yeah you see right there 14k heck yes 14k white gold that's pretty look at this look at that wow 14k gold right on ding okay my 14 section is getting a little big oh that's 14k all right two more boxes oh it is a big those are big okay please be diamonds look at that that'd be beautiful those are diamonds huge that's interesting these are screw backs i don't see these very often the the back on it says 585 so i think that is 14k i didn't see any mark on this getting pretty small though huh please let those diamonds be real all right last box big box wait oh we did find this yes right this this is like the first one that we found the first box that we found that's right i completely forgot about it all right so this one says swiss gold 1 gram fine gold 0.999 so that's 24k as i mentioned before 24k the pendant right here the chain however chains there's two chains actually is the other one nope that's not sticking this is just like the first pass right and that's not sticking either there it is 14k right on the tip there 14k that's a good that's a 14k necklace and then this is another let's see so we got the 24k on the little guy right there let's see if i can find a marking on this that's weird it's we're not getting here with the camera i don't think but on the round part it says 925 and on the little part there it says 925 italy so what the heck that's what silver but it's gold colored so is it gold plated silver i think that might be what it is the 24k pendant [Music] oh look at this you guys i don't even remember where this came from i either ordered this or i found it in a locker i put in my drawer i didn't even know it was there i forgot i went to get my acid kit to sit right next to it i've got a diamond tester let's see if it works i just had to replace the battery alright so what you do is you press that up against the diamond you press the button right here but let's see what it does with this all right let's see i don't know if i hold it still do i move it around a little bit it says real says real this is a little battery what the heck i just put a new battery there i think i'm gonna need a new diamond tester i'm saying real in all these all right this is the first thing that's coming up is not real and this is the one that's not mark gold and i don't think it is it's gold-plated maybe that's the first piece all these are coming up but i don't know what this diamond tester is worth but uh that's a good sign guys really good setting all right guys let's uh let's go ahead and do a little bit of weighing because i'm curious how much gold just scrap price and gold we've got i still haven't done these i'm gonna do these later sorry guys i'd love to get this in the video but i just don't have time to do the acid test right this second i want to get this video out so you can see it um but here's the scrap prices as of today which is november 1st of 2020 these are off the internet okay when you bring it into a store you're not going to get these prices you'll get a percentage of it and the percentage is going to depend on how much that store is taking i just want to give you a little bit of caution if you're new to this like i was years ago and you bring it to a jeweler really ask them what the what the percentage is the payout that they give you i was bringing to a jeweler around the corner from me didn't really understand what it was and they really do try to confuse you and they do it very well they know what they know exactly what to say um turns out years later i figured out what he was taking he was taking 40 percent so he was um only paying me 60 percent of scrap value it's that's a rip-off that's a very high cut um too high so you should be able to find someone just call around ask him what's your cut you know what's the payout you're looking for somewhere between 80 to 85 percent is fair you can find someone to give you 90 even better the 80 to 85 is fair all right you can do better you know over the internet or whatever but for the little shops you know they got to pay overhead they got costs um so that's what you're looking okay those little those ones are like half a gram they're hollow balls so didn't expect too much they're half a gram this is uh the this is beefy this is very heavy that necklace yeah just about 20 grams that's excellent all right these little guys aren't going to be much so let's just go with the bigger ones this ring including the diamond 5.6 this one 2.9 and this one here 5.5 all right well that's just i was just interested to see how much each of them were let's go ahead and just get them all on the board here and see what we got this is all 14k gold 30 6.5 nice okay now 18 karat 4.4 okay i know we have a little bit 18 on these but there's not much i'm not going to bother weighing that um this said it was 925 the chain is 925 i'm not going to worry about that because that's silver i think uh but this right here we don't have to wait because it says right there one gram of 24k these will test later this i don't think is anything other than costume this is in a whitehall box but that's just the box i've determined that these are just costume and do not belong with the box all right so that clears that up here's what we got okay there's our measurements let's figure out the prices based on this okay guys here's what we got check it out oh my goodness 1214k you can see here i've got the scrap per gram and i times the weight by that to get the total that's how much we got in 14k 200 bucks in 18k 60 bucks for that little 24k piece that's a total of 1535 dollars that doesn't include you know like the value on this we've got the big pearl set right here doesn't include that and of course we have some other pieces that we found in the prior video this is all just came out of the the paper bag this is fantastic guys fantastic 1535 dollars i'm almost doubled my money just on what you see here not including all the other stuff this has been a very good locker but okay i need to talk about something else this is maybe even the best part okay this piece and maybe you notice that this sparkles quite a bit more than it did earlier well here's the story jana ran down to a local jeweler and um got this looked at they cleaned it up very nice of them it is beautiful um i knew this was a good diamond but it's even better than i thought so this is somehow this diamond is has a number on it a registration number and they looked up the registration number and they found out this is what they print out it's so amazing they do this um so check this out round brilliant it's 1.55 carats this is 1.55 carats that's a really good clarity grade it's an i1 and the color grade is an f okay that's pretty good that's pretty good here's all the specs on it um blah blah blah yeah 14k yellow gold ring containing one diamond set in 14k white gold prongs graded prior to mounting and the girdle is inscribed and it's got the number on there um this is this is a registered diamond right here so i'm actually astounding 1.55 carats all right now i'm not sure they didn't give us a value however um i'm thinking this has got to be i don't even know guys at least twenty five hundred three thousand dollars maybe four thousand dollars i don't really know if you guys know about these things put the comments below what you think this diamond is worth i mean i know that um if you're getting married going looking at diamonds to find something this beautiful with a one and a half carat diamond on it it's gonna be probably several thousand dollars in the store if not more um this is a great find this is i think the largest diamond i've ever found and it was in this locker you know how happy i am and i found this uh jana had this box in the garage which is a nice little box so we're gonna put that beautiful little diamond in that nice presentation there that's our showpiece right there wow this is good finds guys all right wow what a ride what a ride i love these kinds of adventures the ones with a happy ending but i mean i love the ones that i also find jewelry and something that i know is good and i could you know we could just get a little taste by looking a couple boxes and put it aside and save it for the end because i love it that's what i do typically with safes and things they don't always turn out good neither do the jewelry boxes but this time this is the real deal this is a really good score of jewelry the diamond ring though let me just show it to you one more time so jana is actually quite fond of this diamond ring um she's been wearing it she only took it off so i could do this last bit of filming and um my plan was to put it into the auction but of course if she wants to wear it for a while we might wait on that so um i'm filming this as of sunday monday we'll do auctions at 5 pm pacific if you're not familiar with that come check us out after 5 pm we go usually from 5 p.m to 10 p.m pacific time every monday and uh what you see behind me is just starting to get the lots set up this room will be full by the end of today or tomorrow morning we'll have it all set we'll do a preview video some of this jewelry some of it is going to make the auction for sure some of it will probably take a little bit more time maybe get into the following week but guys if you like this jewelry and you want to buy some of it then please please make sure you're at those auctions all right and you'll need to be a member to bid so you'll need to hit the join button it's down next to subscribe and that will tell you what you need to know about becoming a member alright so i think you i thank you for watching these videos i really appreciate it i hope you enjoy them this was a fun locker because not only was it like i talked about it early on it took me on that emotional roller coaster right you buy it eight hundred dollars it's a fair amount of money to spend you get like you second guess yourself you start going through it and you're like oh man the furniture is kind of gnarly open the boxes there's clothes oh what did i do here and then you start to find stuff and then you start finding more stuff and then you don't care about any of the other you're just so happy about the fines and then you find more stuff it's great it's about as good as it gets in this business i'm not saying this fine is as good as it gets it's pretty good but just that emotional swing i love it and um it is why i do love what i do so thank you again for coming on the adventure with me i really appreciate it and uh we did buy another locker since this one so the next video series you'll see me going through that and that was also i i haven't gone through those we did a little bit of peaking um spent only 80 bucks and that looks like that was going to be a good one too probably not as good as this one because this one was a you know this was pretty good but uh is much better than i had expected and i love those again i love them i love them all right you'll see that one out very very soon but until then good luck to you god bless you we'll see you next time here on locker nuts what oh come on do something please do something what the heck you guys
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 292,672
Rating: 4.8213081 out of 5
Keywords: Storage Wars, storage auction, storage locker, found diamond ring, found gold, found jewelry, found inside storage locker, gold discovery, made money, deceased owner, owner died, estate sale
Id: R7lLrmuDLMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 45sec (1665 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2020
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